The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Mar. 9, 2007

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  • Pages: 32

Volume 5, Issue 20





Parents and kids enjoy Area III Kite Festival

Anti-terrorism training conducted in Area IV

Page 16

Page 26

March 9, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly is

nline Visit

IMCOM commanding general, sergeant major visits United States Army Installations in Korea By John A. Nowell IMCOM Public Affairs Officer

YONGSAN GARRISON, Seoul, Korea – The IMCOM command team visited Korea for a first-hand look at the ‘Quality of Life’ and living conditions for the Soldiers serving in Korea, March 4-8. The team lead by Lt. Gen. Robert Wilson, assistant chief of staff for Installation Management and commanding general, Installation Management Command, included Col. (P) Phillip McGhee, director, Resource Management, IMCOM HQ, Col. James Balocki, chief, Strategic Initiatives Group for ACSIM, and Command Sgt. Maj. Debra Strickland, Command Sgt. Maj. for ACSIM and IMCOM HQ. The team was briefed by Brig. Gen. Al Aycock, director, Installation Management Command, Korea Region, who escorted them throughout the tour and included a courtesy call on Lt. Gen. David P. Valcourt, Chief of Staff, UNC/USFK and commanding general, 8th United States Army. During the tour the team took walking tours of barracks, motor pools and administrative facilities as well as having lunch with Soldiers in dining facilities. On the first day, they attended a lunch with representatives of organizations which sponsor Good Neighbor Programs for our Soldiers, including the Association of the U.S. Army, Korean American Friendship Association, Korean American Friendship Society, People to People International Korea, The Second to None Soldier’s Support Group and the United Services Organization.


See Wilson Wilson, Page 2 S G T . L E E Y A N G-W O N


(Above) Lt. Gen. Robert Wilson, commanding general, Installation Management Command, and Command Sgt. Maj. Debra Strickland, command sergeant major, Installation Management Command, receives briefing from Capt. Tomiko Ballard, commander, 1st Replacement Company, during a tour of 1st Replacement Center. (Left) Lt. Gen. Robert Wilson, CG, IMCOM has lunch with U.S. and KATUSA Soldiers at the K16 Dining Facility on K-16 Air Base during his visit in Area II.


March 9, 2007

2 MP Blotter The following entries were excerpted from the military police blotters. These entries may be incomplete and do not imply the guilt or innocence of any person. Area 1 Attempted Suicide, Subject 1 jumped out of his barracks room window. Subject 1 was transported by an ambulance to the Camp Casey Emergency Clinic where Subject 1 was treated and transferred to 121st CSH. Injuries to Subject 1 consisted of sprained ankles. Medical Personnel considered this incident an attempted suicide. The investigation continues by MPI.


Area 2 Assault Consummated by Battery, Subject 1 and Victim 1 were involved in a verbal altercation which turned physical when Subject 1 struck Victim 1 on the right side facial area and chest with a closed hand. Subject 1 was apprehended and transported to the Kangnam KNP Station where Subject 1 was charged by KNP under ROK Criminal Code #2-2 (Assault) and released into MP custody on a CJ Form 2. Subject 1 was transported to the Yongsan PMO. The investigation continues by KNP.


Area 3 Assault, Subject 1 and Subject 2 were involved in a verbal altercation which turned physical when Subject 1 attempted to stop Subject 2 from leaving by using Subject 1’s shoulder to carry Subject 2 back to Subject 2’s room. Subject 2 broke free from Subject 1 and continued to have a verbal altercation with Subject 1 at which time Subject 1 was pushed down the third floor landing. Subject 2 and Subject 1 reported to the CQ area where Subject 1 attempted to leave when Subject 2 grabbed Subject 1 by both of Subject 1’s arms in an attempt to stop Subject 1 from leaving while waiting for MP. Subject 1 broke free from Subject 2 and fled the scene. A search of the area by Witness 1 for Subject 1 met with negative results. Witness 2 and Witness 1 rendered written sworn statements attesting to the incident. There were no injuries reported. The investigation continues by MPI.

# 17-07

SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 738-3355 Fax: DSN 738-3356 E-mail: MorningCalmWeekly

Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration/Foal Eagle exercise will be our first major training exercise of the calendar year, providing an excellent opportunity to improve ROK/U.S. combat readiness and joint/combined interoperability. Large numbers of individual augmentees and entire units will join our staffs and formations for this exercise. Commanders and leaders at all levels must be fully engaged to ensure their safe integration into USFK formations and activities. For those joining us from offshore, completion of Theater Specific Required Training is mandatory per USFK Reg 350-2. While striving for maximum training benefits, commanders should ensure that safety, command discipline and common sense are adhered to in all situations. The safety of personnel and safeguarding of equipment are vital to the success of our training efforts. Unfortunately, the potential for accidents and

Gen. B.B. Bell

from Page 1

Morning Calm Installation Management Command-Korea Region Director/Publisher Public Affairs Officer Editor Staff Writer

Area I

Commander Public Affairs Officer CI Officer

Area II

Col. Forrest R. Newton Margaret Banish-Donaldson James F. Cunningham

Commander Col. Ron Stephens Public Affairs/CI Officer David McNally Staff Writer Cpl. Lee Yang-won

Area III

Commander Public Affairs Officer CI Officer

Area IV

Commander Public Affairs Officer CI Officer

Sustain, Support and Defend

composite risk management into their daily activities. We can enhance both safety and discipline through increased commander daily involvement and oversight. Read my safety guidance in USFK Command Policy Letter 2, Command Safety and in USFK 2006-2007 Winter Safety Campaign. I am totally committed to the achievement of our RSOI/ FE ’07 training objectives. I am equally insistent that we execute the training safely. I expect rigid enforcement of standards. The result will be enhanced safety and a more disciplined force with pride in their unit, pride in their mission, and pride in their accomplishments. To have a servicemember injured or lost during this superb training opportunity would be a tragedy. We are accountable.

opportunities for misguided behavior increase over the duration of most exercises. These increases result from overconfidence, fatigue, complacency, adverse weather, and alcohol abuse. I expect all commanders to develop and implement risk control measures, closely supervise unit operations, and evaluate operational results. To prevent alcohol related incidents, Component Commanders will ensure participants observe USFK Command Policy Letter 45, Alcohol Consumption during JCS-Directed and other USFK Level Exercises. To address all other risks, leaders at every level must GEN B.B. Bell continue to incorporate Commander, UNC/CFC/USFK

In explaining the purpose of the team’s tour of IMCOM Garrisons in Korea, Aycock said, “General Wilson’s tour of Korea is for our success. Every commander has to see the situation on the ground. We can send him papers and pictures, but until he comes here to see it for himself, to see the buildings and talk to the Soldiers and commanders here, to determine our needs, it will always be a challenge to make it real. When he is on the ground he can see what Korea is like today.

Published by IMCOM-Korea This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOM-Korea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500

Safety message for upcoming exercises


Area 4 Assault Consummated by Battery, Domestic Violence, Subject 1 and Victim 1 were involved in a verbal altercation which turned physical when Subject 1 struck Victim 1 with an open hand. Subject 1 was apprehended and transported to the Camp Walker PMO where Subject 1 was advised of Subject 1’s legal rights, which Subject 1 waived, rendering a written sworn statement admitting to the offense, processed and released on Subject 1’s own recognizance. Family Advocacy was notified. This is a final report.

The Morning Calm Weekly

“We are looking at modernizing and change. We want to normalize tours for our people. We have such a great alliance with our Republic of Korea allies. And, that’s important to Korea, to IMCOM, to 8th US Army and USFK,” Aycock said. The team began touring the garrisons and Area Support Activities with courtesy calls on senior mission commanders and area commanders in all four Areas, but above all to see the Soldiers and their living conditions..

See Wilson Wilson, Page 4 Printed by Oriental Press Bldg. 1440, Yongsan Main Post

Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way connected Brig. Gen. Al Aycock with the U.S. Government, under John A. Nowell exclusive written contract with the Contracting CommandAndre Butler Korea. The civilian printer is Sue Silpasornprasit responsible for commercial advertising. The appearance of advertising in this publication, Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr. including inserts or supplements, Bob McElroy does not constitute endorsement F. Neil Neeley by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr. publication shall be made Kevin Jackson available for purchase, use or Galen Putnam patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin,

age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. President: Charles Chong Commercial Advertising Telephone: 738-5005 Fax: 02-793-5701 E-mail: [email protected] Mail address: Oriental Press, PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758


The Morning Calm Weekly

USFK commander puts university area off-limits The commander of United States Forces Korea has designated the Hongdae/Hongik University area in Seoul off-limits to all USFK service members, civilian employees, contractor employees and their family members between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. daily for reasons of force protection. The Hongdae/Hongik University area is located about two miles west of Yongsan Main Post, immediately southwest of the Sinchon subway station and rotary and includes the Hongdae bar district. This order does not apply to KATUSA Soldiers or Korean employees. For more details and maps go to the force protection page on Yellow Dust The United States Forces Korea and the Korean Meteorolgical Administration have revised their warnings concerning increase in Yellow dust coming from the Gobi Desert in China. For more information Yellow dust as well as to check the current Yellow dust concentration at your location about Yellow dust, logon to index.html, click on Yellow Sand, or sites/yellowsand/default.asp. Or, contact Deputy Chief of Staff Force Health Protection, 18TH MEDCOM at 736-3025/3033, mobile 010-7124-9512. TIPS for Yellow Sand Storms avoid outdoor activities keep windows closed remove contact lenses use warm water to wash drink plenty of water don’t burn candles indoors don’t smoke indoors air out rooms in home Autism Spectrum Disorder Support Group Meeting The Autism Spectrum Disorder Support Group will host its montly support group meeting March 27. The meeting will be held at Seoul American Elementary Dolphin Theater. The point of contact for the group is Alexander Carter, and you can contact him at 7385311. 2007 West Point Dinner Members of the Long Gray line and guests are invited to the 2007 West Point Founder’s Day Dinner at the Dragon Hill Lodge, tomorrow night. The dinner will cost $25 per person. The uniform is Mess Dress and Army Blues. For more information, call 7235938. Virtues Volunteers needed to teach English The Virtues English program is seeking volunteers. This program requires active duty service members to volunteer to teach English to Korean school children two Saturdays each month. For additional information contact Charlotte Huntsman at 7247781 or 7003.

