The Oredigger Issue 05 - October 1, 2007

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  • Words: 17,897
  • Pages: 12
Volume 88, Issue 5

Inside The Oredigger • Freshman Class Statistics (Pg. 2)

The Voice of the Colorado School of Mines, a Superior Education in Applied Science and Engineering

Sailing in the Right Direction

• Campus Diversity Plan (Pg. 3)

CSM President Evaluates Progress

• Geek of the Week (Pg. 6)

Zach Aman Editor-in-Chief

• Spamalot Review (Pg. 7) • “Taser This!” Fool’s Gold (Pg. 9) • Duffy’s Corner (Pg. 10) • What’s Your Beef With Mines? (Pg. 10)

Nuclear Option Ricky Walker Staff Writer The Colorado School of Mines Graduate Program has given birth to a new graduate degree: Nuclear Science and Engineering. The program is designed to be a comprehensive degree program that will train future nuclear engineering professionals in today’s world. One of the largest selling points for the nuclear engineering degree at Mines is that the focus of the program is slightly different from that of other schools. While others focus mostly on reactor design and operations, the program at CSM will focus on the entire life cycle of nuclear technology, or from “cradle to grave.” “It is really an exciting program,” said Dr. Greife, an Associate Professor in the Physics Department. Dr. Greife observed that it was especially an exciting field due to the growing concerns of energy in current affairs. It is not too hard to see why programs such as these are appearing—the sum of all CO2 emissions from generating electricity amounts to over 3 times that of all automobiles. According to some experts, nuclear energy is the only viable large-scale energy source that is carbon free. While it is well know that nuclear energy also has its drawbacks, the Nuclear Engineering graduate program addresses these concerns with required courses dealing with the management of radioactive materials. Mines is offering a wide range of options including PhD and MS degrees, as well as Minor Programs and combined BS/MS Degrees. The program is accepting applications for admission for those interested in applying. Visit the “Graduate School” section of Mines’ homepage and navigate to the “Nuclear Science and Engineering” section for more details on the degree, as well as requirements and application details. The Nuclear Engineering Program at Mines promises to be road to an exciting and rewarding career for those who are interested in pursuing nuclear technology.

News - 2

October 1, 2007

“We had the faculty and staff breakfast on the Monday [before] school started and I reminded people that I was entering my sophomore year as President,” said Colorado School of Mines President Dr. Myles “Bill” Scoggins in an interview last week. He continued, “We’ve gotten very comfortable being here in Golden and being at the Colorado School of Mines, but like a lot of sophomores I’m anxious now to get on with it.” Scoggins outlined some of the upcoming challenges facing the school; “one of the things that brought me here was being able to look at the strategic plan that had been produced. I said it was time for us to stop and do a re-calibration of that plan. I didn’t get that done last year and I think that’s something we need to get done this year.” The current Strategic Plan was written in 2004 under the supervision of former President John U. Trefny. With a horizon of ten years, the plan outlines seven crucial elements. The plan’s introduction states: “With rapidly escalating global demands for energy, technology, and natural resources, Mines has both an opportunity and a responsibility to magnify its contribution to the worldwide community by asserting its leadership position in areas of expertise and reinforcing its long tradition of academic excellence.” Scoggins profiled the nature of upcoming changes to the Stra-

tegic Plan, which includes an understanding of the optimal size of the institution and a realization of how to manage and grow the school’s research program. With a 10-year horizon, Scoggins outlined some important points of institutional growth: significant research growth, expansion of infrastructure, an increase in academic space, and a transition to a residential university with the majority of students housed on campus. “I really think a residential campus is a type of environment that’s best for Mines in the long term; it’d help us attract more non-residents, women, underrepresented minorities, and so on,” he said. In addition, revitalizing the campus climate to be more inclusive and inviting remains a top priority. Scoggins added, “I want the campus to be more inclusive. I want the campus to participate more in campus-wide events that maybe aren’t focused on their particular discipline area. Our mission here is to educate people that can go from School of Mines into the world and make a difference; that means they’ve got to have great communication skills, they’ve got to be able to work in teams, they’ve got to appreciate the world, the diverse cultures, and so on and you just don’t get that in a classroom.” In the past year, Scoggins noted that the school’s financial management has improved considerably: “From the administrative standpoint, getting our arms around the finances and budget is a major success.” He pointed out that the school has made a transition to


Congratulations: Colorado School of Mines President shares a laugh with a recent graduate of the Guy T. McBride Jr. Honors Program. a unified budget approach and process, positioning people to more ably look at the entirety of the budget. “For the first time in several years, the operating budget is fully balanced,” Scoggins concluded. As the school year progresses, Scoggins said that he hopes to continue hearing from students on a regular basis. In considering how best to provide feedback to CSM’s administration, he added, “There’s always letters to the newspaper and there’s always, everybody knows, the ‘prez-office’ email address, but I

think the most effective [method] for me is through the student government. Associated with the student government, you have Aprill Nelson who is Student Trustee on the Board.” As a “sophomore” administrator at Mines, Scoggins concluded, “What I like about Mines students is that, when I walk across the commons going to the Green Center, they generally aren’t too shy about coming up and introducing themselves and telling me what’s going good and what’s going not so good – I hope that atmosphere continues.”

Iranian President Visits the West Met with Outrage at Columbia University in New York City

Emily Trudell Staff Writer When Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad began his visit to attend the United Nations General Assembly i n N e w Yo r k l a s t M o n d a y, he was met with protesters and dissenting Americans. Ahmadinejad began his visit with a controversial two-hour speech to the students at Columbia University, charging the United States with promoting terrorist behavior and criticizing the US as hypocrites for attempting to hinder Iran’s nuclear program. “We are a peace-loving nation… We do not believe in nuclear weapons. Period,” said the president during the Columbia speech. President Ahmadinejad has been known in the past to

openly deny the occurrence of the Holocaust during World War II and denounce the country of Israel as a nation of “ethnic discrimination” and “usurpation.” The scheduled UN talks for this week highlighted topics ranging from human rights, global climate change, and, most notably, the suspicions of some nations that Iran has been working on creating a n u c l e a r a r s e n a l p ro g r a m . In his speech to the other delegates, Ahmadinejad furt h e r e x p re s s e d h i s d i s d a i n for the creation of the Israeli state and his firm conviction that the country of Iran will not recognize Israel as a separate nation, instead calling it an “illegal Zionist regime.” Ahmadinejad then went on to criticize the UN Security Council for its nuclear sanctions on Iran, stressing that

the country had no intentions of creating dangerous weapons with its uranium enrichment program and that its programs are perfectly legal and safe. The President also declared that the Inter national Atomic Energy Agency would be monitoring Iran’s nuclear energy progress. “How long should the people of the world live with the nightmare of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons?” reasoned Ahmadinejad. While he did not explicitly criticize the United States or call it by name, Ahmadinejad expressed his disrespect for US overseas policy. “Some [nations] seek to rule the world relying on weapons and threats,” argued the Iranian leader. In contrast, United States President George W. Bush spent his time at the podium addressing such is-

sues as literacy, poverty and the fight for democracy in the world. Surprisingly, Bush did not mention the Iraq war in his speech, and focused on current human rights situations. However, the President also denounced the cruelty of the world’s dictators, citi n g N o r t h K o re a , S y r i a a n d Iran as examples of brutal governmental leadership. During his visit, Ahmadinejad expressed his interest in paying respects for the Sept e m b e r 1 1 th, 2 0 0 1 t r a g e d y by visiting ground zero. New York police denied this request early last week, asserting that the president would not be a l l o w e d a n y w h e re n e a r t h e location. Aside from local restrictions, Ahmadinejad was confined to a 25-mile radius of Columbus Circle in Manhattan under inter national law.

Sports - 4

Features - 5

Fool’s Gold - 8

Editorials- 10


GREECE - After weeks of catastrophic fires in August, environmental protection officials from WWF have announced that it will take decades for the trees and wildlife to recover from the fires’ destruction. The fires damaged over 400,000 acres in the Peloponnese peninsula, and have also disrupted and killed many rare species of animals in the Grecian countryside.

VENEZUELA- After a controversial visit to the United States for a United Nations meeting, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad traveled to South America and met with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The two leaders have been allies in trade and democratic relations in recent years.

October 1, 2007

CHINA- Recent soil erosion, landslides and water pollution at the site of the Three Gorges Dam in China have triggered the potential for an environmental catastrophe near the Dam. The Three Gorges project was begun in 1993 in order to generate electricity from the Yangtze river. The dam is scheduled to be completed in 2008.

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO - Since April, over 170 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo have died of hemorrhaging caused by the Ebola virus. This has been the first magor resurgence of the disease since 1995, and an estimated 400 have fallen ill with similar symptoms.

Wonderful World of Physics

Department Hosts Information and Activity Week Jake Rezac Staff Writer The week was full of various physics-related events, aimed at attracting students to the Physics Department. Freshman, who are required to attend events from two of the various departmental discipline weeks for their CSM101 classes, were of particular recruitment interest to the department. Included in the week’s activities were a bowling night at Golden Bowl, co-hosted by the Physics Department and the Society of Physics Students (SPS), presentations for interested students outside of Slate Café, and two open-house tours of Mine’s physics facilities. The presentations outside of Slate Café occurred every day last week. Physics

students and faculty demonstrated various physics devices which demonstrated audio and optic principles, among others. Apart from that, the physics curriculum at Mines was discussed and opportunities after gradua t i o n (such as graduate school and work at technical and engineering firms) were presented to those interested. T h e o p e n house

and tour included a brief presentation about many of the same things addressed by the presentations outside of Slate Café and was followed by a tour of the physics department. Stops included the General Research Lab as well as labs and offices in Meyer Hall. Much of CSM’s cutting-edge research equipment was presented by physics students and faculty; the reasons for being an Engineering Physics major at Mines were excitedly discussed. According to SPS President Ryan Veirs, the physics discipline week was a second chance to get students interested in physics and SPS after Celebration of Mines. The bowling night at Golden Bowl, in particular, was a good way “to show kids what SPS is about – a lot of freshmen aren’t around Meyer [Hall], so there’s hardly any way to communicate [to them].” Freshman Abe Warfield was present at many of the week’s physics events. Undecided as to what he wants to study, he came to “explore what is to be offered by the departments.” Warfield said about the physics discipline week, “[it is] helping me get to know the type of people doing these majors.” Fellow freshman, Sarah Hinnegan, who is also looking through her options, said that the bowling night “showed that the department cares enough to let people hang out and enjoy themselves.”


