The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Mar. 30, 2007

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Volume 5, Issue 23


Army News Service

WASHINGTON - The Army’s Civilian Education System is offering four courses to Army civilians to empower them to become pentathlete leaders of the 21st century alongside their Soldier counterparts. Three of the courses are a combination of resident and online training taught at Fort Belvoir, Va., and Fort Leavenworth, Kan. They include the basic, intermediate and advanced courses. The 57-hour exclusively




Take a walk through Seoul Grand Park and enjoy the view

Soldiers 35th, Air Defence Artillary show teamwork during RSOI

Page 16

Page 22

Army educates civilians to be pentathletes By J. D. Leipold


online foundation course launched yesterday. According to Alice Muellerweiss, chief of the Civilian Leader Development Division, Training Directorate, Army G3, the courses are progressive, sequential as well as integrated, and it’s the first time the Army has ever had this type of educational system for the civilian corps. The new program was a necessary shift to better align civilians with their uniformed counterparts.

See Army Army, Page 4

March 30, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly is

nline Visit imakoroweb/sites/local/

AAFES to eliminate ration abuse

Special to The Morning Calm Weekly DALLAS – As part of its ongoing effort to eliminate duty free goods from entering the “black market,” the Army and Air Force Exchange Service is working with various law enforcement agencies in Korea concerning the diversion of large quantities of expired and mislabeled beer. While the exact quantity of diverted product has not been determined at this time, the Army Criminal Investigation Command, Air Force Office of Special Investigation, Korean Customs Service and U.S. Forces Korea J1 along with AAFES’ Audit and Loss Prevention teams are involved in the cooperative and ongoing investigation. “Our cooperation in this investigation, as well as some success over the past year including prosecutions as a result of illegal activities at Camp Long, illustrate AAFES’ commitment to eliminate ration control abuse and diversion of duty free products onto the Korean economy,” said AAFES’ Chief of Communications Lt. Col. Dean Thurmond. “These efforts are about doing the right thing, not the bottom line. As a military command and a guest in Korea, AAFES is dedicated to strengthening relationships with local law enforcement agencies to eliminate illegal business practices.”

25th Stryker Brigade deploys to peninsula for exercise

See story and additional photos, page 26

Commentary Acting Army secretary sends Earth Day message

30, 2007 2 March

The Morning Calm Weekly

MP Blotter The following entries were excerpted from the military police blotters. These entries may be incomplete and do not imply the guilt or innocence of any person.

By Pete Geren Acting Secretary of the United States Army

Area 1 Wrongful Use of Controlled Substance, Investigation established probable cause to believe Subject 1 committed the offense of Wrongful Use of a Controlled Substance (Methamphetamine) when Subject 1 provided a urine sample during a UUI, which subsequently tested positive for DMETH. Further investigation established probable cause to believe Subject 1 committed the offense of Wrongful Use of a Controlled Substance when Subject 1 used Methamphetamine, Ecstasy, and Marijuana while Subject 1 was on PCS leave and emergency leave. This is a final report.

Today our Army continues to wage the long struggle against global terrorism while simultaneously transforming ourselves to meet the challenges of tomorrow. To achieve success we must acknowledge the conditions that place greater stress on the world’s interconnected human, economic and natural systems. Most importantly, we must respond accordingly – we must act today to preserve our future. On this Earth Day we remind ourselves that, while we remain Army Strong to ensure the defense of this great nation, we must also remain good stewards of our environment to preserve it for future generations. Ours is a strong, sustainable Army with the vision to address uncertainties at home and on the battlefield, to coexist with local communities, and to enhance the environment that sustains their well being. Sustainable practices such as water conservation, greater fuel efficiency, and use of renewable energy allows our Army to travel farther, deploy longer, and reduce dependence on traditional supply lines and

Area 2 L/PF, Postal Violations, Subject 1 signed for an unknown amount of mail after Subject 1 had been terminated from her employment. Subject 1 was in charge of keeping the company’s office petty cash fund of $1,500.00, which Subject 1 did not return to the company upon Subject 1’s termination. CID coordinated with the Seoul Immigration Office, which reported Subject 1 departed Korea March 10 for the United States. The investigation continues by CID.

18th consultant gives advice on ticks

Area 3 Bigamy, Subject 1 married Victim 2 in January 2006 when Subject 1 was still married to Victim 1. Victim 2 was interviewed and denied Victim 2 knew that Subject 1 was still married to Victim 1. Subject 1 was interviewed and admitted Subject 1 married Victim 2 while Subject 1 was still married to Victim 1. Subject 1 related Victim 2 had no knowledge of the status of his marriage to Victim 1 at the time of their marriage. The investigation continues by CID.

By Lt. Col. William Sames 18th MEDCOM Entomology Consultant

Yes, it may be late winter and most of the countryside is still brown, but sleeping under the mat of fallen leaves and dried grass are hordes of hungry ticks waiting for this season’s feast on earthly vertebrates of all kinds. Korea may be a relatively small country, but it is home to about 25 species of ticks. Some of these ticks prefer to feed on specific animals, whereas others are less selective and feed on a variety of animals. All terrestrial vertebrates (birds, mammals, reptiles) are susceptible to being attacked from ticks, and there’s a tick for every one in Korea. There are two groups of ticks in Korea: soft ticks and hard ticks. As for tick-borne diseases in Korea, there are several that can affect people, and there are others that only affect animals like cattle. Should you be concerned? Yes, but protecting oneself from tickborne disease is easy. First, know what a tick looks like and realize that a tick must normally be attached for 8 or more hours before it can transmit a disease. Second, before going into a grassy or woodsy area,

Area 4 Aggravated Assault, Robbery, Preliminary investigation revealed that Subject 1, and Subject 2, while off base, entered a taxi and proceeded to an unknown road in downtown Waegwan. Once there, Subject 1 and Subject 2 discovered they did not have enough money for the taxi fare and they attempted to flee the area with Victim 1 pursuing them on foot. Subject 1 and Subject 2 were stopped by Victim 1 with the assistance of a Witness 1. Upon being confronted about their failure to pay the fare, a physical altercation took place. During the physical altercation, Subject 1 produced a knife and stabbed Victim 1 in the abdomen. The investigation continues.

Morning Calm

Published by IMCOM-Korea This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOM-Korea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500 SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 724-TMCW (8629) Fax: DSN 724-3356 E-mail: MorningCalmWeekly

Installation Management Command-Korea Region Director/Publisher Public Affairs Officer Editor Staff Writer

Area I

Commander Public Affairs Officer CI Officer

Area II

reduce our impact on natural resources. Sustainability further enhances our business transformation by eliminating waste, driving innovation, and promoting collaboration across the entire Army. Ours is a strong, sustainable Army that shares its strength with others. As we realign the infrastructure of our installations, depots, and arsenals, we will seek opportunities to work with our neighbors to sustain access to shared resources, and create the kinds of communities that promote well being for the entire Army family. On this Earth Day, we as an Army reaffirm our commitment to sustainability. The Army—every Soldier, every civilian, every contractor, and every family member—must make the personal commitment to do everything possible to ensure a strong, sustainable Army. It is vital that we continue to implement innovative policies and practices that well protect our natural resources for future generations. Army Strong—Today and Tomorrow!

Col. Forrest R. Newton Margaret Banish-Donaldson James F. Cunningham

Commander Col. Ron Stephens Public Affairs/CI Officer David McNally Staff Writer Cpl. Lee Yang-won

Area III

Commander Public Affairs Officer CI Officer

Area IV

Commander Public Affairs Officer CI Officer

Sustain, Support and Defend

apply a repellent containing DEET to your clothes and skin. Third, do a buddy-check every now and then to look for ticks climbing on your buddy’s clothing. If you see one, simply remove it. Finally, when you get home, take a soapy shower and feel for any new bumps on your skin. Places to look are behind the knees, on the scalp, and around the groin. What should I do if I find a tick attached to me? Don’t squeeze the tick or apply any home remedies for removing the ticks. Things like a burnt match or covering it in Vaseline may cause the tick to release disease agents into your body. Ticks should be removed with a pair of forceps. Most tick-borne diseases are easy to treat if treated early in the disease process. Don’t wait thinking you will get better, you probably will, but if you don’t get treated, you might have long-term complications such as severe arthritis, nervous system or cardiac damage. Don’t forget about Fluffy and Garfield. Ticks attack pets, and dogs and cats are perfect tick food. Contact your veterinarian for the latest in tick prevention medications. Treatments are very effective and provide season long protection.

Printed by Oriental Press Bldg. 1440, Yongsan Main Post

Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way connected Brig. Gen. Al Aycock with the U.S. Government, under John A. Nowell exclusive written contract with the Contracting CommandAndre Butler Korea. The civilian printer is Sue Silpasornprasit responsible for commercial advertising. The appearance of advertising in this publication, Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr. including inserts or supplements, Bob McElroy does not constitute endorsement F. Neil Neeley by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr. publication shall be made Kevin Jackson available for purchase, use or Galen Putnam patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin,

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News Military concept vehicles to aid future development

March 30, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

USFK commander puts university area off-limits The commander of United States Forces Korea has designated the Hongdae/Hongik University area in Seoul off-limits to all USFK service members, civilian employees, contractor employees and their family members between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. daily for reasons of force protection. Town Halls for NSPS to be Held The 8th United States Army Deputy Commander , Maj. Gen. Michael Kuehr will conduct Town Hall meetings to discuss NSPS throughout the areas starting April 16. For more information, see local area news and notes section in next weeks edition of The Morning Calm Weekly Newspaper. 2007 LandWarNet Conference The 2007 8th U.S. Army LandWarNet Training Conference will be held April 17-19. The conference will take place at the Mulit-Purpose Training Facility on Yongsan. The conference fee is $10. An ice-breaker is scheduled for Monday, April 16. The purpose of this event is to train information technology personnel in network operations. The Signal Corps Regimental Association is to head and sponsor the event. For more information, contact Rick Chmura at 723-4943 or In S. Lim at 725-3015. Forces Communications and Electronics Association announce Scholarship Awards Program The Seoul Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, International is pleased to announce the Scholarship Awards Program for the 2007-2008 school year. We are seeking applications to award minimum $500 scholarships to students who meet the certain eligibility criteria. Applications must be submitted no later than April 30. For details, contact Edward Durham, 723-3883 or 010-89439413, or send email to [email protected]. Applications may also be downloaded at: http:// Families Needed to Volunteer for Good Neighbor English Camp Volunteer families are needed for this year’s Yongsan Good Neighbor English Camp. Families are needed to host one or more local Korean students for four nights in their homes. They are needed for five nights for students who will participate from Daegu. This year’s camp will be hosted by USFK, May 15-19. Participants are 10th grade Korean students from Seoul, Pyeongtaek and Daegu. Students are selected by local school boards based on their ability to speak English and their willingness to participate in a home stay program. Students who have previously resided in the United States or other English-speaking countries are not considered. For more information contact USFK PAO at 7234685 -- 4686 or 4687.


