The New Commandments Of God.

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NEW COMMANDMENTS OF GOD BROUGHT TO THE WORLD BY HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. 1. ALL CHRISTIANS MUST BE BAPTIZED IN WATER, AS DID OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE JORDAN RIVER. THE LORD IS WHO BAPTIZED HIS FOLLOWERS WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. THE BAPTISM IN WATER REPRESENTS THE GENUINE REPENTANCE OF OUR SINS. In Matthew 3:11. John the Baptist said: Surely I baptize you with water as the sign of your repentance, but there is one who comes after me, who I'm not even worthy to carry his shoes. He, who is mightier than I, will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. (CST-IBS). This explains that water baptism signifies the repentance of our sins before starting a life with Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and this may be before or after water baptism. 2. CHRISTIANS TO OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD THROUGH CHRIST AND TEACHING OTHERS TO OBEY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Matthew 5:19. He says: So if someone does not obey one of the mandates of God, even the least important, is the least important person in the kingdom of God. The same will happen to teach others to disobey. But to obey the commandments and teach others to obey, will be very important in the kingdom of God. (BLS). Please note that Christ is referring to the commandments, which he asks us to observe, and does not refer specifically to the commandments of the Law of Moses. 3. IS NOT ENOUGH TO SAY THAT CHRIST IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD, ALSO WE MUST OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS. Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says that I am your Lord and Master will enter the kingdom of God. That is not enough; you have to obey the commandments of my Father in heaven. This verse demonstrates that God and His Son Jesus Christ is more important to obey the commandments he has given us and not stay in front of the altar or church saying we are children of God. 4. GOD ASKS US TO OBEY THE FIRST TWO COMMANDMENTS, BEFORE COMPLYING WITH ALL THE RITES AND DUTIES IN THE CHURCH. Mark 12:33. We are to love God with all our being and love others as we love ourselves. These commandments are more important than fulfilling all the rites and religious duties. Again, our Lord Jesus Christ shows that it is important to keep his commandments before the Church are doing religious rites. The true orders of God's commands are: 1) Love God above all things, with our entire mind, with all our forces. 2) Love your neighbor, which is to love our family, siblings, friends, neighbors and so on. And love our self, that is careful, away from evil, avoid the vices and so on. Only after this, they must do all the other good works, which includes going to church. In other words, there is no point going to praise and worship God in the church, unless they wholeheartedly love God, neighbor and ourselves. 5. CHRIST REQUESTS TO OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS AND THAT WE ARE HUMBLE AND PATIENT LIKE HIM. Matthew 11:29. Obey my commandments and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble indeed. May rest with me. Father God give into the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ everything including his commandments, which is why we must obey the commandments left by Christ in the New Testament to be saved. Furthermore, Christ tells us to be patient and humble like him. Your reward will be that we achieve the peace that only he can give. 6. THE TRUE FAMILY OF CHRIST IS WHO FOLLOW THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD FATHER THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. Matthew 12:50 "These are my mother and my brothers. For anyone who obeys the commandments of my Father in heaven is really my mother, my brother and my sister. Christ made clear that those he considers his families are those who obey the commandments brought by him from God the Father. It should be noted that the family of Christ on Earth truly believed in him until after he was resurrected, and ascended to heaven.

7. THE FALSE TEACHERS ARE LIKE THE PHARISEES, WHO PREFERS TO RECEIVE MONEY FROM THE PEOPLE RATHER THAN OBEY WHAT GOD COMMANDS. Matthew 15:5 "But you say you do not disobey God if he tells his parents:" I cannot help them because God promised to give all I have, including my money. “You ignore the commandments of God, so to follow their own customs. Jesus told the false teachers who were hypocrites because they told their followers not care if they could help their parents as long as they give their tithe to the temple because these false teachers appropriated the tithe and made rich . True Christians should only meet the requirements of God in the New Testament and not implement religious and human behavior 8. MEET THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF THE OLD COVENANT NOT SUFFICIENT TO BE SAVED AND TO GET ETERNAL LIFE. Matthew 19:18 to 21. The young man asked: - What commandments? Jesus said, "Do not kill, do not be unfaithful in your marriage, do not steal, do not lie against another person, respect your father and your mother loves others as much as you love yourself. Then the boy said, "All these commandments I have obeyed. What else can I do? Jesus said, "If thou wilt be perfect, sell what you have and give money to the poor. So God will give you a great reward in heaven. Then come and become one of my fans. These verses show that it is not sufficient to comply with the ten commandments of the law of Moses to be saved, it must also share with the poor the blessings God has given us and follow Christ. These verses show that the theology of prosperity who preaches some churches is not from God. 9. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT IS A SUMMARY ONLY TWO COMMANDMENTS FROM THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF THE OLD COVENANT. Matthew 22:36 40. Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law of Moses? Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with thy entire mind. This commandment is the first and most important, and the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself. “On these two commandments hang all the Law of Moses and spoken by the prophets. (Version CST-IBS). Christ explains that the Law of Moses is summed up in these first two commandments and it is logical because if you fail in those first two commandments will hardly going to steal, lie or kill others and break the other commandments least minor damage to your neighbor. 10. CHRISTIAN SHOULD CARE YOUR VOCABULARY AND SHOULD NOT USE BAD LANGUAGE OR INSULT OTHER BECAUSE IT IS IMPURE INFRONT OF GOD. Mark 7:15. The food that enters your mouth does not make them unclean before God. What make them impure are the insults and bad words out of his mouth.“ In this verse Jesus asks us to look after our mouth with swear words and insults to others, if we do the opposite then if we become impure. While the meals do not make us unclean because God told the Apostle Peter: Do not call your impure what God cleanse. 11. THE CHRISTIAN SHOULD NOT CURSING ANYONE, NOT EVEN ANGRY, BLESS TO BE MADE THAT ANY DAMAGE AND ASK GOD FOR THEM. Matthew 5:22 But now I assure you that anyone who is angry with another has to go to trial. Anyone who insults another shall be brought to court. And the one who curses is cast into the fire of hell. Jesus teaches us that we must not curse and that Christians should not insult to others; however, we must bless all to become children of God. 12. YOU MUST RECONCILE WITH SOMEONE YOU HAVE MADE HIM ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR OFFERING TO BE VALID THE EYES OF GOD. Matthew 5:23 and 24 "So if you take the altar of the temple an offering to God, and there remember that someone is angry with you, leave the gift before the altar, go at once to reconcile with that person, then of it returns to present your gift to God. Here Christ teaches us anything that helps us give offerings if we are angry with others who have done them any harm. So that the offering is to please God we must forgive and remain reconciled with those, we have done them any harm.

