The Moral Evaluation Of Masturbation In Sexual Ethics

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Greenlight Theology Series 2009|

By Victor Chendekemen Yakubu

The Moral Evaluation of Masturbation in Sexual Ethics

By Vict or Chende kemen Yakubu

Introdu ction


he sexual instinct is one of m an’s strongest instincts . The pleas ure connected wit h its activat ion is one of t he keenest of sensua l fee lings of pleasure. There is no doubt that great pleasure is de rived from sex a nd

the passion associate d with it. This drive has led mank ind to great invent ions to achieve maxim um pleasure from this good given g ift. However, h uman sexua lity needs to be directe d towards the right channe l for t he proper achievement of love , ha ppiness, int imacy a nd life long commitment t o a pa rtne r for the sake of stability a nd pea ce in human society .

Pope Pa ul VI knew about t his brazen appetite in m ode rn t imes and be gan t o warn the modern world about t he inappropriate a pplicat ion of human sexua lity for the future of fa mily and socia l life. Anything on sexuality that falls outside the sphere of fa mily portends a sin wit h grave consequences for individua l and conj ugal life. Thus Paul VI’s Humane Vitae incurre d a wide conde mnat ion from 1968 a nd forty years a fter pro -choice still condemn its prophet ic messa ge. The braze n applicat ion of sexua l pleasure oft en leads me n and w omen int o se lf-love result ing in nume rous aberra nt pleasure behaviours as witnessed in rece nt years.

Victor C. Yakubu is a pries t of the Catholi c Diocese of Zaria, Nigeria. He can be reached at [email protected]


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This write-up concent rates on self-love commonly refe rred t o as masturbation. Human sexua lity [McMahon, 1987:411] is defined in the following wordings, “as the pe rsonal power to s hare physica lly , psychically a nd spiritua lly the g ift of self with se lf and othe rs. Sharing involve s giving and receiv ing – not giving and getting. I will sim ply suggest that every person may be regarded as sexual [male or fema le] in as much as he or she has the natura l powe r t o sha re self.”

But in the sexual domain, this powe r t o share love is often sha re d in diffe rent modes. Sex is never a random affair, a kind of “yours for t he a sking.” It must be expressed in genuine love and intimacy for life. Not every body is marrie d at the same time as such t here are ce rtain acts conside red eit her illegal or pe rvasive or sinful which negate the purpose of human sexuality . Masturbat ion is one of those aberra nt bahav iours often classifie d along wit h acts of adulte ry, prema rital sex/fornication, ra pe , hom os exual / lesbian acts in the sphe re of sexual et hics.

Mora l the olog ians often ask the quest ions: Are the re some sexual act ions that can be gene ra lly prescribed or a lways proscribe d? Can such m ora l norms of sexual pe rvers ion be unive rsally applie d or re quire d? Ma ny the ologia ns have had de bates and series of a rgume nts among themselves on t hese ethica l issues. Here our attention w ill focus on mas turbation as one of the a berra nt sexual behaviours aga inst chastity and sexua l sa nctity.

Meaning, Etym ology an d Genetic Development

The te rm masturbat ion mea ns self sexual st imulat ion, se lf -love ca used by fantasy and ma nipulat ion of the genita l organs t owards orgasm or sem ina l release of tension. Masturbat ion employs the power of imagination a nd


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previous sexua l experie nces to achieve its purpose. And orgasm comes about through continuous self stim ulation by manua l or any othe r form of physica l excitation as we ll as by psychic stim ulation such as indulgence in sexua l fantasies [VanderVeldt & Odenwa ld, 1952: 364].

Bernard Håring [1979:559] established a vivid etymology of masturbat ion. According ly to him the word probably applied to the human ma le, mas [m ale ] and turbare [disturb]. But it could be from manus [hand] meaning manipulat ion by hand. Masturbat ion is re ferred t o by some theologians and psychothe rapists [NCE, 1967:438; Haring : 559] as ip sation [ce ntering on one-self] onanism [cf. Gen. 38: 9], a utoe rot icism, self-pollution, etc. The most rigorist ic tra dit ion of the eightee nth century prefe rred t o ca ll t his phenomenon of self -stim ulat ion as ‘onanism’ from the episode of Ona n in Gen. 38: 9-10.

