The Muslim Child - I4

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A Publication of Al Iman Schools Issue Four | September 2008 | Ramadhan 1429

The Child Muslim

Learn . Teach . Educate

Eid Mubarak!

Note from the editors

Assalamuallaikum dear Brothers and Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, sisters, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said " The blessed month has come to you. Allah has The last few blessed days of Ramadhan are made fasting during it obligatory upon you. here and soon we will see the end of this During it the gates to Paradise are opened holy month. Have our efforts at fulfilling and the gates of Hellfire are locked, and the one of the pillars of Islam and attaining devils are chained. There is a night [during Allah's pleasure been a successful one? this month] which is better than a thousand May Allah accept our deeds and du'as this months. Whoever is deprived of its good is past month and grant us peace and guide us really deprived [of something great]. to the path to paradise! [Ahmad, an-Nisa'i and al-Bayhaqi] As we approach the most beautiful night of the year…. the night when the light, that would illuminate mankind to the end of life, started, the night when every matter of ordainment is decreed, …we Muslims have a wonderful and rewarding opportunity to stand in prayer, praise our Creator for the blessing bestowed upon us, and ask to be forgiven for all our sins, and accept our pleas for a life filled with peace, and to be chosen by HIM for rightful guidance!

One who misses this blessed night then he has missed much good for no one misses it except one from whom it is withheld. Therefore it is recommended that the Muslim who is eager to be obedient to Allaah should stand in Prayer during this night out of Eemaan and hoping for the great reward, since if he does this, Allaah will forgive his previous sins.

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The Muslim Child

The Muslim Child welcomes expressions of views and feedback from our readers. Although we are unable to publish every readers feedback, we make every attempt to provide a wide sampling of feedback. Please note that the opinions expressed by our readers do not necessarily reflect those of The Muslim Child or Al Iman Schools or its employees. The Muslim Child reserves the right to edit submitted letters, articles and feedback for length, grammar and spelling. However, we will do our best to preserve the original’s style and intent. All submissions must include valid mailing address or email address and phone number. If you don not wish your letter to be published, please say so in your letter.

Published by Al Iman Schools 5D Peters Lane Dehiwela SriLanka Tel:+94 716 111 999 [email protected]

We make a humble request to our readers to make Du'a for the development of THE Allah says in what can be translated as : MUSLIM CHILD and for the development of our Ummah by way of learning, teaching "Verily! We have sent it (this Qur'aan) down and educating . Let us make the Quran our in the Night of Decree (Lailatul-Qadr). And ultimate aim to understand the will of our what will make you know what the Night of Creator! Decree is? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. Therein descend Eid Greetings from The Muslim Child ! the angels and the Rooh (ie. Jibreel [Gabriel]) by Allaah's Permission with all Decrees, Peace! until the appearance of Azim Abdul Majeed & Rukshana Hassen Azim dawn." [97:1-5]


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4 Quality Time with DAD 10 My First Umrah 16 Self Control and Firm Faith 17 Adab 18 The Joy of Eid Day

The Quran ...can do it for you


amadan has a special relationship with the Quran, of course, but how many of us actually take the time to recite, read and understand the words of Allah? In truth it takes approximately 1 hour per day of recitation to complete the whole Quran within the Holy month of Ramadan. And approximately another 90 mins or more to read and ponder upon the meanings of the Arabic text.

o n t e n t s

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The Muslim Child


Quality time with DAD This article presents the current relationship between a father and a child in this fast paced and time constraint society and provides many practical advises on how to improve this relationship to benefit the whole family.

Ibrahim Bowers United Kingdom

to spend time with his father, but always finds him too busy. When the boy grows up and the father gets older, the father always wants to spend time with his son, but his son always has other things to do. Quality time spent between a father and his children is essential for both the parent and the children. The children need to know that their father loves and cares for them, and the father needs to be careful that he does not lose his relationship with his children by neglect.

It has been estimated that working fathers spend about 3 minutes a day with their children. Fathers who abandon their families, fathers who rarely see their children because of divorce, and fathers who are busy and have very little or nothing to do with the raising of their children are common. Tips to Improve Father-Child Relationship Dad gets up early, takes the long drive to work, gets off late, takes the long drive home, and gets home very tired. He just wants to have dinner, relax a little, and go to bed so that he can repeat the same routine the next day. Every now and then, he tells himself that he will spend more time with his children tomorrow. But Muslims aren't like that, you say. Perhaps. How much time do you spend with your children in the day? Not just in the same house, but together - really together. A popular American song by Harry Chapin tells the sad story of a boy who always tries


The Muslim Child

There are several ways a father can spend quality time with his children and develop a relationship with them. Even if he is extremely busy, he can probably free up enough time to do some of these things. Show your children in simple ways that you love them. Some fathers try to appeal to their children by showering them with gifts rather than giving of themselves. This may cause more harm than good. The simple example of Prophet Muhammad is much better, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. When his daughter Fatima (May Allah be pleased with her) would come to him, the Prophet used to stand up, kiss her, take her hand, and give her his seat. Later in life, this personal type of affection will be much more memorable to children than receiving a gift that anyone could have given them. Tell or read your children stories on some nights before bed. There are lots of excellent Islamic stories and books available that you can use, or you can make up your own. At the same time, you will be helping your children develop Islamic character. A twist on this idea is to ask your children to make up stories to tell you.

