The Middle Ages 2009notesoutline

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  • Pages: 3
Notes Pages 74-88

The Middle Ages In October of 1066, Duke William of Normandy, France killed the last of the Anglo-Saxon kings at the Battle of Hastings. The Norman Conquest, as it was called, changed English _____________, ______________________, and __________________________. Because William wanted to rule the Anglo-Saxon and not completely eliminate them, England today is a mixture of Anglo-Saxon and Norman elements. One of the achievements of William was the __________________ Book, which was an inventory of almost all the property in England that allowed for taxation.  Do we still have this taxation today?

I. Feudalism and Knighthood: Pyramid Power A. Feudalism was based on ________________________________________________ with God as the supreme overlord. B. Feudalism brought a sense of ________________________________, which could especially be seen in the institution of _____________________. 1. Primary duty of males above the serf class was ______________________________________. 2. Boys were trained from an early age to become ______________________________________. 3. At the end of the training, boys were “___________________” which means __________________________________________________________________.

II. Women in Medieval Society: No Voice, No Choice A. No ______________________ rights. B. Always ___________________________ to a man, whether husband, father or brother. C. Husband’s or father’s social standing determined __________________________________________.

III. Chivalry and Courtly Love: Ideal but Unreal A. ____________________ was a system of ideals and social codes governing

____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________. 1. Oath of _____________________ to the overlord. 2. Observe certain rules of _______________________. 3. Adoring a particular lady was seen as a way of ______________________________________. a. Courtly _____________ in its ideal form was _____________________. b. A knight might wear his lady’s ____________ in battle.

Notes Pages 74-88

c. He might _______________ her in words and be _________________ by her. d. The lady was always __________________ and out of __________________. B. Chivalry brought about a new type of literature, the ____________________.

IV. The New City Classes: Out from Under the Overlords A. City classes developed as more and more people lived in towns and cities. 1. ____________________ class 2. ____________________ class 3. ____________________ class C. The middle class, also called the ____________________ class had its own tastes in the arts and the ability to pay for what they liked. 1. Most medieval art is not _____________________________ but ______________________; often called “people’s art” 2. The middle class point of view can be seen in ______________, mystery and ______________ plays, and in the cathedrals and _________________________________________________.

V. The Great Happenings A. The Crusades: Ho! For the Holy Land

1. The Crusades were a series of wars between _____________________________________ and ____________________________ with the Holy Land as the prize. 2. Europe didn’t win but did benefit enormously from contact with the ______________________ __________________________ of the Middle East. a. mathematics b. astronomy c. _____________________ d. _____________________ B. The martyrdom of Thomas a Becket: Murder in the cathedral 1. Becket had risen to great power as ___________________________ under King Henry II. 2. Henry appointed him archbishop of Canterbury (head of the Catholic Church of England) hoping to gain an upper hand in _________________with the Church. a. Henry’s plan backfired when Becket often took the ____________ side in the dispute. b. Henry’s knights took Henry’s wish to be rid of Becket literally and ____________________ him in his _________________________. 3. Public outrage weakened the monarchy and ______________________ the power of the Catholic Church. a. Led to corruption in the _____________________ b. The state had no power to stop this corruption 4. Church remained the ___________________ of learning a. Monasteries were the _________________ and ___________________

Notes Pages 74-88

b. Church’s language, __________________, was the international language of _____________________ Europeans. c. Church’s leader, the _______________, had no boundaries. D. The Magna Carta: Power to (some of) the people 1. England returned to older, democratic ways with the signing of the Magna Carta by King John. a. English _______________ forced King John to sign it. b. The signing signified a ___________________ of central papal power. c. The document later became the basis for English ____________________________. E. The Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453): The arrow is mightier than armor. 1. Two English kings made doubtful claims to the French throne. 2. England lost but for the first time began to think of themselves as _____________________ rather than Anglo-Norman. a. _______________, small landowners, replaced the knight in shining armor, and using the yard-long longbow, they became a dominant force in society. b. This new society was democratic and grew out of the ruins of __________________. F. The Black Death 1. Striking England in 1348-1349, the Black Death, or _________________ ________________ was highly contagious and spread by _____________________________________________. 2. As a result, the population was reduced by one-third causing a __________________________ which ended feudalism and gave the _____________ their freedom.

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