3b - Introductory Bibliography (535 Books) Print V Dec 07.

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for COURSE-LIBRARY INTEGRATION “Said in the classroom – read in the library”


(Library shelf order linked to the core subject of courses)

Over 530 KEY BOOKS

KEY to the rating of 530+ books introducing (or occasionally covering more extensively) the main topics listed in the classification

covering all major sub-sections of a basic Theological Curriculum (preparing students for M.Div. degree) Updated: December 2007

Introductory (No rating) * - Easy Introduction # - Comprehensive study R - Reference work

Compiler: 1

Evolved by P.Burgess from a 1995Theological Educators Forum exercise to check what was being taught in each teaching institution. Developed first as a Curriculum Taxonomy, it soon proved its usefulness as a classification system for a basic theological library.

Rev. P.C.J. Burgess, M.A. (Cantab)


117 117

CLASSIFICATION BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication details of all books listed in the CLASSIFICATION

Subjects not yet covered [in italics on right hand side]

BIBLICAL STUDIES TOOLS for BIBLE STUDIES 100  Groundwork of Biblical Studies: W. D. Stacey, Epworth, 1987 100  Concordia 102  R NIV STUDY BIBLE, Zondervan, 1995 102  R NIV THEMATIC BIBLE, H & S, 1998 102  R NIV DISCIPLE’S BIBLE, Holman, 1998 102  R NIV QUIET TIME BIBLE, H & S, 1996 103  *From Creation to New Creation: T. Chester, Paternoster, 2003 103  IVP, 103  The Bible in Outline: John Balchin, et alia, S.U. 1985 103  Understanding The Bible: John Stott, S.U., 1972 104  R STUDENT BIBLE HANDBOOK: W. A. Elwell, Candle, 1999 104  R New Lion Encyclopedia of the Bible, Lion, 1998 105  R M.P. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BIBLE: W. A. Elwell, MP, 1990 105  R New Bible Dictionary: I.H.Marshall, et alia, IVP, 1997 107  R Roget’s THESAURUS OF THE BIBLE: A. Colin Day, MP, 1992 106  R Vine’s Expository Dic.Nelson1985 108 * The Student Bible Atlas: Tim Dowley; Candle, 1994 108  R The Oxford BIBLE ATLAS: H.G. May, Oxford, 1974 109.1  Biblical Hebrew: P.H.Kelley, Eerdmans, 1992 109.3  Learn NT Greek: J.H. Dobson, Piquant, BACKGROUND STUDIES 112 # Geography of the Bible: Denis Baly, Lutterworth, 1959 112  Understanding the Land of the Bible: O Palmer Robertson, P&R, 1996 114  Discoveries from Bible Times: Alan Milllard, Lion, 1997 TRANSMISSION & CANON of the TEXT 115 * Papyrus, Parchment and Print: Harold K. Moulton, Lutterworth, 1967 115  The Books and the Parchment: F. F. Bruce, MP, 1991 115 * The Bible: The Story of the Book: Terence Copley, BSoc, 1990 115  From the Mind of God to the Mind of Man: ed J.B.Williams, Ambassador,1999 115.2 # The Text of the O. T.: Ernst Wurthwein, Blackwell, 1957 115.3  Canon of Scriptue: F. F. Bruce, IVP, 2000 115.3 # The Text of the N.T: Bruce Metzger, Oxford, 1964 115.4  The O. T. and Criticism: Carl E. Armertding, Eerdmans, 1983 115.5  Hendrickson, 115.6 * The Making of the Bible: William Barclay, Lutterworth, 1961 INTERPRETATION of the TEXT

 R The Dictionary of Bible Interpretation: R. J. Coggins / J.C. Holden  Biblical Hermeneutics: B.Corley Broadman & Holman, 1996 15