Play with your children. You could play ball, Be available for your children, and let them color pictures, build toy houses from know that you are there for anything they blocks, or do whatever they like. want to discuss. If you are not available to talk to your children, somebody else Let your children help you with simple probably will be, and it may be the wrong tasks. Allow them to help you carry in the kind of person. A good way of getting to groceries, make dinner, or mow the yard. know your children better as individuals is Children often get great joy from doing to take them out one at a time for eating, things that adults consider work. conversation, or some other event. Take the family to for a picnic. Spend time with your children playing Frisbee, passing a ball, or pushing them in the swings. Your children will cherish this special time together as a family.

Practice talking with your child, not at him/her. Since the father often takes the main responsibility for disciplining the children, it is very easy for fathers to merely become order-givers rather than parents and companions of their children. Spend Help your children with their homework. some time listening, rather than talking. Show them that you are truly interested in their education and life by asking them We only have one chance to be with our kids what they did in school and looking at their before they grow up. If we want them to books, projects, and assignments with love us and respect us when we are old, we them. have to build those relationships while they are young. Have regular meals as a family. It is very important that the family get together and Fathers usually don't have the time to have meals, so they may talk about each devote to their children that mothers do. others days and issues. But if we make the little time we have with our children quality time, we still might be Use driving time with your children. Don't able to build enduring relationships with just turn on the news and forget your children when they are in the car with you. Talk or joke with them, or sing Islamic songs together. Give your small children a bath sometimes. Usually, mothers bathe the children, but bath time is an excellent opportunity for fathers to be with their kids. Let them splash around and play a little more than mom does. Teach your children to make wudu and pray with you. If at home, praying together as a family Jamat is better than praying alone. Children love to call azan. Make the youngest one the salat manager at home, taking care of prayer rugs, timing, and inviting everyone to salat. Take your children to the masjid with you. This is an excellent way for you to build a relationship with them as both a father and a Muslim.

The Muslim Child


The Quran can do it for you Rukshana Hassen


amadan has a special relationship with the Quran, of course, but how many of us actually take the time to recite, read and understand the words of Allah? In truth it takes approximately 1 hour per day of recitation to complete the whole Quran within the Holy month of Ramadan. And approximately another 90 mins or more to read and ponder upon the meanings of the Arabic text. So in reality an individual will have to allocate around 3 hours per day to fulfill this divine obligation. Does this make sense to many of us who have to toil around with the 'worldly obligations'? Or do we consider this challenge worth striving for, for the utmost pleasure of Allah? Anyone who reads the Qur'an is likely to be struck by the unique nature of its construction, its unusual and constantly shifting rhythms and the sudden transmutations and displacements in its subject matter. At first this ever changing literary terrain seems an obstacle to understanding, but the more time one spends with this book, the more organic, the more natural the flow of its words feel. It is almost like flying over an everchanging landscape - rolling valleys punctuated by jagged rocks, forests and plains giving way to up thrust mountains, high plateaus broken by deep lakes, deserts sprinkled with oasis' and cleft by canyons. Despite the variety of the forms, despite the startling contrast of adjacent features, a complex organic beauty underlies and unites all the various elements.


The Muslim Child

It is recommended for every Believing man and woman to recite the Book of Allah often, with due contemplation and understanding. This may be done by using a copy of the Quran or from one's memory. Allah - the Most High - said: "This is a Book which We have sent down to you, full of blessings, that you may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember." (38:29). And: "Indeed those who recite the Book of Allaah and offer the Prayer perfectly and spend in charity out of what We have provided for them - secretly and openly hope for a sure trade-gain that will never perish. That He may pay the their wages in full and give them even more out of His Grace. Indeed, He is Oft-Forgiving, ready to appreciate good deeds."( 35:29-30) "The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down, a guidance for mankind, clear proofs for the guidance, the Criterion; so whoever amongst you witnesses this month, let him fast it." (2:185) "Fasting and the Quran will intercede for the slave on the Day of Resurrection. Fasting will say: 'O My Lord! I prevented him from food and desires, so accept my

intercession for him.' And the Quran will say: 'I prevented him from sleep during the night, so accept my intercession for him.' He (PBUH) said: 'And they will (be allowed to) intercede.' [Ahmad, at-Tabarani, AlHakim, Sahih] Ibn'Abbas(Ra) narrates,"That the Messenger of Allah(SAW) was the most generous person, and he would be at his most generous in Ramadan because Jibreel would come to him every night and he would rehearse the Quran with him." (Bukhari) This Ahadeeth contains recommendation of the following: Studying the Quran in Ramadhaan Coming together for this purpose Checking (one's memor y /knowledge of) the Quran with someone who has preserved it better, increasing recitation of the Quran in Ramadan appreciating that the night time is the best time to recite, when other preoccupations decrease and it is easier to concentrate, as in (73:6). Further, Fatimah(Ra) narrated from her father(PBUH), who told her that Jibreel would rehearse the Quran with him (in Ramadan) once every year, and he did so twice in the year of his death. (Bukhari 6/485) "The best of you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it." [al-Bukhari] "Will not any of you go to the masjid and learn or read two verses from the Book of Allah `azza wa jall? (For) that is better for him than two she-