13. CHRISTIAN WOMEN MUST TO DRESS DECENT, BECAUSE THE MAN WHO SEE HER AND WISH HER SEXUALLY FALL IN SIN. SHE FALL IN SIN TOO BECAUSE SHE SERVE HOW A STUMBLING BLOCK TO THE MEN. Matthew 5:28 and 29. But now I assure you that if a man looks at another woman and wants to have sex with her and was unfaithful in his heart. "If what you see with your right eye causes you to disobey God, take it out and throw it away. It is better to lose a body part and not the whole body be cast into hell. Although Christ is referring to a man, women today should not be provocative to show their bodies and their sexual attributes to not being an obstacle to men (See 2nd. Corinthians 6:3) and that men look, the wish, be small, and therefore stop the hell. Men should take care not to stay in places where there are provocative women not to fall into the temptation to look at them and desire them. The true Christian church should not tolerate women "dressed" with sexual attraction (Mini skirts, necklines on tops, pants tight to their bodies, etc.).. 14. GOD ALLOWS DIVORCE ONLY FOR INFIDELITY EVIDENCED IN ANY OF THE SPOUSES. Matthew 5:32. But now I say that man can only divorce if his wife has sex with another man. If he divorces his wife for another reason, threatening to commit the same sin. If the woman remarries, she and her new husband is guilty of adultery. The Lord teaches us that man should not divorce his wife unless he finds his wife having sex with another man. The woman cannot marry another man unless her husband has died or vice versa. And single men should not marry a divorced woman unless the woman is a widow, a similar event for women. Otherwise, they commit the sin of adultery. 15. WE MUST NOT TO SWEAR BY NOTHING, EVEN IF FOR OUR LIFE BECAUSE LIFE IS PROVIDED BY OUR GOD. THE EARTH BELONGS TO GOD; THE HUMANS ONLY MANAGE WHAT GOD GIVES US. Matthew 5:34 to 37. But now I tell you that when they promise something, do not make any oath. Do not swear by heaven, it is the throne of God, or swear by earth, because God rules over it. Nor swear by Jerusalem, for this city belongs to God, the great King. Never swear by his life, because you do not own it. If you are going to do something say yes, and if they are not going to do say no. Everything you say comes from the devil more. Christ teaches us that we should not swear by anything, not even in our own lives because the owner of our lives is God. And much less swear by God. We should only say yes or no according to our possibilities of doing something. It is better not to promise to do something, and not promise something we cannot meet. 16. THE TRUE CHRISTIAN MUST NOT RETURN EVIL FOR EVIL Matthew 5:39 to 42. But now I say: Do not try to take revenge on who hurts them. If someone slaps you on one cheek, ask that they also hit on the left. If someone accuses them before a judge and wants to strip the shirt, give him also your coat. If a soldier forces you to carry a load by a mile, you do it for two miles. Who ask them something; give it, and whom they borrow, borrow them. Christ teaches us that we should not repay evil for evil, but quite the opposite if we do wrong we must do them good. We must love our enemies, as God sends rain on the good and bad, and the sunrises over rich and poor. We must not love material things. 17. IF WE WANT TO BE PERFECT AS GOD, WE MUST LOVE OUR ENEMIES. Matthew 5:44, 45 and 48. But now I say: Love your enemies and pray for those who mistreat them. Thus shown to act as his Father God in heaven. He makes the sun rises on the good and the bad. He sends rain for the good of those who obey and those who do not obey. You must be perfect as God; your Father in heaven is perfect. If we want to be perfect in obedience to God must be like him. God so loved the world that He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross so that through His death and resurrection to be saved and we obtain eternal life. 18.


6:1 to 4. "When you do a good deed, not announce it everywhere, otherwise, God the Father will not give them any prize.”If one of you helping the poor, do not get to publish it in the synagogues and in the places where people spend, not what the hypocrites, who want people's praise. I assure you that this is the only award they receive. "When anyone of you helps the poor, do not tell anyone. So the aid will be kept confidential, and God the Father who knows this secret, will give you your prize. When you help, the poor your left hand must not know that the right hand do, because if you listed it from the rooftops God will not reward you. However, if you do a good works in secret the God reward you in public. 19. GOD LISTENS TO YOU IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIANS PRAYER AND IF YOU MEET HIS MANDATES WRITES IN THE NEW COVENANT. Matthew 6:5 to 8. "When you pray, do not like the hypocrites. They love to see that people pray. So pray standing in the synagogues and in the places where many people pass. Rest assured that they will have no reward. "When anyone of you pray, do it alone. Go to your room, close the door and there in secret talk with God, his Father, for he gives what is asked in secret. "When you pray, do not use many words, as do those who do not truly know God. They believe God will make them much more if they speak. Not to imitate them, because God, our Father knows what you need, even before being asked. The true Christian should pray on their knees and worship with his head down and with respect, not leaving the sentence for any reason until you have completed your pray. Prayer is heard by God especially if done in secret. We must not repeat the same form of prayer each time you pray. God hears the prayers of his children who obey and implement what they learn from his word. God pays no heed to the prayers of people who talk a lot and do not implement the orders left by our Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament. 20. THE PRAYER MUST REQUEST TO GOD IN THE NAME OF CHRIST. Matthew 6:9 to 13. "You should pray: Our Father which art in heaven: That we all know that you are the true God. Come and be our only king. Let all who live on earth will obey you, as you obey those who are in heaven. Give us the food we need today. Forgive the evil we do, as we forgive those who do us harm. And when the tests come, we do not let them depart from you, and deliver us from the power of the devil." This is the Lord's Prayer is the correct way to address God taught by Jesus Christ. It is appropriate to ask God the Father in the Name of Christ Jesus, because he is the mediator between God and men. Furthermore, Christ said: Whatever you ask in my name I will be given to you for be glorified in the son's father and father's son. . 21. GOD FORGIVES THOSE WHO FORGIVE THEIR FELLOW MEN. Matthew 6:14 and 15. "If you forgive others that have done evil, God, your Father in heaven will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you. Always remember that as we forgive those who have done us any harm, so far God will forgive us. 22. THE FAST MUST BE MAKE TRULY AND NOT WITH HYPOCRISY TO BE NICE IN THE EYES OF GOD. Matthew 6:16 to 18: "When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites. They like people to know they are fasting. I assure you that this will be the only reward they receive. When you fast, rinse well and washes your face so that people do not realize they are fasting. Only God, the Father who knows all the secrets, you know you are fasting and give them their prize. We must not go telling others that we are fasting so that our fasting is pleasing to the eyes of God. Make your fast in gratitude to God for what He has given us, but especially when we pray or cry out for God to remove any evidence or prove. 23. WE SHOULD NOT LOVE MATERIAL WEALTH, IS BEST STORE IN THE SKY THE MOST VALUABLE OF OUR LIVES. Matthew 6:19 through 24. "Do not try to pile up riches here on earth. Those things are spoiled or are destroyed by the moth. In addition,

