The Mit Press Spring 2009 Announcement Catalog

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The MIT Press Spring 2009


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NOTE Information in this file is accurate at paper catalog publication time and is subject to change without notice.

$22.95T/£14.95 cloth 978-0-262-22083-5

$24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-10127-1

$24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-20176-6

$24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-19570-6

$24.95T/£12.95 paper 978-0-262-63366-6

$44.95T/£22.95 cloth 978-1-933751-09-2

$24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-13504-7

$28.00S/£18.95 cloth 978-0-262-02638-3

$22.95T/£14.95 cloth 978-0-262-16256-2

For the most up-to-date information available on our titles, please consult the individual book pages on our website, which may be found at; journal information may be found at . Book entries in this document are linked to their corresponding website pages by their International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) . Journal links are identified at the bottom of each entry.

CONTENTS American history 28 architecture 11-12, 14-15, 48 art 4, 16-24, 36-37, 49 art history 8, 43-44 bioethics 52, 65, 73 biology, computational biology 71-72 business 56 cognitive science 51, 61-62, 68, 70-71 computer science 48, 52, 54 communication 61 cultural studies 10, 40-42, 45, 55 current affairs 29, 48 design 3, 7, 13 economics 1, 29-31, 49-50, 56, 60, 76-80 education 79 environment 9-10, 12, 32, 57, 80-85 game studies 25, 47, 63-65 gay studies 38 history 32, 58 history of science 43 history of technology 60 information science 53-54, 60 linguistics 50-51, 74-75 neuroscience 33, 51, 73 new media 24, 26, 49, 55, 64-66 philosophy 2, 27, 35, 41, 44-46, 51-52, 66, 68-70, 72-73 philosophy of mind 67 political science 9, 26-27, 59, 60, 84 psychology 34, 70 science, philosophy of science 5-6, 46-47, 74, 81 science, technology, and society 58-59 science fiction 39 sociology 56 technology 7, 48, 55 technology and society 48 urban studies 82-83

$22.95T/£14.95 cloth 978-0-262-22083-5

$24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-10127-1

$24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-20176-6

$24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-19570-6

$24.95T/£12.95 paper 978-0-262-63366-6

$44.95T/£22.95 cloth 978-1-933751-09-2

$24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-13504-7

$28.00S/£18.95 cloth 978-0-262-02638-3

$22.95T/£14.95 cloth 978-0-262-16256-2

Afterall Books 36-37 Semiotext(e) 38-41 Zone Books 42-43

Front cover: Pyroxene unraveled. Inside front cover: View down the length of a fibrous rod virus. Back cover: Twinned crystals. Illustrations by Stephen E. Deffeyes. From Nanoscale.


PARENTONOMICS An Economist Dad Looks at Parenting Joshua Gans Like any new parent, Joshua Gans felt joy mixed with anxiety upon the birth of his first child. Who was this blanket-swaddled small person and what did she want? Unlike most parents, however, Gans is an economist, and he began to apply the tools of his trade to raising his children. He saw his new life as one big economic management problem — and if economics helped him think about parenting, parenting illuminated certain economic principles. Parentonomics is the entertaining, enlightening, and often hilarious fruit of his “research.” Incentives, Gans shows us, are as risky in parenting as in business. An older sister who is recruited to help toilet train her younger brother for a share in the reward given for each successful visit to the bathroom, for example, could give the trainee drinks of water to make the rewards more frequent. (Economics later offered another, better toilet training solution: outsourcing. For their third child, Gans and his wife put it in the hands of professionals — the day care providers.) Gans gives us the parentonomic view of delivery (if the mother shares her pain by yelling at the father, doesn’t it really create more aggregate pain?), sleep (the screams of a baby are like an offer: “I’ll stop screaming if you give me attention”), food (a question of marketing), travel (“the best thing you can say about traveling with children is that they are worse than baggage”), punishment (and threat credibility), birthday party time management, and more. Parents: if you’re reading Parentonomics in the presence of other people, you’ll be unable to keep yourself from reading the funny parts out loud. And if you’re reading it late at night and wake a child with your laughter — well, you’ll have some guidelines for negotiating a return to bed.

What every parent needs to know about negotiating, incentives, outsourcing, and other strategies to solve the economic management problem that is parenting.

March 5 3/8 x 8, 240 pp. $22.95T/£14.95 cloth 978-0-262-01278-2 Not for sale in Australia or New Zealand

Joshua Gans is the father of three and Chair of Management at the Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne. He is the author of several economics textbooks and the 2007 recipient of Australia’s Young Economist award.

“Dr. Spock meets Freakonomics. Parenting will never be the same. Forget about inflation and unemployment. Here Gans uses economics and game theory to tackle really important topics, such as toilet training and fussy eaters. Parentonomics lays bare what most sleep-deprived parents only dream about. Gans may not help you become a better parent, but he will help you to stay one step ahead of your kids.” — Barry Nalebuff, Milton Steinbach Professor at Yale School of Management, coauthor of Co-Opetition Author Tour: New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Washington DC National Print Attention • National Broadcast Campaign • National Advertising: New York Review of Books, Harper’s, The Atlantic • Web Site Feature



THE MONSTROSITY OF CHRIST A militant Marxist atheist and a “Radical Orthodox” Christian theologian square off on everything from the meaning of theology and Christ to the war machine of corporate mafia.

April 6 x 9, 416 pp. $27.95T/£18.95 cloth 978-0-262-01271-3 Short Circuits series, edited by Slavoj Žižek

Also available in this series THE PARALLAX VIEW Slavoj Žižek 2009, 978-0-262-51268-8 $14.95T/£9.95 paper A VOICE AND NOTHING MORE Mladen Dolar 2006, 978-0-262-54187-9 $20.95T/£13.95 paper THE PUPPET AND THE DWARF The Perverse Core of Christianity Slavoj Žižek 2003, 978-0-262-74025-8 $18.95T/£12.95 paper

Paradox or Dialectic? Slavoj Žižek and John Milbank edited by Creston Davis “What matters is not so much that Žižek is endorsing a demythologized, disenchanted Christianity without transcendence, as that he is offering in the end (despite what he sometimes claims) a heterodox version of Christian belief.” — John Milbank “To put it even more bluntly, my claim is that it is Milbank who is effectively guilty of heterodoxy, ultimately of a regression to paganism: in my atheism, I am more Christian than Milbank.” — Slavoj Žižek In this corner, philosopher Slavoj Žižek, a militant atheist who represents the critical-materialist stance against religion’s illusions; in the other corner, “Radical Orthodox” theologian John Milbank, an influential and provocative thinker who argues that theology is the only foundation upon which knowledge, politics, and ethics can stand. In The Monstrosity of Christ, Žižek and Milbank go head to head for three rounds, employing an impressive arsenal of moves to advance their positions and press their respective advantages. By the closing bell, they have not only proven themselves worthy adversaries, they have shown that faith and reason are not simply and intractably opposed. Žižek has long been interested in the emancipatory potential offered by Christian theology. And Milbank, seeing global capitalism as the new century’s greatest ethical challenge, has pushed his own ontology in more political and materialist directions. Their debate in The Monstrosity of Christ concerns the future of religion, secularity, and political hope in light of a monsterful event — God becoming human. For the first time since Žižek’s turn toward theology, we have a true debate between an atheist and a theologian about the very meaning of theology, Christ, the Church, the Holy Ghost, Universality, and the foundations of logic. The result goes far beyond the popularized atheist/theist point/counterpoint of recent books by Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and others. Žižek begins, and Milbank answers, countering dialectics with “paradox.” The debate centers on the nature of and relation between paradox and parallax, between analogy and dialectics, between transcendent glory and liberation. Slavoj Žižek is a philosopher and cultural critic. He has published over thirty books, including Looking Awry, The Puppet and the Dwarf, and The Parallax View (these three published by the MIT Press). John Milbank is an influential Christian theologian and the author of Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason and other books. Creston Davis, who conceived of this encounter, studied under both Žižek and Milbank.


Author Appearances: New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Washington DC • National Print Attention • National Radio Campaign • National Advertising: New York Review of Books, Bookforum


DESIGN MEETS DISABILITY Graham Pullin Eyeglasses have been transformed from medical necessity to fashion accessory. This revolution has come about through embracing the design culture of the fashion industry. Why shouldn’t design sensibilities also be applied to hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, and communication aids? In return, disability can provoke radical new directions in mainstream design. Charles and Ray Eames’s iconic furniture was inspired by a molded plywood leg splint that they designed for injured and disabled servicemen. Designers today could be similarly inspired by disability. In Design Meets Disability, Graham Pullin shows us how design and disability can inspire each other. In the Eameses’ work there was a healthy tension between cut-to-the-chase problem solving and more playful explorations. Pullin offers examples of how design can meet disability today. Why, he asks, shouldn’t hearing aids be as fashionable as eyewear? What new forms of braille signage might proliferate if designers kept both sighted and visually impaired people in mind? Can simple designs avoid the need for complicated accessibility features? Can such emerging design methods as “experience prototyping” and “critical design” complement clinical trials? Pullin also presents a series of interviews with leading designers about specific disability design projects, including stepstools for people with restricted growth, prosthetic legs (and whether they can be both honest and beautifully designed), and text-to-speech technology with tone of voice. When design meets disability, the diversity of complementary, even contradictory, approaches can enrich each field.

How design for disabled people and mainstream design could inspire, provoke, and radically change each other.

April 5 3/8 x 8, 336 pp. 114 color illus. $29.95T/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-16255-5

Graham Pullin is a lecturer in Interactive Media Design at the University of Dundee. He has worked as a senior designer at IDEO, one of the world’s leading design consultancies, and at the Bath Institute of Medical Engineering, a prominent rehabilitation engineering center in the United Kingdom. He has received international design awards for design for disability and for mainstream products.

National Print Attention • National Radio Campaign • Web Site Feature



OUT OF NOW A visually stunning documentary record and critical account of Tehching Hsieh’s epic performance works.

March 10 x 12 1/2, 384 pp. 173 color illus., 140 black & white illus. $49.95T/£29.95 cloth 978-0-262-01255-3 Published by the Live Art Development Agency and the MIT Press

The Lifeworks of Tehching Hsieh Adrian Heathfield and Tehching Hsieh In the vibrant downtown Manhattan art scene of the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Taiwanese-American artist Tehching Hsieh made a series of extraordinary performance art works. Between September 1978 and July 1986, Hsieh realized five separate one-year-long performance pieces in which he conformed to simple but highly restrictive rules throughout each entire year. Through the course of these lifeworks, Hsieh moved from a year of solitary confinement in a sealed cell to a year in which he punched a worker’s time clock in his studio every hour on the hour to a year spent living without shelter in Manhattan to a year in which he was tied by an eight-foot rope to the artist Linda Montano and finally to a year of total abstention from all art activities and influences. These works were unparalleled in terms of their use of physical difficulty over extreme durations and in their absolute conception and enactment of art and life as simultaneous processes. In 1986 Hsieh announced that he would spend the next thirteen years making art but not showing it publicly. When this “final” lifework — an immense act of self-affirmation and self-erasure — came to a close at the turn of the Millennium, he tersely and enigmatically said that during this time he had simply kept himself alive. For many contemporary artists Hsieh is something of a cult figure. After years of near-invisibility, Hsieh has now collaborated with the British writer and curator Adrian Heathfield to create this meticulous and visually arresting documentary record of a contemporary artist’s work — in this case, the complete body of Tehching Hsieh’s performance projects from 1978 to 2000. Not only is this the first extensive critical account of these unusual works, it is also the first to discuss their significance for art history, visual and cultural studies, and the practice of performance. Adrian Heathfield is Professor of Performance and Visual Culture at Roehampton University, London. He is the editor of Live: Art and Performance, Small Acts, and Shattered Anatomies. Tehching Hsieh is an artist based in New York City.

Rope posters: Tehching Hsieh, Linda Montano, Art/Life One Year Performance. 1983–1984, poster. © 1984 Tehching Hsieh, Linda Montano, New York.

National Print Attention • National Advertising: Artforum, Art in America, Bookforum, New York Review of Books



WEDNESDAY IS INDIGO BLUE Discovering the Brain of Synesthesia Richard E. Cytowic, M.D., and David M. Eagleman, Ph.D. afterword by Dmitri Nabokov A person with synesthesia might feel the flavor of food on her fingertips, sense the letter “J” as shimmering magenta or the number “5” as emerald green, hear and taste her husband’s voice as buttery golden brown. Synesthetes rarely talk about their peculiar sensory gift — believing either that everyone else senses the world exactly as they do, or that no one else does. Yet synesthesia occurs in one in twenty people, and is even more common among artists. One famous synesthete was novelist Vladimir Nabokov, who insisted as a toddler that the colors on his wooden alphabet blocks were “all wrong.” His mother understood exactly what he meant because she, too, had synesthesia. Nabokov’s son Dmitri, who recounts this tale in the afterword to this book, is also a synesthete — further illustrating how synesthesia runs in families. In Wednesday Is Indigo Blue, pioneering researcher Richard Cytowic and distinguished neuroscientist David Eagleman explain the neuroscience and genetics behind synesthesia’s multisensory experiences. Because synesthesia contradicted existing theory, Cytowic spent twenty years persuading colleagues that it was a real — and important — brain phenomenon rather than a mere curiosity. Today scientists in fifteen countries are exploring synesthesia and how it is changing the traditional view of how the brain works. Cytowic and Eagleman argue that perception is already multisensory, though for most of us its multiple dimensions exist beyond the reach of consciousness. Reality, they point out, is more subjective than most people realize. No mere curiosity, synesthesia is a window on the mind and brain, highlighting the amazing differences in the way people see the world.

How the extraordinary multisensory phenomenon of synesthesia has changed our traditional view of the brain.

May 6 x 9, 320 pp. 83 illus. $29.95T/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-01279-9

Also available THE HIDDEN SENSE Synesthesia in Art and Science Cretien van Campen 2007, 978-0-262-22081-1 $29.95T/£19.95 cloth THE MAN WHO TASTED SHAPES Richard E. Cytowic 2003, 978-0-262-53255-6 $24.95T/£16.95 paper SYNESTHESIA A Union of the Senses Second Edition Richard E. Cytowic 2002, 978-0-262-03296-4 $60.00S/£38.95 cloth

Richard E. Cytowic, M.D., founded Capitol Neurology, a private clinic in Washington, D.C., and teaches at George Washington University Medical Center. He is the author of Synesthesia: A Union of the Senses and The Man Who Tasted Shapes, both published by the MIT Press. David M. Eagleman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist at Baylor College of Medicine, where he directs the Center for Synesthesia Research.

Author Appearances: New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco • National Print Attention • National Broadcast Campaign National Advertising: New York Review of Books, Harper’s, The Atlantic



NANOSCALE A tour through a world too small to see with a microscope: air, ice, diamonds, aspirin, fuel cells, and other structures viewed and described in the scale of nanometers.

March 6 x 9, 144 pp. 71 color illus. $21.95T/£14.95 cloth 978-0-262-01283-6

Visualizing an Invisible World Kenneth S. Deffeyes and Stephen E. Deffeyes The world is made up of structures too small to see with the naked eye, too small to see even with an electron microscope. Einstein established the reality of atoms and molecules in the early 1900s. How can we see a world measured in fractions of nanometers? (Most atoms are less than one nanometer, less than one-billionth of a meter, in diameter.) This beautiful and fascinating book gives us a tour of the invisible nanoscale world. It offers many vivid color illustrations of atomic structures, each accompanied by a short, engagingly written essay. The structures advance from the simple (air, ice) to the complex (supercapacitator, rare earth magnet). Each subject was chosen not in search of comprehensiveness but because it illustrates how atomic structure creates a property (such as hardness, color, or toxicity), or because it has a great story, or simply because it is beautiful. Thus we learn how diamonds ride volcanoes to the earth’s surface (if they came up more slowly, they’d be graphite, as in pencils); what form of carbon is named after Buckminster Fuller; who won in the x-ray vs. mineralogy professor smackdown; how a fuel cell works; when we use spinodal decomposition in our daily lives (it involves hot water and a package of Jell-O), and much more. The amazing color illustrations by Stephen Deffeyes are based on data from x-ray diffraction (a method used in crystallography). They are not just pretty pictures but visualizations of scientific data derived directly from those data. Together with Kenneth Deffeyes’s witty commentary, they offer a vivid demonstration of the diversity and beauty found at the nanometer scale. Kenneth S. Deffeyes is Professor of Geology Emeritus at Princeton University. He is the author of Hubbert’s Peak and Beyond Oil. Stephen E. Deffeyes is a freelance illustrator and designer.


National Print Attention • Advance Blad • Web Site Feature


SIMULATION AND ITS DISCONTENTS Sherry Turkle with essays by William J. Clancey, Stefan Helmreich, Yanni A. Loukissas, and Natasha Myers Over the past twenty years, the technologies of simulation and visualization have changed our ways of looking at the world. In Simulation and Its Discontents, Sherry Turkle examines the now dominant medium of our working lives and finds that simulation has become its own sensibility. We hear it in Turkle’s description of architecture students who no longer design with a pencil, of science and engineering students who admit that computer models seem more “real” than experiments in physical laboratories. Echoing architect Louis Kahn’s famous question, “What does a brick want?”, Turkle asks, “What does simulation want?” Simulations want, even demand, immersion, and the benefits are clear. Architects create buildings unimaginable before virtual design; scientists determine the structure of molecules by manipulating them in virtual space; physicians practice anatomy on digitized humans. But immersed in simulation, we are vulnerable. There are losses as well as gains. Older scientists describe a younger generation as “drunk with code.” Young scientists, engineers, and designers, full citizens of the virtual, scramble to capture their mentors’ tacit knowledge of buildings and bodies. From both sides of a generational divide, there is anxiety that in simulation, something important is slipping away. Turkle’s examination of simulation over the past twenty years is followed by four in-depth investigations of contemporary simulation culture: space exploration, oceanography, architecture, and biology. Sherry Turkle is Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT and Founder and Director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self. A psychoanalytically trained sociologist and psychologist, she is the author of The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit (Twentieth Anniversary Edition, MIT Press), Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet, and Psychoanalytic Politics: Jacques Lacan and Freud’s French Revolution. She is the editor of Evocative Objects: Things We Think With, Falling for Science: Objects in Mind, and The Inner History of Devices, all three published by the MIT Press.

How the simulation and visualization technologies so pervasive in science, engineering, and design have changed our way of seeing the world.

April 5 3/8 x 8, 208 pp. $22.00T/£14.95 cloth 978-0-262-01270-6 Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life series, edited by John Maeda

Also available in this series THE PLENITUDE Creativity, Innovation, and Making Stuff Rich Gold 2007, 978-0-262-07289-2 $22.00T/£12.95 cloth THE LAWS OF SIMPLICITY John Maeda 2006, 978-0-262-13472-9 $21.00T/£13.95 cloth

Also available THE INNER HISTORY OF DEVICES edited and with an introductory essay by Sherry Turkle 2008, 978-0-262-20176-6 $24.95T/£16.95 cloth FALLING FOR SCIENCE Objects in Mind edited and with an introductory essay by Sherry Turkle 2008, 978-0-262-20172-8 $24.95T/£16.95 cloth EVOCATIVE OBJECTS Things We Think With edited and with an introductory essay by Sherry Turkle 2007, 978-0-262-20168-1 $24.95T/£16.95 cloth THE SECOND SELF Computers and the Human Spirit Twentieth Anniversary Edition Sherry Turkle 2005, 978-0-262-70111-2 $25.00S/£16.95 paper

National Print Attention • National Advertising: The Atlantic, Harper’s, New York Review of Books, Technology Review


art history/history

OBELISK The many meanings of obelisks across nearly forty centuries, from Ancient Egypt (which invented them) to twentieth-century America (which put them in Hollywood epics).

March 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 384 pp. 131 illus. $27.95T/£18.95 paper 978-0-262-51270-1 Publications of the Burndy Library

A History Brian A. Curran, Anthony Grafton, Pamela O. Long, and Benjamin Weiss Nearly every empire worthy of the name — from ancient Rome to the United States — has sought an Egyptian obelisk to place in the center of a ceremonial space. Obelisks — giant standing stones, invented in Ancient Egypt as sacred objects — serve no practical purpose. For much of their history their inscriptions, in Egyptian hieroglyphics, were completely inscrutable. Yet over the centuries dozens of obelisks have made the voyage from Egypt to Rome, Constantinople, and Florence; to Paris, London, and New York. New obelisks and even obeliskshaped buildings rose as well — the Washington Monument being a noted example. Obelisks, everyone seems to sense, connote some very special sort of power. This beautifully illustrated book traces the fate and many meanings of obelisks across nearly forty centuries — what they meant to the Egyptians, and how other cultures have borrowed, interpreted, understood, and misunderstood them through the years. In each culture obelisks have taken on new meanings and associations. To the Egyptians, the obelisk was the symbol of a pharaoh’s right to rule and connection to the divine. In ancient Rome, obelisks were the embodiment of Rome’s coming of age as an empire. To nineteenth-century New Yorkers, the obelisk in Central Park stood for their country’s rejection of the trappings of empire just as it was itself beginning to acquire imperial power. To a twentieth-century reader of Freud, the obelisk had anatomical and psychological connotations. And so on, and so on. The history of obelisks is a story of technical achievement, imperial conquest, Christian piety and triumphalism, egotism, scholarly brilliance, political hubris, bigoted nationalism, democratic self-assurance, Modernist austerity, and Hollywood kitsch — in short, the story of Western civilization. Brian A. Curran is Associate Professor of Art History at the Pennsylvania State University. Anthony Grafton is Henry Putnam University Professor of History at Princeton University. Pamela O. Long is an independent historian. Benjamin Weiss is Manager of Adult Learning Resources at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Top: Cleopatra's Needle being raised in New York's Central Park, from Henry H. Gorringe’s Egyptian Obelisks (New York, 1882). Laft: Obelisks at Karnak, photographed in the 1850s by Francis Frith. (Courtesy Library of Congress, Prints and Photograph Division, LC-ppmsca-04544).


environment/political science/anthropology

CONSERVATION REFUGEES The Hundred-Year Conflict between Global Conservation and Native Peoples Mark Dowie Since 1900, more than 108,000 officially protected conservation areas have been established worldwide, largely at the urging of five international conservation organizations. About half of these areas were occupied or regularly used by indigenous peoples. Millions who had been living sustainably on their land for generations were displaced in the interests of conservation. In Conservation Refugees, Mark Dowie tells this story. This is a “good guy vs. good guy” story, Dowie writes; the indigenous peoples’ movement and conservation organizations have a vital common goal — to protect biological diversity — and could work effectively and powerfully together to protect the planet and preserve biological diversity. Yet for more than a hundred years, these two forces have been at odds. The result: thousands of unmanageable protected areas and native peoples reduced to poaching and trespassing on their ancestral lands or “assimilated” but permanently indentured on the lowest rungs of the money economy. Dowie begins with the story of Yosemite National Park, which by the turn of the twentieth century established a template for bitter encounters between native peoples and conservation. He then describes the experiences of other groups, ranging from the Ogiek and Maasai of eastern Africa and the Pygmies of Central Africa to the Karen of Thailand and the Adevasis of India. He also discusses such issues as differing definitions of “nature” and “wilderness,” the influence of the “BINGOs” (Big International NGOs, including the Worldwide Fund for Nature, Conservation International, and The Nature Conservancy), the need for Western scientists to respect and honor traditional lifeways, and the need for native peoples to blend their traditional knowledge with the knowledge of modern ecology. When conservationists and native peoples acknowledge the interdependence of biodiversity conservation and cultural survival, Dowie writes, they can together create a new and much more effective paradigm for conservation.

How native peoples — from the Miwoks of Yosemite to the Maasai of eastern Africa — have been displaced from their lands in the name of conservation.

April 6 x 9, 336 pp. $27.95T/£18.95 cloth 978-0-262-01261-4

Also available AMERICAN FOUNDATIONS An Investigative History Mark Dowie 2002, 978-0-262-54141-1 $25.00T/£16.95 paper LOSING GROUND American Environmentalism at the Close of the Twentieth Century Mark Dowie 1996, 978-0-262-54084-1 $28.00S/£18.95 paper

Award-winning journalist Mark Dowie is the author of Losing Ground: American Environmentalism at the Close of the Twentieth Century, American Foundations: An Investigative History (both published by the MIT Press), and four other books.

“Dowie makes a compelling argument that a new peoplecentered conservation is rising and needs to rise.” — David Bray, Department of Environmental Studies, Florida International University

Author Appearances: New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco National Print Attention • National Broadcast Campaign • National Advertising: Mother Jones, Utne, Nation, American Prospect, Harper’s, The Atlantic, New York Review of Books.


cultural studies/environment

HIJACKING SUSTAINABILITY Adrian Parr How the sustainability movement has been co-opted: from ecobranding by Wal-Mart to the “greening” of the American military.

March 6 x 9, 224 pp. 2 illus. $24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-01306-2

The idea of “sustainability” has gone mainstream. Thanks to Prius-driving movie stars, it’s even hip. What began as a grassroots movement to promote responsible development has become a bullet point in corporate ecobranding strategies. In Hijacking Sustainability, Adrian Parr describes how this has happened: how the goals of an environmental movement came to be mediated by corporate interests, government, and the military. Parr argues that the more popular sustainability development becomes, the more it becomes commodified; the more mainstream culture embraces the sustainability movement’s concern over global warming and poverty, the more “sustainability culture” advances the profit-maximizing values of corporate capitalism. And the more issues of sustainability are aligned with those of national security, the more military values are conflated with the goals of sustainable development. Parr looks closely at five examples of the hijacking of sustainability: corporate image-greening by such companies as British Petroleum (BP) and Wal-Mart; Hollywood activism by Leonardo DiCaprio and other movie industry figures; the autonomy of communal ecovillages vs. the military-like security of gated communities; the greening of the White House (and its de-greening: Ronald Reagan famously removed solar panels installed by Jimmy Carter); and the incongruous efforts to achieve a “sustainable” Army. Parr then examines key challenges to sustainability — waste disposal, disaster relief and environmental refugees, slum development, and poverty. Sustainability, Parr says, has captured our imagination at a time when we are discouraged and demoralized by a failed war and general governmental incompetence; it offers an alternative narrative of the collective good — an idea now compromised and endangered by corporate, military, and government interests. Adrian Parr is Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning. She is the author of Deleuze and Memorial Culture and other books.



ARCHITECTURE DEPENDS Jeremy Till “Less is more.” — Mies van de Rohe “Less is a bore.” — Robert Venturi “Mess is the law.” — Jeremy Till Architecture depends — on what? On people, time, politics, ethics, mess: the real world. Architecture, Jeremy Till argues with conviction in this engaging, sometimes pugnacious book, is dependent on things outside itself. Despite the claims of architects to autonomy, purity, and control, architecture is buffeted by uncertainty and contingency. Circumstances invariably intervene to upset the architect’s best-laid plans — at every stage in the process, from design through construction to occupancy. Architects, however, tend to deny this, fearing contingency and preferring to pursue perfection. With Architecture Depends, architect and critic Jeremy Till offers a proposal for rescuing architects from themselves: a way to bridge the gap between what architecture actually is and what architects want it to be. Mixing anecdote, design, social theory, and raw opinion, Till’s writing is always accessible, moving freely between high and low registers, much like his suggestions for architecture itself. The everyday world is a disordered mess, from which architecture has retreated — and this retreat, says Till, is deluded. Architecture must engage with the inescapable reality of the world; in that engagement is the potential for a reformulation of architectural practice. Contingency should be understood as an opportunity rather than a threat. Elvis Costello said that his songs have to work when played through the cheapest transistor radio; for Till, architecture has to work (socially, spatially) by coping with the flux and vagaries of everyday life. Architecture, he proposes, must move from a reliance on the impulsive imagination of the lone genius to a confidence in the collaborative ethical imagination, from clinging to notions of total control to an intentional acceptance of letting go.

Polemics and reflections on how to bridge the gap between what architecture actually is and what architects want it to be.

March 6 x 9, 272 pp. 22 illus. $24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-01253-9

Jeremy Till is Dean of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Westminster and a partner at Sarah Wigglesworth Architects. Their projects include the pioneering 9 Stock Orchard Street (The Strawbale House and Quilted Office), winner of multiple awards. He represented Britain at the 2006 Venice Architecture Biennale.

“A provocative declaration of war on utopia, powered by a fuel rich in social justice and sharp humor. Architects, hide it from your clients and your students — it is an unusual and explosive mixture that produces difficult questions like spores. With this book Jeremy Till raises the starting price on all our discussions of architecture.” — Paul Shepheard, author of What is Architecture? and Artificial Love 11


CAMPS The meaning and function of camps, from Scout Jamborees and RV Clubs to FEMA trailers and GTMO.

April 5 3/8 x 8, 536 pp. 163 illus. $29.95T/£19.95 paper 978-0-262-51287-9

A Guide to 21st-Century Space Charlie Hailey What is a camp? In August 2005, television news showed viewers an estimated 20,000 Katrina evacuees camped out in the Superdome, Cindy Sheehan protesting the Iraq War on President Bush’s doorstep in “Camp Casey,” Texas, and Israeli and Palestinian young people at the Seeds of Peace Camp in Maine discussing the evacuation of settlement camps in the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, off camera, summer campers all over America packed up their gear, preparing to depart Scout camps, computer camps, and sports camps, and millions of recreational vehicles owners were on the road, permanent itinerant campers. In Camps, Charlie Hailey examines the space and idea of camp as a defining dimension of 21st-century life. The ubiquity and diversity of camps calls for a guidebook. This is what Hailey offers, but it is no ordinary one. Not only does he establish a typology of camps, but he also imbeds within his narrative a key to camp ideology. Thus we see how camp spaces are informed by politics and transform the ways we think about and make built environments. Hailey describes camps of diverse regions, purposes, and forms, and navigates the inherent paradoxes of zones that are neither temporary nor permanent. He looks first at camps of choice, including summer camps, protest camps, drift camps (research stations on Arctic ice floes), and LTVA (Long-Term Visitor Area) Camps, then at strategic camps regulated by power — boot camps, GTMO (the detention camp at Guantánamo Bay), immigrant camps, and others — and finally at transient spaces of relief and assistance, among them refugee camps, FEMA City, work camps, and Gypsy camps. More than 150 diagrams, sketches, building and site plans, photographs, political cartoons, video game screenshots, aerial and satellite images, and maps illustrate camp space in unprecedented complexity and variety. Today camps are at the center of emerging questions of identity, residency, safety, and mobility. Camp spaces register the struggles, emergencies, and possibilities of global existence as no other space does. Charlie Hailey is Assistant Professor in the University of Florida’s School of Architecture. He is the author of Campsite: Architectures of Duration and Place.