camels, and three (verses) are better for him than three (shecamels), and four (verses) are better for him than four (shecamels). And the number (of verses read in total) are better than the same number of camels. [Muslim] There is no envy (acceptable) except in two (cases): a person whom Allah has given the Quran and recites it throughout the night and throughout the day. And a person whom Allah has given wealth, that he gives out throughout the night and throughout the day." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] "Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah will receive a hasanah (good deed) from it (i.e. his recitation), and the hasanah is multiplied by ten. I do not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is (considered as) a letter, rather Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter, and Meem is a letter." [At-Tirmidhi, AdDarimi] Notice the young brothers that memorized the Quran in our community, they are already pushed to the front of the congregation by virtue of their accomplishment. They, at this early start, are forced to contribute to the community and live a life of significance. A life that brings joy in seeking and sharing knowledge that they have received through Allah's divine words .That’s what we all want. The Quran can do it for you. There is one absolute naseeha that will make or break the persons drive to memorize the Quran: One must desist from sin! Ibn Masood said, “I feel that indeed someone will forget knowledge they had acquired because of sins they commit.” When Abu Haneefah, rahimahullah, was confronted with a Fiqh Mashalah that he was unable to conclude, he would get up and pray two raka’at in tawbah to Allah. These are people who truly knew the prize to be won. Allah ta’ala teaches us in the Quran: [Be conscious of Allah and Allah will teach you.] This knowledge is from Allah ta’ala, a gift. It makes no sense that someone spends their nights disobeying

The Muslim Child


the gift-giver while awaiting His gifts in the Quran and your voice We should strive to read the Quran in a nice morning?. sounding voice. ?One who was given a One of the interesting excuses is “I have to pleasant voice should strive as much as completely understand the Quran before I they are able. This should never resemble memorize it. I have to know Arabic, and the style of music and songs. Al-Baraa' Ibn Fiqh and Hadith before I start from the 'Aazib narrated that the Prophet said: source.? Do not look at what a scholar is "Beautify the Quran with your voices (i.e. by currently reading or studying. Look at what reciting it in a pleasant nice voice)." (Abu he did in the beginning. Every single Daawood) The preferred reading is the scholar started with Quran, nothing else. If quiet reading, where one hears himself you want to accumulate massive without disturbing others. 'Uqbah ibn knowledge of this Deen, you must begin 'Aamir Al-Juhani narrated that the Prophet with memorization of the Quran. The said: "He who raises his voice with the children in the Hifdh school are well on Quran is like one who displays his charity their way to accomplishing massive and he who lowers his voice with the Quran accumulation of knowledge of this deen by is like he who gives charity privately." (Abu Daawood) virtue of their Hifdh. Let us look at two views by two very Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: different people and how they look at the by whatever name ye call upon Him (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful challenges of life: Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor Person 1: ?Oh man, that?s a killer. I can?t speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle do that. This time I just give up. Looks like course between." (17:110) I?m finally whipped. I?ll never amount to Except of course that he anything. I?m tired.? sho uld be able to hear himself. ?It Person 2: ?Awesome, that was the kind of is also without challenge I?ve been waiting for. harm to raise Yaa Rabb, I am going to one's voice make you proud of with the me. I?m going to Q u r a n give it my best. I?m sometime going to pump 110% s for a of my energy into particul ever y part of this a r challenge!? purpo s e Guess which one will such as succeed in their to perfect memorization of the Quran. pronunciation, aid in That’s right, the second one. memorization or to fight Why? Because the second one drowsiness. ?Also included in this is has the right attitude. teaching and learning and a condition for The one who was devoted to the Q u r a n all of this is that it is not disturbing others will be told on the Day of Resurrection: or interrupting their prayer `Recite and ascend (in ranks) as you used to recite when you were in the world. Your Do not Abandon the Quran rank will be at the last Ayah you recite.? Allaah the Most High says: "And the Messenger said O My Lord my people have [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi]. abandoned - acting or listening - to the


The Muslim Child

Qur'aan." [al-Furqaan: 30] So Allaah informs us about His Messenger and Prophet Muhammad, that he said: {My Lord my people have abandoned - acting or listening - to the Qur'aan.} and that is because the idol-worshippers did not pay attention nor listen to the Qur'aan, as Allaah says: {The ones who disbelieved said do not listen to this Qur'aan but make noise so that you may overcome it.} Thus when the Qur'aan was being read to them they would make noise and futile speech so that they would not hear the Qur'aan. However, this is from the ways of abandoning the Qur'aan. Likewise not having faith and trust in it is also from the ways of abandoning the Qur'aan. Not pondering over it, nor trying to understand it, not acting by it, not obeying its orders and refraining from what it forbids, turning to something other than it - whether poetry, opinions or music, amusement, or other forms of speech and taking a path that is derived from other than the Qur'aan are all from the ways of abandoning the Qur'aan. We ask Allaah - the Beneficent Provider, the One who has Power to do what He wills - to distance us from that which He dislikes and to use us in that which He is pleased with, from memorising, understanding the Qur'aan and establishing that which it necessitates throughout the day and night - in a manner that He loves and likes for indeed He is the Most Beneficent, and Bestower

His punishment. On completing his recitation, he should praise Allah Ta'âlâ, send salutations to Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam, ask for forgiveness, ask for any of his other needs, and then send salutations to Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam at the end. The best reciter of the Quran is that person whom when he is heard, you get the impression that he is fearing Allah Ta'âlâ. This means, that he reads with attention and concentration similar to that of a frightened person speaking in the presence of a king or ruler, ever on-guard that he does not say or do anything out of place.(Maulana Ashraff Ali Thanvi) For all of us who haven?t yet made that effort to purify ourselves by reciting Allah?s divine words this Ramadan and the many months to follow, it is time to make a move for the benefit of Allah?s rewards and guidance. No matter the age, young or old, reciting, studying and contemplating Allah?s direct words will bring upon an amazing transformation in our lives Inshalah "Verily Allah raises nations by this book (the Qur'an) and puts down (i.e. destroys) others by it." [Muslim] The Quran can do it for you.

