The Message Of

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 755
  • Pages: 25
The Message of


The Messenger

The Author,


The Messenger: Who Was Joel?  Not

much is known about this Messenger – Except he prophesied in Judea

 He

left behind one of the most elegant books in the OT – with many memorable passages – He was a an accomplished writer

The Message


The Message: Its Character 

A prominent feature – its atmosphere: impending doom – why? Something very important to tell of lasting significance: “Make sure you tell your children!“ Something terrible about to happen: “My country‘s being invaded!“ And there‘s no easy solution: “God‘s ministers don‘t know what to do about it“

The Message: Its Character  The

focus of Joel‘s thoughts – coming judgement – but who did he have in mind? It might have been his own country, Judah It might have been all the surrounding nations It most certainly applies to us today: The Christian West invaded by secular forces Our Christian community pervaded by

The Message: Its Character  The

background scenario – a plague of locusts – what do they symbolise? Everything that eats into the heritage of God‘s people Everything that attacks our Christian life and our walk with God.

The Message: Its Character  Joel‘s

ultimate vision – renewal

– of what? Restoration of our original way of life “He‘s giving you a teacher to train you how to live right, Teaching, like rain out of heaven, showers of words to refresh and nourish your soul, just as he used to do.“

The Symbolism


The Locusts – An Invading Army A picture of the severity of the wrath of God descending in judgement  The object of God‘s wrath: 

– –

first Judah then a general future judgement – all the nations that pillaged Judah – at the end of time?

NOTE: An example of prophetic “foreshortening“ (two future events spoken as one – so the plague

The Message

Its BURDEN (Thrust)

The Message: Its Burden (1)  The

first theme – God‘s judgement

– Devastating in execution A

related theme – How this judgement can be withdrawn – God is ready to forgive – On what conditions?

The Message: Its Burden (1)  God‘s


– The condition for forgiveness - If people:  Truly repent and

 Show a genuine change of attitude & behaviour

– The reasons for forgiveness  God is very merciful  God‘s reputation is at stake

The Message: Its Burden (2) A

second theme – a time of blessed prosperity – But for whom? Literally, for his own people who repent “In Jerusalem there will be a great rescue.“ Ultimately, for all true believers “Whoever calls, ‘Help, God!‘ gets help“

The Message: Its Burden (2) A related theme – spiritual revival – But when? When the Spirit is poured out - at Pentecost “I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people.“

Summary of Joel’s Message Joel calls out for national and personal humility and repentance and prophecies that destruction awaits the wicked on the Day of the Lord but the Spirit‘s outpouring awaits the faithful.

The Message


The Message: For Us Today Stop and think about what kind of community our Christian community has become. When we see our own community pervaded by so much godless corruption....

The Message: For Us Today ....we must look at our own lives, repent of whatever is wrong in God‘s eyes....

The Message: For Us Today ....then call upon God for help making Him our hiding place from everything that would corrupt us....

The Message: For Us Today ...and ask for His Spirit to be poured into our lives, so that He again becomes our God, directing all we think, say or do.

The Message: For Us Today Then we will again enjoy all the spiritual and material blessings that He has for us.

A Theological Framework for The Message of Joel Those who are ready to acknowledge the corruption within themselves (confess) and call up the Lord (repent) will find a safe hiding place (salvation) from all the turmoil around them (judgment) and the Spirit of God will be poured into their lives (regeneration)

The Heart-Beat Those who are ready to confess their sins and repent will find salvation and be spared God‘s terrible judgment and instead will experience the Holy Spirit at work renewing their lives.

Pr ay th at th is ma y ha pp en t o yo u and t o o th er s!

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