The New Rwanda Genocide For Tomorrow

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,174
  • Pages: 15
The location of Rwanda

Facts about Rwanda Population 8,722,000 Capital Kigali; 656,000 Area 26,338 square kilometers (10,169 square miles) Language Kinyarwanda, French, English, Kiswahili Religion Roman Catholic, Protestant, Adventist, Muslim Currency Rwandan franc Life Expectancy 40 GDP per Capita U.S. $1,200 Literacy Percent 70

Main sources of income are tourism , agriculture and foreign aid

Colonization in Rwanda brings division among the Rwandans.

Before the Tutsi people invaded Rwanda in the 14th or 15th century, the Hutu were clan based and all the power was held by clan kings. European rule changed the leadership ; both country was a colony between 1890 and 1962. Both the Germans (ruling from 1890-1918) and the Belgians who followed Germans favoured the Tutsi people and considered the Tutsi to be of superior race to the Hutu (even though the Tutsi were the minority). This caused angry and resentment in the hearts of many Hutu and caused many problems along the road of history. With that resentment after the Hutu got the power the preferred the French to the Belgians because they had suffered from servitude by the Tutsi (under Belgian colonisation)The measuring of the length of people's noses and their heights as to know whether they are Tutsi or Hutu There was an introduction of identity cards which showed whether one was a Hutu or Tutsi or Twa by the Belgians. This was among the things that led to the division among the Rwandans

Historical background of the tutsi and hutu Around the 14 century, the Tutsies migrated to Rwanda from Ethiopia because they were cattle-herding warriors and therefore traveled and migrated to follow their cattle and give them the best place to live. There is evidence that the Hutus were pastoral, not nomadic, prior to the arrival of the Tutsies. Many Tutsies stayed in Rwanda once they arrived and changed their way of life from cattleherding to farming. The Tutsies did not come into Rwanda all at once, it was a gradual migration that was mostly peaceful. The Tutsies used their cattle ownership (because cattle are a symbol of power and wealth) and advanced fighting skills to gain economic, political, and social control over the Hutus. Soon after the Tutsies settled in Rwanda, a Tutsi king came into power. Eventually, land ownership was taken away from the Hutus and given to the Tutsi king, called the Mwami.

The differences between Tutsi and Hutu 

The Hutu

The Tutsi

Original settlers

Came from Ethiopia

Long and long noses

Light skinned

Short and have short nose

A bit dark and strong


Nomadic life before

Cattle keepers

The major cause of genocide 

 

After the death of them genocide started 1=(100)=1000000 Where two elephants fight it is the grass to suffer

How did genoccide happen? 

The dead bodies being buried in a mass grave

It all started by the shooting of the plane that was carrying the president(s) from the meeting for signing the peace treaty 6th April 1994, the hutu miltia that was supporting the ruling party began to kill the tutsis who lived were in Rwanda Since the head of the hutu army had been removed, it was soon defeated and the tutsi rebels from Uganda with the help of Ugandan gov't overthrew the hutu gov't During the war the tutsis also took some revenge and killed the hutu civilians who had not been able to take refugee in the neighbouring countries. In 100 days about 1 million tutsis had been killed by the hutu miltia and army However during the process of revenge the tutsi army also killed around 2 million


Where the corpses were damped.

River Kagera, the border between Rwanda and TZ

The effects of genocide 

Over 1million died Over 2m refugees in the neighbouring countries The downfall of Zaire and the rise of DR Congo The invasion of DR Congo by Uganda and Rwanda Little attention to Yugoslav wars. Tribal conflict and harassment among Rwandans Economy of the country declined Neo-colonialism by British or

The Great Lakes refugee crisis 

Many refugees died of malnutrition diseases During forced repatriation many lost their lives. Thrown in river Kagera

The remains of the killed

The truth about what stimulated the beginning of genocide The Hutu and Tutsi people lived together peacefully before being colonized. European missionaries taught the Hutu to view themselves as oppressed and rebelled against the Tutsies. Hutu overthrew the Tutsi leadership in 1950's. This reversed the traditional roles in the Rwandan society; the Tutsi were oppressed and had no power any more In 1990 Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), the Tutsi political party based in Uganda by then got support and started spreading the propaganda against the Hutu gov't and the civil war began The internal conflicts in Rwanda began and tension grew through the country as the Hutu suppressed the minority Tutsi..

In 1993, a ceasefire was created, helped by the UN. A multi party constitution was created as well (both Hutu and Tutsi had political power). Hutu planned the "Final Solution to end the war by deciding to kill all the Tutsi within the country who collaborated with their kinsmen outside fighting the Hutu This started on April 6, 1994 when the plane carrying the Rwandan president, Juvenal Habyarimana, and the Burundi president, Cyprian Ntayamira, was shot down from rocket fire (the source is unknown) near Kigali. The 2 president were coming from a meeting of East and central African leaders in Tanzania, in which Rwandan(Hutu) president was to sign a peace treaty with the Tutsi rebel on power sharing to end ethnic violence in Rwanda and also Burundi.

The aftermath 


New rwanda Tutsi


English against French in Rwanda .


Old Rwanda Hutu

The setting up of gacaca(internaltribunal court to judge the hutu that participated in genocide) Reconciliation and uniting the 2 tribes The neo-colonialism by U.K or U.S.A and the introduction of English as an official language replacing French. Uganda source of English and Neo-colonialism in Rwanda.

U.N and other nations intervention 

The failure of UN in accomplishing its aims to fulfil peace agreement treaty and protect it by UNAMIR After people had fled to the neighbouring countries, U.N abolished its support and this forced them to repatriate in unstable political situations and more died. Failure to take action on the people that took part on the main cause of genocide(ICC) However it is said that UN had more attention on Yugoslavian war

Other nations that took part in genocide either positively or negatively Uganda:supported the rebels(Tutsi)to overthrow Hutu gov't Beligium: soldiers to keep peace USA: support by giving food and arms during the war. France, Israel, Netherlands : medical care in the refugee camps DR Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, and Burundi: Asylum The others helped after by donating to reconstruct what had been devastated.

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