Top right: 3.33. Poncho/Parachute Shade Shelter, FM 21-76: U.S. Army Survival Manual. Right: Rockey Vaccarella, Mock FEMA Trailer in front of U.S. Capitol. (Steven Scaffidi and Ghost Rider Pictures, All Rights Reserved).



THE GRID BOOK Hannah B Higgins Emblematic of modernity, the grid is the underlying form of everything from skyscrapers and office cubicles to paintings by Mondrian and a piece of computer code. And yet, as Hannah Higgins makes clear in this engaging and evocative book, the grid has a history that long predates modernity; it is the most prominent visual structure in Western culture. In The Grid Book, Higgins examines the history of ten grids that changed the world: the brick, the tablet, the gridiron city plan, the map, musical notation, the ledger, the screen, moveable type, the manufactured box, and the net. Charting the evolution of each grid, from the Paleolithic brick of ancient Mesopotamia through the virtual connections of the Internet, Higgins demonstrates that once a grid is invented, it may bend, crumble, or shatter, but its organizing principle never disappears. The appearance of each grid was a watershed event. Brick, tablet, and city gridiron made possible sturdy housing, the standardization of language, and urban development. Maps, musical notation, financial ledgers, and moveable type promoted the organization of space, music, and time, international trade, and mass literacy. The screen of perspective painting heralded the science of the modern period, classical mechanics, and the screen arts, while the standardization of space made possible by the manufactured box suggested the purified box forms of industrial architecture and visual art. The net, the most ancient grid, made its first appearance in Stone Age Finland; today, the loose but clearly articulated networks of the World Wide Web suggest that we are in the middle of an emergent grid that is reshaping the world, as grids do, in its image.

Ten grids that changed the world: the emergence and evolution of the most prominent visual structure in Western culture.

March 7 x 9, 312 pp. 62 illus. $24.95T/£16.95 paper 978-0-262-51240-4

Hannah B Higgins is Associate Professor in the Department of Art History at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is the author of Fluxus Experience.

“The title of this book does not begin to describe how subversive its intentions are. Higgins’s review of the deep history of the grid rescues it from whatever claims modernism has made to its form and function, and more precisely identifies the grid as a tool of human cognition, which has happened to have a profound effect on our visual culture throughout history.” — Lorraine Wild, award-winning designer, cofounder of Greybull Press



LE CORBUSIER AND THE OCCULT J. K. Birksted Revealing the secret sources of Le Corbusier’s architecture — concealed by the architect and undiscovered by scholars until now.

March 8 3/4 x 11 1/4, 416 pp. 177 illus. $44.95T/£28.95 cloth 978-0-262-02648-2

When Charl`es-Édouard Jeanneret reinvented himself as Le Corbusier in Paris, he also carefully reinvented the first thirty years of his life by highlighting some events and hiding others. As he explained in a letter: “Le Corbusier is a pseudonym. Le Corbusier creates architecture recklessly. He pursues disinterested ideas; he does not wish to compromise himself. . . . He is an entity free of the burdens of carnality.” Le Corbusier grew up in La Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland, a city described by Karl Marx as “one unified watchmaking industry.” Among the unifying social structures of La Chaux-de-Fonds was the Loge L’Amitié, the Masonic lodge with its francophone moral, social, and philosophical ideas, including the symbolic iconography of the right angle (rectitude) and the compass (exactitude). Le Corbusier would later describe these as “my guide, my choice” and as his “time-honored ideas, ingrained and deep-rooted in the intellect, like entries from a catechism.” Through exhaustive research that challenges long-held beliefs, J. K. Birksted’s Le Corbusier and the Occult traces the structure of Le Corbusier’s brand of modernist spatial and architectural ideas based on startling new documents in hitherto undiscovered family and local archives. Le Corbusier and the Occult thus answers the conundrum set by Reyner Banham (Birksted’s predecessor at the Bartlett School of Architecture) who, fifty years ago, wrote that Le Corbusier’s book Towards a New Architecture “was to prove to be one of the most influential, widely read and least understood of all the architectural writings of the twentieth century.” J. K. Birksted teaches at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London.



BECOMING BUCKY FULLER Loretta Lorance Buckminster Fuller’s fame reached its peak in the 1960s and 1970s, when his visionary experiments struck a chord with the counterculture and his charismatic personality provided the media with a good story — that of a genius who could play the role of artist, scientist, and entrepreneur all at once. In Becoming Bucky Fuller, Loretta Lorance shows that Fuller’s career did not begin with the lofty goals hailed by his admirers, and that, in fact, Fuller’s image as guru and prophet was as carefully constructed as a geodesic dome. Fuller (1895–1983) determined early on how the story of his life in the 1920s and 1930s should be portrayed. But, drawing on a close reading of Fuller’s personal papers (in particular, the multivolume scrapbook, Chronofile), Lorance looks at Fuller’s first independent project, the Dymaxion House, and finds that what really happened differs from the authorized version. According to Fuller himself and most secondary sources, after a series of personal crises in the 1920s — including the death of his young daughter, thoughts of suicide, and a “year of silence” during which he pondered his purpose in life — Fuller resolved to devote himself to the betterment of society by offering the public economical, efficient, modern manufactured housing. But the private papers tell a different story; one of his initial motivations for designing the Dymaxion House was simply to make money from its manufacture. When that didn’t work, Fuller began to emphasize its possibilities rather than its practicalities. By the mid-1930s, Lorance shows, Fuller the public figure had gone from being an entrepreneur with a product to being a visionary with an idea. He had become Bucky Fuller.

A revisionist look at Buckminster Fuller’s early career, making the case that Fuller’s most successful invention was that of his own image.

May 7 x 9, 304 pp. 7 color illus., 59 black & white illus. $29.95T/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-12302-0

Loretta Lorance is an architectural historian. She teaches in the School of Visual Arts in New York City.



BEAUTY edited by Dave Beech Key texts on beauty and its revival in contemporary art.

April 6 x 8 1/2, 240 pp. $24.95T paper 978-0-262-51238-1 Documents of Contemporary Art series Copublished with Whitechapel Art Gallery, London Not for sale in the United Kingdom or Europe

Beauty has emerged as one of the most hotly contested subjects in current discussions on art and culture. After more than half a century of suspicion and interrogation, beauty’s resurgence in visual practice and discourse since the late 1980s has engaged some of the most influential artists and writers on art. From the avant-garde to the conceptual era, anti-aesthetic strategies have resisted beauty because of its perceived complicity with dominant systems and ideologies. Thus politicized and opened to critique, beauty, invoked in relation to contemporary art, no longer sustains a singular or universal meaning but is always contentious. Spanning a range of positions on beauty — both for and against — this anthology assembles the key texts on the controversy and situates the debate over the revival of beauty in the broader context of the history of ideas and artistic practice.

Also available in this series COLOUR edited by David Batchelor 2008, 978-0-262-52481-0 $24.95T paper

Dave Beech is a London-based British artist, a regular contributor to Art Monthly, and coauthor of The Philistine Conspiracy.

THE EVERYDAY edited by Stephen Johnstone 2008, 978-0-262-60074-3 $24.95T paper THE ARTIST’S JOKE edited by Jennifer Higgie 2007, 978-0-262-58274-2 $24.95T paper THE GOTHIC edited by Gilda Williams 2007, 978-0-262-73186-7 $24.95T paper

ARTISTS SURVEYED INCLUDE Vito Acconci, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Gustave Courbet, Marcel Duchamp, Marlene Dumas, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Adolph Gottlieb, Hans Hofmann, Gary Hume, Asger Jorn, Alex Katz, Willem de Kooning, Joseph Kosuth, Paul McCarthy, Édouard Manet, Robert Mapplethorpe, Agnes Martin, Robert Morris, Barnett Newman, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Gerhard Richter, Mark Rothko, Robert Smithson, Nancy Spero, Frank Stella, Clyfford Still, Andy Warhol

WRITERS INCLUDE Theodor Adorno, Alexander Alberro, Rasheed Araeen, Art & Language, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, T. J. Clark, Mark Cousins, Arthur C. Danto, Jacques Derrida, Thierry de Duve, Fredric Jameson, Christoph Grunenberg, Dave Hickey, Suzanne Perling Hudson, Caroline A. Jones, John Roberts, Elaine Scarry, Wendy Steiner, Paul Wood



APPROPRIATION edited by David Evans Scavenging, replicating, or remixing, many influential artists today reinvent a legacy of “stealing” images and forms from other makers. Among the diverse, often contestatory strategies included under the heading “appropriation” are the readymade, détournement, pastiche, rephotography, recombination, simulation and parody. Although appropriation is often associated with the 1980s practice of such artists as Peter Halley, Sherrie Levine, Richard Prince, and Cindy Sherman, as well as the critical discourse of postmodernism and the simulacral theory of Jean Baudrillard, appropriation’s significance for art is not limited by that cultural and political moment. In an expanded art-historical frame, this book recontextualizes avant-garde photomontage, the Duchampian readymade, and the Pop image among such alternative precursors as Francis Picabia, Bertolt Brecht, Guy Debord, Akasegawa Genpei, Dan Graham, Cildo Meireles, and Martha Rosler. In the recent work of many artists, including Mike Kelley, Glenn Ligon, Pierre Huyghe, and Alexandra Mir, among others, appropriation is central to their critique of the contemporary world and vision for alternative futures. David Evans is the author of the catalogue raisonné John Heartfield: AIZ/VI 1930-38 and a Research Fellow in Photography at the Arts Institute, Bournemouth, England. He has published numerous articles in such journals as Afterimage, Eye, and Source.

Important documents and appraisals of appropriation art, from Duchamp’s readymades to feminist and postcolonial critique.

April 6 x 8 1/2, 240 pp. $24.95T paper 978-0-262-55070-3 Documents of Contemporary Art series Copublished with Whitechapel Art Gallery, London Not for sale in the United Kingdom or Europe

Also available in this series THE CINEMATIC edited by David Campany 2007, 978-0-262-53288-4 $24.95T paper DESIGN AND ART edited by Alex Coles 2007, 978-0-262-53289-1 $24.95T paper PARTICIPATION edited by Claire Bishop 2006, 978-0-262-52464-3 $24.95T paper THE ARCHIVE edited by Charles Merewether 2006, 978-0-262-63338-3 $24.95T paper

ARTISTS SURVEYED INCLUDE Akasegawa Genpei, Santiago Álvarez, Art Workers Coalition, Ross Bleckner, Marcel Broodthaers, Victor Burgin, Maurizio Cattelan, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Douglas Gordon, Johan Grimonprez, Peter Halley, Hank Herron, Pierre Huyghe, Mike Kelley, Idris Khan, Barbara Kruger, Sherrie Levine, Glenn Ligon, Steve McQueen, Alexandra Mir, Keith Piper, Richard Prince, Jorma Puranen, Cindy Sherman, John Stezaker, Retort, Martha Rosler, Philip Taaffe

WRITERS INCLUDE Malek Alloula, Jean Baudrillard, Walter Benjamin, Nicolas Bourriaud, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Johanna Burton, Douglas Crimp, Thomas Crow, Guy Debord, Georges Didi-Huberman, Marcel Duchamp, Okwui Enwezor, Jean-Luc Godard, Isabelle Graw, Boris Groys, Raoul Hausmann, Sven Lütticken, Cildo Meireles, Kobena Mercer, Slobodan Mijuskovic, Laura Mulvey, Jo Spence, Elisabeth Sussman, Lisa Tickner, Reiko Tomii, Andy Warhol



ROY LICHTENSTEIN edited by Graham Bader The most comprehensive collection on Lichtenstein, including several hard-to-find and previously unpublished pieces.

March 6 x 9, 216 pp. 43 illus. $17.95T/£11.95 paper 978-0-262-51231-2 $35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-01258-4 October Files series

Also available in this series CINDY SHERMAN edited by Johanna Burton 2006, 978-0-262-52463-6 $16.95T/£10.95 paper JAMES COLEMAN edited by George Baker 2003, 978-0-262-52341-7 $18.00T/£11.95 paper

Roy Lichtenstein’s popular appeal — and his influence on pop culture, seen in everything from greeting cards to sitcoms — at times overshadows his importance to contemporary art. Yet, examined on its own terms, Lichtenstein’s comics-inspired, deadpan artwork remains as truly unsettling to art-world orthodoxies today as when it first gained wide attention in the early 1960s. Lichtenstein (1923–1997), a central figure in Pop, consistently savaged the rules of painting — while remaining committed to the most traditional procedures and goals of the medium. (He once said, “The things that I have apparently parodied I actually admire and I really don’t know what the implication of that is.”) This book offers the most comprehensive collection of writings on Lichtenstein’s work to appear in thirty-five years, with early reviews, artist interviews and statements (some never before published), and recent reassessments. The book includes Donald Judd’s reviews of Lichtenstein’s three solo Pop shows in the early 1960s, an essay on the artist’s 1969 Guggenheim retrospective, interviews that touch on topics ranging from the New York art world to Monet and Matisse, the transcript of a 1995 slide presentation in which Lichtenstein surveyed three decades of his work, and an in-depth study of Lichtenstein’s first Pop painting, Look Mickey (1961). The texts explore Lichtenstein’s career across the boundaries of medium and period, excavating early critical discussions and surveying more recent reexaminations of his artistic practice. The collection will be an indispensable resource for those interested in Lichtenstein, Pop Art, and American culture of the 1960s. Graham Bader is Assistant Professor of Art History at Rice University.

CONTRIBUTORS Graham Bader Yve-Alain Bois John Coplans David Deitcher Hal Foster John Jones Donald Judd Max Kozloff Jean-Claude Lebensztejn Roy Lichtenstein Michael Lobel



ROBERT RYMAN Used Paint Suzanne P. Hudson In this first book-length study of Robert Ryman, Suzanne Hudson traces the artist’s production from his first paintings in the early 1950s, many of which have never been exhibited or reproduced, to his recent gallery shows. Ryman’s largely white-on-white paintings represent his careful working over of painting’s conventions at their most radically reduced. Through close readings of the work, Hudson casts Ryman as a painter for whom painting was conducted as a continuous personal investigation. Ryman’s method — an act of “learning by doing” — as well as his conception of painting as “used paint” sets him apart from secondgeneration abstract expressionists, minimalists, or conceptualists. Ryman (born in 1930) is a self-taught artist who began to paint in earnest while working as a guard at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in the 1950s. Hudson argues that Ryman’s approach to painting developed from quotidian contact with the story of modern painting as assembled by MoMA director and curator Alfred Barr and rendered widely accessible by director of the education department Victor D’Amico and colleagues. Ryman’s introduction to artistic practice within the (white) walls of MoMA, Hudson contends, was shaped by an institutional ethos of experiential learning. (Others who worked at the MoMA during these years include Lucy Lippard, who married Ryman in 1961; Dan Flavin, another guard; and Sol LeWitt, a desk assistant.) Hudson’s chapters — “Primer,” “Paint,” “Support,” “Edge,” and “Wall,” named after the most basic elements of the artist’s work — eloquently explore Ryman’s ongoing experiment in what makes a painting a painting. Ryman’s work, she writes, tests the medium’s material and conceptual possibilities. It signals neither the end of painting nor guarantees its continued longevity but keeps the prospect of painting an open question, answerable only through the production of new paintings.

This first book-length study of Robert Ryman argues that his work is a continuous experiment in the possibilities of painting.

April 7 x 9, 328 pp. 112 illus., color throughout $39.95T/£25.95 cloth 978-0-262-01280-5 An October Book

Suzanne P. Hudson is Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.



ON THE CAMERA ARTS AND CONSECUTIVE MATTERS The collected writings of artist and filmmaker Hollis Frampton, including all the essays from the long-unavailable Circles of Confusion along with rare additional material.

April 7 x 9, 360 pp. 18 color illus., 16 black & white illus. $39.95T/£25.95 cloth 978-0-262-06276-3 Writing Art series

Also available HOLLIS FRAMPTON (nostalgia) Rachel Moore 2006, 978-1-846380-01-3 $16.00T/£9.95 paper Distributed for Afterall Books

The Writings of Hollis Frampton Hollis Frampton edited with an introduction by Bruce Jenkins As Hollis Frampton’s photographs and celebrated experimental films were testing the boundaries of “the camera arts” in the 1960s and 1970s, his provocative and highly literate writings were attempting to establish an intellectually resonant form of discourse for these critically underexplored fields. It was a time when artists working in diverse disciplines were beginning to pick up cameras and produce films and videotapes, well before these practices were understood or embraced by institutions of contemporary art. This collection of Frampton’s writings presents his critical essays (many written for Artforum and October) along with additional material, including lectures, correspondence, interviews, and production notes and scripts. It replaces — and supersedes — the longunavailable Circles of Confusion, published in 1983. Frampton ranged widely over the visual arts in his writing, and the texts in this collection display his unique approaches to photography, film, and video, as well as the plastic and literary arts. They include critically acclaimed essays on Edward Weston and Eadweard Muybridge as well as appraisals of contemporary photographers; the influential essay, “For a Metahistory of Film,” along with scripts, textual material, and scores for his films; writings on video that constitute a prehistory of the digital arts; a dialogue with Carl Andre (his friend and former Phillips Andover classmate) from the early 1960s; and two inventive, almost unclassifiable pieces that are reminiscent of Borges, Joyce, and Beckett. Hollis Frampton (1936–1984) was a filmmaker, artist, and writer. Among his best-known works are (nostalgia), Zorns Lemma, and the unfinished series Magellan. He was one of the founders of the Digital Arts Laboratory in the innovative Center for Media Study at SUNY Buffalo. Bruce Jenkins is Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Professor of Film, Video, and New Media at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

“At long last, a near complete collection of Hollis Frampton’s idiosyncratic, scholarly, recondite, funny writings, which might justly be called ‘Offbeat Ways to Think About Everything.’ A cursory look at a few essay titles — ‘Time, Space, Causality,’ ‘The Invention Without a Future,’ ‘Segments of Eternity,’ ‘Inconclusions’ — reveals the astonishing breadth and brilliance of a mentor to many. This book is an invaluable resource for artists, pedagogues, autodidacts, and anyone who enjoys being intellectually provoked.” —Yvonne Rainer, author of Feelings are Facts



THE MUSEOLOGICAL UNCONSCIOUS Communal (Post)Modernism in Russia Victor Tupitsyn introduction by Susan Buck-Morss and Victor Tupitsyn In The Museological Unconscious, Victor Tupitsyn views the history of Russian contemporary art through a distinctly Russian lens, a “communal optic” that registers the influence of such characteristically Russian phenomena as communal living, communal perception, and communal speech practices. This way of looking at the subject allows him to gather together a range of artists and art movements — from socialist realism to its “dangerous supplement,” sots art, and from alternative photography to feminism — as if they were tenants in a large Moscow apartment. Describing the notion of “communal optics,” Tupitsyn argues that socialist realism does not work without communal perception — which, as he notes, does not easily fit into crates when paintings travel out of Russia for exhibition in Kassel or New York. Russia, he writes, went through an immense “optical restructuring” in the 1930s, in which viewers of art were “communalized.” This restructuring (and the effect it had on Soviet cultural mentality) is the leitmotif that runs through the book, as Tupitsyn discusses such topics as the history of alternative Russian art, the communal conceptualism of the 1970s and 1980s (epitomized by Ilya Kabakov and Andrei Monastyrsky), the iconoclastic sots art movement (the best known practitioners of which are the artistic team of Komar and Melamid), the different art worlds of Moscow and St. Petersburg (the “aesthetics of transparency” versus the “aesthetics of a blind spot”), the “creative violence” of the telesniks, and the relationship among different generations of “nonconformists.” Russian artists, critics, and art historians, having lived for decades in a society that ignored or suppressed avant-garde art, have compensated, Tupitsyn claims, by developing a “museological unconscious” — the “museification” of the inner world and the collective psyche.

The history of contemporary art in Russia, from socialist realism to the post-Soviet alternative art scene.

May 8 x 9, 344 pp. 90 illus. $34.95T/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-20173-5

Victor Tupitsyn is a critic and theorist living in New York City and Paris. He is on the advisory board of Third Text, London.

“Tupitsyn trains a fascinated gaze upon every aspect of Russian visual culture since the disintegration of the Soviet empire. He knows the individuals and the cultural institutions better than us all, and gives us, at last, an authoritative account of the inversions and paradoxes of a still largely baffling culture. The East and the West in Europe have never seemed so far apart — or so close.” — Brandon Taylor, Professor of History of Art and Design, Faculty of Arts, University of Southampton, United Kingdom



INVENTING MARCEL DUCHAMP An old genre is given a new look, as portraits and self-portraits of Marcel Duchamp invent and cover up as much as they reveal and portray.

April 9 x 12, 308 pp. 105 color illus., 49 black & white illus. $49.95T/£29.95 cloth 978-0-262-01300-0 Distributed for the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution

EXHIBITION National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution March 27, 2009–August 2, 2009

The Dynamics of Portraiture edited by Anne Collins Goodyear and James W. McManus foreword by Martin E. Sullivan One of the most influential artists of the twentieth century, Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) was a master of self-invention who carefully regulated the image he projected through self-portraiture and through his collaboration with those who portrayed him. During his long career, Duchamp recast accepted modes for assembling and describing identity, indelibly altering the terrain of portraiture. This groundbreaking book (which accompanies a major exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery) demonstrates the ways in which Duchamp willfully manipulated the techniques of portraiture both to secure his reputation as an iconoclast and to establish himself as a major figure in the art world. Although scholars have explored Duchamp’s use of aliases, little attention has been paid to how this work played into, and against, existing portrait conventions. Nor has any study yet compared these explicitly self-constructed projects with the large body of portraits of Duchamp by others. Inventing Marcel Duchamp showcases approximately one hundred never-before-assembled portraits and self-portraits of Duchamp. The (broadly defined) self-portraits and selfrepresentations include the famous autobiographical suitcase Boîte-en-valise and Self-Portrait in Profile, a torn silhouette that became very influential for future generations of artists. The portraits by other artists include works by Duchamp’s early collaborators Man Ray, Alfred Stieglitz, Francis Picabia, Beatrice Wood, and Florine Stettheimer, as well as portraits by more recent generations of artists, including Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Sturtevant, Brian O’Doherty, Yasumasa Morimura, David Hammons, and Douglas Gordon. Since the mid-twentieth century, as abstraction assumed a position of dominance in fine art, portraiture has been often derided as an art form; the images and essays in Inventing Marcel Duchamp counter this, and invite us to rethink the role of portraiture in modern and contemporary art. Anne Collins Goodyear is Assistant Curator of Prints and Drawings at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D.C. James W. McManus is Professor of Art History at California State University, Chico.

Marcel Duchamp, Arnold Newman (1918–2006). Gelatin silver print, 35.3 cm x 27.7 cm (13 7/8 x 10 7/8 in.), 1942. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution © Arnold Newman.



DAN GRAHAM Beyond edited by Bennett Simpson and Chrissie Iles foreword by Jeremy Strick Dan Graham is one of the most significant figures to emerge from the 1960s moment of Conceptual art, with a practice that pioneered a range of art forms, modes, and ideas that are now fundamental to contemporary art. The thrust of his practice has always pointed beyond: beyond the art object, beyond the studio, beyond the medium, beyond the gallery, beyond the self. Beyond all these categories and into the realm of the social, the public, the democratic, the mass produced, the architectural, the anarchic, the humorous. Graham’s early work, Homes for America — a series of snapshots of suburban New Jersey tract housing accompanied by short parodic texts, made as a page layout for Arts magazine — announced a critical art grounded in the everyday, and it merged the artist’s interest in cultural commentary with art’s most advanced visual modes. His 1984 “video-essay” Rock My Religion traced a continuum of separatism and collective ecstasy from the American religious sect the Shakers to hard-core punk music. This volume, which accompanies a major retrospective organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, offers the first comprehensive survey of Graham’s work. The book’s design evokes magazine format and style, after Graham’s important conceptual work from the 1960s in that medium. Generously illustrated in color and black and white, Dan Graham: Beyond features eight new essays, two new interviews with the artist, a section of reprints of Graham’s own writing, and an animated manga-style “life of Dan Graham” narrative. It examines Graham’s entire body of work, which includes designs for magazine pages, drawing, photographs, film and video, and architectural ESSAYS models and pavilions.

The first comprehensive survey of a pioneering artist, encompassing photographs, film and video, architectural models, pavilion installations, conceptual projects for magazine pages, drawings and prints, and writings.

April 9 1/4 x 12 1/4, 384 pp. 150 color illus., 100 black & white illus. $44.95T/£28.95 paper 978-1-933751-12-2 Distributed for the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

Also available TWO-WAY MIRROR POWER Selected Writings by Dan Graham on His Art Dan Graham 1999, 978-0-262-57130-2 $23.00T/£14.95 paper

EXHIBITION Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles February 15–March 25, 2009 Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City June 25–October 2009 Walker Art Center, Minneapolis November 2009–February 2010

• Chrissie Iles on Graham’s performance work Bennett Simpson is Assistant Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Chrissie Iles is the Anne and Joel Ehrandranz Curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art.

• Bennett Simpson on Graham’s interest and works in rock music • Beatriz Colomina on Graham’s architectural pavilions • Rhea Anastas on Graham’s early formation and short-lived operation of the John Daniels Gallery • Mark von Schlegell on Graham’s interest in science fiction • Mark Francis on Graham’s Public Space/Two Audiences (1976) • Alexandra Midal on Graham’s conceptual works for magazine pages and magazine design • Philippe Vergne on Graham’s puppet opera Don’t Trust Anyone Over Thirty (2004) • Kim Gordon interview with Graham on their collaborations and music • Rodney Graham interview with Graham on jokes and humor in art


art/new media

SYNTHETIC TIMES Innovative and groundbreaking works by new media artists from nearly thirty countries reflect what it means to be human on the threshold of human-machine symbiosis.

March 9 x 11, 358 pp. 200 color illus. $44.95T/£28.95 paper 978-0-262-51226-8 Copublished with the National Art Museum of China Not for sale in China

ESSAYS Jordan Crandall Oliver Grau Erkii Huhtamo Caroline A. Jones Friedrich Kittler Arthur Kroker Mike Stubbs Peter Weibel Zhang Ga

Media Art China edited by Fan Di’an and Zhang Ga We live in a world that operates on bits and bytes. Reality has become synthetic, a convergence of the material and the immaterial. The synthetic power of new media art — integrative, interdisciplinary, interactive — expresses the blurred boundary between the physical and the digital. Synthetic Times collects new media art created since 2001 by artists and art collectives from nearly thirty countries. These innovative and groundbreaking works investigate how we perceive reality and what it means to be human on the threshold of human-machine symbiosis. The artworks in Synthetic Times (which accompanies a milestone exhibition at the National Art Museum in China, an Olympics Cultural Project) explore a trajectory of uncanny visions ranging from the desire to transcend the corporal to the construction of synthetic worlds; from telematic dreaming to transgenic hybrids; from whimsical apparatuses to the deadpan gaze of magnetic fields. They reveal the tension between man and machine, between the animated and the inert, rekindling a discourse about relationships between nature and culture, the perceived and the imagined. Essays by leading new media theorists accompany the artworks, and an appendix documents additional programs held in conjunction with the exhibition. Fan Di’an is Director of the National Art Museum of China. Zhang Ga is a media artist and independent curator. He is the artistic director and curator of the exhibition this book accompanies.

Top: Transmute Collective, Intimate Transactions. Australia, 2005, interactive telematic installation. Left: Magdalena Pederlin, Name is an Anagram. Croatia, 2006. Audio/Visual installation.

ARTISTS 1000 Cell Phones Team, AL and AL, Blendid, Jean-Michel Bruyère, Rejane Cantoni, Aristarkh Chernyshev, Convergeo + Media and Design Lab, Luvc Courchesne, Du Zhenjun, etoy, exonemo, f18 institute, Paula Gaetano Adi, Usman Haque, Edwin van der Heide, Kurt Hentschläger, Mateusz Herczka, Christoph Hillebrand, Daniel Palacios Jiménez, Kichul Kim, Knowbotic Research, Daniela Kutschat Hanns, Paul Lincoln, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Chico MacMurtrie, Eva and Franco Mattes, Anthony McCall, Henrik Menné, Miao Xiaochun, Yves Netzhammer, Marnix de Nijs, Magdalena Pederin, David Rokeby, Mariana Rondon, Bengt Sjölén, Adam Somlai-Fischer, Stelarc, Sissel Tolaas, Transmute Collective, Tsai Wen-Ying, VERDENSTEATRET, Marek Walczak, Martin Wattenberg, Herwig Weiser, Wu Juehui, Xu Bing, Xu Zhongmin


game studies

RACING THE BEAM The Atari Video Computer System Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost The Atari Video Computer System dominated the home video game market so completely that “Atari” became the generic term for a video game console. The Atari VCS was affordable and offered the flexibility of changeable cartridges. Nearly a thousand of these were created, the most significant of which established new techniques, mechanics, and even entire genres. This book offers a detailed and accessible study of this influential video game console from both computational and cultural perspectives. Studies of digital media have rarely investigated platforms — the systems underlying computing. This book (the first in the series of Platform Studies) does so, developing a critical approach that examines the relationship between platforms and creative expression. Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost discuss the Atari VCS itself and examine in detail six game cartridges: Combat, Adventure, Pac-Man, Yars’ Revenge, Pitfall!, and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. They describe the technical constraints and affordances of the system and track developments in programming, gameplay, interface, and aesthetics. Adventure, for example, was the first game to represent a virtual space larger than the screen (anticipating the boundless virtual spaces of such later games as World of Warcraft and Grand Theft Auto), by allowing the player to walk off one side into another space; and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back was an early instance of interaction between media properties and video games. Montfort and Bogost show that the Atari VCS — often considered merely a retro fetish object — is an essential part of the history of video games. Nick Montfort is Assistant Professor of Digital Media at MIT. He is the author of Twisty Little Passages: A New Approach to Interactive Fiction and the coeditor of The New Media Reader, both published by the MIT Press. Ian Bogost is Assistant Professor in the School of Literature, Communication, and Culture, at Georgia Institute of Technology and Founding Partner, Persuasive Games LLC. He is the author of Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogame Criticism and Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism, both published by the MIT Press.

“Modern game designers should read this book for the same reason that modern generals study the military campaigns of Alexander and Caesar: the technology is completely different but the principles are the same.” — Chris Crawford, former head of Atari’s Games Research Group, and cofounder of Storytron

A study of the relationship between platform and creative expression in the Atari VCS.