INDONESIA - Nine Australian youths remain in a Bali jail and are awaiting execution by firing squad after attempting to smuggle eight kilograms of heroin out of the country in 2005. All appeals on the death sentences have been rejected by judges. The boys, between the ages of 20 and 30, have pleaded for their lives in the hope that their confessions will motivate a less severe penalty.

Emily Trudell, Staff Writer

Freshman Class

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Statistics Declared Majors for Undergraduate Students Undeclared


Mechanical Engineering


Chemical Engineering


Petroleum Engineering


Civil Engineering


Electrical Engineering


Physical Engineering


Computer Science




Geological Engineering


Geophysical Engineering


Environmental Engineering




Economics and Buisness


Mining Engineering




New Undergraduates


Applications Received


Applications Accepted


% Acceptance Rate


Average GPA


Average SAT Score


Average ACT Score


Number of Ethnic/Racial Minority


Campus Diversity Plan

October 1, 2007 Introduction from the Oredigger Editorials Board: This plan was developed by Dr. Heidi Loshbaugh, working directly under Colorado School of Mines President Dr. Myles “Bill” Scoggins. It is a living document and, as such, feedback from all members of the CSM community has been requested. The Oredigger will be accepting Letters to the Editor on this topic. Readers may also attend ASCSM meetings and e-mail campus administration to provide feedback.


and racial minorities are absent from the ranks of faculty and administration, their voices feature less prominently or not at all in critical delivery of and decision making about institutional priorities. Additionally, if the institution is not culturally open and comfortable to students of different identities and beliefs, they may not choose to stay; instead, they may opt to transfer to an educational environment that is more inclusive.

Institutional Vitality

Failure to act strategically and immediately regarding diversifying CSM will impair the institution’s capacity for future success. As internal research conducted among potential students in Spring of 2007 indicated, those who opt not to go to CSM are making highly competitive decisions—to attend Stanford and UC Berkley, among others—based on academic options and financial resources offered by those universities. Because these institutions are aggressive and rigorous— and already focused on diversifying—CSM stands to lose if it does not act now.

To meet national and regional demands for engineering talent for the foreseeable future, Colorado School of Mines will become a significantly diversified STEM institution, continuing to deliver a highly competitive education and conduct world-renowned research on a welcoming and embracing campus comprised of a broader spectrum of students, faculty, and staff. “The engineer of the


future must be culturally fluent, socially adaptable, technically sophisticated, and perennially revising her/his competencies.”

Given shifts in the engineering workforce and global marketplace, the engineer of the future must be culturally fluent, socially adaptable, technically sophisticated, and perennially revising her/his competencies. To prepare graduates for the global economy, Colorado School of Mines must adapt its campus climate, expand its educational opportunities, and broaden the profile of the students, faculty, and staff who make up our campus community.

Guiding Principles Colorado School of Mines must continue to recruit highly qualified students, faculty, and staff, maintain rigorous expectations, and retain, graduate, and employ persons with significant expertise in their areas of education and responsibility. The campus community must be a place that welcomes and fosters a broad range of personal and cultural identity, belief, and practice, even as it encourages academic and professional excellence.

Diversity Defined At Colorado School of Mines, the principal of diversity is defined as an openness to and tolerance for differences of thought, opinion, and practice held by members of its campus community. President Myles W. “Bill” Scoggins has called for a change in the campus culture to make it more welcoming, comfortable, and safe for anyone who participates in the life of CSM. Stakeholders include students, faculty, staff, alumni, industry employers, the Board of Trustees, and the residents of Colorado. Practically, who enrolls and seeks employment at our institution is a factor in how campus community members perceive their experience at the institution. Historically, engineering has enrolled and employed few women and minorities, and CSM is no exception. CSM seeks to broaden its representation among women and minorities—African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos/Latinas, and Native Americans—and be sensitive to and inclusive of age, ability, first-generation to college and socio-economic status, geography, sexuality, nationality religion, and first languages.

Why Does Diversity Matter? Quality of Life

A more diversified CSM will mean a more flexible, tolerant, sustainable institution that maintains high standards and expectations, while including a broader capacity for the human experience of students, faculty, and staff.

Mentoring, Role Modeling, and Critical Mass

The relative absence of women in teaching and decision-making capacities at CSM is problematic because of the mentoring and role-model functions faculty serve, as well as being the transmitters (through teaching) and originators (through research) of knowledge. If there are few women within an institution, it becomes more difficult to recruit and retain female students because students perceive that the institution does not “look like them.” The same applies for minority students. If ethnic

Diversifying for Excellence

This effort will require developing sensitivity to the needs of new populations, as well as the capacity to meet those needs, even as we maintain high standards and programs and a safe and comfortable transition for current members of our campus community. Goals and measurable outcomes are essential to success; however, numbers alone are not the answer. Because this initiative is focused on quality, change requires more than simply shifting percentages to declare the job finished. Institutional change of CSM’s climate and culture will be essential to diversity success.

Where are we? Students

It is no secret that CSM has a low enrollment of women and racial and ethnic minorities, as do STEM disciplines across the United States (although some institutions have much higher representation of Asian Americans than does CSM). CSM’s enrollment percentages have remained fairly static for a number of years, despite numeric increases. Additionally, the majority of CSM’s student population is from the Denver metropolitan area. • Enrollment of women has ranged from 25.9 percent in Fall 2002 to 22.5 percent in Fall 2006. • Enrollment of all minority students at CSM has ranged from 12.2 percent in Fall 2002 to 12.6 percent in Fall 2006 • Between 2003 and 2006, more that 60 percent of all CSM students arrived on campus from roughly a 75 mile radius from 1500 Illinois. However, aggregated percentages do not really capture the experience of the people on our campus. • In Fall 2006, four CSM academic departments enrolled no African American undergraduate students. • In Fall 2006, seven CSM academic departments enrolled fewer than ten Asian American undergraduate students. • In Fall 2006, CSM enrolled a total of eight Native American women in engineering majors; none of them were juniors, only one, a senior. • Among graduate students in Fall of 2006, CSM had neither an African American nor a Native American woman enrolled out of a total 196 female graduate students. Numbers such as these suggest the potential for isolation and loneliness for women and minority students. Furthermore, given the structure of laboratories and research projects, opportunities for mentoring, collaborative work, and learning from more senior role models are sharply curtailed, if they exist at all.


The CSM faculty does not look that much different than STEM faculty across the U.S. Some institutions report higher percentages of international faculty; a few STEM programs report higher numbers of female faculty. Underrepresented minorities are scarce among STEM university faculty. By and large, STEM faculty are white and male. This is not simply a “pipeline” problem; it is a climate problem for STEM fields in higher education. In fact, the numbers of women and underrepresented minorities graduating with advanced degrees in science and engineering have steadily increased for two decades.

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However, academia has been an unattractive career option for women and underrepresented minority Ph.D.s. Furthermore, women and underrepresented minorities tend to be clustered in the lower academic ranks, among assistant and associate professors. Nationwide, the fastest growth in teaching ranks is among “alternative appointments,” non-tenure track faculty; women make up the majority of these ranks. Women in these positions earn less and have less career stability than do white men. Underrepresented minority faculty have lower rates of tenure and job satisfaction than do white men. Women and underrepresented minorities who remain past tenure become highly sought after, and universities frequently pirate competitors’ stars. CSM cannot solve alone what is a systemic problem; however, focused attention and redirected resources, along with attention to climate and culture will be measurable strategies to shift the status quo.

Where Do We Go from Here?

Recognizing the complexity of diversity within an institution, it is important for CSM to develop strategies that are based in present circumstances and address current needs. To do so, decision makers need data and clear understanding of now to be able to make institutional change for tomorrow. Thus, President Scoggins sets the following priorities and timelines for diversifying CSM.

Climate Survey

To drive change for the future, CSM will launch a faculty/staff climate survey during AY 2007-2008. Knowledge about current circumstances for faculty and staff is necessary to understand what we need to do better to make CSM a highly desirable employment opportunity, both for our existing community and for those we hope to recruit and retain. The survey will be developed by an external firm experienced in collecting qualitative data regarding workplace and environmental issues. Topics about which the Climate Survey will gather data include • Have all units implemented family-friendly scheduling consistently? • Do all employees feel they have access to appropriate redress to workplace concerns/complaints? • What are critical work/life bala n c e c o n c e r n s f o r C S M f a c u l t y a n d s t a ff ? • How can CSM adapt to be a more tolerant, nurturing work environment? The results will be disseminated to the campus community and will drive decision-making about how to improve the quality of work-life at CSM. By better understanding the quality of workplace experiences and needs of CSM’s present faculty and staff, we will be able to address issues of attractiveness and retention. If CSM is a highly desirable employment option for highly qualified faculty and staff, recruitment becomes easier; retention naturally follows.

Research into Best Practices

Because other institutions of higher education have focused resources and attention into diversifying for as long as three decades, a body of literature has emerged on successful practices for diversifying universities. During AY 2007-2008, the President’s Diversity Initiative will conduct research into best practices across higher education, concentrating on peer institutions, to the best possible degree. A report of findings and recommendations for best practices in higher education to foster and nurture a diverse climate appropriate to CSM’s needs and future goals will be delivered to the CSM community in Fall 2008.

Institutional Diversity Leadership Council

President Scoggins has called for the development of a Institutional Diversity Leadership Council composed of decision makers from across CSM. During AY 2007-2008, the IDLC will meet for a facilitated two-day session, which will include training, priority setting, and development of strategies for dissemination and implementation across the campus. In collaboration with the President’s Diversity Committee, this council will be charged with developing measurable goals and action items to serve as the foundation for institutional objectives for diversifying CSM. The final outcome from the IDLC will be to develop a game plan for CSM and strategies for implementing it at the unit level.


