The Mind

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 8
Victims of our own intelligent UPENDRA NEPALI

Victims of our own intelligent The world is so big that, none of us can even imagine at all. The world is only the place where every kind of organism existed and will continue to do so. Doesn’t it make us fell happy all the times? It does, and will do so. The world and the human existence are of greater vitality for all of us. As all of us keep on observing and analyzing it that the human existence is of greater and vitally infinite for the world home planet itself; the humans are the humility for the world. The only place of survivals and that is the ultimate one for all of us. Though scientists have been trying there best to find some other alternatives for the new and the newest one for our survivals; we got to appreciate theirs work of greater effort. Jupiter’s and mars can be the new home planet for us to stay in to it in next 600-800 years which can be only hypothesis of the professionals’ scientist. It’s not a new idea for us to find and invent or to discover thing in the world. Discovering and inventing is not only the matter of the scientist now days. Any of us can do so and we all are some how a scientist of the 21st centaury. The manifestation is that everything exists in the world. Simultaneously what every one of us is after is the new planet where our growing populations can be accommodate in the coming time. One question arrives in the mind that in next 300 years how big is the human populations going to be? This question is the concerning side of the learned people in the world. Let us even hope that the populations will not grow as we have expected. Living and dying is the natural phenomena for all of us to follow. I even thought populations will remain as it is and consistently will go a head. No need to worry about it. However the populations will go double or the triple of what we are having today. Every kind of struggle will comes to us at every steep of new generations. To face the new problems of the coming generations, we got to do something which can be more reliable ad relevant for the new coming people in the next 8th generations. Otherwise it becomes a burden to the up coming generations. Nevertheless, our generation has become the victims of the problems of today’s.” one who controls the past, controls the futures and one who controls the present, controls the past.” The theory of cause and effect is that a manifestation of everything is already there. As I was delving deeper, I came to realize that all kind of organisms do exist and go on vanishing. One will keep on replacing it or a multiple does the same things. There are alternatives for it. The mechanism of the living being is really complicated and easy to understand them. The natures is greater of all in which every one can 1

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survive in to it. So that the theory of everything is what our scientist says about it. However the theory of everything is not perhaps possible in these generations. The theory of everything exists and is not relevant to the daily living. Those theories which have or had played vitality can be the solutions to the world problems of today. That is all of us knew about it. How humans and the animals are going to exist in the world of next 300800 years of gap is a question to me and to the individuals too? What is complicating side to me is that what will happen to the mind of the people who are so civilized today and within next 300-800 years gap? There will be a vast and unknowingly changed in it. This is what at least I can imagine about it. Mind is primary and pervades all things. Only controlling up the past & the present, futures doesn’t let us grow up in the world. Stability & security, tranquility & peace, educations & mentality all is what required for the coming and the present generations. These aren’t the ultimate one for our progresses. It has become impossible to improve the life of each human, like the way we have or had thought. The Darwin may not have considered about it that the coexistence of the organism is so contrast and the comparable that none of us would have understood. According to there circumstances these living being survives and thrives in the world. Darwin theory of evolutions did open new avenues for the modern biology but not for the soul. Of course the life diverse at certain times at certain place; like the mountainous animals yak, yeti can’t come to plain land and survive. There whole generations would have slowly abandoned by the weather changes. The danger is that they both animals and the plants will soon vanished from the earth, it doesn’t mean that new plants and the animals will not come; it takes little time. We hope that it doesn’t get lost like the dinosaurs. We are only hoping that all the living creatures will soon vanished in the coming times. Scientist too is hoping for the vanishing up the creatures. Even we are hoping for the new animals’ existence in the world. However the human family takes a long distance of time to get vanished. What can all of us predict is that we will be the one to create such an environment for our own abandonment from the home planet. This is what I can at least imagine about it. I do imagine when dinosaurs were vanished other creatures existed in the world like that of crocodiles, lizard, snake, snails, all small and big animals. What will happen if the human being vanished from the planet? Will there be re-coming of the humans? Like wise do we again exist in the structures and the mind mechanism of today? Or do we change our 2