March 6 x 9, 184 pp. 22 illus. $22.95T/£14.95 cloth 978-0-262-01257-7 Platform Studies series

Also available UNIT OPERATIONS An Approach to Videogame Criticism Ian Bogost 2008, 978-0-262-52487-2 $18.00S/£11.95 paper PERSUASIVE GAMES The Expressive Power of Videogames Ian Bogost 2007, 978-0-262-02614-7 $37.00S/£21.95 cloth TWISTY LITTLE PASSAGES An Approach to Interactive Fiction Nick Montfort 2005, 978-0-262-63318-5 $18.95T/£12.95 paper THE NEW MEDIA READER edited by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort 2003, 978-0-262-23227-2 $52.00S/£33.95 cloth

PLATFORM STUDIES SERIES The books in the Platform Studies series, edited by Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost, investigate computing systems and how they enable, constrain, shape, and support creative work. The books are technically rigorous while also exploring the cultural and social contexts in which these platforms exist.


new media/politics

VIRTUALPOLITIK Government media-making, from official websites to whistleblowers’ e-mail, and its sometimes unintended consequences.

May 7 x 9, 416 pp. 71 illus. $29.95T/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-12304-4

An Electronic History of Government Media-Making in a Time of War, Scandal, Disaster, Miscommunication, and Mistakes Elizabeth Losh Today government agencies not only have official Web sites but also sponsor moderated chats, blogs, digital video clips, online tutorials, videogames, and virtual tours of national landmarks. Sophisticated online marketing campaigns target citizens with messages from the government — even as officials make news with digital gaffes involving embarrassing e-mails, instant messages, and videos. In Virtualpolitik, Elizabeth Losh closely examines the government’s digital rhetoric in such cases and its dual role as mediamaker and regulator. Looking beyond the usual focus on interfaces, operations, and procedures, Losh analyzes the ideologies revealed in government’s digital discourse, its anxieties about new online practices, and what happens when officially sanctioned material is parodied, remixed, or recontextualized by users. Losh reports on a video game that panicked the House Intelligence Committee, pedagogic and therapeutic digital products aimed at American soldiers, government Web sites in the weeks and months following 9/11, PowerPoint presentations by government officials and gadflies, e-mail as a channel for whistleblowing, digital satire of surveillance practices, national digital libraries, and computer-based training for health professionals. Losh concludes that the government’s “virtualpolitik” — its digital realpolitik aimed at preserving its own power — is focused on regulation, casting as criminal such common online activities as file sharing, video-game play, and social networking. This policy approach, she warns, indefinitely postpones building effective institutions for electronic governance, ignores constituents’ need to shape electronic identities to suit their personal politics, and misses an opportunity to learn how citizens can have meaningful interaction with the virtual manifestations of the state. Elizabeth Losh is Writing Director of the Humanities Core Course at the University of California, Irvine, where she teaches courses on digital rhetoric and public communication.


political science/philosophy

BEYOND RED AND BLUE How Twelve Political Philosophies Shape American Debates Peter S. Wenz On any given night cable TV news will tell us how polarized American politics is: Republicans are from Mars, Democrats are from Canada. But in fact, writes Peter Wenz in Beyond Red and Blue, Americans do not divide neatly into two ideological camps of red/blue, Republican/Democrat, right/left. If they did, what could explain Republicans who oppose the Patriot Act and support gay marriage, or liberals and conservatives who agree over genetic engineering? In real life, as Wenz shows, different ideologies can converge on certain issues; people from the right and left can support the same policy for different reasons. Thus, for example, libertarian-leaning Republicans can oppose the Patriot Act’s encroachment on personal freedom and social conservatives can support gay marriage on the grounds that it strengthens the institution of marriage; liberals might oppose genetic engineering on environmental grounds, conservatives on religious grounds. Wenz maps out twelve political philosophies — ranging from theocracy and free-market conservatism to feminism and cosmopolitanism — on which Americans draw when taking political positions. He then turns his focus to some of America’s most controversial issues and, through in-depth discussions of fourteen of them, shows how ideologically diverse coalitions can emerge. These hot-button issues include extending life by artificial means (as in the Terry Schiavo case); the war on drugs; the war on terrorism; affirmative action; abortion; same-sex marriage; healthcare; immigration; and globalization. Awareness of these twelve political philosophies, Wenz argues, can help activists enlist allies, citizens better understand politics and elections, and all of us define our own political identities.

Why Americans do not divide neatly into red and blue or right and left but form coalitions across party lines on hot-button issues ranging from immigration to same-sex marriage.

March 6 x 9, 376 pp. $27.95T/£18.95 cloth 978-0-262-01295-9

Peter S. Wenz is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Springfield and University Scholar of the University of Illinois. He is the author of Environmental Justice, Nature’s Keeper, Political Philosophies in Moral Conflict, and other books.

“ Beyond Red and Blue tackles tough issues from euthanasia to torture to global trade. Don’t expect Wenz to button up every chapter with sound-bite certainty. His conclusions may make you cheer or curse, but they are sure to make you think.” — Senator Dick Durbin, Illinois


American history

INVENTING AMERICAN HISTORY William Hogeland A historian’s call to make the celebration of America’s past more honest.

April 4 1/2 x 7, 216 pp. $14.95T/£9.95 cloth 978-0-262-01288-1 A Boston Review Book


“For William Hogeland, thinking about history is an act of moral inquiry and high citizenship. A searching and original voice.” — Rick Perlstein, author of Nixonland “Hogeland writes like a novelist, reports like a newsman (he is one), and makes [the] historic judgments of a man who has done his homework.” — Blue Ridge Business Journal Also available in this series GOD AND THE WELFARE STATE Lew Daly 2006, 978-0-262-04236-9 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth THE END OF THE WILD Stephen M. Meyer 2006, 978-0-262-13473-6 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth MAKING AID WORK Abhijit Banerjee 2007, 978-0-262-02615-4 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth

American public history — in magazines and books, television documentaries, and museums — tends to celebrate its subject at all costs, even to the point of denial and distortion. This does us a great disservice, argues William Hogeland in Inventing American History. Looking at details glossed over in three examples of public history — the Alexander Hamilton revival, tributes to Pete Seeger and William F. Buckley, and the Constitution Center in Philadelphia — Hogeland considers what we lose when history is written to conform to political aims. Questioning the resurrection, by both neocons and the left, of Alexander Hamilton as the founder of the American financial system — if not of the American dream itself — Hogeland delves deeply into Hamilton’s brutal treatment of working-class entrepreneurs. And debunking recent hagiographies of Pete Seeger and William F. Buckley, Hogeland deftly parses Seeger’s embrace of communism and Buckley’s unreconstructed views on race. Hogeland then turns his attention to the U.S. Constitution Center in Philadelphia (the location of Barack Obama’s speech on race), comparing its one-note celebration of the document to the National Park Service tours of nearby Independence Hall. The Park Service tours don’t advance any particular point of view, but by being almost purely informative with a kind of hands-on detail, they make the past come to life, available for both celebration and criticism. We should be able to respect the Constitution without being forced to our knees before it, Hogeland argues; we can handle the truth about the Framers’ intense politicking and compromises. Only when we can ground our public history in the gritty events of the day, embracing its contradictions and difficulties, will we be able to learn from it. William Hogeland is author of The Whisky Rebellion: George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and the Frontier Rebels Who Challenged America’s Newfound Sovereignty. He lives in New York City.

THE STORY OF CRUEL AND UNUSUAL Colin Dayan 2007, 978-0-262-04239-0 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth


Author Tour: New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles • National Print Attention National Radio Campaign • National Advertising: New York Review of Books, American Prospect, Nation, New Republic, The Atlantic, Harper’s

current affairs/economics

AFRICA’S TURN? Edward Miguel foreword by William R. Easterly By the end of the twentieth century, sub-Saharan Africa had experienced twenty-five years of economic and political disaster. While “economic miracles” in China and India raised hundreds of millions from extreme poverty, Africa seemed to have been overtaken by violent conflict and mass destitution, and ranked lowest in the world in just about every economic and social indicator. Working in Busia, a small Kenyan border town, economist Edward Miguel began to notice something different starting in 1997: modest but steady economic progress, with new construction projects, flower markets, shops, and ubiquitous cell phones. In Africa’s Turn? Miguel tracks a decade of comparably hopeful economic trends throughout sub-Saharan Africa and suggests that we may be seeing a turnaround. He bases his hopes on a range of recent changes: democracy is finally taking root in many countries; China’s successes have fueled large-scale investment in Africa; and rising commodity prices have helped as well. Miguel warns, though, that the growth is fragile. Violence and climate change could derail it quickly, and he argues for specific international assistance when drought and civil strife loom. Responding to Miguel, nine experts gauge his optimism. Some question the progress of democracy in Africa or are more skeptical about China’s constructive impact, while others think that Miguel has underestimated the threats represented by climate change and population growth. But most agree that something new is happening, and that policy innovations in health, education, agriculture, and government accountability are the key to Africa’s future. Edward Miguel, coauthor with Raymond Fisman of Economic Gangsters: Corruption, Violence, and the Poverty of Nations, is Associate Professor of Economics and Director of the Center of Evaluations for Global Action at the University of California, Berkeley.

Signs of hope in sub-Saharan Africa: modest but steady economic growth and the spread of democracy.

April 4 1/2 x 7, 144 pp. $14.95T/£9.95 cloth 978-0-262-01289-8 A Boston Review Book

CONTRIBUTORS Olu Ajakaiye, Ken Banks, Robert Bates, Paul Collier, Rachel Glennerster, Rosamond Naylor, Smita Singh, David N. Weil, and Jeremy M. Weinstein

Also available in this series MOVIES AND THE MORAL ADVENTURE OF LIFE Alan A. Stone 2007, 978-0-262-19567-6 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE Kerry Emanuel 2007, 978-0-262-05089-0 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth WHY NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT MATTERS Hans Blix 2008, 978-0-262-02644-4 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth THE ROAD TO DEMOCRACY IN IRAN Akbar Ganji 2008, 978-0-262-07295-3 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth RACE, INCARCERATION, AND AMERICAN VALUES Glenn C. Loury with Pamela Karlan, Tommie Shelby, Loic Wacquant 2008, 978-0-262-12311-2 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth THE MEN IN MY LIFE Vivian Gornick 2008, 978-0-262-07303-5 $14.95T/£9.95 cloth

National Print Attention • National Broadcast Campaign • National Advertising: New York Review of Books, The Atlantic, Harper’s



INSIDE THE FED The ultimate Federal Reserve insider offers insights into the inner workings of the Fed over the past fifty years.

March 6 x 9, 216 pp. 1 illus. $24.95T/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-01249-2

Monetary Policy and Its Management, Martin through Greenspan to Bernanke Stephen H. Axilrod Stephen Axilrod is the ultimate Federal Reserve insider. He worked at the Fed’s Board of Governors for over thirty years and after that in private markets and as a consultant on monetary policy. With Inside the Fed, he offers his unique perspective on the inner workings of the Federal Reserve System over the last fifty years — writing about personalities as much as policy — based on his knowledge and observations of every Fed Chairman since 1951. Axilrod’s discussion focuses on how the personalities of the various chairmen affected their capacity for leadership. He describes, for example, Arthur Burns’s response to political pressure from the Nixon White House, and Paul Volcker’s radical shift to an anti-inflationary policy at the end of the 1970s — a transition in which Axilrod himself played a crucial role. As for the Greenspan years, Axilrod points to the unintended effects of the Fed’s newfound “garrulousness” (the plethora of announcements and hints about policy intentions) — one of which was the Fed’s loss of credibility in the aftermath of the chairman’s 1996 comment about “irrational exuberance.” And Axilrod incisively outlines the problems — including the subprime mess — inherited from Greenspan by the current chairman, Ben Bernanke. Great leadership in monetary policy, Axilrod says, is determined not by pure economic sophistication but by the ability to push through political and social barriers to achieve a paradigm shift in policy — and by the courage and bureaucratic moxie to pull it off. Stephen H. Axilrod worked from 1952 to 1986 at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., rising to Staff Director for Monetary and Financial Policy and Staff Director and Secretary of the Federal Open Market Committee, the Fed’s main monetary policy arm. Since 1986 he has worked in private markets and as a consultant on monetary policy with foreign monetary authorities.

“An intimate account of the Fed’s depressing decline in the Seventies and dramatic comeback in the Volcker years when the central bank triumphed over the biggest threat to the U.S. economy since the Great Depression. Now that the old enemy, stagflation, is stirring once more, the lessons Stephen Axilrod draws from past battles couldn't be timelier.” — Sylvia Nasar, author of A Beautiful Mind “No one seriously interested in American monetary policy in the post-World War II era can ignore what Axilrod recounts here.” — Benjamin M. Friedman, William Joseph Maier Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University



LIVES OF THE LAUREATES Twenty-three Nobel Economists Fifth Edition

edited by William Breit and Barry T. Hirsch Lives of the Laureates offers readers an informal history of modern economic thought as told through autobiographical essays by twenty-three winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics. The essays not only provide unique insights into major economic ideas of our time but also shed light on the processes of intellectual discovery and creativity. This fifth edition adds five recent Nobel laureates to its list of contributors: Vernon L. Smith (2002), Clive W. J. Granger (2003), Edward C. Prescott (2004), Thomas C. Schelling (2005) and Edmund S. Phelps (2006). Also included is the editors’ revised afterword, “Lessons from the Laureates.” Lives of the Laureates grows out of a continuing lecture series at Trinity University in San Antonio, which invites Nobelists from American universities to describe their evolution as economists in personal as well as technical terms. Each laureate achieves the goal of clarity without sacrificing inherently difficult content: Kenneth Arrow makes grasping the essentials of his “impossibility theorem” painless; Lawrence Klein clearly presents what goes into econometric “model building”; George Stigler masterfully describes his “information theory”; and so on. These lectures demonstrate the richness and diversity of contemporary economic thought. The reader will find that paths cross in unexpected ways — that disparate thinkers were often influenced by the same teachers — and that luck as well as hard work plays a role in the process of scientific discovery. William Breit is E. M. Stevens Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Trinity University, San Antonio. Barry T. Hirsch is W. J. Usery Chair of the American Workplace at Georgia State University.

Autobiographical accounts by twenty-three Nobel laureates give a picture of the richness of contemporary economic thought and insights into the creative process.

March 6 x 9, 456 pp. 23 illus. $29.95T/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-01276-8

CONTRIBUTORS Kenneth J. Arrow Gary S. Becker James M. Buchanan Ronald H. Coase Milton Friedman Clive W. J. Granger John C. Harsanyi James J. Heckman Lawrence R. Klein W. Arthur Lewis Robert E. Lucas, Jr. Franco Modigliani Douglass C. North Edmund S. Phelps Edward C. Prescott Paul A. Samuelson Thomas C. Schelling Myron S. Scholes William F. Sharpe Vernon L. Smith Robert M. Solow George J. Stigler James Tobin



FRESH POND The history of Fresh Pond Reservation — onetime summer retreat for wealthy Bostonians, center of the nineteenth-century ice industry, and stomping grounds for Harvard students — told through photographs, maps and plans, and stories.

April 11 x 7 1/2, 192 pp. 137 illus. $29.95T/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-19591-1

The History of a Cambridge Landscape Jill Sinclair Fresh Pond Reservation, at the northwest edge of Cambridge, Massachusetts, has been described as a “landscape loved to death.” Certainly it is a landscape that has been changed by its various uses over the years and one to which Cantabridgeans and Bostonians have felt an intense attachment. Henry James returned to it in his sixties, looking for “some echo of the dreams of youth,” feeling keenly “the pleasure of memory”; a Harvard student of the 1850s fondly remembered skating parties and the chance of “flirtation with some fair-ankled beauty of breezy Boston”; modern residents argue fiercely over dogs being allowed to run free at the reservation and whether soccer or nature is a more valuable experience for Cambridge schoolchildren. In Fresh Pond, Jill Sinclair tells the story of the pond and its surrounding land through photographs, drawings, maps, plans, and an engaging narrative of the pond’s geological, historical, and political ecology. Fresh Pond has been a Native American hunting and fishing ground; the site of an eighteenth-century hotel offering bowling, food and wine, and impromptu performances by Harvard men; a summer retreat for wealthy Bostonians; a training ground for trench warfare; a location for picnics and festivals for workers and sporting activities for all. The parkland features an Olmsted design, albeit an imperfectly realized one. The pond itself — a natural lake carved out by the retreating Ice Age about 15,000 years ago — was a center of the nineteenth-century ice industry (disparaged by Thoreau, writing about another pond), and still supplies the city of Cambridge with fresh drinking water. Sinclair’s celebration of a local landscape also alerts us to broader issues — shifts in public attitudes toward nature (is it brutal wilderness or in need of protection?) and water (precious commodity or limitless flow?) — that resonate as we remake our relationship to the landscape. Jill Sinclair is a landscape historian, writer, and lecturer now living in Paris.


New England Appearances • Local Subway Advertising


SELFLESS INSIGHT Zen and the Meditative Transformations of Consciousness James H. Austin When neurology researcher James Austin began Zen training, he found that his medical education was inadequate. During the past three decades, he has been at the cutting edge of both Zen and neuroscience, constantly discovering new examples of how these two large fields each illuminate the other. Now, in Selfless Insight, Austin arrives at a fresh synthesis, one that invokes the latest brain research to explain the basis for meditative states and clarifies what Zen awakening implies for our understanding of consciousness. Austin, author of the widely read Zen and the Brain, reminds us why Zen meditation is not only mindfully attentive but evolves to become increasingly selfless and intuitive. Meditators are gradually learning how to replace overemotionality with calm, clear objective comprehension. In this new book, Austin discusses how meditation trains our attention, reprogramming it toward subtle forms of awareness that are more openly mindful. He explains how our maladaptive notions of self are rooted in interactive brain functions. And he describes how, after the extraordinary, deep states of kensho-satori strike off the roots of the self, a flash of transforming insightwisdom leads toward ways of living more harmoniously and selflessly. Selfless Insight is the capstone to Austin’s journey both as a creative neuroscientist and as a Zen practitioner. His quest has spanned an era of unprecedented progress in brain research and has helped define the exciting new field of contemplative neuroscience. James H. Austin, clinical neurologist, researcher, and Zen practitioner, is Professor Emeritus of Neurology at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Clinical Professor of Neurology at the University of Missouri (Columbia) School of Medicine. He is the author of Zen and the Brain, Chase, Chance, and Creativity, and Zen-Brain Reflections, all published by the MIT Press.

Attention, self-consciousness, insight, wisdom, emotional maturity: how Zen teachings can illuminate the way our brains function and vice-versa.

March 7 x 9, 352 pp. 18 illus. in color and black & white $29.95T/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-01259-1

Also available ZEN-BRAIN REFLECTIONS Reviewing Recent Developments in Meditation and States of Consciousness James H. Austin 2006, 978-0-262-01223-2 $39.95T/£25.95 cloth CHASE, CHANCE, AND CREATIVITY The Lucky Art of Novelty James H. Austin 2003, 978-0-262-51135-3 $21.95T/£14.95 paper ZEN AND THE BRAIN Toward an Understanding of Meditation and Consciousness James H. Austin 1999, 978-0-262-51109-4 $38.00T/£25.95 paper



WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Sorting out the scientific facts from the unsupported hype about emotional intelligence.

April 6 x 9, 456 pp. 44 illus. $29.95T/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-01260-7

Also available EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Science and Myth Gerald Matthews, Moshe Zeidner, and Richard D. Roberts 2004, 978-0-262-63296-6 $35.000S/£22.95 paper

How It Affects Learning, Work, Relationships, and Our Mental Health Moshe Zeidner, Gerald Matthews, and Richard D. Roberts Emotional intelligence (or EI) — the ability to perceive, regulate, and communicate emotions, to understand emotions in ourselves and others — has been the subject of best-selling books, magazine cover stories, and countless media mentions. It has been touted as a solution for problems ranging from relationship issues to the inadequacies of local schools. But the media hype has far outpaced the scientific research on emotional intelligence. In What We Know about Emotional Intelligence, three experts who are actively involved in research into EI offer a state-of-the-art account of EI in theory and practice. They tell us what we know about EI based not on anecdote or wishful thinking but on science. EI promises a new means for achieving success and personal happiness. Coaches and consultants offer EI training and administer EQ tests — despite the lack of any agreement on how to measure EI, the usefulness of testing for EI, and even how to define EI. What We Know about Emotional Intelligence looks at current knowledge about EI with the goal of translating it into practical recommendations in work, school, social, and psychological contexts. The authors discuss what is (and what isn’t) EI, why the concept has such appeal today, how EI develops, and the usefulness of EI in the real world — in school curricula, the workplace, and treating psychological dysfunction. Moshe Zeidner is Professor of Educational Psychology and Human Development at the University of Haifa. Gerald Matthews is Professor of Psychology at the University of Cincinnati. Richard D. Roberts is Principal Research Scientist at the Center for New Constructs, Educational Testing Service. They are the coauthors of Emotional Intelligence: Science and Myth, published by the MIT Press.



PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE A Partial Summing-Up Irving Singer In 1984, Irving Singer published the first volume of what would become a classic and much acclaimed trilogy on love. Trained as an analytical philosopher, Singer first approached his subject with the tools of current philosophical methodology. Dissatisfied by the initial results (finding the chapters he had written “just dreary and unproductive of anything”), he turned to the history of ideas in philosophy and the arts for inspiration. He discovered an immensity of speculation and artistic practice that reached wholly beyond the parameters he had been trained to consider truly philosophical. In his three-volume work The Nature of Love, Singer tried to make sense of this historical progression within a framework that reflected his precise distinction-making and analytical background. In this new book, he maps the trajectory of his thinking on love. It is a “partial” summing-up of a lifework: partial because it expresses the author’s still unfolding views, because it is a recapitulation of many published pages, because love — like any subject of that magnitude — resists a neatly comprehensive, all-inclusive formulation. Adopting an informal, even conversational, tone, Singer discusses, among other topics, the history of romantic love, the Platonic ideal, courtly and nineteenth-century Romantic love; the nature of passion; the concept of merging (and his critique of it); ideas about love in Freud, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Dewey, Santayana, Sartre, and other writers; and love in relation to democracy, existentialism, creativity, and the possible future of scientific investigation. Singer’s writing on love embodies what he has learned as a contemporary philosopher, studying other authors in the field and “trying to get a little further.” This book continues his trailblazing explorations. Irving Singer is Professor of Philosophy at MIT. He is the author of the trilogies The Nature of Love and Meaning in Life as well as Reality Transformed: Film as Meaning and Technique, Three Philosophical Filmmakers: Hitchcock, Welles, Renoir, and Ingmar Bergman, Cinematic Philosopher, all published by the MIT Press, as well as many other books.

The author of the classic philosophical treatment of love reflects on the trajectory, over decades, of his thoughts on love and other topics.

March 5 3/8 x 8, 144 pp. $14.95T/£9.95 cloth 978-0-262-19574-4 The Irving Singer Library


THE NATURE OF LOVE Irving Singer “Majestic.” — New York Times Book Review “Monumental.” — Boston Globe “Wise and magisterial.” — Times Literary Supplement “One of the major works of philosophy in our century.” — Noûs THE NATURE OF LOVE Plato to Luther March, 6 x 9, 410 pp. $36.00S/£23.95 paper 978-0-262-51272-5 The Irving Singer Library THE NATURE OF LOVE Courtly and Romantic March, 6 x 9, 528 pp. $36.00S/£23.95 paper 978-0-262-51273-2 The Irving Singer Library THE NATURE OF LOVE The Modern World March, 6 x 9, 488 pp. $36.00S/£23.95 paper 978-0-262-51274-9 The Irving Singer Library

The Irving Singer Library will make Irving Singer’s classic works on philosophy and aesthetics available in a uniform edition.


AFTERALL BOOKS film/photography




La Jetée Janet Harbord

Cultural History 1880-1983 Dan Adler

Chris Marker’s legendary “ciné-roman” (“film novel”) La Jetée is considered one of the greatest and most influential experimental films of all time. This short film — a postapocalyptic story composed almost entirely of black-and-white still photographs — has been praised by cultural theorists and Netflix subscribers alike. In this illustrated study of La Jetée, Janet Harbord focuses in part on the film’s treatment of time — its shifts from a prewar past to a projected future and a further future of the future (each with its own signature images and sound) — arguing that in this way it addresses the nature of consciousness and the simultaneity of timeframes that we inhabit. Harbord moves easily from a close reading of the film to discussions of broader cultural issues, lucidly piecing together the enigma that is La Jetée.

Hanne Darboven’s Kulturgeschichte 1880-1983 (Cultural History 1880-1983) (1980-1983) is an overwhelming and encyclopedic installation consisting of 1,590 works on paper and 19 sculptural objects. The work weaves together cultural, social, and historical references with autobiographical documents, postcards, pinups of film and rock stars, documentary references to the first and second world wars, geometric diagrams for textile weaving, a sampling of New York doorways, illustrated covers from news magazines, the contents of an exhibition catalogue devoted to postwar European and American art, a kitschy literary calendar, and extracts from some of Darboven’s earlier works. The panels are sequenced and grouped, with the groups then juxtaposed in arrangements that often seem little more than chance associations. In his illustrated walk through Darboven’s massive work, Dan Adler explores its visual and aesthetic complexities and considers the work in relation to various projects undertaken by European artists in the 1960s — including Gerhard Richter’s ongoing Atlas. The work is now permanently installed at Dia: Beacon.

Janet Harbord is the author of The Evolution of Film and Film Cultures. She is Senior Lecturer in Film and Screen Media at Goldsmiths College, London. Chris Marker (born in 1921) is one of French cinema’s most influential artists. March 6 x 8 1/2, 112 pp. 32 illus. $16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-048-8 $35.00S/£19.95 cloth 978-1-84638-049-5 One Work series Distributed for Afterall Books

Dan Adler is Assistant Professor of Art History at York University in Toronto. His writings have appeared in Art History and Artforum. Born in Munich in 1941, Hanne Darboven has exhibited her work in the Documenta exhibitions 5, 6, and 7 and in the 40th Venice Biennale. March 6 x 8 1/2, 112 pp. 32 color illus. $16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-050-1 $35.00S/£19.95 cloth 978-1-84638-051-8 One Work series Distributed for Afterall Books



$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-004-4

$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-002-0

$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-001-3

$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-003-7

$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-025-9

$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-031-0

$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-029-7

$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-035-8


“The new series of books published by Afterall initiates a fresh recasting of the usual monographic study. . . . It is such a simple idea it is a wonder that no one has attempted to publish a similar series.” — Andrew Wilson, Art Monthly 16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-027-3

$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-037-2

$16.00T/£9.95 paper 978-1-84638-041-9

Afterall Books is a publishing initiative of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London.


fiction/gay studies

SALVATION ARMY Abdellah Taïa translated by Frank Stock An autobiographical coming-of-age novel by the “only gay man” in Morocco.

March 6 x 9, 152 pp. $14.95T/£9.95 paper 978-1-58435-070-5 Native Agents series Distributed for Semiotext(e)

Also available from Semiotext(e) GOOD SEX ILLUSTRATED Tony Duvert 2007, 978-1-58435-043-9 $14.95T/£9.95 paper THE PASSIONATE MISTAKES AND INTRICATE CORRUPTION OF ONE GIRL IN AMERICA Michelle Tea 2007, 978-1-58435-052-1 $14.95T/£9.95 paper

An autobiographical novel by turn naïve and cunning, funny and moving, this most recent work by Moroccan expatriate Abdellah Taïa is a major addition to the new French literature emerging from the North African Arabic diaspora. Salvation Army is a coming-of-age novel that tells the story of Taïa’s life with complete disclosure — from a childhood bound by family order and latent (homo)sexual tensions in the poor city of Salé, through an adolescence in Tangier charged by the young writer’s attraction to his eldest brother, to a disappointing arrival in the Western world to study in Geneva in adulthood. In so doing, Salvation Army manages to burn through the author’s first-person singularity to embody the complex mélange of fear and desire projected by Arabs on Western culture. Recently hailed by his native country’s press as “the first Moroccan to have the courage to publicly assert his difference,” Taïa, through his calmly transgressive work, has “outed” himself as “the only gay man” in a country whose theocratic law still declares homosexuality a crime. The persistence of prejudices on all sides of the Mediterranean and Atlantic makes the translation of Taïa’s work both a literary and political event. The arrival of Salvation Army (published in French in 2006) in English will be welcomed by an American audience already familiar with a growing cadre of talented Arab writers working in French (including Muhammad Dib, Assia Djebar, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Abdelkebir Khatibi, and K¯atib Y¯as¯ın). Abdellah Taïa (b. 1973) is the first openly gay autobiographical writer published in Morocco. Though Moroccan, he has lived in Paris for the last eight years. He is the author of Mon Maroc and Le rouge du tarbouche, both translated into Dutch and Spanish. He also appeared in Rémi Lange’s 2004 film Tarik el Hob (released in English as The Road to Love).

“Abdellah Taïa is a brilliant young Moroccan living in France. In this novel, appropriately, he talks about his first contacts with Europeans. We learn about the traditional Moroccan family, about Swiss sex tourists, about the Salvation Army in Geneva, about the first burgeoning of desire in a young Arab, about family love and carnal love. Taïa has a captivating way of taking us into his confidence and telling us essential truths.” — Edmund White

Author photo: Denis Dailleux


science fiction

MERCURY STATION Mark Von Schlegell Published by Semiotext(e) in 2005, Mark Von Schlegell’s debut novel Venusia was hailed in the sci-fi and literary worlds as a “breathtaking excursion” and “heady kaleidoscopic trip,” establishing him as an important practitioner of vanguard science fiction. Mercury Station, the second book in Von Schlegell’s System Series, continues the journey into a dystopian literary future. It is 2150. Eddard J. Ryan was born in a laboratory off Luna City, an orphan raised by the Black Rose Army, a radical post-Earth Irish revolutionary movement. But his first bombing went wrong and he’s been stuck in a borstal on Mercury for decades. System Space has collapsed and most of human civilization with it, but Eddie Ryan and his fellow prisoners continue to suffer the remotecontrol domination of the borstal and its condescending central authority, the qompURE MERKUR, programmed to treat them as adolescents. Yet things could be worse. With little human supervision, the qompURE can be fooled. There’s food and whiskey, and best of all, the girl of Eddie Ryan’s dreams, his long-time friend and comrade Koré McAllister, is in the same prison. When his old boss, rich and eccentric chrononaut Count Reginald Skaw shows up in orbit with an entire interstation cruiser at his disposal, there’s even the possibility of escape . . . . back in time. Like Venusia, Mercury Station tells a compelling story, drawn through a labyrinth of future-history sci-fi, medieval hard fantasy, and cascading samplings of high and low culture. The book is a brilliant literary assault against the singularity of self and its imprisonment in Einsteinian spacetime. In addition to science fiction, Mark Von Schlegell writes art criticism, and his work has appeared around the world in such magazines as Parkett, Flash Art, and Spex, and in art books and catalogs from institutions including the Whitney Museum, LAMOCA, and Palais Tokyo.