October 1, 2007

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Rockies Rolling

Matthew Pusard Staff Writer

Even if the Rockies do not make the playoffs, the future is bright. The Rockies are a young team. If you haven’t been paying Todd Helton is the only veteran on attention to the Rockies this an offense full of kids. Most of the season, here is what you missed: Rockies have a mere 3-4 years The Rockies became the first of experience and they can grow team since the early 1960’s to as they gain experience. Take the sweep both New York teams (in this example of Holliday, who has an case, the Yankees and the Mets) in extra year of experience compared a series in a single season. They to RF Brad Hawpe and 3B Garalso won every series at Coors rett Atkins. In that one year span, Field in a near 3 month span, startHolliday went from merely being a ing in May and ending in August. good player to statistically being The Rockies had the best ERA one of the best in the league. He in the NL from the All Star Break has 36 home runs, 133 RBI, 118 to the end of August. This is in runs scored, 50 doubles, and a spite of the fact that the Rock.340 batting average, all within ies consistently are last in the the top 7 in the major leagues. league in ERA. They are chasing Hawpe, Atkins, and Holliday the record for team fielding perall have over 20 home runs and centage in a single season with 100 RBI and any improvement a current .989 percentage (out is just icing on the cake. But the of 1000 plays made, they have player with the most potential for made an average of 11 errors). improving might be Tulowitzki. He They have a strong contender holds the best fielding percentage for National League Most Valuable amongst full time shortstops in the Player in LF Matt Holliday and Rookmajor leagues. He’s shown time ie of the Year in SS Troy Tulowitzki. and again that he can make plays The Rockies have also had with great range and has a rocket the longest winning streak in the for an arm. But his offensive skills MLB this season with 11 straight are as strong as his defense. He wins. This also beats a franchise broke a record for home runs by record of 9 straight wins set back a rookie shortstop with 24 and in 1997. They also broke the added in 100 runs and 98 RBI. franchise mark for most wins in He’s tied for the most RBI amongst a season with 88 as of Saturday, shortstops, fifth in home runs, and with their previous record besixth in runs scored. For most playing 83. But the most important ers, this would be a career year. number in their repertoire is 1. For Tulowitzki, it’s merely his first. With the 4-3 win on Sunday This adds up to the second most against the Diamondbacks, the runs scored in the National League. Rockies are 1 game out of a On the pitching side, starting wildcard playoff spot. They also pitcher Jeff Francis has established have lost 1 game in their past 14 himself as the club’s ace with a games to put make a dramatic franchise record-tying 17 wins comeback in the wild card race. this season. They also have Aaron This team has united as one coCook, who has a slider described hesive unit to put together one of as “one of the nastiest in the major the greatest months in team hisleagues.” One of the replacetory. Their 11-1 win Saturday may ment Rockies, Franklin Morales, have summed up tied a club their astounding “The Rockies are relevant re c o rd w i t h stretch the best. 21 straight S a t u r d a y ’s again. Regardless of the innings of game against scoreless outcome of [Monday’s] the Arizona baseball Diamondbacks pitched. In game, they have made the started with a short, the bang. Pitcher R o c k i e s statement that the Rockies Mark Redman have their allowed a lone are pushovers no longer.” best pitchrun and struck i n g s t a ff i n out 6 batters in an imprestheir short h i s t o r y. sive 5 innings pitched. The Rockies will play a short Meanwhile, the Rockies gave playoff with the San Diego Padres him support early, getting their first for the wild card spot this after5 batters on base in the bottom of noon. Regardless of the outcome the first inning and eventually scorof this game, Rockies fans everying 4 runs while batting through where have just become witnesses the order. They never looked to the coming out party. The Rockback or let up after this inning. ies are relevant again. Whether Rookie Troy Tulowitzki came up they make it to the playoffs or not, with a few defensive gems from they have made the statement shortstop and sealed the game that they are pushovers no longer. th with a grand slam in the 6 inning. Shortly after that, the backups came in for both teams, signifying the Diamondbacks conceding defeat. This was a dominating performance by the Rockies against Lily Giddings the division leading D-Backs. This is a huge tur naround Content Manager for the team. Just this past offThe 2007-2008 budget for season, career Rockies pitcher Club Sports is smaller than the Jason Jennings was traded to 2006-2007 budget. This dethe Astros and the team acquired crease is not a result of a lack a speedy but unproven hitter of funding, but a decrease in Willy Taveras and rookie pitcher the number of clubs; last year Jason Hirsch. Taveras started at there were 20 clubs receiving centerfield and hit leadoff for the funding, while this year there Rockies for most of this season are 14 clubs. The number of while Hirsh showed a lot of promclubs fluctuates from year to ise before becoming one of the year, due to student interest three starters the Rockies lost.

Courtesy Teresa Malesardi

PHILANTHROPY IN ACTION: On Saturday the 15th, the ladies of Sigma Kappa and the gentlemen of Phi Gamma Delta volunteered their morning to the memory walk in Denver, supporting Alzheimer’s research. On the 22nd, the Sigma Kappas volunteered again at the Colorado Railroad Museum for A Day Out with Thomas. Watch out in the student center for these ladies selling lollipops to support Alzheimer’s research!

Tales from the Offseason The Good, the Bad, and the Sad in the NFL

Matthew Pusard Staff Writer

this April, Goodell suspended for Damien’s brother who had just Henry for 8 games and Titans correcently received a heart transnerback Adam “Pacman” Jones for plant. Damien Nash was found To say this past NFL offseason a full season. Jones was suspenddead hours after the game and the started off in the worst possible ed for a c o ro n e r way would be an understatement. shooting “Doctors performed the transplant believes At 2:00 AM on New Year’s Day, that octhat a just hours after the end of the curred in between the two Cowboys, a first be- h e a r t regular season, Denver Bronco a Las Veailment tween two professional athletes.” w a s t o cornerback Darrent Williams was gas strip killed in a drive by shooting, alc l u b . blame, legedly related to gang violence. Also suspended under this although it was never confirmed. This incident acted as a catalyst new policy was Chicago Bears But this past offseason was not for the defining policy in the NFL of defensive tackle Tank Johnson, all gloom. Former Dallas Cowboy the past 9 months. NFL commissionfor multiple incidents including an RB Ron Springs was in need of a er Roger Goodell consulted a think arrest for possession of unlicensed kidney transplant. He had Type 2 t a n k weapons, and diabetes, which led to his right foot o f N F L “The Personal Conduct Policy Michael Vick, for being amputated as well as a few players, running an illetoes on his left foot. He was on has punished troublemakers including gal dog fighting dialysis 3 times a week and was Darrent’s ring and illegal wheelchair bound. He had been on toughly and swiftly.” friend gambling on said the kidney transplant list for 3 years. and felfights. The punishment for Johnson Then in came his former Cowboys low cornerback Dominique Foxwas 8 games, but Vick, one of teammate, CB Everson Walls. They worth, and came up with a nothe most popular and marketable had met at the Walls’ first Dallas tolerance Personal Conduct Policy. superstars in the NFL, received a training camp and have been close This document was intended to full year suspension at minimum, friends ever since, even being godcurb off-the-field shenanigans and but the door has been left open fathers to each others’ children. it appeared to be long overdue. for a lifetime ban. It is estimated Instead of letting Springs comThe NFL had been plagued that Vick may have lost hundreds pete with an estimated 70,000 with player arrests during the of millions of dollars because people now awaiting kidney transprevious season. The Cincinnati of lost endorsement deals and plants, Walls offered up one of Bengals were the worst offender the possible voiding of his NFL his after finding out that he and in this respect. In 2006 alone, the contract which was worth an Springs were a match. Doctors team had 9 separate incidents NFL record of $130 million at the performed the transplant between with the law, including WR Chris time it was signed in late 2004. the two Cowboys, a first between Henry, who was arrested three Trouble dominated the offseatwo professional athletes. Springs times in 2006 and 4 times in the son, but it also had its fair share of has said of Walls, “[He] is my past 2 years. The team had more tragedy. Less than 2 months after greatest friend right now, and I arrests than wins that year and the death of Darrent Williams, the have to deal with him for 30 more the Bengals missed the playoffs, Broncos lost another player, backyears.” So in spite of an offseason despite an abundance of talent. up running back Damien Nash. that football icon John Madden The Personal Conduct PoliNash had just played in a celebrity has described as 99% crap, recy has punished troublemakers basketball game for his charity, the member the good that permeates toughly and swiftly. Almost immeDarris Nash Find A Heart Foundathroughout the sport and rememdiately after the policy was enacted tion. This foundation was named ber the lifelong bonds that it forges.

No Play, No Pay for Club Sports in the clubs offered. This does not mean, however, that some on-campus activities have been eliminated; it means that some former clubs changed status to “special interest groups.” Clubs at Mines are developed as a counterpart to the Varsity sports, in that they are competitive leagues, but they are more developmental than the Varsity sports. John Howard commented, “Club sports are chosen for

their lasting power.” This refers to sports that remain popular, and those where the involved students are interested in competition with local schools. Clubs are discontinued when there is no opportunity for intercollegiate competition. The men’s rugby team engages in competition with local schools, such as CSU and CU. The cheerleading club, from last year, however, did not participate in competitions,

so they have been changed to a special interest group. All clubs are receiving the same amount of funding, and the club sports office was able to purchase new equipment for the benefit of all the clubs and intramural sports. Some of this equipment includes portable scoreboards and a field painter, as well as paying for the hire of students to actually paint the field.


October 1, 2007

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Don’t Pass Up the Opportunity Akira Rattenbury Student Council on Sustainability

Golden Road, or Colfax, the 16, 16 Ltd, and 17 have regular times to get you to and from class without fightAs gas prices soar, construcing for that coveted CTLM parking tion continues on US 6, and your space you arrive an hour early to ’93 Camry continues to just barely get. You can even ride your bike to a make it to campus, the time is ripe bus stop and take it on the bus. This for you to start using allows you your bus pass. With “Looking to get to the to snooze last spring’s passage of in that exthe Intermodal Trans- airport? Why pay $5 to tra 5 minportation Fee, you now utes after have access to the $20 a day to park your car you stayed entire RTD bus and up all night Light Rail system in the at DIA when you can take “ s t u d y metro area, and you Also, the RTD Skyride to DIA ing.” may not even know it. instead of Currently, Golden from numerous locations the hassle bus service relies on of driving in four regular routes and the snow in the metro area?“ one regional route. The this win16, 17, 16Ltd, and 44 ter, take a Ltd can be picked up in downtown ride and finish your homeGolden and rode into surround- w o r k o n t h e w a r m b u s e s . ing areas. The GS regional route Going to downtown Denver? services Golden to Boulder weekRTD is a fun and safe ride downtown days from morning until evening. to a Rockies game (playoffs!), the You can leave Friday from Golden clubs, or whatever else Denver has at 6:34 PM, go wild all weekend to offer. By simply jumping on the in Boulder, and return to class- 16 or 16Ltd, you can get downtown es Monday as early as 5:09 AM. without switching buses in under Trying to navigate Golden? If an hour. Instead of looking for and you live near Golden Ridge, South paying for expensive parking, you

can relax on the bus and enjoy the company of your friends, or read that book you’ve been meaning to finish. Looking to get to the airport? Why pay $5 to $20 a day to park your car at DIA when you can take the RTD Skyride to DIA from numerous locations in the metro area? Each Skyride parking area is lighted with security cameras so you don’t have to worry about thugs stealing your car stereo. If you would rather leave from Golden, start with the buses from downtown Golden to get to the airport in about an hour and a half. Skyride normally costs $18 round trip, but with your bus pass, it’s free! Use to access route information, plan a trip, or write to the regional director of RTD to get more routes for Golden. And remember, when you ride instead of drive, you save yourself money on gas, and you cut down on pollution. Bus passes and route schedules are still available to be picked up for all undergraduates and graduate students who paid for them at the Student Activities Office. So far, only 2,017 students, or roughly 50% of the student body, have picked up their pass. You paid for it, so come get yours today!