By Bob Reinert Army News Service

FORT LEWIS, Wash - Maybe it wasn’t quite the Detroit Auto Show, but the military concept vehicles on hand last week at the Strategic Deployment Center on post turned a few heads, nonetheless. The five demonstration trucks three utility vehicles and two maneuver sustainment vehicles - were built by three different manufacturers to help the Army in its quest for the next generation of tactical vehicles. None will ever go into production, but ideas and technologies could be gleaned from all of them. The vehicles, part of a $60 million Army program, had been brought to Fort Lewis to undergo their military utility assessment. “This is an opportunity to actually put them in the hands of users and get the feedback based on the operational scenarios we’re going to run,” said Col. John S. Myers, the Army’s project manager for Future Tactical Systems. “That’s all valuable information to feed into the requirements.” The vehicles had just come from Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., where a safety assessment was done. After Fort Lewis, they will be transported to Washington, D.C. “The plan is to have them in the center courtyard of the Pentagon,”


A photo of the Future Tactical Truck System Utility Vehicle demonstrator. Myers said. “We really wanted senior leaders to see these vehicles.” Before that happens, Soldiers from the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, and the 14th Engineer Battalion will put them through their paces at Fort Lewis through mid April. The 5th Bde., 2nd Inf. Div., Soldiers will drive the Joint Light Tactical Vehicles built by International Military and Government and Lockheed Martin, while those from the 14th Eng. Bn. will evaluate the Maneuver Sustainment Vehicles produced by Armor Holdings.

All of the vehicles are loaded with such bells and whistles as dieselelectric hybrid engines, companion trailers, cranes to load cargo and pull their own engines, FLIR and video cameras, improved ergonomics, firesuppression systems and exportable power. “About every 25 years, the services have modernized their tactical vehicles,” Myers said. “Right now, the concentration is on replacing the Humvee.”

See Vehicle ehicle, Page 4

Facts about Separation Agreements: Part II

Things you should know beforehand -What a separation agreement is not By Capt. Luke Rose Legal Assistance Attorney

A Separation Agreement is NOT something one spouse can make the other do. Both spouses must agree on the specifics of the contract, and they must both willingly sign the agreement in front of a notary after consulting with legal counsel. Therefore, if there are issues that the husband and wife cannot come to agreement on, a Separation

Agreement may not be a viable option. A Separation Agreement is NOT a decree of divorce, nor is it a legal separation. Until an appropriate court issues a final decree or order of divorce to the contrary, the parties remain married. Accordingly, certain legal obligations of marriage remain in place. For example, the parties cannot remarry, and are still subject to any

applicable military laws and regulations, including those regarding adultery and family support. A Separation Agreement is generally NOT required in order to get a divorce. However, it provides clear, legally enforceable “ground rules” for the parties while they live apart, and can help simplify later divorce proceedings.

March 30, 2007

4 Army As the Army transforms to a more operational environment with uniformed leaders focused on warfighting missions, more of uniformed leaders’ other responsibilities are being shouldered by civilian employees. Many uniformed positions are also being replaced by civilians. Muellerweiss said the approach to civilian pentathelete training is holistic. “Students will learn how to see things differently; they’ll learn how to think, not what to think, and they’ll understand some decisionmaking processes much better,” Muellerweiss said. “Since these are resident courses for the most part, they also get the opportunity to learn from other civilians who are assigned to commands throughout the world.” The CES leader-development courses include: Foundation course is entirely online -- this is for civilians new to the Army. It gives students an understanding and appreciation for Army values and customs, and what it means to be a professional in the civilian corps. Students acquire foundation competencies for leader development, develop communication skills and learn how to assume leadership roles.

Vehicle “It’s still a great vehicle, but it’s suboptimized for the mission,” said Myers, adding that the Humvee has lost much of its payload capacity and is now underpowered. “We want to have a clean-sheet-of-paper approach, start all over again and have a family of joint light tactical vehicles.” Enter the JLTVs turned out by International and Lockheed Martin in just nine months to address the needs of the Army and Marine Corps. “They look different,” Myers observed. “Why? Two variations on the theme.” The 18,500-pound International vehicle is the smaller of the two. “We have just different solutions,” said International’s Gordon Wolverton. “My objective as chief engineer was to keep the vehicle small. It’s easy to make things big. It’s hard to make them small and still provide capability. “It’s not excessively roomy, but you’ve got enough room. And we’ve had some Soldiers in here with their weapons, and they can assume the warfighting position,” he said. International placed its hybrid engine in the rear to give Soldiers more room in the cab and added four-wheel steer that allows it to drive sideways. The vehicle also has a remote weapons system. “We designed it as an off-road truck with a lot of capability and gave it really good onroad, road-handling manners,” Wolverton said. “One thing that we’ve really tried to do is make it very simple

The Morning Calm Weekly from Page 1 Basic course -- a combination of two weeks resident instruction at Fort Leavenworth and 43 hours of online training, this course teaches students to understand and apply basic leadership skills so they can lead and care for small teams as well as develop and mentor juniors. Intermediate course -- this is three weeks of residential instruction taught at Fort Leavenworth and Fort Belvoir. It also consists of an additional 91 hours of online training. Designed for civilians who exercise direct and indirect supervision, students learn skills to manage human and financial resources, and to direct program management and systems integration. Advanced course -- a four-week resident course at Fort Belvoir with an additional 67 hours online training, this course is for leaders who exercise predominantly indirect supervision. Students learn additional skills to enable them to lead a large, complex organization, and how to inspire vision, creativity and focus on mission accomplishment. For class dates, locations, eligibility, application and selection process, visit:

from Page 3 to drive.” The Lockheed Martin vehicle is larger - 25,000 pounds - and has a top speed of 75 mph. The vehicle has adjustable ride height, a tilt system in the truck and trailer for rough terrain, and a V-hull designed to deflect IED blasts. “Even the seat is designed to absorb some of the shock of the force coming up underneath,” said Steven Walker, a Lockheed Martin vice president. The seats can accommodate Soldiers wearing hydration systems and other bulky equipment, Walker noted. “The cab’s pretty roomy,” Walker said. “This truck actually has a very smooth ride.” The maneuver sustainment vehicle by Armor Holdings has a fully robotic crane that can lift 13 tons of material off the ground. No other vehicle in the Army’s inventory has anything like that,” Myers said. “There’s only three of these cranes in the world. Two of them are on the trucks out there. Another one is at the manufacturer’s site in Sweden.” The MSV also has a remote weapons system, and the vehicle produces 30 kilowatts of exportable power. “You can power up half this facility with this truck,” said Pat Pockrandt, Armor Holdings electrical technician. As impressive as the UVs and MSVs are, none will ever be massproduced. “It’s really about the capabilities and technologies in the vehicles, not the vehicles themselves,” Myers said. “It’s an advanced concept technology demonstration.”

March 30, 2007

Page 5


Sgt. Maj. Rickey Rose and Lt. Col. Terry Hodges retire the old Camp Casey flag during the Camp Casey redesignation ceremony redesignating Camp Casey to USAG-Casey March 21. “Camp Casey is an integral part of the mission of the 2nd Infantry Division,” Hodges said.

Casey changes moniker and flag By Jim Cunningham Area I Public Affairs

Sgt. Maj. Rickey Rose unfurles the new Casey garrison flag during the redesignation ceremony in the Gateway Club on USAG-Casey March 21.

USAG-Casey—The garrison formerly known as Camp Casey in Dongducheon changed its moniker March 21 to ‘USAG-Casey’ during a ceremony held in Gateway Club adjacent to the front gate of the garrison. “Camp Casey is an integral part of the mission of the 2nd Infantry Division,” said Lt. Col. Terry Hodges, garrison commander, USAG-Casey. “For the last several years the command proudly serves, as it does today, in support of the Area I commander, 2nd Infantry Division, and many other commands here at Camp Casey and the western corridor.” The garrison has a long history of supporting the Soldiers in the Warrior’s path on the Korean peninsula. “Today’s historic event marks another proud chapter for USAG-Casey,” Hodges said. “Last year the more than three year old organization called Installation Management Agency reorganized and transformed into a command known as Installation Management Command and IMCOM-Korea. Thus, the organization USAGCasey in support of the command USAG Uijeongbu was directed to re-flag as part of the transformation. Still, as you witness today, Camp Casey reflagged to USAG-Casey as seen by the new flag and honors before you.” Base operations, command and control will not change because of the new flag. “This will not result in the reduction of services,” Hodges said. “It will not result in any

less dedication of services. After the long history of this enclave known as USAG-Casey, we all are in support of all of you; USAG-Uijeongbu and IMCOM-Korea look forward to our continued support of Soldiers, civilians, and Korean personnel working hand in hand with our numerous community leaders. We are all professionals serving professionals.”

Area I garrison Commander Col. Forrest Newton with USAG-Casey commander Lt. Col. Terry Hodges along with other dignataries cut the cake celebrating Camp Casey’s redesignation to USAG-Casey.

March 30, 2007

Area I American Red Cross lauds volunteers

6 USAG-Casey Women’s History Month Celebration USAG-Casey welcomes all to Women’s History Month Celebration at the USAG Theater today at 7 a.m. For more information call: 730-3560. Easter Extravaganza The Camp Casey Easter Extravaganza will be held in the Casey Theater April 8. For more information call: 730-6987. West Casey Revival Service West Casey Chapel will hold a revival service this evening and tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. and April 1. The location will be behind Primo’s. For more information call: 730-3014. No Fear Act and Diversity Training Diversity Training classes to be held at Camp Red Cloud April 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. has been rescheduled for April 10 at the CRC Education Center. Nominations for training must be in no later than today. For more information call: 732-7120. April Sexual Assault Awareness The HBCT Candlelight Vigil will be held April 3. Call 730-3494 for details. There will be door prizes given and bowling for a penny per pin at the Casey Bowling Alley from 6 to 8 p.m. April 5 to commemorate sexual assault awareness. For more information call: 730-3494. Community Easter Barbecue/ Festival and Egg Hunt A Joint effort of the USO, MWR and the Catholic Parish Council is sponsoring a Community Easter Barbecue, Festival and Egg Hunt April 8 at the USO pavilion from 1 to 5 p.m. For more information call: 730-4812/4813. Camp Stanley and Camp Red Cloud Power Outage There will be a power outage on Camp Stanley tomorrow from 4 to 10 a.m. and Camp Red Cloud April 7 from 4 to 10 a.m. This outage is necessary so required preventive work on the main switching station for each camp can be performed. This outage will affect the entire camp. Lean Six Sigma Training Rescheduled LSS training rescheduled for April 4 2 p.m. at the USAG-Casey Theater. For more information call: 732-6788.