It’s 2150, and Eddie Ryan is a prisoner on Mercury, ruled by the qompURE MERKUR: compelling future-history sci-fi by the author of Venusia.

March 6 x 9, 328 pp. $17.95T/£11.95 paper 978-1-58435-071-2 Native Agents series Distributed for Semiotext(e)

Also available from Semiotext(e) VENUSIA Mark Von Schlegel 2005, 978-1-58435-026-2 $14.95T/£9.95 paper BABYLON BABIES Maurice G. Dantec 2005, 978-1-58435-023-1 $19.95T/£12.95 paper


“[An] absurdist blending of fantasy and cutting-edge SF that never fails to entertain and proclaims Von Schlegell to be a promising new voice in the genre(s).” — Booklist “A psychedelic sampling of high and low literature that marks the best of the genre.” — Maxim “A breathtaking pulse of radicalism in a field that is all too often overly conservative.” — SF Crowsnest


cultural studies/European history

TERROR FROM THE AIR Peter Sloterdijk translated by Amy Patton Terrorism as the matrix of modern and postmodern war, from Ypres to Auschwitz, from the bombing of Dresden to the attack on the World Trade Center.

March 6 x 9, 128 pp. $14.95T/£9.95 paper 978-1-58435-072-9 Foreign Agents series Distributed for Semiotext(e)

Also available from Semiotext(e) IN THE SHADOW OF THE SILENT MAJORITIES Jean Baudrillard 2007, 978-1-58435-038-5 $14.95T/£9.95 paper


According to Peter Sloterdijk, the twentieth century started on a specific day and place: April 22, 1915, at Ypres in Northern France. That day, the German army used a chlorine gas meant to exterminate indiscriminately. Until then, war, as described by Clausewitz and practiced by Napoleon, involved attacking the adversary’s vital function first. Using poison gas signaled the passage from classical war to terrorism. This terror from the air inaugurated an era in which the main idea was no longer to target the enemy’s body, but their environment. From then on, what would be attacked in wartime as well as in peacetime would be the very conditions necessary for life. This kind of terrorism became the matrix of modern and postmodern war, from World War I’s toxic gas to the Nazi Zyklon B used in Auschwitz, from the bombing of Dresden to the attack on the World Trade Center. Sloterdijk goes on to describe the offensive of modern aesthetics, aesthetic terrorism from Surrealism to Malevich — an “atmo-terrorism” in the arts that parallels the assault on environment that had originated in warfare. Peter Sloterdijk (b. 1947) is one of the best known and widely read German intellectuals writing today. His 1983 publication of Critique of Cynical Reason (published in English in 1988) became the best-selling German book of philosophy since World War II. He became president of the State Academy of Design at the Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe in 2001. He has been cohost of a discussion program, Der Philosophische Quartett (Philosophical Quartet) on German television since 2002.

cultural studies/philosophy


SOFT SUBVERSIONS Texts and Interviews 1977–1985 Félix Guattari edited by Sylvère Lotringer introduction by Charles J. Stivale This new edition of Soft Subversions expands, reorganizes, and develops the original 1996 publication, offering a carefully organized arrangement of essays, interviews, and short texts that present a fuller scope to Guattari’s thinking from 1977 to 1985. This period encompasses what Guattari himself called the “Winter Years” of the early 1980s — the ascent of the Right, the spread of environmental catastrophe, the rise of a disillusioned youth with diminished prospects for career and future, and the establishment of a postmodernist ideology that offered solutions toward adaptation rather than change — a period with discernible echoes twenty years later. Following Semiotext(e)’s release last season of the new, expanded edition of Chaosophy: Texts and Interviews 1972–1977, this book makes Guattari’s central ideas and concepts fully available in the format that had been best suited to Guattari’s temperament: the guerrilla-styled intervention of the short essay and interactive dialogue. This edition includes such previously unpublished, substantive texts as “Institutional Intervention” and “About Schools,” along with new translations of “War, Crisis, or Life” and “The Nuclear State,” interviews and essays on a range of topics including adolescence and Italy, dream analysis and schizo-analysis, Marcel Proust and Jimmy Carter, as well as invaluable autobiographical documents such as “I Am an Idea-Thief ” and “So What.”

A new, expanded, and reorganized edition of a collection of texts that present a fuller scope to Guattari’s thinking from 1977 to 1985.

April 6 x 9, 288 pp. $17.95T/£11.95 paper 978-1-58435-073-6 Foreign Agents series Distributed for Semiotext(e)

Also available from Semiotext(e) CHAOSOPHY Félix Guattari 2008, 978-1-58435-060-6 $17.95T/£11.95 paper MOLECULAR REVOLUTION IN BRAZIL Félix Guattari and Suely Rolnik 2008, 978-1-58435-051-4 $17.95T/£11.95 paper THE ANTI-OEDIPUS PAPERS Félix Guattari 2006, 978-1-58435-031-6 $17.95T/£11.95 paper

Félix Guattari (1930–1992), post-’68 French psychoanalyst and philosopher, is the author of Anti-Oedipus (with Gilles Deleuze), and a number of books published by Semiotext(e), including The Anti-Oedipus Papers and Molecular Revolution in Brazil (with Suely Rolnik).


cultural studies


THE AESTHETICS OF DISAPPEARANCE Virilio introduces his understanding of “picnolepsy” — the epileptic state of consciousness produced by speed.

May 6 x 9, 128 pp. $14.95T/£9.95 paper 978-1-58435-074-3 Foreign Agents series Distributed for Semiotext(e)

Also available from Semiotext(e) PURE WAR Paul Virilio and Sylvère Lotringer 2008, 978-1-58435-059-0 $14.95T/£9.95 paper SPEED AND POLITICS Paul Virilio 2007, 978-1-58435-040-8 $14.95T/£9.95 paper THE ACCIDENT OF ART Sylvère Lotringer and Paul Virilio 2005, 978-1-58435-020-0 $14.95T/£9.95 pa

Paul Virilio introduction by Jonathan Crary Virilio himself referred to his 1980 work The Aesthetics of Disappearance as a “juncture” in his thinking, one at which he brought his focus onto the logistics of perception — a logistics he would soon come to refer to as the “vision machine.” If Speed and Politics established Virilio as the inaugural — and still consummate — theorist of “dromology” (the theory of speed and the society it defines), The Aesthetics of Disappearance introduced his understanding of “picnolepsy” — the epileptic state of consciousness produced by speed, or rather, the consciousness invented by the subject through its very absence: the gaps, glitches, and speed bumps lacing through and defining it. Speed and Politics defined the society of speed; The Aesthetics of Disappearance defines what it feels like to live in the society of speed. “I always write with images,” Virilio has claimed, and this statement is nowhere better illustrated than with The Aesthetics of Disappearance. Moving from the movie theater to the freeway, and from Craig Breedlove’s attainment of terrifying speed in a rocket-power car to the immobility of Howard Hughes in his dark room atop the Desert Inn, Virilio himself jump cuts from such disparate reference points as Fred Astaire, Franz Liszt, and Adolf Loos to Dostoyevsky, Paul Morand, and Aldous Huxley. In its extension of the “aesthetics of disappearance” to war, film, and politics, this book paved the way to Virilio’s follow-up: the celebrated study, War and Cinema. This edition features a new introduction by Jonathan Crary, one of the leading theorists of modern visual culture. Paul Virilio has published twenty-five books, including Pure War (1988) (his first in English) and The Accident of Art (2005), both written with Sylvère Lotringer, as well as Speed and Politics and Lost Dimension, all published by Semiotext(e).


ZONE BOOKS/NOW IN PAPER art history/history of science

THE CLAUDE GLASS Use and Meaning of the Black Mirror in Western Art Arnaud Maillet translated by Jeff Fort In this first full-length study of a largely forgotten optical device from the eighteenth century, Arnaud Maillet reconfigures our historical understanding of visual experience and meaning in relation to notions of opacity, transparency, and imagination. Many are familiar with the Claude glass as a small black convex mirror used by artists and spectators of landscape to reflect a view and make tonal values and areas of light and shade visible. In a groundbreaking account, Maillet goes well beyond this particular function of the glass and situates it within a richer archaeology of Western thought, exploring the uncertainties and anxieties about mirrors, reflections, and their potential distortions. He takes us from the magical and occult background of the “black mirror,” through a full evaluation of its importance in the age of the picturesque, to its persistence in a range of technological and representational practices, including photography, film, and contemporary art. The Claude Glass is a lasting contribution to the history of Western visual culture.

A study of a largely forgotten optical device and its relation to notions of opacity, transparency, and imagination.

April 6 x 9, 295 pp. 36 illus. $21.95T/£14.95 paper 978-1-890951-48-1 Distributed for Zone Books cloth 2004 978-1-890951-47-4

Arnaud Maillet is an art historian who received his doctorate at the University of Paris I. The Claude Glass is his first book.

Black Mirror, from Ernest Hareux, Cours complet de peinture a l'huile (Paris: H. Laurens, n.d.).


ZONE BOOKS/NOW IN PAPER philosophy/art history

THE CRADLE OF HUMANITY A radically interdisciplinary inquiry into the origins of human consciousness, community, and potential.

April 6 x 9, 224 pp. 15 illus. $19.95T/£12.95 paper 978-1-890951-56-6 Distributed for Zone Books cloth 2005 978-1-890951-55-9

Prehistoric Art and Culture Georges Bataille edited and introduced by Stuart Kendall translated by Michelle Kendall and Stuart Kendall The Cradle of Humanity collects essays and lectures by Georges Bataille spanning thirty years of research in anthropology, comparative religion, aesthetics, and philosophy. These were neither idle nor idyllic years; the discovery of Lascaux in 1940 coincides with the bloodiest war in history — with new machines of death, Auschwitz, and Hiroshima. Bataille’s reflections on the possible origins of humanity coincide with the intensified threat of its possible extinction. For Bataille, prehistory is universal history; it is the history of a human community before its fall into separation, into nations and races. The art of prehistory offers the earliest traces of nascent yet fully human consciousness — of consciousness not yet fully separated from natural flora and fauna, or from the energetic forces of the universe. A play of identities, the art of prehistory is the art of a consciousness struggling against itself, of a human spirit struggling against brute animal physicality. Prehistory is the cradle of humanity, the birth of tragedy. Bataille reaches beyond disciplinary specializations to imagine a moment when thought was universal. Bataille’s work provides a model for interdisciplinary inquiry in our own day, a universal imagination and thought for our own potential community. The Cradle of Humanity speaks to philosophers and historians of thought, to anthropologists interested in the history of their discipline and in new methodologies, to theologians and religious comparatists interested in the origins and nature of man’s encounter with the sacred, and to art historians and aestheticians grappling with the place of prehistory in the canons of art. Georges Bataille (1897–1962) was a French writer, essayist, and philosopher whose works include The Story of the Eye, The Blue of Noon, The Accursed Share, and Theory of Religion.


NOW IN PAPER philosophy/cultural studies

THE PARALLAX VIEW Slavoj Žižek The Parallax View is Slavoj Žižek’s most substantial theoretical work to appear in many years; Žižek himself describes it as his magnum opus. A parallax can be defined as the apparent displacement of an object caused by a change in observational position. Žižek is interested in the “parallax gap” separating two points between which no synthesis or mediation is possible, linked by an “impossible short circuit” of levels that can never meet. From this consideration of parallax, Žižek begins a rehabilitation of dialectical materialism. The Parallax View not only expands Žižek’s Lacanian-Hegelian approach to new domains (notably cognitive brain sciences) but also provides the systematic exposition of the conceptual framework that underlies his entire work. Philosophical and theological analysis and detailed readings of literature, cinema, and music coexist with lively anecdotes and obscene jokes. This is Žižek at the height of his powers, both as a writer and a thinker. Slavoj Žižek is a philosopher and cultural critic. He has published more than thirty books, including Looking Awry, The Puppet and the Dwarf, and The Monstrosity of Christ (coauthored with John Milbank), all three published by the MIT Press.

Žižek's magnum opus — his most substantial theoretical work in many years.

April 6 x 9, 448 pp. $14.95T/£9.95 paper 978-0-262-51268-8 cloth 2006 978-0-262-24051-2 Short Circuits series, edited by Slavoj Žižek

Also available in this series THE MONSTROSITY OF CHRIST Paradox or Dialectic? Slavoj Žižek and John Milbank edited by Creston Davis 2009, 978-0-262-01271-3 $27.95T/£18.95 cloth A VOICE AND NOTHING MORE Mladen Dolar 2006, 978-0-262-54187-9 $20.95T/£13.95 paper THE PUPPET AND THE DWARF The Perverse Core of Christianity Slavoj Žižek 2003, 978-0-262-74025-8 $18.95T/£12.95 paper THE SHORTEST SHADOW Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Two Alenka Zupan¯c i¯c 2003, 978-0-262-74026-5 $18.95T/£12.95 paper

“This challenging book takes us on a roller coaster ride whose every loop is a Möbius strip.” — Publishers Weekly “Žižek has only to clap eyes on a received truth to feel the intolerable itch to deface it. . . Žižek is that rare breed of writer — one who is both lucid and esoteric. If he is sometimes hard to understand, it is because of the intricacy of his ideas, not because of a self-preening style.” — Terry Eagleton, Artforum “No one demonstrates the continued philosophical vitality of Marxism better than Slavoj Žižek.” — Tikkun


NOW IN PAPER philosophy




Meaning in a Material World Owen Flanagan If consciousness is “the hard problem” in mind science — explaining how the amazing private world of consciousness emerges from neuronal activity — then “the really hard problem,” Owen Flanagan writes in this provocative book, is explaining how meaning is possible in the material world. How can we make sense of the magic and mystery of life naturalistically, without an appeal to the supernatural? How do we say truthful and enchanting things about being human if we accept the fact that we are finite material beings living in a material world, or, in Flanagan’s words, short-lived pieces of organized muscle and tissue? Flanagan’s answer is both naturalistic and enchanting. We all wish to live in a meaningful way, to live a life that really matters, to flourish, to achieve eudaimonia — to be a “happy spirit.” Flanagan draws on philosophy and science, as well as on transformative mindfulness and self-cultivation practices that come from such nontheistic spiritual traditions as Buddhism, Confucianism, Aristotelianism, and Stoicism. He gathers from these disciplines knowledge that will help us to understand how to contribute to the accumulation of good effects — how to live a meaningful life. Owen Flanagan is James B. Duke Professor of Philosophy at Duke University. He is the author of Consciousness Reconsidered (MIT Press), The Problem of the Soul: Two Visions of Mind and How to Reconcile Them, and other books.

The Case for a Science of Human Behavior Lee McIntyre During the Dark Ages, the progress of Western civilization virtually stopped. The knowledge gained by the scholars of the classical age was lost; for nearly 600 years, life was governed by superstitions and fears fueled by ignorance. In this outspoken and forthright book, Lee McIntyre argues that today we are in a new Dark Age — that we are as ignorant of the causes of human behavior as people centuries ago were of the causes of such natural phenomena as disease, famine, and eclipses. We are no further along in our understanding of what causes war, crime, and poverty — and how to end them — than our ancestors. We need, McIntyre says, another scientific revolution; we need the courage to apply a more rigorous methodology to human behavior, to go where the empirical evidence leads us — even if it threatens our cherished religious or political beliefs about human autonomy, race, class, and gender. Lee McIntyre is a Research Fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science at Boston University. He is the author of Laws and Explanation in the Social Sciences: Defending a Science of Human Behavior.

“McIntyre has written a beautiful and timely ode to scientific rationality." — Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation

“Owen Flanagan explores the questions that matter most to us — life’s magic, mystery, and meaning — in the most engaging, even entertaining, style.” — Daniel Goleman, author of Social Intelligence

“It takes a lot of nerve to insist that a scientific understanding of human behavior should guide our approach to social problems. Lee McIntyre has that nerve, and makes a clear case for the value of value-free science. This book will make waves.” — Daniel M. Wegner, Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, and author of The Illusion of Conscious Will

April — 6 x 9 304 pp. — 1 illus.

April — 5 3/ 8 x 8, 176 pp.

$15.95T/£10.95 paper 978-0-262-51248-0

$13.95T/£8.95 paper 978-0-262-51254-1

cloth 2007 978-0-262-06264-0

cloth 2006 978-0-262-13469-9

“The book sparkles with thought and a likeable humour.” — Steven Poole, The Guardian


NOW IN PAPER science/biography

game studies



Deciphering the Ends of DNA Catherine Brady Molecular biologist Elizabeth Blackburn — one of Time magazine’s 100 “People Who Shape Our World” in 2007 — made headlines in 2004 when she was dismissed from the President’s Council on Bioethics after objecting to the council’s call for a moratorium on stem cell research and protesting the suppression of relevant scientific evidence in its final report. But it is Blackburn’s groundbreaking work on telomeric DNA, which launched the field of telomere research, that will have the more profound and long-lasting effect on science and society. In this compelling biography, Catherine Brady tells the story of Elizabeth Blackburn’s life and work and the emergence of a new field of scientific research on the specialized ends of chromosomes and the telomerase enzyme that extends them. In Brady’s hands, Blackburn’s story reveals much about the tension between pure and applied science, the politicking that makes research science such a competitive field, and the resourceful opportunism that characterizes the best scientific thinking. Catherine Brady is Assistant Professor in the MFA in Writing Program at the University of San Francisco. She is the author of two collections of short stories, The End of the Class War and Curled in the Bed of Love (a winner of the 2002 Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction).

“An inspiring account of a real-life heroine, and a lesson in how to conduct Nobel-quality research.” — Nancy Hopkins, Amgen, Inc. Professor of Biology, MIT “Although Blackburn is certainly not an average woman scientist, there are many features of her journey that others who are interested in medical science — women and men alike — will connect with.” — Thomas R. Cech, Ph.D., New England Journal of Medicine April — 6 x 9, 408 pp. — 23 illus. $15.95T/£10.95 paper 978-0-262-51245-9

Exploring Online Game Culture T. L. Taylor In Play Between Worlds, T. L. Taylor examines multiplayer gaming life as it is lived on the borders, in the gaps — as players slip in and out of complex social networks that cross online and offline space. Taylor questions the common assumption that playing computer games is an isolating and alienating activity indulged in by solitary teenage boys. Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), in which thousands of players participate in a virtual game world in real time, are in fact actively designed for sociability. Games like the popular EverQuest, she argues, are fundamentally social spaces. Taylor’s detailed look at EverQuest offers a snapshot of multiplayer culture. Drawing on her own experience as an EverQuest player (as a female Gnome Necromancer) — including her attendance at an EverQuest Fan Faire, with its blurring of online and offline life — and extensive research, Taylor not only shows us something about games but raises broader cultural issues. T. L. Taylor is Associate Professor in the Department of Digital Aesthetics and Communication at the IT University of Copenhagen.

“A fascinating peek into the formal and social architecture that undergirds and shapes the cultural phenomena that is EverQuest.” — Jane C. Park, New Media and Society “T. L. Taylor's book takes the reader on a full-immersion tour of a virtual world. . . . A must-read for anyone interested in the ways in which this fascinating medium has developed and will continue to grow.” — Raph Koster, Chief Creative Officer, Sony Online Entertainment April — 6 x 9, 208 pp. — 13 illus. $15.95T/£10.95 paper 978-0-262-51262-6 cloth 2006 978-0-262-20163-6

cloth 2007 978-0-262-02622-2


NOW IN PAPER current affairs/technology and society

computer science/technology



Politics, Commerce, and Childhood in the Age of the Internet Kathryn C. Montgomery

The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship John Willinsky

Children and teens today have integrated digital culture seamlessly into their lives. For most, using the Internet, playing videogames, downloading music onto an iPod, or multitasking with a cell phone is no more complicated than setting the toaster oven to “bake” or turning on the TV. In Generation Digital, media expert and activist Kathryn Montgomery examines the ways in which the new media landscape is changing the nature of childhood and adolescence and analyzes recent political debates that have shaped both policy and practice in digital culture. Montgomery charts a confluence of historical trends that made children and teens a particularly valuable target market during the early commercialization of the Internet and describes the consumer-group advocacy campaign that led to a law to protect children’s privacy on the Internet. Montgomery recounts — as a participant and as a media scholar — the highly publicized battles over indecency and pornography on the Internet. And she shows how digital marketing taps into teenagers’ developmental needs and how three public service campaigns — about sexuality, smoking, and political involvement — borrowed their techniques from commercial digital marketers.

Questions about access to scholarship go back farther than recent debates over subscription prices, rights, and electronic archives suggest. The great libraries of the past — from the fabled collection at Alexandria to the early public libraries of nineteenth-century America — stood as arguments for increasing access. In The Access Principle, John Willinsky describes the latest chapter in this ongoing story — online open access publishing by scholarly journals — and makes a case for open access as a public good. A commitment to scholarly work, writes Willinsky, carries with it a responsibility to circulate that work as widely as possible: this is the access principle. In the digital age, that responsibility includes exploring new publishing technologies and economic models to improve access to scholarly work. The right to know and the right to be known are inextricably mixed. Open access, argues Willinsky, can benefit both a researcher-author working at the best-equipped lab at a leading research university and a teacher struggling to find resources in an impoverished high school.

Kathryn C. Montgomery is Professor in the Public Communication Division, School of Communication, at American University, where she directs the Project on Youth, Media, and Democracy. She is the author of Target: Prime Time: Advocacy Groups and the Struggle over Entertainment Television.

“Montgomery — a media scholar, activist, and mother — brings an encyclopedic and well-organized body of evidence to bear on a debate that has been confused by moral panics, uninformed analyses, and ideological agendas.” — Howard Rheingold, author of The Virtual Community and Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution April — 6 x 9, 368 pp. $15.95T/£10.95 paper 978-0-262-51256-5 cloth 2007 978-0-262-13478-1


John Willinsky is Kholsa Family Professor of Education at Stanford University. He is the author of Empire of Words: The Reign of the OED and a developer of Open Journals Systems software.

“ The Access Principle is a brilliant book, meticulously researched and richly documented.” — Gene Glass and Sherman Dorn, TC Record • Winner of the 2006 Distinguished Book Award sponsored by the international journal Computers and Cognition • Winner of the Blackwell Scholarship Award presented by the American Library Association April — 6 x 9, 312 pp. $16.95T/£10.95 paper 978-0-262-51266-4 cloth 2005 978-0-262-23242-5 Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing series

NOW IN PAPER new media/art




From Alberti to Microsoft Anne Friedberg As we spend more and more of our time staring at the screens of movies, televisions, computers, and handheld devices — “windows” full of moving images, texts, and icons — how the world is framed has become as important as what is in the frame. In The Virtual Window, Anne Friedberg examines the window as metaphor, as architectural component, and as an opening to the dematerialized reality we see on the screen. In De pictura (1435), Leon Battista Alberti famously instructed painters to consider the frame of the painting as an open window. Taking Alberti’s metaphor as her starting point, Friedberg tracks shifts in the perspectival paradigm as she gives us histories of the architectural window, developments in glass and transparency, and the emerging apparatuses of photography, cinema, television, and digital imaging. On the computer screen where multiple “windows” coexist and overlap, perspective may have met its end. The Virtual Window proposes a new logic of visuality, framed and virtual: an architecture not only of space but of time. Anne Friedberg is Professor of Critical Studies at the School of Cinema-Television, University of Southern California. She is the author of Window Shopping: Cinema and the Postmodern. Honorable Mention, 2008 Katherine Singer Kovacs Book Award presented by the Society for Cinema and Media Studies

“This is an enthralling account of the theory and practice of using windows and screens as a visual metaphor.” — Philip Calvert, The Electronic Library “Friedberg brilliantly demonstrates that the virtual window has been the most successful single tool for mimesis, command, and control in the history of Western civilization.” — Mario Carpo, École d'Architecture de Paris-La Villette April — 7 x 9, 376 pp. — 83 illus. $17.95T/£11.95 paper 978-0-262-51250-3

The Malaise of the World’s First Welfare State Hans-Werner Sinn What has happened to the German economic miracle? Rebuilding from the rubble and ruin of two world wars, Germany in the second half of the twentieth century recaptured its economic strength. High-quality Germanmade products ranging from precision tools to automobiles again conquered world markets, and the country experienced stratospheric growth and virtually full employment. Germany (or West Germany, until 1989) returned to its position as the economic powerhouse of Europe and became the world’s thirdlargest economy after the United States and Japan. But in recent years growth has slowed, unemployment has soared, and the economic unification of eastern and western Germany has been mishandled. Europe’s largest economy is now outperformed by many of its European neighbors in per capita terms. In Can Germany Be Saved? Hans-Werner Sinn, one of Germany’s leading economists, takes a candid look at his country’s economic problems (many of which he traces to an increasingly intractable conflict between Germany’s welfare state and the forces of globalization) and proposes welfare- and tax-reform measures aimed at returning Germany to its former vigor and vitality. Hans-Werner Sinn is Professor of Economics and Public Finance at the University of Munich. He is President of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research and Director of the Center for Economic Studies at the University of Munich. He is a coauthor of Jumpstart: The Economic Unification of Germany (MIT Press, 1994). Winner of the 2003 Financial Times Deutschland Award for the best economics book dealing with reforms.

“Sinn’s creative vision of a stronger, viable German economy is illuminating, not just for his country but for the many developed nations that confront similar dilemmas.” — Alan J. Auerbach, Director, Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance, University of California, Berkeley April — 6 x 9, 360 pp. — 50 illus.

cloth 2006 978-0-262-06252-7

$21.95T/£14.95 paper 978-0-262-51260-2 cloth 2007 978-0-262-19558-4


NOW IN PAPER economics




Job Creation and Job Destruction in a Growing Economy Pierre Cahuc and André Zylberberg translated by William McCuaig

How Child Language Illuminates Humanism Tom Roeper foreword by Samuel Jay Keyser

Every working day in the United States, 90,000 jobs disappear — and an equal number are created. This discovery has radically altered the way economists think about how labor markets work. Without this necessary phenomenon of “creative destruction,” our economies would experience much lower growth. Unemployment is a natural consequence of a vigorous economy — in fact, it is indispensable to it. In The Natural Survival of Work, labor economists Pierre Cahuc and André Zylberberg consider how to manage the unemployment that results from the desirable churning of the economy, drawing on recent economic research and citing examples from France, the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere. Pierre Cahuc is Professor of Economics at the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Professor at the École Polytechnique, and Research Fellow at EUREQua, CREST, CEPR, and IZA. André Zylberberg is Research Director at CNRS, Professor of Economics at the École Polytechnique, and Research Fellow at EUREQua-University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne. Cahuc and Zylberberg are the authors of Labor Economics (MIT Press, 2004). The French edition of The Natural Survival of Work won the 2004 European Economics Book Award.

“The book is short, nontechnical, and creatively written for the economist, but also accessible to the general reader, demonstrating a more evidence-based long-term approach to the subject of unemployment.” — Mary Beth Sutter Childs, The Business Economist “Going beyond the usual clichés, and reviewing the large body of evidence on the effects of unemployment insurance, employment protection, and the minimum wage, Cahuc and Zylberberg tell us how to and how not to do it. Read this book and you will learn.” — Olivier Blanchard, Professor of Economics, MIT

Every sentence we hear is instantly analyzed by an inner grammar; just as a prism refracts a beam of light, grammar divides a stream of sound, linking diverse strings of information to different domains of mind — memory, vision, emotions, intentions. In The Prism of Grammar, Tom Roeper brings the abstract principles behind modern grammar to life by exploring the astonishing intricacies of child language. Adult expressions provide endless puzzles for the child to solve. The individual child’s solutions (“Don’t uncomfortable the cat” is one example) may amuse adults but they also reveal the complexity of language and the challenges of mastering it. Roeper offers numerous and novel “explorations” that elicit how the child confronts “recursion” — the heartbeat of grammar. Each chapter on acquisition begins with a commonsense look at how structures work — moving from the simple to the complex — and then turns to the literary and human dimensions of grammar. Tom Roeper is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

“For three decades, Tom Roeper has been one of the most acute observers of semantic and grammatical subtleties in children’s speech, and one of the most creative thinkers on how to connect linguistic theory with language acquisition research. It is nice to have his insights collected into a book, which will be a source of ideas for years to come.” — Steven Pinker, author of The Stuff of Thought “Lucid and engaging, The Prism of Grammar leads the reader from striking observations and experiments with children that anyone can carry out to subtle and intricate issues that concern every parent — in fact, anyone seeking to understand who we are and what we should be.” — Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor, MIT

March — 6 x 9, 184 pp. — 5 illus. $15.95T/£10.95 paper 978-0-262-51246-6 cloth 2006 978-0-262-03357-2


March — 7 x 9, 376 pp. — 50 illus. $18.95T/£12.95 paper 978-0-262-51258-9 cloth 2007 978-0-262-18252-2

NOW IN PAPER cognitive science/philosophy/linguistics

philosophy of mind/neuroscience



Essays on Mental Structure Ray Jackendoff Ray Jackendoff ’s Language, Consciousness, Culture represents a breakthrough in developing an integrated theory of human cognition. It will be of interest to a broad spectrum of cognitive scientists. Jackendoff argues that linguistics has become isolated from the other cognitive sciences at least partly because of the syntax-based architecture assumed by mainstream generative grammar. He proposes an alternative parallel architecture for the language faculty that permits a greater internal integration of the components of language and connects far more naturally to such larger issues in cognitive neuroscience as language processing, the connection of language to vision, and the evolution of language. Language, Consciousness, Culture extends Jackendoff ’s pioneering theory of conceptual semantics to two of the most important domains of human thought: social cognition and theory of mind. The breadth of the approach will foster cross-disciplinary conversation; the vision is to develop a richer understanding of human nature. Ray Jackendoff is Seth Merrin Professor of Philosophy and Codirector of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. He is the author of many books, including The Architecture of the Language Faculty (MIT Press, 1997).

“I wish that other linguists, both generative and cognitive, had [Jackendoff ’s] scope and intellectual ambition.” — George Lakoff, American Scientist “I recommend [these essays] to anyone interested in how the mind works.” — Steven Pinker, author of The Stuff of Thought March — 6 x 9, 432 pp. — 21 illus. $19.00S/£12.95 paper 978-0-262-51253-4 cloth 2007 978-0-262-10119-6

From Libertarian Illusions to a Concept of Natural Autonomy Henrik Walter translated by Cynthia Klohr Neuroscientists routinely investigate such classical philosophical topics as consciousness, thought, language, meaning, aesthetics, and death. According to Henrik Walter, philosophers should in turn embrace the wealth of research findings and ideas provided by neuroscience. In this book Walter applies the methodology of neurophilosophy to one of philosophy’s central challenges, the notion of free will. Neurophilosophical conclusions are based on, and consistent with, scientific knowledge about the brain and its functioning. Walter’s answer to the question of free will is: It depends. According to Walter, freedom of will is an illusion if we mean by it that under identical conditions we would be able to do or decide otherwise, while simultaneously acting only for reasons and being the true originators of our actions. In place of this scientifically untenable strong version of free will, Walter offers what he calls natural autonomy — self-determination unaided by supernatural powers that could exist even in an entirely determined universe. Although natural autonomy can support neither our traditional concept of guilt nor certain cherished illusions about ourselves, it does not imply the abandonment of all concepts of responsibility. For we are not mere marionettes, with no influence over our thoughts or actions. Henrik Walter is a psychiatrist, neurologist, and philosopher. He is a research scientist and chief consultant psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Ulm.