THE HOLDOUTS Band Name: The Holdouts Genre: Classic Rock/ Pop/ Blues Band Website: Band Members: Gretchen Kunz Eric Vielbig Scott Wilson Rod Switzer Record Label: GoldenRod Records Type of Label: Indie Connection with CSM: drummer/ vocalist Rod Switzer is a professor in the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at CSM FLYING DINOSAUR Genre: other Band Website: flyingdinosaurband Band Members: Charlie Frost, Jeff Miller, Larry Forsythe, Mike Ashiem Elizabeth Hinkley Record Label: none Connection with CSM: Charlie Frost is an undergraduate student at CSM


You and Your New Bus Pass

Creative Outlet Digger Dave’s Career Corner Week of October 1, 2007 to Fame

Steven Bolger Staff Writer

of the Golden community and their humble beginnings at CSM. Frost recalls that CSM hosted Despite prevailing attitudes that a “battle of the bands” contest in forced many of our art and literature March of 2005. Five or six bands on teachers to insist that “there is more campus and from the surrounding to life than science and math,” many community competed for the title of us still find no more meaning of the “Best Band at CSM” and an in a Pollock masterpiece than in E-Days Contract. Frost claims that a kindergartner’s finger-painting. it “sparked interest among the stuHowever, some students find a dent body” in the music scene on strong connection between the in- campus. Unfortunately, the event, genuity required to a tradition of solve an engineer- “[They] wanted to con- m a n y y e a r s , ing problem and not return in tinue playing music.” did the creativity neces2006, or 2007. sary to produce art. A decrease The music scene on campus is in interest over time has ensured small, but is comprised of a dedi- the demise of this tradition. MAC cated group of people searching found that the battle of bands for a creative outlet. The majority contest no longer had enough of students on campus are even support to be continued. Frost said unfamiliar with the success of that he “would have liked to have former-CSM band, No Fair Fights. seen more Battle of the Bands About four years ago, two guys competitions,” they were unique from Mines formed a band with a opportunities that allowed local few friends from the Golden area. musicians and bands to gain the These four college students simply support of the CSM community. wanted to continue playing music; Chances to enjoy the music of lothey did not have high expectations cal bands do, however, still exist on for their band. After a few months, and off campus. Anonymous Right the guys became more comfortable Brains, a CSM club, hosts an “Open playing and writing songs together. Mic Night” at Higher Grounds every No Fair Fights, as they named other Thursday. The Blue Canyon their project, began to acquire Bar and Grille hosts one every dedicated fans and play bigger Wednesday. Every other Friday, muand better gigs. They entered, and sicians, poets, and singers perform usually won, local “battle of the in the Boettcher Room of Arthur bands” contests, and eventually Lakes Library as part of the perearned the title of 106.7 KBPI’s formance series, “Concerts in the “Best Band in Denver-Top 18.” Library.” The Buffalo Rose provides The pinnacle of No Fair Fights’ a convenient venue for local bands. career was at the 2003 Vans The CSM community includes Warped tour when, according to extremely talented musicians who CSM senior and member of the have become remarkably successFlying Dinosaur, Charlie Frost, they ful in the past. The student body opened for Unwritten Law. No Fair should provide a springboard for Fights now enjoys recognition not developing local acts. So, take a few only state-wide, but also around minutes to learn more about bands the country. Their success can be around campus and town. You will attributed partially to the support be surprised what you discover.

Where are the jobs? In DiggerNet! Be sure you know how to use DiggerNet to the max before putting your valuable time and energy into other ways to search for full-time jobs or internships.

EMPLOYER INFO. SESSIONS! Plan your Networking Strategy! Check DiggerNet for any changes! MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 -TXU Information Session 12:00-1:00 PM, Stu. Ctr. Ballroom D Interested in Civil, Mech., Elec., Chem E., Mining -HALLIBURTON Information Session 5:00-6:00 PM, Stu. Ctr. Ballroom B -CHEVRON CORPORATION Information Session 6:00-7:00 PM, Stu. Ctr. Ballroom A TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 -EL PASO CORPORATION Information Session 5:00-6:00 PM, Stu. Ctr. Ballroom B -HANSON BUILDING MATERIALS Information Session 5:00-6:00 PM, Brown Bldg. 201 Interested in Civil, Mining -BP Information Session 6:00-7:00 PM, Stu. Ctr. Ballroom A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 -BP: Society of Petroleum Engineers 11:30-1:30 PM, Friedhoff Hall -CONOCO PHILLIPS GEO Information Session 5:00-6:00 PM, Stu. Ctr. Ballroom A -HENSEL PHELPS Information Session 6:00-7:00 PM, Brown Bldg. 201 Interested in Civil, Env., Mech. -CHESAPEAKE ENERGY Information Session 7:00-8:00 PM, Stu. Ctr. Ballroom A -DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY Information Session 8:00-9:00 PM, Stu. Ctr. Ballroom D Interested in Met., Mech., ChemE., Elec. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 -EOG RESOURCES Information Session 5:00-6:00 PM, Alderson Hall 140 Interested in PE., Geo. -MILENDER WHITE Information Session 5:00-6:00 PM, Brown Bldg. 204 Interested in Econ., All Eng. -SCHLUMBERGER Information Session 6:00-7:00 PM, Stu. Ctr. Ballroom A -SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY Information Session 7:00-8:00 PM, Alderson Hall 140 -GRANITE CONSTRUCTION Information Session 7:00-8:00 PM, Brown Bldg. 204 Interested in E.E., Env., Civil, Mech.


W W W . D I G G E R N E T. N E T

Page 6


October 1, 2007

Mines and The Tipping Point Diversity in the Engineering Environment Zach Aman Editor-in-Chief

saying that diversity means “all sorts of differences that matter to the community: disability, sexual “Institutions that Mines com- orientation, first-generation colpares itself to are doing a better lege attendance, and language, in job with diversity. So, if you want addition to the typical ones. The to stay in that kind of company, you point is whether you see the differhave to do better,” said Dr. Daryl E. ences as an asset or as a liability.” Chubin, Director of the American In explaining how to understand Association for the diversity, Chubin exAdvancement of Sciplained, “You don’t ence Capacity Center. do diversity for diverIn a series of lecsity’s sake, you do it tures delivered late because it makes the last week, Chubin disoutcomes better. Procussed the necessity fessors need to ask of an inclusive college themselves: ‘What environment. “Talking are my assumptions about diversity is very about students who difficult. It’s emotiondon’t look like me?’” ally wrenching, it forcChubin also explained es people to address COURTESY DARYL CHUBIN that people tend to things explicitly that they become consumed with would rather leave implicit,” said the “visible” types of diversity, as Chubin. With reference to diversity opposed to the “invisible” types. planning, he added, “If it succeeds, In addition, Chubin pointed it will transform this campus.” out that engineering communiChubin’s presentations centered ties tend to have a difficult time around The Tipping Point – a book with change: “This is a set of written by Malcolm Gladwell – and communities that do not learn methods to implement its teachvery well. They do themselves ings in a collegiate environment. a great disservice. Gatekeeper In regard to Mines’ new fo- courses do a lot to remove people cus on diversity, Chubin noted; who are good and capable.” “The biggest tragedy is when At the end of his lecture, Chupeople who are capable and are bin was careful to note, “We are interested are turned off and go outsiders, which means I can say elsewhere.” He continued with a bunch of stuff that you don’t like, his personal definition of diversity, then hop a plane and go home.”

Geek Week ...Darren Haines, Senior: Mechanical Engineering of the

Satira Tajdin-Labib Staff Writer When did you first realize you were a geek? Well that’s an easy question, see I wear this watch, it is a Casio, and it’s got a calculator built in (it also had a scheduler and other neat things). Ever since I got this watch I’ve realized I was a geek. I saw all these watches to choose from and the only one I wanted was the one with the calculator and that was 7 or 8 years ago. I also have the “1997 Pre-Taiwan” issue Ti-83 plus. Do you own Halo 3? No, I’m more into classic arcade games like Atari 2600 and 5200. I own a ColecoVision, who was put out of business by Atari. I own the original Nintendo. I rebuild them too; I call Nintendo and get spare parts to refurbish older Nintendo systems. I have a Super Nintendo; and a 3D0 which is the pre-PlayStation. Also the 3D Nintendo, which was probably the worst game system ever built. It was very crude, everything was in red. What’s the longest consecutive time you’ve spent on a video game? Well, it wasn’t just me alone but there was this Atari contest. 1981 Laser Blast by Activision Contest: If you succeed in scoring the maximum of 1 million points, you will be admitted to the Activision Federation of Laser Blasters which entitles you to a certificate and small plaque. Four of my friends and I decided to attempt this monumental task

CHECK OUT OUR GREAT DAILY SPECIALS! ALL DAY MONDAY Half-price Calzones with purchase of beverage or side salad

WEDNESDAY 8 - 10PM Play Buzz Time Trivia and win great prizes $6.99 pitchers of beer

Melinda Bartel Staff Writer





T h e A S C S M ’s t o t a l b u d get for the current year was $505,624.60. Roughly a third of this money went to MAC. They spend it on bringing special events to campus, Movie Night, Friday Afternoon Club, and E-Days. 16% of the money went to club sports, and 11% went to Intramural sports. This money

goes towards sports equipment like portable score boards and a field painter in addition to competition fees. The rest o f


Total Budget


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$168,600.00 $80,000.00 $55,000.00 $45,000.00 $25,500.00 $20,000.00 $9,000.00 $7,500.00 $5,500.00 $6,000.00 $83,524.60


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Specials valid at OC Wheat Ridge only. Must be 21 to consume alcohol.

