The Online Examination System.docx

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  • Words: 2,156
  • Pages: 15
MCS 60



Submitted to the School Of Computer and Information Science, IGNOU in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the aw

Master in Computer Applications (MCA)

Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi - 110068

Contents Page No.

1) Title of the Project

2 2) Introduction and Objectives of the Project 3 a) Introduction 3 b) Background 3 i) Problem with existing system 3 ii) Solution in new system 4 c) Objectives 5 3) Project Category 4) Analysis of the Project a) DFD b) ER Diagram

5 6 6

9 5) Modules Description 10 6) Requirement Specifications 11 a) Hardware Requirements 11 b) Software Requirements 11 c) Tools/Platform used in development 12 7) Limitations and Future Scope 12 1

a) Limitations 12 b) Future Scope



1. Title of the Project.

conduct conduct

Online examination system refers to service as Online examination system refers to service as Online examination or test. It will replaced the paper work and over comes the out Comes the outcomes of traditional way of examinations usi

conduct conduct

Online examination system refers to service as Online examination system refers to service as Online examination or test. It will replaced the paper work and over comes the out Comes the outcomes of traditional way of examinations usi

Online examination or test. It will replaced the paper work and over comes the out Comes the outcomes of traditional way of examinations usi

Online examination or test. It will replaced the paper work and over comes the out Comes the outcomes of traditional way of examinations usi



2. Introduction and Objectives of the Project a. Introduction The motive behind the creation of Online Examination System is to change the way of conducting and attending examination. In this way not only we can improve the academics but also we can save a lot of resources. And more, it’ll bring more transparency, accuracy in evaluation and save money, man power and time. It will also eliminate means of unfairness in the exams. The new system will improve the accuracy and speed of the student and help them to find their true potential, their weak and strong, so that they can work in right direction. Online examinations contents providers to focus oncreating efective assessment questions and focusing onexam’s feedback delivery to students. In the paper we presenttechniques that are pertinent to the elements of assessmentprocess. answers submission! computeri"ed grading! andfeedback after submission.

b. Background Now a day computers are being used every where, in every field and it is becoming the key solution of every problems including common and uncommon one. But the examination system of schools and colleges are still following the old paper based exams, which have some disadvantages and problems that can be eliminated if we’ll adopt a new way for conducting examinations. The paper based exams have some drawbacks, i.e. it uses lots of resources like papers, man power and money. It is also very time consuming since it takes time to evaluate the copies one by one and assigning marks, which is very time consuming task. And there is no guarantee that the result is 100% correct. There are some more problems with papers based examinations that are listed below.

i. Problem with existing system 

The existing system that is paper based system requires a lot of resources like paper, man, time and money.


The current system all works are paper based from preparing questions to evaluating answer sheet, from attendance to mark sheet. Every steps use papers.

The existing system makes frequent use of man power at every level. Like for preparing question papers, guarding in examination hall, for evaluating answer sheet.

Since man performs every task hence it is very time consuming and there is no guarantee of 100% accuracy. And it requires money for paying for them which directly increase the examination fees.

There is lack of transparency in the evaluation of answer sheet. Students are kept in dark because they are not shown the answer key and how their scores have been arrived at.

Question papers are always at risk of being leaked.

There is a long delay in result publication.

ii. Solutions in new system 

Online system solves all the problems that make data storage risky, data access complicated and data processing slower and error prone.

Much time is saved from maintaining records of student details, question papers, marks, results etc.

To prevent the leak of question papers this online examination system follows the following measurements :  Diversified sources and large number of questions in the question bank.  Questions will selected randomly from question bank for each student. So that, no one knows which question they will get.  The questions will be encrypted digitally and decrypted only at the time of examination.

New system allows the students know their results and rank shortly after the exam.

This online examination system is user-friendly. 6

It minimizes the use of papers and the requirement of man power, money and time.

c. Objectives The main objective of this system is to make an online examination system where different schools and colleges register for conducting examination. Students can also register themselves to take part in the examinations conducted by any institutes. The institutions (school/colleges) will prepare question papers and notify about schedule of examination to the students so that students attend examinations. During examination, randomly selected questions from a large question bank will be asked from students. It will also give the following benefits:   

Minimize the use of paper. Reduce the requirement of man power and save time. Reduce the cost of organizing the examination. Make the examinations real time.