REVIVAL and RENEWAL 821 The Calvary Road: Roy R. Hession, C.L.C. 1988, 79pp 822  In the Day of Thy Power: Arthur Wallis 822.1  I Will Pour Out my Spirit: R. E. Davies, Monarch, 1992 828  The Living Church: John Stott, IVP, 2007 829  Let No Man Deceive You: Sue Waller, New Wine,1986 PUBLIC WORSHIP 830  Declare His Glory: Ed: H. Rowdon, Paternoster, 1998 830  Worship: Eveleyn Underhill, Nesbit 830  True Worship: Vaughan Roberts, Authentic Media, 2005 830  Engaging with God - David Peterson, (Anglican); 830  True Worship – D. Whitcomb / M. Ward (Baptist); 830  Introduction to Christian Worship: James F. White 830  Worship by The book: D.A.Carson, Zondervann, 2002 831.4  Methodist [832.6 Conducting Sacraments] [833.2 Weddings & Funerals, etc] CONGREGATIONAL OVERSIGHT 837.3  Monarch 838  The Peacemaker: K.Sande, Baker, LOCAL CHURCH LEADERSHIP 840  A Relational Leadership: Walter C Wright, Paternoster, 2000 843  Your Gift of Administration – Ted W. Engstrom, Marc Europe, 1985 841  Understanding Leadership: Tom Marshall, Monarch 841  A Passion for Faithfulness: J. I. Packer (Nehemiah), H&S, 1995 841.1  Jesus Driven Ministry: Ajith Fernando, IVP, 2002 841.1  Mentoring for Mission: G. Krallmann, Gabriel, 2002 842.2  Dying for Change: Leith Anderson, Bethany, 1990 208pp 843  Team Spirit: David Cormack, MARC 1987 843.1  The Religion of Power: Cheryl Forbes, 844  Mastering Church Management - Leith Anderson, Multinomah, 1990 844.2  Priorities, Planning and Paperwork: Peter Brierly, MARC 1992 [845 Congregational Strategy] 847  Women in the Church: Kostenberger / Schreiner Baldwin, Baker, 1995 849  The Addiction of a Busy Life, E. England, Aviemore, 1998 849  St Matthias Press, 260pp [Min. Stress] ORGANIZATION [860 Church Administration] [866 Church Court Procedures] DENOMINATIONS 874  Pentecostal Perspectives: Ed: K. Warrington, Paternoster, 1998





Exploring Protestant Traditions – W.D. Buschart, IVP

 Games People Play: Eric Berne (Trans-Actional Analysis), Random House, 1964

773 773 773 773.2

I want to be a Christian: J. I. Packer, Kingsway, 1977 Christian Basics: John Stott, Baker, 1991 R An Introduction to the Christian Faith: Ed. D. English, Lynx, 1992 Building God’s People: Jon H. Westerhoff, Seabury Press, 1983 [774.1 SS / BC Curriculum design] 773.3 * Applying God’s Law: M. Eaton, OM, 1999 / 776  Hendrickson, 777.3  Right from Wrong: Josh McDowell / Bob Hostetler, Word, 1995 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION 780  Renewal in Theological Education: Robert W. Ferris, BG Centre, 1990 781  : , William Carey Library, 1995, 785.1 * Who Needs Theology?: Grenz / Olson, IVP 1996 785.2 # P & R, [790 Theological Reflection] 787.2  Christian Focus, 798.5 # Making the OT Live: R. Hess / G. Wenham, Eerdmans, 1996

   

PASTORAL THEOLOGY 800 # Pastoral Theology - , Harper Collins, 800 * Skilful Shepherds: : D. Tidball, IVP, 1997 800  The Reformed Pastor: Richaerd Baxter, John Knox, 1956 800  Elders in Every City: R. Beckwith, Paternoster,2003, 103 802 * 36 Steps to Christian Leadership: D.E.Hoste, OMF, 1999 803  Spiritual Leadership: J. Oswald Sanders, Moody, 1994 804 * The Effective Pastor: Peter White, Mentor, 1998 804.1  On Being a Servant of God: Warren W. Wiersbe, Baker, 1993 804.2 * An Authentic Servant: Ajith Fernando, OMF, 2006-11-03 806 * A Call to Excellence: Paul Beasley-Murray, H&S, 1995 807 * Understanding Leadership: Tom Marshall, Sovereign World, 1991 PASTORAL CARE of the INDIVIDUAL 810.1  The Bible and Counseling: R. Hurding, H&S, 1992 812  Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling: C. A. Kollar, Zondervan, 97 813  Roots and Shoots: Roger Hurding, H&S, 1985 813.1  Stress: Gaius Davies, Kingsway, 1988 813.2  The Dilemma of Self-Esteem: J. and A. McGrath 813.5  , Paternoster 1996 815.1  A Grief Sanctified: J.I.Packer, Crossway, 1997 815.2  Someone I Love is Gay: A. Worthen & Bob Davies, IVP, 1996 815.2  The Truth about Aids: Patrick Dixon, Kingsway, 1990 816.2  None of These Diseases: S. McMillen, MM&S, 1984 816.2  God Does Heal Today: Robert Dickinson , Paternoster, 1995 816.3  816.4  But Deliver Us from Evil: J. Richards, DL&T, 1974