“This book serves as an excellent source book of neurobiological and naturalistic foundations for philosophical arguments for a differentiated and modified thesis of what was called ‘free will.’” — Professor Hans Lenk, University of Karlsruhe

Jean Nicod Lectures

March — 6 x 9, 408 pp. — 7 illus.

A Bradford Book

$27.00S/£17.95 paper 978-0-262-51265-7

Not for sale in France

cloth 2001 978-0-262-23214-2


NOW IN PAPER philosophy/cognitive science

cognitive neuroscience



Robert Hanna In Rationality and Logic, Robert Hanna argues that logic is intrinsically psychological and that human psychology is intrinsically logical. He claims that logic is cognitively constructed by rational animals (including humans) and that rational animals are essentially logical animals. In order to do so, he defends the broadly Kantian thesis that all (and only) rational animals possess an innate cognitive “logic faculty.” Hanna’s claims challenge the conventional philosophical wisdom that sees logic as a fully formal or “topic-neutral” science irreconcilably separate from the species- or individual-specific focus of empirical psychology. Logic and psychology went their separate ways after attacks by Frege and Husserl on logical psychologism — the explanatory reduction of logic to empirical psychology. Hanna argues, however, that — despite the fact that logical psychologism is false — there is an essential link between logic and psychology. Hanna’s proposed “logical cognitivism” has two important consequences: the recognition by logically oriented philosophers that psychologists are their colleagues in the metadiscipline of cognitive science; and radical changes in cognitive science itself. Cognitive science, Hanna argues, is not at bottom a natural science; it is both an objective or truth-oriented science and a normative human science, as is logic itself.

edited by Susan Pockett, William P. Banks, and Shaun Gallagher

Robert Hanna is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is the author of Kant and the Foundations of Analytical Philosophy.

Susan Pockett is Visiting Scientist in the Physics Department at the University of Auckland. William P. Banks is Professor of Psychology at Pomona College and editor-in-chief of the journal Consciousness and Cognition. Shaun Gallagher is Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at the University of Central Florida and coeditor of the journal Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.

“This stimulating and wide-ranging book will be of interest to philosophers of logic and also to cognitive psychologists.” — Professor Jane Heal, University of Cambridge March — 6 x 9, 344 pp. $18.00S/£11.95 paper 978-0-262-51251-0 cloth 2006 978-0-262-08349-2

Our intuition tells us that we, our conscious selves, cause our own voluntary acts. Yet scientists have long questioned this; Thomas Huxley, for example, in 1874 compared mental events to a steam whistle that contributes nothing to the work of a locomotive. New experimental evidence (most notable, work by Benjamin Libet and Daniel Wegner) has brought the causal status of human behavior back to the forefront of intellectual discussion. This multidisciplinary collection advances the debate, approaching the question from a variety of perspectives. The contributors begin by examining recent research in neuroscience that suggests that consciousness does not cause behavior, offering the outline of an empirically based model that shows how the brain causes behavior and where consciousness might fit in. Other contributors address the philosophical presuppositions that may have informed the empirical studies, raising questions about what can be legitimately concluded about the existence of free will from Libet’s and Wegner’s experimental results. Others examine how recent psychological and neuroscientific research might affect legal, social, and moral judgments of responsibility and blame — in situations including a provocative Clockwork Orange-like scenario of behavior correction.

“Overall, this is an excellent volume that brings together an impressive cast of commentators on the key question for consciousness studies: does the c word actually do anything.” — Jonjoe McFadden, Journal of Consciousness Studies March — 7 x 9, 376 pp. — 14 illus. $26.00S/£16.95 paper 978-0-262-51257-2 cloth 2006 978-0-262-16237-1


NOW IN PAPER bioethics/medical ethics

information science



Medical Underwriting and Social Policy edited by Mark A. Rothstein Insurance companies routinely use an individual’s medical history and family medical history in determining eligibility for life insurance; this is part of the process of medical underwriting. Insurers have also long used genetic information, often derived from family history, in underwriting. But rapid advances in gene identification and genetic testing are changing the way we look at genetic information. Should the results of genetic testing (which might identify a predisposition toward disease not related to medical history) be available to life insurance medical underwriters? Few if any life insurers currently require genetic testing, but there are no laws or regulations prohibiting its use. Genetics and Life Insurance examines the complex economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of genetic information in life insurance underwriting. Mark A. Rothstein is Herbert F. Boehl Chair of Law and Medicine and Director of the Institute for Bioethics, Health Policy, and Law in the School of Medicine at the University of Louisville.

“This book is a handy and informative reference for anyone who is considering the issues related to genetic discrimination in life insurance.” — Annie Mould, New England Journal of Medicine “This excellent collection of essays demonstrates why the relationship between genes and life insurance is an important one, both as a practical matter for many individuals and as a lesson in fashioning public policy.” — Maxwell J. Mehlman, Journal of the American Medical Association March — 6 x 9, 312 pp. — 14 illus. $18.00S/£11.95 paper 978-0-262-51259-6 cloth 2004 978-0-262-18236-2

Elaine Svenonius Instant electronic access to digital information is the single most distinguishing attribute of the information age. The elaborate retrieval mechanisms that support such access are a product of technology. But technology is not enough. The effectiveness of a system for accessing information is a direct function of the intelligence put into organizing it. Just as the practical field of engineering has theoretical physics as its underlying base, the design of systems for organizing information rests on an intellectual foundation. The subject of this book is the systematized body of knowledge that constitutes this foundation. Integrating the disparate disciplines of descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, indexing, and classification, the book adopts a conceptual framework that views the process of organizing information as the use of a special language of description called a bibliographic language. After an analytic discussion of the intellectual foundation of information organization, the book moves from generalities to particulars, presenting an overview of three bibliographic languages: work languages, document languages, and subject languages. Elaine Svenonius is Professor Emeritus of Library Information Science at the University of California, Los Angeles.

“ The Intellectual Foundations of Information Organization is a dense, intellectually rigorous, and well-written book. . . . A major contribution to the field of cataloging.” — Journal of the Association for History and Computing “This book provides sound guidance to future developers of search engines and retrieval systems. The work is original, building on the foundations of information science and librarianship of the past 150 years.” — Barbara B. Tillett, Director, ILS Program, Library of Congress

Basic Bioethics series March — 6 x 9, 280 pp. $24.00S/£15.95 paper 978-0-262-51261-9 cloth 2000 978-0-262-19433-4 Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing series


NOW IN PAPER computer science/human-computer interaction

information science/Internet/geography



Designing for Business and Workplace Realities Keld Bødker, Finn Kensing, and Jesper Simonsen

The Geographic Associations of Information Linda L. Hill

The goal of participatory IT design is to set sensible, general, and workable guidelines for the introduction of new information technology systems into an organization. Reflecting the latest systems-development research, this book encourages a businessoriented and socially sensitive approach that takes into consideration the specific organizational context as well as firsthand knowledge of users’ work practices and allows all stakeholders — users, management, and staff — to participate in the process. Participatory IT Design is a guide to the theory and practice of this process that can be used as a reference work by IT professionals and as a textbook for classes in information technology at introductory through advanced levels. Drawing on the work of a ten-year research program in which the authors worked with Danish and American companies, the book offers a framework for carrying out IT design projects as well as case studies that stand as examples of the process. The method presented in Participatory IT Design — known as the MUST method, after a Danish acronym for theories and methods of initial analysis and design activities — was developed and tested in thirteen industrial design projects for companies and organizations that included an American airline, a multinational pharmaceutical company, a national broadcasting corporation, a multinational software house, and American and Danish universities.

Georeferencing — relating information to geographic location — has been incorporated into today’s information systems in various ways. We use online services to map our route from one place to another; science, business, and government increasingly use geographic information systems (GIS) to hold and analyze data. Most georeferenced information searches using today’s information systems are done by text query. But text searches for placenames fall short — when, for example, a place is known by several names (or by none). In addition, text searches don’t cover all sources of geographic data; maps are traditionally accessed only through special indexes, filing systems, and agency contacts; data from remote sensing images or aerial photography is indexed by geospatial location (mathematical coordinates such as longitude and latitude). In this book, Linda Hill describes the advantages of integrating placename-based and geospatial referencing, introducing an approach to “unified georeferencing” that uses placename and geospatial referencing interchangeably across all types of information storage and retrieval systems.

Keld Bødker and Jesper Simonsen are Associate Professors of Computer Science at Roskilde University, Denmark. Finn Kensing is Associate Professor at The IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

“This book provides an excellent argument and a repertoire of well-tested methods for an early design phase in IT systems development.” — Thomas Binder, Center for Design Research, School of Architecture, Copenhagen

Linda L. Hill is a Specialist, Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara (retired).

“Should be on the shelf of every humanist scholar who creates or manages databases, and every information professional who deals with digital resources for the humanities.” — Stuart E. Dunn, Literary and Linguistic Computing Advance Access “The book provides a very useful primer for those beginning to design courses in the subject and is likely to become a classic in its field.” — T. D. Wilson, Information Research March — 7 x 9, 280 pp. — 74 illus. $18.00S/£11.95 paper 978-0-262-51252-7

March — 7 x 9, 360 pp. $26.00S/£16.95 paper 978-0-262-51244-2 cloth 2004 978-0-262-02568-3


cloth 2006 978-0-262-08354-6 Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing series

NOW IN PAPER new media/cultural studies




edited by Mary Flanagan and Austin Booth

An Ethnography of Design and Innovation edited by Dominique Vinck

In re:skin, scholars, essayists and short story writers offer their perspectives on skin — as boundary and surface, as metaphor and physical reality. The twenty-first century and its attendant technology call for a new investigation of the intersection of body, skin, and technology. These cutting-edge writings address themes of skin and bodily transformation in an era in which we are able not only to modify our own skins — by plastic surgery, tattooing, skin graft art, and other methods — but to cross skins, merging with other bodies or colonizing multiple bodies. The book’s agile crossings of disciplinary and genre boundaries enact the very transformations they discuss. A short story imagines a manufactured maternal interface that allows a man to become pregnant, and a scholar describes the evolution of “body criticism”; a writer uses “faux science” to explore animal prints on faux fur, and fictional lovers experience each other’s sexual sensations through the slipping on and off of skin-like bodysuits. Ubiquitous computational interfaces are considered the “skin” of technology, and questions of race and color are shown to play out in digital art practice. The essays and narratives gathered in re:skin claim that the new technologically mutable body is neither purely liberating nor simply limiting; instead, these pieces show us models, ways of living in a technological culture. Mary Flanagan is Associate Professor of Digital Art and Culture and Director of Tiltfactor Lab at Hunter College. Austin Booth is Director of Collections and Research Services at State University of New York at Buffalo. Flanagan and Booth are the coeditors of Reload: Rethinking Women + Cyberculture (MIT Press, 2002). March — 7 x 9, 376 pp. — 70 illus. $21.00S/£13.95 paper 978-0-262-51249-7 cloth 2007 978-0-262-06260-2

Everyday Engineering was written to help future engineers understand what they will be doing in their everyday working lives, enabling them do their work more effectively and with a broader social vision. It will also give sociologists deeper insights into the sociotechnical world of engineering. The book consists of ethnographic studies in which the authors, all trained in both engineering and sociology, go into the field as participant-observers. The sites and types of engineering explored include mechanical design in manufacturing industries, instrument design, software debugging, environmental management within companies, and the implementation of a system for separating household waste. The book first introduces the complexity of technical practices, then enters the social and cultural worlds of designers to grasp their practices and motivations, and finally examines the role of writing practices and graphical representation. The epilogue uses the case studies to raise a series of questions about how objects can be taken into account in sociological analyses of human organizations. Dominique Vinck is Professor at Pierre Mendès-France University and at the Polytechnic National Institute of Grenoble. He is also a member of CRISTO, a research center associated with CNRS that focuses on sociotechnical innovation and industrial organizations.

“This collection presents multiple worlds of work in an accessible way that nonetheless emphasizes their complexity — a rarity in any academic writing, and especially difficult to achieve in ethnographic studies.” — Scott Taylor, Prometheus “A necessary antidote to rationalistic and linear views of design and innovation.” — Arie Rip, Science and Technology Studies, University of Twente March — 6 x 9, 256 pp. — 28 illus. $17.00S/£10.95 paper 978-0-262-51264-0 cloth 2003 978-0-262-22065-1 Inside Technology series


NOW IN PAPER business/economics

economic history/demography/sociology



Data and Economic Analysis Victor J. Tremblay and Carol Horton Tremblay

Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700–1900 Tommy Bengtsson, Cameron Campbell, James Z. Lee, et al.

This definitive study uses theory, history, and data to analyze the evolution of the U.S. brewing industry from a fragmented market to an emerging oligopoly. Drawing on a rich and extensive data set and applying the theoretical tools of industrial organization, game theory, and management strategy, the authors provide new quantitative and qualitative perspectives on an industry they characterize as “a veritable market laboratory.” The U.S. Brewing Industry illustrates many of the important topics in industrial organization, economic policy, and business strategy, including industry concentration, technological change, brand proliferation, and mixed pricing strategies. Tremblay and Tremblay discuss basic demand and cost conditions and industry concentration, the evolution of the leading mass-producing brewers, and the emergence of both specialty brewers and imports. They analyze product and brand proliferation, price, advertising, merger, and other management strategies, and examine the industry’s economic performance. Finally, they discuss public policy, including anti-trust and public health issues. The authors’ set of industry, firm, and brand data for the period 1950–2002 — the most comprehensive data set of economic variables available for an oligopolistic industry — will be available to purchasers of the book who send an e-mail request. Victor J. Tremblay is Professor of Economics at Oregon State University and editor of the “Industry Issues” section of the Review of Industrial Organization. Carol Horton Tremblay is Associate Professor of Economics at Oregon State University.

“An extremely useful book that business historians, industry executives, and corporate analysts undoubtedly will consult, while students of applied economics, business strategy, and organization theory will find in it much to support their work.” — Terence R. Gourvish, Enterprise & Society March — 6 x 9, 400 pp. — 51 illus. $22.00S/£14.95 paper 978-0-262-51263-3 cloth 2005 978-0-262-20151-3


This highly original book pioneers a new approach to the comparative analysis of societies in the past. Using techniques of event history analysis, the authors examine 100,000 life histories in 100 rural communities in Western Europe and Asia to analyze the demographic response to social and economic pressures. In doing so they challenge the accepted Eurocentric Malthusian view of population processes and demonstrate that population behavior has not been as uniform as previously thought — that it has often been determined by human agency, particularly social structure and cultural practice. Tommy Bengtsson is Professor of Economic History and Demography, Department of Economic History, Lund University, Sweden. Cameron Campbell is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles. James Z. Lee is Professor of History at the University of Michigan and Senior Research Scientist at the University of Michigan Population Studies Center.

“A major milestone in preindustrial population history.” — J. P. McCoy, Choice “The book is amazingly rich and fascinating and represents a major advance in historical demography in data collection, theory, and methods.” — Ronald Lee and Richard H. Steckel, Historical Methods “Indispensable reading for historians, demographers, and economists concerned with long-term trends at both micro and macro levels.” — Robert W. Fogel, 1993 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences Winner of the 2005 Outstanding Book on Asia Award presented by the Asian and Asian-American Studies Section of the American Sociological Association March — 6 x 9, 552 pp. — 29 illus. $23.00S/£14.95 paper 978-0-262-51243-5 cloth 2004 978-0-262-02551-5 Eurasian Population and Family History series

NOW IN PAPER environment/history




The Remaking of American Environmentalism Michael Egan For over half a century, the biologist Barry Commoner has been one of the most prominent and charismatic defenders of the American environment, appearing on the cover of Time magazine in 1970 as the standard-bearer of “the emerging science of survival.” In Barry Commoner and the Science of Survival, Michael Egan examines Commoner’s social and scientific activism and charts an important shift in American environmental values since World War II. Throughout his career, Commoner believed that scientists had a social responsibility, and that one of their most important obligations was to provide citizens with accessible scientific information so they could be included in public debates that concerned them. Egan shows how Commoner moved naturally from calling attention to the hazards of nuclear fallout to raising public awareness of the environmental dangers posed by the petrochemical industry. He argues that Commoner's belief in the importance of dissent, the dissemination of scientific information, and the need for citizen empowerment provided critical planks in the remaking of American environmentalism. Michael Egan is Assistant Professor of History at McMaster University and Director of the Sustainable Future History Project.

“Egan tells an absorbing tale about a remarkable man who is insightful, persistent, iconoclastic, informed, and optimistic.” — Sylvia N. Tesh, American Scientist “Egan’s telling of the life, science, and politics of Barry Commoner reminds us of a time when scientists could be activists, and science and activism could coexist.” — Morton Satin, Chemical Heritage March — 6 x 9, 304 pp. — 13 illus. $15.00S/£9.95 paper 978-0-262-51247-3 cloth 2007 978-0-262-05086-9 Urban and Industrial Environments series

Civic Pragmatism and Environmental Thought in America Ben A. Minteer In The Landscape of Reform, Ben Minteer offers a fresh and provocative reading of the intellectual foundations of American environmentalism, focusing on the work and legacy of four important conservation and planning thinkers in the first half of the twentieth century: Liberty Hyde Bailey, a forgotten figure in the Progressive conservation movement; urban and regional planning theorist Lewis Mumford; Benton MacKaye, the forester and conservationist who proposed the Appalachian Trail in the 1920s; and Aldo Leopold, author of the environmentalist classic A Sand County Almanac. Minteer argues that these writers blazed a significant “third way” in environmental ethics and practice, a more pragmatic approach that offers a counterpoint to the anthropocentrism-versus-ecocentrism, use-versus-preservation, narratives that have long dominated discussions of the development of American environmental thought. Ben A. Minteer is Assistant Professor on the Human Dimensions of Biology Faculty in the School of Life Sciences and Affiliated Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Arizona State University. He is the coeditor of Democracy and the Claims of Nature and of Reconstructing Conservation: Finding Common Ground.

“This magnificent accomplishment in intellectual history establishes the foundations of American environmental thought in the crucial context of its wider social and political goals.” — Mark Sagoff, Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, University of Maryland “Minteer has successfully excavated several thinkers who deserve greater consideration by environmentalists. He has also added his well-informed voice to the growing chorus urging what he calls a ‘third way.’” — John M. Meyer, Perspectives on Politics March — 6 x 9, 280 pp. — 5 illus. $15.00S/£9.95 paper 978-0-262-51255-8 cloth 2006 978-0-262-13461-3


PROFESSIONAL science, technology, and society/history

COLD WAR KITCHEN The kitchen as political symbol and material reality in the cold war years.

March 7 x 9, 424 pp. 44 illus. $36.00S/£23.95 cloth 978-0-262-15119-1 Inside Technology series

CONTRIBUTORS Esra Akcan Liesbeth Bervoets Cristina Carbone Greg Castillo Irene Cieraad Shane Hamilton Martina Hessler Matthew Hilton Julian Holder Ruth Oldenziel Kirsi Saarikangas Susan E. Reid Karin Zachmann

Americanization, Technology, and European Users edited by Ruth Oldenziel and Karin Zachmann Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev’s famous “kitchen debate” in 1958 involved more than the virtues of American appliances. Both Nixon and Khrushchev recognized the political symbolism of the modern kitchen; the kind of technological innovation represented in this everyday context spoke to the political system that produced it. The kitchen connects the “big” politics of politicians and statesmen to the “small” politics of users and interest groups. Cold War Kitchen looks at the kitchen as material object and symbol, considering the politics and the practices of one of the most famous technological icons of the twentieth century. Defining the kitchen as a complex technological artifact as important as computers, cars, and nuclear missiles, the book examines the ways in which a range of social actors in Europe shaped the kitchen as both ideological construct and material practice. These actors — from manufacturers and modernist architects to housing reformers and feminists — constructed and domesticated the technological innovations of the postwar kitchen. The home became a “mediation junction” in which women users and others felt free to advise producers from the consumer’s point of view. In essays illustrated by striking period photographs, the contributors to Cold War Kitchen consider such topics as Soviet consumers’ ambivalent responses to the American dream kitchen argued over by Nixon and Khrushchev; the Frankfurter Küche, a European modernist kitchen of the interwar period (and its export to Turkey when its designer fled the Nazis); and the British state-subsidized kitchen design so innovative that it was mistaken for a luxury American product. The concluding essays challenge the received wisdom of past interpretations of the kitchen debate. Ruth Oldenziel is Professor of American and European Technology at the Technical University of Einhoven and Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam. Karin Zachmann is Professor of History of Technology at the Central Institute for the History of Technology, Technical University Munich.

“Oldenziel and Zachmann's volume expands our understanding of the technological changes, gender politics, international consumer movements, and Americanization imperatives underlying the famed Berlin kitchen debate but also of the Cold War itself.” — Joe Corn, Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Department of History, Stanford University


PROFESSIONAL science, technology, and society/political science

science, technology, and society/political science



A Parable of Development Aid Richard Rottenburg translated by Allison Brown and Tom Lampert

An Essay on Technical Democracy Michel Callon, Yannick Barthe, and Pierre Lascoumes translated by Graham Burchell

In 1996, the sub-Saharan African country of Ruritania launched a massive waterworks improvement project, funded by the Normesian Development Bank, headquartered in Urbania, Normland, and with the guidance of Shilling & Partner, a consulting firm in Mercatoria, Normland. Far-Fetched Facts tells the story of this project, as narrated by anthropologists Edward B. Drotlevski and Samuel A. Martonosi. Their account of the Ruritanian waterworks project views the problems of development from a new perspective, focusing on technologies of inscription in the interactions of development bank, international experts, and local managers. This development project is fictionalized, of course, although based closely on author Richard Rottenburg’s experiences working on and observing different development projects in the 1990s. Rottenburg uses the case of the Ruritanian waterworks project to examine issues of standardization, database building, documentation, calculation, and territory mapping. The techniques and technologies of the representational practices of documentation are crucial, Rottenburg argues, both to day-to-day management of the project and to the demonstration of the project’s legitimacy. Five decades of development aid (or “development cooperation,” as it is now sometimes known) have yielded disappointing results. Rottenburg looks in particular at the role of the development consultant (often called upon to act as mediator between the other actors) and at the interstitial spaces where developmental cooperation actually occurs. He argues that both critics and practitioners of development often misconstrue the grounds of cooperation — which, he claims, are moral, legal, and political rather than techno-scientific or epistemological.

Controversies over such issues as nuclear waste, genetically modified organisms, asbestos, tobacco, gene therapy, avian flu, and cell phone towers arise almost daily as rapid scientific and technological advances create uncertainty and bring about unforeseen concerns. The authors of Acting in an Uncertain World argue that political institutions must be expanded and improved to manage these controversies, to transform them into productive conversations, and to bring about “technical democracy.” They show how “hybrid forums” — in which experts, non-experts, ordinary citizens, and politicians come together — reveal the limits of traditional delegative democracies, in which decisions are made by quasi-professional politicians and technoscientific information is the domain of specialists in laboratories. The division between professionals and laypeople, the authors claim, is simply outmoded. The authors argue that laboratory research should be complemented by everyday experimentation pursued in the real world. They explore a range of concrete examples of hybrid forums that have dealt with sociotechnical controversies including a childhood leukemia cluster in Woburn, Massachusetts, and mad cow disease in the United Kingdom. To invent new procedures for consultation and representation, they suggest, is to contribute to an endless process that is necessary for the ongoing democratization of democracy. Michel Callon, developer (with Bruno Latour and others) of Actor Network Theory, is Professor at the École des mines de Paris and a Researcher at the Centre de Sociologie de l’innovation there. Yannick Barthe is a Researcher at CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) and a member of the Centre de sociologie de l'innovation. Pierre Lascoumes is Director of Research at CNRS.

May — 6 x 9, 208 pp. — 13 illus.

“This book will become a vital point of reference for activists and scientists, citizens and critics. The arguments developed here are of central importance for the democratic future of modern science.” — Simon Schaffer, Professor of History of Science, University of Cambridge

$30.00S/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-18264-5

February — 6 x 9, 304 pp. – 6 illus.

Inside Technology series

$35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-03382-4

Richard Rottenburg is Chair of Anthropology at the Institute for Anthropology and Philosophy at Martin-Luther University and a Max Planck Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, where he heads the Law, Organization, Science, and Technology Research Group.

Inside Technology series


PROFESSIONAL history of technology/business

information science/political science/economics



The Evolving Cable Network and Its Implications edited by Bernard Finn and Daqing Yang By the end of the twentieth century, fiber-optic technology had made possible a worldwide communications system of breathtaking speed and capacity. This amazing network is the latest evolution of communications technologies that began with undersea telegraph cables in the 1850s and continued with coaxial telephone cables a hundred years later. Communications Under the Seas traces the development of these technologies and assesses their social, economic, and political effects. If we cannot predict the ultimate consequences of today’s wired world — its impact on economic markets, free expression, and war and peace — or the outcome of the conflict between wired and wireless technology, we can examine how similar issues have been dealt with in the past. The expert contributors to this volume do just that, discussing technical developments in undersea cables (and the development of competing radio and satellite communications technology), management of the cables by private and public interests, and the impact on military and political activities. Chapters cover such topics as the daring group of nineteenth-century entrepreneurs who wove a network of copper wires around the world (and then turned conservative with success); the opening of the telegraphic network to general public use; the government- and industry-forced merger of wireless and cable companies in Britain; and the impact of the cable network on diplomacy during the two world wars. CONTRIBUTORS Jorma Ahvenainen, Robert Boyce, Bernard Finn, Pascal Griset, Daniel R. Headrick, Jeff Hecht, Peter J. Hugill, Kurt Jacobsen, David Paull Nickles, Jonathan Reed Winkler, Daqing Yang

The Political Economy of Innovation Peter F. Cowhey, Jonathan D. Aronson, and John E. Richards with Donald Abelson Innovation in information and communication technology (ICT) fuels the growth of the global economy. How ICT markets evolve depends on politics and policy, and since the 1950s periodic overhauls of ICT policy have transformed competition and innovation. For example, in the 1980s and the 1990s a revolution in communication policy (the introduction of sweeping competition) also transformed the information market. Today, the diffusion of Internet, wireless, and broadband technology, growing modularity in the design of technologies, distributed computing infrastructures, and rapidly changing business models signal another shift. This pathbreaking examination of ICT from a political economy perspective argues that continued rapid innovation and economic growth require new approaches in global governance that will reconcile diverse interests and enable competition to flourish. The authors (two of whom were architects of international ICT policy reforms in the 1990s) discuss this crucial turning point in both theoretical and practical terms, analyzing changes in ICT markets, examining three case studies, and considering principles and norms for future global policies. Readers wishing to explore certain topics in greater depth will find an electronic version of the text, additional materials, and “virtual” appendixes online.

Bernard Finn is Curator Emeritus of Electrical Collections at the National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian Institution. He is the author or editor of a number of books and articles on electrical history, museums, and submarine telegraphy. Daqing Yang is Associate Professor of History and International Affairs at George Washington University. His research interests and publications have dealt mainly with Japanese and East Asian history, including the role of communications technology in Japan's overseas expansion.

Peter F. Cowhey, a former senior FCC official, is Dean of the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies and Qualcomm Endowed Chair in Communications and Technology Policy at the University of California, San Diego. Jonathan D. Aronson is Professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and the School of International Relations at the University of Southern California. John E. Richards is an ICT industry executive and a Research Scholar at the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego. Donald Abelson, a former senior U.S. Government trade and communication official, is the head of Sudbury International, LLC.

June — 6 x 9, 360 pp. — 7 illus.

March — 6 x 9, 368 pp. — 16 illus.

$40.00S/£25.95 cloth 978-0-262-01286-7

$34.00S/£21.95 cloth 978-0-262-01285-0

Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science and Technology

Information Revolution and Global Politics series


PROFESSIONAL communication/Chinese history

computer science



Communication Technology and the Information Have-Less in Urban China Jack Linchuan Qiu foreword by Manuel Castells

Service-Oriented Computing from an EU Perspective edited by Elisabetta Di Nitto, Anne-Marie Sassen, Paolo Traverso, and Arian Zwegers

The idea of the “digital divide,” the great social division between information haves and have-nots, has dominated policy debates and scholarly analysis since the 1990s. In Working-Class Network Society, Jack Linchuan Qiu describes a more complex social and technological reality in a newly mobile, urbanizing China. Qiu argues that as inexpensive Internet and mobile phone services become available and are closely integrated with the everyday work and life of lowincome communities, they provide a critical seedbed for the emergence of a new working class of “network labor” crucial to China’s economic boom. Between the haves and have-nots, writes Qiu, are the information “have-less”: migrants, laid-off workers, micro-entrepreneurs, retirees, youth, and others, increasingly connected by cybercafés, prepaid service, and used mobile phones. A process of class formation has begun that has important implications for working-class network society in China and beyond. Qiu brings class back into the scholarly discussion, not as a secondary factor but as an essential dimension in our understanding of communication technology as it is shaped in the vast, industrializing society of China. Basing his analysis on his more than five years of empirical research conducted in twenty cities, Qiu examines technology and class, networked connectivity and public policy, in the context of massive urban reforms that affect the new working class disproportionately. The transformation of Chinese society, writes Qiu, is emblematic of the new technosocial reality emerging in much of the Global South.

Service-Oriented Applications and Architectures (SOAs) have captured the interest of industry as a way to support business-to-business interaction, and the SOA market grew by $4.9 billion in 2005. SOAs and in particular service-oriented computing (SOC) represent a promising approach in the development of adaptive distributed systems. With SOC, applications can open themselves to services offered by third parties and accessed through standard, well-defined interfaces. The binding between the applications and the services can be, in this context, extremely loose — enabling the ad hoc creation of new services when the need arises. This book offers an overview of some current research in the field, presenting the results of eighteen research projects funded by the European Community’s Information Society Technologies Program (IST). The projects, collaborations between industry and academia, have produced practical, achievable results that point the way to real-world applications and future research. The chapters address such issues as requirement analysis, design, governance, interoperability, and the dependability of systems made up of components owned by third parties. The results are presented in the context of two roadmaps for research, one developed by European industry involved in software development and the other by researchers working in the service area. The contributors report first on the “Infrastructure Layer,” then (in the bulk of the book) on the “Service Integration Layer,” the “Semantic Layer,” and finally on the issues that cut across the different layers. The book concludes by looking at ongoing research on both roadmaps.