The Morning Calm Weekly

USAG-Casey garrison commander pr esides presides By Jim Cunningham Area I Public Affairs

USAG-Casey—When the American Red Cross decides to say ‘thank you,’ it does so in a big way. The USAG-Casey Red Cross gave 58 awards in a gala banquet honoring volunteers and naming them ‘our hometown heroes.’ “Celebrating America’s hometown heroes with the American Red Cross is a unique idea,” said Lt. Col. Terry Hodges, garrison commander, USAGCasey. “It is not only a celebration of heroes, but also those that volunteer for the ARC here at USAG-Casey and across the world.” March is Red Cross Month, explained Brenda Hindman, director of ARC Camp Red Cloud. “It is a time to celebrate the spirit of Red Cross, volunteers, donors and employees who support critical needs across America. The Red Cross draws its identity from the millions of everyday heroes who donate their time, blood and financial resources to the organization. These ‘hometown heroes’ are the face of the Red Cross and its most valuable asset.” “The hometown heroes of USAGCasey gave 2,770 emergency messages for our Soldiers and their families, 1,778 hours of service to the Casey community through the troop

medical clinic, dental clinic, pharmacy, special events, leadership administrative services and other areas,” Hindman said. “They bestowed life saving training to 248 Soldiers and family members in cardio pulmonary resuscitation and aquatics, staffed the wash rack canteen and passed out coffee and hot chocolate to hundreds of our Soldiers returning from the field, and raised more than $3,600 to support the ARC programs and services to support our community.” The simple act of volunteering is something anyone can do, and it creates something special in all of us. “Volunteering is something we can all do, and in doing so it makes us heroes,” Hodges said. “‘Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve,’ is a great quote from Dr. Martin Luther King. The simple act of volunteering to serve is something all heroes know very well.” The spirit of volunteerism is deeply ingrained in Americans, according to Hodges. “There is no substitute for those who volunteer to serve,” Hodges said. “If you volunteer you are doing it from the heart.” All we need to do to find heroes in our daily life is to look around us, Hodges said. “Many would say that Michael Jordan is a hero, but I say all


Lt. Col. Terry Hodges gives the keynote address to American Red Cross Volunteers during the Hometown Heroes banquet. you need to do is look around you at USAG-Casey and you will find everyday heroes.” Without volunteers, it would be a different society. “Volunteers mean so much to our community. Thank you wonderful heroes for all you do to make our hometown of USAG-Casey a safer, healthier and better place to live,” Hindman said. “President Ronald Regan stated ‘the spirit of volunteerism is deeply ingrained in us as a nation.’ The American people understand there are no substitutes for gifts or service given from the heart.”

Warriors teach USO ESL program By Jim Cunningham

teach two evenings a week from 6:30 to 8 p.m.,” said Sally Hall, manager USAG-Casey—Soldiers of the of the USAG-Casey USO. “If you Fires Brigade volunteered to teach look around tonight, after seven weeks, you will English as a not just second language “The opportunity for witness a learning in a program Koreans and Americans e n v i r onment devised by the here at the New to exchange their cultures Dongducheon Fire Volunteer Center is an exciting aspect of Town Station, but also and the United our language school,This the camaraderie S e r v i c e s is the best thing that between the Organization at happens in this program. Soldiers and U S A G - C a s e y. Students from the It is not only the language students.” In December cities of they are learning, but it 2006, the Dongducheon, is the interaction that D o n g d u c h e on Yangju and V o l u n t e e r Pocheon come takes place, which makes and the together for this program unique and Center USO agreed to classes every imaginative” p r o m o t e Tuesday and L ee, Bok-hee, dir ector of the director volunteer Thursday to learn V olunteer Center a c t i v i t i e s the English between the Dongducheon language and D o n g d u c h e on A m e r i c a n community and customs. the Soldiers at Camp Casey, Hall “The adult ESL program is an said. Activities include teaching English conversational class, which started Feb. 27 with 10 Soldiers from English to adult members of the Fires Brigade volunteering to Dongducheon and Yangju cities, Area I Public Affairs

Col. Matt Merrick, commander, Fires Brigade teaches English March 20 in the Dongducheon Volunteer Center. teaching Hangulmoul to Soldiers; cultural activities like Kimchi and Mandu making, and learning elements of Korean culture, such as their music and instruments. Students learn to converse and read and write English. “The current term offers three levels of conversational English,” Hall said. “Students enrolled in these levels are able to read, speak and write in English. All of the levels require practice in pronunciation and conversation.” It was not as easy in the beginning as many had hoped. “Most of the students come from Dongducheon,” Hall said. “A few

See English English, Page 7

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area I

March 30, 2007

English travel from Yangju to attend the class. We started with 125 students, after the tests in February, half dropped out for the next term for a beginner’s class.” Volunteer Warriors include Soldiers of various ranks, all of which project many positive results from teaching the classes. “I was here for the opening class and I told Ms. Hall and the instructors if they needed a substitute that I and Brigadier General Johnson would volunteer to come here and teach,” said Col. Matt Merrick, commander, Fires Brigade. “We think this is a very important program.” Many teachers have personal goals to achieve by teaching the classes. “I will get to understand more about the Korean culture and they have the opportunity to understand more about the American culture,” Merrick said. “We do it in a friendly positive setting. People come here and relax and have conversations


from Page 6 where we learn so much by talking about daily events.” Volunteer Warriors expect to achieve personal goals as well as make a difference in the Korean community. “I have been unable to see a lot of Korea or been able to mingle with Koreans very much, so I figured I might be able to meet the people and see the culture,” said Lt. Joshua Weakland, Headquarters, Headquarters Service Battery, 1/ 38th Field Artillery. “Most of the students just have a lack of confidence, so they are easy to teach once they realize they can learn English.” Although Weakland has no teaching experience, he found it easier to teach the classes than he expected. “We have guidelines and we start by making introductions. It became easier as we went along.” Weakland said. “People made me feel comfortable and I tried to make them

feel comfortable.” The organizers are convinced the program will be beneficial to those that choose to attend the classes. “The opportunity for Koreans and Americans to exchange their cultures is an exciting aspect of our language school,” said Lee, Bokhee, director of the Volunteer Center. “This is the best thing that happens in this program. It is not only the language they are learning, but it is the interaction that takes place, which makes this program unique and imaginative.” Teaching English to adults is not the only aspect of the program. “We thought of the adult ESL program because we have been catering to just the younger members of the community by teaching English in the schools. There is a need also for the older members of the community to interact with our Soldiers as well, and all of us want to learn to speak English better,” Hall said. There are many volunteers

involved in the entire program. “We have 38 volunteer Soldiers who come and teach English, not only here in the Volunteer Center but also in our community schools,” Lee said. “All are from the Fires Brigade. At the end of the program we will sponsor a city tour for all the Soldiers.”


Staff Sgt. Lawrence Golden teaches English to Adults of Dongducheon as a volunteer for the USO/Volunteer Center ESL program.

DECA dir ector director visits CRC commissary By Jim Cunningham Area I Public Affairs

USAG- North Gyeonggi—The outgoing director of the Defense Commissary Agency West visited the USAG-North Gyeonggi commissary March 22 in a whirlwind tour of commissaries on the Korean peninsula. “We have incredible prices, but most importantly we must provide outstanding service,” said Richard Page, director, DeCA West. “Our military community for what they do for us deserves our very best everyday.”

March 30, 2007


Area I

The Morning Calm Weekly

Page 9

March 30, 2007


Army Family Team Building instructor Min Sung explains military knowledge to Korean spouses March 20 at a U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan Army Community Service classroom.

Korean Spouses learn Army knowledge By Pfc. Kim Sang-wook Area II Public Affairs

Above: Students enjoy an AFTB class in Hangul maul. Right: Chun-hui Zeitler reads class materials.

YONGSAN GARRISON — Korean spouses gathered to learn about military knowledge and to be a part of the Army family March 20 at Army Community Service. Army Family Team Building is an effort to educate and train Army family members and to make them self-sufficient leaders in their community. Starting from AFTB level 1 to 3, the program is a series of 38 classes, led by volunteers to improve personal and families readiness to assist Soldiers and adapt to changes. “This is the first time offering the entire course in Hangul,” said AFTB Coordinator Reta Mills. “We teach them about general information like military courtesies, customs and community resources that are offered in the military.” Mills said learning the program in their native language will make it easier for Korean spouses. Eight spouses, all married to active duty Soldiers, received information about the Army and to be successful as a military spouse. “Today the class is AFTB Level 1,” Mills said. “AFTB Level 1 is a course

offered for all military spouses and families to know more about military life.” AFTB Level 1 is designed for newcomers in the Army. Mills said AFTB Level 1 is consisted of knowledge that can assist newcomers adapting to a new environment. “As the class went along, they became really close to each other and discussed lots of topics,” Mills said. “Some of them have been married for a long time, so their learning from each other.” Spouses also shared their experiences and discussed how to react when accidents occur. “People that just joined the Army family don’t know precisely what the newspapers are talking about and what their husbands say,” said AFTB instructor Min Sung. “After they learn about Army vocabulary and information they will be able to easily understand.” Sung attended the AFTB classes in 2004. She said she devoted her time this year to teach her experiences. Sung said she was happy to stand up in front of the students to share her knowledge. “Today, I learned about the Army and benefits to be in the Army family,” said student Chun-hui Zeitler. “We were able to discuss about our Army family life. We have lots of things in common.”


March 30, 2007

Area II

The Morning Calm Weekly

NEO Warden Training Area II Noncombatant Evacuation Operations training will be presented April 10. To receive certification, new NEO wardens and representatives must attend 9-11:30 a.m. All NEO wardens and representatives must attend 1-4 p.m. For information, call 738-5013. AER Campaign The 2007 Army Emergency Relief campaign is now underway through May 15. AER is a private nonprofit organization with zero funding from the government. The key to a successful fund-raising campaign is the unit keyperson. The Area II goal for this year's campaign is 100 percent contact of eligible contributors. For information, call 723-4197 or 723-2781. April Library Events „From April 1-15 the Yongsan Library will hold a poetry contest with AAFES gift-card prizes for the winners in elementary, middle and high school student categories. „National Library Week is April 15-21. The first five library patrons will be given gifts each day and a National Library Week Open House will be held at the Yongsan Library on 3 p.m. April 17. Refreshments will be available. Easter Egg Hunt DeCA and the Yongsan Commissary will host an Easter Egg Hunt 1 p.m. April 7 on the Commissary side lawn. There will be 960 candy or toy-filled plastic eggs. Random eggs will contain 10 $25 Commissary Shopping Sprees. Premove Briefing The Premove Briefing is designed to assist servicemembers and families with planning for and coping with the stress of moving. The next briefing is 9-11 a.m. Wednesday at Army Community Service. For information, call 738-7186. Volunteers Needed The Yongsan Exceptional Family Member Program needs 300 volunteers for its June Jamboree. Sign up for one-on-one bowling, swimming, fun and games. The jamboree is 6 a.m.-3 p.m. June 1. USO information „ Virtues Volunteers needed: Teach English to Korean school children two Saturdays each month. Sign up as a volunteer today. „The USO can make your unit party that much more special by providing you with USO giveaways. „USO Canteen Specials – for $1 activeduty service members can have the USO Canteen special March 26. LandWarNet Training The 2007 8th U.S. Army LandWarNet Training Conference will be held 8 a.m.5 p.m. April 17-19 at the Multipurpose Training Facility. For information, call 723-4824. USAG-Y Web Site For more news and information, visit the Yongsan Garrison Web site at http://


Yongsan Public Works officals plan to start turning off heating starting April 10. For leased housing units, the transition should take two weeks.