 Spiritual Depression: Lloyd Jones, P&I, 1965

3 117  The Act of Bible Reading: Ed: Elmer Dyck, IVP, 1996 117  * How To Read The Bible : Stewart / G. Fee, S.U. 1993 117 Zondervan, 117.4  How to Read the Bible Book by Book: Stewart / G. Fee, Zondervan, 2002 117.4  How to Read the Bible as Literature - Leyland Ryken, Zondervan, 1984 117.8  God’s Word for a Complex World: A. Kirk, Marshall Pickering, 1987 118  How to Study the Bible: James Braga, Multanah, 1982 118  Experiments with Bible Study: Hans-Ruedi Weber, WCC COMMENTARY on the TEXT (Whole Bible) 119 R New Bible Commentary-21st C. Ed: D.A.Carson, et alia, IVP, 1998 119 R International BIBLE COMMENTARY: Howley, et alia, P & I, 1979 119.1 R IVP, 119.2 R TheBible Background Commentary –NT: Craig S. Keener, IVP, 1993 OLD TESTAMENT: TEXT, SURVEY & STUDIES 121 # BIBLIA HEBRAICA: Rudolf Kittel (The HEBREW BIBLE), ABS 1951 122 # OT Survey: LaSor / Hubbard / Bush, Eerdmans, 1996 122  Encountering the OT: B.T. Arnold / B.E.Beyer, Baker, 1999 122.1  Israel and the Nations: F. F. Bruce, Paternoster, 1987 122.1  # A History of Israel: John Bright, SCM, 1967 122.9  Making Sense of the O.T.: T Longman, Baker, 1998 OLD TESTAMENT: THEOLOGY 123  # Old Testament Theology: Paul R. House, IVP, 1998 123  # A Guide to OT Theology & Exegesis: W.A. Van Gemeren, Zondervan 123 * Faith of Israel: W.J. Dumbrell, Apollos 123 * The Message of the O.T: H.E. Ellison, Paternoster, 1969 123.2  The Dawn of World Redemption: E. Sauer, Paternoster, 1956 123.5  Mission in the O.T.: Walter C Kaiser, Baker, 2000 99pp 123.8  OT Ethics for the People of God: C. Wright, IVP 2004 123.9  R Old Testament Commentary Survey: Tremper Longman , Baker, 1995 125 * Genesis 1-11 / 12-23: M. Eaton, Sovereign Word 125  Encountering the Book of Genesis: B.T. Arnold, Baker, 2002 126  Exodus: Travelling Homeward: M. Bentley, EP 129  Deuteronomy: C. Wright, Paternoster 130 * How to read Prophecy: Joel Green, IVP, 1984 134 * 1 Samuel / 2 Samuel: M. Eaton, Sovereign Word 137 * Isaiah: God Delivers: D. Thomas, EP 137 * Isaiah: B. Webb, IVP, (BST series) 141 * Hosea: D. Kidner, IVP (BST Series) 142 # Joel and the Spirit: L R McQueen, Sheffield Academic Press,1995

143 151 151.5 152 153 153

*  #   

Amos: J.A. Motyer, IVP (BST Series) Encountering the Book of Psalms: H.C. Bullock, Baker Enter His Courts with Praise: Andrew E. Hill, Baker, 1993 How to Read Proverbs: Tremper Longman, IVP, 2002 Job: The Storm Breaks: D. Thomas, EP Out of The Storm: C. Ash, IVP, 2004 4:

156.1  Ezra & Nehemiah: Doing a Great Work: S.K. Evans, EP NEW TESTAMENT: INTRODUCTION, TEXT, SURVEY & STUDIES 160 * Introducing the N. T: A.M. Hunter, SCM, 1957 161 R NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRAECE: Alexander Souter, Oxford, 1966 [TR] 161 # GREEK NEW TESTAMENT: Nestle’s edition, BSoc [Eclectic Text] 162  Encountering the NT: W. A. Elwell / R. W. Yarbrough, Baker, 1989 162  A Survey of the N.T: R H. Gundry, Paternoster, 1994 162 R N.T. Commentary Survey: D. A. Carson, IVP, 1986 163 * Men with a Message: John Stott, Evangelical Literature Trust, 1994 163 # N.T. Theology: D. Guthrie, IVP, 1981 163.5 # Women & the Genesis of Christianity,B.Witherington,Cambridge,1955 The GOSPELS 164.1 # Jesus and the Victory of God: N. T. Wright, SPCK, 1996 164.1 * The Original Jesus: N. T. Wright, Lion, 1996 164.3  Life & Teaching of Jesus Christ: J. S. StewartSt Andrew’s Press, 1995 164.4  The Divine Conspiracy: D. Willard, Fount, 1998 164.5 # Studies in the Sermon on the Mount: Martin Lloyd-Jones, Banner 1980 164.7 e Who Moved the Stone?: F. Morison, Faber, 1948 164.7  Easter Enigma: John Wenham, Paternoster, 1996 165  Matthew: Michael Green, IVP (BST Series) 169 * Acts: John Stott, IVP (BST Series) The LETTERS of PAUL 170  God’s Empowering Presence: Gordon D. Fee, Hendrickson, 1994 171  Romans: John Stott, IVP, 1994, 432pp 174 * Galatians: John Stott, IVP (BST Series) 175 * Ephesians: John Stott, IVP (BST Series) 180 * 1 Timothy & Titus: John Stott, IVP (BST Series) 186 * Hebrews: R. Brown, IVP (BST Series) 197 * Revelation: W. Wilcock, IVP (BST Series) BIBLE SUBJECTS (Various) 198.2  CSC Rawalpindi, 199.6  The All the Women of the Bible: Edith Deen, Harper Collins, 1955

CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE INTRODUCTION 200  Christian Theology: A. McGrath, Blackwell, 1996 200  Groundwork of Theology: J. Stacey, Epworth, 1977 200 * Understanding Doctrine: Alister E. McGrath, Zondervan, 1987

200  Theology for Ordinary People: Bruce L. Shelley 200.1 * Studies in Doctrine:Alister E. McGrath, Zondervan, 202.1  * Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms: Grenz, et alia, IVP, 2002 202.1  Westminster D. of Theological Terms: D. McKim, Westminster, 1997 BIBLICAL THEOLOGY 204.1  R New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: T.D. Alexander / B.S.Rosnier 204.1  R Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: W. A. Elwell, Baker 1981 13 719.7  The Transforming Friendship: J. Houston, Lion, 1969 719.8  Genius, Grief & Grace: G. Davies, Christian Focus, 2001, 383pp 719.9  Psychology as Religion: the Cult of Self-Religion: P Vetz 719.9  Psychology & Christianity: Johnson / Jones, IVP, 271pp CHRISTIAN ETHICS 720 * Moral Choices: Scott B. Rae, Zondervan, 1995 720  Groundwork of Christian Ethics: R.G. Jones, Epworth 720.1  R Westminster 720.1  R Encyclopedia of Biblical & Christian Ethics: R. K. Harrison, Nelson 1992 720.9  From Christ to the World: W. G. Boulton, et alia, Eerdmans, 1994 MORAL THEOLOGY 721  # Resurrection & Moral Order: O O’Donovan, Eerdmans, 1986 722  Christian Focus, 722.1 # Works of Love: Soren Kierkegaard, Harper, 1962 722.6  The Pursuit of Excellence: Ted W. Engstrom, MARC, 1988 723.1 # Good Work: E. F. Schumacher, Harper, 1980 ENVIRONMENTAL THEOLOGY 725 # God’s World: Ken Gnanakan, SPCK, 1999 725 * Green House Theology: Ron Eldson, Monarch, 1992 725.1 * God is Not Green: Adrian Hough, Gracewing, 1997 725.9  An Earth-careful Way of Life: Lionel Basney, IVP, 1994 725.9  Virtual Morality: Graham Houston, Apollos, 1998 SOCIAL THEOLOGY 726  The Eye of the Needle: Roy McCloughry, IVP, 1990 727  Eerdmans 727.3  Leadership is An Art: Max Depree [727. Justice &Religious Freedom] 727.7  Women at the Crossroads: K.T. Malcolm, IVP, 1982 727.8  Bioethics: A Primer for Christians: G. Meileander, Paternoster, 1997 728.1  Between Pacifism & Jihad: J.D. Charles, IVP 728.5  Strange Virtues: Bernard T. Adeney, IVP, 1995 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT [729 Community Development] EDUCATION 730  How to Read a Book: Mortimer J. Adler, Simon & Schuster,1940 731  Teaching in Further Education: L.B. Curzon, Cassell, 1996 [740 Logic]