Jack Linchuan Qiu is Assistant Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a coauthor (with Manuel Castells, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, and Araba Sey) of Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective (MIT Press, 2006). March — 6 x 9, 320 pp. — 25 illus. $35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-17006-2 Information Revolution and Global Politics series

Elisabetta Di Nitto is Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Information at Milan Polytechnic. Anne-Marie Sassen is Project Officer at the European Commission, Directorate General for Information Society and Media, Software and Service Architectures and Infrastructures Unit. Paolo Traverso is Head of Division at Center for Scientific and Technological Research (ITC/IRST), Trento, Italy. Arian Zwegers is a Project Officer at the European Commission, Directorate General for Information Society and Media, Software and Service Architectures and Infrastructures Unit. June — 7 x 9, 616 pp. — 167 illus. $60.00S/£38.95 cloth 978-0-262-04253-6 Cooperative Information Systems series


PROFESSIONAL computer science/machine learning

computer science/machine learning



edited by Cyril Goutte, Nicola Cancedda, Marc Dymetman, and George Foster The Internet gives us access to a wealth of information in languages we don’t understand. The investigation of automated or semi-automated approaches to translation has become a thriving research field with enormous commercial potential. This volume investigates how Machine Learning techniques can improve Statistical Machine Translation, currently at the forefront of research in the field. The book looks first at enabling technologies — technologies that solve problems that are not Machine Translation proper but are linked closely to the development of a Machine Translation system. These include the acquisition of bilingual sentence-aligned data from comparable corpora, automatic construction of multilingual name dictionaries, and word alignment. The book then presents new or improved statistical Machine Translation techniques, including a discriminative training framework for leveraging syntactic information, the use of semi-supervised and kernelbased learning methods, and the combination of multiple Machine Translation outputs in order to improve overall translation quality. CONTRIBUTORS Srinivas Bangalore, Nicola Cancedda, Josep M. Crego, Marc Dymetman, Jakob Elming, George Foster, Jesús Giménez, Cyril Goutte, Nizar Habash, Gholamreza Haffari, Patrick Haffner, Hitoshi Isahara, Stephan Kanthak, Alexandre Klementiev, Gregor Leusch, Pierre Mahé, Lluís Màrquez, Evgeny Matusov, I. Dan Melamed, Ion Muslea, Hermann Ney, Bruno Pouliquen, Dan Roth, Anoop Sarkar, John Shawe-Taylor, Ralf Steinberger, Joseph Turian, Nicola Ueffing, Masao Utiyama, Zhuoran Wang, Benjamin Wellington, Kenji Yamada Cyril Goutte and George Foster are researchers in the Interactive Language Technologies Group at the Canadian National Research Council’s Institute for Information Technology. Nicola Cancedda and Marc Dymetman are researchers in the Cross-Language Technologies Research Group at the Xerox Research Centre Europe. February — 8 x 10, 328 pp. — 55 illus. $45.00S/£29.95 cloth 978-0-262-07297-7 Neural Information Processing series

edited by Joaquin Quiñonero-Candela, Masashi Sugiyama, Anton Schwaighofer, and Neil D. Lawrence Dataset shift is a common problem in predictive modeling that occurs when the joint distribution of inputs and outputs differs between training and test stages. Covariate shift, a particular case of dataset shift, occurs when only the input distribution changes. Dataset shift is present in most practical applications, for reasons ranging from the bias introduced by experimental design to the irreproducibility of the testing conditions at training time. (An example is e-mail spam filtering, which may fail to recognize spam that differs in form from the spam the automatic filter has been built on.) Despite this, and despite the attention given to the apparently similar problems of semi-supervised learning and active learning, dataset shift has received relatively little attention in the machine learning community until recently. This volume offers an overview of current efforts to deal with dataset and covariate shift. The chapters offer a mathematical and philosophical introduction to the problem, place dataset shift in relationship to transfer learning, transduction, local learning, active learning, and semi-supervised learning, provide theoretical views of dataset and covariate shift (including decision theoretic and Bayesian perspectives), and present algorithms for covariate shift. CONTRIBUTORS Shai Ben-David, Steffen Bickel, Karsten Borgwardt, Michael Brückner, David Corfield, Amir Globerson, Arthur Gretton, Lars Kai Hansen, Matthias Hein, Jiayuan Huang, Choon Hui Teo, Takafumi Kanamori, Klaus-Robert Müller, Sam Roweis, Neil Rubens, Tobias Scheffer, Marcel Schmittfull, Bernhard Schölkopf, Hidetoshi Shimodaira, Alex Smola, Amos Storkey, Masashi Sugiyama Joaquin Quiñonero-Candela is a Researcher in the Online Services and Advertising Group at Microsoft Research Cambridge, U.K. Masashi Sugiyama is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Anton Schwaighofer is an Applied Researcher in the Online Services and Advertising Group at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, U.K. Neil D. Lawrence is Senior Research Fellow and Member of the Machine Learning and Optimisation Research Group in the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester. February — 8 x 10, 248 pp. $40.00S/£25.95 cloth 978-0-262-17005-5 Neural Information Processing series


PROFESSIONAL game studies

VIDEO GAME SPACES Image, Play, and Structure in 3D Worlds Michael Nitsche The move to 3D graphics represents a dramatic artistic and technical development in the history of video games that suggests an overall transformation of games as media. The experience of space has become a key element of how we understand games and how we play them. In Video Game Spaces, Michael Nitsche

investigates what this shift means for video game design and analysis. Navigable 3D spaces allow us to crawl, jump, fly, or even teleport through fictional worlds that come to life in our imagination. We encounter these spaces through a combination of perception and interaction. Drawing on concepts from literary studies, architecture, and cinema, Nitsche argues that game spaces can evoke narratives because the player is interpreting them in order to engage with them. Consequently, Nitsche approaches game spaces not as pure visual spectacles but as meaningful virtual locations. His argument investigates what structures are at work in these locations, proceeds to an in-depth analysis of the audiovisual presentation of gameworlds, and ultimately explores how we use and comprehend their functionality. Nitsche introduces five analytical layers — rule-based space, mediated space, fictional space, play space, and social space — and uses them in the analyses of games that range from early classics to recent titles. He revisits current topics in game research, including narrative, rules, and play, from this new perspective. Video Game Spaces provides a range of necessary arguments and tools for media scholars, designers, and game researchers with an interest in 3D gameworlds and the new challenges they pose.

An exploration of how we see, use, and make sense of modern video gameworlds.

March 6 x 9, 312 pp. 27 illus. $35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-14101-7

Michael Nitsche is Assistant Professor at the School of Literature, Communication, and Culture at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

“An important journey into video game spaces.” — Jesper Juul, Researcher, Singapore-MIT Game Lab, and author of Half-Real


PROFESSIONAL new media/technology/history

game studies



Globalization and the Transformation of Media Cultures in the New Europe Anikó Imre

Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin

Eastern Europe’s historically unprecedented and accelerated transition from late communism to late capitalism, coupled with media globalization, set in motion a scramble for cultural identity and a struggle over access to and control over media technologies. In Identity Games, Anikó Imre examines the corporate transformation of the postcommunist media landscape in Eastern Europe. Avoiding both uncritical techno-euphoria and nostalgic projections of a simpler, better media world under communism, Imre argues that the demise of Soviet-style regimes and the transition of postcommunist nation-states to transnational capitalism has crucial implications for understanding the relationships among nationalism, media globalization, and identity. Imre analyzes situations in which anxieties arise about the encroachment of global entertainment media and its new technologies on national culture, examining the rich aesthetic hybrids that have grown from the transitional postcommunist terrain. She investigates the gaps and continuities between the last communist and first post-communist generations in education, tourism, and children’s media culture, the racial and class politics of music entertainment (including Roma Rap and Idol television talent shows), and mediated reconfigurations of gender and sexuality (including playful lesbian media activism and masculinity in “carnivalistic” post-Yugoslav film). Throughout, Imre uses the concepts of play and games as metaphorical and theoretical tools to explain the process of cultural change — inspired in part by the increasing “ludification” of the global media environment and the emerging engagement with play across scholarly disciplines. In the vision that Imre offers, political and cultural participation are seen as games whose rules are permanently open to negotiation. Anikó Imre is Assistant Professor in the Critical Studies Division of the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California. June — 6 x 9, 280 pp. — 24 illus. $35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-09045-2

The ever-expanding capacities of computing offer new narrative possibilities for virtual worlds. Yet vast narratives — featuring an ongoing and intricately developed storyline, many characters, and multiple settings — did not originate with, and are not limited to, Massively Multiplayer Online Games. Thomas Mann’s Joseph and His Brothers, J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Marvel’s Spiderman, and the complex stories of such television shows as Dr. Who, The Sopranos, and Lost all present vast fictional worlds. Third Person explores strategies of vast narrative across a variety of media, including video games, television, literature, comic books, tabletop games, and digital art. The contributors — media and television scholars, novelists, comic creators, game designers, and others — investigate such issues as continuity, canonicity, interactivity, fan fiction, technological innovation, and cross-media phenomena. Chapters examine a range of topics, including storytelling in a multiplayer environment; narrative techniques for a 3,000,000-page novel; continuity (or the impossibility of it) in Doctor Who; managing multiple intertwined narratives in superhero comics; the spatial experience of the Final Fantasy role-playing games; World of Warcraft adventure texts created by designers and fans; and the serial storytelling of The Wire. Taken together, the multidisciplinary conversations in Third Person, along with Harrigan and WardripFruin’s earlier collections First Person and Second Person, offer essential insights into how fictions are constructed and maintained in very different forms of media at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Pat Harrigan is a freelance writer and author of the novel Lost Clusters. Noah Wardrip-Fruin is Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and author of Expressive Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies, forthcoming from the MIT Press. Harrigan and Wardrip-Fruin are also the coeditors of First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game (2004) and Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media (2007), both published by the MIT Press. May — 8 x 9, 472 pp. — 160 illus. $40.00S/£25.95 cloth 978-0-262-23263-0


PROFESSIONAL game studies/ethics

new media/bioethics



Miguel Sicart Despite the emergence of computer games as a dominant cultural industry (and the accompanying emergence of computer games as the subject of scholarly research), we know little or nothing about the ethics of computer games. Considerations of the morality of computer games seldom go beyond intermittent portrayals of them in the mass media as training devices for teenage serial killers. In this first scholarly exploration of the subject, Miguel Sicart addresses broader issues about the ethics of games, the ethics of playing the games, and the ethical responsibilities of game designers. He argues that computer games are ethical objects, that computer game players are ethical agents, and that the ethics of computer games should be seen as a complex network of responsibilities and moral duties. Players should not be considered passive amoral creatures; they reflect, relate, and create with ethical minds. The games they play are ethical systems, with rules that create gameworlds with values at play. Drawing on concepts from philosophy and game studies, Sicart proposes a framework for analyzing the ethics of computer games as both designed objects and player experiences. After presenting his core theoretical arguments and offering a general theory for understanding computer game ethics, Sicart offers case studies examining single-player games (using Bioshock as an example), multiplayer games (illustrated by Defcon), and online gameworlds (illustrated by World of Warcraft) from an ethical perspective. He explores issues raised by unethical content in computer games and its possible effect on players and offers a synthesis of design theory and ethics that could be used as both analytical tool and inspiration in the creation of ethical gameplay. Miguel Sicart is Assistant Professor at the Center for Computer Game Research, IT University Copenhagen. May — 6 x 9, 280 pp. — 20 illus. $35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-01265-2

Joanna Zylinska Bioethical dilemmas — including those over genetic screening, compulsory vaccination, and abortion — have been the subject of ongoing debates in the media, among the public, and in professional and academic communities. But the paramount bioethical issue in an age of digital technology and new media, Joanna Zylinska argues, is the transformation of the very notion of life. In this provocative book, Zylinska examines many of the ethical challenges that technology poses to the allegedly sacrosanct idea of the human. In doing so, she goes beyond the traditional understanding of bioethics as a matter for moral philosophy and medicine to propose a new “ethics of life” rooted in the relationship between the human and the nonhuman (both animals and machines) that new technology prompts us to develop. After a detailed discussion of the classical theoretical perspectives on bioethics, Zylinska describes three cases of “bioethics in action,” through which the concepts of “the human,” “animal,” and “life” are being redefined: the reconfiguration of bodily identity by plastic surgery in a TV makeover show; the reduction of the body to two-dimensional genetic code; and the use of biological material in such examples of “bioart” as Eduardo Kac’s infamous fluorescent green bunny. Zylinska addresses ethics from the interdisciplinary perspective of media and cultural studies, drawing on the writings of thinkers from Agamben and Foucault to Haraway and Hayles. Taking theoretical inspiration in particular from the philosophy of alterity as developed by Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas, and Bernard Stiegler, Zylinska makes the case for a new nonsystemic, nonhierarchical bioethics that encompasses the kinship of humans, animals, and machines. Joanna Zylinska is Reader in New Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London. She is the author of On Spiders, Cyborgs, and Being Scared: The Feminine and the Sublime and The Ethics of Cultural Studies. April — 6 x 9, 240 pp. $30.00S/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-24056-7


PROFESSIONAL new media/philosophy

new media/philosophy



Movement, Art, Philosophy Erin Manning

Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze, and Aesthetics Steven Shaviro

With Relationscapes, Erin Manning offers a new philosophy of movement challenging the idea that movement is simple displacement in space, knowable only in terms of the actual, the movement already taken. Exploring the relation between sensation and thought through the prisms of dance, cinema, art, and new media, Manning argues for the intensity of movement. From this idea of intensity — the incipiency at the heart of movement — Manning develops the concept of preacceleration, which makes palpable how movement creates relational intervals out of which displacements take form. Discussing her theory of incipient movement in terms of dance and relational movement, Manning describes choreographic practices that work to develop with a body in movement rather than simply stabilizing that body into patterns of displacement. She examines the movement-images of Leni Reifenstahl, Étienne-Jules Marey, and Norman McLaren (drawing on Bergson’s idea of duration), and explores the dotpaintings of contemporary Australian Aboriginal artists. Turning to language, Manning proposes a theory of prearticulation claiming that language’s affective force depends on a concept of thought in motion. Relationscapes is a radically empirical book, working directly out of examples and delving into the complexity of relations these examples suggest. It takes a “Whiteheadian perspective,” recognizing Whitehead’s importance and his influence on process philosophers of the late twentieth century — Deleuze and Guattari in particular. Relationscapes is truly a transdisciplinary book, not aiming to cover the ground of a particular discipline but making clear how the specificity of a particular inquiry can alter key questions that emerge in the interstices between disciplines. It will be of special interest to scholars in new media, philosophy, dance studies, film theory, and art history.

In Without Criteria, Steven Shaviro proposes and explores a philosophical fantasy: imagine a world in which Alfred North Whitehead takes the place of Martin Heidegger. What if Whitehead, instead of Heidegger, had set the agenda for postmodern thought? Heidegger asks, “Why is there something, rather than nothing?” Whitehead asks, “How is it that there is always something new?” In a world where everything from popular music to DNA is being sampled and recombined, argues Shaviro, Whitehead’s question is the truly urgent one. Without Criteria is Shaviro’s experiment in rethinking postmodern theory, especially the theory of aesthetics, from a point of view that hearkens back to Whitehead rather than Heidegger. Shaviro does this largely by reading Whitehead in conjunction with Gilles Deleuze, finding important resonances and affinities between them, suggesting both a Deleuzian reading of Whitehead and a Whiteheadian reading of Deleuze. In working through the ideas of Whitehead and Deleuze, Shaviro also appeals to Kant, arguing that certain aspects of Kant’s thought pave the way for the philosophical “constructivism” embraced by both Whitehead and Deleuze. Kant, Whitehead, and Deleuze are not commonly grouped together, but the juxtaposition of them in Without Criteria helps to shed light on a variety of issues that are of concern to contemporary art and media practices (especially developments in digital film and video), and to controversies in cultural theory (including questions about commodity fetishism and about immanence and transcendence). Moreover, in his rereading of Whitehead (and in deliberate contrast to the “ethical turn” in much recent theoretical discourse), Shaviro opens the possibility of a critical aesthetics of contemporary culture.

Erin Manning is Assistant Professor in Studio Art and Cinema at Concordia University in Montreal. She is the author of Politics of Touch: Sense, Movement, Sovereignty and Ephemeral Territories: Representing Nation, Home, and Identity in Canada.

Steven Shaviro is DeRoy Professor of English at Wayne State University. He is the author of Passion and Excess: Blanchot, Bataille, and Literary Theory and The Cinematic Body. May — 6 x 9, 192 pp.

March — 7 x 9, 272 pp. — 73 illus. $30.00S/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-13490-3 Technologies of Lived Abstraction series


$28.00S/£18.95 cloth 978-0-262-19576-8 Technologies of Lived Abstraction series

PROFESSIONAL philosophy of mind

philosophy of mind



Materialism without Phenomenal Concepts Michael Tye

An Integrated Theory of Mind and Brain Zoltan Torey foreword by Daniel C. Dennett

We are material beings in a material world, but we are also beings who have experiences and feelings. How can these subjective states be just a matter of matter? Philosophical materialists have formulated what is sometimes called “the phenomenal concept strategy” (which holds that we possess a range of special concepts for classifying the subjective aspects of our experiences) to defend materialism. In Consciousness Revisited, philosopher Michael Tye, until now a proponent of the approach, argues that the phenomenal concept strategy is mistaken. A rejection of phenomenal concepts leaves the materialist with the task of finding some other strategy for defending materialism. Tye points to four major puzzles of consciousness that arise: How is it possible for Mary, in the famous thought experiment, to make a discovery when she leaves her black-and-white room? In what does the explanatory gap consist and how can it be bridged? How can the hard problem of consciousness be solved? How are zombies possible? Tye presents solutions to these puzzles, including the nature of perceptual content, the conditions necessary for consciousness of a given object, the proper understanding of change blindness, the nature of phenomenal character and our awareness of it, whether we have privileged access to our own experiences, and, if we do, in what such access consists. Michael Tye is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of Ten Problems of Consciousness (1995), Consciousness, Color, and Content (2000), and Consciousness and Persons (2003), all published by the MIT Press.

“This marvelously informed, powerfully argued book is Michael Tye’s latest contribution to the task of finding a naturalistic understanding of consciousness. It is an agenda setter." — Frank Jackson, Department of Philosophy, Princeton University

In The Crucible of Consciousness, Zoltan Torey offers a theory of the mind and its central role in evolution. He traces the evolutionary breakthrough that rendered the brain accessible to itself and shows how the mindboosted brain works. He identifies what it is that separates the human’s self-reflective consciousness from mere animal awareness, and he maps its neural and linguistic underpinnings. And he argues, controversially, that the neural technicalities of reflective awareness can be neither algorithmic nor spiritual — neither a computer nor a ghost in the machine. The human mind is unique; it is not only the epicenter of our knowledge but also the outer limit of our intellectual reach. Not to solve the riddle of the selfaware mind, writes Torey, goes against the evolutionary thrust that created it. Torey proposes a model that brings into a single focus all the elements that make up the puzzle: how the brain works, its functional components and their interactions; how language evolved and how syntax evolved out of the semantic substrate by way of neural transactions; and why the mind-endowed brain deceives itself with entelechy-type impressions. Torey first traces the language-linked emergence of the mind, the subsystem of the brain that enables it to be aware of itself. He then explores this system: how consciousness works, why it is not transparent to introspection, and what sense it makes in the context of evolution. The “consciousness revolution” and the integrative focus of neuroscience have made it possible to make concrete formerly mysterious ideas about the human mind. Torey’s model of the mind is the logical outcome of this, highlighting a coherent and meaningful role for a reflectively aware humanity. Zoltan Torey is a clinical psychologist and an independent scholar. May — 6 x 9, 272 pp. — 2 illus.

March — 6 x 9, 256 pp. — 17 illus. $35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-01273-7

$34.00S/£21.95 paper 978-0-262-51284-8

Representation and Mind series


PROFESSIONAL cognitive science/philosophy




edited by Don Dedrick and Lana Trick

edited by David Braddon-Mitchell and Robert Nola

Classical cognitive science has found itself in something of a pickle; a pickle that’s so deep (if I may mix a metaphor) that most of its practitioners haven’t so much as noticed that they are in it. What’s so good about Pylyshyn — in particular what’s so good about Pylyshyn’s recent work — is that maybe, just possibly maybe, it shows us the way out of the pickle that we’re in. — from the introduction by Jerry Fodor Zenon Pylyshyn is a towering figure in cognitive science; his book Computation and Cognition (MIT Press, 1984) is a foundational presentation of the relationship between cognition and computation. His recent work on vision and its preconceptual mechanism has been influential and controversial. In this book, leading cognitive scientists address major topics in Pylyshyn’s work and discuss his contributions to the cognitive sciences. Contributors discuss vision, considering such topics as multiple-object tracking, action, molecular and cellular cognition, and inhibition of return; and foundational issues, including connectionism, modularity, the evolution of the perception of number, computation, cognitive architecture, location, and visual sensory representations of objects.

Many philosophical naturalists eschew analysis in favor of discovering metaphysical truths from the a posteriori, contending that analysis does not lead to philosophical insight. A countercurrent to this approach seeks to reconcile a certain account of conceptual analysis with philosophical naturalism; prominent and influential proponents of this methodology include the late David Lewis, Frank Jackson, Michael Smith, Philip Pettit, and David Armstrong. Naturalistic analysis (sometimes known as “the Canberra Plan” because many of its proponents have been associated with Australian National University in Canberra) is a tool for locating in the scientifically given world objects and properties we quantify over in everyday discourse. This collection gathers work from a range of prominent philosophers who are working within this tradition, offering important new work as well as critical evaluations of the methodology. Its centerpiece is an important posthumous paper by David Lewis, “Ramseyan Humility,” published here for the first time. The contributors first address issues of philosophy of mind, semantics, and the new methodology’s a priori character, then turn to matters of metaphysics, and finally consider problems regarding normativity. Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism is one of the first efforts to apply this approach to such a wide range of philosophical issues.

CONTRIBUTORS John Bickle, Darlene A. Brodeur, Andy Brook, Austen Clark, Michael R. W. Dawson, Jerry Fodor, Mel Goodale, Stevan Harnad, Heather Hollinsworth, Lisa N. Jefferies, Brian Keane, Zenon W. Pylyshyn, Charles Reiss, Brian J. Scholl, Lana Trick, Claudia Uller, Marla Wolf, Richard D. Wright Don Dedrick is Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy (cross-appointed to Psychology, Neuroscience, and Applied Cognitive Science) at the University of Guelph, Ontario. Lana Trick is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Guelph. July — 6 x 9, 360 pp. — 44 illus. $36.00S/£23.95 paper 978-0-262-51242-8 $70.00S/£45.95 cloth 978-0-262-01284-3

CONTRIBUTORS David Braddon-Mitchell, Mark Colyvan, Frank Jackson, Justine Kingsbury, Fred Kroon, David Lewis, Dustin Locke, Kelby Mason, Jonathan McKeown-Green, Peter Menzies, Robert Nola, Daniel Nolan, Philip Pettit, Huw Price, Denis Robinson, Steve Stich, Daniel Stoljar David Braddon-Mitchell is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sydney and the author (with Frank Jackson) of The Philosophy of Mind and Cognition. Robert Nola is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Auckland and the author of Rescuing Reason. February — 6 x 9, 384 pp. $38.00S/£24.95 paper 978-0-262-51228-2 $75.00S/£48.95 cloth 978-0-262-01256-0






Contemporary Readings edited by Alex Byrne and Heather Logue

A Critical History of Temporality David Couzens Hoy

A central debate in contemporary philosophy of perception concerns the disjunctive theory of perceptual experience. Until the 1960s, philosophers of perception generally assumed that a veridical perception (a perceptual experience that presents the world as it really is) and a subjectively similar hallucination must have significant mental commonalities. Disjunctivists challenge this assumption, contending that the veridical perception and the corresponding hallucination share no mental core. Suppose that while you are looking at a lemon, God suddenly removes it, while keeping your brain activity constant. Although you notice no change, disjunctivists argue that the preremoval and postremoval experiences are radically different. Disjunctivism has gained prominent supporters in recent years, as well as attracting much criticism. This reader collects for the first time in one volume classic texts that define and react to disjunctivism. These include an excerpt from a book by the late J. M. Hinton, who was the first to propose an explicitly disjunctivist position, and papers stating a number of important objections.

The project of all philosophy may be to gain reconciliation with time, even if not every philosopher has dealt with time expressly. A confrontation with the passing of time and with human finitude runs through the history of philosophy as an ultimate concern. In this genealogy of the concept of temporality, David Hoy examines the emergence in a post-Kantian continental philosophy of a focus on the lived experience of the “time of our lives” rather than on the time of the universe. The purpose is to see how phenomenological and poststructuralist philosophers have tried to locate the source of temporality, how they have analyzed time’s passing, and how they have depicted our relation to time once it has been — in a Proustian sense — regained. Hoy engages with competing theoretical tactics for reconciling us to our fleeting temporality. After discussing Kant’s interpretation of time and Heidegger’s productive misreading of Kant, Hoy examines the work of Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Nietzsche, for theories of the present; draws further lessons from Gadamer, Sartre, Bourdieu, Foucault, and Bergson about the past; and analyzes in addition philosophers Deleuze, Žižek, and Derrida on the politics of the future. Then Hoy considers four existential strategies for coping with the apparent flow of temporality, including Proust’s passive and Walter Benjamin’s active reconciliation through memory, Žižek’s critique of poststructuralist politics, Foucault’s confrontation with the temporality of power, and Deleuze’s account of Aion and Chronos. The study concludes by exploring whether a dual temporalization could be what constitutes the singular “time of our lives.”

CONTRIBUTORS Alex Byrne, Jonathan Dancy, J. M. Hinton, Mark Johnston, Harold Langsam, Heather Logue, M. G. F. Martin, John McDowell, Alan Millar, Howard Robinson, A. D. Smith, Paul Snowdon Alex Byrne is Professor of Philosophy at MIT and the coeditor of Fact and Value: Essays on Ethics and Metaphysics for Judith Jarvis Thomson (2001) and Readings on Color, volumes 1 and 2 (1997), all published by the MIT Press. Heather Logue is a graduate student in Philosophy at MIT.

“Disjunctivism is probably the single most important idea in philosophy of perception, epistemology, and theory of reference today. This collection gives you all you need to know to make up your own mind. It takes you from the seminal papers with which the discussion began to the contemporary state of the art. The issues are complex, far-reaching, and often argued with much passion. I don't know a better place to begin than with the cool, lucid overview provided by the editors, itself a masterly essay. An indispensable collection.” — John Campbell, University of California, Berkeley

David Couzens Hoy is Professor of Philosophy and Distinguished Professor of Humanities at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is the author of Critical Resistance: From Poststructuralism to Post-Critique (MIT Press, 2004). April — 5 3/8 x 8, 328 pp. $34.00S/£21.95 cloth 978-0-262-01304-8

February — 6 x 9, 368 pp. $36.00S/£23.95 paper 978-0-262-52490-2 $70.00S/£45.95 cloth 978-0-262-02655-0 MIT Readers in Contemporary Philosophy


PROFESSIONAL psychology/cognitive science




Pythagoras to Present John C. Malone

The Social Ontogeny of Propositional Thinking Radu J. Bogdan

Certain ideas have preoccupied thinkers since ancient times: the nature of mind, the sources of knowledge and belief, the nature of the self, ethics and the best way to lead our lives, the question of free will. In this book, John Malone examines these ideas in the writings of thinkers from antiquity to the present day and argues for their importance not just as precursors of modern views but as ideas that are frequently better than current ones. We can get good advice, he writes, from the writings of the best thinkers of the past. Pythagoras, Thales, Plato, Protagoras, Aristotle, Diogenes, and Epictetus all offer tried and tested ideas on how we should lead our lives and on the treatment of psychopathology — as do Berkeley, Hume, John Stuart Mill, Johann Friedrich Herbart, Wilhelm Wundt, William James, Sigmund Freud, and B. F. Skinner. Malone begins with the naturalistic and mystical strains of early Greek thought, moves on to Platonism and the world of Forms (and considers parallels between the thought of Plato and Freud), and discusses “Ancient Self-Help Therapies” (including Epicureanism). He investigates the psychological insights of Enlightenment thinkers including Francis Bacon and Galileo, Locke’s and Kant’s theories of experience, and Darwin’s evolutionary thinking. He charts the rise of modern psychology and the beginning of “biological psychology.” He examines the work of Wundt, Titchener, Freud, Peirce, and James, among others, and describes the ideas of behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, and cognitive science. Malone’s history offers both breadth and depth, an engaging style and rigorous scholarship, demonstrating vividly the relevance of the great historical psychological thinkers.

The predicative mind singles out and represents an item in order to attribute to it a property, a relation, an action, an evaluation; it thinks, and says, of a house that it is big, of a car that it is to the left of the house, of a cat that it is about to jump, of a hypothesis that it is plausible. The capacity to predicate appears to be neither innate nor learned, yet it is universal among humans. Puzzling in evolutionary, developmental, and philosophical terms, the mental competence for predication still awaits a coherent and plausible explanation. In this exploration of the predicative roots of human thinking, Radu Bogdan takes up the challenge. Bogdan argues that predication is not only an outcome of development but also a by-product of uniquely human features of development, many of them social in nature and unrelated to representation, cognition, and thinking. Humans develop predicative minds for disparate reasons, which bear initially on physiological coregulation, affective and manipulative communication, and the socially shared acquisition of words. Once developed, the competence for predication in turn redesigns human thinking and communication. Predication is at the heart of conscious, deliberate, explicit, and language-based human thinking, and it is the fuel of higher mental activities. Understanding the uniqueness and representational power of the human mind, Bogdan contends, requires an explanation of why and how predication came to be.

John C. Malone is Professor of Psychology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

$25.00S/£16.95 cloth 978-0-262-02636-9

June — 6 x 9, 568 pp. — 46 illus. $40.00S/£25.95 cloth 978-0-262-01296-6


Radu J. Bogdan is Professor in the Departments of Philosophy and Psychology and Director of the Center for Mind, Language and Culture at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. He is the author of Minding Minds (2000) and Interpreting Minds (1997), both published by the MIT Press. March — 6 x 9, 184 pp. — 3 illus.