March 9, 2007

Surface Deployment, Distribution Command team visits Defense Distribution Depot Korea


By Polly Charbonneau Defense Deployment and Distribution Center Command Affairs

Army Maj. Gen. Kathleen Gainey, commanding general, Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, recently visited Defense Distribution Depot Korea, or DDDK, to discuss current operations. DDDK is one of 26 distribution centers managed by the Defense Distribution Center. While Gainey commanded DDC from Aug. 2002 to Aug. 2004, DDDK was being planned. She was impressed with DDDK operations and facilities, describing them as “world-class.” Gainey sees opportunity for DDDK P C to grow and provide additional service Maj. Gen. Kathleen Gainey, discusses current operations with Pete Halseth. to customers located in Korea. She is DDDK has had no reportable incidents since activation, supportive of additional streamlining of distribution. Gainey lauded DDDK for their inventory accuracy and Gainey was impressed with that safety record. See Gainey Gainey, Page 4 and aggressive commitment to maintaining it. OLLY

Ration control commissary dollar limits increase Special to The Morning Calm Weekly United States Forces Korea J-1 Office

Ration control commissary monthly dollar limits will increase approximately 25 percent for all family sizes March 1. This is a good news story for our Service members and their families. This increase reflects the 23 percent rise in inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, since rates were last raised in 2000. The new rates are reflected in the table below.

Your rate is determined by family size as tracked by the Defense Biometric Identification System. So to ensure you are being measured against the correct purchase limit, make sure all your dependents, even infants, are registered in DBIDS. You can check both your number of dependents registered and your current monthly purchase total by using the following link, either from your work or home computer. Choose “My Ration Check,” and then enter your SSAN, last name and date of birth.

New limits for ration control Family Size 1 2 3 4 5 6+

Previous Dollar Limit New Dollar Limit $450 $550 $700 $850 $900 $1,100 $1,050 $1,300 $1,250 $1,500 $1,450 $1,800


RSOI, Foal Eagle ‘2007’ set to start

Special to The Morning Calm Weekly UNC/CFC/USFK Public Affairs

Yongsan –The Republic of Korea and United States Combined Forces Command announced March 6 the Reception, Staging, Onward movement and Integration command-post exercise, referred to as “RSOI 2007,” will be held March 25 thru March 31 in multiple locations throughout Korea. The joint and combined fieldtraining exercise referred to as “Foal Eagle” will also be linked with RSOI — as it has been for the past several years. The Reception, Staging, Onward movement and Integration command-post exercise and Foal Eagle 2007, as with all other CFC exercises, is a defensive oriented exercise designed to improve the command’s ability to defend the Republic of Korea against external aggression. RSOI is a regularly scheduled, annual joint and combined command-

See Exercise Exercise, Page 4

March 9, 2007



Monday afternoon they visited with first sergeants and Soldiers at camps Red Cloud and Casey and were briefed about the flood conditions that occurred on Camp Casey last year and the steps taken to mitigate future flood conditions. During a dinner hosted at the Warrior Club on Camp Casey, Wilson commented on the ‘Army Community of Excellence’ program and emphasized that benchmarking with others will improve processes toward that end. “Benchmarking is the process of identifying, understanding and adapting outstanding practices from organizations anywhere in the world to help your organization improve its performance,” he said. The following day, the team met with resource management officials from the Garrisons as well as 8th U.S. Army and USFK for breakfast at the Dragon Hill Lodge to discuss resources. The tour continued with briefings by Area II officials in Yongsan Garrison and tours of the installation as well as a visit to K-16 Air Base. “I’m very impressed with the initiatives on going here. I’ve looked at the Community Activity Center and the new K-16 buildings here and it’s really a model facility.” “It’s exactly what Soldiers deserve. I’ve talked to Soldiers, BOSS members and KATUSAs who are completely dedicated at what they do. It makes me very proud that they’re working with the U.S. Army.” The visit continued that afternoon with a briefing and tour of the Area IV Support Activity with stops at facilities on camps Henry, George and Walker in the U.S. Army Garrison, Daegu meeting and talking to US and KATUSA Soldiers.

Gainey DDDK, and all DDC distribution centers, routinely use radio frequency identification, or RFID, throughout many distribution center processes. DDDK’s primary mission is to provide enhanced physical distribution

Exercise post exercise, which was first held in 1994 and is used by CFC, ROK and U.S. force commanders to train and evaluate CFC capability to receive forces from bases outside of the country. The United Nations Command has informed the Korean People’s Army in North Korea about RSOI and Foal Eagle 2007 and assured them that this is a defensive military readiness exercise, and that it is not meant to be provocative in any way. As in past exercises, RSOI and Foal Eagle 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly from Page 2 After the Area IV staff briefing Wilson complimented them for their great work. “You have a great team; very professional and who cares very deeply. And, you have a great community,” he said. The final leg of the scheduled visit was conducted at the Area III Support Activity at Camp Humphreys. In his opening remarks at breakfast focusing on Public Works and engineering at the 527th Military Intelligence Battalion Dining Facility Wednesday, Wilson said that it is “…an exciting time to be in the Army and a part of change.” Following a briefing by Col. Michael J. Taliento, commander, Area III Support Activity, on how the Camp Humphreys Installation Operations Center works Wilson said, “This is phenomenal work; this is exactly what you need for your mission.” During discussions on the recentlycompleted Antiterrorism Force Protection exercise in Area III, Wilson said that the team told him they came away impressed with the quality of the staff and the work they did during the exercise. He added, “I think the team learned as much as they taught (at Humphreys).” In summary, Wilson stated that he will do everything he can to ensure IMCOM Korea will be able to get needed resources to support the Soldiers. “We are very proud of what you all are doing. Korea is an important ally. You are doing important work for the Army and the nation.” “We’re going to do our best to ensure that the Garrisons continue to get the resources they need to take good care of our Soldiers,” Wilson said. Wilson and his team departed Incheon yesterday on their way back to the Pentagon.

from Page 3 services to the U.S. Armed Forces located on the Korean Peninsula. DDDK has had no reportable incidents since activation. Gainey also toured the collocated Map Support Office-Korea, or MSO-K.

from Page 3 will include a full range of conventional equipment, capabilities and personnel. Foal Eagle is the command’s theaterwide joint and combined field training exercise focused on rear area security and stability operations, onward movement of equipment and select training events. These defensive field exercises are designed to help teach, coach and mentor younger Servicemembers while exercising senior leaders’ decision-making capabilities to protect the ROK.

March 9, 2007

Page 5

AER: Soldiers helping Soldiers By Jim Cunningham

“They can also get benefits from AER.” “Last year Area I AER helped 235 CAMP CASEY—Area I began its Soldiers, Newton said. “For a total of fundraising campaign for Army about $217,000 that we gave to Emergency Relief Fund March 2 with a ceremony featuring Col. Forrest Soldiers in this area.” The area gave the money before it Newton, Area I commander. had its fundraising “The AER ampaign, process has been “The AER takes care of cNewton said. around for 66 Soldiers and their “We gave them years,” Newton that money, and families, Soldiers that said. “It is an organization have passed away, their then we had our fundraising solely dedicated children and their campaign and to taking care of widows,” raised $150,000.” Soldiers.” The AER Col. Forrest Newton, Area I The AER campaign is not commander takes care of just about giving more than just the money to the Soldiers themselves, according to fund, according to Newton. Newton. “There will be a time when a Soldier “The AER takes care of Soldiers and their families, Soldiers that have is going to need help,” Newton said. “I am not always going to be there passed away, their children and their to give the help directly, but the AER widows,” Newton said. Area I Public Affairs


Col. Forrest Newton Area I commander, discusses the benefits of contributing to the Army Emergency Relief Fund during the campaign kick-off March 2.

will be there and provide the help Soldiers need.” The Army train Soldiers to be tough and fight wars, the American public expects that sort of toughness. Nevertheless, real toughness, according to Newton, is more than the popular definition of toughness, in its whole meaning toughness includes the likes of Mother Teresa. “Here is a woman that lived her entire life in abject poverty amongst

the poorest people in the world, giving everything she had back to those people,” Newton said. “I would say that is pretty tough.” Toughness is a question of belief, according to Newton. “It is a question of ‘what do you care about?’” Toughness in caring could very well be the motto of the AER. Soldiers that are tough care about each other and give to the AER.

Area I civilians get substance abuse training By Jim Cunningham Area I Public Affairs

CAMP RED CLOUD—Area I civilians experienced heads up training in substance abuse March 1 when Wayne Johnson of Area I Alcohol and Drug Control Office came to Camp Red Cloud. “The cost of alcohol in the military is astronomical,” Johnson said. “Speaking only in terms of medical care and lost time at work, alcohol abuse costs the Department of Defense more than $600 million each year. The DoD spends another $132 million a year to care for babies with fetal alcohol syndrome and serious health problems related to their mothers’ heavy drinking.” The cost to the American society is 25 to 40 percent of all patients in U.S. general hospital beds being treated for complications of alcohol related problems. Annual health care expenditures for alcohol related problems amount to $22.5 billion. The total cost of alcohol problems is more than $175 billion per year as compared to $114 billion for other drug problems and $137 billion for smoking. “All of us as civilians have to uphold the Army values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage, that is why we are here today,” Johnson said. “How many believe in the saying, ‘old enough to fight and die for your country, old enough to drink?’ This is a direct contradiction to the Army values. The effect of alcohol abuse directly contradicts Army values. That is why we are here today.” Education about alcohol and drugs does prevent many incidents if applied to everyday life, according to Johnson. What we expect from alcohol, the physical effects, social effects and the role of environment and its psychological effects are not the same for everyone. “Alcohol’s effects do vary with age. Slower reaction times, problems with hearing and seeing, and a lower tolerance to alcohol’s effects put older people at higher

Wayne Johnson has a participant demonstrate with the use of goggles what it is like to be drunk on alcohol at different levels.

risk for falls, car crashes and other types of injuries that may result from drinking,” Johnson said. “In addition, alcohol can make many of the medical conditions common in older people, including high blood pressure and ulcers, more serious. Physical changes associated with aging can make older people feel ‘high’ even after drinking only small amounts of alcohol. Even if there is no medical reason to avoid alcohol, older men and women should limit themselves to one drink per day.” Substance abuse effects mission readiness in serious ways. Its impacts are not limited to spousal abuse, traffic fatalities and injuries, recreational fatalities and injuries, indecent assaults, child abuse, sexual and physical, rapes, suicides and assaults. The Army was superseded only by the Marine Corps in a survey taken in 2002 on trends in percent of heavy alcohol use by the services. The Army came to 22.2 percent and the Marine Corps came to 30.8 percent. The lowest was the Air Force with 13.5 percent. “Reasons not to drink far out number the reasons to

drink,” Johnson said. “It is important to know the effects of alcohol and what is considered heavy drinking. Five or more drinks in one sitting are considered heavy drinking.” A standard drink is considered to be four ounces of wine, 10 ounces of wine cooler, 12 ounces of beer (10 ounces of microbrew or malt liquor or ice beer), one once of 100 proof hard liquor or 1.25 ounces of 80 proof hard liquor. “The effects of alcohol vary by the percentage of alcohol in the blood. From .02 to .03 percent yields no loss of coordination. You may experience a slight ‘buzz’ and loss of shyness all the way to .4 percent and up which causes a coma and death due to respiratory arrest,” Johnson said. “Knowing the effects and how they change over time convinces us to find ways to moderate or discontinue drinking.” Moderate drinking as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services is to avoid health complications: two drinks per day for men, one per day for women, but not if attempting pregnancy, already pregnant, nursing, underage, driving, can’t control intake, doing skilled tasks, taking medication or recovering from an illness or injury. All should know the bottom line is if drinking causes problems, drinking is a problem. “The signs and symptoms of having a drinking problem are: marital, family, financial, legal, relationships, responsibility, work problems, denial, blackouts high tolerance to alcohol,” Johnson said. The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” works very well here, according to Johnson. Prevention includes but is not limited to leading by example, knowing and supporting command policies, ensuring and attending education about substance abuse, ensuring consistent consequences, promoting alternatives and promoting climate that says, “It’s OK not to drink.”