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whole structures and the mind mechanism? In the small stories we used to read it those human beings were so big in size and shape. Even in Mahabharata or in Ramayana and Gita all‘re Hindus scriptures, we used to read it or haven even seen in the TV they were made bigger of all beings. The size today we‘re having can be changed in next many years we can’t exactly say about it. What is possibility or the probability is that we are sure of loosing our mind power and the structures too. The chances are that either we humans will have grater power of thinking or no means of thinking like the way we do today. Our thinking might have become more superficial and mind mechanism will of course reduce its weight and the body structures too. It can happen and it’s only a prediction to the world. Molecular mutations and genetic understanding of the science will certainly help us to know what life is. Replications& mutations, multiplications & reductions are the best theories of the natures. As like in the mathematics subtract & add & multiply are the bases for the calculations to any greater numbers in the world. The theories of both mathematics and the science do articulated us that through the calculations is that manifestations to the natures all living being will vanish from the earth. Negative entropy isn’t the machines of the life and the evolutions. This is the coherence in us that we can predict about it. Brain as thought is the electrochemical substances which keep on fluctuating time to time, biologically have proved to be. What the biology or the entomology is going to say about the brain is unknown to us. Brian is the most sensitive part of the body. Science proved that we have 5 sense organs, where as brain I took as 6th sense organs. I might not prove mathematically or more strictly through the perspectives of the science. The characteristics of perceptions, knowledge, faith, wisdom, all are the part of the brain activities. Photons and the sound waves emitted from objects stimulate the sense organs. In an average or the extraordinaire brain contains emotions & thought, conceptions & perception, preconceptions & intentions which prove to be the chemical & biological process of the brain activities. It is a difficult for the neurobiological to distinguish between afflictive and none afflictive mental states. Nature have made amazing thing both living and none living being. They are interrelated and intertwined by there own way. Omnivorous & carnivorous‘re the animals that live on there own way. They can’t take 3

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meat if they are vegetarian like that of tiger or lions and the vultures. The world is a wonderland and a profound place to live in to it. My concern here is to safe the world and all living being which are useful and none useful particularly. Our mentality and the consciousness have been troubling the world. It have has made so competitive, none other then themselves. Even our own body is composed of material particles as like those of the rocks and the dust. Nevertheless, the entire universe and the cosmos are made from similar stuffs. However there is a huge difference in living body and none living bodies which have DNA & RNA, cells and genetic mutations is what protects us for being living being. The fundamental side of living being is that our molecular levels doincrease in to it. What is the mind, what does it do? Became a greater deal of questions to me and to the world; why it’s again a question. How have been the mind functioning in me, I do tried to understand. It’s not a simple topic nor is it a hard question to me. However to delve in to is my questions and will have a solutions too. As I observed the world and the human brain activities I do find some similarities and dissimilarities in to it. Just to compare and to contrast is not a finding or discovering anything rather, it becomes more problematic personally and with rest of the individuals. The complexes and to complete is that we don’t have has a self motivations to do so. Where there is a complex we do often escape by it. I am not advocating what is wrong or right. I don’t have extreme right or the left in me, what I am doing now, exactly is that analyzing it and finding out the truth in them. I have been thinking about it quite a long time a go. Just to think and not to think too makes a difference in it. As I analyzed my own brain activities I do find extra ordinaries & ordinaries, the nonsense fact. Commonsense and the nonsense are the fact that we do care about the brain manipulations of it. What does commonsense say to us; to be more cleavers and to be tricky towards stupid, pseudo and brain powerless individuals? Can it be right; I am sure this is what happening all over the world. I do belief that the world is the place of quick thinking and quick changes are going on. Be it in the technology or in the science itself, still the quick changes are on. Certainly none of us can even belief that the world and the humans demand are increasing day by day; basically in the site of technologically we have been heading too far. Up to what level we will go, none of us can even imagine. What I even thought is that these 4

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human brains have become a hardware and smaller software we have been taking it. May be the mind have lost all it’s characteristics of human values, such as liberty & democracy, freedom & equality, justice & tolerance and humility by the present time. May be I am right or the time is right, God knows well. If we loose these humans’ existence values& morality, what else is left to be integrated human? What I even think by loosing all these basics values will lead us; no were else then to the hell; which is the misuse of the brain and it’s intelligent too. Technologically we have of course done a grater job in the world. It doesn’t mean that it is only for the richer family in the world. It has become available for all sorts of men & women in any field in the world. I think this is pretty good for the advancing world. Thanks to the professional scientist. I don’t have personal tutors for the studies of the philosophies and the scientific studies. None of them have ever taught me, though I studied about the science in the primary and the secondary schooling, which doesn’t mean that I am not enthusiast towards learning of the scientific research; and the spirituality in the mind. It was a very clear day. They were walking a long distance after almost 10 years of gap in the village. These two friends were very much excited to see the flowers and the beauty of the sky. Gazing of the cattle’s and the green grass which made them fell so happy; they didn’t have any words to express. Simultaneously it rained. They didn’t move to the shade or under the tree, kept on walking to the up hills. The theory of relativity & quantum physics, the big bang theory which of course helped me to learn the world of the science and the present world too. Those theories, which may not have changed me but surely my perspectives, have changed. Of course I am keen in knowing what the world and the world history is about. Scientifically men and the women have transformed theirs life so much which amiable in the world. A prediction over the science is not enough to these days. All of us need to go beyond and beyond what it had and will have. Technologically, we aren’t consistent in the present world. We are the one to advance in the world of present times. Let us see what else changes the world and the humans have to get from the scientific world of own prospective. There are uncountable theories which haven’t been noticed by us. Like the theory of steady and the string theory which is in fact contemplating with the gravity. Unlike other theories E=MC2 have existed in every one mind. 5

