The Odyssey Student Packet

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,258
  • Pages: 16
Name: ________________________ Period: _____ Mr. Klauber English 9


Homer –

The Epic–

The Hero’s Journey -

Hero’s Journey

Star Wars

The Matrix

I: Departure The call to adventure

Princess Leia's message

"Follow the white rabbit"

Refusal of the call Must help with the Neo won't climb out window harvest Supernatural aid

Obi-wan rescues Luke from sandpeople

Trinity extracts the "bug" from Neo

Crossing the first threshold

Escaping Tatooine

Neo is taken out of the Matrix for the first time

The belly of the whale

Trash compactor

Torture room

The road of trials

Lightsaber practice

Sparring with Morpheus

The meeting with the goddess

Princess Leia (wears white, in earlier scripts was a "sister" of a mystic order)

The Oracle

II: Initiation

Temptation away Luke is tempted from the true by the Dark Side path1

Cypher (the failed messiah) is tempted by the world of comfortable illusions

Atonement with the Father

Darth and Luke reconcile

Neo rescues and comes to agree (that he's The One) with his father-figure, Morpheus

Apotheosis (becoming godlike)

Luke becomes a Jedi

Neo becomes The One

The ultimate boon

Death Star destroyed

Humanity's salvation now within reach

Refusal of the return

"Luke, come on!" Luke wants to stay to avenge Obi-Wan

Neo fights agent instead of running

The magic flight

Millennium Falcon

"Jacking in"

Rescue from without

Han saves Luke from Darth

Trinity saves Neo from agents

Crossing the return threshold

Millennium Falcon destroys pursuing TIE fighters

Neo fights Agent Smith

III: Return

Master of the two Victory ceremony worlds

Neo's declares victory over machines in final phone call

Freedom to live

Humans are victorious over machines

Rebellion is victorious over Empire

The Epic Hero -

The Trojan War -

The Odyssey -

Terms to Know -




“Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story Of that man skilled in all ways of contending, The wanderer, harried for years on end, After he plundered the stronghold On the proud height of Troy…”

Vocabulary Book Nine 1. Adversary 2. Appalled 3. Avenge 4. Disdain 5. Entreat 6. Formidable 7. Guile 8. Indifferent 9. Ponderous 10. Whim Book Ten 1. Beguiling 2. Stealth 3. Snare 4. Vile 5. Succumb 6. Contender 7. Enticing 8. Disconsolate 9. Chide 10. Regaled Book Twelve 1. abominably 2. lurk 3. chaos 4. scourge

5. dwindle 6. peril 7. travail 8. dire 9. anguish 10. questing Book Twenty-One – Twenty-three 1. Commandeer 2. Justification 3. plunder 4. gall 5. dithering 6. frenzy 7. omen 8. contemptible 9. wiliest 10. revelry 11. throng 12. restitution 13. implacable 14. aloof 15. desolation BOOK 9 IN THE ONE-EYED GIANT'S CAVE SCENE: In the palace of Alcinous in the land of the Phaeacians where Odysseus tells of the Lands of the Cocones and the Lotus Eaters as well as of the Island of the Cyclops. Characters to know: Polyphemus – Odysseus – The Cicones – The Lotus Eaters – Alcinous -

EPITHETS: Who is... • •

"teller of tales?" "god of the sea blue mane who rocks the earth?"

QUESTIONS: 1. Where do Odysseus and his men go first after they leave Troy?

2. How does Polyphemus prevent Odysseus and his men from leaving his cave?

3. What does Polyphemus' diet consist of?

4. Are the Cyclopes in any way civilized?

5. How does Odysseus escape the cave?

6. What mistake does Odysseus makes as he sails away?

7. What is hubris?

Heroic Qualities of Odysseus_______Weaknesses Of Odysseus

BOOK 10 THE BEWITCHING QUEEN OF AEAEA Characters to know: Aeolus The Laestrygonians Antiphates Eurylochus Circe Hermes Elpenor

EPITHETS: Who is... the nymph with the lovely braids ? QUESTIONS: 1. After the attack from the Laestrygonians, how many ships are left out of the original twelve?

2. What sort of character is Circe? What craft does she practice that Penelope also practices?

3. What does she do to Odysseus' men? How do they offend her?

4. What does Hermes give to Odysseus?

5. What makes Odysseus give in to Circe's enticements? Is this typical of him?

6. How long does Odysseus stay in Circe's palace?

7. Why does he want to leave?

8. Where must Odysseus go to learn his way home?

Extended response: A major theme in the literature of the ancient Greeks concerns the roles of fate (the nonhuman power that determines the outcome of events) and free will (the power that humans have to control events) in human life.

Which of Odysseus’ actions determine the fates of his men?

When are Odysseus and his men at the mercy of geography, of the acts of gods, and other things beyond their control?

What can you conclude about Homer’s view of the ability of human beings to control their own lives? How does this compare with YOUR view?

BOOK 12 THE CATTLE OF THE SUN SCENE: Aeaea, dangerous waters, the island of Helios (Thrinacia); the sea; Ogygia. Characters to know: Tiresias the Sirens Scylla Charybdis Eurylochus. QUESTIONS: 1. At the beginning of this episode, where have Odysseus and his men been?

2. Why has Odysseus returned to Aeaea?

3. How does Circe help him?

4. What does the episode of the Sirens tell us about Odysseus' character?

5. What advice does Odysseus take that Circe gives him about Scylla and Charybdis? What does this tell us about leadership?

6. Why are the cattle of Helios' island so tempting? How do Odysseus’ men anger the sun god?

7. What warning does Odysseus give his men?

8. This is not the first time Odysseus' warnings are ignored. Whose fault is this?

Extended response Do you think Odysseus has improved as a leader and a hero over the course of his adventures? Support your opinion with at least 3 specific examples. Consider:

• • • •

Your Odysseus’ Qualities Chart Tiresias’ warning to Odysseus about acting with restraint and control Odysseus’ power over Circe and his later obedience to her Odysseus’ treatment of his crew.

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Characters To Know: Athena Penelope Eumaeus Antinous Telemachus Philoetius Eumaeus Melanthius

Eurymachus Eurycleia Amphinomus Questions: 1. Identify the term: suitor. 2. What does Penelope arrange for the suitors who want to marry her? 3. Why does no one recognize Odysseus when he first arrives? 4. What must the stringer of the bow do with his shot? 5. What is Antinous' and Eurymachus' reaction to the challenge? 6. What is Melanthius ordered to do in order to make the bow easier to bend? 7. How does Odysseus prove his identity to the cowherd and the swineherd? 8. What does Odysseus accomplish at the end of this episode? BOOK 22 DEATH IN THE GREAT HALL 1. What is Antinous doing when Odysseus shoots him? Why is he the first victim? 2. How do the other suitors appeal to Odysseus? 3. How does Athena help Odysseus, and how much is the victory his? 4. Who tests the strength and courage of Odysseus and Telemachus? BOOK 23 THE TRUNK OF THE OLIVE TREE

1. Where does Penelope order Eurycleia to make up the bed? How does Odysseus react to this?

2. Who made the bed and what is remarkable about it?

3. What does the retelling of this story do for Odysseus?

4. What reason does Penelope give for not recognizing Odysseus earlier?

5. According to Penelope, who made Helen act as she did?

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