Garrison plans to turn heating off By David McNally Area II Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON – Spring has almost arrived, at least one may think so from the blooming flowers and warmer weather. U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan Public Works officials plan to shut off heating starting April 10. “Each year, we go through a twoweek transition to change operations from heating to cooling at our leased housing areas,” said Engineering Supervisor John Ghim.

Yongsan leased housing areas, Eagle Grove, Itaewon Acres and Black Hawk Village, cannot switch back to heating once after the transition. For other housing units, offices and facilities, the transition is less involved. “We want people to know that if we have another cold spell, we’re not going to be able to turn the heating on again,” Ghim said. “Leased housing units are on a central system.” Garrison Public Works Director Michael Chung said for facilities not on a central system, air conditioning can be

started once the command approves air conditioning season. Each spring, high winds from China bring a phenomenon known as “Yellow Dust.” While 18th Medical Command officials advise people to close their windows during a bad dust storm, air conditioning units cannot filter out the dust. “Unless people have special filtering systems, like those found in a hospital, the air conditioning filters will not remove Yellow Dust,” Chung said.

Community plans baby shower By David McNally Area II Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON – Army Community Service is planning a baby shower April 21 for all expectant parents and parents of children age two months and under. “Think about it, we're far from family and friends in the states, but we do have our military family,” said Family Advocacy Prevention Specialist Margaret Rice. Baby showers may have been the traditional domain of mothers in the past, but Rice said attitudes are starting to change. “This is definitely for both fathers and mothers,” she said. “We want to include fathers.” April is the “Month of the Military Child,” as well as “Child Abuse Prevention Month.” Family Advocacy sponsors events like the baby shower to highlight national observations. “The shower will be packed with gifts, games and other educational materials,” Rice said. “We will also address issues such as shaken baby syndrome.” Rice said new parents can expect a lot of support from the community. Army Community Service worked to get sponsorship for free gifts to give away during the shower.




Expectant parents and parents of children two months and younger can confirm attendance at this year's baby shower by contacting Margaret Rice at 738-5151. The baby shower will be 1:30-3:30 p.m. April 21 at the Community Services Building, Room 118. “Last year, this event was a huge success,” said Family Advocacy Program Manager Stephanie Glover. “It's a chance for the community to come together and celebrate birth.” Glover said the event is fun, but it has a purpose. “Whether it's learning about changing a baby's diaper, planning a budget or putting a baby back to sleep, we recognize how hard it is to become a new parent.”

11 Area II Yongsan building managers hold workshop March 30, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

By Cpl. Jung Jae-hoon Area II Public Affairs


Yongsan Public Works Director Michael Chung addresses building managers March 16.

YONGSAN GARRISON — More than 100 Yongsan building managers gathered for a workshop March 16, at the Multipurpose Training Facility. Building managers are in charge of the buildings that have responsibilities to properly use it and keep it safe. “The goal of today’s program is to enhance the relationships between the Directorate of Public Works and building managers,” said Public Works Director Michael Chung. “It is to improve our partnerships and to foster ownership.” Chung started the workshop by talking about the importance of working together to effectively take care of problems. “At Yongsan, we have 1,600 buildings on 600 acres, there is no way we at DPW can manage it all by ourselves,” Chung said. “With this opportunity, we are going to share all the information and get your advice because you are our eyes and ears.” Chung gave a short briefing about policy changes and explained building manager duties. “From now on, only building managers can put in a work order,” Chung said. “We will not accept work orders from anyone else.” Chung said the reason the policy changed is because DPW used to get telephone calls about the same problem from three different people using the same building. “By making the building manager the only one that can call in a work order, it will make things

smoother,” Chung said. “There are three kinds of building managers: primary, alternative and temporary,” Chung said. “The primary building manager is the unit commander, and in case of his or her absence you need to pick an alternative building manager and tell us so we can put it in the computer and make it possible for a work order.” Chung also said that the unit using a building has no authority to change the functional usage of a facility. “You must submit a request for conversion of usage,” Chung said. “Then we will review the request, and forward it to higher headquarters for approval.” U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Commander Col. Ron Stephens addressed the crowd about the importance of building managers. “What you do, whether you realize it or not, is very important,” Stephens said. “You’re the interface between your unit and us. Quite frankly, if we’re not hearing from you, your stuff is not getting fixed.” Stephens also explained that building managers have to always keep on eye on their buildings, and educate Soldiers to treat them with care. “Because, it is the building managers’ responsibility to take care of the buildings,” he said. “The intent here is that we do the best we can to provide the quality of life that you guys deserve and are accustomed to, but if we don’t know about your problems we can’t fix them. Help us to help you.”


March 30, 2007

Area II


Courageous Channel 2005 volunteers disembark a U.S. Air Force aircraft that brought them back to Korea from a safe haven May 1, 2005.

Garrison seeks volunteers By David McNally Area II Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON – Garrison officials are looking for noncombatant volunteers to participate in an upcoming evacuation exercise. “The volunteers would either fly or take a ferry to a safe haven,” said Garrison NEO Coordinator Sgt. 1st Class Stephen DelCorro.“The only thing the volunteers are going to do is practice how the evacuation would occur.” All travel, meals and lodging will be provided.

“There will also be shopping and sightseeing opportunities,” DelCorro said. The group will depart Yongsan May 17 and return three days later. The evacuation will help to “fine tune” the NEO process, he said. Certain restrictions may apply and there will be two briefings. Family members interested in volunteering should contact their unit NEO warden, or call DelCorro at 7385013 before April 16. “We usually don't have a problem finding volunteers,” DelCorro said. “We fill the volunteer slots by a random lottery drawing.”

Incheon shuttle bus schedule to change Area II Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — Garrison officials announced a change in the official Incheon International Airport shuttle bus schedule. “There will be no more commercial buses augmenting our Incheon shuttle route,” said U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Transportation Officer Keli`i Bright. “We will continue to provide four garrison-owned buses.” Official shuttles will depart Dragon Hill Lodge at 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. daily starting Sunday. The new schedule will still follow the same ridership precedences established by Department of Defense

Regulation 4500.36-R. Category 1 riders are active duty servicemembers or Department of Defense personnel on official orders, such as PCS, TDY or emergency leave. Category 2 riders are defined as Department of Defense contractors performing official travel. Category 3 riders are non-DOD federal employees on official orders. Finally, category 4 riders are off-duty military and DOD civilians, reserve and national guard members, family members of active duty personnel and retiree. For information, visit http:// and click on Services, then Bus Schedules.

Yongsan Garrison on the W eb Web Find out the Y ellow Dust information at Yellow the Y ongsan Garrison W eb site: Yongsan Web .mil

The Morning Calm Weekly

March 30, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly


Motorcycle Safety: Taming the Crotch Rockets By Spc. Jim Wilt Army News Service

WASHINGTON – Ask any paratrooper how softly he lands while parachuting and he’ll quickly explain Sir Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion: “An object in motion will remain in motion until an external force is applied.” In other words, something has to stop the movement. And hitting the ground is not like landing on feathers. Unfortunately, last year several paratroopers proved that theory correct while riding their motorcycles. According to the Snell Memorial Foundation, a nonprofit, helmet-safety organization, the risk of death per vehicle mile is about 20 times higher for motorcyclists than for passenger-car occupants in a traffic accident. The 82nd Airborne Division alone lost four Soldiers to motorcycle accidents in fiscal 2006. The numbers indicate that 25 percent of all reported motorcycle accidents involving a division paratrooper in fiscal 2006 resulted in a fatality. Across the Army, 48 Soldiers were killed in motorcycle accidents in fiscal 2006, 20 percent more than in fiscal 2005 and 215 percent more than in fiscal 2004. According to the 82nd Abn. Div. Safety Office, the division’s paratroopers accounted for almost 10 percent of all motorcycle fatalities in the Army in fiscal 2006. The four paratroopers who were killed in motorcycle accidents all made poor decisions, which contributed to their deaths, safety officials at Fort Bragg said.

Investigations revealed three of them had not been properly licensed, three had consumed alcohol, two were not wearing proper protective equipment, and speed was a factor in three of the deaths. Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Dave Henderson, the division safety officer, said the Soldiers made “selfish, undisciplined decisions. If you have the wrong attitude, you’re going to do the wrong thing,” he said. “They didn’t think about the people who love them and they didn’t think about the people who were counting on them.” State laws and military regulations prohibit the consumption of alcohol while operating a motor vehicle. They also regulate speeding and require motorcyclists to have motorcycle licenses. North Carolina and other states also require motorcycle operators and their passengers to wear helmets. Helmet laws vary throughout the United States, but according to the Department of Defense, all service members are required to wear Department of Transportation-approved helmets as well as other protective equipment while riding a motorcycle, regardless of state laws. DOD defines proper protective equipment for operating a motorcycle as a DOT-approved helmet with an impact-resistant face shield or goggles, a long-sleeved shirt or jacket, long trousers, fullfingered leather gloves or mittens designed for motorcycle use, and a highly visible upper garment during the day or a reflective upper garment at night. “Helmets that are not regulated by the DOT can break up on impact and start jabbing stuff into your brain” in an accident, said Daniel Unger, a

Motorcycle Safety Foundation master rider. “If a Soldier goes to a state where there is no helmet law, it doesn’t apply for him. He has to wear his helmet anyway,” Henderson said. “For a standard to be maintained, it must be enforced.” As long as leaders see Soldiers disregard standards, and simply overlook noncompliance, “we’re going to continue to have problems,” Henderson said. “It takes every leader across the Army to stop Soldiers who are putting their lives at risk, and to make on-the-spot corrections.” Henderson also emphasized the role of young noncommissioned officers in making an impact on safety. “For the young Soldier in a squad, it takes the squad and team leader to actively engage in safety - with the same attitude, attention to detail and enthusiasm as they do when they are getting ready for patrol in the middle of Fallujah” to prevent deadly accidents, he added. “Would a sergeant allow you to jump out of an airplane without your helmet or parachute on?” Henderson asked. “So why would that sergeant allow you to ride your motorcycle without wearing a DOT approved helmet?” Junior-enlisted Soldiers are not the only ones at risk on motorcycles. According to the Army Combat Readiness Center, two-thirds of all motorcycle fatalities in 2006 involved sergeants and above. Twothirds of the Soldiers killed were over the age of 25.“ Attending a motorcycling school is a proven method of preventing injuries for new riders and returning, experienced riders.