March 9, 2007 6

Area I

The Morning Calm Weekly

AAFES Mother’s Day Celebration Celebrate Mom for Mother’s Day. Register to win a family weekend stay at Dragon Hill Lodge with complimentary breakfast and an AAFES $250 shopping spree. Register to win at A random drawing is scheduled for May 1. DoD ID card holders only. Casey Beauty Shop Renovation The Camp Casey Beauty Shop is scheduled for a facility upgrade to improve the current facility from March 12 through 14. For more information call: 732-6263.

CRC Texas Hold’em Tourney There will be a Texas Hold’em poker tournament held at Mitchell’s ClubApril 21 through 22. For more information call: 732-8189. YU, HU SON

Area I Redesignation Ceremony The Area I Redisignation Ceremony to change the Area I moniker to USAGGyeonggi will be held today in theCRC gym at 2 p.m. The gym will re-open at 5 p.m. For more information call: 7328854. Mardi Gras Celebration Can’t make it to New Orleans for Mardi Gras? Come to Camp Casey for a Mardi Gras parade and celebration from the golf course to the Digital Conference Center tomorrow starting at 3 p.m. Once at the Digital Conference Center you will find authentic Louisiana food and beverages, Cajun cooking contest, costume ball, dance contests, traditional games, live jazz band and much more. For more information call: 732-9187. Introduction to Supervision of KN Employees Course The Introduction to Supervision of KN Employees course will be held in the Area I CPAC classroom in building T909 March 23 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call: 732-9060. Education Extravaganza Camp Red Cloud Education Center will hold its Education Extravaganza today from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information call: 732-7015. Voting Slogan Contest The 2008 primary and general elections need a slogan to inspire interest and participation. Submit your entries today. For more information call: 723-7514. Volunteer Luncheon The annual volunteer luncheon will be held in Mitchell’s Club from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 27. For more information call: 730-3183. St. Patrick’s Day Deal or No Deal Mitchell’s Club will hold its St. Patrick’s Day Deal or No Deal game at 5 p.m. March 17. For more information call: 732-8189.

Capt. Tamisha Norris from HHC, 2ID, and Choi, Ji Hae sign a sisterhood agreement as Maj. Gen. James A. Coggin, 2ID commander, and Seo, Hyo Won, Gyeonggi Province vice governor, look on. The signing reaffirmed the ongoing friendship between 2ID and the Gyeonggi provincial government office.

Sisterhood signing firms friendship Cpl. Amanda Merfeld 2ID Public Affairs

CAMP RED CLOUD — Soldiers tearing off their shirts and screaming in front of the commanding general is not a typical way to start any military event, but that’s what happened when Soldiers across Area I and citizens of Northern Gyeonggi Province paired up for a morning of cultural events and friendship exchange. Recently, Members of the 2ID Tae Kwon Do team shouted their best “warrior cry” and ripped off their shirts during the opening performance at the Gyeonggi Province II Sisterhood Signing Ceremony at the Camp Red Cloud Gym.This partnering serves to expand on the friendship and peaceful co-existence that has been in place since the Korean war. The event included martial arts demonstrations and traditional Korean dances and games, and of course, the

significant signing of the sisterhood commitment. “My favorite part about today was the Tae Kwon Do demonstration. I thought it was very important to show that part of the Korean culture,” said. Capt. Tamisha Norris, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Infantry Division. Norris signed an agreement with her Korean “sister,” Choi, Ji Hae, bonding the two in friendship. Their signatures were used as the official seal on the friendship commitment between the U.S., and the Republic of Korea. This sisterhood event was the third of its kind held recently in Area I. “This sisterhood relationship began formally with an initial signing ceremony in September of last year,” said Maj. Gen. James A. Coggin, commanding general, 2ID. The program has since evolved to

include men and women of both the military and business communities building the same type of communal friendship. “This signifies more than an extension of our friendship,” Coggin said. “It’s a promise for future cooperation on cultural events and joint progress.” The relationships developed at the sisterhood signing ceremony are meant to be everlasting and bridge gaps in cultural differences and understanding, Norris said. “It was very nice to bring the unity together. To have an opportunity to work with the local population is a beautiful thing, and I think it’s important to live the intent of the ROK alliance,” Norris said. Coggin said that those stationed in Korea get to experience the unique heritage of Korean culture, and “makes service in Korea special.” “I thank the leadership of Gyeonggi Province because you will help make the ROK/U.S. alliance stronger than ever.”

National Nutrition Month Month:: Start a healthy resolution today By Margaret Banish-Donaldson Area I Public Affairs

CAMP CASEY – March is National Nutrition Month - the perfect time to start making heart-healthy food choices. Look for the red and white heart-check mark in your commissary to select foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol with confidence. “A diet low in saturated fats helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels,” said Kenneth Cobb, 18th Medical Command health promotion coordinator. “Large deposits of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries can clog and block them, which can cause a heart attack or stroke. ” A healthy diet includes fibrous food, a good source of calcium and foods low

in sugar, salt and fat. By eating a range of foods, the body can get all the nutrition it needs without the calories and fat. “Fiber is important for the health of the digestive system and for lowering cholesterol,” Cobb said. “Foods containing fiber are good sources of other essential nutrients. Depending on how they are prepared, these foods are typically also low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. “Fruits, vegetables, whole-grain and fortified foods, beans and legumes are good sources of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber.” If a person is watching his or her weight, these foods will give you vitamins, minerals and fiber with few calories. They are low in fat and sodium and contain no cholesterol. Cobb

recommends everyone be sure and include fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. “Fish is a great alternative to red meat,” Cobb said. “Fish is a healthy, lean-protein and contains a type of fat called omega-3, which is known to reduce heart attacks and deaths by reducing inflammation and blood clots. Nutritionists say the best way to get all the omega-3 you need is to obtain it the old-fashioned way: Eat at least a couple of servings of fish a week. “It’s not that hard,” Cobb said, “to figure out what is healthy to eat. The hardest part is making up one’s mind, understanding this is something I am going to do for the rest of my life.”

Area I Warriors compete in swimming meet

March 9, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

By Jim Cunningham Area I Public Affairs

CAMP RED CLOUD— Soldiers competed for the Indoor Swimming Championship at Camp Red Cloud March 3 at the indoor swimming pool. Eleven warriors, six in the men’s division and five in the women’s division participated in 10 individual and two team events. “We had Soldiers competing in the Olympic swimming styles, the butterfly stroke, back stroke, breast

stroke and free style events,” said Henri LeBorgne, MWR sports director for Area I. “Those are the four strokes in competitive swimming.” We had 10 individual winners and two team winners, LeBorgne said. There will be two swimming championship events this summer. “We will have the 8th Army Championship at Camp Casey Hanson Pool this summer, and also the Area I Championship,” LeBorgne said.



Soldiers start the men’s medley swimming race during the Indoor Swimming Championship March 3 at Camp Red Cloud.

Casey hosts Korea wide KATUSA B-Ball Championship By Jim Cunningham Area I Public Affairs

CAMP CASEY—The Korea wide Korean Augmentation to the United States Army soldier Basketball Championship saw only three teams participate out of four this year. Area II did not field a KATUSA basketball team. That gave Area IV their first game, which they lost to Area III 58 – 52. It was a clean sweep for the Area I KATUSA team; they were undefeated throughout the championship defeating Area III from Camp Humphreys by a score of 65-58 in the final game. “This is the second year for the KATUSA Basketball Championship,” said Henri LeBorgne, Area I sports director. “We will host J C Scoring was often and close during the first game of the KATUSA Invitational Basketball Championship. The first game these events from now on. Six games in all were played this weekend.” between the Area I team and Area III team saw fast action and high scores, Area I edged out Area III 70-61. IM UNNINGHAM

March 9, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

Page 9

March 9, 2007

Area II welcomes new ROK Army partner Korean Army unit would help to defend garrison By Cpl. Jung Jae-hoon Area II Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON — Area II Support Activity officials welcomed the new commander of a Republic of Korea Army partner unit Feb. 26. Republic of Korea Army 218th Homeland Reserve Regiment Commander Col. Lee Hwangkyu toured the installation and met with USAG Yongsan Commander Col. Ron Stephens and the operations staff. The 218th and Area II entered into a base defense agreement Feb. 22, 2006. The Korean Army unit would work closely with Yongsan Garrison officials to help defend the installation in time of conflict. “We are happy to meet Colonel Lee and look forward to a close working relationship,” Stephens said. After attending a short briefing about Yongsan Garrison, Lee said he was impressed. “I hope we can foster the strong bond we have maintained throughout the past years,” Lee said.


Area II Commander Col. Ron Stephens (right) meets with Republic of Korea Army 218th Homeland Reserve Regiment Commander Col. Lee Hwang-kyu at the U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan headquarters Feb. 26. “If time permits, I would like to bring my staff Stephens said he was looking forward to building here some time and have a tour around the entire a strong friendship with a strong alliance. base.” “The garrison is willing to invite the 218th and Last July, Stephens and his staff visited the carry out a joint training exercise in the near ROKA installation where the 218th is stationed. future,” Stephens said.