750 751 752 752.2 755 755.1


Learn How to Study: Derek Rowntree, Warner Books, 1998 Use your Head: Tony Buzan  Open University,  How to Read Slowly: James W Sire, IVP, 1979  How to Write and Speak Better: Ed. J. E. Kahn, Reader’s Digest, 1993  How to Write Essays: Clanchy / Ballard, Longman, 1996 [760 Remedial Studies] [765 Adult Basic Education] CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 770  Ministry by the People: Ross Kinsler / Martin, WCC, 1983 770.1  Education that is Christian: Lois E. LeBar, Revell, 1981 

12 712 We would See Jesus: Roy R. Hession, C.L.C. 1997 712.1 Faith’s Unclaimed Inheritance: Frank Houghton, IVF, 1961 712.1 Trusting God Even When Life Hurts: Jerry Bridges, Navpress, 1989 712.2  Pattern for Life: Norman Shields, EP 1983 712.2  Commandments of Christ: R.C. Beasley, P&R, 712.2  The Ten Commandments: J. Douma, Presbyterian and Reformed, 1996 712.3  Free to Obey: Peter Toon, Tyndale, 1979 712.4  The Call: Os Guiness, Paternoster, 1998, 249pp 712.4  Decision Making and the Will of God: Garry Friesen 712.5  Born for Battle: R. Arthur Matthews, OMF, 1981 712.5 # Screwtape Letters: C.S. Lewis, Fontana, 1942 Zondervan, 712.6  712.8  Overcoming the Darkness: Gary D. Kinnaman, Crossway, 1992 713  The Christian Character: S. Neill, USCL, 1955 713  Renovation of the Heart: Dallas Willard, IVP, 2003 713.1  The Heidelberg Catechism 713.2  Coping with Crises: Ruth Fowke, Marshall Morgan & Scott, 1968 713.2  Facing Suffering: H. Carson 713.4  Forgiveness: C. Stanley, Oliver Nelson, 1987, 197pp 713.5  A Passion for Holiness: J. I. Packer, Crossway, 1996 713.5  The Pursuit of Holiness: J.Bridges, Paternoster, 1999, 192pp 713.5  Living a Godly Life: M. Eaton 713.6  Honesty, Morality & Conscience: Jerry White, Navpress, 1978 COMMUNION WITH GOD 714 # Loving God: C. Colson, Zondervan, 1983 714  The Journey: Alister McGrath, Hodder & Stoughton, 1999 714.3 # Pilgrim’s Progress: John Bunyan, Banner of Truth Trust, 1977 714.5  , WhitakerH,1982, 95pp 715.1  Understanding God’s Word: Alan Stibbs / David Wenham, IVP, 1976 715.1  Know the bible: M. Eaton, Hodder & Stoughton, 716  The Transforming Friendship: James Houston; Lion, 1989 716  A Call to Spiritual Reformation D A. CarsonIVP1992