Four diffe re nt types of masturbat ion have been ident ified by m ora lists an d classifie d [Hå ring, 1979: 561];


The re is first a nd forem ost, the pure ly physica l re lease of powe r unde r pressure even wit hout friction of t he sex ual organ.


De-sexualized se lf -stim ulat ion that is sex ual se lf -stimulat ion for the sake of scient ific goa ls f or exa mple the extra ction of the m ale spe rm for the sake of scie ntific expe riment in order to identify a disease.


De-sexualized pra ctice accompa nied by or caused by fantas ies, day dream ing accompa nied by the act itse lf.


The re is the masturbat ory syndrome , m asturbat ion for its own sake as an att itude and a ha bit pe rformed by org an ma nipulation.

Most thera pists cons ide r the first tw o a s norm al. The last tw o a re classifie d unde r a chronic pe rvasive be haviour that could cause damage t o the sexua l


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libido of the pe rsona lity involved. It must be noted that [Beck and Orr, 1970: 141] “Sex ual desire is com plicate d enough wit hout having to be linke d too anything e lse as a condition for phe nome nologica l analysis. It cannot be denied that sex may serve various funct ions, economic, socia l and a lt ruistic – but it also has its ow n content as a re lation bet ween pe rsons , and it is only a nalyz ing that re lat ion t hat we can unde rstand the con dit ions of sexual pe rvasion.”

How Does t his Devel op into a Habitual Attitu de?

For the first two types of self stim ulations, we ca n say that they are done eithe r consciously for s cie ntific research or unconscious ly during dreams refe rre d to as nocturna l pollution or wet-dre ams. Studies have shown t hat some expe rie nce of masturbation is ext remely common am ong y oung puberta l males a nd girls of ma rriageable age.

The genet ic deve lopment of t he child [ VanderVeldt & Odenwa ld, 1952: 365] includes the sensua l ma nipulat ion of part s of t he body. As early as tw o m ont hs a baby may m anipulate its genitals. At three yea rs, se lf st imulation is not uncommon pra ctice be cause t he child ta kes a special interest in a lmost eve ry visible orga n of the body.

The sensual feeling produced by manipulation of t he genitals increases afte r the child, m ale or fema le, reaches the sixth or sevent h year. There is however, no question of orgasm. Children become masturbation a ddicts through the examples and seductions of older childre n and adults. When the child reaches pube rty, roughly betwee n thirteen a nd s eventeen years, inte nse masturbat ion causes orgasm w hich is t he re lease of sex ual tension and exciteme nt.


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According ly to Van derVe ldt and Odenwa ld [1952: 366 – 337] the masturbatory pract ices of girls and wome n show ce rta in fe atures that diffe r from boys and men. The masturbat ory satisfaction in males is higher than that of wome n because the sens itive organ, the pha llus [penis] is outs ide the body and becomes t urg id eas ily w hen fondled. In women t he vagina is ins ide t he body and takes time to be aroused. A nd m any women have a cknowle dged that t he clitoris is the most sensitive sensua l organ for masturbatory climax. But once a woman is sexually inclined, she may stimulate herse lf ma ny times in a long period to achieve orgasm. This varies from woman to w oma n and from ma n to man.