Library offers new books, CDs, DVDs By Tamara Sternberg Area II Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON — For many community members, the Yongsan Library is the perfect place to spend a free night, or to kill some time before the bus leaves or to relax after a tough week. More than 850 people a day have discovered the Yongsan Library. With new books and DVDs arriving monthly, 26 new computers, and areas for everyone from young children to teens to adults, there is something there for everyone. “We have a relaxing atmosphere and a helpful staff,” said Region Librarian and Area II Libraries Director Dr. Kim Im-soon. “It’s comfortable, and we are here for our customers. Without them, we wouldn’t exist. We love to work with them.” Area II remodeled the library last year to create a more user-friendly atmosphere. The renovation removed tightly-spaced shelves crammed with books to make a new study space with two televisions, one with a videocassette recorder and one with a DVD player. Instead of facing rows of book spines, patrons can now walk the aisles looking at strategically placed book covers. Kim said, this makes browsing easier and means more people will check out books and DVDs. Whatever can’t be found by

Parents explore homeschooling options By Pfc. Kim Sang-wook Area II Public Affairs


An Area II Library customer peruses the wide selection of DVD titles Tuesday. scanning the shelves can be looked up collections number over 3,000 titles, at one of the four online catalogue and is ever-growing as 100-200 new computers located by the front door, discs arrive monthly. Titles run the and can be retrieved by inter-Korea gamut, from Spanish-language music, library loan from other area libraries if to historical documentaries, to mainnecessary. stream movies and rock’n’roll. To “We try to keep a good balance compliment them, the library has between fiction and nonfiction titles, purchased six portable DVD players and to keep people aware of what we available for check-out at the front have,” Kim said. “Bestseller lists come desk. out weekly, and we order books every The library subscribes to 250 day, especially young adult titles. They periodicals and newspapers, which are are in a separate area, and as soon as housed next to a collection of the shelves are stocked, the books comfortable chairs and low tables. On disappear.” any given day, those chairs are full of The library DVD and CD See Library Library, Page 12

YONGSAN GARRISON — Yongsan Garrison parents and students showed interest in a unique educational opportunity of home schooling in the Korea Homeschool Conference Saturday at the Seoul American Elementary School. During the conference, more than 100 parents gathered information from several lectures presented by homeschool teachers. Veteran homeschoolers enhanced their knowledge and beginners were able to map their children’s education plan. The conference, coordinated by WorldWide Independent Distance Education, included vendors and workshops to give solutions for curious parents about homeschooling. WorldWide IDEA is an accredited educational institution, which provides Department of Defense families with a homeschooling curriculum. “Parents should have the choice of what kind of education is best for their children,” said Korea Region family representative Dawn Snyder.

See Homeschooling Homeschooling, Page 12


Area II

March 9, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

Artist shares talents with community Combined Federal Campaign There will be a Combined Federal Campaign closing ceremony 10-11:30 a.m. March 13 at the Multipurpose Training Facility. The public is invited. For information, call 723-7514. Softball Coaches Area II Sports is looking for coaches for the Yongsan Men and Women Post Level softball teams. Submit resumes to the Area II Sports Office no later than March 15. This program runs April 1 through August. For information, call 738-8608. Women’s Health The 18th Medical Command will host a Women's Health Seminar 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. March 15 at the Dragon Hill Lodge Naija Ballroom. For information, call 737-3110 or 736-6693. Library Essay Contest The Yongsan Library is conducting three essay contests for different age groups through March 15. Winners will receive Army and Air Force Exchange Service gift cards. For information on the topics and rules, visit the library. Awards will be present 4 p.m. March 30 at the Yongsan Library. Umpire Clinic Softball and Baseball umpires are needed at Yongsan Garrison and K-16 for the upcoming season. There will be a Baseball Umpire Clinic 2-5 p.m. March 17 and a Softball Umpire Clinic 9 a.m.-3 p.m. March 18 at the 1st Replacement Center, Bldg. 4034 both days. For information, call 738-3127, or 738-8608. Score keepers are also needed.

By Cpl. Jung Jae-hoon Area II Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON — A Korean-American artist came to the Yongsan Library to donate her paintings and meet with fans Feb. 24 during a “Meet the Artist” session. Artist Gina Son is a globetrotting artist who creates impressionistic images of modern women contemplating their lives. “I had an art exhibition when I arrived in Seoul last December and some of the paintings were left, so I framed them and donated it to the young men and women who are in service to protect this country,” Son said. Son visited Yongsan Garrison for the first time last year. “I saw Soldiers working in the cold rainy weather and I realized how hard it was for them to do what they do,” she said. Son said she wanted to give what she had to show her appreciation for the hard work that the Soldiers do far away from home. More than 30 community members gathered to enjoy Son’s paintings and to ask questions about her artwork. “I have been an artist all my life in my mind, but I really focused on


Artist Gina Son (left) explains her artwork to Region Librarian and Area II Libraries Director Dr. Kim Im-soon Feb. 24 at a “Meet the Artist” session. painting when I turned 38 in London talking with community members when I decided to be a mother,” Son and explained one by one what she said. “My inspiration has been my tried to capture in the paintings. Impressionism is a form of art that child and all the different countries recreates the sensation in the eye that that I have been to.” Son said her paintings have many sees the object, rather than recreating the subject itself. So it focuses on vivid meanings. “My paintings are about modern overall effects rather than details. “It was so kind of her to share her women, in solitude, thinking about their lives, marriage, relationships paintings with us,” said Region and motherhood, and I try to draw Librarian and Area II Libraries on their emotions and feelings at that Director Dr. Kim Im-soon. “Her paintings are so beautiful and many moment.” she said. Son walked around the room community members enjoyed them.”

Employees learn sexual harassment prevention By Cpl. Jung Jae-hoon Area II Public Affairs

Spouses’ Club “Luck O’ the Irish” Bingo and luncheon 11:30 a.m. –1:30 p.m March 20, at the Dragon Hill Lodge Naija Ballroom. Cost is $14.25. Open to members only. For information, call 6355-5448 or 6355-5488 or email [email protected]. Girl Scouts Anniversary The Girl Scouts will be holding their 95th Anniversary Celebration Ball 6 p.m. March 17 at the Dragon Hill Lodge. For information, call 724-8029 or 010-2354-5889.


Instructor Steve Kang teaches a prevention class in Korean.

Anger Management Workshop Growling Grizzlies Anger Management Skill Building Workshop 6-7:30 p.m., March 29. Kids in Grades 3-5 will focus on healthy anger and how to use coping skills through activities and discussion. For information, call 7388861. Area II Web Site For more community notes, news and information, visit the Area II Web site at

Korean employees learn about sexual harassment prevention Feb. 28.

YONGSAN GARRISON — Area II Korean employees gathered Feb. 28 at the Community Services Building for annual Prevention of Sexual Harassment training presented in Korean. Eighth U.S. Army and Installation Management Command-Korea policies require annual POSH training for both U.S. and Korean employees. “It is important to have this class regularly, because the class itself can only make a little difference,” said Area II Property Book Officer and instuctor Steve Kang. “By having regular training, employees can figure out how they can apply it to their lives.” Kang started the POSH class with a short video on what is and is not sexual harassment. “It’s really hard to tell what sexual harassment is in the first place,” he said. “Everything from a word to a handshake, if the other person feels sexually offended, that’s sexual harassment.” Because Korea has traditionally been a male-dominated society, he said a lot of employees find it hard to understand the concept of sexual harassment. The video showed workplace scenarios and the class discussed what they thought about the presentation. After the video, Kang explained the two main types of sexual harassment, “Quid Pro Quo” and “Hostile Environment.” Quid Pro Quo is when a supervisor seeks sexual favors in return for a job or a promotion. Hostile environment is when there are unreasonable interferences with job performance. “I can only educate and inform them of the importance of the prevention of sexual harassment,” Kang said. “It’s up to the employees to respect the co-workers around them and try to bring harmony to the workplace.”

11 Area II High School takes home two championships March 9, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

Wrestling team makes history with wins

Area II Public Affairs YOKOSUKA, Japan — The Seoul American High School Falcons made history in Yokosuka, Japan as the wrestling team took two All-Pacific Far East championships. The team won the Far East Individual Championship and the Far East Dual Championship. “Our school has won the dual competition before, but never the individual,” said SAHS Head Coach Julian Harden. “The individual competition ran two days with each wrestler in each weight class wrestling to be counted among the top six wrestlers in the Pacific, from 101-weight classes to Heavy weight.” Of the 13 wrestlers participating in the events, 12 students placed high enough to bring home the banner, Harden said.

„1st place 115 Senior James Nutter 180 Junior Justin Stokes


„2nd Place

„6th Place

101 Senior Andrew So 122 Senior Michael Beckwith 141 Senior Daniel O’Connor

129 Freshman Bryan O’Connor Heavy weight Mark Lieberg Saturday during the All Far East Dual Meet, SAHS wrestled against other DoDDS Pacific schools to win its second championship. “These young men represented their families, this school and the entire Yongsan community extremely well and deserve a big round of applause,” Harden said.

„3rd Place 108 Sophomore Gene Victa 168 Senior Clark Campbell

„4th Place 135 Sophomore Demetrius Johnson



Seoul American High School senior James Nutter pins Guam’sh Robert Lopez to win 115 lb. championship Feb. 16. 148 Senior Peter Madsen 215 Senior Charles Jones

Seoul’s Daniel O'Connor battles Osan’s Tucker Rhoades.


Area II

March 9, 2007


Argie Cunningham reviews a school textbook with her 12-year-old son Daniel Saturday at the Korea Homeschool Conference at Seoul American Elementary School.

Homeschooling “Homeschooling is the education of children at home versus in a public or private school institution.” Homeschool is one of the fastest growing trends in education in the United States. Since 1993, the practice has been legal in all 50 states. According to WorldWide IDEA research, more than 250 students conduct homeschooling activities in Korea. Snyder said children can benefit from homeschooling by tutoring one on one and study different curriculums. “There are many reasons families choose homeschooling,” she said. “Some families choose to homeschool because it is a stable environment for military children as it is the only thing that does not change as they constantly move around.”

from Page 9 “The purpose of this conference is to provide service, resource and support to home schooling families in the Korean peninsula,” said WorldWide IDEA Director and Superintendent Carl Knudsen. “District superintendents mentioned to have another one again, because it gave them a chance to meet home school families and offer those services and support. It is a sort of partnership.” Parents embraced the opportunity to discuss homeschooling. “I have two home school children both in elementary school and there is a wealth of information by talking to administrators finding out what we are eligible for and what we can do,” said Linda Torrens. “It is also really nice to look at different curriculum rather than seeing it on the Internet.”

Library people browsing through everything from “The Village Voice” to “The Economist” to the “Stars and Stripes.” Many parents wait there for their children as they go to the story hour (Tuesdays, from 10-11 a.m.) in the brightly colored children’s area. More than 30 children attend weekly. Finally, to the right of the professional development section, are the new computers. Twenty two computers are available for general use for half-hour intervals. For more

from Page 9 serious research or online classes, there are four computers set off to the side, which can be reserved for up to two hours at a time. Users must be over ten-years-old and library card holders. “About 250 people use the computers every day,” Kim said. “They are an incredible resource.” “We are so proud to work here,” she said. “When the services are being used, it makes you so happy to provide them.”

Ar ea II on the W eb Area Web Find out the latest Y ellow Dust Yellow eb site: Web information at the Area II W .mil

The Morning Calm Weekly

13 Online Tool Offers Guidance for Troops’ Water Purification Requirements March 9, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. The problem of “Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink” can apply as much to deployed troops cut off from their pure water supply as it did to the ancient mariner stranded at sea in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s beloved poem. Clean water is critical to military operations, used in everything from drinking to hygiene and field sanitation to food preparation to medical care, Army Maj. Bill Bettin, chief of the field water section for the Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine here, told American Forces Press Service. The typical deployed troop pours through 15 to 20 gallons of water a day, he said. Recognizing the importance of water to the military mission, the services have sophisticated water purification and supply networks to ensure troops are never left high and dry. An old Quartermaster Corps adage captures water’s importance to service members: “The ultimate weapon runs on water, and everything else runs on fuel.” But what happens when troops find themselves operating away from their established water supply lines with little chance of getting their water supply replenished before it runs out? Bacteria, viruses and parasites make many local water sources unsafe, Bettin said, and simply boiling water isn’t always enough to ensure contaminants are destroyed.