The Best Way The best way of reciting the Quran is for the person to make wudu', sit in the direction of the qiblah with humility, and begin his recitation thinking that he is conversing with Allah Ta'âlâ. If he understands the meaning of the words, he should ponder over the meanings. Wherever the words of mercy are mentioned, he should ask f o r A l l a h ' s m e r c y. Wherever His punishment is mentioned, he should ask for refuge in Allah from

The Muslim Child


My First UMRAH Jazmiya Jhan The journey to the sacred house, the place in which you can feel the presence of God directly and immediately, is a tradition established by Prophet Muhammad. For this purpose I, along with my family prepared and packed all the necessary goods, clothes and prayer items and flew to medina. I neglected the spiritual preparation needed as I only referred to the recitals needed during the umrah, which I did at the last moment, during the flight. The outer and the inner beauty of Masjidun Nabavi, the mosque of the prophet enthralled me. The prevailing holiness inside the mosque purified and calmed my mind. With the guidance of my mother I performed every prayer and ritual with sacredness but in a mechanical and hurried form. The cause was my negligence. I was not aware of the significance of the Masjidun Nabavi. I've prayed without the knowledge that one prayer at the prophet's mosque is better than thousand prayers at any other place (except at the sacred mosque). Nor was I aware of the love prophet Muhammad (sal) had for Medina or that it is a significant, blessed and secured city even Ad-dajjal will not be able to enter. After the stay in medina we traveled to the holy city to perform the umrah. The umrah begins with wearing the Ihram, a white dress to signify unity and simplicity, which we did in Medina as it is prohibited to wear it inside the Mecca city border. After entering the sacred mosque and as soon as the Kaba came in to view, I felt the presence of Allah immediately and directly as if I was standing in front of the Almighty God. The Kaba sits at the centre of the mosque and it is slightly rectangular in structure. The Kaba is covered in Kiswa, a black cloth with verses of the Quaran woven in gold. I joined the vast crowd, who were circling around the Kaba and performed the tawaf, the circumambulation of the Kaba. During the


The Muslim Child

first six circuits I recited the duas in Arabic. Realizing my foolishness of praying without the knowledge of what I'm praying for, I read the English translation of the dua during the seventh circuit. The effect it had on me was immense. I was able to mean and give life to every word I said.

I performed the next ritual Saai, the seven rounds of running between the two mountains As-safa and Marwa, reciting the duas in Arabic. I knew the purpose of this tradition is to emulate the movements of Hajarah (as), the wife of Ibrahim, as she sought water for son Ismail (as). After the completion of the umrah we returned home. Upon returning, for almost a year I considered my umrah as a success. I thought I've achieved the desired purpose. But I was wrong. After coming across an article on the significance of Hajj and Umrah I realized I haven't understood the true motive of umrah. Knowing that the Kaba is the centre of Muslims and the throne of Allah on earth, the impression I had on the rituals was of a mere symbolic value. We circumambulate the Kaba from the right towards the left as in the opposite direction of the earth's movement. This

means we circulate against the flow of time. The reversal of time in the tawaf symbolizes undoing the fall of man. The fall of man is the removal of Adam (as) from the state of perfection. We circulate the Kaba in an attempt to reconstruct that perfection. As human beings the purpose of tawaf is to amend our past mistakes, thus enabling ourselves to lead a pious life.

During the tawaf we repeatedly ask for Allah's forgiveness, guidance and a place in heaven by reciting duas. Even the ritual saai is not only a reminder of the incident which happened to Hajara (as).The purpose of bringing an older tradition in to Islamic practice by Prophet Muhammad was to reassert the primordial belief in one God. It is to fully comprehend that Islam is nothing new. It is the renewal of what always was the belief in one God Allah. Islam is a religion which emphasizes more on the inner purity of a believer. The real Muslim is the person who'll make use of all the external opportunities to address the inside, the soul. But I've failed in doing so. I've only achieved the worldly gain of umrah as I was ignorant of the purpose of my own acts. I regret being unsuccessful at using my umrah to achieve a more divine result. I pray and ask Allah to grant me the knowledge, guidance and strength to correct my mistakes. So I could purify my soul and accomplish what I couldn't during my first umrah.

The Muslim Child


Fruits of the Paradise

Dates With the advent of Ramadan, date sales all over the world increase, as we Muslims traditionally break the fast with dates and water. This is a tradition that goes back to the Prophet (saw). Many hadiths report that the Prophet encouraged us to eat dates for a variety of reasons.

pregnant women be given foods containing fruit sugar on the day they give birth. The aim behind this is to energise and revitalise the mother's weakened body and at the same time to stimulate the milk hormones and increase the levels of mother's milk essential to the new-born baby.

