The Monster Among Us

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,332
  • Pages: 4
The Monster is Amongst Us by Mike Rostov November 15, 2008 There has been much angst lately about the impending, tyrannical crackdown on the private ownership of firearms. However, unfortunately, going after guns is just one prong of a many pronged attack upon you that is about to be unleashed. Just remember that Obama is a Communist. He's not a 'Socialist', he's not a 'Liberal', he's not a mere European style 'Leftist', he's a hard core, REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNIST, a devotee of Mao, Lenin, and Karl Marx. He's the hand picked, groomed protegee of William Ayers, a dedicated, murdering Communist revolutionary who has talked in the past for the eventual need to eradicate 25 million Americans who will refuse to be 're-educated'. All in all, the man about to take power this January is an evil monster, right out of your worst nightmares. Expect no quarter, no mercy, no understanding, no parlay, no peace. He wants to take everything from you - your wealth, your children, your property, your hopes, your dreams, your future, even your life if you refuse to submit and surrender everything you have and everything you are. He and those backing him will NOT stop, ever. If you simply ask, "What do they want?" The answer is, "Everything." It won't happen all at once, it never does, but it will be attempted and sooner than you might think. Just what is Communism? Lenin himself was asked that once, and he responded, "Communism is Socialism in a hurry." The mistaken belief amongst most people (because most people have never actually studied Communism) is that the primary enemy of the Communists are the rich. This is FALSE. The primary enemy of the Communists, those that they desire to destroy first and foremost, the greatest obstacle they face is the 'bourgeois', aka the 'middle class'. Yes, that is right. The primary enemy to Communism is not the rich, but the middle class. Don't believe me? Do some reading. This has been in print since long before any of us were ever born. The super-wealthy Globalist elite, the same crowd that attends the Bilderberg group every year, especially the transnational bankers which form the core leadership of that elite... they love Communists, they always have. This is why the financial backing of Communists and Communist takeovers often come from the money houses of New York and London.

Communists are useful tools for the power brokers behind what is termed the NWO (New World Order - oh yes, it is real), aka the 'Globalists'. This is because the Communist leaders are willing pawns, easy to control. The types of people that typically lead Communist movements tend to be self-centered, amoral, vainglorious powermongers who love to privately indulge in personal comforts, fetishes, and luxuries. The Communists create a captive market, brutally squash dissent, and they concentrate power, putting large decisions in the hands of a very few. This makes it a lot easier for the Globalist crowd to rape a country of it's wealth and natural resources with little to no regard for the people or any future consequences to that country. The 'Great Leader' gets his luxury cars, cocaine, whores, and whatever else he wants, plus he gets to kill whoever he wants to. That is usually all that matters to an amoral, narcissistic sociopath. Russia found that out the hard way, suffering for decades while their country was looted down to the bone and the local environment raped. This is also why Russia is now (unlike the USA) officially a Christian nation, run by a faction of hardened nationalists at loggerheads with Jacob Rothschild and the rest of the NWO. This is also why Russia is becoming the new official 'Big Enemy'(tm) again. Odd, isn't that? The world has truly gotten upside down, with national roles rapidly becoming reversed. Russia learned it's lesson. The USA hasn't yet. That the Communists have as their top priority the extermination of the bourgeois, aka, the middle class is a huge plus in the eyes of the Globalist power elite. This ideological mandate within Communist doctrine to destroy the hated and despised bourgeois (middle class) eliminates the primary obstacle towards total power for the NWO and their end goal, which is the re-implementation of serfdom and oppressive feudalism, eventually on a global scale (sometimes referred to by those who oppose it as the 'Global Plantation'). Unlike the Middle Ages, however, this time the serfdom will be imposed through a scientific methodology and a modern, high tech socialist state as a control mechanism. Socialism is for you, the serfs, not for your elite overlords. The Globalists' long term goals delve heavily into eugenics and get even weirder and more evil, but first, they have to win the current, coming struggle. The first step to destroying the bourgeois (middle class) is to disarm them while at the same time taxing them to financial death while heavily regulating every aspect of their lives on an ever increasing scale. Think of yourself as being the lobster in the pot of cold water, the burner on high, and they are about to slam the lid down. After that, a good Communist rounds up all of those that still refuse to set aside

their old ways and inflict physical death upon them, one way, or another - for the good of the 'proletariat', of course. This is why all Communist flags are red. The revolution isn't complete until it's been drenched in blood - the inevitable outcome of all Communist takeovers. A couple of years ago, it was apparent that Hillary Clinton was the obvious choice to be preselected as the next President. She actually won the Democratic primaries, but due to vote fraud, manipulation of the caucuses, and interesting new rule changes in the Democratic Party, Obama was allowed to steal the election. Then the controlled media ran massive, universal propaganda for Obama and shut out all negativity about him. Meanwhile the amount of cash the bankers funneled into the Obama campaign was vast and unprecedented. Those that control the banks, the media, and other sources of power that have creeped into control of this nation, have pulled out all of the stops on this at a massive level of trouble and expense. Why? Why get that despicable cretin, Obama, in office instead of just letting Hillary, who is already in their camp and already quite evil herself, win the election at a much lower level of trouble and expense? Why? To go through such great lengths to put such an incredibly flawed, fraudulent piece of degenerate filth like Obama into office and to have the controlled media perpetually run interference for him means that the takeover of this country has suddenly shifted into high gear. In short, the NWO has decided to speed things up radically. They are now in a hurry and you need to be very, very concerned. This isn't business as usual. This isn't another Bill Clinton administration. This monster taking over the office of the President is a another potential Mao Tse Tung or Pol Pot. Obama will walk into an office which, thanks to GW and his blind supporters, has been bestowed with massive, unprecedented powers, especially in a declared 'national emergency'. What constitutes a 'national emergency'? It's whatever Obama says it is and whatever he feels he can get away with. With the banks and the media behind him, a Democrat majority in both houses, he can 'get away' with almost anything. The United States of America has NEVER seen a looming crisis of this magnitude for it's future and it's freedoms like what is about to start on January 21, 2009. There will come a time soon when many in this country will have nothing left but gunpowder and prayer.

Yes, your worst fears are about to come true. To quote George Orwell from the '1984', "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever."

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