thieves can enter and steal. It is better to observe in the sky the most valuable of his life. Here, things do not spoil nor moth destroys. Nor thieves can come in and steal. Remember to always put all your attention on where your riches are. "The sincere person is always so generous and doing well. It's like living in the light. But in the mean and jealous person always goes wrong, it's as if he lived in complete darkness. "No slave can work for two masters at the same time, because love always obey or more to one than another. Similarly, you cannot serve both God and mammon. These verses show that churches that preach the prosperity doctrine are false. Because you cannot love God and Riches at the same time, Christ said: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man in the kingdom of heaven. Also teaches us that people who are in the spotlight are sincere and generous people, and instead stingy and jealous people are in darkness. 24. WE MUST FORGIVE THE WRONGDOERS TO 490 TIMES. Matthew 18:21 and 22. Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, Lord, how often should I forgive my brother if he does something bad to me? Should I forgive him seven times? Jesus replied: I'm not saying seven times, but seventy times seven. True Christians must forgive those who have done us any harm to 490 times if we want God to forgive us. Let God take care of criminals, Vengeance is mine said the Lord, he who sows evil, reap evil. 25. THE MINISTER MUST BE PREACHING THE GOSPEL BUT ALSO BECOME AND KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF JESUS CHRIST. Matthew 23:1 3. Then Jesus, addressing the crowd that had gathered with his disciples, said, the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' chair. Therefore, you must do and fulfill everything they tell you that you have reached. But do not do what they do because they do what they say to do. If we become leaders or ministers of a congregation to preach, we must not only good preacher but also set a good example that calls the word of God. In other words, we must lead by good example of Christian behavior and not just preach nice and funny. 26. MINISTERS SHOULD NOT PUT HEAVY BURDENS ON THE SHEEP. Matthew 23:4. (The Pharisees) prepare heavy burdens and grievous to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders, while they themselves do not even try to move a finger. All their works they do for people to see, only for show, wide strips are placed on the arms and forehead, and wearing robes with large tassels. Ministers should not put the sheep on services they do not want, because service to God is voluntary and the sheep should be taken the service as a privilege and not a burden. Ministers should not dress differently from other members of God's people. 27. MINISTERS MUST NOT CALL MASTER AND THEY SHOULD NOT BE USED THE FIRST CHAIRS, SEATS BE MAJOR FOR THE PEOPLE WHO COME FOR FIRST TIME TO A CHURCH IN SEARCH OF GOD. Matthew 23:6. (For the Pharisees) I look forward to occupy the seats at banquets most distinguished and the chief seats in the synagogues and on the street when they love to greet people by calling them the "Master, master!" But you do not pretend that no one will call you "master" because only one is your Master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren of one another. Here the Lord teaches us that only he is the master and that a true Christian church should not have hierarchy and we should all behave the same level and call each other brothers. 28. WE MUST NOT CALL FATHER OR PASTOR ANYONE IN THE CHURCH. Matthew 23:9 and 10. You must call "father" nobody on earth, since only one is your Father who is in heaven. Neither let them call you "tutor", since only one is your Guardian, the Christ. It is clear that nobody can call parent or guardian = (protector or pastor) in a church. The real titles to call preachers or Christian leaders are Minister of God, Elder, the Servant of God or Priest.