Club Funding Breakdown


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on the Atari 5200 even though it had expired nearly 23 years ago. Armed with a single button joystick and a case of Red Bull we began at 7am one Saturday and played in four hour shifts till we reached the ultimate points level, thus granting us the Status of Ultimate Laser Blasters, by 11pm that evening. What is the geekiest thing you’ve ever done? I once used a rock to calculate how high I was on a mountain top. I threw the rock off the mountain and I calculated my vertical position from where the rock landed. I had a topographic map with me but I MEAVE HAMM / OREDIGGER didn’t know how to use it. Geek Pose: Darren Haines W h a t ’s t h e c o o l est thing about science? named “Geek of the Week.” The coolest thing about science would have to be many things at Mines but those the Mandelbrot set, because it things are physical represenphysically represents infinity. tations of geekiness at Mines. What are your passions in life? What geeky club are you in? I’m a Classic English car restoraI’m part of the WOW Addicts tion enthusiast, and I happen to Anonymous. There’s a club I have one in my pocket right now. I wanted to create “The Spinning drive around in a Classic mini. You can’t miss it; it’s blue and white. Cylinders,” where we basically throw cylinders across campus. What is your geek joke? If you take a piece of paper and Q: How many Microsoft engineers folded it in a cylinder and shoot does it take to change a light-bulb? it like a paper airplane. They just A: None - they just declare darkgo like these fascinating things. ness to be industry standard. (He demonstrated for W h a t ’s t h e g e e k i e s t me; I never knew cylinders thing you’ve seen at Mines? Those posters (pointing to the could fly. It was pretty neat.) What do you want to do afposters in the Digger Den), the ter you graduate from Mines? engineering schematics of a skier and an ice cream sundae. Those Rapid proto-typing, which is 3D modeling and injection modeling. things, by far. I’ve heard and seen

the money went to the Outdoor Recreation Center (9%), ASCSM (5%), the Oredigger (4%), IFC (2%), Circle K (1%), Panhellenic (1%), and Ballroom Dance (1%). Other organizations received the 17% of the remaining funds. The top 10 receivers of the allocated money got $422,100.00.


October 1, 2007

Fundamentally Foo

Tim Weilert Staff Writer

Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace, the sixth album from the alternative rock group Foo Fighters, pays homage to the band’s post-grunge sound which formed and influenced the modern rock scene. However, the disc is not simply another mindless mix of distorted guitars and throaty vocals. Dave Grohl experiments on several of the tracks, showcasing the range of his singing and songwriting ability. Dynamics play a huge role in the flow of the album. The hit single “The Pretender” leads the album off to a slow, melodic start, yet becomes increasingly energetic. Several other tracks, such as “Let It Die,” follow a similar format, drifting from sub-

dued acoustic intros into powerful choruses. A style change occurs toward the end of the album as the instrumental “Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners” leads into “Statues,” a song which sounds similar to The Beatles during their later albums. “Home” ends the album on a soft note, joining simple piano chords with Grohl’s distinct lyrics and voice. Dave Grohl, in the years since Nirvana, has developed into one of the dominant musicians in the American music scene through solid lyrical and instrumental work. Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace is a reminder of the Foo Fighters’ achievements and past efforts. The album seeks to venture into new musical territory, a move which invites new listeners but still remains accessible to traditional Foo Fighters fans.

Highly Evolved

Halo 3 Hits Stores with Success Steven Easter Staff Writer It’s time to complete the final chapter of a highly anticipated trilogy. For those who have been living under a rock and need a little bit of a history lesson, Halo 3 arrived on the shelves 12:01 A.M Tuesday morning September 25 in the United States and Australia; with release dates of September 26 for Europe and September 27 for Japan. The first edition of the groundbreaking game, Halo: Combat Evolved, has sold over five million copies worldwide since its release, the top selling game of its time according to Microsoft. It was only topped by its sequel, Halo 2, with unit sales of 2.38 million netting roughly $125 million on the first day of its release. It reached the previous game’s mark of five million after around three weeks and sold over nine million units worldwide. In only its first day, Halo 3 was expected to rival all the biggest movie box office weekend releases; it did just that and more. From United States sales alone it became the biggest entertainment launch in history, with estimated $170 million sales in the first 24 hours. More than 1.7 million copies of Halo 3 were pre-ordered in the US, this reported number makes it the fastest pre-selling game in history. There were many changes from the first game to the second, inluding a new game engine. It also went online with Xbox Live capability. Another change was the ability to dual-wield two weapons at once, vastly changing the combinations of weapons to use in battle. In the final game, the majority of the game play was the same; it kept the same kind of feel as the previous two. Minor changes in the game include new levels, the detail of all visual aspects in the game, and the addition of several new weapons and vehicles. One of the few Bungie-sponsored launches was at the Best Buy in Midtown NYC; the first person in line was there for 32 hours, experiencing one of the biggest midnight launch events in the US. The event was hosted by Bungie and Microsoft, with

Mountain Dew reps present to hand out Game Fuel. A highlight of the event for most was right before midnight: as 5th Avenue closed down several Halo Marines each mounted on a Mongoose came hauling down the street doing wheelies. They were soon accompanied by a magnificently done Halo 3 Hummer, fully loaded with copies of the game. Master Chief himself hand-delivered the first copy to the first person in line. Meanwhile, at a local GameStop in the Southwest Plaza mall, hundreds waited in line hours before the midnight release. The store reported that they had about 700 units of Halo 3 available for the launch. As the mob of fans waited in line, they were adorned with free prizes and drinks. Additionally, a rock band played out a 30 minute set right before the launch. Later that morning and throughout the week, hundreds of thousands of fans flocked online to be the first amongst their friends to experience the game. Halo 3 also features a Theater section, where one can view around 25 of their last matches and make clips and take screen shots of the match, as well as save the e n t i re m a t c h . The game also features a Forge section where a player can go into a multiplayer map and edit the map by adding vehicles, weapons, crates, and adding, deleting, or changing other details that make up that specific map. Pending the details of the Japanese and European launch sales, all are expecting this game to set some very high bench marks, as it has done with the game play itself.

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‘Tis But a Flesh Wound Monty Python’s Spamalot a lot of Spam?

Greg Smith Staff Writer

Swallow may be, but not a European Swallow, that’s my point.” This undying exchange between two castle guards and King Arthur is pulled straight from the movie, and the actors in the musical ruined it! Guard one’s voice wasn’t even very Cockney! (Cockney is very heavy English accent.) It’s like he wasn’t even trying. Even the taunting French guard began to

some research I found that they insert different pop-culture references at different shows. Everything from “It’s Hard out Here for a Pimp,” to saying “Harry, Ron and Hermione all die on page 8!” on the day that the seventh installment went on sale. Spamalot is what you would get if you shoved Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Phantom of the Op-

The Monty Python dynasty began as a humble television show late at night on the BBC before I was born. Monty Python’s Flying Circus was a sketch comedy show akin to SNL and Mad TV, only funny. The group’s first successful film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1969), is a large part of this Tony Award winning musical. It follows the same basic plotline as the movie, albeit rather roughly. A few songs from the movies have made a return including, “Knights of the Round Table,” “Brave Sir Robin,” and “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.” Tim Curry, David Hyde Pierce, Hank Azaria (Moe from the Simpsons,) and the rest of the original Broadway cast are not to be seen in the Off-Broadway productions, like the one at Buell Theatre in Denver, but the current case will suffice. The voice of God, pre-recorded by John Cleese, is all that survived from the original Broadway production. Christopher Sutton (Prince Herbert,) is exactly like the “distressed Prince” from the movie and does an amazing job being a little girly man. GREG SMITH / OREDIGGER Esther Stilwell (The Lady of SPAM OR BEEF?: Monty Python’s Spamalot takes the stage in Denver. the Lake,) has an incredible voice that nearly made me cry sound more like James Brown than era, and the movie Airplane into a during “Find Your Grail,” a soulful, an angry Frenchman during his paper bag, soaked it with gasoline gospel-style song that features her insults that were funny in the film. and torched it. The special effects and a backup chorus telling King When they take dialogue from a were good, and the sound quality Arthur and his Court how to find movie that presumably 90% of the amazing. Having directed sound the Grail. design for several off Broadway Other characters however, such audience has seen, you think that they would try to match it exactly productions, I know that getting as the as the castle guards that or make it better! amazingly clear, feed-back-free take part in the infamous “Swallow Brand new songs such as “The sound is an incredible challenge. vs Coconut” scene did not do such Song that Goes Like This,” and Despite the cast’s shortcomings an amazing job. Everyone who has “You Won’t succeed on Broadway,” and the slow start, the slapstick ever seen the movie remembers are… well they’re so good, I’ve humor and surprisingly good muthis part! “Where’d you get the sic revive Spamalot into a Python coconuts?” “Coconuts are tropi- already got them on my iPod. During one of their songs, The treasure worth seeing. cal, this is a temperate zone.” And, Knights of Ni broke into Bohemian My Rating? Three and half out “It could be carried by an African Rhapsody by Queen, and after of five stars. Swallow!” “Well yeah an African

Page 8


October 1, 2007

Halo 3 Cures Common Cold

Five Things about Zombies That You Should Know

Tim Weilert Hypochondriac

Oliver Todd Zombiologist

Halo 3, a much larger section of the medical world believes what has become known as “HD Immune System EnMicrosoft and Bungie Stuhancement.” Studies have d i o s re l e a s e d t h e t h i rd a n d found during extended perifinal installment of the “Halo” ods of high definition images trilogy last week breaking sale and sounds, the human body records in the entertainment n a t u r a l l y p ro d u c e e x c e s s i v e industry. Only one week since amounts of white blood cells, t h e re l e a s e , s i d e e ff e c t s o f which in turn boosts imhuman mune system behavi o r b y “...the human body naturally pro- responses*. In addition the vidduce excessive amounts of white to curing the eo game common cold, have alblood cells...” Halo 3 has a r e a d y variety of othbeen felt er non-entertainment uses. throughout the nation and Physics majors on campus world. The main side effect at Mines have found Halo 3 of compulsive Halo 3 usage useful as a disc for the daily appears to be a decrease in ultimate frisbee games on the spread of communicable Kafadar Commons. Halo 3 diseases. Reported cases of can also be used as a fairly the common cold, flu, rabies, effective coaster for a variety chickenpox, hantavirus, turof beverages, hot or cold. keypox, and a slew of other diseases have dropped dra* T h e o n l y known side ef matically since Halo 3. fects of HDISE are blindness, While a small portion of deafness, social anximedical professionals cite ety, excessive body “self-seclusion” from normal odor, tooth decay, activity and human contact and arthritis. as the main result of

Zombie Nurse... nice.