716.5 A Testament of Devotion: Thomas R. Kelly, HarperCollins, 1992 716.7  Come to the Feast: Thomas Swanston, Handsel, 1982 /Doubleday1978 716.9  Sabbath Keeping: Lynne M. Baab 717.2  717.8  God’s Chosen Fast: Arthur Wallis CHRISTIAN SERVICE 718.8  * Christian Giving: V.S. Azariah, Lutterworth, 1954 718.9  Seconds Away: David Cormack, MARC 718.9  It’s About Time: Ken Smith, Kingsway, 1995 719  R Baker Encyclopaedia of Psychology: D. G. Benner, Baker, 1985 719.1  Boundaries: H. Cloud / J. Townsend, Zondervan, 1992 719.3  Why Did I Do That?: D. Cormack, H & S, 1997 719.4  Gifts Differing: I. Myers Briggs, Consulting Psychologists Press, 1993 5 SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY 205  * Know the Truth: B. Milne, IVP, 1982 205  # Systematic Theology: W. Grudem, Zondervan, 1994 205  Bible Doctrine: W. Grudem, (Abridged version of above) IVP, 1999 207  R Concise Evangelical Dictionary of Theology: W. Elwell, MP 1993 207  R Dictionary of Christian Tradition: Douglas, Elwell, Toon, MM&S, 1989 208  * A Faith to Live By: D. Macleod, Christian Focus,2002 208.1  Concise Theology: J. I .Packer, IVP, 1993 GOD 210  * The Christians’ God: S Neill, USCL, 1956 210 * Experiencing God: M. Eaton, OM, 1998 210 # Knowing God: J. I. Packer, H & S, 1984 214  Making Sense of the Trinity: Millard / Erickson 214  Shared Life: Donald Macleod 214  Three are One: S Olyott 215  The Knowledge of the Holy: A.W. Tozer HEAVEN and EARTH 220  Cosmos & the Creator: D.A.S. Ferguson, SPCK 221 The Unseen World: Ed: Anthony Lane, Paternoster, 1996 222  I Believe in Satan’s Downfall: Michael Green, Hodder, 1995 254 pp 225 # The Providence of God: Paul Helm, IVP, 1996 228.1  This is the Day: R. Beckwith / W. Stott 229 # In the Beginning: H. Blocher, IVP, 1984 REVELATION 230  God has Spoken: J. I. Packer 233  Scripture and Authority Today: Richard Bauckham, Grove, 1999 233  Biblical Inspiration: I. Howard Marshall, Paternoster, 1995 235  Jesus Christ: the Witness of History: Sir Norman Anderson 238  Surprised by the Voice of God: Jack Deere, Kingsway, 1996

JESUS CHRIST 240 # The Person of Christ: Donald Macleod, IVP, 1998 240  The Incomparable Christ: J.Stott, IVP, 2001, 250pp 240  , Zondervan, 1987 241  The Lord from Heaven: L .Morris, IVP, 1960 241  The Supremacy of Jesus: S. Neil, H & S, 1984 243  The Original Jesus: Otto Borchert (Tr,. L.M. Stalker), Lutterworth, 1933 244 # God was in Christ: D. M. Baillie 245  Jesus the Radical: R.T. France 248  I Believe in the Resurrection: G. E. Ladd, Hodder, 1975 THE END TIMES 250  Jesus and the Future: G.R. Beasley-Murray 250  : R V Doyle, Paternoster, 1999 251  End of Story? Steven Travis, IVP, 1997 256  A Basic Guide to Eschatology: Millard J. Erickson, Baker, 1998 6 HUMANITY 260 # Christian View of Man: Gresham Machen, Banner of Truth, 1985 260 # Man in Revolt: E. Brunner, Westminster, 1947 260.5  What is Man?: J Stafford Wright, Paternoster, 1968 260.7  This is the Day: R. Beckwith / W. Stott 261  Beyond Sex Roles: Gilbert Bilezikian, Baker, 1985 261  Marriage: Sex in the Service of God: C.Ash, IVP, 2003 261.1  The Family: God’s Handiwork: J. Williams, Tyndale House, 1984 264  Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be, A Breviary of Sin: C PlantingaApollos 264 # Original Sin: Henri Blocher, Apollos, 1997 269  What’s So Amazing about Grace? Philip Yancey, HarperCollins, 199269  A Theology of Encouragement: Michael A. Eaton, Paternoster, 1995 REDEMPTION 270 # The Cross of Christ: J. Stott, IVP, 1989 270  The Atonement: L. Morris, IVP / Studies in Doctrine, 1997 (200.9) 272  Justification by Faith: Alister E. McGraph, Zondervan, 1988 (now Pt 4 of 273  Freedom under Law: Norman Anderson, 273.1  H.R. Mackintosh, Nisbet,1954 274  Faith’s Unclaimed Inheritance: Frank Houghton, IVP, 1961 274  Once Saved, Always Saved: R.T. Kendall, Paternoster, 1983 278 * Living a Godly Life: M. Eaton, Paternoster, 1993 THE HOLY SPIRIT 280  The Holy Spirit: Sinclair Ferguson, IVP, 1996 282  Knowing the Holy Spirit through the OT: C. Wright, Monarch, 2006 284 * Paul, the Spirit and the People of God: Gordon Fee, H & S 1997 285  Keep in step with the Spirit: J. I. Packer, IVP, 1984 286  Add to Your Faith: S. B. Ferguson, Pickering & Inglis, 1980