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All generations have found this particular formula a genuine one through out life times. I am only thinking that the world and the humans will change so randomly that no one would have noticed; until they have felt by themselves. Mathematically & scientifically, politically & religiously, philosophically & ethically, it has given world wide influences in each individual. In these field humans have progressed a lot in the world. Through these we are being able to think and rethink about the world futures. Our actions have shown that we‘re rethinking about the world. Mathematically, we did of course a great deal of creating genuinely mathematical formulas. So to go further in the sciences have helped us. A mathematical solution is the base of all problems in the humans. To any problems that exist in the world. Greatest scientist did bring solutions to the world. Made much easier for our day to day problems were solved by all those theories. Basically not all of us can depend up the theories and the science too. Own intelligent and the mind can solve the inquiries. Our life seems to be engulfed to be in these boundaries which are indispensable at any cost. I was thinking we got to adopt spiritually & intellectually, scientifically & politically, economically strong and relevant universal community which would be far reaching our demand and the latest choices in the present time. Especially, in an atomic power scientist have developed so much which is unimaginable; one or the other way which is dangerous to the world. Biologically our world is advancing, so much like the DNA, RNA, PROTIEN, & TEST TUBE BABY all are being done well. These are more like a common to all of us in the present world of the knowledge and accumulations of the intellectual people. Almost every side of life, the science has touched, which is relevant to all of us. Philosophy & psychology, religions all comes under the realm of the science. This is what I was thinking about it. Our faith & beliefs, desires & choices, imaginations & dreams, compassions & virtues, verifications & reliable authority, inference & analysis doesn’t of course fall under the realm of the science. However adaptations can be done in this context. Scientifically we all got to adopt ourselves. What is to understand is that none greater than us can be a victims of the science. Are we the victims of the science? I am sure all of us are victims of the science. Our intelligent, brain activities have depended up on the realm of the science & religions, spiritual & politics, economy & person to 6

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person knowledge. This is not to advocate what is right or the wrong doing for the futures interior design. Did we become the victims deliberately or unknowingly right from the past and to the present? The science is modifying the mind and the rest of the business of the religions what are we to do it? All of the faculties have been rewriting what really the mind is. It has become more complicated and puzzled matter of search for me. Scientifically, as I can say to my self that I am not really very weak at it, and still need to improve towards of understanding of the science. It has become a matter of all of us to think and rethink about the science and the acknowledgment of the discoveries. Scientifically & politically, religiously & economically, astronomically & cosmologically naturally all of us have become the victims of the mind capacity. These are my own predictions and the assumptions regarding thinking. When ever I do look at the universe and the galaxies I do fell that our mind and the soul are very much related to it. Our mind is directly or indirectly engulfed in its own circumstances. Discoveries and the inventions is the indefinite side of the mind mechanisms. I do know that very specific measurement is involved in to the criteria of science like quantifications & inter-subjective, verifications by the repeatable investigations. To think that it’s a matter of thinking only and not to regulate it makes no sense. Let me inculcate the science in my own perspective view. To look at the subject of science we got to know many more things here and in the space. I too can understand that materialism in the narrowness of the visions in the mind of the humans. Reductionism & nihilism, materialism is the factors that are creating narrowness in us about the science existence. What I’m not clarified is not that our space or the whole galaxies but the brain activities which; shows its own modifications in to the world of science. Only thorough the human mind everything is possible and what was not possible previously and in the future will be possible very soon. This is at least what I hoped for the futures of the humans mind and the human intelligences. What even matter is an intuition which is the prime factors of discoveries and the inventions in the world? The theory of natures, which is the sole existence in us, shall not be forgotten by us…… ……… Didn’t we become the victims of the democracy, or of the liberty & justice and of course our own self? One of the prime concerning synopses is that we are the full victims of what we think and act. Asymmetrically & 7

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symmetrically there is nothing to be victims in this world either in the world of the science or in the religions, only within one self.


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