29.THE HUMBLEST SERVER WILL BE EXALTED IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Matthew 23:11 and 12. Establishing the most important among all of you, get your server. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. In the Kingdom of God, the most important is the most humble servant within a congregation, someone who serves God and others in the humblest tasks. He is the brother who does not feel the service as a burden but a privilege that God has given. 30. MINISTERS MUST NOT CLOSE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN TO SHEEP, PREACHING AND BEHAVIOR FALSELY. Matthew 23:13, 15. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!, Before men that you shut the kingdom of heaven, and neither you nor forsake you enter anyone between. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who compass sea and land to secure a proselyte, and once you do it achieved twice the child of hell than yourselves. This shows that Christ described by a false minister instead of taking the sheep to the Kingdom of God, they leads to hell twice. Care brothers do not congregate in a church from false doctrine!. 31. WE MUST NOT SWEAR BY ANYTHING, NOT EVEN BY DOR LIFE BECAUSE IT IS NOT OUR MUCH LESS AND SWEAR BY GOD. Matthew 23.16 and 17 to 22. Woe to you, blind guides, who say: 'If one swears by the temple, is not bound to anything, what really is required to swear by the gold of the temple. “Fools and blind, what is more important, the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold? You say also: "If one swears by the altar, is not bound to anything, what really is required to swear by the gift that is upon the altar." Fools and blind, what is more important, the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? He who swears by the altar, swears by it and also everything about him, and he who swears by the temple, swears by it and by God, who dwells, and he who swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God and by God himself, who sits on it. Christ commands said that do not swear by anything, even for our lives because this belongs to God. Jesus Christ said: That your not a "no" and your whether it be a resounding "yes". 32. CARE WITH PRACTICE THE TITHE BECAUSE THIS IF THE PHARISEES OR FALSE TEACHERS DID. Matthew 23:23 to 26. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who give tithes of mint, dill and cumin, but you leave aside the bulk of the law, which is justice, mercy and faith. Yes, give your tithes, but do not fail to do what is most important. Blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel you!. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!, Which scrupulously cleanse the cup and dish out, but you let the inside are full of rapine and licentiousness. Blind Pharisee, first clean the inside glass, and so, at the same time, be clean on the outside. Beware of paying or receiving the Tithe for this if they did the false teachers with the purpose of being seen and so that others do the same. Thus accumulated wealth that rightfully theirs. A false teacher only care receive the tithe and not care about justice, mercy, and faith. 33. REAL CHRISTIANS SHOULD NOT BE HYPOCRITICAL BUT PUT A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR OTHERS, OSEA PREACH BUILDING WELL WITH WORDS, BUT ALSO WITH OUR GOOD BEHAVIOR. Matthew 23:27 and 28. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, you are like whitewashed tombs, very beautiful outside, but inside full of dead men's bones and all sorts of impurities. Just as you, who you appear to view people as people straight, but inside are full of hypocrisy and wickedness. Hypocrisy is one of the worst sins committed by the Pharisees and false ministers, because they pretend to be holy and yet they are stealing, murdering, robbing widows and orphans and other members of the congregations. If realize is more sincere an attacker who steals but he does not say that he is a saint. 34. THE PHARISEES OR FALSE MINISTERS, FALSE APOSTLES AND FALSE TEACHERS DID NOT ESCAPE THE DAMNATION OF HELL. Matthew 23:29 to 34. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who build mausoleums in honor of the prophets and adorn the

graves of the righteous, and say, 'If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have been complicit in the death of his the prophets. “But that way you recognize the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Well, I just you to fill the measure of your forefathers! Snakes, children of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?. I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes about the kill and crucify, and others will give them whipped in the synagogues and persecute from city to city. This message of Christ is not just for the Pharisees of Christ's time, but also for false church leaders today. 35. GOOD CHRISTIAN SHOULD NOT BE A HYPOCRITE, DO NOT PREACH WELL IN PUBLIC AND DO BAD THINGS IN SECRET. Luke 12:1 Jesus turned to his disciples and said: Above all, beware of the Pharisees and the hypocrisy of their religion, which is like yeast in the flour stuck. True Christians should not be hypocritical in our religion, we must do what Christ instructed us not just preach it. We must be careful and stay away from the false apostles, false shepherds, false prophets and false teachers. 36. ALL PREDICATE AND ALL REVEALED FOR CHRIST IS WORD OF GOD BROUGHT TO THE WORLD BY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD. John 12:50 And I know that his commandment is eternal life. So whatever I speak, I speak as the Father has told me that I must speak. Christ explains and ensures that your entire gospel comes from God the Father and not from him directly, therefore, who fulfills the mandates of the New Testament is complying with the New Covenant between God and men. 37. THE REAL CHRISTIANS SHOULD WASH THE FEET OF OUR BROTHERS LIKE ONE ANOTHER SIGN OF HUMILITY AND EQUALITY BETWEEN BROTHERS. IN THE TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST SHOULD NOT HAVE HIERARCHIES. IF YOU MEET THIS MANDATE, THE LORD PROMISES BLESSINGS FOR OUR CONGREGATION AND FOR US. John 13:13 to 17. Look, you call me Master and Lord, and do well because it's true that I am. For as I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet to you, you also ought to wash the feet of one another. I have given this example to do as I have done. Because bear in mind that the servant is not greater than his master, nor the messenger is more than one who sent it. So, you know, put it into practice and you are walking in the paths of blessing. If Christ is the Son of God washed the feet of his apostles, who are we to disobey this mandate. 38. CHRIST EMPHASIZES THAT IF WE REALLY LOVE HIM WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, FOR FATHER GOD LOVE US AND CHRIST MANISFIESTE US TOO. John 14:15 and 14:21. If you really love me, keep the commandments I gave you. He who receives my commandments and keeps them, it is who really loves me and because he loves me, my Father will love him and I love him and reveal myself to him. The word "keep" means: Being obedient to God through mandates left by Christ and his word, to defend the true Christian doctrine, care for, monitor, and comply with mandates left by Christ. In addition, to observe, maintain, preserve, retain, respect and obey the word of God described in the New Testament warning about the danger of losing our soul = (evangelize) have confidence and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, 39. IF WE REALLY LOVE CHRIST AND GOD THE FATHER IS NECESSARY TO MEET THE COMMANDMENTS LEFT FOR CHRIST AND NOT ENOUGH JUST SAY OR PREACH. John 14:23, 24 and 15:10. Jesus answered, saying: He who loves me fulfill the commandments I gave you, and my Father will love him too, and come to him to live with us. However, that does not love me, not going to do my commandments. However, remember that everything that you say is not mine but the Father who sent me. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love. Currently only through fulfilling the commandments left by Christ, we can justify before God the Father, no other name given among men, where we must be saved.