Brett Favre Think you have what it takes to “Take Your Best Shot”?

Email your joke about “Brett Favre” to oredig@ with the heading “Take your best shot,” your name, and your major or class you teach.

Aside from in-depth knowledge of “Scrubs” trivia and being “Flip Cup champion of the Western Hemisphere” (I took second at the world championships to a guy from Singapore that should have been checked for steroids), I am a connoisseur of zombie movies. I love zombie movies. Nothing is better than just hanging out and watching a group of bad actors running away from some of the most entertaining film monsters in existence. On the up side, I have been able to do research into what we can all expect in the case of an actual zombie attack. Most people know the basics about surviving a zombie situation, but there are some overlooked tidbits you need to know.

1. Zombie attacks are a great way to pick up women

I know it is shallow. I know it is crude. But as a guy, I can personally vouch for the fact that regardless of the catastrophe going on around us, we are still trying to get tail. From my extensive research on the topic, there are always at least two attractive women in any random group of people that band together for survival. Out of those two, one of them will be the sweet, strong-willed type that is perfect dating material while the other will normally be a downright [lady of ill repute].

It is a win-win situation. This combined with the adrenaline of killing zombies is enough to get anyone’s hormones racing. The only flaw is the stress your relationship will be under from being forged in such awkward circumstances. Oh, and the fact that freaking zombies are attacking you.

2. Don’t be rich

This is the one situation where I wouldn’t want to have moolah and trust me, I’ve been hoping to become rich enough to hire a troupe of break dancing midgets to follow me around. In almost every zombie movie, there is at least one rich jerk that seems to forget that zombies don’t care if he has a BMW or a country club membership. This guy will almost always try to argue with everyone and point to the fact that he is rich to justify why he is important. Luckily this lasts for all of 20 minutes before he tries to run away and becomes zombie food. To be honest, I feel bad for the zombies that have to eat him. If this guy is a rich tool when he is alive, just imagine what he would be like as a rich zombie tool. Poor zombies.

3. Don’t be Russian

Zombies like vodka. Enough said. You know it is true.

4. Zombies can’t swim I don’t really understand this, but from everything I’ve seen it is an indisputable fact-- Zombies hate the water. I could moon a zombie from ten feet away

as long as I’m standing in the shallow end of the pool. It doesn’t make any sense! This means your chance of survival during a zombie attack is much greater if you live near large bodies of water. This also means that anyone in Kansas is totally boned. But honestly, does it really matter? Russians live in Kansas.

5. Your best friend will become a zombie

I know zombie uprisings sound like all fun and games, but they are very emotionally draining as well. In all my experiences with zombies, the best friend always gets screwed over in the end. It normally happens when freedom is within everyone’s grasp and out of nowhere your buddy gets bitten. As the best friend, it is your duty to be the one to put them out of their misery. I frequently tell my close friends (as well family members, pets, teachers, and the occasional fast food worker) that if they become a zombie, I will not hesitate to do what needs to be done. John: you really shouldn’t have eaten my Pizza Bagels. In today’s society, a zombie attack seems inevitable. Everything is so messed up already that an undead uprising would just be a cherry on top of the proverbial sundae. Well, that and voting for Hillary Clinton. But really, are those two things different?

Mad Mines-You become the reporter! Proper Noun 1 Nationally recognized author, _______________, released her Adjective Number weeks ago and it is already a _________ new book ______ Infinitive Noun seller. The book, “__________ in the ________,” has made Number readers pleased selling ______ copies its first day. The plot Noun Adjective is complex, but inviting. A ________ man and his ________ Location Plural Noun travel to _________ for __________. On their way, they meet Proper Noun 2 Adjective Infinitive ____________, a _________ woman who loves ________. To Verb say the least, they get into trouble. They ______ off a train, Verb Number Proper Noun 2 _______ through a river, and in chapter ______, ___________ Verb Verb gets to _____ her enemy. This book will ______ your mind in Proper Noun 1 Adjective world.-Mike Stone ___________’s twisted and _______


October 1, 2007

Page 9

Taser This!

CSU Student Tasered after Inflammatory Article Mathew Pusard Shocking Reporter

fled the apartment. The agents ended up making a clean getAfter writing an in- away from the scene c e n d i a r y f re e - s p e e c h before the firefighters editorial for the Colo- a r r i v e d , d o u s e d t h e r a d o S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y f i re , a n d f o u n d S n o w ’s s t u d e n t p a p e r, t h e a u - c r e d e n t i a l s l y i n g o n t h o r w a s t a s e r e d i n t h e b e d r o o m f l o o r. We c a u g h t u p t o t h e his apartment by two secret service agents bold members of the o n T h u r s d a y. T h e d i v i - s e c re t s e r v i c e a t D e n s i v e a r t i c l e t h a t i g n i t e d ver Inter national Airport a ruckus was entitled to ask them about the “ Ta s e r T h i s ! ” a n d c o n - incident. When inquired t a i n e d t h e m e s s a g e ton their purpose, Bauer respond“[Expletive Dee d , “ T h e a rleted] Bush.” “I was offended t i c l e s o u n d e d This initiated a v a s t d e b a t e by the editorial.” l i k e a d a r e . ” Snow addabout First ed, “It isn’t Amendment rights versus good judg- l i k e w e w e r e n e e d e d m e n t o f t h e p re s s w h e n around the White House r e g a r d i n g o b s c e n i t i e s . a n y w a y. W e j u s t g a v e T h e s e c r e t s e r v i c e Cheney a shotgun and a g e n t s , J a m e s B a u e r, n o o n e h a s c o m e w i t h i n 3 4 , a n d P a t r i c k S n o w, a f e w b l o c k s o f t h e 36, flew into Colorado building since we left. specifically for the ta- The only downside is s e r i n g . O n t h e e v e n i n g t h e d e a d s q u i r re l p i l e s of September 27th, on the White House t h e t w o m e n b ro k e i n t o l a w n . W h e n C h e n e y the editors apartment g e t s h i s g u n , t h i n g s at 7:52pm and saw a tend to die in swarms” Here at the Oredigger, man sleeping on the t h i s w a s a v e r y i m p o rcouch. They immedia t e l y z a p p e d h i m . I t tant issue. One anonywas later found that mous and stunningly h e w a s t h e r o o m m a t e h a n d s o m e F o o l ’s G o l d o f t h e e d i t o r i a l w r i t - writer had this to say e r, k n o w n a s S t e v e . a b o u t t h e c o n t ro v e r s y : “I was offended by Steve mentioned that h e w a s p e e v e d a b o u t t h e e d i t o r i a l . I t ’s n o t b e i n g s h o c k e d , b u t h e because it was obscene nor am I played pos“Didn’t want to see myself a B u s h sum at the t i m e . “ D i d n ’t at the wrong end of a Guan- a p o l o gist. I want to see tanamo Bay trip.” was ofmyself at the fended wrong end of a Guantanamo Bay trip.” b e c a u s e i t w a s n ’t o r i g i T h e s e c r e t s e r v i c e nal. The best you can agents soon found their c o m e u p w i t h i s a n way to the writer’s room o b s c e n i t y t o d e s c r i b e a n d f o u n d h i m a l s o B u s h ? I ’ m p re t t y s u re a s l e e p . T h e y t u r n e d u p t h a t ’s b e e n s a i d m i l the voltage from 10,000 l i o n s o f t i m e s i n N e w t o 1 5 , 0 0 0 v o l t s . T h e y Yo r k C i t y a l o n e . I n f e l t t h i s w o u l d d e l i v e r a f a c t , I h e a r t h a t ’s l i k e near fatal blow and get a greeting in NYC. I their message across. k n o w a l o t o f h u m o r B y d o i n g s o , t h e y d e - s u r ro u n d i n g t h e p re s i c re a s e d t h e a m p e r a g e d e n t h a s b e e n re c y c l e d so when they finally these days, but this z a p p e d t h e w r i t e r, h e w a s n o t a s t e p i n t h e woke up, saw what they r i g h t d i r e c t i o n . L i k e were doing, laughed, him or not, everyone and fire proceeded to k n o w s B u s h p ro v i d e s blow out of his nose. a proverbial treasure T h e f i r e q u i c k l y t ro v e o f j o k e s w i t h h i s s p re a d t o h i s b e d a n d g a f f s a n d m a l a p r o p e n d t a b l e , b re a k i n g u p i s m s . T h e e d i t o r p ro b t h e s c e n e . T h e w r i t e r, ably deserved a little bit a g e n t s , a n d f o r m e r l y of zapping for this crime presumed-dead Steve a g a i n s t j o u r n a l i s m . ”

Jack Bauer is My Hero A Manifesto Against the Lies

Mike Stone CTU agent #4, episode 53 How many times can one man save t h e w o r l d ? I s a y, “ n o t enough.” What traini n g i s re q u i re d f o r s u c h a job? Close quarters combat, bomb defusing, car sliding, weapons training, and holding your W h o a r e J a c k B a u e r ’s heroes? MacGyver and Wa l k e r Te x a s R a n g e r. Does Jack like you? He thinks you are a terrorist and he’ll do anything to get you to a d m i t y o u ’ re a t e r ro r i s t . Did I run out of quest i o n s t o a s k ? Ye s . A scandal has erupted around our beloved hero of heroes. Jack Bauer has been ac-

cused of Driving Under the Influence by the U.S. Government. This grievous and terrible act of jealousy has come directly from the President after a history of drug use was recently wiped off his re c o rd . J a c k B a u e r h a d never and will never drive under the influence of anything but “ b a d - a s s e r y. ” On the night in question, Jack killed five terrorists, had two car chases, interrogated three people, cracked one code, said the words, “Who do you work for?” eight times, tortured a child and baked a bunt cake. There simply wouldn’t be enough time for drinking, let alone

sleeping or going to the restroom. If he had gone to sleep, he would have been gone f o r t h re e e p i s o d e s . I n stead, he put some beer cans suspected o f t e r ro r i s m i n h i s b a c k seat. If you do not know who the great Jack Bauer is, there is a chronicle of his life pieced together from conveniently placed security cameras on the Fox Network every year in mid-fall. It is called “24” for how many times Jack Bauer has saved the world. Our national hero can be seen Mondays at 7pm. I would gladly h a v e J a c k B a u e r ’s b a bies.