Anothe r chara cteristic of masturbat ory habit in w omen is that it is ha rd t o eradicate wit h the manufacture of modern a ids like dildos and sex plugs. Psychologists a nd t herapists have obse rved that many wome n who m asturbate, do so a day be fore the start of their m enstrua l circle whe n sexual tens ion is high. A woma n a cknow ledge d the res earch of Van derVeldt a nd Ode nwald [1952: 367] that she a lways masturbat ed the day be fore the beg inning of menstruat ion for she be lieved t hat if she did not masturbate she could not menstruate. This makes the pract ice a ps ychic and abnorma l constitut ion to an excessive degree of compuls ion sim ila r to a lcoholism, drug addiction or stra ight sex. Such habitua l and chronic, pathologica l masturbat ion is diffe rent iated as an extre me from masturbation from noct urnal dreams.

C onsequen ces and Effe cts of Masturbation

It is not only youngsters that indulge in the pra ctice of self-stimulation. Married a dults separated from their spouses because of work or travel could indulge on this behaviour. Some married couples pra ctice it as a form of birt h cont rol re ferred t o as coitus interruptus. If coitus interruptus is pra cticed in


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marriage as a method of birth control , the te nde ncy may lead to lack of inte rest in sex thereby affect ing nega tively the spouse, [F lood, 1959:50] especia lly in t he woma n it produces rea ctions of em otiona l dissatisfa ction. A nd in the m an, this can lea d t o a nger and infidelity.

Four psychic problems a re occasioned by this t rauma :


Psychasthenic react ions due t o a n orga nic affe ction,


Emot ional react ions due to lack of satisfa ction,


Affect ive re actions due t o the instrume ntal cha racte r of love in these circumstances, a nd ;


Perverse rea ctions fa cilitate d by the manne r in which sexua l excitation is usua lly induce d in these cases.

Those who remain single in life possibly because of re ligious be lie f and do not exercise t heir sexua lity a re proba bly prone to se lf-abuse. In the sixtee nth century Christian Europe, many m onks and herm its were said to be found pract icing hom osexual acts with fellow monks. A good numbe r of them allege dly masturbated t o ease off the ir sexual tensions. The act itself inv olves the stim ulat ion of the sexual organ accompanied by pulsating strokes.

According to psychologists the manipulat ion of the organ ca n follow from a ny emotiona l seque nce which may not have a direct connect ion wit h the genita ls. It




t hat

intro verts

pract ice

mast urbation

w ithout

experiencing serious guilt in conscie nce compa re d to persons with extroverted behaviour. In girls for instance , the m oods of depression and frustrat ion are among such factors lea ding to self-st im ulat ion. Depression may lea d a girl to fondly masturbate alt hough she may be of a profound re ligious standard.


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The specia l problem of se lf -stimulat ion is that beca use of the inte nse nature of the sexual pleasure and t he strong desire of the sexu al inst inct , the force of the ha bit may have strong control lea ding to the performa nce of the act without full de liberat ions. At tim es re pressed conflicts es pecially in t he ma les may trigger a com pulsive form of masturbation. While aware he is doing a wrong , he may be irres istibly im pelled by habit to masturbate.

The effect of this is that ha bit ual mast urbat ion may lower the norma l sexual consciousness. When a pers on rema ins in this condit ion, the result may be impotence for the ma le a nd frig idit y for wome n. Self-st imulation affe cts the endocrine gla nds which secrete hormones in t he system wit hout equilibrium from the ot her sex. This lea ds to pa in in the lowe r abdome n, constipat ion, headache , and difficulty in sexual intercourse or psychologica l im bala nce in both sexes [Vender Ve ldt & Ode nwald, 1952: 368; Flood, 1955: 25-34].

Moral Evaluation

Kinsey’s Human Behaviour of the Ma les [Håring, 1979:561; K insey , 1957] draws a conclusion t hat masturbat ory acts are “norma l” on the statistical leve l, but this does not at all prove it norma l on the mora l leve l. The Enc yclopedia of Bioethic s [1978: 1584] says, “whe re sex goes awry, there is psychologica l illness not m oral evil.” This pe rspect ive in sexua l ethics is considere d a n a noma ly.

