Commandments Of The Law Of God.

  • June 2020
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Matthew 7.13 Enter through the narrow gate because the gate is wide and the road that leads to destruction, and many who go there. But narrow the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and few who find it. COMMANDMENTS OF THE LAW OF GOD. Examination of conscience must confess "broadcast"

1st Commandment: Love the Lord your GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND "Sins against faith: Do you believe in GOD, that has created you and loves you? have you committed apostasy that is the total rejection of the Christian faith, criticizing the priests and other members, refusing to receive the sacraments baptism, communion, confirmation, eucharist, confession, or marriage? "Sins against hope: Are you desperate to problems, anxiety, putting trust in God? -Sin of presumption: I assume save without the help of God or hoping to obtain his forgiveness without conversion, without repentance? "Sins against charity: As been ungrateful to God and warm and lazy to pray, attend or pick to talk to him? You shall have no other gods before ME. Sins of divination: As consulted with the dead or practices that reveals the future, horoscopes, astrology, palm

reading, interpretation of omens, metaphysics, magic or sorcery, attending healers? Not tempt the Lord your God "As tempted to GOD? Sacrilege to profane the sacraments, receiving the body of Christ in mortal sin. 2nd Commandment: THE NAME OF THE LORD IS HOLY "As promised others in the name of God being unfaithful to those promises? "As blasphemed, with words of hatred, Safi against God and the church, the holy and sacred thing? "As sworn? 3rd Commandment: KEEP THE LORD'S DAY -Precept of the Church: On Sunday and other holidays of obligation, the faithful have the obligation to attend Mass. "As deliberately missed this obligation? Please advise others to perform this duty and not prevent anyone from attending mass.

4th Commandment: Honor your father and your mother A man and a woman united in marriage with their children form a family "domestic church". Duties of members of the family. Duties of children: - Do you respect, love, and thank your parents for the gift of life, love and work. The meekly obey what they send you to do "Except that it is morally wrong. "Adult child to fulfill its responsibility to your parents, by providing material and moral support in old age and during the illness? The duties of parents: Parents are open to life, moral education and spiritual formation? Educate to fulfill the commandments of God, showing yourselves obedient to the will of the Father of heaven? "As heart forgiven your family, without working hard for offenses, quarrels, injustices and omissions? 5th Commandment: Thou Shall Not Kill Ye have heard that it was said not

kill, and whoever kills shall be liable to TRIBUNAL.PUES I tell you, every one who is incensed against his brother shall be liable in court. "As killed directly or indirectly? Have you made one or more abortions, or participate in this or it advisable? Not kill the embryo by abortion and prenatal diagnosis if testifies that there is bad training or illness, shall not amount to a death sentence. Do you accept euthanasia? Ending the life of sick or dying. "Thought about or attempted suicide? Shocking "your neighbors with attitudes that lead to making bad fashion, bad words and so on. ...? Respect for health. Do you practice the virtue of moderation, avoiding any kind of excess, abuse of food, alcohol, snuff .... Take drugs or sell? Do you hate someone? 6th Commandment: DO NOT fornication not commit impure acts Chastity: Choose to control your passions and finds peace, or you let yourself be dominated by them and

you become a slave. Do you practice chastity in the state where you are? If you are single Do you practice chastity in continence, knowing that having sex outside marriage is a mortal sin? If you are married Do you practice conjugal chastity open to life? Keep you faithful to your spouse? Holding s sex with another person commit adultery within marriage. Do you masturbate? It is seriously disordered, is outside of marital relations contradicts its purpose. "As seen pornography? It offends chastity because it perverts the sexual act. Do you practice prostitution? Are you gay or lesbian? Wife: use contraceptives, IUDs, etc ... causing abortions when conception. Such language suggests a false statement to not be totally to the other, there is not only a positive refusal to be open to life. But also to a falsification of the truth. Periodic continence "natural methods" and the use of infertile periods,

respect the bodies of the couple. Are you for divorce? It is a serious offense. "What god has joined that the man does not separate. 7th Commandment: No Robaras "As usurped the goods of another against the will of the owner? Did you cheat in games, cards, etc ...? "As wages withheld or denied to the worker? Practice works of spiritual and corporal mercy to your neighbor. God blesses those who help the poor and rebukes those who refuse to do so. "WHEN did it not WITH ONE OF THESE, ALSO MAKE ME WHAT you did." 8th Commandment: DO NOT LIE God is the source of all truth: "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE" You reject all malice, deceit, hypocrisy and jealousy? "As lie? The lie consists in speaking a falsehood with intent to deceive. Satan is a liar from the beginning. "You gave false evidence in a lawsuit challenging: to accept as true a moral

act in the neighbor without foundation. Of malice manifested defects and faults of other people who ignore it. Of calumny by remarks contrary to the truth you damage the reputation of others by giving false judgments concerning them. 9th Commandment: not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor You purify your heart by virtue of chastity. Lets us love with an upright heart. By the purity of intention: it seeks to find and carry around the will of God. By the purity of interior and exterior look: through the discipline of the senses and imagination, refusing all complicity in impure thoughts that incline on the path of the commandments. Through prayer: speaking with God who knows everything. 10th Commandment: You shall not covet your neighbor's wife "Everyone who looks at a woman Wishing her committed adultery in

their hearts." Forbids coveting the goods of others, following the theft, robbery and fraud. You envy your neighbor? It is a cardinal sin. By envy are born hatred, detraction, calumny, joy caused by the misfortune of others and the sadness caused by his prosperity. I came to call sinners. Jesus said, "the healthy NOT NEED A DOCTOR Q, but the sick." God is waiting with open arms to embrace his prodigal son who neglect to follow the slave of sin. In the sacrament of confession, God forgives you and you reconcile with the church. Confess all mortal sins and venial. Frequents this sacrament of healing to form a right conscience and bring others to Jesus Christ. 1 time per month confession.

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