40. CHRISTIANS SHOULD NOT EATING FOOD OFFERED TO IDOLS AND LESS ADORABLE, EITHER EAT OR TAKE BLOOD OR WITHOUT BLEED MEAT OR DROWNED ANIMALS AND NOT PARTICIPATE IN ALL KINDS OF SEXUAL PERVERSION. Acts 15:29. Not eat food offered to idols, no blood, no bleed meat or meat of animals drowned, and, of course, abstain from all kinds of sexual perversion. You would do well to guard you from these things. Have fun. Here Christ commands primarily to not participate in any kind of ritual or worship idols and not to drink or eat animal blood because blood is the life of animals. Sexual perversion is to be understood by any intimate relationship with someone other than your wife, or sex is permitted only in a lawful marriage. Please note that the 613 commandments of the Law of Moses in the Old Testament were given by God to the ancient Israelites and are now annulled for Christians in the New Covenant. 41. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT WERE SUMMARY FOR CHRIST IN THE NEW TESTAMENT TO TWO COMMANDMENTS. Romans 13:9. For all the commandments of the law of God (not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, you shall not covet, or any warrant) are summarized in this single sentence: "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." We must understand that Christ said that in the first two commandments of God are the law and the prophets. So in the new covenant are only two commandments: 1) Love the Lord your God with all thy soul with all your heart and with all your strength. 2) Love your neighbor as you love yourself. It is logical to assume that if you love your neighbor is not going to rob them or kill, adultery, coveting or do other evils. 42. THE CIRCUMCISION IS NOT VALID IN THE NEW COVENANT AND THIS VERSE SHOWS THAT THE LAW OF MOSES IS CANCELED FOR THE CHRISTIANS OF TODAY. 1 Corinthians 7:19. Being or not being circumcised is the least important, what really matter is to please God by keeping His commandments. Here the Apostle Paul demonstrates that the mandate of the old covenant circumcision is no longer important for us Christians. Now we must do what Christ said to find the soul's salvation and justification before God the Father. 43. MAN SHOULD NOT COVER HIS HEAD IN THE WORSHIP TO GOD, WHILE THE CHRISTIAN WOMAN MUST COVER HER HEAD FOR PRAY OR WORSHIP TO GOD. THIS COMMANDMENT SHOWS THE MAGNETS LIABILITY TO ORDER AND AUTHORITY OF GOD. 1 Corinthians 11:7 to 10. The male should not cover his head, because God created in the image of his own glory but the glory of man is woman. Because it is man from woman, but woman from man that. Nor did the first man was created because of the woman, but woman for man. The woman then should cover their heads to signify that is subject to authority, and because of the angels. In the place of prayer and worship to God the man should not cover his head, while the woman if they must do to comply with the order and authority of God. The headscarf or veil must be worn by the sisters, women who do not do this as a sign of disobedience to God. 44. CHRIST GAVE THE ORDER TO EAT IN YOUR MEMORY THE SAINT DINNER OR THE SACRAMENT AS THE SEAL OF THE NEW COVENANT BETWEEN GOD AND MEN. IN ADDITION,TO ANNOUNCE THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS. 1 Corinthians 11:23 to 29. I received of the Lord that which I have already taught: that night he was betrayed, Jesus took bread, gave thanks to God, broke it and said, "Take, eat, this is my body, broken in your benefit. Do this in remembrance of me. " In the same way he took the cup after supper and said, "This cup is the new covenant of God with you, sealed with my blood. Whenever you drink the cup, do it in memory of me. “Therefore, every time you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord died for you. Do it well until he returns. So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily sins against the body and blood of the Lord. Therefore, everyone should examine yourself before eating the bread and drink the cup, because he who eats this bread and drink this cup unworthily, not discerning that it is the body of the Lord, come and view of God baby himself. Beware the Last Supper, only be

taken by respecting the new covenant, which is that who have faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and are described in the literature in the New Testament. Those who still practice the Law of Moses or Old Testament and other human doctrines should not take the Lord's Supper, because they eat trial. 45. THE PROPHECIES IN TODAY'S CHURCHES ARE NOT PROPHECIES, ARE WARRANT SPURS ON THE BROTHERS AND MUST AGREE TO THE NEW COVENANT. NOW WE CANNOT ADD TO THE BIBLE PROPHECIES. 1Corinthians 14:37. If any of you considered himself a prophet, or has some other gifts of the Holy Spirit, be better placed than anyone to admit that I'm writing as are the commandments of God. The prophecies in today's churches are encouraging exhortations and encouragement to the brothers and they should all be done according to true Christian doctrine. We must understand that we cannot add to the Bible prophecies also those that are to Revelation. 46. CHRIST WITH HIS DEATH ABOLISHED THE MOSAIC LAW AND SUMMARIZED THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD TO BRING OUT ONE GROUP BETWEEN JEWS AND GENTILES. Ephesians 2:15. (Jesus) With his death ended the enmity caused by the commandments and ordinances of the Mosaic Law, for, after abolishing this legal system, was part of himself to both groups, and created one new man. So there was peace. This verse explains that today only through Christ there is salvation and eternal life. The Jews themselves have to receive to Christ for salvation; the fulfillment of the Mosaic law no longer applies to salvation. 47. NEITHER THE JEWISH FABLES, NOR THE LAW OF MOSES IS CURRENTLY IN THE NEW COVENANT TO BE FULFILLED BY CHRISTIANS. Titus 1:14 and not be fooled by Jewish fables and commandments of individuals who "have departed from the truth. The false teachers from the Pharisees even some ministers today, certain commandments continue to practice the old covenant and others invented by them to confuse the brothers who seek God and leading them astray, lead them to eternal damnation. 48. ALL WHO PUT THEIR FAITH AND TRUST IN CHRIST RECEIVE THE SAME BLESSING THAT ABRAHAM RECEIVED, BUT WHICH CLING TO THE LAW OF MOSES TO SAVED, ARE UNDER THE CURSE OF GOD. Galatians 3:9 and 10 say, so all who put their faith in Christ receive the same blessings that Abraham received. Instead, to save those who cling to the Mosaic Law are under the curse of God, as Scripture says: "Cursed is he who does not meet each and every one of the provisions contained in the book of the law." We Christians we should not practice or put our trust in the law of Moses to save us, because by doing this we are denying Christ the Son of God. Brothers be careful you must not practice commandments of the Law of Moses as: Tithing, the first fruits, Seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday or embody the Physical Circumcision and others, because the churches that do this, are under the curse of God. 49. WE CURRENTLY JUSTIFIED BEFORE GOD ONLY THROUGH CHRIST. WE CANNOT JUSTIFY BEFORE GOD FULFILLING THE LAW OF MOSES THE OLD TESTAMENT. WE JUST MEET THE NEW COVENANT. Galatians 5:4 and 5. He says: "You have broken with Christ all who seeks justice in the law (of Moses). Have you away from grace. Well, the Spirit moves us to wait for the expected real faith for justice. The true Christian church should live faithfully in the New Testament and cannot be in the Law of Moses, because then we are denying Christ and therefore not the Holy Spirit moves us to keep the faith and attain the righteousness of God. Much less we can be both covenants at a time as they do today most churches. Now we need to be on the stage of faith and grace in our Lord Jesus Christ who is the New Testament. The Law of Moses was for the ancient people of Israel, at present only through Christ we can find salvation and eternal life, because God the Father gave Jesus all power of salvation. 50. WE MUST PRAY TO GOD IN SORROW, SING TO GOD IN JOY, ASK GOD FOR THE SICK AND ANOINT THEM WITH OIL, ASK GOD FOR FORGIVENESS OF SINS, CONFESS OUR SINS TO EACH OTHER, PRAY FOR EACH OTHER, THE PRAY OF FAIR IS EFFECTIVE IN FRONT OF GOD. James