In the Qur'an date fruit is honoured as one of the blessings of Paradise, “In them will be fruits, and dates and pomegranates” (55:68). When this fruit is examined, it can be seen to have a great many important features. One of the oldest known species of plant, the date is today a food of preference not only for its delicious taste but also for its nutritious properties. New benefits imparted by the date are being discovered every day and has come to be used as a medicine as well as a food. These features of the date are noted in Surah Maryam: “And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree: she cried (in her anguish): "Ah! would that I had died before this! Would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!" But (a voice) cried to her from beneath the (palm-free): "Grieve not! for thy Lord hath provided a rivulet beneath thee; "And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee. "So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye. And if thou dost see any man say `I have vowed a fast to (Allah) Most Gracious, and this day will I enter into no talk with any human being." (19:23-26)

In addition, loss of blood during birth leads to a fall in body sugar levels. Dates are important from the point of view of enabling sugar to enter the body and prevent blood pressure from dropping. Their high calorific value strengthens people weakened by illness or suffering from extreme fatigue. These facts reveal the wisdom in the way that Allah recommended Maryam to eat dates, designed to energise and invigorate the woman and ensure the emergence of milk, the only food for a baby. Date contains more than 11 minerals and seven vitamins of vital importance to maintain the body healthy and energetic. Modern-day scientists state that human beings can actually live for years on nothing more than dates and water. V. H. W. Dowson, a recognised expert in this field, says that one grain of date and a glass of milk are enough to meet all of a person's daily nutritional requirements. The desert people who, for thousands of years, ate dates with goat or camel milk as a complete sustenance.

The substance oxytocin, which is present in the date, is used in modern medicine to There is considerable wisdom in the way facilitate birth. In fact, oxytocin means that Allah recommends Maryam (AS) to eat "rapid birth." It is also known to increase this fruit. The date is an excellent choice of levels of mother's milk after birth. food for the pregnant women and for those who have just given birth. This is a widely Oxytocin is actually a hormone released by accepted scientific fact. Maryam (AS) was the pituitary gland which stimulates inspired to understand this point, in order contractions of the womb during childbirth. to make her own labour easier. The date has All the pre-birth preparations in the body one of the highest sugar levels, 60-80%, of take place thanks to this hormone. The all fruits. Doctors recommend that effects of the hormone can be seen in the


The Muslim Child

muscles that form the mother's womb and in cells in the muscular structure that enables the secretion of mother's milk. The effective contraction of the womb is essential if birth is to take place. Oxytocin enables the muscles that comprise the womb to contract in a very powerful manner. Moreover, oxytocin also initiates the secretion of mother's milk. This feature of the date, and Allah commanding Mariam (AS) to eat it is an important evidence that the Qur'an is the revelation of Allah. The medical identification of the benefits of the date only became possible in recent times. Yet it was set out fourteen centuries ago in the Qur'an that Allah revealed to Maryam(AS) that she should eat dates. Dates also contain a form of sugar that gives the body h i g h l e v els of mobility and heat energy and which can be easily broken down in t h e b o d y . Furthermore, this sugar is not glucose, which rapidly raises the level of blood sugar but the fruit sugar fructose. A rapid rise in blood sugar levels in diabetics in particular has a damaging effect on a great many organs and systems, especially the eyes, kidneys, heart and circulatory system and nervous system. High blood sugar is one of the main causes of disorders as serious as loss of sight, heart attacks and kidney insufficiency. Dates are reported to be useful in the treatment of respiratory disorders, heart conditions, cancer (due to its high magnesium and calcium content), anemia, allergies, and constipation. Bedouin Arabs, who eat them on a regular basis, show an extremely low incidence rate of cancer and heart disease. Dates contain a great many vitamins and minerals. They are very rich in fibre, fat and proteins. They also contain sodium,

potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine, as well as vitamins A, beta-carotene, B1, B2, B3 and B6. Some of the benefits of the vitamins and minerals in dates to the normal human body and especially during pregnancy can be summarised as follows: The nutritional value of dates stems from the appropriate mineral balance within them. The date also contains folic acid, a B vitamin of great importance to pregnant women. Folic acid (B9) is a vitamin which serves important functions in the construction of new blood cells and of amino acids, the body's building blocks, and in cell renewal. The need for folic acid thus rises significantly d u r i n g pregnancy and t h e d a i l y requirement doubles. When folic acid levels are insufficient, red blood cells that are larger than normal but with lower functionality emerge, along with the symptoms of anaemia, appear. Folic acid plays a particularly important role in cell division and in the formation of the genetic structure of the cell and is the only substance daily requirements of which double during pregnancy. The date is exceedingly rich in folic acid. uOn the other hand, the long-term nausea and physical reactions that appear during pregnancy do so because of a lack of potassium. Levels therefore need to be reinforced. In the same way that the large quantities of potassium in dates are of great importance in this regard, they are also important in regulating the water balance in the body. Moreover, by helping oxygen to reach the brain potassium enables one to think clearly. In addition, it provides the appropriate alkaloidal features for body fluids and stimulates the kidneys to expel toxic bodily wastes. It u