30, 2007 14 March

The Morning Calm Weekly

March 30-April 5

Epic Movie (PG13) 8:30 p.m.

Catch And Release (PG13) 8:30 p.m.

Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 8:30 p.m.

Shooter (R) 7:30 p.m.

Catch And Release (PG13) 7:30 p.m.

Blood & Chocolate (R) 7:30 p.m.

Epic Movie (PG13) 7:30 p.m.

Smokin’ Aces (R) 7 p.m.

300 (R) 7 p.m.

300 (R) 7 p.m.

Catch And Release (PG13) 7 p.m.

No Show

No Show

No Show

Shooter (R) 9 p.m. Catch And Release (PG13) 7 p.m. Epic Movie (PG13) 9:30 p.m.

Shooter (R) 9 p.m. Shooter (R) 7 p.m. Reign Over Me (R) 9:30 p.m.

Shooter (R) 9 p.m. Catch And Release (PG13) 7 p.m. Dreamgirls (PG13) 8:30 p.m.

Catch And Release (PG13) 6:30 p.m. Catch And Release (PG13) 7 p.m. No Show

Catch And Release (PG13) 6:30 p.m. Shooter (R) 7 p.m. No Show

Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 9 p.m. Epic Movie (PG13) 7 p.m. No Show

Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 9 p.m. Because I Said So (PG13) 7 p.m. Smokin’ Aces (R) 8 p.m.

Dreamgirls — Effie White, Deena Jones, and Lorrell Robinson - three friends from Chicago - are a promising singing trio called The Dreamettes. Their talent attracts an ambitious manager by the name of Curtis Taylor, Jr., who uses unscrupulous tactics to move the .girls from backup singers to superstars of their own. The group evolves into a more sophisticated group, The Dreams, with a lighter sound and chic look. They successfully attract a “whiter” audience and The Dreams rise to international stardom. The money, fame, and adulation, however, doesn’t bring them happiness. Rated PG-13 (language, sexuality, drug content) 131 min

Catch And Release — After the sudden death of her fiancé, Gray Wheeler finds comfort in the company of his friends: lighthearted and comic Sam, hyper-responsible Dennis, and, oddly enough, his old childhood buddy Fritz, an irresponsible playboy whom she’d previously pegged as one of the least reliable people in the world. As secrets about her supposedly perfect fiancé emerge, Gray comes to see new sides of the man she thought she knew, and at the same time, finds herself drawn to the last man she ever expected to fall for. Rated PG-13 (sexual content, language, drug use) 111 min

The Number 23

No Show

(R) 6:45 p.m. Smokin’ Aces (R) 9:30 p.m. Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 9 p.m. Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 7 p.m. Reign Over Me (R) 8:45 p.m.

Norbit (PG13) 9:30 p.m. Catch And Release (PG13) 9 p.m. Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 9 p.m. Reign Over Me (R) 8 p.m.

Night At The Museum

Night At The Museum

(PG) 6:30 p.m. The Queen (PG13) 6:30 p.m.

(PG) 6:30 p.m. Flushed Away (PG) 6:30 p.m.

Blood & Chocolate — Ten years ago, in the remote mountains of Colorado, a young girl watched helplessly as her family was murdered by a pack of angry men for the secret they carried in their blood. She survived by running into the woods, and changing into something the hunters could never find—a wolf. Now, though she lives half a world away, Vivian Gandillon is still running. Living in relative safety in Bucharest, Vivian spends her days working at a chocolate shop and nights trawling the city’s underground clubs, fending off the reckless antics of her cousin Rafe and his gang of delinquents he calls “The Five.” Rated PG-13 (violence/terror, sexuality, substance abuse) 98 min

Stomp The Yard (PG13) 6:45 p.m. Reign Over Me (R) 9:30 p.m. Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 8 p.m. Epic Movie (PG13) 7 p.m. Dreamgirls (PG13) 8 p.m. Dreamgirls (PG13) 8 p.m. Flushed Away (PG) 6:30 p.m.

Freedom Writers (PG13) 6:45 p.m. Reign Over Me (R) 7:00 p.m. Catch And Release (PG13) 7 p.m. Catch And Release (PG13) 7 p.m. Dreamgirls (PG13) 7 p.m. Smokin’ Aces (R) 6 p.m. Children Of Men (R) 6 p.m.

Reign Over Me — A man who lost his family in the September 11th attacks and has never recovered from his grief, runs into his former college roommate who is determined to help his ex-roomie come to grips with his loss. Rated R (language, sexual references) 112 min

Smokin’ Aces — Mob boss Primo Sparazza has taken out a hefty contract on Buddy “Aces” Israel—a sleazy magician who has agreed to turn state’s evidence against the Vegas mob. The FBI, sensing a chance to use this small-time con to bring down big-target Sparazza, places Aces into protective custodyunder the supervision of two agents dispatched to Aces’ Lake Tahoe hideout. When word of the price on Aces’ head spreads into the community of ex-cons and cons-tobe, it entices bounty hunters, thugsfor-hire, deadly vixens and doublecrossing mobsters to join in the hunt. With all eyes on Tahoe, this rogues’ gallery collides in a comic race to hit the jackpot and rub out Aces. Rated R (strong bloody violence, pervasive language, nudity, drug use) 109 min

No Show

No Show

No Show

Reign Over Me (R) 7:00 p.m. Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 7 p.m. No Show

Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 7 p.m. No Show

Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 7 p.m. Reign Over Me (R) 7 p.m. Epic Movie (PG13) 7 p.m.

Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 7 p.m. Smokin’ Aces (R) 6 p.m. Children Of Men (R) 6 p.m.

Reign Over Me (R) 9 p.m. Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 7 p.m. Catch And Release (PG13) 6 p.m.

Blood & Chocolate (PG13) 7 p.m. Catch And Release (PG13) 6 p.m.

The Pursuit Of Happyness

The Pursuit Of Happyness

(PG) 6 p.m.

(PG) 6 p.m.

March 30, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly


Spirit: Standard Issue from God Chaplain (Capt.) Harry Emerson Byrd Jr. 5/32nd Military Intelligence Battalion


hen I first came into the Army (not too long ago) I felt like I had a lot of catching up to do. I remember getting back to my office with my load of equipment from Central Issue Facility. After going back over the list of things that had been entrusted to me, I started to panic. Had I lost something that quickly? To tell you the truth, I cannot even remember what it was. I could not tell the difference between cold weather gear and wet weather gear so it could have been one of those items. Whatever it was, my chaplain’s assistant helped me in my time of stress. “Sir, here you have it. It was in here all along.” I was grateful and relieved to know that I would not be

paying for lost equipment so early in my Army career. It comes as no surprise, of course, that I believe we all have a spirit at the core of which we are. I believe that our spirit is “standard issue” for each of us along with our thoughts, feelings, and our bodies. If our spirit, will, or heart is a standard part of who we are, what does that mean for you and for me? Is it important? Dallas Willard, in his book ‘Renovation of the Heart’ states, “Spiritual the process by which the human spirit or will is given a definite ‘form’ or character. It is a process that happens to everyone. The most despicable as well as the most admirable of persons have had a spiritual formation. Terrorists as well as saints are the outcome of spiritual formation. Their spirits or hearts have been formed. Period.” Can we really expect we will know who God intends

us to be if we do not have space or time in our life for spiritual formation? Without attending daily to our spiritual fitness, will we be able to make good decisions about spending money, loving our families, or living life in general? Does your everyday life and do your goals reflect the fact that you have a spirit at your core? Our pace of life and the ease with which we can find entertainment do not lend themselves to helping our growth as people. If you and I are to see any growth in our lives, we need to set aside time to read scripture, pray, worship, and fellowship with others who share our faith. If we take spiritual formation seriously, we will not only be better prepared for challenges we will also experience this life more fully.

Area III W orship Services Worship Protestant Collective Sunday

10:30 a.m.

3 p.m.

Zoeckler Station Chapel Freedom Chapel, Camp Long Chapel Suwon Air Base Chapel Camp Eagle Chapel

1 p.m.

Freedom Chapel

11 a.m.

Gospel Sunday

Wednesday 7 p.m. Contemporary Sunday 6 p.m. KATUSA Tuesday 7 p.m. Sunday 8 p.m.

Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Camp Long Chapel

Catholic Mass

Daily Sunday

11:45 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 4 p.m.

Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Camp Long Chapel

5:10 p.m. Camp Eagle Chapel For information on Bible study groups and other religious services and activities, contact the nearest installation chaplain’s office.

Area III Chaplains Chaplain (Maj.) Ray Robinson [email protected] 753-7274 Chaplain (Maj.) James O’Neal [email protected] 753-7276 Chaplain (Capt.) Kyle Taylor [email protected] 721-3356

March 30, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly




Winter-weary Seoulites swarm Seoul Grand Park March 17 during one of the warmest days of the year so far. Seoul Grand Park offers a glimpse of the animal kingdom in the heart of Seoul.

Discover Seoul Grand Park By David McNally Area II Public Affairs


Two tigers share a tender moment.

Two bears look curiously at the onlookers.

trip to the zoo is a treat for children and adults. In Seoul, the national zoo is a place to enjoy the animal kingdom and walk through forest trails. The Seoul Grand Park offers visitors a glimpse of animal life with performances, interactive sessions and information displays. “The park has a great potentiality to grow to a general theme park of world prominences,” said Seoul Grand Park Director Lee Won-hyo in a statement on the park’s Web site. Lee said the zoo contains nearly 3,000 animals of 348 species. There is also a botancial garden with more than 1,300 plant species. The zoo is only one part of the complex. The Museum of Contemporary Art, Information Technology World and Seoul Land Amusement Park are adjacent to the zoo. “With such good facilities and favorable natural conditions, Seoul Grand Park has provided people with dreams, affection, recreation and adventure,” Lee said. The seal and dolphin show is a popular venue yearround, but the park charges an additional fee. Inside, visitors will find restaurants, snack stands, a first-aid station and baby stroller rentals. Next month, the zoo plans to hold a cherry blossom festival. There is a 3,000 Korean won entrance fee for adults. Children’s tickets cost between 1,000 and 2,000 won. The park is open daily from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. In April, the park will extend the closing time to 7 p.m. The Seoul Grand Park is located at Gwacheon and has its own stop on the Seoul Metropolitan Subway Blue Line (No. 4). Go to exit No. 2 and follow the signs to the park’s entrance. For information, including recommended walking courses, visit and click on the English link.