5:13 to 16. If any of you are upset, please prayer if one is gay, sing praises to the Lord, and if one falls ill, call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will heal the sick: the Lord will return the lost health and lift the bed, and if he have committed sins, the Lord will forgive. Confess your sins to each other and pray for one another so that all may be healed, because the fervent prayer of a righteous person is very effective. We must understand that it is not the oil that heals the sick, but the act of faith and prayer by the righteous God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 51. KNOW CHRIST OR BEING A CHRISTIAN IS TO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS AND OBEY, OTHERWISE WE BECOME LIARS. 1 John 2:3 and 4. We can know that you know, really, if we keep His commandments. Perhaps there who said: "I know him!" But that, whoever you are, if not keep His commandments, is a liar and there is no truth in him. Take care because to find salvation and eternal life we have to be unique and faithfully in the doctrine of Christ. 52. WHATEVER WE ASK GOD THROUGH CHRIST, RECEIVES IT, LONG AS THEY OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS AND IT IS NOT SOMETHING FOR THE RUIN OF OUR SOULS, AS IS THE CASE OF REQUIRE MONEY OR ASK MATERIAL WEALTH. 1 John 3:22 says, and whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and conduct ourselves rightly, doing what is pleasing to your eyes. The prayer requests to God should be done if we obey and keep the commandments of God through Christ. Beware of asking for money and wealth because these thing corrupt man and we could change the riches by Christ and thereby lose our soul in eternal damnation. Christ said: Do you serve a man to gain all the riches of the world, yet forfeit his soul?. 53. LOVING GOD IS TO LEAD ACCORDING TO HIS COMMANDMENTS AND IN THIS WAY WE KNOW THAT REMAIN IN GOD AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. 2John 1:6 and 1John 3:24. They say: And love is precisely to behave in accordance with the commandments that God gave us, that is, save everything from the beginning he has set. Whoever keeps the commandments abides in God and God in him. And we know that God abides in us by the Holy Spirit has given us. In other words, if we attend every Sunday to church, if we sing, if we worship, offerings, hear the word, but do not obey the commandments of God, we are not doing anything. 54. THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD ARE NOT DIFFICULT TO FULFILL WHEN HE REALLY TRUST IN GOD AND OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. 1 John 5:2 and 3. In this, we know that we love our brothers, who are children of God just like us when we love God and keep His commandments. To love God means keeping his commandments, which are difficult to fulfill. Christ said: "What is difficult for men to God everything is possible. So brothers try to meet all of these commands of God brought into the world by our Lord Jesus Christ. Because no one in whom we must be saved and have eternal life. Only in Christ the Son of God. 55. SHOULD BE KEPT FIRM THROUGHOUT THE CHRISTIAN RACE TO THE END, WITH FAITH AND CONFIDENCE IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AND OBEY ALL THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD BROUGHT INTO THE WORLD BY THE SON OF GOD. Revelation 14:12 Here is the perseverance of the saints, those who hold firm to the end his obedience to the commandments of God and faith in Jesus!. We must understand that the Old Testament or the Law of Moses was given the people of Israel for its continued disobedience to God and this is only a guide to prophecy to come to Christ. With the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophecies to make way for a new covenant between God and men in which they redeem the sins of humanity through faith and obedience to the commands sent by God through his beloved Son. The word of God is like the curriculum of study for a career in which primary and secondary courses (Old Testament) cannot be put into practice and the university field, which is a higher lesson (New Testament). You can win the kingdom of heaven only if we implement