The Muslim Child



helps bring down high blood pressure and the formation of healthy skin. uThe iron contained in dates controls the synthesis of haemoglobin in the red blood cells and ensures an appropriate level of red cells in the blood. This is of vital importance in preventing anaemia during pregnancy and the development of the baby. Red blood cells play a role in keeping cells alive by carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Due to dates' high iron levels, a human being can meet his or her iron requirements by eating just 15 dates a day and will thus be protected from disorders arising from iron deficiency. uThe calcium and phosphate in dates are important elements for skeletal growth and balancing the body's bone structure. The high levels of phosphorus and calcium in dates protect the body against bone weakness and help reduce such disorders. uScientists also emphasise the way in which dates reduce stress and tension. Research by Berkeley University experts has revealed that dates contain high levels of vitamin B6, which strengthens the nerves, and magnesium, which is very important for the kidneys. A person can meet his magnesium requirement by eating just 2-3 grains of date a day. uThe vitamin B1 in dates facilitates the health of the nervous system, assists the transformation of the carbohydrates in the body into energy and the use of protein and fats to meet the body's needs. Vitamin B2 assists in the burning of protein, carbohydrates and fats for the provision of bodily energy and cell renewal. uThe body's vitamin A requirement rises during pregnancy. Thanks to the vitamin A it contains, the date improves vision and bodily resistance and strengthens the teeth and bones. Dates are also especially rich in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene helps prevent cancer by controlling molecules that attack the cells.

From the Hadith: Aisha (RA) said: the prophet (PBUH) said: “Indeed in dates there is a cure”. Reported by Muslim (14/3) and Ahmad (6/152) The Prophet (PBUH) said: “ Whoever finds dates should break his fast with them and the one who does not should break his fast with water because it is pure”

In addition, unlike dates, other fruits are generally lacking in protein. Thanks to this feature, dates enable the body to protect itself against illness and infection, to renew cells and ensure fluid balance. Meat is also a useful foodstuff but maybe not as much as

Children's Diseases: According to Dr. Aman, a date tied to the wrist of the baby and allowed to be sucked by him during teething time hardens the gums and prevents other complaints like fretfulness and diarrhoea. A teaspoonful of paste of the

The Muslim Child

the date, which is a fresh fruit, especially at such a time. All these facts about dates reveal Allah's infinite knowledge and compassion for human beings. As we have seen, the benefits of the date, especially during pregnancy and only recently established by modern medical science, were indicated in the Qur'an many years ago.

date prepared with honey is an effective medicine for diarrhoea and dysentery during teething. It should be given three times a day.

Ajwa dates: Considered to be Prophet’s favourite

bricks have been found to contain instructions for growing date palms. The ancient monuments of Egypt have been found to contain carved figures of date palms. There are numerous references to the palm and its fruit in the Bible, testifying to its manifold virtues Prophet Mohammed believed that the first date palm was made from the tempered dust which remained after the formation of Adam. The original home of date is believed to be in the Persian Gulf area or in Mesopotamia. It is now classed as one of the standard crops of world agriculture and is widely grown in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Spain, Italy, China and U.S.A.

The fruit, because of its tannin content , is used medicinally as a detersive and astringent in intestinal troubles. In the form of an infusion, decoctin, syrup or paste, is administered as a treatment for sore throat, colds, bronchial catarrh. It is taken to relieve fever, cystitis, gonorrhea, edema, liver and abdominal troubles. A gum that exudes from the tree trunk is employed in India for treating diarrhea and genito-urinary ailments. It is diuretic and demulcent. The root of the plant is used Food Value: The date is a food of high against toothache. nutritional value. It provides natural sugar in the form of glucose and fructose. This Origin and Distribution: The date is held in sugar is ready for immediate absorption high esteem from ancient times and is one and is, therefore, infinitely superior to cane of the earliest fruits cultivated by man. In sugar. It is usually taken raw or with milk, Mesopotamia, more than 5,000 years old which makes it highly nutritious in most respects. Taking it with curdled milk is also common. In Sahara, rich people take it with butter by removing the seed and filling the cavity with butter. It is a scientific way of taking fat. It is also taken in several cooked forms. The seeds of the fruit, roasted and ground into powder makes a beverage like coffee, called 'date coffee'. The date palm yields a sweet juice of high food value. It can be taken fresh with great advantage or make into a tasty country sugar.

Teach your child to say: Du’a Seeking Forgiveness

ِ‫ﻨﻰ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻒ‬‫ ﻓﹶﺎﻋ‬‫ﻔﹾﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻌ‬‫ﺤِﺐ‬‫ ﺗ‬‫ﻔﹸﻮ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻚ‬‫ ﺇﻧ‬‫ﻢ‬‫ﻨﺍﹶﻟﹼﻠﻬ‬‫ِﻰ‬ Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa fu anni

O Allah, verily You are Most Forgiving, You like to forgive, therefore do forgive my sins.