287  Spiritual Gifts and the Church: D.Bridge & D.Phypers, IVP, THE CHURCH 290  The Church: E .P. Clowney, IVP, 1995 290  I Believe in the Church: David Watson, Hodder, 1999 290  The Essence of the Church: Craig van Gelder, Baker, 2000 291  Enjoying God’s Worldwide Church: M. Eaton, OM, 1995 292  # The Missionary Nature of the Church: J. Blauw, [293 The Ministry of the Church] 294  Worship: A P Gibbs, Walterick (Kansas, USA ) 294  Worship: Evelyn Underhill, Eagle, 1991 294  Engaging with God: D. Peterson , Apollos, 2002, 317 pp 294.1  Last Supper and Lord’s Supper: I. Howard Marshall, Paternoster, 1997 294.1  The Lord’s Supper: E. F. Kevan, Evangelical Press, 1966 294.2  Baptism: M. Green, Hodder & Stoughton, 1987 294.2  # The Biblical Doctrine of Infant Baptism: P. Marcel James Clarke, 1959 294.3  The Water that Divides: D. Bride & D. Phypers, IVP, 1977 295  Don’t Waste your Sorrows: Paul Billheimer, Christian Lit. Crusade, 77 296.5  Towards a House Church Theology: S Atkerson [297 The Organisation of the Church] [298 The Authority of the Church] ¨11 ASIA 623  The Steep Ascent: R.O. Wingate, BFBS n/d 624 # . Vols 1 & 2: S. Neill, Cambridge, 1985 624.1  Shadows in the Dark: John Rooney, CSC, 1984 625.5  Henry Martyn: Constance E. Padwick 625.6 # In the Shadow of the Himalayas: , UP, 1947 627.4  Association Press, 627.5  The Village Church in West Pakistan: Richard O Comfort, (Private) 627.8  * People Movements in the Punjab: F. Stock, William Carey, 1975 627.8  * So Great A Cloud – Kenneth G. Old, Tate, 2005 631  Hudson Taylor: M.Alex, Scripture Press, 1995 631  China’s Christian Millions: Tony Lambert, Monarch, 2006 632 # The Nevius Plan of Mission Work in Korea: Charles A. Clark, CLS, 1937 634 # Seeking the Asian Face of Jesus: Chris Sugden, Regnum, 1997 638  Killing Fields Living Fields: Don Cormack, Marc, 1996 DENOMINATIONAL MISSION WORK 663  R Zondervan 680  R Zondervan 681  Mountain Rain (Fames O Fraser of China): Eileen Crossman, OMF, 1985 681  God Can be Trusted: Elizabeth Goldsmith, OMF, 1989 684  John Newton: Jonathan Aitken, Continuum, 2007 684  Wesley the Preacher: John Pollock, Kingsway, 1989 HISTORICAL THEOLOGY

690 690.5 691 691.2 691.3 693.7 694 695 696.1 696.9 697.3 698.8

 Historical Theology: Alister McGrath, Blackwell, 1998  # Two Kingdoms: R. Clouse, Moody, 1993  The History of Christian Thought: Jonathan Hill, Lion, 2003  A Brief History of Christian Spirituality: Bradley P. Holt, Lion, 1993  The Making of Moral Theology: John Mahoney, Oxford, 1989, 357pp  Augustine: Henry Chadwick, Oxford, 2001, 134pp  Medieval Thought: G. Leff, Merlin Press, 1959  Reformation Thought: Alister E. McGrath, Blackwell, 1999  The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind: Mark A. Noll, Eerdmans, 1994  A Primer on Postmodernism: Stanley.J. Grenz  John Knox. # James Clarke, 1957

PRACTICAL THEOLOGY DISCIPLESHIP 700  Alive to God: Ed. J.I. Packer & Loren Wilkinson, IVP, 1992 701 Streams of Living Water: Richard Foster, HarperCollins, 710  Following Jesus: Joseph M. Stowell, Zondervan, 1996, 219pp 710 * Discipleship: David Watson, Hodder, 1981 710  I Believe in Discipleship: Rob Warner, Hodder, 1999 710 Reformed Spirituality: Howard L. Rice, Westminster, 1991 711  Peace with God: Billy Graham, WorldWide, 1984. 221pp 10 572 572 573 574 575 575.1 576 577 579 580 582.1 585 585.1 586.5 586.6 589.1 589.3 589.4 589.5

