The Odyssey

  • May 2020
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I. Vocabulary: Tone- attitude a writer takes towards the audience, a subject, or a character Setting- time & place of a story or play Metaphor-figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things, in which one thing becomes another thing without the use of the words like, as, or than Simile-figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things using the words like and as Pun- play on the multiple meanings of a word or on two words that sound alike but have different meanings Hyperbole- figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion or to create a comic effect Irony-contrast or discrepancy between expectation and reality, between what is said and what is really meant, between what is said and what is really meant, between what is expected to happen and what really does happen, or between what appears true and what is really true Personification- kind of metaphor in which a non-human thing or quality is talked about as if it is a human 1st person point of view-character is the narrator 3rd person point of view- narrator plays no part in the story, zooms in on the thoughts of one character 2nd person point of viewEpic poetry- long story told in elevated languages which relates the great deeds of a larger than life hero that embodies the values of a particular society Allusion- a reference to a well known person, place, event, literally work, or work of art Verbal irony- writer or speaker says one thing but really means something completely different Situational Irony- there is a contrast between what would seem appropriately and what really happens or when there is a contradiction between what we expect to happen and what really does take place Dramatic irony- audience or reader knows something important that the character doesn’t know Figurative language- simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, onomatopoeia Symbolism- person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and something beyond itself Sarcasm-remarks that mean the opposite of what they seem to say and are intended to mock or deride Assonance- repeating similar vowel sounds Consonance- a close similarity between consonants or groups of consonants, especially at the ends of words Onomatopoeia- words who’s sounds imitates or suggests its meaning Plot- series of related events that make up a story Theme- central idea of work Syntax-organization of words in sentences: the ordering of and relationship between the words and other structural elements in phrases and sentences Diction-choice of words Omniscient narrator- knows everything about the characters Mood-a group of verb forms expressing a particular attitude. English has the indicative mood, expressing factual statements, the imperative mood, expressing commands, and the subjunctive mood, expressing possibilities and wishes Metonymy-a figure of speech in which an attribute of something is used to stand for the thing itself Connotation-all meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests Blank Verse-poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter Free verse-poetry without a regular meter or rhyme Prose-writing or speech in its normal continuous form, without the rhythmic or

visual line structure of poetry Rhymed verse-poetry that rhymes Rising actions-all events leading up to climax Exposition- type of writing that explains, gives info, defines, or clarifies an idea Prologue-an introductory passage or speech before the main action of a novel, play, or long poem Climax-moment of great emotional intensity or suspense in plot The Odyssey: II. Write a sentence describing each character. Athena is the goddess of wisdom and the arts of war and peace, and she is often called Pallas Athena. Calypso is a beautiful goddess-nymph who kept Odysseus on her island for seven years. Charybdis is a female monster who, three times a day, sucks water to form a whirlpool. Circe is a witch goddess who turned Odysseus’ men into pigs. Hermes is the messenger god. Odysseus was married to Penelope and had a son names Telemachus. Penelope was Odysseus wife. Polyphemus was the Cyclops that Odysseus blinded. Poseidon is the god of the sea and Zeus’ brother. He is also an enemy of Odysseus. Scylla is a female monster who has 6 heads and each head has a row of fangs. III. Answers He strings his bow. Six men are devoured by the Scylla. Ithaca is the home of Odysseus. Odysseus puts beeswax in his men’s ears. Eurylochus tells the crew that they can eat the cattle of Helios. Homer wrote the Odyssey. Ithaca is an island good for a boys training. Zeus and Hermes helped Odysseus leave Calypso. Athena was the goddess who made the sacrifice when he arrived home. Laertes is Odysseus’ father. Telemachus is Odysseus’ son. Zeus ordered Calypso to release Odysseus from her island. They make them forget their homeland so they don’t want to leave. They don’t kill him because they needed him to move the giant rock that blocked the entrance. Odysseus did not want to agitate his men and he didn’t want them to go below deck for fear that Scylla might destroy them all. They warn him about the dangers of Helios cattle. He was disguised as a beggar. They must shoot an arrow through twelve iron ax helves with Odysseus’ bow. Telemachus helped him. Romeo and Juliet Background: Shakespeare was born around April 23, 1564. Tragedy I. Write a sentence describing the characters. Romeo was the only son of Lord Montague.

Juliet was a Capulet and married Romeo when she was just 14 years old. Paris was a kinsman of the Prince and Lord Capulet chose him to marry Juliet. The Apothecary was from Mantua and he refused to sell the poison to Romeo. Tybalt was Juliet’s cousin and he killed Romeo’s friend Mercutio and Romeo killed him. Mercutio was Romeo’s friend and a relative of the Prince; he was killed by Tybalt. Benvolio was Romeo’s friend/cousin and he was the only person that Romeo told about him and Juliet. The nurse was a funny character who always seemed to be cheerful. She helped Juliet deliver messages to Romeo. Peter was a Capulet server. He escorted the nurse to meet Romeo. He is literate and cannot sing. Friar Lawrence was the priest who married Romeo and Juliet in secrecy. II. Answers Romeo was sad and in a solitary mood because he was not with Rosaline anymore.

The Nurse, Benvolio, and Friar Lawrence were the only people who knew about the secret marriage. Juliet went to the Nurse to confide in her love of Romeo. Romeo was supposed to be at the tomb when Juliet woke. Paris was there to mourn over her. His fate at the end was that he was the cause of Romeo and Juliet’s death. The purpose of the prologue was to predict the deaths at the end. Mercutio is a foil to Romeo because Mercutio doesn’t take love seriously like Romeo does, and Mercutio is out going and more carefree about things than Romeo is. They first met at the Capulet’s ball. Because Tybalt is now family to Romeo. He was banished to Mantua. Dramatic irony. III. Identifying Quotations: This quote predicts that the two will die because that is what is meant to happen. The Prince says this quote.

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