The ologia ns in t he past have been in ag reement about t he ult imate malice of masturbat ion. They said the re is no j ustificat ion for masturbation s ince only one pa rtne r is conce rne d. If fornication is mora lly una cce ptable, the n self stimulation should be condem ned. If fornicat ion is condem nable , the n selfstimulation condemna ble as self-a buse, self-pollution am oral [Pes chke 1993: 435 – 438; Hå ring, 1991: 86].


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However t hose w ho a rgue in favour of self -stimulat ion say that we cannot do much about the way we are made. “A sexual pe rvasion must revea l itself in conducts that express an unnatura l sexual prefe re nce” [Beck and Orr, 1970: 138]. Unde r this aspect, their masturbat ion is the expression of an immature personality [cf. Peschke, 1993: 424]. I n most theolog ica l lite rature, the re appea rs a grow ing consens us that m asturbat ion is intrins ica lly a grave matter [Flood, 1955: 35-44; Curran, 1969: 210]. The re is no conclus ive proof from Scriptures that ment ions the ma lice of masturbat ion apa rt from t he na rrat ive on Onan in Genes is. It only appea red in t he church pe nite ntia l as a venial s in ex toto genere suo g rave.



theolog ian,

He lmut

Thie licke



conde mns

masturbat ion for t he follow ing reasons;


That in masturbat ion, sex is sepa rated from the sharing intended in a norma l man and woman re lations hip a nd so loses its meaning;


That because t he sexual phantasm is not bound t o a part nership only self, and,



This abse nce of bond leads t o a physica l e xtravagance.

uther at the Re format ion, a ccording to Thie licke terme d masturbat ion a man’s act turned upon himself incuratas in se , not upon G od or neighbour, but upon one pe rson a re actualizat ion of sin. Masturbation is

equated to co itus interruptu s pract ice d as a method of birth control. Cat holic theologians condemn both be cause there is an intervent ion with the “nat ura l” method of germinating life. Be rna rd Håring [1991:86] however says that voluntary eja culation for well justifie d diagnostic a im does not const itute ipsation and could be a llowed.


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The Catholi c Attitu de towards Masturbation

It has been in constant teaching of the Church from principles found in Holy Scriptures that masturbation is a serious sin that will keep one from he aven [cf. 1 Cor. 6:10]. The C hurch teaches that the sexual funct ion is mea nt by God t o serve prima rily for begetting of children. The delibe rate attem pt of this outside the prope r channel of marriage is an inordinate and sinful act. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “the Magisterium of the Church in the course of a constant t radit ion and the m oral se nse of the fait hful have no doubt a nd have firmly ma inta ined that m asturbation is a n int rinsically and grave ly disordered action” [no. 1253].

The st rict teaching in Catholic law is t o preserve t he dignity of t he human person and direct the sexua l energy of individua ls to the appropriate channe l, the nourishme nt of fam ily life. The st ress in the common teaching is that for the unmarried all intended sexua l stim ulation is object ively a grave m atter and sin. But many have gone to t he wrong conclus ion that eve ry sexual arousa l is sinful. This conclusion is based on w rong prem ise only whe n he or she has fully delibe rated to chose w hat has bee n clea rly been rea lized to be w rong.

The Church recommends some m ethods for the affe cted pers ons. The ma in pastora l t reatment cons ists in praye rful act ivity like the Spiritua l Exerc ises propounded by St. Ignatius of Loy ola. Spirit ua l motivat ion with prayer, the sacraments and the use of sacramenta ls, may lead to overcom ing the habit of masturbat ion and sin.

Outside the religious sphere , the re should be a s ound m ora l sex educat ion and counseling. The axiom “ preve ntion is better than cure” is very importa nt in educat ing y oungsters on t he dangers of t his phe nome non.