An elephant stands quietly a few feet from visitors.

A giraffe eats a meal at the Seoul Grand Park.

The Morning Calm Weekly

March 30, 2007


March 30, 2007


CYS Transition Workshop Offered Transitioning of children from one school to another during PCS moves are difficult. The School Liaison and School Transition Office is there to help with Transition Workshops.The Transition Workshops will assist military families with school transition issues. It will identify barriers to the academic success of Army family members (primary and secondary education and develop solutions), promote parent involvement by Army parents of school age children in their student’s education, and development. For more information on the School Liaison Program, contact your local CYS office.

Special to The Morning Calm Weekly


Calling all Artists MWR is clearing the walls in anticipation of the submissions for the 2007 Arts and Crafts Contest. The contest is open to all members of the military community. Winning pieces will move on to compete in the All-Army where cash prizes are awarded. Six categories will offer an array of possibilities for creative people. They include Ceramics, Wood, Fibers and textiles, Glass, Metals and jewelry, Drawings, Prints, Water base painting, Oil base painting, Mixed media – 2D, and Mixed media – 3D. Amateur artists are encouraged to enter in the “Novice” group while the “Advanced” competition will be for those who have taken formal art training All MWR patrons, including active duty service members, family members, and DoD civilians who are authorized to use US Army recreation facilities are eligible to enter. Each artist may enter up to five pieces per category. The deadline to enter is April 18. For more information, contact your local Arts and Crafts Center or DSN 725-6070.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Half and Full Marathon The 2007 Eighth Army Half and Full Marathon is scheduled to take place April 28 at Camp Casey’s Hanson Field House. Awards will be presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each Men’s and Women’s category. Registration runs from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. The race will kick off at 8 a.m., following a course briefing. Course maps are available in advance from the Camp Casey Sports Office which may be reached at DSN 730-2322. For more information, contact your local MWR Sports Office or the Korea Region Sports Director at DSN 725-5064.

Looking For Work Family Child Care provides work and life options for individuals residing onpost looking to earn an income while staying home. Individuals living in on-post quarters are authorized to care for up to 6 children (including their own). The FCC program offers free training, monetary subsidies, a lending closet and technical and morale support. For more information on how to become a Family Child Care provider, please contact your local ACS office or DSN 725-3205.

State of Man to perform

Morale, Welfare and Recreations Korea-Region

State of Man, an alternative/rock band will be rock’n this way the week of April 10 th performing for military personnel and their families. They will travel to 8 locations throughout the peninsula. The band’s mix of guitars, bass, drums, and soulful vocals has earned them a reputation as “One of the East coasts premier acts,” producing a well-crafted rock sound and powerful live shows. Their fulllength CD, “Lose Your Mind,” drew attention from an Atlanta producer who was behind the recorded tracks for their EP, “More Than Coincidence.” The band’s maxi-single “Swallow Your Fears” reached the top 10 of the Billboard Single Sales Chart. State of Man continues to build its fan base while touring in support of the new full length release “Both Sides of the Story” - featuring the hit single “Swallow Your Fears.” State of Man has performed at venues and festivals internationally and across the US with such artists as Live, Kid Rock, Stone Temple Pilots, No Doubt, Train, Shinedown, Hoobastank, Puddle of Mudd, Earshot, Pink, Better Than Ezra, Garbage, Silvertide. Performance Schedule April 10 -- Camp Red Cloud April 11 -- Loring Club April 12 -- Daegu Airbase April 13 -- Chinhae Navy Base April 14 -- Camp Walker April 15 -- Osan Airbase April 17 -- Camp Humphreys April 18 -- K-16 Airbase

Mitchells Kunsan Air Base Jake’s Duffy’s Hilltop Club Mustang Club Tommy D’s Landing Zone

7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m.

Correction In last weeks paper the information provided for the article -- MWR to celebrate Month of the Military Child for Area IV-- was inaccurate. Corrections to that article are posted on page 27.

The Morning Calm Weekly

March 30, 2007


30, 2007 20 March

The Morning Calm Weekly

Page 21

March 30, 2007

USAG Humphreys engage in RSOI By Bob McElroy Area III Public Affairs

USAG HUMPHREYS—Soldiers, civilians and contractors from all U. S. Army Garrison Humphreys installations particpated in the peninsula-wide Reception, Staging, Onward movement and Integration command-post exercise, referred to as RSOI 07, this week. First held in 1994 the exercise is used by Combined Forces Command, Republic of Korea and U.S. force commanders to train and evaluate CFC capability to receive forces from bases outside of the country. According to USAG Humphreys Director of Plans, Training Mobilization and Security, J. Michael Lineberger the goals for USAG Humphreys personnel during RSOI were to train the installation staff to standard, refine standard operating procedures and execute the mission safely. RSOI has, for the last several years, been combined with Foal Eagle, a joint-combined field exercise. According to a U.S. Forces Korea press release announcing the exercise, RSOI/FE 07, as with all other CFC exercises, is a defensive oriented exercise and designed to improve the command’s ability to defend the ROK against external aggression. As in past exercises, RSOI/FE 07 will include a full range of conventional equipment, capabilities, and personnel. Foal Eagle is the command’s theater-wide


Sgt. 1st Class Crystal Figgs, (right)Yongin mayor, discusses the construction progress of Yongin Logistics Support Area with Han Sung-pil, General Trade Assistant Foreman from the 22nd Korean Service Corps. joint and combined field training exercise focused Soldiers and Marines. The LSAs, located in Yongin, Baran and Camp on rear area security and stability operations, onward movement of equipment, and select training events. Long, provided tents, dining facilities, showers, latrines These defensive field exercises are designed to and Morale, Welfare and Recreation services for help teach, coach and mentor younger service the deployed troops. USAG Humphreys personnel members while exercising senior leaders’ decision- will continue to run the LSAs until after the Soldiers making capabilities to protect the ROK against and Marines redeploy. The Yongin LSA recently garnered some positive external aggression. Before RSOI kicked off USAG Humphreys recognition when the Eighth U.S. Army Inspector personnel were involved in more than just the planning General’s office recognized it for its organization, for the exercise. Noncommissioned officers and efficiency and available facilities. The IG recognized Soldiers were given the mission of setting up and Yongin as a blueprint for other LSAs. The exercise concludes on Saturday. running three Life Support Areas for incoming

Desiderio runway undergoes resurfacing By F. Neil Neeley Area III Public Affairs

USAG HUMPHREYS – Resurfacing of portions of the Desiderio Army Airfield runway began here on March 16. Barring delays, is expected to take 42 days to complete the work. Although the runway is closed to fixed-wing aircraft the airfield remains open for helicopter operations. The resurfacing and related work is being done by The Time Construction Company under the auspices of the USAG Humphreys’ Directorate of Public Works. “The resurfacing is based on the pavement evaluation that we had done

here in 2005,” said John Albonetti, Desiderio airfield manager. “Engineers from the states determined what areas and by priority, which areas had to be repaired. The engineers looked at the entire airfield and graded it red, amber and green according to serviceability and priority of needed repairs. “Portions of the runway have deteriorated over time,” Albonetti said. “The runway had a lot of red, meaning that they were in poor condition. Because the red areas were most critical, we’re tackling those first and repairing them based on the amount of money that we have available.”

Albonetti says that the resurfacing was one of three things that needed to be done in order to improve the airfield. “One was to improve and certify all of the navigational aids and lighting and we did that recently,” he said. “The second thing was to improve the pavements and we’re doing that now. Some of the runway markings needed repainting or were incorrect, so the third thing we’re doing is to align all of the airfield markings so that they are aligned with all of the navigational aids and lighting systems on the airfield” “Our airfield was designed for smaller airframes and helicopters,” Albonetti said. “We’re improving what

Old tarmac is removed from the Desiderio Army Airfield runway in preparation for resurfacing. The project is expected to take 42 days.

we already have. We’ll be able to support our customers here and all of the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade and any Marine aviators that come in to here for exercises.” Albonetti says that after the completion of this project Desiderio Army Airfield will have a usable landing and take off area for all the airframes that are stationed on Humphreys. “At the end of this we’ll have a very good operational situation,” he said. “The markings will now match the lighting systems, which will line up with the navigational aids and then the aviators will have a good foreign-object debris-free pavement surface.”


Area III

March 30, 2007 22

TAX ASSISTANCE CENTER NOW OPEN Offering tax assistance, tax preparation, and free e-filing. The Tax Center is located at Camp Humphreys Bldg. S-262, co-located with the Red Cross. Hours are Mon., Tue., Wed. and Fri. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Thur., by Appointment Only, and Sat., 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Call 753-3905 for an appointment and to ensure that you are bringing the required documentation, including W-2s. A mobile tax center will make Wednesday visits to Camps Long and Eagle, appointments required. FREE KOREAN LANGUAGE CLASSES Starting Saturdays, March 31 from 2 - 4 p.m. Learn Korean language and culture. Classes will be held in the 3rd Floor class room, Cheongdam Culture Center, Gaeksa-ri, Paengseong-eub. Sign up through today by calling Ms. Chong at 7 5 4 6 1 3 0 email: [email protected]) or Mr. Yu at 754-7652 or 010-4735-8754. email: [email protected]) BUNGEE JUMPING At Cheongpung Land begins April 21 - monthly thereafter. Check CAC for exact dates. Cost is $60 per person. Sign up at the CAC or call 753-8825. Transportation and lunch will be provided. YOGA CLASSES Tues. and Thurs. 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. aerobics and cardio classes are also available Mon. - Thurs. from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Classes meet in the aerobics room at the CAC. Classes for all skill levels. Info call 753-8807.

The Morning Calm Weekly

HAES students DARE to shun substance abuse

HAES students and teachers pose with McGruff the crime dog and DARE instructors at a recent DARE graduation. By Kristin Davenport HAES Teacher

USAG HUMPHREYS – The drug abuse resistance program is used to educate students about drugs and alcohol in the hopes that they can make healthy choices in the future. During the nine weeks of the DARE program we covered such topics as tobacco, marijuana, alcohol,

inhalants, peer pressure and self pressure. Through the use of the DARE Decision Making Model the students learned how to take a situation, good or bad, and define the problem, Assess the different choices available, Respond in a smart and healthy manner, and then evaluate that response to decide if it was a healthy and smart choice that was made. We roll played different situations in


the hopes that the students would get comfortable saying no to people who are the same age as them and could possibly be their friends. The culmination of the 9 weeks led to the students writing a DARE report on what they had learned from the program. They were to also make a pledge about how they will use DARE to make healthy choices in the future.