So for emergency situations or operations in remote areas with no water resupply available, troops resort to disinfecting surface water they find with iodine tablets or purifying it with charcoal-based filtering systems. The problem, Bettin said, is that current military-issued purifiers work slowly and may not be as effect as possible. Commercial water-purification systems have become popular among hikers and campers, and outdoor magazines and catalogs tout their benefits. But until recently, the military hadn’t systematically tested these systems and wasn’t able to tell deploying units which ones might best suit their needs, Bettin said. To come up with an answer, the Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine launched an 18-month scientific study of 68 commercial, offthe-shelf water-purification systems. As they evaluated these systems, Bettin and his staff quickly realized that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to military water-purification requirements. “We had planned to pick one product to recommend, but because of the different scenarios units operate under, there was no one solution for every unit,” he said. Instead, they came up with an online decision tool units can use to select the best water purification system for their exact circumstances. That tool, posted on the center’s Web site (, helps units evaluate what might work best for them and what doesn’t work at all, he said. “We found that some (commercial) claims were groundless, and we were

able to weed out the non-performers,” he said. Which personal water purifier works best depends on a range of considerations, Bettin said. Units operating at a stationary base camp might find that one system best fits their needs, while troops on the move, either mounted or dismounted, might need something altogether different. In an emergency situation that leaves forces cut off from their existing supply lines, an entirely different system might be the answer, he said. But other factors play into the decision, as well, including the size and weight of the system, how easy it is to use, its cost, and most importantly, its effectiveness. The new decision tool has proven to be popular among military members trying to sift through the myriad commercial pitches by water-purification companies. “We’ve gotten feedback from users who like that it’s easy to use and apply,” Bettin said. Civilian outdoorsmen are also accessing the site and reporting its value, he said. Among them was a high school teacher who thanked Bettin for helping him select water-purification systems for a school camping trip. Just how effective the new site has been in helping prevent troops from drinking contaminated water or having to scale back their water usage due to shortages is tough to tell, Bettin acknowledged. “That’s the whole challenge of preventive medicine,” he said. “We know that it’s providing a positive result, but it’s hard to report what you’ve prevented.”

March 9, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

March 9-15

We Are Marshall (PG) 8:30 p.m.

Night at the Museum

Code Name: The CLeaner

(PG) 8:30 p.m.

(PG13) 8:30 p.m.

Pursuit of Happyness

Norbit (PG13) 7 p.m.

(PG13) 7 p.m.

(PG) 7:30 p.m.

Children Of Men (R) 7:30 p.m.

Rocky Balboa (PG) 7:30 p.m.

Apocalypto (R) 7:30 p.m.

Norbit (PG13) 7 p.m.

Code Name: The CLeaner

No Show

No Show

No Show

Charlotte’s Web (G) 6:30 p.m. Apocalypto (R) 7 p.m. No Show

Apocalypto (R) 6:30 p.m.

Primeval (R) 6:30 p.m.

Primeval (R) 6:30 p.m.

Bridge To Terabithia

Code Name: The CLeaner

Night at the Museum

(PG) 7 p.m. No Show

(PG13) 7 p.m. No Show

(PG) 7 p.m. Apocalypto (R) 8 p.m.

Bridge To Terabithia

Code Name: The CLeaner

Code Name: The CLeaner

(PG) 6:30 p.m. Children Of Men (R) 7 p.m. The Messengers (PG13) 7 p.m.

(PG13) 6:30 p.m.

(PG13) 6:30 p.m.

Bridge To Terabithia

Night at the Museum

(PG) 7 p.m. The Messengers (PG13) 7 p.m.

(PG) 7 p.m.

Apocalypto — From Academy Award winning filmmaker Mel Gibson comes ‘Apocalypto’: a heart stopping mythical actionadventure set against the turbulent end times of the once great Mayan civilization. When his idyllic existence is brutally disrupted by .a violent invading force, a man is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life.

Night At The Museum — Ben Stiller plays Larry Daley, a downon-his-luck divorced father in this family-friendly tale directed by Shawn Levy (Just Married, Cheaper by The Dozen). Larry has lots of ideas and dreams, but none of them come to fruition. In an attempt to prove his stability to his ex-wife (Kim Raver) and his son, Nicky (Jake Cherry), Larry accepts a job as a night guard at the Museum of Natural History.

Night at the Museum

(PG13) 7 p.m.

(PG) 6 p.m.

The Pursuit Of Happyness — In The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner (Will Smith) is a family man struggling to make ends meet. Despite his valiant attempts to help keep the family afloat, the mother (Thandie Newton) of his five-yearold son Christopher (Jaden Christopher Syre Smith) is buckling under the constant strain of financial pressure. No longer able to cope, she reluctantly decides to leave. Chris, now a single father, continues doggedly to pursue a better-paying job using every sales skill he knows. He lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, and although there is no salary, he accepts, hopeful he will end the program with a job and a promising future.

Catch And Release (PG13) 6:45 p.m. The Number 23 (R) 9:30 p.m.

The Number 23 (R) 9:30 p.m.

The Good Shepherd (R) 6:45 p.m. The Number 23 (R) 9:30 p.m.

Night at the Museum

Code Name: The CLeaner

Night at the Museum

No Show

Bridge To Terabithia

The Number 23 — The psychological thriller "The Number 23" stars Jim Carrey as a man whose life unravels after he comes into contact with an obscure book titled The Number 23. As he reads the book, he becomes increasingly convinced that it is based on his own life. His obsession with the number 23 starts to consume him, and he begins to realize the book forecasts far graver consequences for his life than he could have ever imagined. Directed by Joel Schumacher (“Phone Booth"), the film co-stars Virginia Madsen ("Sideways"), Danny Huston ("The Constant Gardner," "The Aviator"), Logan Lerman and Rhona Mitra.

(PG) 9 p.m.

(PG13) 9 p.m.

(PG) 8 p.m.

Night at the Museum

Night at the Museum

Code Name: The CLeaner

(PG) 7 p.m. The Number 23 (R) 8:45 p.m. Flicka (PG) 6:30 p.m.

(PG) 9 p.m. The Number 23 (R) 8 p.m. Flicka (PG) 6:30 p.m.

(PG13) 7 p.m.

Rocky Balboa (PG) 6:45 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m. We Are Marshall (PG) 7 p.m. Apocalypto (R) 7 p.m.

Night at the Museum

Night at the Museum

Code Name: The CLeaner

(PG) 7 p.m. The Good Shepherd (R) 6 p.m.

(PG13) 7 p.m. The Good Shepherd (R) 6 p.m.

Unaccompanied Minors

Unaccompanied Minors

Stranger Than Fiction

(PG) 6:30 p.m.

(PG) 6:30 p.m.

(PG) 8 p.m. Charlotte’s Web (G) 6:30 p.m. Charlotte’s Web (G) 6:30 p.m.

Stranger Than Fiction

(R) 6 p.m.

Bridge To Terabithia — Based on Katherine Paterson's beloved children's book, Bridge to Terabithia spins the lovely comingof-age tale of two lonely fifthgraders (Josh Hutcherson and Anna Sophia Robb) who create a magical fantasy world where they can retreat from the unhappiness of their real lives.

No Show

No Show

No Show

Children Of Men (R) 7 p.m. Apocalypto (R) 7 p.m. No Show

Pursuit of Happyness

Pursuit of Happyness

(PG13) 7 p.m. No Show

(PG13) 7 p.m. The Number 23 (R) 7 p.m.

The Number 23 (R) 9 p.m.

Code Name: The CLeaner

Code Name: The CLeaner

Code Name: The CLeaner

(PG13) 7 p.m. Deja Vu (PG13) 6 p.m.

(PG13) 7 p.m. Deja Vu (PG13) 6 p.m.

Pursuit of Happyness

Pursuit of Happyness

(PG13) 6 p.m.

(PG13) 6 p.m.

(R) 6 p.m.

(PG13) 7 p.m.

March 9, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

LENT – a Journey to Easter By Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Joe Hannon Area IV Staff Chaplain


hristians of the Catholic and Orthodox traditions and some of the Protestant traditions observe a special time of the year called Lent or Lenten

Season. Lent is a season of forty-days, dedicated to fasting, prayer, and works of charity that are observed in preparation for the celebration of Easter. In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Century, a short two or three day period of strict fasting before Easter was observed by the Catechumens (men and women preparing for baptism at Easter) and by many in the small home-church communities who wanted to both walk with their brothers and sisters soon to be baptized and also prepare their own hearts for the celebration of the resurrection on Easter Sunday. The Council of Bishops that met at Nicaea, Turkey, in 325 A.D. called upon Christians to observe a forty-day

preparation for Easter that has come to be called Lent. By the beginning of the 4th Century, a very severe fast was practiced throughout these forty days: six days without fish, meat, eggs, or dairy products and with Sunday as a day for regular eating. Furthermore, on the six straight days for fasting, there was to be only one meal taken in the evening. By the 8th Century, fish and dairy were allowed on the six fast days and from the early Middle Ages, meat was allowed on the six days except for Friday. From the early Middle Ages until our own time in history, the popular understanding of Lent was that it was a time for us to suffer physically, just as Christ had suffered in His Passion and Death for our sins. Thus, fasting and depriving oneself of comfort or pleasure were common Lenten practices for Christians to observe. Since the 1960’s the emphasis of Lent has shifted so that it is seen as a spiritual preparation that helps one to enter spiritually into a deeper and more personal way into the Paschal Mystery (the death and resurrection of Christ) celebrated on Good Friday and


especially on Easter Sunday. This new emphasis has shifted Lent to be primarily a spiritual preparation for Easter – a time for “metonoia” or conversion of heart, a time for real struggle against the powerful forces of sin and selfishness, a time for opening our hearts to God’s Holy will and of intense struggle to let God’s kingdom come… first of all in our own hearts and homes! What might these ancient traditions still observed by hundreds of millions of Christians worldwide say to us and our modern life? I think that Lent is simply a lens that can help us focus on what counts most in a Christian’s spiritual life and journey… the Saving Death and resurrection of Christ. It is easy to let the death and resurrection of the Lord just remain a part of history. It is a supreme challenge to let these events guide our daily walk in faith and unselfish loving. The Journey of Lent is here to help.

Area IV Worship Services Protestant Collective


Tuesday 7 p.m.

Camp Carroll

Area IV Chaplains

10:30 a.m. Camp Henry


Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Camp Walker

10:30 a.m. Camp Walker

Praise & Worship Sunday 6:30 p.m. Camp Walker

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Joseph F. Hannon [email protected] or 768-5455


12:45 p.m. Camp Walker



Camp Carroll

Camp Carroll

Sunday 10 a.m.