PROFESSIONAL cognitive science

cognitive science/biology



The Mechanization of Mind Jean-Pierre Dupuy The conceptual history of cognitive science remains for the most part unwritten. In this groundbreaking book, Jean-Pierre Dupuy — one of the principal architects of cognitive science in France — provides an important chapter: the legacy of cybernetics. Contrary to popular belief, Dupuy argues, cybernetics represented not the anthropomorphization of the machine but the mechanization of the human. The founding fathers of cybernetics — some of the greatest minds of the twentieth century, including John von Neumann, Norbert Wiener, Warren McCulloch, and Walter Pitts — intended to construct a materialist and mechanistic science of mental behavior that would make it possible at last to resolve the ancient philosophical problem of mind and matter. The importance of cybernetics to cognitive science, Dupuy argues, lies not in its daring conception of the human mind in terms of the functioning of a machine but in the way the strengths and weaknesses of the cybernetics approach can illuminate controversies that rage today — between cognitivists and connectionists, eliminative materialists and Wittgensteinians, functionalists and anti-reductionists. Dupuy brings to life the intellectual excitement that attended the birth of cognitive science sixty years ago. He separates the promise of cybernetic ideas from the disappointment that followed as cybernetics was rejected and consigned to intellectual oblivion. The mechanization of the mind has reemerged today as an all-encompassing paradigm in the convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science. The tensions, contradictions, paradoxes, and confusions Dupuy discerns in cybernetics offer a cautionary tale for future developments in cognitive science. Philosopher Jean-Pierre Dupuy holds professorships at École Polytechnique, Paris, and Stanford University. At École Polytechnique he founded and directed the Applied Epistemological Research Center (CREA). March — 6 x 9, 224 pp. $25.00S/£16.95 paper 978-0-262-51239-8

Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives on Mind, Brain, and Behavior edited by Luca Tommasi, Mary A. Peterson, and Lynn Nadel In the past few decades, sources of inspiration in the multidisciplinary field of cognitive science have widened. In addition to ongoing vital work in cognitive and affective neuroscience, important new work is being conducted at the intersection of psychology and the biological sciences in general. This volume offers an overview of the cross-disciplinary integration of evolutionary and developmental approaches to cognition in light of these exciting new contributions from the life sciences. This research has explored many cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisms and developmental stages, and results have revealed the nature and origin of many instances of the cognitive life of organisms. Each section of Cognitive Biology deals with a key domain of cognition: spatial cognition; the relationships among attention, perception, and learning; representations of numbers and economic values; and social cognition. Contributors discuss each topic from the perspectives of psychology and neuroscience, brain theory and modeling, evolutionary theory, ecology, genetics, and developmental science. CONTRIBUTORS Chris M. Bird, Elizabeth M. Brannon, Neil Burgess, Jessica F. Cantlon, Stanislas Dehaene, Christian F. Doeller, Reuven Dukas, Rochel Gelman, Alexander Gerganov, Paul W. Glimcher, Robert L. Goldstone, Edward M. Hubbard, Lucia F. Jacobs, Mark H. Johnson, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, David Landy, Lynn Nadel, Nora S. Newcombe, Daniel Osorio, Mary A. Peterson, Manuela Piazza, Philippe Pinel, Michael L. Platt, Kristin R. Ratliff, Michael E. Roberts, Wendy S. Shallcross, Stephen V. Shepherd, Sylvain Sirois, Luca Tommasi, Alessandro Treves, Alexandra Twyman, Giorgio Vallortigara Luca Tommasi is Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Science at the University of Chieti and a Fellow of the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research. Mary A. Peterson is Professor in the Cognition and Neural Systems Program in the Department of Psychology and Research Social Scientist in the Cognitive Science Program at the University of Arizona. Lynn Nadel is Regents’ Professor in the Cognition and Neural Systems Program, Department of Psychology, at the University of Arizona. July — 7 x 9, 384 pp. — 80 illus. $50.00S/£32.95 cloth 978-0-262-01293-5 Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology


PROFESSIONAL philosophy/biology

biology/computational biology



Comparative Philosophical Perspectives edited by Ulrich Krohs and Peter Kroes The notion of function is an integral part of thinking in both biology and technology; biological organisms and technical artifacts are both ascribed functionality. Yet the concept of function is notoriously obscure (with problematic issues regarding the normative and the descriptive nature of functions, for example) and demands philosophical clarification. So too the relationship between biological organisms and technical artifacts: although entities of one kind are often described in terms of the other — as in the machine analogy for biological organism or the evolutionary account of technological development — the parallels between the two break down at certain points. This volume takes on both issues and examines the relationship between organisms and artifacts from the perspective of functionality. Believing that the concept of function is the root of an accurate understanding of biological organisms, technical artifacts, and the relation between the two, the contributors take an integrative approach, offering philosophical analyses that embrace both biological and technical fields of function ascription. They aim at a better understanding not only of the concept of function but also of the similarities and differences between organisms and artifacts as they relate to functionality. Their ontological, epistemological, and phenomenological comparisons will clarify problems that are central to the philosophies of both biology and technology. CONTRIBUTORS Paul Sheldon Davies, Maarten Franssen, Wybo Houkes, Yoshinobu Kitamura, Peter Kroes, Ulrich Krohs, Tim Lewens, Andrew Light, Françoise Longy, Peter McLaughlin, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Mark Perlman, Beth Preston, Giacomo Romano, Marzia Soavi, Pieter E. Vermaas Ulrich Krohs teaches philosophy at the University of Hamburg and is a member at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in Altenberg, Austria. Peter Kroes is Professor in the Philosophy of Technology, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. March — 7 x 9, 312 pp. — 12 illus. $50.00S/£32.95 cloth 978-0-262-11321-2 Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology


An Introduction to Molecular Biology Lawrence E. Hunter Recent research in molecular biology has produced a remarkably detailed understanding of how living things operate. Becoming conversant with the intricacies of molecular biology and its extensive technical vocabulary, can be a challenge, though, as introductory materials often seem more like a barrier than an invitation to the study of life. This text offers a concise and accessible introduction to molecular biology, requiring no previous background in science, aimed at students and professionals in fields ranging from engineering to journalism — anyone who wants to get a foothold in this rapidly expanding field. It will be particularly useful for computer scientists exploring computational biology. A reader who has mastered the information in The Processes of Life is ready to move on to more complex material in almost any area of contemporary biology. The Processes of Life covers the basics in all aspects of molecular biology, from biochemistry and evolution to molecular medicine and biotechnology. After introducing the culture of biology and the diversity of living things throughout history, the book describes evolution; “just enough chemistry”; universal processes of life and the underlying molecular structures; details of how proteins and nucleic acids carry out the processes of life; structures and processes in eukaryotes; the complexities of multicellular organisms; the anatomy and physiology of animals; fundamentals of human disease and its treatment; contemporary biotechnology, including genetic engineering; and bioethics and the implications for society of molecular biology’s discoveries. Lawrence E. Hunter, a founder of the International Society for Computational Biology, is Director of the Computational Bioscience Program and of the Center for Computational Pharmacology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. March — 7 x 9, 320 pp. — 47 color illus., 12 black & white illus. $40.00S/£25.95 cloth 978-0-262-01305-5

PROFESSIONAL neuroscience




edited by Jean Decety and William Ickes In recent decades, empathy research has blossomed into a vibrant and multidisciplinary field of study. The social neuroscience approach to the subject is premised on the idea that studying empathy at multiple levels (biological, cognitive, and social) will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of how other people’s thoughts and feelings can affect our own thoughts, feelings, and behavior. In these cutting-edge contributions, leading advocates of the multilevel approach view empathy from the perspectives of social, cognitive, developmental and clinical psychology and cognitive/affective neuroscience. Chapters include a critical examination of the various definitions of the empathy construct; surveys of major research traditions based on these differing views (including empathy as emotional contagion, as the projection of one’s own thoughts and feelings, and as a fundamental aspect of social development); clinical and applied perspectives, including psychotherapy and the study of empathy for other people’s pain; various neuroscience perspectives; and discussions of empathy’s evolutionary and neuroanatomical histories, with a special focus on neuroanatomical continuities and differences across the phylogenetic spectrum. The new discipline of social neuroscience bridges disciplines and levels of analysis. In this volume, the contributors’ state-of-the-art investigations of empathy from a social neuroscience perspective vividly illustrate the potential benefits of such cross-disciplinary integration. CONTRIBUTORS C. Daniel Batson, James Blair, Karina Blair, Jerold D. Bozarth, Ann Buysse, Susan F. Butler, Michael Carlin, C. Sue Carter, Kenneth D. Craig, Mirella Dapretto, Jean Decety, Mathias Dekeyser, Ap Dijksterhuis, Robert Elliott, Natalie D. Eggum, Nancy Eisenberg, Norma Deitch Feshbach, Seymour Feshbach, Liesbet Goubert, Leslie S. Greenberg, Elaine Hatfield, James Harris, William Ickes, Claus Lamm, Yen-Chi Le, Mia Leijssen, Raymond S. Nickerson, Jennifer H. Pfeifer, Stephen W. Porges, Richard L. Rapson, Simone G. Shamay-Tsoory, Rick B. van Baaren, Matthijs L. van Leeuwen, Andries van der Leij, Jeanne C. Watson Jean Decety is Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Chicago, where he heads the Social Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory. William Ickes is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas, Arlington. April — 7 x 9, 264 pp. — 7 illus. $45.00S/£29.95 cloth 978-0-262-01297-3

Moral and Social Implications of Creating Life in the Laboratory edited by Mark A. Bedau and Emily C. Parke Teams of scientists around the world are racing to create protocells — microscopic, self-organizing entities that spontaneously assemble from simple organic and inorganic materials. The creation of fully autonomous protocells — a technology that can, for all intents and purposes, be considered literally alive — is only a matter of time. This book examines the pressing social and ethical issues raised by the creation of life in the laboratory. Protocells might offer great medical and social benefits and vast new economic opportunities, but they also pose potential risks and threaten cultural and moral norms against tampering with nature and “playing God.” The Ethics of Protocells offers a variety of perspectives on these concerns. After a brief survey of current protocell research (including the much-publicized “top-down” strategy of J. Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith, for which they have received multimillion dollar financing from the U.S. Department of Energy), the chapters treat risk, uncertainty, and precaution; lessons from recent history and related technologies; and ethics in a future society with protocells. The discussions range from new considerations of the precautionary principle and the role of professional ethicists to explorations of what can be learned from society’s experience with other biotechnologies and the open-source software movement. CONTRIBUTORS Mark A. Bedau, Gaymon Bennett, Giovanni Boniolo, Carl Cranor, Bill Durodié, Mickey Gjerris, Brigitte Hantsche-Tangen, Christine Hauskeller, Andrew Hessel, Brian Johnson, George Khushf, Emily C. Parke, Alain Pottage, Paul Rabinow, Per Sandin, Joachim Schummer, Mark Triant, Laurie Zoloth Mark A. Bedau is Professor of Humanities at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. He is the coeditor of Emergence: Contemporary Readings in Science and Philosophy and Protocells: Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter, both published by the MIT Press in 2008. Emily C. Parke is Business Manager at ProtoLife Srl. May — 7 x 9, 392 pp. $28.00S/£18.95 paper 978-0-262-51269-5 $55.00S/£35.95 cloth 978-0-262-01262-1 Basic Bioethics series

Social Neuroscience series


PROFESSIONAL philosophy of science




The Science Wars, Argumentation Theory, and Habermas William Rehg Recent years have seen a series of intense, increasingly acrimonious debates over the status and legitimacy of the natural sciences. These “science wars” take place in the public arena — with current battles over evolution and global warming — and in academia, where assumptions about scientific “objectivity” have been called into question. Given these hostilities, what makes a scientific claim merit our consideration? In Cogent Science in Context, William Rehg examines what makes scientific arguments cogent — that is, strong and convincing — and how we should assess that cogency. Drawing on the tools of argumentation theory, Rehg proposes a multidimensional, context-sensitive framework both for understanding the cogency of scientific arguments and for conducting cooperative interdisciplinary assessments of the cogency of actual scientific arguments. Rehg first shows how argumentation theory, with methods for evaluating arguments that draw on disciplines ranging from logic to rhetoric, can provide an interdisciplinary lens through which to view the issues in the academic science wars. He then closely examines Jürgen Habermas’s argumentation theory and its implications for understanding cogency, applying it to a case from high-energy physics. A series of problems, however, beset Habermas’s approach. In response, Rehg outlines his own “critical contextualist” approach, which uses argumentation-theory categories in a new and more context-sensitive way inspired by ethnography of science. Critical contextualism not only responds to the academic debates but also has relevance for the study of debates in the public arena, as Rehg demonstrates with a case study of National Academy of Sciences panels appointed to study the possible links between diet and health. William Rehg is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University. He is the translator of Jürgen Habermas’s Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy (1996) and the coeditor of Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics and Pluralism (1997) and The Pragmatic Turn: The Transformation of Critical Theory (2001), all published by the MIT Press. February — 6 x 9, 360 pp. — 4 illus. $40.00S/£25.95 cloth 978-0-262-18271-3 Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought


edited by Eric Raimy and Charles E. Cairns The essays in this volume address foundational questions in phonology that cut across different schools of thought within the discipline. The theme of modularity runs through them all, however, and these essays demonstrate the benefits of the modular approach to phonology, either investigating interactions among distinct modules or developing specific aspects of representation within a particular module. Although the contributors take divergent views on a range of issues, they agree on the importance of representations and questions of modularity in phonology. Their essays address the status of phonological features, syllable theory, metrical structure, the architecture of the phonological component, and interaction among components of phonology. In the early 1990s the rise of Optimality Theory — which suggested that pure computation would solve the problems of representations and modularity — eclipsed the centrality of these issues for phonology. This book is unique in offering a coherent view of phonology that is not Optimality Theory based. The essays in this book, all by distinguished phonologists, demonstrate that computation and representation are inherently linked; they do not deny Optimality Theory, but attempt to move the field of phonology beyond it. CONTRIBUTORS Juliette Blevins, Charles E. Cairns, Andrea Calabrese, G. Nick Clements, B. Elan Dresher, Morris Halle, Harry van der Hulst, William J. Idsardi, Ellen Kaisse, Andrew Nevins, Thomas C. Purnell, Eric Raimy, Keren Rice, Charles Reiss, Bert Vaux, Aaron Wolfe Eric Raimy is Assistant Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Charles E. Cairns is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at Queens College and the CUNY Graduate Center. April — 7 x 9, 424 pp. $45.00S/£29.95 paper 978-0-262-68172-8 $90.00S/£58.95 cloth 978-0-262-18270-6 Current Studies in Linguistics 48

PROFESSIONAL linguistics




David Lebeaux

In this highly original reanalysis of minimalist syntax, Thomas Stroik considers the optimal design properties for human language. Taking as his starting point Chomsky’s minimalist assumption that the syntactic component of a language generates representations for sentences that are interpreted at perceptual and conceptual interfaces, Stroik investigates how these representations can be generated most parsimoniously. Countering the prevailing analyses of minimalist syntax, he argues that the computational properties of human language consist only of strictly local Merge operations that lack both look-back and look-forward properties. All grammatical operations reduce to a single sort of locally defined feature-checking operation, and all grammatical properties are the cumulative effects of local grammatical operations. As Stroik demonstrates, reducing syntactic operations to local operations with a single property — merging lexical material into syntactic derivations — not only radically increases the computational efficiency of the syntactic component, but it also optimally simplifies the design of the computational system. Locality in Minimalist Syntax explains a range of syntactic phenomena that have long resisted previous generative theories, including that-trace effects, superiority effects, and the interpretations available for multiple-wh constructions. It also introduces the Survive Principle, an important new concept for syntactic analysis, and provides something considered impossible in minimalist syntax: a locality account of displacement phenomena.

This concise but wide-ranging monograph examines where the conditions of binding theory apply and in doing so considers the nature of phrase structure (in particular how case and theta roles apply) and the nature of the lexical/functional split. David Lebeaux begins with a revised formulation of binding theory. He reexamines Chomsky’s conjecture that all conditions apply at the interfaces, in particular LF (or Logical Form), and argues instead that all negative conditions, in particular Condition C, apply continuously throughout the derivation. Lebeaux draws a distinction between positive and negative conditions, which have different privileges of occurrence according to the architecture of the grammar. Negative conditions, he finds, apply homogeneously throughout the derivation; positive conditions apply solely at LF. A hole in Condition C then forces a reconsideration of the whole architecture of the grammar. He finds that case and theta representations are split apart and are only fused at later points in the derivation, after movement has applied. Lebeaux’s exploration of the relationship between case and theta theory reveals a relationship of greater subtlety and importance than is generally assumed. His arguments should interest syntacticians and those curious about the foundations of grammar. David Lebeaux is an independent researcher who specializes in syntax and the syntactic elements of language acquisition. He has held positions at Princeton University, the NEC Research Institute, and the University of Maryland, among other institutions, and is the author of Language Acquisition and the Form of the Grammar. April — 6 x 9, 128 pp.

Thomas S. Stroik

Thomas S. Stroik is Professor of English and Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Missouri–Kansas City. He is the author of Syntactic Controversies; Minimalism, Scope, and VP Structure; Path Theory and Argument Structure; and The Pragmatics of Metaphor.

$25.00S/£16.95 paper 978-0-262-51271-8

April — 6 x 9, 168 pp.

$50.00S/£32.95 cloth 978-0-262-01290-4

$32.00S/£20.95 paper 978-0-262-51276-3

Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 50

$64.00S/£41.95 cloth 978-0-262-01292-8 Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 51



THE ECONOMICS OF GROWTH Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt A comprehensive, rigorous, and up-to-date introduction to growth economics that presents all the major growth paradigms and shows how they can be used to analyze the growth process and growth policy design.

March 7 x 9, 512 pp. 58 illus. $65.00S/£36.95 cloth 978-0-262-01263-8

Also available ENDOGENOUS GROWTH THEORY Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt 1997, 978-0-262-01166-2 $82.00S/£53.95 cloth

This comprehensive introduction to economic growth presents the main facts and puzzles about growth, proposes simple methods and models needed to explain these facts, acquaints the reader with the most recent theoretical and empirical developments, and provides tools with which to analyze policy design. The treatment of growth theory is fully accessible to students with a background no more advanced than elementary calculus and probability theory; the reader need not master all the subtleties of dynamic programming and stochastic processes to learn what is essential about such issues as cross-country convergence, the effects of financial development on growth, and the consequences of globalization. The book, which grew out of courses taught by the authors at Harvard and Brown universities, can be used both by advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and as a reference for professional economists in government or international financial organizations. The Economics of Growth first presents the main growth paradigms: the neoclassical model, the AK model, Romer’s product variety model, and the Schumpeterian model. The text then builds on the main paradigms to shed light on the dynamic process of growth and development, discussing such topics as club convergence, directed technical change, the transition from Malthusian stagnation to sustained growth, general purpose technologies, and the recent debate over institutions versus human capital as the primary factor in cross-country income differences. Finally, the book focuses on growth policies — analyzing the effects of liberalizing market competition and entry, education policy, trade liberalization, environmental and resource constraints, and stabilization policy — and the methodology of growth policy design. All chapters include literature reviews and problem sets. An appendix covers basic concepts of econometrics. Philippe Aghion is Robert C. Waggoner Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Peter Howitt is Lyn Crost Professor of Social Sciences at Brown University. Aghion and Howitt are the authors of Endogenous Growth Theory (MIT Press).

“Aghion and Howitt have produced a very important and thoughtful book which presents questions, models, and answers in a clear and constructive manner. They show how good theory can and should influence both understanding and policy. It will shape the way in which economists think about growth for years ahead.” — Nicholas Stern, Lord Stern of Brentford, and IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government, London School of Economics “This text is both a clear and concise survey of several approaches in the study of economic growth and an excellent introduction to the authors’ impressive extensions of the Schumpeterian approach to market innovation and innovation policy.” — Edmund S. Phelps, Director, Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, and Winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Economics


PROFESSIONAL computational economics




Theory and Computation John Stachurski

Postmodern Developments in the Theory of General Economic Equilibrium Yves Balasko

This text provides an introduction to the modern theory of economic dynamics, with emphasis on mathematical and computational techniques for modeling dynamic systems. Written to be both rigorous and engaging, the book shows how sound understanding of the underlying theory leads to effective algorithms for solving real world problems. The material makes extensive use of programming examples to illustrate ideas. These programs help bring to life the abstract concepts in the text. Background in computing and analysis is offered for readers without programming experience or upper-level mathematics. Topics covered in detail include nonlinear dynamic systems, finite-state Markov chains, stochastic dynamic programming, stochastic stability and computation of equilibria. The models are predominantly nonlinear, and the emphasis is on studying nonlinear systems in their original form, rather than by means of rudimentary approximation methods such as linearization. Much of the material is new to economics and improves on existing techniques. For graduate students and those already working in the field, Economic Dynamics will serve as an essential resource. John Stachurski is Associate Professor at the Kyoto Institute of Economic Research. He is a winner of the IJET Lionel McKenzie Prize, awarded to young authors who have made outstanding contributions to economic theory. His research is published in such leading journals as Econometrica, the Journal of Economic Theory and the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. April — 6 x 9, 400 pp. $50.00S/£32.95 cloth 978-0-262-01277-5

In The Equilibrium Manifold, noted economic scholar and major contributor to the theory of general equilibrium Yves Balasko argues that, contrary to what many textbooks want readers to believe, the study of the general equilibrium model did not end with the existence and welfare theorems of the 1950s. These developments, which characterize the modern phase of the theory of general equilibrium, led to what Balasko calls the postmodern phase, marked by the reintroduction of differentiability assumptions and the application of the methods of differential topology to the study of the equilibrium equation. Balasko’s rigorous study demonstrates the central role played by the equilibrium manifold in understanding the properties of the ArrowDebreu model and its extensions. Balasko argues that the tools of differential topology articulated around the concept of equilibrium manifold offer powerful methods for studying economically important issues, from existence and uniqueness to business cycles and economic fluctuations. After an examination of the theory of general equilibrium’s evolution in the hundred years between Walras and Arrow-Debreu, Balasko discusses the properties of the equilibrium manifold and the natural projection. He highlights the important role of the set of no-trade equilibria, the structure of which is applied to the global structure of the equilibrium manifold. He also develops a geometric approach to the study of the equilibrium manifold. Special effort has been made at reducing the mathematical technicalities without compromising rigor. The Equilibrium Manifold makes clear the ways in which the postmodern developments of the ArrowDebreu model improve our understanding of modern market economies. Yves Balasko is Professor of Economics at the University of York. He is the author of Foundations of the Theory of General Equilibrium and numerous articles on the theory of general equilibrium. May — 6 x 9, 264 pp. — 17 illus. $35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-02654-3 Arne Ryde Memorial Lecture Series



economics/European history



The Economic Causes and Consequences of Conflict edited by Gregory D. Hess

The Finnish Path from Crisis to Rapid Growth Seppo Honkapohja, Erkki A. Koskela, Willi Leibfritz, and Roope Uusitalo

Guns and Butter examines the causes and consequences of war from a political economy perspective, taking as its premise that a consideration of the incentives and constraints faced by individuals and groups is paramount in understanding conflict decision making. The chapter authors — leading economists and political scientists — believe that this perspective offers deeper insights into war and peace choices than the standard state-centric approach; and their contributions offer both theoretical and empirical support for the political economy perspective on conflict. Several broad themes cut across the chapters: war as an equilibrium phenomenon rather than an exogenous process; how the interaction of politics, economics, and institutions affects the frequency and severity of conflicts; the cost of fighting; and the often innovative character of conflict. Topics addressed include theoretical aspects of the ways in which domestic politics affects the decision to go to war; globalization and its effect on the net supply of terrorism; open markets and the likelihood of war and domestic insecurity; the costs of going to war in Iraq as compared to the costs of containment; the economic effects of the Rwandan genocide at a household level; and the evolving industrial organization of terrorist groups.

Many countries have experienced major economic changes since the mid-1980s as a result of the deregulation and liberalization of national financial systems — two key aspects of globalization — with some experiencing boom and bust in rapid succession. The small Northern European country of Finland has been hailed as a success story for achieving renewed economic growth and prosperity after a financial crisis and deep depression in the early 1990s. Economic Prosperity Recaptured offers a detailed analysis of the rapid swings in Finland’s recent economic development, from initial overheating in the late 1980s through deep crisis in the early 1990s to recovery and growth since the mid-1990s. Finland’s complex road to recovery offers excellent examples of both unsuccessful and successful policy responses to changing circumstances. The authors examine the three relatively distinct periods of Finland’s recent experience, analyzing the adequacy of the macroeconomic policy response in each case. They assess the real economic effects of financial constraints and look for evidence of the “credit channel” of the monetary system. Finland’s rapid economic growth since the mid-1990s is largely the result of its structural transformation into a high-tech economy; Nokia is the most famous example of this information and communication technology success. Elaborating on Finland’s ICT revolution, the authors demonstrate that well-designed economic policies contributed to Finland’s economic turnaround.

CONTRIBUTORS Brock Blomberg, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Ethan Bueno de Mesquita, Steven J. Davis, Michelle R. Garfinkel, Edward Glaeser, Gregory D. Hess, Kai Konrad, Kevin M. Murphy, Peter Rosendorff, Stephen Sheppard, Stergios Skaperdas, Constantinos Syropoulos, Robert H. Topel, Marijke Verpoorten Gregory D. Hess is Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty and the Russell S. Bock Chair of Public Economics and Taxation at the Robert Day School of Economics and Finance at Claremont McKenna College. June — 6 x 9, 344 pp. — 21 illus. $35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-01281-2 CESifo Seminar series

Seppo Honkapohja is Professor of International Macroeconomics at the University of Cambridge and a member of the Board of the Bank of Finland. Erkki A. Koskela is Professor of Public Economics at the University of Helsinki and Academy Professor of Economics at the Academy of Finland. Willi Leibfritz worked with the OECD from 2001 to 2007, retiring as Head of Division in the Economics Department. Roope Uusitalo is Research Director at Finland’s Government Institute for Economic Research (VATT). May — 6 x 9, 168 pp. — 57 figures $35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-01269-0 CESifo Book series


PROFESSIONAL economics/political science/Latin American studies




edited by Stephan Klasen and Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann High inequality in incomes and assets and persistent poverty continue to plague Latin America and remain a central economic policy challenge for Latin American policymakers. At the same time, dramatically improved methods and data allow researchers to analyze these problems and how they are affected by economic policy. In this book, experts on Latin American economic affairs use these new approaches to examine the dynamics of poverty and inequality in Latin America and the ability of policy to address them. Contributors first analyze the historical evolution of inequality in Latin America, examining such topics as the origins of inequality in colonial land distribution, the impact of educational opportunities on earnings inequality in Brazil, and racial discrimination in Brazil’s labor market. Contributors then use sophisticated panel data techniques to analyze the regional dynamics of poverty and inequality in Peru and Brazil, considering whether there are spatial poverty traps and, if so, what determines such traps. Finally, contributors use innovative impact evaluation and modeling techniques to examine specific policy issues: devaluation and dollarization in Bolivia, the Oportunidades conditional cash transfer program in rural Mexico, and the distributional effect of Brazil’s tax-benefit system. CONTRIBUTORS Rozane Bezerra de Siquiera, Jere R. Behrman, Denis Cogneau, Philippe De Vreyer, Ewout Frankema, Jérémie Gignoux, Javier Herrera, Herwig Immervoll, Stephan Klasen, Phillippe G. Leite, Horacio Levy, Sandrine Mesplé-Somps, José Ricardo Nogueira, Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann, Cathal O’Donoghue, Susan W. Parker, Rainer Schweickert, Gilles Spielvogel, Rainer Thiele, Petra E. Todd, Manfred Wiebelt Stephan Klasen is Professor of Developmental Economics at the University of Göttingen, where he also heads the Ibero-American Institute for Economic Research. Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann is a Senior Researcher at the Ibero-American Institute for Economic Research.

Nontenured Teachers in Higher Education John G. Cross and Edie N. Goldenberg Much attention has been paid to the increasing proportion of non-tenure-track faculty — adjuncts, lecturers, and others — in American higher education. Critics charge that universities exploit “contingent faculty” and graduate students, engaging in a type of bait and switch to attract applicants (advertising institutional standing based on distinguished faculty who seldom teach undergraduates), and as a result provide undergraduates with an inadequate educational experience. This book, by two experienced academic administrators, investigates the expanding role of part-time and non-tenure- track instructors in ten elite research universities and the consequences of this trend for the quality of the educational experience, the functioning of the university, and the excellence of the academic environment. The authors discover, to their surprise, that the existing data on the workforce in higher education is ambiguous (different institutions use different terms for non-tenure-track instructors; some even omit them from faculty data reports), making comparisons suspect. Many academic administrators are unaware of the tenured/nontenured breakdown of their own faculties and the hiring practices of their own universities. The authors look closely at the teaching workforce at Berkeley, Illinois, Michigan, Virginia, Washington, Cornell, Duke, MIT, Northwestern, and Washington University, believing that these outstanding universities provide a strong test case of resistance to pressures on the traditional tenure system. They describe hiring trends and what drives them, explain why they matter if we want to improve undergraduate education, support collegiality on campus, trust in academic governance, prevent the erosion of tenure, and preserve America’s global leadership in higher education.

February — 6 x 9, 336 pp. — 31 illus.

John G. Cross is Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance at Bloomfield College. Edie N. Goldenberg is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Michigan and Director of the University’s Michigan in Washington Program.

$35.00S/£22.95 cloth 978-0-262-11324-3

June — 6 x 9, 192 pp. — 8 illus.

CESifo Seminar series

$30.00S/£19.95 cloth 978-0-262-01291-1


PROFESSIONAL economics/environment




Gregory Amacher, Markku Ollikainen, and Erkki A. Koskela

Managing Large-Scale Risks in a New Era of Catastrophes Howard C. Kunreuther and Erwann O. Michel-Kerjan with Neil A. Doherty, Martin F. Grace, Robert W. Klein, and Mark V. Pauly

The field of forest economics has expanded rapidly in the last two decades, and yet there exists no up-to-date textbook for advanced undergraduate-graduate level use or rigorous reference work for professionals. Economics of Forest Resources fills these gaps, offering a comprehensive technical survey of the field with special attention to recent developments regarding policy instrument choice and uncertainty. It covers all areas in which mathematical models have been used to explain forest owner and user incentives and government behavior, introducing the reader to the rigor needed to think through the consequences of policy instruments. Technically difficult concepts are presented with a unified and progressive approach; an appendix outlines the basic concepts from calculus needed to understand the models and results developed. The book first presents the historical and classic models that every student or researcher in forest economics must know, including Faustman and Hartman approaches, public goods, spatial interdependence, two period life-cycle models, and overlapping generations problems. It then discusses topics including policy instrument choice, deforestation, biodiversity conservation, and age-class based forest modeling. Finally, it surveys such advanced topics as uncertainty in two period models, catastrophic risk, stochastic control problems, deterministic optimal control, and stochastic and deterministic dynamic programming approaches. Boxes with empirical content illustrating applications of the theoretical material appear throughout. Each chapter is self-contained, allowing the reader, student, or instructor to use the text according to individual needs. Gregory Amacher is Julian N. Cheatham Professor of Forest and Natural Resource Economics and Professor of Natural Resource Economics at Virginia Tech. Markku Ollikainen is Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics at the University of Helsinki. Erkki A. Koskela is Professor of Public Economics at the University of Helsinki and Academy Professor of Economics at the Academy of Finland.