Page 10

October 1, 2007

Duffy’s Corner

Ahmadinejad’s Trip to Columbia Univ. Turns Heads Kevin Duffy Content Manager Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed a Columbia University audience last week in what lived up to the expectation of a three-ring circus that the American public had been promised. While most support the idea of an intellectual debate, the opportunity to grandstand on an American campus has done more to further legitimize Ahmadinejad’s authoritarian rule than to increase international cooperation. The case has long been made that Ahmadinejad is a dangerous man. His bizarre diatribes against Jews, infidels, and homosexuals are quoted almost weekly. Often underreported is the fact that violent persecutions are regularly carried out, in a Middle Eastern fashion, against these groups. The Western world, however, does not immediately become alarmed at the idea of a radically fundamental despot. Many governments around the globe operate with openly held and institutionalized forms of racial and religious prejudices of one flavor or another. Only when a country becomes powerful enough to act on such extremism does the world take note. Herein lies the crux of Ahmadinejad’s game with the world community.

He is facing a populace that is feeling Columbia President, Lee Bollinger, increasingly disenfranchised. Iranian to welcome Ahmadinejad with open people are growing weary of the exarms. And although critics claim treme Islamic rule cast over the country Bollinger’s remarks at the event were since the 1979 overthrow of the Shah. overly insulting, this is exactly what Therefore, the fallback position for any the Iranian president was expecting. ruler in this situation is to concentrate He was given the perfect introducon increasing the legitimacy of the tion in which to stage his diatribe. ruling party. And while to the This social “Only when a country be- American people strife within the Columbia event Iran is one of comes powerful enough to is but a blip in the the primary radar screen, the purposes of act on such extremism does Iranian people are Ahmadineled to believe that the world take note.” jad’s quest Ahmadinejad is for nuclear again bravely facing power capable of refinement into the West for the good of the Iran. For atomic warheads. By simultaneously proof of this, look no farther then the announcing to the world both Iran’s welcoming language of the Daily Iran nuclear ambitions and his fanatical News: “By fearlessly and courageously personal rhetoric, he accomplishes two walking into the ‘Lion’s Den’ ... he is things. First, he looks brave in the eyes sure to become even more of a hero of Iranians, who now falsely perceive in the Arab-Muslim street than before.” him as struggling against the West for The tragedy is that Mr. Bollinger electrical power. Second, he increases played Iran’s game and has seemIranian national pride as Ahmadinejad ingly lost. As much as a university engages the country in a quest for a such as Columbia believes it exists seat in the so-called “nuclear club.” in the academia bubble, the reality With this in mind, it is not hard to is that their decisions can play just understand why his visit to Columbia as much of a role in current world University failed to do anything besides politics as the US State Department. allowing him to make a mockery Unfortunately for the American public, of America’s long-held faith in free responsibility and discretion were speech. Academia mentality allowed sorely absent from Bollinger’s decision.

What’s Wrong With Affirmative Action? Diversity More than Just Statistics

Andrew Aschenbrenner Editorials Editor A new campus diversity plan has been in the works for several months, and it has been sent to faculty and staff for review and feedback. The “Jena 6” have been in the news of late. Last spring, radio host Don Imus lost his job for a racist remark, and racism continues to be a highlighted issue in America. It has been nearly 40 years since Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law. Last Tuesday was the 50th anniversary of the forced desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. And yet, racial segregation continues to persist, and racism fueled by lack of exposure to diversity occurs in the public spotlight every day. Affirmative action is the practice of mandating that diversity quotas be met through any means necessary. In other words, having public institutions give preference in employment or admission to people because of their race, gender, national origin, etc. Now, I agree that diversity is a necessary element in any environment. It is an admirable goal to have the group

What’s Your Beef With Mines? ASCSM President Casey Morse Answers Your Questions

Casey Morse ASCSM President Beef: Trailhead is the biggest pain. Response: You’re not alone on this one. This sentiment is generally accepted across campus. The administration is examining the benefits and pitfalls of the program and assessing its impact on our campus. As of right now, that’s all I can say. We’ll just have to get through this one together. Beef: What’s with the parking fee? We didn’t vote on it, and didn’t the city of Golden outlaw CSM from charging fees to park on city streets? Response: The parking fee was set up to create another stream of auxiliary income to support a bond for building a parking garage. The money is in place and the planning under way right now. This fee did not have to be approved by a student body vote because it is an optional fee. Students can opt out of paying it, but they will risk getting

ticketed if they park on campus. As for the issue with Golden, the city passed legislation to restrict charging a student fee for parking on city streets, but the decision was overturned almost immediately. The parking policy detailed on the CSM website is still in effect. Beef: Does any of my tuition go towards paying for free tutors for the athletes? Response: No, none of your tuition doll a r s g o t o w a rd s p a y i n g f o r the athletes to get free tutors. Beef: The Mines website needs some serious improvements. Response: The website is under renovation right now. If you have any specific complaints or suggestions, I can pass them on to the appropriate people for consideration. Beef: The




nice, but it costs too much. Response: There is a $55 fee that shows up on your tuition in addition to a $30 fee. The $55 is used as in income stream to pay off debt on the bond that was issued about 5 years ago to raise money to build the Rec. Center. Students 5 years ago voted to approve the $55 fee, which we will be paying for about 25 more years. The $30 is used to cover operating costs, which is actually a reasonable price considering the available facilities.

Beef: Why do we have bells between classes? This isn’t high school. Response: I will be approaching several other student and faculty group to receive

more input from them. If there is a general sentiment that we can do without the bells, I will talk to Facilities Management and do my best to have them discontinued. Please let me know if this becomes an issue. Beef: Why is out-of-state tuition so high? Response: Out-of-state tuition is calculated based on the operating costs of providing a student with an engineering degree. Essentially, that’s how much it costs CSM to provide you with your degree. The reason in-state tuition is lower than that is because the state is supposed to make up the difference. Private schools like RPI and MIT have significantly higher tuition because they are not regulated by the state. Also, they can use this extra cash flow to help subsidize growth on campus. Rest assured that the out of state tuition can’t go much higher because it would discourage out of state students from attending this institution. Our current tuition rate is actually an attractive selling point for many out of state students comparing us to private schools.

of people in every societal environment be representative of our diverse country. This is an especially desirable goal in an educational community. But, like it or not, affirmative action is not the way to accomplish that goal. At one point in time, affirmative action was the preferred way to encourage diversity. This was because people in charge of public institutions were not receptive to the idea of choosing applicants regardless of personal characteristics. It was also apparent that the general public was not ready to accept the famous words of our Founding Fathers: “All men are created equal.” This was certainly true in the case of the “Little Rock Nine,” who are famous as a part of the forced racial integration of Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas in 1957. President Dwight Eisenhower had to send in federal troops to escort them past an angry white mob, just so they could go to school alongside their fellow students. Now, however, this is not the case. We live in a time where diversity is valued, at least publicly, by all. The preferred way to increase the diversity of companies as well as public colleges and universities should be to make diverse applicants more attractive. Priority in employment or admission should in no circumstances be given to anyone because their personal characteristics would advance diversity. The idea that being black or Hispanic or Asian or from a foreign country or even female would give you an advantage in being hired by an employer or admitted to college is preposterous. Affirmative action is the easy way out. It is the coward’s way of fixing the problems of unqualified applicants and an unsatisfactory pool of prospective students. If you want more diversity as an institution, make your school more attractive. Market yourself to students whose demographic is lacking at your respective college. Support work that promotes the subjects that your school promotes. Under no circumstances should you alter standards to satisfy diversity. I don’t believe the justification that says affirmative action in higher education is necessary because students in a certain demographic don’t do as well in academics. That is bull. If that is the issue, the problem is in primary education and not in college admissions standards. SEE “STANDARDS” PAGE 11


October 1, 2007

Page 11

Isn’t Ahmadinejad Entitled to Freedom of Speech? Satira Tajdin-Labib Staff Writer Why would you invite a Israel-hating madman to our country as a guest speaker? This thought was on the minds of many Americans last Monday when the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad finally arrived in the USA. This is the same Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is famous for wanting to “blow Israel off the map” and who sends lengthy letters to President Bush. He was invited by the president of Columbia University, Lee C. Bollinger, to answer questions about the Iranian presidency. When the Iranian president arrived Monday in New York, he was met by a massive crowd of raging citizens; he was also greeted with a string of insults from Bollinger. Is this why Bollinger invited Ahmadinejad, to insult him for 2 hours? The next day Iranian citizens displayed their anger. They demanded that Bollinger come to their country for an interview, saying that due to their culture, they would treat him with nothing but respect. During Ahmadinejad’s address to Columbia University, he was faced with questions about Israel, the Holocaust, and his treatment of homosexuals. He said the Holocaust did not have enough documentation. Furthermore, he denied executing homosexuals because that “phenomenon” does not exist in Iran. Afterwards, Ahmadinejad felt that the talk was a positive move

for Iran. I also think this is true. a turn for the better in religion and It gave him a chance to talk to politics since Ahmadinejad, son America without the influence of a blacksmith, came to power. of subjective media. He could America is one nation under portray himself as something other than the cruel and insane dictator touted by the media. “No day passes without people being killed, wounded or displaced… while [the political leaders of America] do not even have the courage to declare their defeat and exit Iraq.” These are Iranian President Mahmoud Ahm a d i n e j a d ’s COURTESY WIKIPEDIA words, transControversy: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinelated from Farjad spoke at Columbia University in New York last week. si, at his UN appearance on Tuesday. So who is “Mahmoud God? That is completely inaccuAhmadinejad,” and what exactly rate. Iran is the true nation under he is he trying to accomplish? God. Not even the self-proclaimed I believe the Iranian president Kingdom of Saudi Arabia comis a great leader trying to put a pares with Iran. If you weren’t great country back on the map. aware, America and Saudi Arabia He has done many things for his have a lovely friendship. Iran tries country in the public eye. In an to steer clear of alliances with Islamic country like Iran, the majorSaudi Arabia, especially after Saudi ity would praise him for eliminating Arabia clearly sided with Iraq in the the gay population. Iran has taken Iran-Iraq War. Iran would prob-

Different Standards Continued from page 10

I applaud the voters of Michigan who passed Proposal 2 last November. Proposal 2 amended the Michigan constitution to ban preferential hiring and admissions practices. It also has a clause that banned discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, race, color, and national origin. In reality, preferential treatment in the name of diversity is discrimination. To hire or admit someone who is less qualified because they would increase the diversity of your institution is to not hire or admit someone who is better qualified because they aren’t considered diverse. In most cases, this means discriminating against better-qualified candidates

because of their gender, ethnicity, race, color, or national origin. Obviously, that is not ok. Affirmative action is a wellintentioned, but outdated, response to a problem that should be solved by other means. The ideal situation would be to consider candidates for a job or admission to college without any regard to personal characteristics. It sounds easy, but it means looking at others with consideration only for the qualities of their character. To my knowledge, the only man in recorded history to truly do this was Christ Jesus, and he was, shall we say, special. But nevertheless, that is the goal, and we should at least be able to say we tried without using a cop-out like affirmative action.