35th ADA nets RSOI monster

FREE CULTURAL TOUR 30 U.S. Soldiers and 30 KATUSAs are invited on a free tour of the Hite Brewery and hike up Yonmun Mountain, Friday, May 11. Free beer tasting for those of legal drinking age. Sign up soon, this one will fill up fast. Contact Peter Yu or Ms. Chong at Public Affairs, 7547652. OSAN BAZAAR SET

The Osan Officers’ Spouses’ Club’s Spring Fever Bazaar is scheduled for tomorrow, March 31 from 10a.m. -4p.m. at the O’Club. Furniture, jewelry, fabric and more. Proceeds are deposited into the OSC’s Welfare Fund in order to donate to the many organizations and charities it supports, including scholarships. Open to all DOD ID/Rations Card holders. info.,visit the OSC’s website:


TEAMWORK - Soldiers of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade roll up and load the huge camouflage net affectionately referred to as “Big Bertha” during a recent brigade field training exercise held in conjunction with RSOI ’07. During the FTX, all 14 units within the brigade across the peninsula participated, refining their Patriot skills as well as concentrating on force protection and weapons immersion.

Area III 23 Stand up to Sexual Assault in April March 30, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

Jocelyn Reyes-Lashier, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, prepares an emergency essentials kit for sexual assault victims. The kits are strategically placed around the post for victim’s use. By Bob McElroy Area III Public Affairs

USAG HUMPHREYS—April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the motto, “Stand up to Sexual Assault and Make a Difference” will serve as a guide for the month’s worth activities that are planned. In addition to Sexual Assault Awareness Month, April will also be Child Abuse Prevention Month. According to U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys Sexual Assault Response Coordinator Jocelyn ReyesLashier, April will feature a myriad of events that will educate and inform Soldiers, civilians and family members. Education is one of the Army’s key weapons in the battle against sexual assault. Reyes-Lashier said


that in 2006 there were 25 sexual assault cases reported at Camp Humphreys. Sexual assault is defined as any intentional sexual contact with force, however slight and without the consent of the person being touched, Reyes-Lashier said. It is pre-meditated and calculated. Reyes-Lashier said that sexual assault should not be confused with sexual harassment with is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other conduct of a sexual nature between two people. Where sexual assault and sexual harassment also differ is in the punishment that can be meted out. Sexual assault is a much more serious offense and can result in a felony conviction.

Reyes-Lashier, who works at Camp Humphreys Army Community Service, said she is available to present classes to units and can also consult with unit commanders and first sergeants as necessary. She also trains the Unit Victim Advocates; each battalion is authorized two. The UVAs provide direct support and services to victims of sexual assault. In the event of a sexual assault Reyes-Lashier said the victim should do the following— · Go to a safe place as fast as you can and call Reyes-Lashier, the appropriate UVA and the military police. · Don’t wash your body or hair or brush your teeth until after you have been examined by medical personnel and interviewed by the MPs or CID. Following the medical examination and interview sexual assault victims can shower and brush their teeth. Reyes-Lashier said that she has placed bags with new clothes and toiletries at locations throughout Camp Humphreys for the victims to use. These are the events Reyes-Lashier has scheduled for April— April 2—Reyes-Lashier will kick-off the month herself with an appearance on the Tuesday morning radio show on Armed Forces Network-Osan. Also on April 2, She will set up an information booth in the PX Food Court at lunch time. April 4—Humphreys American Elementary School volunteer, April Gadbury, will present a skit for the students of on “Good touch-bad touch.” April 6– Reyes—Lashier and Unit Victim Advocates will hand out information on Sexual Assault prevention at the Camp Humphreys walkthrough gate. April 9, 16, 23—Reyes-Lashier will set up the information booth in various dining facilities on Camp Humphreys. April 30—Information booth set up at Alaska Mining Company from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 30—Criminal Investigation Division agents will present a class on rape aggressive selfdefense workshop. This event is co-sponsored by ACS and CID.

Area III KA TUSA Soldiers compete for volleyball league championship KATUSA By Pfc. Im Suk-chun Area III Public Affairs Office

USAG HUMPHREYS—Winning sports competitions have always been a perfect way to sharpen team spirits, and motivation, which is why 12 KATUSA teams are more passionate than ever to beat other teams and bring home the KATUSA volleyball league championship trophy to their unit. Pfc. Lee Sun-hwa, from Headquarters Headquarters Company U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys offered his perspective on the KATUSA volleyball league. “Well, for me, it’s always disappointing to lose to other teams after I did my best to beat the competition. It’s never too easy to beat other teams when they are as much motivated as us,” Lee said. “Nevertheless, the game is not just about me, but the whole team; my unit’s pride is involved in it, which is why I

simply can’t afford to lose.” Volleyball, along with basketball, softball, and soccer, is one of the quarterly league sports offered throughout the year. Twelve KATUSA teams are divided into two divisions, where each team must play against every other team to qualify for the semi-finals. Schedules and games are coordinated by the senior Republic of Korea Army staff office and gym staffs that keep records and provide referees, venues and equipment. HHC, USAG Humphreys senior KATUSA Sgt. Jang Joon-yung notes how difficult it is to organize his KATUSAs for the game. “As for our unit, we have KATUSAs all over the garrison, and some have missions all the time. Especially now with on going RSOI (Reception Staging Onward Movement and Integration) exercise training, we


KATUSA players go for the net during the recent KATUSA volleyball championship. find it challenging to get our best men substitutes and share the game with all in the game,” Jang said. “Sports KATUSAs in HHC.” Games are held on a weekly basis competition is important, but their missions are always the first priority. and so far three games have been And for that, it’s often difficult to find played by each team.


March 30, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

Page 25

March 30, 2007

Camp Henry runner is Armed Forces champion Pfc. Suk Kyung-chul 19th ESC Public Affairs

CAMP WALKER – Most people ride in a car, or get on a train to see Korea. However, one 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) Soldier prefers an alternative – running throughout the peninsula. In fact, Sgt. 1st Class Angella Jackson, 19th ESC Emergency Operations Center noncommissioned officer-in-charge is so good at running she helped the Army women’s cross country team win the 2007 Armed Forces Cross Country Championships Feb. 10 in Boulder, Colorado. Jackson joined the Daegu Area Running Team in 2005 and has taken part in numerous marathon events all over Korea. “I began running in 1999, but didn’t start seriously until I came to Korea two years ago,” Jackson said. She said DART coach Patrick


Sgt.1stClassAngellaJackson,conductsanearly morning training session on Camp Walker.

Noble, who works in 19th ESC Support Operations, was a big support, encouraging her to run continuously.

New hotline provides critical information

Through diligent training, she hopes to continually improve. When she ran the Tongyeong marathon last year, she took seventh place. This year, she came in 2nd despite the cold and windy weather. On March 1, Jackson ran a race celebrating the Korean Independence Movement Day. During that race, Jackson made a sporting decision. She allowed a Korean runner to finish before her even though she knew she could pass her for the top position. “I usually go past anyone slower than me, but since it was a Korean holiday, I allowed her to win. I just wanted them to have that day, because it was their Independence Movement Day,” she said. She ended up taking third in the women’s category. “Although I love to win, that’s not all I run for,” Jackson said. She says by running, she is able

to experience Korea at its best. Everywhere she has traveled with her team, people have remembered her and cheered for her at the races. “I made a lot of Korean friends while running. They always encourage us to come back and run,” she said. These experiences cannot be accomplished by just staying indoors, Jackson pointed out. She urges other Soldiers to get out of the barracks and experience the great outdoors. She is confident that it would change the way Soldiers look at their host country. Editors note: Lt. Col. Marty Muchow, plans officer for the Defense Logistics Agency - Pacific Korea, also participated in the 2007 Armed Forces Cross Country Championships finishing fourth in the Men’s division.

Reader’s Theater

By Pvt. Na Kyung-Chul Area IV Public Affairs

CAMP HENRY – The U.S. Army GarrisonDaegu has unveiled a new information hotline to provide continually updated information on school delays and closures, force protection conditions, and road conditions. The information hotline is available 24 hours-aday, seven days-a-week. “The information is intended for all Soldiers, civilians, family members and employees who live and work within Area IV,” said Victor Lowe, USAGDaegu director of Emergency Services. “The hotline is needed to provide the residents and employees of Area IV a quick and convenient means of obtaining accurate safety and force protection related information, in near ‘real time.’” The hotline is maintained by the Military Police Desk. The information comes from a number of sources, including the Air Force weather tracking website, Installation Management Command-Korea Region and 8th Army Operations Center. The information provided by the information hotline is available from other sources such as the United States Forces Korea Web site, but the information hotline consolidates the information for easy retrieval. The hotline is updated at least once a day by the on-duty Military Police desk sergeant. If changes occur, such as a gate closure or force protection condition change, the hotline will be updated right away to ensure accurate information is available to the community. The hotline has already become a tremendous asset to the community according to Lowe. Besides

See Hotline on Page 28


Caleb Reynolds portrays “Mr. Lowe” the principal and Kimberly Perry is “Reader #1” as members of Jennifer Sharp’s Taegu American School Second Grade Class perform “Hooray for Diffendoofer Day” March 16 as part of the class production of “Reader’s Theater.” The story was started by children’s author and illustrator Theodor Geisel, (better known as Dr. Seuss), and completed by children’s poet Jack Prelutsky and children’s illustrator Lane Smith after Geisel’s death. The event, that featured a wide selection of poetry and stories, was an extension of the school-wide celebration of Seuss’s birthday that falls in March.

March 30, 2007 26

Area IV

The Morning Calm Weekly

Daegaya Experience Festival The Chaplain Cross-Cultural Training and Family Life Center sponsors the Daegaya Experience Festival from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 7 in Goryeong County. Departure time is 9 a.m. from the Building “E” parking lot on Camp George. The trip is “first come, first served.” Registration deadline is today. Fee for the Daegaya Museum is 2,000 won per person. Fees for strawberry harvesting are 6,000 won for age five and older and 4,000 won for age four and younger. Transportation and soft drinks will be provided. For information, call Yi Hye-suk at 768-7071. Reverse Triathlon A “reverse” triathlon will be 9 a.m. Saturday at Camp Carroll. The registration time is 8 – 8:45 a.m. The event consists of 5 kilometer run, 15 kilometer bike and 400 meter swim. Participants must provide their own bike, helmet and safety gear. For information, call the Camp Carroll Sports and Fitness Center at 765-8287. AVID Garage Sale The Taegu American School AVID Program will hold a “garage sale” 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday at the TAS gym. Booths can be reserved for $10.00. Everyone is welcome to operate a booth or just come to shop. For information, call Thelberstine Buford 010-8671-6926. Military Child Event Bring your children to the Child and Youth Services Month of the Military Child Opening Event 2 – 5 p.m. Sunday at Kelly Field on Camp Walker. This fun-filled day will include a “Family Fun Walk,” food, games, face painting, balloon making, performances, prizes, a “Spring EggHunt” and more. The event is open to the community. For information, call CYS at 764-5297/5720. Bass Tournament A Bass Fishing Tournament will be held 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. April 7 at the Jang Chuk Gi Reservoir, 45 minutes south of Daegu. Departure is 4:15 a.m. from the Camp Walker Commissary and return time is 4 p.m. Cost is $35 including transportation, food and drinks. The fee for equipment rental is $10 for rod and reel only. Registration deadline is Wednesday. Prizes include: 1st Place $200, 2nd Place $150 and 3rd Place 100. For information, call Luis Rios at 764-4123/ 4440, or 010-4670-1283. American Red Cross The American Red Cross will conduct a life guarding, first aid and CPR-PR with Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) class at the Camp Walker and Camp Carroll pools Apr. 9 through 13. There will be swim test noon – 7 p.m. Apr. 8. Registration deadline is Apr. 8. For information, call Jimmy Finch at 768-7642.