The United States and other nations are facing largescale risks at an accelerating rhythm. In 2005, three major hurricanes — Katrina, Rita, and Wilma — made landfall along the U.S. Gulf Coast within a six-week period. The damage caused by these storms led to insurance reimbursements and federal disaster relief of more than $180 billion — a record sum. Today we are more vulnerable to catastrophic losses because of the increasing concentration of population and activities in high-risk coastal regions of the country. The question is not whether but when, and how frequently, future catastrophes will strike, and the extent of damages they will cause. Who should pay the costs associated with catastrophic losses suffered by homeowners in hazardprone areas? In At War with the Weather, Howard Kunreuther and Erwann Michel-Kerjan with their colleagues deliver a groundbreaking analysis of how we currently mitigate, insure against, and finance recovery from natural disasters in the United States. They offer innovative, long-term solutions for reducing losses and providing financial support for disaster victims that define a coherent strategy to assure sustainable recovery from future large-scale disasters. The amount of data collected and analyzed and innovations proposed make this the most comprehensive book written on these critical issues in the past thirty years. Howard C. Kunreuther is Cecilia Yen Koo Professor of Decision Sciences and Public Policy at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and Codirector of the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center. He is Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Innovation and Leadership in Reducing Risks from Natural Disasters. Erwann O. Michel-Kerjan is Managing Director of the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center and teaches in the Wharton School MBA program. He is Chairman of the OECD’s Secretary-General High Level Advisory Board on Financial Management of Large-Scale Catastrophes.

May — 7 x 9, 448 pp. — 23 illus. $60.00S/£38.95 cloth 978-0-262-01248-5


June — 8 x 9, 448 pp. — 82 illus. $55.00S/£35.95 cloth 978-0-262-01282-9

PROFESSIONAL environment/science




Their Relationship to Energy Balance, Atmospheric Dynamics, and Precipitation edited by Jost Heintzenberg and Robert J. Charlson

Andreas Schäfer, John B. Heywood, Henry D. Jacoby, and Ian A. Waitz

More than half the globe is covered by visible clouds. Clouds control major parts of the Earth’s energy balance, influencing both incoming shortwave solar radiation and outgoing longwave thermal radiation. Latent heating and cooling related to cloud processes modify atmospheric circulation, and, by modulating sea surface temperatures, clouds affect the oceanic circulation. Clouds are also an essential component of the global water cycle, on which all terrestrial life depends. Yet clouds constitute the most poorly quantified, least understood, and most puzzling aspect of atmospheric science, and thus the largest source of uncertainty in the prediction of climate change. Because clouds are influenced by climate change, and because complex, unidentified feedback systems are involved, science is faced with many unanswered questions. This volume begins by identifying and describing the baffling nature of clouds. It explores the boundaries of current knowledge on the spatial/temporal variability of clouds and cloud-related aerosols as well as the factors that control clouds, and examines the extent and nature of anthropogenic perturbations. Particular emphasis is given to the connections of clouds to climate through radiation, dynamics, precipitation, and chemistry, and to the difficulties in understanding the obvious but elusive fact that clouds must be affected by climate change. Utilizing the insights of this unique gathering of experts, the book offers recommendations to improve the current state of knowledge and direct future research in fields ranging from chemistry and theoretical physics to climate modeling and remote satellite sensing. Jost Heintzenberg is Professor and Chair in Physics of the Atmosphere at the University of Leipzig and Director of the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig. Robert J. Charlson is Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences and Chemistry at the University of Washington.

In the nineteenth century, horse transportation consumed vast amounts of land for hay production, and the intense traffic and ankle-deep manure created miserable living conditions in urban centers. The introduction of the horseless carriage solved many of these problems but has created others. Today another revolution in transportation seems overdue. Transportation consumes two-thirds of the world’s petroleum and has become the largest contributor to global environmental change. Most of this increase in scale can be attributed to the strong desire for personal mobility that comes with economic growth. In Transportation in a Climate-Constrained World, the authors present the first integrated assessment of the factors affecting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from passenger transportation. They examine such topics as past and future travel demand; the influence of personal and business choices on passenger travel’s climate impact; technologies and alternative fuels that may become available to mitigate GHG emissions from passenger transport; and policies that would promote a more sustainable transportation system. And most important, taking into account all of these options, they consider how to achieve a sustainable transportation system in the next thirty to fifty years. Andreas Schäfer is Director of the Martin Center for Architectural and Urban Studies at the University of Cambridge and a Research Affiliate at MIT. John B. Heywood is Sun Jae Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Sloan Automotive Laboratory at MIT. Henry D. Jacoby is Codirector of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change and Professor of Management in the Sloan School of Management at MIT. Ian A. Waitz is Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor and Department Head, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, at MIT. May — 6 x 9, 384 pp. — 30 illus. $27.00S/£17.95 paper 978-0-262-51234-3 $54.00S/£34.95 cloth 978-0-262-01267-6

March — 6 x 9, 576 pp. — 40 color illus., 71 black & white illus. $40.00S/£25.95 cloth 978-0-262-01287-4 Strüngmann Forum Reports


PROFESSIONAL urban studies/urban planning

urban studies/environment



Conflict and Negotiation over Public Space Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris and Renia Ehrenfeucht

Sustainability and Justice in the Next American Metropolis edited by M. Paloma Pavel foreword by Carl Anthony

Urban sidewalks, critical but undervalued public spaces, have been sites for political demonstrations and urban greening, promenades for the wealthy and the welldressed, and shelterless shelters for the homeless. On sidewalks, decade after decade, urbanites have socialized, paraded and played, sold their wares, and observed city life. These uses often overlap and conflict, and urban residents and planners try to include some and exclude others. In this first book-length analysis of the sidewalk as a distinct public space, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris and Renia Ehrenfeucht examine the evolution of the American urban sidewalk and trace conflicts that have arisen over its competing uses. They discuss the characteristics of sidewalks as small urban public spaces, and such related issues as the ambiguous boundaries of their “public” status, contestation around specific uses, control and regulations, and the implications for First Amendment speech and assembly rights. Drawing on historical and contemporary examples as well as case study research and archival data from five cities — Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, and Seattle — the authors focus on how the functions and meanings of street activities have shifted and have been negotiated through controls and interventions. They consider sidewalk uses that include the display of individual and group identities (in ethnic and pride parades, for example), the everyday politics of sidewalk access, and larger political actions (including Seattle’s 1999 antiglobalization protests), and examine the complex regulatory frameworks that manage street and sidewalk life. The role of urban sidewalks in the early twenty-first century depends, the authors conclude, on what we want from sidewalk life and how we balance competing interests. Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris is Professor and Chair of UCLA’s Department of Urban Planning. She is the coauthor of Urban Design Downtown: Poetics and Politics of Form. Renia Ehrenfeucht is Assistant Professor in the Department of Planning and Urban Studies at the University of New Orleans. May — 7 x 9, 336 pp. — 35 illus. $28.00S/£18.95 cloth 978-0-262-12307-5 Urban and Industrial Environments series


The emerging metropolitan regional-equity movement promotes innovative policies to ensure that all communities in a metropolitan region share resources and opportunities equally. Too often, low-income communities and communities of color bear a disproportionate burden of pollution and lack access to basic infrastructure and job opportunities. The metropolitan regional-equity movement — sometimes referred to as a new civil rights movement — works for solutions to these problems that take into account entire metropolitan regions: the inner-city core, the suburbs, and exurban areas. This book describes current efforts to create sustainable communities with attention to the “triple bottom line” — economy, environment, and equity — and argues that these three interests are mutually reinforcing. After placing the movement in its historical, racial, and class context, Breakthrough Communities offers case studies in which activists’ accounts alternate with policy analyses. These describe efforts in Detroit, New York City, San Francisco, Atlanta, Camden, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other metropolitan areas to address such problems as vacant property, brownfields, affordable housing, accessible transportation, community food security, and the aftermath of Katrina and September 11. The volume concludes by considering future directions for the movement, including global linkages devoted to such issues as climate change. M. Paloma Pavel is Founder and President of Earth House Center in Oakland, California, which is dedicated to building multiracial leadership. She is a psychologist and international educator and the coauthor of Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty. June — 6 x 9, 456 pp. — 6 illus. $28.00S/£18.95 paper 978-0-262-51235-0 $54.00S/£34.95 cloth 978-0-262-01268-3 Urban and Industrial Environments series

PROFESSIONAL urban studies/environment




Sustainability, Justice, and Urban Development in the United States David J. Hess

edited by Julian Agyeman and Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger

The internationalization of economies and other changes that accompany globalization have brought about a paradoxical reemergence of the local. A significant but largely unstudied aspect of new local-global relationships is the growth of “localist movements,” efforts to reclaim economic and political sovereignty for metropolitan and other subnational regions. In Localist Movements in a Global Economy, David Hess offers an overview of localism in the United States and assesses its potential to address pressing global problems of social justice and environmental sustainability. Since the 1990s, more than 100 local business organizations have formed in the United States, and there are growing efforts to build local ownership in the retail, food, energy, transportation, and media industries. In this first social science study of localism, Hess adopts an interdisciplinary approach that combines theoretical reflection, empirical research, and policy analysis. His perspective is not that of the uncritical localist advocate; he draws on his new empirical research to assess the extent to which localist policies can address sustainability and justice issues. After a theoretical discussion of sustainability, the global corporate economy, and economic development, Hess looks at four specific forms of localism: “buy local” campaigns; urban agriculture; local ownership of electricity and transportation; and alternative and community media. Hess examines “global localism” — transnational local-to-local supply chains — and other economic policies and financial instruments that would create an alternative economic structure. Localism is not a panacea for globalization, he concludes, but a crucial ingredient in projects to build more democratic, just, and sustainable politics.

The legacy of environmental catastrophe in the states of the former Soviet Union includes desertification, pollution, and the toxic aftermath of industrial accidents, the most notorious of which was the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. This book examines the development of environmental activism in Russia and the former Soviet republics in response to these problems and its effect on policy and planning. It also shows that because of increasing economic, ethnic, and social inequality in the former Soviet states, debates over environmental justice are beginning to come to the fore. The book explores the varying environmental, social, political, and economic circumstances of these countries — which range from the Western-style democracies of the Baltic states to the totalitarian regimes of Central Asia — and how they affect ecological, environmental, and public health. Among the topics covered are environmentalism in Russia (including the progressive nature of its laws on environmental protection, which are undermined by overburdened and underpaid law enforcement); the effect of oil wealth on Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan; the role of nationalism in Latvian environmentalism; the struggle of Russia’s indigenous peoples for environmental justice; public participation in Estonia’s environmental movement; and lack of access to natural capital in Tajikistan. Environmental Justice and Sustainability in the Former Soviet Union makes clear that although fragile transition economies, varying degrees of democratization, and a focus on national security can stymie progress toward “just sustainability,” the diverse states of the former Soviet Union are making some progress toward “green” and environmental justice issues separately.

David J. Hess is Professor of Science and Technology Studies and Director of the Program in Ecological Economics, Values, and Policy at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is the author of Alternative Pathways in Science and Industry (MIT Press, 2007) and many other books.

Julian Agyeman is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. He is the coeditor of Just Sustainabilities (MIT Press, 2003). Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger is Assistant Professor of International Development, Community and Environment at Clark University.

May — 6 x 9, 312 pp. — 1 illus. $25.00S/£16.95 paper 978-0-262-51232-9 $50.00S/£32.95 cloth 978-0-262-01264-5 Urban and Industrial Environments series

June — 6 x 9, 320 pp. — 18 illus. $25.00S/£16.95 paper 978-0-262-51233-6 $50.00S/£32.95 cloth 978-0-262-01266-9 Urban and Industrial Environments series


PROFESSIONAL environment/agricultural science/political science

environment/public policy



edited by Jennifer Clapp and Doris Fuchs

Charles Weiss and William B. Bonvillian

In today’s globally integrated food system, events in one part of the world can have multiple and wide-ranging effects, as has been shown by the recent and rapid global rise in food prices. Transnational corporations (TNCs) have been central to the development of this global food system, dominating production, international trade, processing, distribution, and retail sectors. Moreover, these global corporations play a key role in the establishment of rules and regulations by which they themselves are governed. This book examines how TNCs exercise power over global food and agriculture governance and what the consequences are for the sustainability of the global food system. The book defines three aspects of this corporate power: instrumental power, or direct influence; structural power, or the broader influence corporations have over setting agendas and rules; and discursive, or communicative and persuasive, power. The book begins by examining the nature of corporate power in cases ranging from “green” food certification in Southeast Asia and corporate influence on U.S. food aid policy to governance in the seed industry and international food safety standards. Chapters examine such issues as promotion of corporate-defined “environmental sustainability” and “food security,” biotechnology firms and intellectual property rights, and consumer resistance to GMOs and other cases of contestation in agrobiology. In a final chapter, the editors raise the crucial question of how to achieve participation, transparency, and accountability in food governance.

America is addicted to fossil fuels, and the environmental and geopolitical costs are mounting. A federal program — on the scale of the Manhattan Project or the Apollo Program — to stimulate innovation in energy policy seems essential. In Structuring an Energy Technology Revolution, Charles Weiss and William Bonvillian make the case for just such a program. Their proposal backs measures to stimulate private investment in new technology, including a cap-and-trade system or carbon tax, but augments these with a revamped energy innovation system. It would encourage a broad range of innovations that would give policymakers a variety of technological options over the long implementation period and at the huge scale required. Weiss and Bonvillian propose a new integrated policy framework for advancing energy technology and outline a four-step approach for encouraging energy innovations: assessment of how new technology will be launched, focusing on obstacles that may be encountered in the marketplace; development of technology-neutral policies and incentives, putting new technology pathways into practice to bridge the traditional “valley of death” between research and late-stage development; identification of gaps in the existing system of institutional support for energy innovation; and the establishment of private and public interventions to fill these gaps. This approach aims for a level playing field so that technologies can compete with one another on their merits. Strong leadership and public support will be needed to resist the pressure of entrenched interests against putting new technology pathways into practice. This book will help start the process.

CONTRIBUTORS Maarten Arentsen, Jennifer Clapp, Robert Falkner, Doris Fuchs, Agni Kalfagianni, Peter Newell, Steffanie Scott, Susan Sell, Elizabeth Smythe, Peter Vandergeest, Marc Williams, Mary Young Jennifer Clapp is CIGI Chair in International Governance and Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Waterloo. She is the coauthor of Paths to a Green World (MIT Press, 2005). Doris Fuchs is Professor of International Relations and Development at the University of Münster.

Charles Weiss is Distinguished Professor of Science, Technology, and International Affairs at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service. He was Science and Technology Adviser to the World Bank from 1971 to 1986. William B. Bonvillian is Director of the MIT Washington Office and a former senior adviser in the U.S. Senate.

June — 6 x 9, 312 pp. — 5 illus. $24.00S/£15.95 paper 978-0-262-51237-4 $48.00S/£30.95 cloth 978-0-262-01275-1 Food, Health, and the Environment series


April — 5 3/8 x 8, 280 pp. $24.00S/£15.95 cloth 978-0-262-01294-2

PROFESSIONAL environment/public policy

international security/public health



Transition and Transformations in Environmental Policy

Disease, Ecology, and National Security in the Era of Globalization Andrew T. Price-Smith

Second Edition

edited by Daniel A. Mazmanian and Michael E. Kraft This analysis of U.S. environmental policy offers a conceptual framework that serves as a valuable roadmap to the array of laws, programs, and approaches developed over the last four decades. Combining case studies and theoretical discussion, the book views environmental policy in the context of three epochs: the rise of command-and-control federal regulation in the 1970s, the period of efficiency-based reform efforts that followed, and the more recent trend toward sustainable development and integrated approaches at local and regional levels. It assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the new approaches and places these experiments within the larger framework of an emerging trend toward community sustainability. Toward Sustainable Communities assesses environmental policy successes and failures at the subnational, regional, and state levels and offers eight case studies of policy arenas in which transformations have been occurring — from air and water pollution control and state and local climate change policy to open space preservation, urban growth, and regional ecosystem management. It discusses the various meanings of sustainability and whether the concept can serve as a foundation for a new era of environmental policy. The second edition has been substantially updated, with five new chapters (including the chapter on climate change) and all other chapters revised and shortened. It is suitable as a primary or secondary text for environmental policy courses and as a resource for scholars and policymakers. Daniel A. Mazmanian is Bedrosian Chair in Governance and Director of the John Bedrosian Center on Governance and the Public Enterprise at the University of Southern California. Michael E. Kraft is Professor of Political Science and Herbert Fisk Johnson Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay.

Historians from Thucydides to William McNeill have pointed to the connections between disease and civil society. Political scientists have investigated the relationship of public health to governance, introducing the concept of health security. In Contagion and Chaos, Andrew Price-Smith offers the most comprehensive examination yet of disease through the lens of national security. Extending the analysis presented in his earlier book The Health of Nations, Price-Smith argues that epidemic disease represents a direct threat to the power of a state, eroding prosperity and destabilizing both its internal politics and its relationships with other states. He contends that the danger of an infectious pathogen to national security depends on lethality, transmissability, fear, and economic damage. Moreover, warfare and ecological change contribute to the spread of disease and act as “disease amplifiers.” Price-Smith presents a series of case studies to illustrate his argument: the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-19 (about which he advances the controversial claim that the epidemic contributed to the defeat of Germany and Austria); HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa (he contrasts the worst-case scenario of Zimbabwe with the more stable Botswana); bovine spongiform encephalopathy (also known as mad cow disease); and the SARS contagion of 2002-03. Emerging infectious disease continues to present a threat to national and international security, Price-Smith argues, and globalization and ecological change only accelerate the danger. Andrew T. Price-Smith is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and Director of the Project on Energy, Environment, and Global Security at The Colorado College. He is the author of The Health of Nations: Infectious Disease, Environmental Change, and Their Effects on National Security and Development (MIT Press, 2002) and is the editor of Plagues and Politics: Infectious Disease and International Policy. February — 6 x 9, 296 pp. — 12 illus.

May — 6 x 9, 352 pp. — 4 illus. $25.00S/£16.95 paper 978-0-262-51229-9 $50.00S/£32.95 cloth 978-0-262-13492-7

$24.00S/£15.95 paper 978-0-262-66203-1 $48.00S/£30.95 cloth 978-0-262-16248-7

American and Comparative Environmental Policy series


JOURNALS architecture/design

arts and humanities



Bruce Brown, Richard Buchanan, Dennis Doordan, and Victor Margolin, editors

Linda Smith Rhoads, Editor

Design Issues is the first American journal to examine design history, theory, and criticism. It provokes inquiry into the cultural and intellectual issues surrounding design. Special guest-edited issues concentrate on particular themes, such as science and technology studies, design research, and design critisicm. Quarterly, ISSN 0747-9360 Winter/Spring/Summer/Autumn 112 pp. per issue — 7 x 10, illustrated

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INDEX Access Principle, Willinsky 48

Computation, Cognition, and Pylyshyn, Dedrick 68

Acting in an Uncertain World, Callon 59 Adler, Hanne Darboven 36

Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism, Braddon-Mitchell 68

Aesthetics of Disappearance, new edition, Virilio 42

Consciousness Revisited, Tye 67

Africa's Turn?, Miguel 29

Conservation Refugees, Dowie 9

Aghion, The Economics of Growth 76

Contagion and Chaos, Price-Smith 85

Agyeman, Environmental Justice and Sustainability in the Former Soviet Union 83

Contemporary Views on Architecture and Representations in Phonology, Raimy 74

Amacher, Economics of Forest Resources 80

Corporate Power in Global Agrifood Governance, Clapp 84

Appropriation, Evans 17

Cowhey, Transforming Global Information and Communication Markets 60

Architecture Depends, Till 11 At War with the Weather, Kunreuther 80 At Your Service, Di Nitto 61 Austin, Selfless Insight 33 Axilrod, Inside the Fed 30 Bader, Roy Lichtenstein 18 Balasko, The Equilibrium Manifold 77 Barry Commoner and the Science of Survival, Egan 57 Bataille, The Cradle of Humanity 44 Beauty, Beech 16 Becoming Bucky Fuller, Lorance 15 Bedau, The Ethics of Protocells 73 Beech, Beauty 16 Bengtsson, Life under Pressure, 56 Beyond Red and Blue, Wenz 27 Bioethics in the Age of New Media, Zylinska 65 Birksted, Le Corbusier and the Occult 14 Bodker, Participatory IT Design 54 Bogdan, Predicative Minds 70

Cradle of Humanity, Bataille 44 Cross, Off-Track Profs 79 Crucible of Consciousness, Torey 67 Curran, Obelisk 8 Cytowic, Wednesday Is Indigo Blue 5 Dan Graham, Simpson 23 Dark Ages, McIntyre 46 Dataset Shift in Machine Learning, Quiñonero-Candela 62 Decety, The Social Neuroscience of Empathy 73 Dedrick, Computation, Cognition, and Pylyshyn 68 Deffeyes, Nanoscale 6 Design Meets Disability, Pullin 3 Di Nitto, At Your Service 61 Di'an, Synthetic Times 24 Disjunctivism, Byrne 69 Does Consciousness Cause Behavior?, Pockett 52 Dowie, Conservation Refugees 9 Dupuy, On the Origins of Cognitive Science 71 Economic Dynamics, Stachurski 77

Braddon-Mitchell, Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism 68

Economic Prosperity Recaptured, Honkapohja 78

Brady, Elizabeth Blackburn and the Story of Telomeres 47

Economics of Forest Resources, Amacher 80

Breakthrough Communities, Pavel 82

Economics of Growth, Aghion 76

Breit, Lives of the Laureates, fifth edition 31

Egan, Barry Commoner and the Science of Survival 57

Byrne, Disjunctivism 69

Elizabeth Blackburn and the Story of Telomeres, Brady 47

Cahuc, The Natural Survival of Work 50

Environmental Justice and Sustainability in the Former Soviet Union, Agyeman 83

Callon, Acting in an Uncertain World 59 Camps, Hailey 12 Can Germany Be Saved?, Sinn 49 Chris Marker, Harbord 36 Clapp, Corporate Power in Global Agrifood Governance 84 Claude Glass, Maillet 43 Clouds in the Perturbed Climate System, Heintzenberg 81 Cogent Science in Context, Rehg 74 Cognitive Biology, Tommasi 71 Cold War Kitchen, Oldenziel 58 Communications Under the Seas, Finn 60


Equilibrium Manifold, Balasko 77 Ethics of Computer Games, Sicart 65 Ethics of Protocells, Bedau 73 Evans, Appropriation 17 Everyday Engineering, Vinck 55 Far-Fetched Facts, Rottenburg 59 Finn, Communications Under the Seas 60 Flanagan, re:skin 55 Flanagan, The Really Hard Problem 46 Frampton, On the Camera Arts and Consecutive Matters 20 Fresh Pond, Sinclair 32

INDEX Friedberg, The Virtual Window 49

Lorance, Becoming Bucky Fuller 15

Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds, Krohs 72

Losh, Virtualpolitik 26

Gans, Parentonomics 1

Loukaitou-Sideris, Sidewalks 82

Generation Digital, Montgomery 48

Maillet, The Claude Glass 43

Genetics and Life Insurance, Rothstein 53

Malone, Psychology 70

Georeferencing, Hill 54

Manning, Relationscapes 66

Goodyear, Inventing Marcel Duchamp 22

Mazmanian, Toward Sustainable Communities, second edition 85

Goutte, Learning Machine Translation 62

McIntyre, Dark Ages 46

The Grid Book, Higgins 13

Mercury Station, Von Schlegell 39

Guattari, Soft Subversions, new edition 41

Miguel, Africa's Turn? 29

Guns and Butter, Hess 78

Minteer, The Landscape of Reform 57

Hailey, Camps 12

Monstrosity of Christ, Žižek 2

Hanna, Rationality and Logic 52

Montfort, Racing the Beam 25

Hanne Darboven, Adler 36

Montgomery, Generation Digital 48

Harbord, Chris Marker 36

Museological Unconscious, Tupitsyn 21

Harrigan, Third Person 64

Nanoscale, Deffeyes 6

Heathfield, Out of Now 4

Natural Survival of Work, Cahuc 50

Heintzenberg, Clouds in the Perturbed Climate System 81

Nature of Love, Volume 1, Singer 35

Hess, Guns and Butter 78

Nature of Love, Volume 2, Singer 35

Hess, Localist Movements in a Global Economy 83

Nature of Love, Volume 3, Singer 35

Higgins, The Grid Book 13

Neurophilosophy of Free Will, Walter 51

Hijacking Sustainability, Parr 10

Nitsche, Video Game Spaces 63

Hill, Georeferencing 54

Obelisk, Curran 8

Hogeland, Inventing American History 28

Off-Track Profs, Cross 79

Honkapohja, Economic Prosperity Recaptured 78

Oldenziel, Cold War Kitchen 58

Hoy, The Time of Our Lives 69

On the Camera Arts and Consecutive Matters, Frampton 20

Hudson, Robert Ryman 19

On the Origins of Cognitive Science, Dupuy 71

Hunter, The Processes of Life 72

Out of Now, Heathfield 4

Identity Games, Imre 64

Parallax View, Žižek 45

Imre, Identity Games 64

Parentonomics, Gans 1

Inside the Fed, Axilrod 30

Parr, Hijacking Sustainability 10

Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization, Svenonius 53

Participatory IT Design, Bødker 54

Inventing American History, Hogeland 28

Pavel, Breakthrough Communities 82

Inventing Marcel Duchamp, Goodyear 22

Philosophy of Love, Singer 35

Jackendoff, Language, Consciousness, Culture 51

Play Between Worlds, Taylor 47

Klasen, Poverty, Inequality, and Policy in Latin America 79

Pockett, Does Consciousness Cause Behavior? 52

Krohs, Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds 72

Poverty, Inequality, and Policy in Latin America, Klasen 79

Kunreuther, At War with the Weather 80

Predicative Minds, Bogdan 70

Landscape of Reform, Minteer 57

Price-Smith, Contagion and Chaos 85

Language, Consciousness, Culture, Jackendoff 51

Prism of Grammar, Roeper 50

Le Corbusier and the Occult, Birksted 14

Processes of Life, Hunter 72

Learning Machine Translation, Goutte 62

Psychology, Malone 70

Lebeaux, Where Does Binding Theory Apply? 75

Pullin, Design Meets Disability 3

Life under Pressure, Bengtsson 56

Qiu, Working-Class Network Society 61

Lives of the Laureates, fifth edition, Breit 31

Quiñonero-Candela, Dataset Shift in Machine Learning 62

Localist Movements in a Global Economy, Hess 83

Racing the Beam, Montfort 25

Locality in Minimalist Syntax, Stroik 75


INDEX Raimy, Contemporary Views on Architecture and Representations in Phonology 74

Tremblay, The US Brewing Industry 56

Rationality and Logic, Hanna 52

Turkle, Simulation and Its Discontents 7

re:skin, Flanagan 55

Tye, Consciousness Revisited 67

Really Hard Problem, Flanagan 46

US Brewing Industry, Tremblay 56

Rehg, Cogent Science in Context 74

Video Game Spaces, Nitsche 63

Relationscapes, Manning 66

Vinck, Everyday Engineering 55

Robert Ryman, Hudson 19

Virilio, The Aesthetics of Disappearance, new edition 42

Roeper, The Prism of Grammar 50

Virtual Window, Friedberg 49

Rothstein, Genetics and Life Insurance 53

Virtualpolitik, Losh 26

Rottenburg, Far-Fetched Facts 59

von Schlegell, Mercury Station 39

Roy Lichtenstein, Bader 18

Walter, Neurophilosophy of Free Will 51

Salvation Army, Taïa 38

Wednesday Is Indigo Blue, Cytowic 5

Schäfer, Transportation in a Climate-Constrained World 81

Weiss, Structuring an Energy Technology Revolution 84

Selfless Insight, Austin 33

Wenz, Beyond Red and Blue 27

Shaviro, Without Criteria 66

What We Know about Emotional Intelligence, Zeidner 34

Sicart, The Ethics of Computer Games 65

Where Does Binding Theory Apply?, Lebeaux 75

Sidewalks, Loukaitou-Sideris 82

Willinsky, The Access Principle 48

Simpson, Dan Graham 23

Without Criteria, Shaviro 66

Simulation and Its Discontents, Turkle 7

Working-Class Network Society, Qiu 61

Sinclair, Fresh Pond 32

Zeidner, What We Know about Emotional Intelligence 34

Singer, Philosophy of Love 35

Žižek, The Monstrosity of Christ 2

Singer, The Nature of Love, Volume 1 35

Žižek, The Parallax View 45

Singer, The Nature of Love, Volume 2 35

Zylinska, Bioethics in the Age of New Media 65

Singer, The Nature of Love, Volume 3 35 Sinn, Can Germany Be Saved? 49 Sloterdijk, Terror from the Air 40 Social Neuroscience of Empathy, Decety 73 Soft Subversions, new edition, Guattari 41 Stachurski, Economic Dynamics 77 Stroik, Locality in Minimalist Syntax 75 Structuring an Energy Technology Revolution, Weiss 84 Svenonius, The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization 53 Synthetic Times, Di'an 24 Taïa, Salvation Army 38 Taylor, Play Between Worlds 47 Terror from the Air, Sloterdijk 40 Third Person, Harrigan 64 Till, Architecture Depends 11 Time of Our Lives, Hoy 69 Tommasi, Cognitive Biology 71 Torey, The Crucible of Consciousness 67 Toward Sustainable Communities, second edition, Mazmanian 85 Transforming Global Information and Communication Markets, Cowhey 60 Transportation in a Climate-Constrained World, Schäfer 81


Tupitsyn, The Museological Unconscious 21

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Afterall Books 36-37 Semiotext(e) 38-41 Zone Books 42-43

Front cover: Pyroxene unraveled. Inside front cover: View down the length of a fibrous rod virus. Back cover: Twinned crystals. Illustrations by Stephen E. Deffeyes. From Nanoscale.

The MIT Press Spring 2009


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