The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear In Church By Andrew Farley, Chapter 1

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ZONDERVAN The Naked Gospel Copyright © 2009 by Andrew Farley This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook. Visit This title is also available in a Zondervan audio edition. Visit Requests for information should be addressed to: Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Farley, Andrew, 1972The naked gospel : the truth you may never hear in church / Andrew Farley. p.  cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-0-310-29306-4 (softcover) 1. Christian life. 2. Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works. I. Title. BV4501.3.F36 2009 230 — dc22 2008054098 All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, Today’s New International Version™. TNIV®. Copyright © 2001, 2005 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Any Internet addresses (websites, blogs, etc.) and telephone numbers printed in this book are offered as a resource. They are not intended in any way to be or imply an endorsement by Zondervan, nor does Zondervan vouch for the content of these sites and numbers for the life of this book. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other — except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher. Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. Interior design by Beth Shagene Printed in the United States of America 09 10 11 12 13 14 • 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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contents fair warning • 15 Part 1 obsessive-Chris tianity disorder • 17 Part 2 religion is a headache • 29 Part 3 crossing the line • 77 Part 4 burning matryoshkas • 95 Part 5 cheating on Jesus • 131 Part 6 we don’t marry dead people • 171 Part 7 ego assault • 201 nude reflections • 221 sidebar • 229 acknowledgments • 237

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The naked gospel [is] discovering what was the gospel which our Lord and his apostles preached; what additions and alterations latter ages have made in it; what advantages and damages have thereupon ensued. Arthur Bury, 1691

Arthur Bury’s book titled The Naked Gospel was burned by the church of his day.

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fair warning

The real, naked gospel is a lot better than any of us realize. A word of warning, though: You might throw this book down in disgust; you might pick it back up again in curiosity; you might shake your head in frustration as you wonder, “How could I have missed this before?” or “Is this guy crazy?” When it comes to Christianity, I realize it’s more palatable to talk in generalities. It’s risky to draw lines in the sand and confront disagreements. But you may have noticed that much of the New Testament was written to correct misunderstandings and false doctrine. Apparently, pushing absolutes and even splitting theological hairs are supposed to be part of healthy church life. Christians today are grateful for Jesus and heaven. Some of us go to church every time the doors are open. Some listen to hundreds of sermons each year. Some memorize scores of Bible verses. Some even hold a few degrees in God stuff. Despite all of our fervor, many of us are still apathetic instead of ecstatic over the gospel. But maybe there’s an answer to our heartfelt yearning for more passion in our Christian life. Is this kind of Christianity — the kind that replaces apathy with ecstasy — too good to be true? Actually, I believe it’s the only kind that’s biblical. However, it seems that today it’s the truth you may never hear in church. 15

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t h e n a ke d GOSPEL

We find too much f luff, doubletalk, misleading jargon, and pat answers in many churches today. No matter how much you hear it or how much it entertains you, it won’t bring genuine and enduring fulfillment. There’s only one message that I’ve found to bring real and lasting change. It’s the naked gospel.

We find too much fluff, double-talk, misleading jargon, and pat answers in many churches today.

A N I N V I TAT ION I once thought I knew all about the Christian faith, but it wasn’t until fourteen years after I’d received Christ that I would begin to grasp the real thing. I’m not talking about another salvation experience or a second blessing. I’m talking about a return to the foot of the cross and the door of the tomb to learn all over again. And for me, there was as much unlearning as learning. With that in mind, I invite you to dive deeply with me toward the indispensable, powerful core of the Christian faith. I found genuine answers that don’t disappoint. I’m excited to share them with you. I’m betting you’ll be surprised at least a time or two along the way. The real thing has a tendency to do that.


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obsessive-Christianity disorder We may spend our days in what we call our religious duties, and we may fill our devotions with fervor, and still may be miserable. Nothing can set our hearts at rest but a real acquaintance with God. Hannah Whitall Smith (1832 – 1911)

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Meds, therapy, and a mental health facility — these were the solutions I was offered. One counselor suggested that my condition wouldn’t change for the rest of my life and that I’d always need medication. As desperate as I was, I just didn’t buy it. There had to be some other answer to my problem. After trying several Christian therapists, each of whom employed a different approach, no one could alter the patterned behaviors I was stuck in. After all, obsessive Bible study and street evangelism aren’t your run-of-the-mill symptoms.

MY BE GI N N I NG In high school, I was popular, earned good grades, and was elected president of the student body. I had no trouble making friends and making friends laugh. I enjoyed success in sports, in theatre, and with girls. None of these areas contributed to the deep-seated inferiority that I felt. The trouble for me was that I didn’t seem to stack up in another arena — the spiritual one. Whether it was the church, my Christian high school, Christian camps, or even Christian concerts I attended, they all implied the same thing: you need to rededicate, recommit, and be different. You’re not doing enough. 19