The Muslim Child



Self Control and Firm Faith Fathimah Hanan Luthfy Looking out of the window,I accidently glanced at our school janitor leaning on the lamppost outside our school gate. He was smoking, puffing out clouds of smoke from his mouth.I moved myb pen closer to my mouth as though i was about to smoke and I I was unaware of what I was doing,when suddenly a hand touched my shoulder. Turning back,frightened I saw my class teacher looking down at me smiling. I stood,wondering if he was going to give me a good blast but no,he didn't .He asked me to come to the playgrond with him. "Son I would like to tell you a story! a true story of a muslim child" he said,"....a motherless child grew up with her father who brought her up according to the islamic Aqeedah.The girl started wearing Abaya from her teens.she recited and prayed daily at perfect times.She grew up as a well mannered and good natured girl.It was time for her to go to college,the time when Allah wanted to test her faith.She was fine ,but as time passed she started delaying her prayers and recited the Quran once in a bloom,she started bugging her dad for a phone,then an i-pod to which he reluctantly disagreed,but he was forced to get her one. Peer media and financial pressure started changing her,disguising his daughter coming home late,everyday and on weekends,she would just lock herself up in her room or wander off with her friends.He wondered what was happening to her.when one day, while rummanging through her cupboard drawers,she he found needles. He didn't know why she was having them.he sensed a truth which he wished wasn't true.Days passed swiftly like a breeze but no change in their life styles.As a father he could do nothing but advice her.when one day she fell ill,terribly ill.Red patches started appearing all over her face and body.she knew what those patches meant.She had misused her needles accidently and


The Muslim Child

without realizing ,she had infected herself with the virus.Looking at her in the mirror ,she felt ashamed of what she has done and for shattering her father's dream.The only solution to her problem ,then was suicide...” When my teacher concluded I saw tears swelling up his eyes.Putting his arms around my shoulder he said, 'Son,these worldly materials may seem top be fun,exciting,thrilling and even stress relieving,but it only lasts for a few while,but the result of getting involved in it,gets embadded in your heart,life long,killing you,ripping your soul apart.Dont ever do that mistake .Stay firm have self control,have faith in Allah and he would guide you.” He meant what he said.It wasn't only words but experience. And this girl was my daughter and Im the father who could do nothing but advise” I looked at him,stunned and rooted to the spot. "But sir ...."I choked out. He walked away with silence.This was an advise of a teacher to his student,but not just advice words which inspired me. Have Fiirm Faith In Allah And He Would Guide You.



As I look across the classroom I see an array of eager eyes looking and listening on as I talk about the day's lesson. The children, aged between eight and ten years old are all blessed (Alhamdulilah) to be born into a Muslim family. Although they were brought up to believe in Allah, the prophets and the fundament’s of Islam I notice that there is a striking difference between each child. Even though the children are taught the same thing by their parents the greatest influence a child can have in becoming the best Muslim is the level of Adab which is instilled upon them. Meeting the parents of these children constantly I see that the children with the highest level of manners and respect towards their teacher and fellow students are those whose parents who have sound Adab. The word Adab (manners) encompasses all good things a Muslim must do, whether compulsory or not. It includes everything that is virtuous; every noble characteristic, habit or trait. The most perfect example of one that has exceptional Adab is our beloved prophet, Muhammad (saw). He guided us to all that is good and warned us about all that is evil, and his guidance is applicable as well as binding upon mankind until the end of this world. Allah tells us in the Quran that in his manners and style, the prophet (saw) was a perfect example: "Truly, you have the best of manners”(68:4) Traditionally, Adab was not taught but acquired and embodied in interactions between people. It has been narrated that Imam Ahmed would have had up to 5000 attendants at his gatherings, a small minority would write and learn; the rest would simply learn from his actions i.e. his Adab. This has such importance in that we learn by what we see, whether good or bad. Through observation humans have the ability to pick up habits and traits of others, particularly young children. Therefore it is

Umaara Wazeer Australia

vital that parents are aware of their actions and maintain their Adab to the highest standard. Children will follow the examples of parents' weather good or bad. Al Walid ib Numayr said that he heard his father say: “Righteousness is (a gift) from Allah, but Adab (manners) is from the parents" If parents impart lessons of manners onto their children without themselves practicing it, the behavior will eventually disappear out of the Child’s life as they grow older. For example, parents may continually remind and teach their children that they have to respect their elders however if the parents themselves do not practice what they are teaching their children, then the child will eventually change their behavior to mimic that of their parents. Its not only parents that influence a person's behavior. Students can acquire it from their teachers and the young from the elders. We may have much knowledge but lack Adab; but it is Adab that holds the greater value and importance. In today's society, where parents, teachers and elders are no longer given their correct honors, respects or rights; basic manners have made a swift exit, whilst we compete for glory, knowledge or worldly gain. There are various kinds of manners and so the Islamic ruling changes according to the type of manner. A specific Adab could be Haram (Forbidden), Fard (Compulsory), Mustahab (Recommended: one is rewarded for doing it but not punished for not doing it), Makruh (disliked: one is rewarded for not doing it but not punished for doing it) or Mubah (whether one does it or not, he is neither punished nor rewarded). Throughout the next few editions of The Muslim Child, the manners of various actions will be discussed in order for us to learn, put into practice and become great examples for our children.