Church of Christ

7 p.m.

1 p.m.

Camp Carroll

5 p.m.

Camp Walker

7 p.m.

Camp Walker


Sunday 9 a.m.

Camp Walker

11:45 a.m. Camp Carroll Mass

Saturday 5 p.m.

Camp Walker

Chaplain (Capt.) Byong Min [email protected] or 765-8991

For additional information, contact the Area IV Chaplain’s Office at 764-5455.

March 9, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

Kids, kites and a windy day

Area III host yearly festival at Camp Humphreys By Bob McElroy and F. Neil Neeley Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS – US Army Garrison Humphreys Soldiers, civilians and family members engaged in what might be the first rite of Spring on Feb. 24 when they participated in the annual Kite Festival at the Bu-Yong Korean Elementary School playground near here. The event began about 20 years ago when Shim Chaim-il, a civilian who works in the Camp Humphreys Department of Public Works carpentry shop, began to encourage local children to get outside and fly kites rather than sit inside playing computer games or watching television. Flying kites outside, in the fresh air and sunshine, was more healthy for

kids than sitting inside at the computer or in front of the television, Shim surmised. Shim, a Master kite flyer himself, has been flying kites for more than 50 years. “When I was a child, kites were all that I had to play with,” he said. Although the day was chilly and the wind irregular, those who participated didn’t let it dampen their spirits or enthusiasm, especially when they could compete for the highest kite flown. About midday, all who participated were invited for a traditional lunch of spicy noodles, rice treats and other delights. Some intrepid participants though, kept on flying their multicolored kites trying to touch the sky.

Members 0f the Mothers of Gaek Sa-Ri folk group entertained at the kite festival.

Sgt. Michael Woodall, 557th MP Company (L) and Peter Yu, Area III Public Affairs Community Relations Officer, coax a kite skyward.

Kite Master Shim Chaim-il speaks at the fest.

A Soldier gives his kite more string.

Koreans know about that kite eating tree too.

Festival participants (from left) Michelle Atvater, Sgt. Gordon Brooks, 557th Military Police Co and P B F. N N &B ME Kids, Kites and a windy day just naturaly go together; the weather was perfect for flying kites . Charlie Altvater, prepare to launch their kites. HOTOS






The Morning Calm Weekly

March 9, 2007


March 9, 2007 18

MWR Half and Full Marathon The 2007 Eighth Army Half and Full Marathon is scheduled to take place April 28 at Camp Casey’s Hanson Field House. Awards will be presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each Men’s and Women’s category. Registration runs from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. The race will kick off at 8 a.m., following a course briefing. Course maps are available in advance from the Camp Casey Sports Office which may be reached at DSN 730-2322. For more information, contact your local MWR Sports Office or the Korea Region Sports Director at DSN 725-5064.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Looking For Work Family Child Care provides work and life options for individuals residing onpost looking to earn an income while staying home. Individuals living in onpost quarters are authorized to care for up to 6 children (including their own). The FCC program offers free training, monetary subsidies, a lending closet and technical and morale support. For more information on how to become a Family Child Care provider, please contact your local ACS office or DSN 725-3205.

Swimming Championship The 2007 8th U.S. Army Indoor Swimming Championship will take place March 31 at the Camp Humphreys Indoor pool. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the competition starts at 10 a.m. For more information, contact your local MWR Sports Office or the Korea Region sports director at DSN 7255064.

Areas gear up for St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations Special to The Morning Calm Weekly Korea-Region Marketing Office

YONGSAN, Republic of Korea – When Kermit the Frog famously sang “It ain’t easy being green,” he must never have celebrated St. Patrick’s Day. The world will become “Irish for a Day,” March 17. To honor the tradition continued in many United States cities [and Ireland], MWR will be hosting parties. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated world-wide by Irish and non-Irish alike. Originally the day began to commemorate the life of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Although routed in religious beliefs, the holiday centers on all

things green and Irish. Celebrations typically include green outfits, Irish food, Irish dancing, green-dyed lager, and parades. Mitchell’s on Camp Red Cloud will be hosting “Make A Deal with the Leprechaun.” Doors open at 5 p.m., and a free raffle ticket will be given upon entrance. Some contests include Best Leprechaun Impersonation, Irish Green Costume, and Irish Jig Contest. Over $3,000 in cash and prizes will be given away. All contestants guaranteed to win cash or valuable prizes from the “Pot O’ Gold.” For more information, call DSN 732-9187. Yongsan’s Main Post Club will feature a St. Patrick’s Day Bash/

BOSS All-Nighter. The Uptown Lounge will be open from 5 p.m.-10 p.m., while The Underground doors open at 10 p.m. Free food and beverages and bar drinks will be available. Contests also include Best “Danny Boy” Rendition/Karaoke, Best “Green” Outfit, Trivia, Musical Chairs, and an Irish Jig Dance-off. USAG Humphreys will be awarding 40 different people a “Value Book” worth more than $300 in savings on food, bowling, golf, swimming, and other MWR services. Thirty-five of the books will be given away by food and bowling operations while the remainder will be given away at St. Patrick’s Day Fun Runs at Humphreys, Wonju, and

Suwon. More details may be found in the Leisure Informer. Camp Walker’s Hilltop Club will begin the party at 10 p.m. Become a contestant in the “Pot O’ Gold Take It or Leave It Contest” for a chance to win hundreds in cash and prizes. Participants will be chosen the night of the event through random drawings. Free Irish Stew and a Mashed Potato Bar offer traditional Irish fare. There will also bee Green Jell-O Bobbing for prizes, Potato Sack Races, and party favors. For more information, call 7687563.

The Morning Calm Weekly

March 9, 2007


March 9, 2007 20

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March 9, 2007

Det 2 607th Weather wins “Best in PACAF” By F. Neil Neeley USAG Public Affairs

USAG HUMPHREYS – A small Air Force unit of 20Airmen, two non-commissioned officers and a commander located next to base operations in building A-819 here, took top honors in a recent Pacific Air Forces weather competition. The unit competed against Air Force weather detachments from Hawaii to Alaska, Japan to Korea. “We had the best weather squadron, the best weather NCO, and the best weather detachment in PACAF,” said Capt. Samuel L. Moore, commander, Detachment 2, 607th Weather Squadron. “We won first as the best detachment at the squadron level,” Moore explained. “Our squadron is the 607th Weather Squadron out of Yongsan. Then we advanced to compete for the title as best detachment in the Pacific Air Forces. We competed against all of the detachments in Korea, Japan, the Pacific and Alaska and won. What does it take to win an award like that? Moore says that it’s the hard work and the job that his Airmen do on a daily basis that clinched it. “I think that we won because of the support that we give to the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade. “We support all of 2nd CAB’s exercises such as Ulchi Focus Lens and the Reception, Staging, Onward movement and Integration command-post exercise ,” added Moore. “What makes us different here is that we actually deploy Air Force Weather people out with the Army Aviation Brigades and with their battalions. “When they go out to do a live fire exercise, we send out a team of two people to go with them, Moore said. We’re there sharing the same conditions as they are. We’re living in tents, sleeping on cots and eating Meals Ready to Eat. During the big exercises like UFL, we have over half of our unit deployed with the Army in the field.” The Detachment is responsible for a 24-hour-aday, 365-days-a-year mission at Camp Humphreys that impacts every aviation mission, many ground missions, every school and shuttle bus schedule and the commuting schedule for thousands of Soldiers and civilians in Area III. The men and women of the 607th, take regional


Senior Airman Cuong Sy (at desk) briefs the incoming shift on the current area weather.(from counter-clockwise right) Senior Airman Elisa Bengoa, Staff Sgt Melissa Weinbender and Master Sgt Mark Millen listen intently. and peninsular weather forecasts originating at 17th Operational Weather Squadron located at Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii and refine them for their customers, according to Master Sgt. Kevin E. Wendt, non-commissioned officer in charge. All of the Airmen in the Humphreys Weather Detachment have followed a similar career path before arriving here. First they complete three months of training in basic meteorology at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss. In addition to basic meteorology, they also learn Air Force systems and how to take and record forecasts. Following their training at Keesler Airmen go to a weather hub for two or three years where they learn more about forecasting. The hubs have a large area of responsibility and publish 24-hour forecasts. The 17th OWS is one such weather hub. Armed with several years of experience the Airmen

Staff Sgt Melissa Weinbender checks the equipment forecasters take to the field in support of 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade.

are assigned to a Combat Weather Team such as the one at Camp Humphreys. They then learn Army skills that enable them to be able to deploy with the units they support said Wendt. Wendt said it is not unusual to see Air Force personnel stationed at Army posts. He said the Army doesn’t have weather forecasters, so the Air Force posts Airmen wherever there is an Army airfield. “Anywhere there’s Army aviation, the Air Force will be there,” he said. Wendt said many Airmen like working with Army units because they can see first-hand how their weather support has direct impacts on missions. When working in garrison, the Airmen have a threefold mission: 1) provide weather briefs for pilots including conditions for take-off and while in-flight, visibility and ceiling readings, hazards such as icing and thunderstorms, and the weather at the destination; 2) resource protection by issuing warnings to give the installation and airfield to take precautionary measures before bad weather hits; and, 3) taking and recording hourly forecasts. They maintain records of localized weather phenomena such as yellow dust and fog patterns. Wendt said these weather conditions impact missions by reducing visibility for aircraft and convoy vehicles. Yellow dust also has an impact on ground troops working outside. The forecaster’s goal is to help the decision-makers make good decisions based on solid information Wendt said. Wendt called forecasting an “inexact science” but said the forecasters are very accurate in their forecasts, but added that the forecasts are for all of Area III, not just where one person is standing. “People don’t remember the good weather,” he said. Editor’s note: Some material from this article was gathered from a previous story.

Area III

March 9, 2007 22

IG POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN AREAS II/III The United States Forces Korea and Eighth Army Inspector General’s Office is looking for Officers and NCOs who desire to become Inspector Generals in Areas II and III. You should be in the rank of Maj. (Branch immaterial) and Sgt. 1st class (MOS 42A/42L and 92Y) to serve as Inspectors General. There is also an opening for an Inspector General position in the rank of Capt. (Career Course graduate and successful Companylevel command) at Camp Humphreys. Info call Ltc. Eady at 725-6739. TAX ASSISTANCE CENTER NOW OPEN Offering tax assistance, tax preparation, and free e-filing. The Tax Center is located at Camp Humphreys Bldg. S-262, co-located with the Red Cross. Hours are Mon., Tue., Wed. and Fri. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Thur., by Appointment Only, and Sat., 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Call 753-3905 for an appointment and to ensure that you are bringing the required documentation, including W-2s. A mobile tax center will make Wednesday visits to Camps Long and Eagle, appointments required. OSAN VET TO VISIT CAC A new USFK directive requires that all dogs & cats belonging to USFK personnel must be microchipped to assist in evacuation. The Osan vet will be at the Camp Humphreys CAC from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday, March 12, to do micro-chipping ($20 fee per animal), innoculations, physicals, parasite testing and general health checks. Please call 784-6614 to make sure they bring your pet’s records.