Two Stryker vehicles belonging to 2nd Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, are unloaded from a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft and positioned in the K-2 area of Daegu Air Base in preparation for the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration exercise held annually by United States Forces Korea.

Strykers roll onto the ROK By Pvt. Dana R. Pugh 19th ESC Public Affairs

USAG DAEGU – Soldiers from 2nd Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii arrived at Daegu Air Base March 18 to participate in the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration exercise held annually by United States Forces Korea. The Stryker Brigade members then moved to Rodriguez Range, where they will conduct platoon training until Saturday, said William E. Hanlin, 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) exercise plans specialist. Two Strykers and three pallets arrived March 18, followed by two Strykers, one high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle and two additional pallets that arrived March 19, Hanlin said. The Soldiers and equipment arrived on United States Air Force C-17 transport aircraft from Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii. “A Stryker Brigade is a basic infantry unit with a new “truck” to get us to the fight,” said Maj. Adelaio Godinez, 25th Infantry Division. “This is the first time we have deployed from Hawaii, and it’s exciting for us.” The Stryker Brigade is deployed to Korea for the USFK exercise and to conduct platoon gunnery and squad live

Two Stryker vehicles belonging to 2nd Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, are dwarfed by the massive C-17 Globemaster III aircraft that transported them from Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii. fire exercises at Rodriguez Range, said Brig. Gen. Raymond V. Mason, 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) commanding general. The event demonstrates the United States’ continued support to the

Republic of Korea. “We wanted to display Stryker forces coming from Hawaii to show that we still have the flexibility and capability to defend our alliance partners,” Mason said.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area IV

March 30, 2007


Child abuse and sexual assault awareness events slated By Pvt. Na Kyung-chul USAG – Daegu Public Affairs

CAMP HENRY – April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Child Abuse Prevention Month. To increase awareness, Army Community Service is sponsoring a variety of events throughout the month. The following activities are planned: Sexual Assault Prevention Month Tuesday: Proclamation Ceremony, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. at the Camp Walker Bowling Center parking lot. Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr., the U.S. Army Garrison – Daegu commander will sign a proclamation and unveil the Silent Witness Display. The special guest speaker will be Lt. Col. Joan Perry who is in charge of the 8th Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program. Tuesday – April 30: Silent Witness Display on the grassy area between the Camp Walker Gate #4 bus stop and the Main Exchange taxi stand. Life size wooden silhouettes will represent victims of sexual assault. The silhouettes will be illuminated at night symbolizing victims of sexual assault have not been forgotten.

Child Abuse Prevention Month Monday – April 26: Blue Ribbon Drawing and Essay Contest. Gladys Colon-Algarin, the USAG – Daegu Family Advocacy Program manager will talk to Taegu American School students about the meaning of the Child Abuse Prevention Month Blue Ribbon, which is meant to raise awareness and educate the public about child abuse among other things. She will also encourage students to enter the contest. Winners will be announced at the Blue Ribbon Community Family Day April 28. The contest winners will receive awards to be presented by Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr., the USAG – Daegu commander. April 4: Child Abuse Prevention Month Prayer Breakfast, 7 – 8:30 a.m. at the Soldier Memorial Chapel Fellowship Hall on Camp Walker. The event is free and open to the community. April 7: Display of Child Abuse Awareness pamphlets and booklets and multicultural food sampling, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Main Exchange on Camp Walker. The various ethnic foods that will be served symbolize that child abuse does not discriminate by national origin or race.

April 12: “Drum March to Break the Silence and Cycle of Abuse” with School Age Services and Youth Services children, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. The march will be lead by two drummers. Participants will wear Tshirts with blue ribbon designs and will carry signs they created to promote awareness. April 19: “My Body Belongs To Me,” 10 – 11 a.m. at the Child Development Center on Camp George. The event will provide preschool children with information about preventing child sexual abuse. April 20: Child Fingerprinting, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Taegu American School. The activity will allow parents the opportunity to have their children fingerprinted for identification purposes. April 25: “Internet Dangers,” 10 – 11:30 a.m. at Army Community Service on Camp Henry to provide parents with information that can help prevent online child abuse. April 26: “Protecting Yourself – The Right to Say No,” 4 – 4:30 p.m. at School Age Services on Camp Walker. The activity will provide children with information designed to help prevent child sexual abuse. April 28: Blue Ribbon Community Family Day, 10:30 a.m. –

2:30 p.m. at Kelly Field on Camp Walker. There will be a variety of activities such as inflatable games, information tables, competitions, presentations and more. The activities will be divided into age categories. The only requirement is for children to participate with their parents or guardians. Free food including hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and soda will be provided. The winning child/parent teams from each competition will receive prizes from the USAG –Daegu commander. April 30: Visit to Korean Orphanages. Participants will visit with children and distribute donated toys and clothing on behalf of the USAG – Daegu Community. The Family Advocacy Program staff will visit the Daegu Children’s Welfare Center in Nam-gu, Bongdeok-dong, with Child Development Center children in the morning and Ae-Hwal Won Orphanage in Suseong-gu with School Age Service children in the afternoon. Community members who would like to participate can sign-up until April 20 at ACS. For more information about Sexual Assault Awareness and Child Abuse Prevention Month events or activities, call Colon-Algarin at 768-8129/6115.

Area IV Army Emergency Relief campaign set to kick-off March 30, 2007


Area IV Public Affairs CAMP HENRY – When emergency needs arise in a Soldier’s life, whether active duty, reserve or retired, help is available from an organization that has been aiding Soldiers in need for more than 65 years. Established in 1942, the Army Emergency Relief, a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to “Helping theArmy Take Care of Its Own,” has maintained a longstanding tradition of assisting Soldiers every day, in peace and war, to help them during times of financial need. “The AER provides Soldiers with emergency financial assistance when they don’t have the money to cover expenses that arise as emergencies,” said Steven Lamontagne, financial readiness program manager at U.S. Army Garrison – Daegu Army Community Service on Camp Henry. “It also provides scholarships to family members of Soldiers through the Spouse Education Assistance Program.” Since the organization does not receive government subsidies, the Army

The Morning Calm Weekly

Emergency Relief conducts an Army-wide fund drive each spring in order to ensure adequate resources to assist Soldiers in need. The USAG - Daegu 2007 Army Emergency Relief Campaign will kick-off Monday and continue through May 4. “This is a great opportunity for Soldiers to continue to help other Soldiers,” said John Lee, USAG - Daegu Army Emergency Relief Campaign coordinator. “This campaign provides a wonderful opportunity to publicize and to reinforce Soldiers’ awareness of AER and its programs. Without this publicity and reinforcement, the collective knowledge of AER within the Army would soon disappear. Without an annual infusion of donations, AER would soon deplete its reserves that are held for contingencies.” The overall goal for this year’s campaign is to achieve 100 percent contact with all active duty Soldiers and retirees in the Area IV community, according to Lamontagne. “We will have AER representatives in each unit,” Lamontagne said. “(The

representatives’) primary mission will be to make contact with the Soldiers and the retirees and to solicit donations from them. The money donated in Area IV during the campaign goes directly to the national AER fund.” The Area IV community contributed more than $65,128 to AER last year, and distributed more than $102,445 to qualified recipients throughout Area IV in 2006. “The amount Area IV raises does not reflect the amount of assistance Area IV can provide,” Lamontagne said. “AER assistance is available to Soldiers and their family members for legitimate emergency needs such as food, rent, utilities, funeral, medical and dental expenses, emergency transportation and vehicle repair and personal needs when pay is delayed or stolen.” The organization helps Soldiers whenever possible, however, there are circumstances in which the AER cannot help individuals including paying for nonessentials, financing ordinary leave or vacations, debt consolidation, bad check or

Hotline providing concise, near real time safety related information to anyone who needs it, the hotline provides one source for obtaining several types of information by making only one phone call rather than making three or four calls to different sources.

credit card repayments and the purchase of homes or vehicles. “To apply for AER assistance, Soldiers or their spouses acting through a power of attorney need to bring their military identification cards, leave and earnings statements, leave orders and other sustaining documents to their local AER officer,” Lamontagne said. “The AER assistance can be provided in three different forms: loans, which are expected to be repaid without interest; grants, when repayment would cause hardship to the Soldier; and the combination of loan and grant when repayment of the full amount would cause hardship to the Soldier.” For information on making donation toward the Army Emergency Relief fund contact your unit AER representative or Lee, at 768-7160. For information on how to apply for Army Emergency Relief assistance, contact Lamontagne at 768-8127 or visit ACS, located in building T-1103 on Camp Henry. from Page 25

The hotline will also help the command during emergencies by providing news and situational updates concerning incidents that may have occurred, gate closures, or a host of other information that the command would want to make

available to the community. The hotline number from a DSN phone is 7644094 and from off-post is 0505-764-4094. For more information about the hotline, call Lowe at 764-4167.

The Morning Calm Weekly

March 30, 2007



March 30, 2007

Korean Language

The Morning Calm Weekly

Learn Korean Easily

The Phrase of the W eek : Week

“Do you play chess?”

chessu dushimnikka? chess

do you play

Vocabulary 1 year

‘il nyon’

2 years

‘i nyon’

3 years

‘sam nyon’

Situation of the W eek : Pastimes Week Chessu jom karuchyo jusigessumnikka?

Could you teach me how to play chess? Is it hard to learn chess?

This story is about:

Yongsan building managers gather for a workshop

Chessu baeugiga oryopsumnikka?

Do you have chess pieces? Chessumal-gwa pan issumnikka?

How do you decide a winner? Suengbunun ottoke gyoljonghamnikka?

Sangdepyon wanguen ottoke ddamnikka?

How do you capture the other’s king?

Chess hanbon dulkkayo?

Could you play chess with me?

Korean Expression of the W eek Week

Oke ti

A scratch on the jade

A fly in the ointment.

The Morning Calm Weekly

March 30, 2007


March 30, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

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