or study the later years of the new phase that is the New Testament. In the education system, we cannot earn a bachelor's degree courses practicing primary or secondary school. "Illogical? This is what happens to most of them false Christian churches refuse to understand that we can no longer justify to God the old covenant compliance mandates. We cannot remain in both covenants at a time because Galatians 5:4 says you alienated from Christ, who by law (of Moses) you are justified, have fallen from grace. 56. ALL CHRISTIANS MUST COMPLY WITH THE MANDATE TO GO AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE WHOLE WORLD. Mark 16:15 and 16. And I said (Jesus) Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned. Brothers if we have not the opportunity to evangelize the nations, let us evangelize our families, neighbors, friends, coworkers and so on. We urge people to repent of their sins and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Let us make ourselves treaties based on the New Covenant and dispense to win souls for Christ. Take Care brothers carefully that Christ commanded his disciples to evangelize the New Testament and not to preach the Old Testament or the Law of Moses. 57. THE REAL CHRISTIANS SHOULD NOT PARTICIPATE IN GOVERNMENT POLICY BECAUSE WE ARE NOW IN A TRIAL AND IF WE OBEY CHRIST HE AWARD US WITH POSITION IN HIS KING. THE PRIZES WILL BE THAT WE WILL BE PRIESTS AND GOVERNORS IN THE KINGDOM OF MILENEO AND NOT AT THIS STAGE FINAL. Mark 8:15. He says: During the passage, Jesus warned them: Be careful of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod!. The leaven of the Pharisees is the symbol of the false teachers and the leaven of Herod is the symbol of the current rulers. Revelation 20:6. He says: Blessed are those who have part in the first resurrection, because they belong to the people's sake! The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and Christ, and reign with Him a thousand years. (Version God Talk Today). These verses do not need further explanation, the obedient and holy reign of Christ with him but to the millennial kingdom after the tribulation and not in this current stage. In other words, Christians who want to rule today do not believe in the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore are false Christians. 58. THE OFFERING TO THE CONGREGATION SHOULD GIVE WITH JOY AND AGREE TO THE PROSPERITY AND WE HAVE NOT AGREE TO A TAX PERCENTAGE BY LEADERS. 1st. Corinthians 16:2 says: Every first day of the week each of you set aside something, as has thrived, keeping it, so when I get time offerings are not collected. And 2nd. Corinthians 9:7. He says: Every one as he has in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (King James Version 60). Here we note that the apostle Paul authorized the voluntary offerings according to what we have prospered and the brothers in the service Sunday. Please note that you should not seek or give offering in the services performed during the week and either give or receive gifts based on a percentage set by ministers. It must give the offering with a joyful heart and not for necessity. 59. THE GIFTS DELIVERED BY A CONGREGATION BROTHERS OF THEIR LEADERS MUST BE INTENDED PRIMARILY TO HELP THE POOR, ORPHANS, WIDOWS AND OTHERS IN NEED TRIBULATION THAT ARE IN ANY NATURAL OR PERSONAL CALAMITY. THE OTHER PART OF OFFERINGS MUST BE TO SAINTS TO HELP IN THE WORK OF GOD. Galatians 2:10 says: "They (the Apostles) we made only one request: that provided us to help the poor, which is precisely what I (Apostle Paul) have been doing with dedication. (Version PDT). In addition, 2nd. Corinthians 9:12. He says: In other words, your donation will take two positive effects: helping the people of faith who are in need, and make them abounds in thanksgiving to God. (Version CST-IBS). Ministers must abide by these commandments to avoid falling into disobedience, taking into account that by failing to meet these mandates become false ministers. Offerings should not be used to accumulate wealth for the benefit only of the ministers and their

advisers. What God wants is for the Christian community has equal, that no one lacks, but that also did not abound, there is social justice. (See 2nd. Corinthians 8:14 and 15). 60. THE CHURCH OF JESUCHRIST IS PROVIDED BY THE MEETING OR CONGREGATION OF SAINTS, WHICH IN TURN ARE TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.THE BUILDING OF FOUR WALLS WAS STOPPED FROM THE TEMPLE OF GOD SINCE CHRIST GAVE HIS BODY IN SACRIFICE FOR US SINNERS. 1st. Corinthians 3:16 and 17. He says: Have not you noticed that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? Well, the temple of God, ye are holy, and God will destroy him who destroys or corrupts. Currently we can worship God anywhere and no longer have to use only the temples made by human hands, is not even lawful to worship God in the Temple in Jerusalem since the death of Christ was rent the veil of the temple and the most holy place. We can now go directly to God anywhere and Father through His Son Jesus Christ. 61. TO BECOME OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AND BE BORN AGAIN TO STOP PRACTICING LAW OF MOSES AND THE OLD COVENANT. 2da.Corintios 3:14, 15 and 16. He says: "But certainly with them = (The followers of the Law of Moses) they became dull understanding, because when in this day read in the Scriptures of the Old Covenant, are covered by that same veil of misunderstanding that has been raised by Christ. That is, when now read the writings of Moses, kept lying on the heart and the understanding that veil, which will definitely be lifted the day they turn to the Lord. (Version CST-IBS). Brothers: In other words we can ensure that Christians who still practice the Law of Moses were not converted to Christ, much less been born again. Christ requires to Nicodemus that to enter the kingdom of God must be born again. Being born again is to leave everything practiced in the past and start a new life by trusting in Christ. 62. FOR PREACHING THE WORD OF GOD SHOULD NOT SHOUT, AND COME IN DISPUTE, TO BE PLEASING TO GOD'S EARS AND LISTEN TO. Matthew 12:17, 18 and 19. Says: To fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: "Here is my servant whom I chose," "my beloved with whom my soul delights." "I will put my spirit upon him" and announce justice nations. "" Do not wrangle or cry out, "no one will hear your voice in the streets." (Version EUNSA). It is clear that Christ should not shout to preach and proclaim justice to the nations. Nor should enter into vain disputes that lead only to anger and anger. True Christians should follow the example of Christ and not fall into these errors. 63. THE MINISTERS AND CHURCH LEADERS SHOULD NOT BE NICOLAITANS BECAUSE GOD HATES TO NICOLAITANS. Revelation 2:6. He says, however, you have in your favor that you hate the deeds of Nicolaitans, which I (God) also hate. And Revelation 2:15 and 16. He says there also have some who do not want to depart from the teaching of Nicolaitans. So turn to God, otherwise, you'll go soon, and with the sword of my mouth will fight against them. The Nicolaitans are church leaders who act as supervisors, employers or believe owners of Christ's sheep. Let's see what it says: 1st. Peter 5:3.: ¨ Do not try those who have been entrusted to your care as if you were their owners, but lead giving good example with your own behavior. ¨ 1. 64. WE SHOULD PRAISE AND WORSHIP GOD THE FATHER AND GOD THE SON IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH. The Apostle Paul says: So let us continually offer to God through Jesus Christ, a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name. Hebrews 13:15. Christ said: But it's time (and we're at it) when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks are those who worship him. John 4:23. THE WORSHIP IN TRUTH::Is in that, worshipers are sincere worshipers of God and who do not hypocritically. A worshiper would be hypocritical for example, someone who praises and worships the Lord in the church but in everyday life does not love his neighbor or he does not love himself. For our praise and worship be pleasing to God we have met before at least the first