The Morning Calm Weekly


So have you brought your best chapeaux? Where are they worn, do you suppose? You think they’re put upon your head? I think they’re worn at HAES instead!


Osan High School students Alexandria Farmer (L) and Haley Schaefer (R) dressed as “Things 1 and 2” await mischief as HAES Literacy Facilitator, Jana Schaefer, dressed as Dr. Seuss’ Cat-in-the-Hat reads to a third grade class on Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, March 2. By Nancy Turner HAES Information Specialist

USAG HUMPHREYS – Humphreys American Elementary School celebrated the National Education Association’s National Read Across America Day and popular author Dr. Seuss’ birthday, March 2, by reading books by Dr. Seuss. Literacy Facilitator Jana Schaefer came to school dressed as the Seuss character, the Cat in the Hat. After introducing the background of the author, whose real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel, and the birth of the Cat in the Hat character in

1957, Schaefer read The Cat in the Hat to classes from Sure Start to grade six. During Schaefer ’s reading, the students got a chance to act out some of the book. For example, when the characters “Thing 1 and Thing 2” arrive in the story, they also arrived in the classroom. The two “Things” played by Osan High School students Haley Schaefer and Alexandria Farmer shook hands with the students in the class and flew kites around the classroom just like the “Things” in the story. Schaefer and Alexandria were able to help because Osan High School students had the day

off from school. A few students were selected to chase them out of the classroom because, as in the story, the “Things” made such a mess After finishing the book, students examined the Cat-in-the-Hat’s ball. Students were also asked to commit to reading everyday which they eagerly agreed to do. In addition to being read to by the Cat in the Hat, students in grades four through six read with students in the grades Sure Start to three. Several classes enjoyed Green Eggs and Ham like “Sam I Am.”

IMCOM CG visits Area III

OSAN BAZAAR SET The Osan Officers’ Spouses’ Club’s Spring Fever Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, March 31 from 10a.m. 4p.m. at the O’Club. Vendors will be selling furniture, jewelry, fabric and more. Open to all DOD ID/Rations Card holders. For more information, please visit the OSC’s website: U.S. CITIZENSHIP CLASS SET A class for potential U.S. citizens will be held at ACS, Bldg 311, Mar. 27, from 2-4 p.m. This class will cover immigration visa, application process, citizenship interview and test preparation. Contact Junghee Sung, 753-8782, Humphreys/7884934,Suwon AB. BOB MCELROY

Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr., commander, Area III, briefs Lt.Gen. Robert Wilson, Assistant Chief of Staff, IMCOM and CG, Installation Management Command, on the transformation of Camp Humphreys during his visit.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area III

March 9, 2007


Cross Cultural Marriage Seminar By No Hyon-chu Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS – Soldiers, spouses and prospective spouses gathered for a Cross Cultural Marriage Seminar at Freedom Chapel Feb. 27. The seminar was prepared by USAG Humphreys Army Community Service. Sung Jung-hee, ACS Relocation and Bi-Cultural Outreach Coordinator and the seminar’s organizer explained the purpose of the seminar. “This seminar is prepared for couples with diverse cultural differences,” she said. “Cross Cultural couples have often grown up with different languages, races, religions. We hope to help them build beautiful bridges between different backgrounds. This seminar is focused on dealing with cultural differences and Army life.” Jack G. Ferguson, chief of Army Community Service welcomed all spouses and thanked the scheduled speakers. Tami Taliento, wife of U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys Commander Col. Michel J. Taliento Jr. and Anna Kim, wife of Command Sgt. Maj. Jason K. Kim, each shared their experiences as wives with over twenty years in the military. Their remarks made the atmosphere comfortable and friendly for the audience. “The Army is a special kind of job, it’s a way of life,” Taliento said. “To lessen the misunderstanding of what our Soldiers do, it is important for their spouses to understand and embrace the Army life.

There are many channels you can get information from, such as ACS, Family Readiness Groups, the chaplain and the web site” Taliento explained that even though there are difficulties when one marries someone from a different cultural background, there are many benefits to being part of the Army family. “When your husband changes duty stations, you enjoy the opportunities to experience various cultures you’ve never imagined and meet many people from all over the world that you can make friends with,” Taliento said. LaVita Vincent, ACS Employment and Readiness Specialist, introduced the Employment Readiness Program. The program’s goal is to assist Army families and spouses with the challenges associated with the job search, in particular the impact the Army’s mobile life style has on building a career. Vincent explained that ERP provides a variety of services to assist the military spouses including job search process, resume development and employment resource links. Chaplain (Maj.) Raymond Robinson spoke next and emphasized the importance of communication between couples. He asked that both people in a relationship make an effort to comprehend one another’s background differences. Capt. Elisabeth Mahoney and Capt. Brian Tomasovic of the Staff Judge Advocate’s office gave a Power Point presentation concerning legal

Signs help to raise awareness of a critical program


Tami Taliento speaks at the Cross Cultural Marriage Seminar

marital rights, U.S. immigration, VISA, passport and SOFA information. Mahoney said that a Cross Cultural Seminar is advisable because there are unique legal issues that affect marriages between U.S. soldiers and non-U.S. citizens. Francis B. O’Donnell, ACS Social Service representative, explained how to set family finance and appropriate budgeting goals. Melissa G. Lilliewood, ACS Family Advocacy Program manager, explained the New Parents Support and Exceptional Family Member Programs. Timothy Toney, ACS Relocation Readiness manager, gave a tip about Permanent Change of Station process. The seminar wrapped up at 4 p.m.

Valiant effort by Area III KATUSAs yields second place finish in basketball tourney

By F. Neil Neeley F. NEIL NEELEY

Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr., U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys commander and Melissa Lilliewood, ACS Family Advocacy Program manager, place the first SAPRP sign on an installation shuttle bus Feb. 16. By F. Neil Neeley Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS – Camp Humphreys commander Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr. joined other community leaders recently in placing signs on Camp Humphreys’ shuttle buses in an effort to raise on-post awareness of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program. “The signs will help to reinforce our firm commitment to eliminate

incidents of sexual assault,” said Jack Ferguson, Chief of Army Community Service. “They will also serve to provide a visible reminder and to garner attention in a manner that reflects Army values, command initiative and ACS’ support to the community.” Ferguson added that SAPRP is consistent with ACS’ 41 year history of serving soldiers, civilians and families.

Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS – The Area III KATUSA Basketball Team took second place in the 2nd Annual KATUSA Invitational Basketball Tournament held March 3-4 in Camp Casey’s Hanson Field House. Despite being undermanned the Area III KATUSAs fought hard but ultimately fell short of the crown dropping game four to the Area I team 65 to 58. The loss gave Area III a second place finish in the tournament. “Our Area III team had only six players for the game against Area I—they had a full squad of 12

players,” said Charles H. Rodgers III, team coach and sports director, MWR, Camps Long and Eagle. “We led throughout the first half and things look promising. “In the second half with severe foul problems and no bench to go to, we fell short on the scoreboard, but not without a 100 percent effort from a great bunch of KATUSA Soldier athletes,” Rodgers said. The Area team members were: Cpl. Kim Joon-young, Cpl. Park Taehoon, Pvt. Kim Ji-soon and Pfc. Hong Suk-joo all with CSCT # 1, Camp Long; Pvt. Won Ki-suk, 168th Medical, Camp Long; Pfc. Lee Dong-yoon and Cpl. Lee Jin-kon, both with 18th Medical USAG Humphreys.


March 9, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

Page 25

March 9, 2007

Korean social science students tour Daegu enclave By Nathan T. Van Schaik Special to The Morning Calm Weekly

CAMP HENRY – Recently, Area IV social work organizations and community services opened their doors to more than 60 Korean students and professors. Students – all doing their undergraduate studies in social work – and their professors were all members of either “Community Mental Health Volunteers” or the “Academy of Military Social Workers.” In all, they represented seven different universities from Gwangju and Daegu. The purpose of the event was to offer students the opportunity to learn about clinical social work in a real world environment. “I want to expand students’ knowledge of what social workers are doing stateside and in the U.S. military setting,” said event coordinator Hyun Jinhee, who is a licensed mental health social worker for Area IV Social Work Service/Family Advocacy. She is also the president of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk branch of CMHV. “CMHV is a nonprofit organization which was originally begun to provide services for the mentally ill and to break the community prejudice about these populations,” Hyun said. “Now, CMHV has broadened its activities to provide any type of intervention to prevent, treat and rehabilitate community mental health issues.” AMSW is also a Korean nonprofit organization geared towards people interested in social work in the military setting. Students and professors started the day with a walk-through of the Army Community Service building at Camp Henry. Students were briefed on ACS’s mission of maintaining readiness in each of its eleven separate programs offered to Soldiers and their families. At the Soldier Memorial Chapel Fellowship Hall on Camp Walker, the group listened intently to presentations


Camp Walker Library Senior Library Technician, Pan Un-hwan, describes services offered at the library such as CLEP resources. The group got a taste of life on an American military base by touring Soldier’s barracks, the Commissary, and by eating at the Camp Walker dining facility.

translated into Korean. Representatives from each the Area IV social work agencies spoke on the Family Advocacy Program, Sexual Assault Response, Army Substance Abuse Program, Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Service, Emergency Placement/

Victim Advocates, New Parent Support Program, Community Mental Health and Social Work Service. Students and professors asked questions regarding certification and licensing requirements, employment opportunities, pay and the differences between Korean and American social work. This is the second time Hyun has hosted the event for Korean undergraduate students. What makes this year different is that it offered a more robust schedule and tour itinerary. “Last year only focused on social work agencies,” Hyun said. “This year, the tour is more developed to give them a better understanding of life in the military.” Students and professors toured Soldier’s barracks, visited the Commissary, enjoyed a bus tour of Camp Walker, and ate lunch at Camp Walker dining facility. The group later toured the Community Activities Center, the Library, Youth Services and the Social Work and Community Mental Health offices at Wood Medical Clinic. The day’s event came to a close with a group picture outside the clinic. “The most interesting part was to visit the barracks of the soldiers because I served in the ROK Army a few years ago,” said Moon Kyung-jin, a senior in Daegu Catholic University’s Social Work Department and member of CMHV. “To see how the American soldiers and the KATUSA soldiers live is way different from how ROK soldiers live.” Moon pointed out there are differences between Korean and American social services. “I came to know that the number of the clients that one [U.S. Army] social worker is in charge of is very small compared to the Korean social workers’ situation,” he said. “That there exist such gaps between Korean and American social services may suggest room for improvement amongst services, particularly in the ROK.”