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Don’t be satisfied. Don’t be stagnant. Never rest. There’s always more to do for God. Fear. Guilt. Pressure. These were the motivators that hooked me early on and nearly killed me. Killed me? Yeah, I had close encounters with death or serious injury a few times. I took a two-by-four to the head once in a dangerous neighborhood while street evangelizing. Another time, I was thrown to the pavement by a drug dealer whom I was trying to convert. Committed? You bet. But committed to what? Although I’d stand up on the subway and preach to the entire train car, I was still empty inside. Despite my willingness to go door-to-door witnessing in my own neighborhood, I really had no life of fulfillment to offer. Whether I was preaching on a train, in neighborhoods, or Although I’d stand even in the local jail, there was always up on the subway and an underlying anxiety. preach to the entire I grew up with a f lavor of the train car, I was still gospel that assured me I was going empty inside. to heaven, but that didn’t help with the present turmoil. I was afraid God was so thoroughly disappointed with my performance that he wouldn’t use me, grow me, or “have fellowship” with me. Voices around me only confirmed that I was falling short and needed to strive yet again to meet the standard. You wouldn’t have known any of this bothered me, because I never let it show. But after years of not being considered for the Christian Character Award at school, it got to me. The key to winning the award was to be quiet or even shy. Those who didn’t say much at all were labeled “meek.” The problem for me was that my personality didn’t fit the requirements. I had a personal relationship with Christ. I knew my Bible better than many. And I really cared about my friends at school. But I 20

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was the class clown and the life of the party. Humor and Christian character just didn’t mix.

MY M I DDL E “I’ll be different in college,” I told myself. This was my opportunity to change — to find a whole new environment and start with a clean slate. I received acceptance letters from two universities. One was Wheaton College, perhaps the best Christian college in the nation; the other was Furman University, a reputable school in the South. After informing my parents that I wasn’t “a good enough Christian to study at Wheaton,” I accepted the invitation to study at Furman. My first year at Furman was a transition. I decided I no longer wanted to be mediocre in the spiritual arena. I wanted to earn the respect of God and of those around me. After poring over dozens of Christian books, I felt more knowledgeable than most of my peers. I delivered my first church sermon at the age of nineteen. I evangelized on the streets in Spain, Greece, and Italy while on studyabroad trips. I was intense, and everyone around me knew it. After I returned to the United States, I lost all my friends. Who could blame them? I had changed. I still remember one of my best friends telling another friend that he was embarrassed to be seen with me. Sure, some outsiders applauded me and respected me. But they were strangers. All they saw was the product — some were coming to faith in Christ, and others appeared to benefit from my “discipleship.” But these were the minority. Most could detect that there was something not right within me. I was driven, and there seemed to be no end in sight. My intensity hit its pinnacle when I could no longer sleep at night unless I had shared Christ with someone that day. When my head hit the pillow, I’d recall my lack of ser vice. So I’d get up, go 21

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to the nearest twenty-four-hour grocery store, and find someone to preach at. Once I said my lines, I could go home and sleep. The response I received wasn’t important. “You can’t control the outcome,” I told myself. I had fulfilled my duty. I had answered the call. And I could no longer now I could sleep. sleep at night unless Ridiculous? Maybe. But all I was I had shared Christ doing was carrying out what I had with someone heard some people suggest to be the that day. path to spiritual growth and fulfillment. My madness seems extreme, but it was nothing more than taking the method presented to me to its ultimate conclusion. I would always have a response ready for those who inquired about my “walk” and wanted to keep me “accountable.” They would never label me as backslidden or unspiritual. That would hurt worse than carrying out this performance ritual. Or so I thought.

MY E N D Soon all the exertion with no payoff took its toll. I began spiraling into a deep depression. A few months later, I found myself lying on the f loor of my apartment, sobbing for hours on end: “God, I’m doing everything I’m supposed to do, and I still don’t feel closer to you. In fact, I feel worse than ever! How could this have gone so wrong? I can’t see any way out. Help me!” I had no choice but to call home. I picked up the phone, and within hours I had left the university mid-semester to return to my home state of Virginia. I didn’t know what awaited me, but I knew I couldn’t remain in my current condition. There was no quick fix. After months of seeking help, I still couldn’t break free from my obsession with performing for God. My father got wind of a man who might have answers for me, so 22

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we jumped on a plane to Atlanta. After spending a day in prayer with this man, some of my thoughts began to clear up. At least I was able to agree that the compulsions to perform were not coming from God. This was a start. The following years were not easy. I returned to college, earned my degree, and even went on to graduate school, but I had lost all confidence in who I was. My beliefs had betrayed me. If I were vulnerable enough to be honest during the times I was evangelizing, I would’ve made the following pitch: “Would you like “Would you like to become a Christian and be miserto become a able like me?” Christian and be So I was in a rebuilding time. I miserable like me?” had been broken, stripped of any sense of self-worth. I had gone from class clown and student body president to intense Christian warrior and then to quiet, awkward guy in the corner. Psychologically, I was all over the map. I needed answers.

MY NE W BE GI N N I NG It’s been seventeen years since I lay sobbing on the f loor of that apartment. Today, I wouldn’t trade my relationship with God for anything. In fact, I would wish my relationship with him on everyone! Through my desperation, my surrender to God for real answers, and my willingness to leave behind everything I had presumed before, I was introduced to the naked gospel. I was already a Christian, but no one had ever taken the time to strip off all of the convoluted ideas and misleading jargon. No one had ever presented me with the bare truth. What I needed was an intravenous shot that wasn’t poisoned with religiosity. Once I realized I was on the wrong path, God enabled me to see his way — the route to freedom. 23

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The content of this book is the result of my journey. Hope began with grasping an important distinction between two operating systems — one Old and one New. Once I saw the doorway to the New, all I had to do was walk through. What was on the other side was life changing.


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