3. Project Category This project comes under the category of web application. It will be available to everyone, anywhere, anytime. The frontend or user interface is designed by using HTML. HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages. It describes the structure of the webpage. HTML elements are the basic building blocks of any web page defined as tags. To make the web pages attractive, CSS is used. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is the stylesheet language used to describe presentation of a document written in HTML or XML including SVG also. For making web pages dynamic, interactive and for validating the forms, JavaScript is used. JavaScript is a full-fledged dynamic programming language that, when applied to an HTML document, can provide dynamic interactivity on websites. 7

The backend is programmed in PHP, which is server-side scripting language designed specifically for the Web. Within an HTML page, we can embed PHP code that will be executed each time the page is visited. PHP code is interpreted at the web server and generates HTML or other output that the visitor will see. AJAX used for asynchronous communication between client and server. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is used for modifying the content of web pages without reloading it. For storing data used by application, MySQL Database is used. MySQL is an open source, fast, reliable and powerful Relational Database Management System. For database connectivity, PDO (PHP Data Object) is used.

4. Analysis of the Project a. DFD (Data Flow Diagram)  Context Level DFD

Examiner Exam Report

Schedule & Questions

Login Details



Students Session

Online Examination System

Exam Request


Answer Questions


Login Details



 1st Level DFD: Login


Institute Login In




Schedule Creation Schedule Schedule Information



Examinee Exam Request



Questions CreationQuestions 3.0

Exam 4.0

Question Bank



Report Marks Evaluation





 2nd Level DFD: Login


Login Details

Login Details Verify Login Details

Invalid Login Details

Invalid Login Details

1.1 Verified Login Details

Session Create







 2nd Level DFD: Exam and Result Generation


Exam Request

Submit Exam Request

Submitted Exam Request


4.1 Invalid Exam Request Answers


Questions Deliver Questions 4.3



Report 10

Verified Exam Request Questions Question Bank

Marks Calculation Check Answer Checked Answer 5.1

Verify Exam Request



b. ER Diagram ID


Institutes Email


Father’s Name



Name Password


DOB Email


Register as

Register as



Notify For


Register for





Question Bank ID





Question No.









Question Bank ID

Schedule ID








Exam ID

Correct Answer



Student ID Result ID

Exam ID


Total Marks


Rank Questions Attempt

Student ID Total Questions

5. Modules Description i. Signup Module The signup module is for new users, institutes/students, who want to use the system. The signup module provides a signup form to the user that contains several fields. User need to fill the form with right information and submit in order to create his/her account. After submission, the data of the form will be validated. If everything is okay then a new account for the user will created else the user will reported and asked for correction.

ii. Login Module The login module is for existing users, institutes/students, who are using the system. The login module provides a login form to the user that contains two fields, username and password. User need to fill the form with right information and submit in order to access his/her account. After submission, the username and password will be validated and if it is correct then a session will created and handled to the user. And if username or password or both aren’t valid then the user will be reported.

iii. Schedule Creation Module The Schedule Creation Module is for existing users, examiners only. This module will available for the user registered as Examiners. It will allow Examiners to create schedule of the upcoming examination that will conducted by them. This module will also contain a form will some fields related to schedule, i.e. date, time, duration, level, etc. The examiners will fill and submit it for validation. After validation, a new schedule will create and published on notice board for examinees.

iv. Questions Creation Module The Question Creation Module is also for existing users, examiners only. This module will available for the user registered as Examiners. It will allow Examiners to create questions for the upcoming examination that will conducted by them. This 12

module will also contain a form will some fields for questions and options. At first examiners need to number of questions they want to create. Them they will need to enter question, options and correct option. After submission the question will added in the question bank. These questions will further asked in the exam.

v. Examination Module The Examination Module is for attending online examination, for examinees. The examinee need to request for any ongoing exam to attend it. After the permission granted, some randomly selected questions from question bank will delivered to the examinee along with its options and asked examinee for choosing the answer. At last when exam will over, answers of all questions will be sent to the marks evaluation module for marks evaluation and result generation.

vi. Marks Evaluation Module The Marks Evaluation Module is for evaluating answers and calculating marks. It takes answer sheet of exam as input and processes it for calculating marks scored by examinee. It generates result of examinee and report of the exam. And deliver result to respective examinee and report to examiner.

6. Requirements Specification a. Hardware Requirement Processor


Intel Core i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz



4 GB

Hard Disk


500 GB

b. Software Requirement OS


Windows 10

Web Server


Apache Tomcat 9.0

Database Server


MySQL Server 5.1

c. Tools/Language used in development 13

Server Side Programming -


Client Side






Data Validation For Updating Web Pages


Database Connectivity Object) For Documentation





Microsoft Word 2007

Are you doing this project for any Industry/Client? Mention Yes or No. If yes, mention the name and address of the Industry/Client.

Answer: No.

7. Limitations and Future Scope a. Limitations 

The present system can’t detect if examinee is using any unfair means in examination. For that, supervisor is still needed.

The present system is suitable for objective type questions only. Descriptive type questions can’t be handled by the system.

b. Future Scope 

Support for descriptive type questions will be provided.

Detect if examinee is doing something unfair.

Works will be faster and it saves time.

Question papers will become safer.

Examinee will get the result exactly after the exam.

Can query to the examiner?

Users can give feedback to the system.


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