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C onclusi on

It must be noted that masturbat ion is a complex phenome non. Human sexuality is for the satisfact ion of ma n and wom an in ma rriage. Anything outs ide this expectation is a pe rvasive attem pt to s atisfy the se lf. As such pe ople w ith masturbat ory and ot her dev iant sexua l tendencies should be he lpe d to build self-confide nce in God.


ne specia l note of adv ice for t hera pists is that unde r no condition should drugs be adm inistere d to a chronic masturbator except on medical a dvice whe n the re seem to be serious self-a buse a nd self-


Marriage may reduce or tota lly cure this abnormality of masturbat ion beca use there w ould be a leg itimate opportunity to sexual act ivity. When the part ners are togethe r, t he frequency of sexua l activity w ill he lp s low masturbat ory tendencies and even oblite rate it. This might be successful to many while it might not be for ot hers. However, it w ill do each pers on some good if the sexual powe rs are re-directe d towards certain fie lds of huma n activity rat her than int rove rted.

The re is no locus standi for self-stim ula tion, se lf-abuse or self -pollution. F or some pre -adolescents and adolescents , t his ca n be a t rans itory phase t hat goes with t ime. In se lf-stim ulat ion, pe rm issiveness “does not agree w ith t he idea l of huma n sexuality , which is orde red towa rds a fulfillme nt in pa rtne rship with a spouse” [Peschke , 1993: 426].


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We conclude with the standa rd of Max Sche ler as quote d by Be rna rd H å ring [1993:164] that the empty seeking of human ha ppiness is condem ned to existentia l frust ration. Only in re aching out for meaning t hrough dedicat ion t o othe rs and in acce ptance of a sca le of v alues can man find his true happiness and fulfillme nt.

Every sexual fee ling is a norma l fee ling seeking expression to the rea lizat ion that we are humans and a live. Howeve r the applicat ion of this feeling makes the differe nce between us and the non -humans.


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Referen ces R ober t N. Bec k and John B. Or r eds. [1970] . E th ica l Cho i ce . New Yor k, The Fr ee P r ess. Th e Ca tech i sm o f th e Ca tho l i c Ch u rch [1992]. I badan: St. P aul P ubli c ati on. Char l es E . Curr an, [1969] . A New L oo k a t Ch ri stia n Mo ra l i ty . L ondon: Sheed and War d. ……………… [1974]. “ Hum an Sexual i ty” Ch i ca go Stud i es, Vol . 3. No. 3, pp. 301 – 312. Dom P eter Fl ood, [1955], New P ro b l ems i n Med i ca l E th i cs [1st Ser i es] . Cor k: The Mer c i er P r ess L i mi ted. ……………… [1959] New P ro b l ems i n Med i cal Eth i cs [4 L i m i ted.


Ser i es] C or k: The Mer c i er P r ess

Ber nar d Hår i ng , [1979] Free a n d Fa i th ful in Ch ri st , V ol . 2. Mi ddl eg reen, Sl oug h: St. P aul P ubl i c ati on. “ Mastur bati on” [1967] New Ca th ol i c E n cy cl op ed ia [NCE ] V ol. I X. New Yor k: McG r aw -Hil l Book Com pany, pp. 438 -440. Kevi n Thom as Mc Mahon, [ 1987. Se xu a l i ty : Th eo lo g i ca l Vo i ces . Br ai ntr ee : Massac husetts : The P ope John Centr e. Kar l Henr y P esc hke, [1993] Ch ri sti a n E th i cs. Vol . 2. Al c ester : C. G oodl i ffe Neal e L td. “ Sexual Behavi our ” [1978] E n cy cl o p ed i a o f Bio eth i cs, Vol . 4. War r en T. R ei c h [ed. ] L ondon: Col l i er MacMi l l an P ubl i sher s, pp. 1560 – 1569. Hel m ut Thi el i c ke, [1964] Th eo l o gi ca l E th i cs, Vol . 3 Sex: G r and R api ds, Mi c hi g an: Wi l l i am s B. E er derm anns P ubl i shi ng Com pany. Jam es Vander Vel dt & R ober t P . O denwal d [1952] P sy ch i a try a n d Ca th ol i ci sm , New Yor k : Mc G r aw-Hil l Book Com pany.


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