two commandments, then praise and worship God. WORSHIP IN SPIRIT MEANS: To worship according to the true nature of God and the power of communion that gives the Holy Spirit. Psalms 51:15 to 17. It says: Open, * Lord, my lips and my mouth shall proclaim your praise. You do not delight in sacrifices or you are pleased with the * burnt, otherwise I offer you. The sacrifice that pleases you is a broken spirit: thou, O God, despise not the humble and repentant heart. During the worship in spirit must feel humbled and with a repentant heart before God. Repentance must be by our ingratitude and sins before God. The best way to worship is falling down on his knees asking God's forgiveness for our sins, giving glory, honor and thanksgiving to God for our lives, this is the worship described in Revelation 5:12 and 13. 2. 65. WE MUST NOT WORSHIP ANYBODY. WE MUST WORSHIP ONLY TO GOD FATHER AND GOD SON THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT. At the time of our worship of God should not be anyone or anything in front or at the altar, so it is better to have the musicians to one side of the altar. Ministers should not be in front of the worshipers, the minister must also be on par with the congregation worshiping God. God forbids the worship of human beings before, and servants of God or face images. Acts 10:25 and 26. He says: When you get Peter to the house, Cornelius went to meet him, and bowing down before him, paid him homage. But Peter made him get up, and said: "Stand up, because I'm just a man like you. You cannot worship or even an angel, much less a human being. Revelation 22:8 and 9. He says: I, John, am the one who saw and heard this. And when I saw and heard, I fell down to worship the angel who had been showing me all this. But he said: "No, look out! I am a servant like you, like your brothers the prophets and like all who fulfill the words of this book. Worship only God. “God is spirit and we cannot see, therefore part of the faith and worship is to believe that God is there but not what we see. Ministers or Servants of God cannot be in front of the worshipers, for God is jealous and does not want anyone to take his place. Deuteronomy 4:14 and 16 says: At that time the Lord commanded me to teach them the precepts and rules you should implement on the ground that they will have to cross the Jordan. "The day that the Lord spoke to them in Horeb, out of the fire, you do not see any figure. Therefore, be very careful not corrupted by idols or figures that have any form or image of man or woman, 66. WE MUST LOVE ONE THE OTHERS JUST AS CHRIST LOVED US, EVEN GIVING HIS LIFE FOR US SINNERS. John 13:34. He says: "A new command I give you: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you must love one another. Some might wonder why Christ said it was a new commandment, well, is new because in this case is being Christ like example of love of neighbor, even offering his lives for all humanity reach salvation and eternal life. 67. ONLY GOD AND CHRIST HAS THE AUTHORITY TO GIVE AND RECEIVE LIFE. John 10:17 to 18. (Jesus said) For the Father loves me: because I commit my life to return to receive it. No, man takes away, but I lay it on my own. Have authority to give, and I also have the authority to receive it again. This is the commandment I received from my Father. "Jesus Christ teaches us in this verse that only through him we can deliver and receive life. Christ was the first fruits of resurrection and eternal life to make this legacy to humanity to create and keep his commandments. 68. TRUE CHRISTIANS TO UNDERSTAND WE ARE NO LONGER UNDER THE STRICT TERMS OF THE LAW OF MOSES, BECAUSE THE CHRIST DYING ON THE CROSS, WE WERE RELEASED THE YOKE OF THE LAW AND NOW BELONGS TO CHRIST TO BRING FORTH GOOD FRUIT ACCEPTABLE IN THE EYES GOD. IN CHRIST, THERE IS SALVATION, RESURRECTION AND ETERNAL LIFE. THE LAW OF MOSES WAS VALID FOR THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES BEFORE CHRIST AND DOES NOT SAVE ANYONE TODAY. THE OLD TESTAMENT WAS ONLY A GUIDE TO GETTING TO PROPHECY WITH CHRIST AND THE REGIME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Romans 7:4. He says: "You, my brothers, Christ

dying on the cross you died also in regard to the Mosaic Law, but now, returning to life with him through his resurrection, you have come to belong. Because he rose from the dead so that you can produce good fruit, acceptable in the eyes of God. (Version CST-IBS). Today nobody can be justified before God through the Law of Moses, now we can only find salvation and eternal life through the store and keep the commandments of the New Testament. Care brothers you should not gathered in churches that still practice the Law of Moses, because they are under a curse from God. (See Galatians 3:9 and 10). THE MANDATES OF THE LAW OF MOSES THAT EVEN PRACTICING THE FALSE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES ARE: THE TITHE, FIRST FRUITS, THE SEVENTH DAY OR SABBATH, KEEP THE SABBATH, CIRCUMCISION PHYSICAL AND OTHERS. The Law of Moses only measured the sin of men and could not save anyone because no one could meet the 613 mandates in the law, except that Christ fulfilled in order to pass the new covenant. Romans 7:6. He says, But now, having been freed in Christ from the yoke of the law, having died on it (that is, respect the old regime to obey strictly formal terms), we wholeheartedly to serve God under the new regime Holy Spirit. (Version CST-IBS). Brothers here we cite only two verses on this subject, but there are many citations in the epistles of the apostle Paul confirmed this thesis. Today we will give greater importance to the gospel of Christ or the New Testament for the salvation of our souls. We cannot be both covenants at once as do most churches because Galatians 5:4.Says: If you want to be right with God by the law (of Moses) will have been away from Christ, will have been away from the generous love of God. (Version PDT). In addition, the version of: Easy Language Bible. (BLS) said: Those who want God to accept them for obey the law (of Moses) rejecting the love of God and cease to be united to Christ.

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