The Muslim Child


The Joy of EID day late at night for last minute shoppers. On the eve before Eid, women and children get together to decorate their hands with henna, (in the south Asian subcontinent this evening is also known as 'chand raat'. chand means moon and raat means night. the evening when Eid is confirmed for the following day, with the sighting of the crescent moon indicating the start of festivities). Staying up late preparing food for the next day, the whole house is a hub of he following acts are prescribed as activity and excitement. Sunnah at the beginning of the day of Eid ul-Fitr before proceeding to The 'Eid prayer is important for Muslims as it has the merits of the daily prayers and the the Eid prayer: weekly gathering (Jumu'ah). On the day of Muslims should put on their best available Eid, fasting is forbidden since this day clothes. Ibn Al-Qayyim said: "The Prophet, marks the end of the month-long fast. Eid is (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), used to wear a family and social event, after the Eid his best clothes for the Eid prayers and he prayers people visit each other, exchange (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) had clothes gifts, spend time socializing with extended that he reserved for the two Eids and family and community, visiting the sick and offering prayers for the deceased. Jumu'ah." (Muslim)


Children sometimes receive gifts, candy, or money. But we should also remember that Eid is not about such gifts, it is really a time to remember Allah and to feel the joy that comes to us once we meet obligations toward Him. If you participate in the "Allah's Messenger would not leave (his fasting, the celebration becomes even more house) on the day of Fitr until he ate some meaningful! dates." (Al-Bukhari) It is Sunnah to take different routes to and Buraydah Bin al-Haseeb (radiyallaahu from the Eid prayer. It was narrated by `anhu) narrated: "The Prophet would not Jaber: "On the days of Eid, the Prophet leave (his house) on the day of Fir until he (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), would go to ate. On the day of Nahr (slaughtering) he the prayer area by one route and come back would not eat until he returned - so that he by another route." (Al-Bukhari) It is Sunnah would eat from his sacrifice." (At- to pray in the open (known as the musallaa). Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree Tirmidhee) (radiyallaahu `anhu) said: "The Prophet 'Eid, which means festivity in Arabic, is used to go on the day of Fitr and the day of celebrated after the sighting of the new Adha to the musallaa; and the first thing he crescent on the previous evening. Since Eid did when he reached there was perform the is celebrated with gift-giving, the highly prayer." (Al-Bukhari). The Eid prayer is decorated shops and markets are open till waajib for every male Muslim. The Prophet Muslims should eat before going to Eid prayer. This is Sunnah and will also help to circumvent the assumption that one must continue to fast until the Eid prayer is over. Anas (radiyallaahu `anhu) narrated


The Muslim Child

(sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) performed it consistently and commanded all the people to go out for it. He even specifically commanded all of the women to attend. shShawkaanee (radiyallaahu `anhu) said: "Note that the Prophet consistently performed this prayer on every Eid, never neglecting it. He commanded the people to go out for it; he even commanded the free women, the virgins, and the menstruating women to go out, instructing the latter to refrain from praying, in order for all of them to witness this good and the Muslims' supplications. He further commanded the woman who did not own a jilbaab (outer overall garment for women) to borrow her friend's (al-Bukhari) Abu Hurairah narrated that one time Eid fell on a Friday. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) said: "Two Eids have come together on this day of yours; so whoever wishes, he is excused from the Jumu`ah (Friday) prayer. But as for us, we shall gather for the Jumu`ah." (Abu Dawood and Ibn Maajah). The Eid prayer can be performed any time between sunrise and noon. Abu Bakr (radiyallaahu `anhu) said: "The time of the two Eid prayers is after the sun has reached the height of a spear, and until noon. However, it is best to pray al-Adh at the earliest time, to enable the people to slaughter their sacrifices; and is recommended to delay al-Fitr prayer, to enable the people to give out their Sadaqah (zakat ul-Fitr)." (Muslim) The Eid prayer is not preceded with Adhaan or Iqaamah. Ibn `Abbaas and Jaabir said: "Adhaan was never given (for the Eid prayer) on the day of Fitr, nor the day of

Messenger, Abu Bakr, `Umar, and `Uthman all of them would pray before the khutbah (Al-Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad) Attending the khutbah is not obligatory, as is the case for attending the prayer. `Abdullaah Bin as-Saa'ib reported that he attended the Eid with the Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) and when he finished the prayer, he said: "We shall have a khutbah; so let whoever wishes to sit for the khutbah do so, and whoever wishes to leave leave" (Abu Dawood, an-Nasaa`ee, Ibn Maajah) For those who fasted during the month of Ramadhan, there is a sense of triumph and accomplishment. The manifestation of the two attributes of God are palpable: Ya Qabid (The Restrictor) Ya Basit (The Expander). The month of restraint and spiritual growth followed by this day of extravagance, festivities and celebrations. Internal reverie followed by external spread. Revived and rejuvenated by the intimacy of Ramadhan fasters celebrate the blessings with others. The macrocosm of life manifested in the microcosm of a month.. self-discipline and commitment to Allah is rewarded... as it will be in the Hereafter. Focus redirected. Ups and downs, highs and lows... and with every hardship follows ease! EID MUBARAK!

Adha." (Al-Bukhari) The Eid prayer consists of two Rak`aat. `Umar reported: "The travelers' prayer is two Rak`aat; the Adha prayer is two Rak`aat; the Fitr prayer is two Rak`aat; and the Jumu`ah prayer is two Rak`aat; this is their full length as came upon the tongue of Muhammad." (Ahmad) The sunnah for the khutbah (speech) is to follow the Eid prayer. Ibn `Abbaas said: "I attended the Eid with Allah's

The Muslim Child


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