See Tour on Page 28

Saber Salute Members of the Taegu American School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Saber Team depart upon the retiring of the colors at the annual JROTC Ball March 3 at the Evergreen Community Club on Camp Walker. The guest speaker at this year’s ball was Air Force 2nd Lt. Thomas Cho, a 2001 TAS graduate and 2005 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. He is currently stationed at Kunsan Air Base. The commander of the Saber Team is Cadet Capt. Sonja Chartier. The JROTC Color Guard commander is Cadet 1st Lt. Clarence Thompson.


March 9, 2007

26 Speed Limit Change On Camp Walker The speed limit on Nebraska Street, Rhode Island Street and Pennsylvania Avenue on Camp Walker will be reduced from 40 kph to 25 kph until Apr. 2. For information, call Rolen Johns at 7688650. Military Retiree Council Meeting The Area IV Military Retiree Council will meet 11 a.m. Saturday at the Hilltop Club on Camp Walker. All Area IV military retirees and their spouses or widows are invited to attend. The key speaker will be Jack Terwiel, Korea retirement services officer. Free food and refreshments will be served. For information, call Will Plumley at 768-8969.

Area IV

The Morning Calm Weekly

Anti-terrorism exercise tests capabilities

Firefighters erect a decontamination shower.

New Emergency Leave Phone Number The Area IV Military Personnel Division at Camp Henry will be using a new emergency leave phone number Monday. The new number is 010-6696-8366. For information, call Robert Bridgewater at 768-8498. Family Child Care Providers Sought Family Child Care Providers are now being sought in Area IV. Free training and support is provided through Child and Youth Services. Applicants should be 18 years old or older, reside on-post and have a high school diploma or G.E.D. In addition, potential providers must have experience with children, pass background and health checks and speak English well. For information, call Maryvel Jones at 768-7707.


Spc. Tsim Nuj Yang, a team leader with the 188th Military Police Company, evacuates a casualty.

Reverse Triathlon Set A “reverse” triathlon will be 9 a.m. March 31 at Camp Carroll. The registration time is 8 – 8:45 a.m. The event consists of 5 kilometer run, 15 kilometer bike and 400 meter swim. Participants must provide their own bike, helmet and safety gear. For information, call the Camp Carroll Sports and Fitness Center at 765-8287. U.S. Embassy Consular Visit to Pusan Officials from the U.S. Embassy’s American Citizen Services. Unit will offer consular services 1 – 4 p.m. March 21 and 9 a.m. – noon and 1 – 4 p.m. March 22 at the Seamen’s Club in Pusan. U.S. citizens will be able to apply for U.S. passports, Consular Reports of Birth Abroad, and Social Security cards. Consular officers will also offer notarial services and provide information regarding federal benefits and registration with the Embassy. If you plan to visit the ACS Unit in Pusan, consult their Web site at for directions or more information.



An Area IV firefighter carries an incapacitated comrade’s oxygen tank through a decontamination shower hoop during the Area IV Support Activity anti-terrorism exercise held March 2 in the vicinity of the Commissary on Camp Walker. The exercise tested the response capabilities of on and off-post emergency responders following a simulated terrorist attack involving both conventional and radiological explosives.

Sgt. Deshon L. Bell, a health care sergeant with Company D, 168th Medical Battalion, (left) comforts “psychological casualty” Pvt. Scott Locke, 517th Movement Control Team, 25th Transportation Battalion.

Dr. Joo Myung-dong from Dongsan Medical Center (right) consults with Sgt. Deshon L. Bell, a health care sergeant with Company D, 168th Medical Battalion, prior to evacuating a casualty to the hospital in Daegu. The Area IV Support Activity has mutual support agreements with local Korean police, fire and emergency services agencies in which U.S. and Korean emergency responders join together to render assistance whether an emergency takes place on a U.S. military installation or in the Daegu community

Matt Haskin, Area IV Fire Department training chief, displays a photograph simulating what firefighters are “seeing.” In this case, the burning remnants of a truck used to set off a terrorist explosion.

Area IV

The Morning Calm Weekly

NEWS & NOTES TIWA Luncheon The Taegu International Women’s Association invites you to the March Luncheon 10:30 a.m. March 22 at the Suseong Resort. The Luncheon fee is $18 or 18,000 won for TIWA members and $20 or 20,000 won for guests. For information, call Kim Granado at 010-8695-3184 or Chona Nufable at 010-3040-1136. Daegu Indoor Soccer Program Daegu Intramural Indoor Soccer competition will be held Mar. 24 – Apr. 1 at Kelly Fitness Center on Camp Walker. The entry deadline is Mar. 19 and the pre-meeting for team representatives is Mar. 21 at Kelly Gym. For information, call Kim Chong-hwan or Neil Fleisher at 764-4225/4800. Area IV Community Easter Sunrise Service There will be an Easter Sunrise Service for the Area IV community 7 a.m. April 8 at the Evergreen Community Club on Camp Walker. The guest speaker will be Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Michael Charles, 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary). A free breakfast will follow the service. For information, call Chaplain (Maj.) Lee Yo-sup at 768-8776. Area IV Information Hotline In an effort to make urgent information available to personnel who live and work within Area IV, an information hotline has been established which enables anyone to call in 24/7 to receive current information about road conditions, force protective conditions, protests/gate closures and school delays or closures. The number is 764-4094 for DSN phones or 0505-764-4094 from off-post. For information, call Victor Lowe at 764-4167.

March 9, 2007


Area IV celebrates Black History Month By Spc. Natalie E. Kapteyn 501st SBDE

Recently, The Area IV Support Activity and 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) celebrated Black History Month with recognition programs at the Camp Carroll Community Activities Center and the Evergreen Community Club on Camp Walker. The theme for each program was “From Slavery to Freedom: The Story of Africans in the Americas,” said Sgt. 1st Class Adam L. Morrison, equal opportunity advisor for 19th ESC, and ceremony organizer. Before the programs began, audience members had the opportunity to view a time-lined slide-show presentation of prominent African Americans and significant events in Black History. Morrison began the program by inviting the audience to enjoy a traditional southern homecooked meal, which included fried-chicken, cornbread, collard greens and cake for dessert. The featured speaker was Col. Gracus K. Dunn, commander of Combat Support Coordination Team 2. Dunn elaborated on the importance of celebrating and remembering African American history, particularly mentioning military history during segregation. Performing during the program were the “Soul Survivors” recording artists from Area I. Members of the group include Master Sgt. Calvin J. Coler with Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, Fires Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division,


Sgt. Kareen Richardson, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Area IV Support Activity, performs a skit at African American/Black History Month Celebration Feb. 21 at the Camp Carroll Community Activities Center.

Capt. Tamisha R. Norris with 2nd Inf. Div. Communications; and Sgt. April D. Turne, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Inf. Div. The Camp Walker Multicultural Worship Service Team also performed. Group members are Mydalya N. Chambers, Kerri S. Clay, Monique A. Mathews and Valetta L. Love.

Area IV

March 9, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

Rehearsal of Concept Drill gives units chance to practice roles 19th ESC leaders enhance skills at ‘hands-on’ event By Sgt. 1st Class Pam Voss 19th ESC Public Affairs

CAMP CARROLL – The transformation of the United States Army has it evolving and growing. Ideas that work now will need to have room to work in the future. Through this transformation process, logistical demands within the Korean Theater of Operation have changed. Combat Service Support Units have new


requirements. To review and validate their capabilities, units from throughout peninsula participated in a Rehearsal of Concept Drill Feb. 22 – 23 at Camp Carroll. “The drill is when you gather the units and get on a map and walk through what you think you’re going to do,” explained Col. Knowles Atchison, support operations officer for 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command. “It gives all the units involved a visual picture of a potential battlefield.” From this visual picture, logistical leaders and operational planners gain situational awareness and common understanding of friction points, gaps

Hyun’s goal is to enlighten the future social workers of Korea. Hyun explained that the U.S. military represents the cutting edge of social work programs. This should come as no surprise since the U.S. Armed Forces have been deployed for decades. As a result, there has always been the need for emergency relief programs, relocation assistance, community health services for those coping with the realities of war, as well as a host of other services catering to Soldiers and families deployed overseas. Within the framework of the U.S. armed services, it is not uncommon that military personnel and their families seek programs to instill readiness. For this reason, the U.S. Army has specifically paved the

and shortfalls. On the map, these leaders and planners can actually see where other units will need to be in supporting the Transition to War. “In order to synchronize a plan you must rehearse it, so we all understand the task and purpose of each unit, and how they are going to integrate in order to generate combat power,” Atchison said. “There are a lot of moving parts to this plan, and there are a lot of things we need to rehearse in order to support our allies.” A common obstacle for logistical units on the battlefield is only knowing and understanding their part of the plan. In his opening remarks, Brig. Gen. Raymond Mason, the 19th ESC

commanding general said, the exercise is about warfighting, to see where you are, but be ready to change. He said participants need to open their apertures, recognize the other elements and avoid tunnel vision. During the drill each unit stated its mission, purpose and plan in the Transition to War. Questions, comments, and new ideas arose; along with the challenges of friction points, gaps and holes. “We are identifying requirements,” Atchison said. “In order to fill in the hole you have to find out where the hole is. We need to maintain flexibility and agility in these plans.” from Page 25

way in the field of social work programs. But only recently has the ROK military begun to deploy its forces, according to Hyun. Consequently, its programs are lagging which is why there is growing concern amongst Korean social workers. “The level of [Korea’s] social work is almost equal to the Americans,’ but military social work is hardly introduced in Korea,” said Ko Soo-hyun, a professor in the Department of Social Welfare at Keumgang University. Dr. Kim Hee-guk, a professor with the Department of Social Welfare at Sangji University, echoed a similar sentiment. According to Kim, American social services may serve as a model

for young aspiring Korean students. “American social work is more advanced than Koreans,” he said. “Recently, Korea became interested in military social work and wanted to learn about it in earnest. Our country’s social work service is less organized, whereas American social work service is well-defined having a clear role division of each department. In the aspect of the social service facilities, it seems that America invests much more money to improve their facilities and it really is well-structured.” Judging from the positive reaction and many questions from students and professors alike, it appears that social work service in the Korean peninsula is headed in the right direction.

The Morning Calm Weekly

March 9, 2007


Mar. 9, 2007


Korean Language

The Morning Calm Weekly

Learn Korean Easily

The Phrase of the W eek : Week

“May I take your picture?”

Sajin han jang jjigodo doegessumnikka? picture



May I

Vocabulary pictures




‘sajingi’ ‘pil lum’

Situation of the W eek : Taking pictures Week Sajin jom jjigo jusigessumnikka?

This story is about:

Would you take a picture of me, please? Stand here.

Yogi so gyeseyo.

Don’t move. Umjigiji maseyo.

Area II welcomes new ROK Army partner

Smile. Ususeyo.

That’s it. Dwaessumnida.

Thank you. Kamsahamnida.

Korean Expression of the W eek Week

Nundonjang jjikda

I put my eye seal on it.

I am determined to have it.

The Morning Calm Weekly

March 9, 2007


March 9, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

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