Correction In the last issue of The Oredigger, the article about the counselor workshops incorrectly listed the sponsoring organization as CCHE (Colorado Council on Higher Education). The correct sponsoring organization is the Colorado Council on High School and College Relations (CCHS/CR).

Submission Policy

If you would like to submit a Letter to the Editor, please consult the Editorials Board policy at the top of Page 10. Editorials represent the official opinion of neither The Oredigger nor the Colorado School of Mines. All Letters to the Editor must be received by 5:00 PM on October 5th to be placed in next issue.

50 Years Since Little Rock Nine

Ricky Walker Staff Writer

This fall, we mark the 50th Anniversary of one of the key events in the Civil Rights movement - the integration of the public high school in Little Rock, Arkansas. This historic event was the first of its kind, where nine black students (later referred to as the Little Rock Nine) were admitted to a public high school in the deep south that had previously only been for white students. The outrage and discrimination of this event was so bad that the nine students needed military escorts to and from each class. Now, on the

50th anniversary of this event, we must ask ourselves, “Have we learned from the mistakes of our parents?” To answer this question, I turn to personal experience. The year was 2001 and I was attending a commencement ceremony at Auburn University in Alabama. During the commencement, a man by the name of Harold Franklin received an honorary Doctor of Arts degree due to the large influence he had in 1964, when he became the first black man to enroll at Auburn University. When Mr. Franklin was presented with his degree, the audience burst into a roaring standing ovation, which lasted for a solid five minutes.

Take a moment right now to look at the clock and appreciate how long five minutes is for a standing ovation. It was truly an incredible sight. Society has been cured of racial discrimination against African Americans. We have learned from the mistakes of our parents. If you are African American, and you feel that you have been discriminated against somehow, take a look at the pictures of the Little Rock Nine. Did it look like that? If you feel that you have been treated unjustly, you were not a victim of discrimination, but merely a victim of one of society’s many jerks. Simply do what everyone else does when they meet a jerk—shrug it off and keep smiling.

ably have an alliance with Israel, before considering one with Saudi Arabia. Ahmadinejad steps up to America like no other country ever has. He fearlessly criticizes and insults Bush and his counterparts. Intrepid, he travels straight to America and expresses his views. He is great for expressing his views about Israel when every Arab nation is too afraid. He also did a great deed by helping fund the war between Hezbollah and Israel. You should know most of the weapons Hezbollah uses are from Iran. And then there is the nuclear issue, which America will not let go. These are Ahmadinejad’s clear words on the nuclear issue: “Well, you have to appreciate we don’t need a nuclear bomb. We don’t need that. What need do we have for a bomb?” So why is the USA so preoccupied with Iran’s attempt to harness nuclear energy. Why is Iran not “allowed” to develop this type of technology? Let us assume Iran is candidly trying to manufacture nuclear bombs. So what? What right does America have to say “Iran you can’t do that, only some countries can, and you are not one of them?” Scores of countries in the world have nuclear bombs. Why is Iran not allowed? Is it because America is actually scared of Iran? Or is it because Iran has a particular problem with a particular little state in the Middle East? If Iran would have said it wanted to blow Honduras or Cuba off the map, the political heads in Washington would not have uttered a word. However,

when America’s little baby Israel is mentioned, you’ve screwed up. According to the Congressional Research Service report, from the years 1949 to 2001, the total aid (our tax dollars) paid to Israel was $81.38 billion, not including hidden funds. Also, Israel, whose population is 0.1% of the total world population, gets around one-third of all US foreign aid. At one point Congress had cut the welfare budget to $5.3 billion, but aid to Israel that year was still $5.2 billion. Maybe the Iranian president is just trying to save us some money, who knows? So why do the American people hate Ahmadinejad so much? He hasn’t hurt or threatened a single American. Yet we hold signs which read “Go to Hell” and call him Hitler. A man should not be hated for his ideologies and beliefs. I would like to find the person holding that sign and ask him, “Why do you think Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a normal human being like yourself, whom you have never met, should go to Hell?” I wonder what he would reply. I want to leave you with just one thought: the Iranian President does not hate you. He tries to help the American people see the truth, the same truth their own government is shielding from them. I want you to see that Ahmadinejad is not a man to be hated. You should give him a chance. As Ahmadinejad announced at his UN speech, “The rights and dignity of the American people are also being sacrificed for the selfish desires of those holding power.”

American Dreams Defending American Capitalism

Ricky Walker Staff Writer One thing that has always bothered me is the negativity of the American Left. Listening to what liberals say almost makes you want to go become a hermit in the mountains for the rest of your life. Simply turn on CNN for five minutes and you will hear liberals and special interest groups making depressing statements such as: “Millions of people are without health care,” “Poverty in America is rampant,” and of course the most popular one, “These people are victims of (blank).” Today however, I am going to tell you something that you don’t hear too often. You probably will never hear this from the ACLU. You certainly will not hear it from Hillary Clinton’s campaign. I am going to tell you what the media will not waste their time telling you. I am going to tell you that you can do it. I am going to tell you that you can make it in life. You do not need welfare. You do not need the ACLU. You do not need to vote Democrat hoping for a better life. You do not need socialized programs to have a fighting chance in the world. I’m telling you that despite what people in today’s world tell you, you are a capable human being and you can raise yourself up in society. I’m not specifically talking to Mines students right now. In fact, if only rich and smart CSM students read this right now, I would be disappointed. I’m speaking to everyone. I am saying that whether you are Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Oriental, Latino, Middle Eastern, rich, poor, male, female, or any other category

you can think of, you can do it. Yes, I know living in a capitalist economy is hard. Of course it is hard. Anyone who told you it would be easy was lying to you. And yes, socialism is easier. Welfare is easier. But while nothing in our capitalist economy is free, true beauty comes in the fact that everything can be earned. Many on the Left will tell you that increasing welfare (particularly in the area of health care) will result in a better life for those below the poverty line. However, doing this would take away the very thing that that is needed the most—the American Dream and the ability to earn something better. Working your way above the poverty line is not impossible, as many people in society will try to tell you. It is not about being smart or being rich. It is about working hard and earning your way to the top. Watch the movie The Pursuit of Happyness if you refuse to believe it is possible. Part of the beauty of America is that you don’t need a Master’s degree to live a comfortable life. You don’t need to be rich to become rich. All you need to do is earn your way to the top. So stop listening to those people who tell you that you cannot do it. Stop listening to those people who insist that you are victims. Stop listening to those people who say that stronger government is the only way to the top. Stop sitting on the couch hoping the ACLU or the government will come to your door with free money. Stop voting for people who make you feel like a victim, and start giving your life the optimism it needs. Start living in the light of the American Dream.

Page 12


October 1, 2007

golden cruise Oct. 30th! Starts 5PM Trivia Every Sunday 9 PM

8 PM to 11 PM

Welcome Orediggers! Concert in the Library October 19th

Ruth Wilson Francisco will perform for us on October 19, 2007. Ruth Wilson Francisco is a delightfully versatile singer. She thrills audiences with her beautiful voice and gifted interpretation. A Colorado native, she sings regularly, and maintains a private voice studio in the Cortez area. She holds the Master of Music in Voice Performance degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder. For her performance she will be accompanied by pianist Nancy Thomas.

Announcements: 1. Heard of Mines Internet Radio, or MIR? If not, you’re missing out on awesome tunes, awesome DJs awesomeness. So head on over to http:// right now to see what’s playing! 2. Check out the pulse of Mines! Coming soon, will be your ultimate source for unofficial Mines news, kind of like the Oredigger is your source for semi-official news! You can even submit articles to the blog or become a full-on writer! Check it out! 3. Are you a programmer? Created something that’s freakin’ awesome? Or maybe just something that would be useful to other people (you know, Riemann sum generators or Fibinacci sequencers)? Post them at (coming October 1st!) and help everyone out! If people like your software, they can even donate to you, and all proceeds will go to you-who-created-the-mostawesome-program-ever!

Full scholarships for science and technology students The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), a 21st century graduate-level, research university, is offering scholarships for future leaders in science, engineering, and technology. The benefits of the KAUST Discovery Scholarship include: s&ULLTUITIONATCURRENTINSTITUTION s,IVINGSTIPEND BOOKANDCOMPUTERALLOWANCE s5PONGRADUATION ADMISSIONANDFULLSCHOLARSHIPFORTHE+!534 MASTERSDEGREEPROGRAMATTHE5NIVERSITYS2ED3EACAMPUS 4HE+!534CAMPUSOPENSIN3EPTEMBER(IGHLYTALENTED STUDENTSWITHONETOTHREEYEARSREMAININGINlRSTUNIVERSITYDEGREE PROGRAMSCANAPPLYNOW Visit OREMAIL [email protected]. CONTACT: KAUST Scholarships c/o IIE 0OST/AK"OULEVARD 3UITE (OUSTON 48 0HONEX

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