The Most Important Day Of My Life By Hellen Keller

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 940
  • Pages: 4
Pujols 1 Luis Pujols Dr. Smith ENGL 101 F15B/Z February 8,2019

Title: The Day when my Fate Changed.

Everybody has a day on their life which one they consider the most important of it because of the events that took place on this day. This specific day for everybody has different reasons to be, or meanings that make it the most important one for each person. Therefore, I have decided to tell the story of the most relevant day of my life. This day was when I got my visa of United States Permanent Residence. Also, when I got this visa it was like a dream that come true, it gives a me such a good feeling of happiness. This day I passed long hours of suspense while waiting before obtaining it which I'm going to explain in this story. This day was a Tuesday 8 of July 2014 at 10:00 am when this event took place, I remember that day early in the morning waking up at 5:00 am because my mother and me were going to have a trip of almost 2 hours to be in time at the United States of America Embassy, in The Capital of Santo Domingo, RD. We needed to be there in time, and make sure that we have every single document well organized and prepared in order to don't take the risk of losing the appointment since the staff of this place was very strict. I was very excited about everything but at the same time super nervous since I was having a condition regarding my age in which the Consul who is the person in charge to determine if an individual qualify to obtain a visa or not will decide about it based on United States Immigration Laws. Being so, this condition was that I was over 21 years

Pujols 2 old and once you pass that age you are no longer considered an immediate relative of your parents when applying the immigration laws related to Dominican Republic and United States for the permanent residence visas. Therefore, this condition meant that I didn’t qualify to obtain the permanent residence visa along with my mother because I was already an adult, and that instead, my mother would have to come alone first and then, once she starts living in the country, she must start a new process for me. But thanks God there was a new law that came out a year before of this day changing the whole rules of the game. This rule was regarding exactly to children with the same condition I had at that moment regarding my age. Basically, what this rule says is that there is no fault in a child who is waiting during years to obtain his visa of Permanent Residence for United States of America, so if a process was started for a child when he was under the age of 21 years old he is entirely qualified to obtain the benefit of this visa if he is over 21 year old at the moment of his appointment with the American Embassy. I found out about this new law because this day there was another family waiting for their appointment to obtain the same kind of visa than me in which there was also a child with the same condition on his age that I also had on mine. And in relation to this I decided to stablish a conversation with his father who end it up telling me this information, making me feel much better about the condition I had on my age. With all this in my mind I started to feel more excited than ever since I was expecting an unsuccessful ending regarding to obtain the benefit of this visa. But as a result of this new law I came out from this appointment victorious getting the visa of permanent residence alone with my mother to come and live in the United States of America. Thereafter, I came out from the American Embassy super happy with such a smile in my face that from far away you could notice my happiness, then we started our trip back home while the rest of my family was waiting with the good news after we made the phone call to let them

Pujols 3 know the result obtained on this important appointment. In addition to this, I have to say that in the same year that I obtained this visa 24 members of my family also obtained their visa too. And to tell you the true I don’t know if that was an important day on their life, but this was the most important day of my life. After I came to this country, I have been doing great, getting better and better every day. After this day everything changed for my life and I feel pretty good of such change, this day was too valuable for me because it represents a big change to my fate with relation to what this visa means for me which is better education, better jobs opportunity, best life quality, just to name a couple of it.

Works Cited Keller, Hellen. “The Most Important Day of my Life.

Pujols 4 Pujols Tolentino, Luis Saul. “The Most Important Day of my Life.” Journal Title (Year): Pages From - To. Print.

“The better you re at writing, it will tell you about the good you are when speaking and reading” By Luis Pujols The submission confirmation number is 75523201-74a6-4e91-85de-54a98875cf76The submissionv confirmation number is 75523201-74a6-4e91-85de-54a98875cf76The submission confirmation number is 75523201-74a6-4e91-85de-54a98875cf76The submission confirmation number is 75523201-74a6-4e91-85de54a98875cf76 The submission confirmation number is 75523201-74a6-4e91-85de-54a98875cf76

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