                #  

Eternal Word & Changing Worlds: Harvie M. Conn, P & R, 1984 Cross-Cultural Conflict: Duane Elmer, IVP,1993 Crying in the Wilderness: David Smith, Paternoster, 2000 Unearthly Powers: D. Burnett, Marc, 1988 Power Encounters: D. Powlison, Baker, 1995 Christian Focus, Eternity in Their Hearts: Don Richardson, Regal, 1984 I Believe in Mission: Alistair Brown, Hodder. 1997 Operation World: Patrick Johnston, Paternoster, 2001 The Church is Bigger than You Think ChristianFocus, ‘98 Planting Churches in Muslim Cities: Greg, Baker, 1993 Reaching the Unreached: Ed. Harvie M. Conn , P & R, 1984 Back to Jerusalem: P.H. Hatherway, Piquant, 2003 Missions in the Third Millennium: Stan Guthrie, Paternoster, 2000 Future Church: Peter Brierly, Monarch, 1998 Then and Now: John Foster, SCM, 1942 Missionary Conspiracy: Vishal Mangalwadi, Paternoster, 1998 Paternoster Missions in the Third Millennium: Stan Guthrie, Paternoster, 2000

590.1 595

 Baker, 2000  Christian Mission in the 20th Century: T. Yates, Cambridge, 1994

CHURCH HISTORY 600 * Beginning from Jerusalem: J.Foster, Lutterworth, 1956 600 * IVP600 * The Story of the Church: A.M. Renwick & A. M. Harmon, IVP, 1985 600 * Sovereign World, 600  Groundwork of Christian History; D. MacCulkloch, Epworth 600  A World History of Christianity, Ed. Adrian Hastings, Cassell, 1999 600.1  R ndervan 600.3  R History of Christianity: Lion Handbook, Lion, 1990 600.4  R Atlas of the Christian Church: H. Chadwick, MacMillan, 1987 601 # Eusebius - The Church History: Paul L. Maier, Kregal, 1999 601 * From Christ to Constantine: M.A. Smith, IVP, 1971 601  R Handbook of Source Materials: W. G. Young, CLS, 1969 602  H & S 605 * The Church under Siege: M.A. Smith, IVP, 1976 606  The Spreading Flame: F. F. Bruce, Paternoster, 1970 606 * Setback & Recovery: John Foster, SPCK, 1995 THE WEST 610.1  The Reformation: T. M. Lindsay, T & T Ckark, 1929 610.1  * Martin Luther: B Alex, Scripture Press, 1995 610.2  The Pilgrim Church: E. H. Broadbent, P & I, 1995 612  Among God’s Giants: J. I. Packer, Kingsway, 1991 618  * To All Nations: J. Foster, Lutterworth, 1960

354 354 356 356 356

 * Patterns in History: David Bebbibngton, Apollos, 1991. 219pp # History & Belief: R. E. Frykenberg, Eerdmans, 1996 Evil and the Cross: H. Blocher, Apollos, 1994  Why Evil? John James, Penguin, 1960 123pp  The Goodness of God: John Wenham, IVP, 1974

APOLOGETICS 360  Christianity on Trial: Colin Chapman, Lion, 1988 360.1 R Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics: N.L.Heisler , Baker, 1999 360.1 * Handbook of Christian Apologetics: P. Kreeft / R. Tacelli, IVP, 1994 362.1  The Historical Reliability of the Gospels: C Blomberg 363 * Designer Universe: John Wright, Monarch, 1994 363  A Brief History of Eternity: Roy E Peacock, Monarch, 1989 364  From Nothing to Nature: E. H. Andrews, EP 365  Miracles: A Preliminary Study: C. S. Lewis, Fontana, 1979 367 * Mere Christianity: C..S. Lewis, Fontana, 1979 367 * The Case for Christ: Lee Strobel, Zondervan,1998 370  The Truth about Jesus: D Armstrong, Eerdmans, 1998 370  Near Christianity: A. Brown 374  Does God Believe in Atheists? John Blanchard, EP, 2000, 650pp 376  Postmodernity: David Lyon, Open University, 1994 376.1  Apollos, 377  A Future for Truth: Henry H Knight, Abingdon, 1997 398  A Primer on Postmodernism: S.J. Grenz, Eerdmans, 1996 199pp HISTORY of EASTERN THOUGHT 399  HaperCollins


7 INTEGRATIVE THEOLOGY 299  Integrative Theology: G. R. Lewis / B. A. Demarest, Zondervan, 1996

PHILOSOPHY 300 300 300 330 335 335 340 340 340 350 354

 Truth: Could it be True? P. Hicks. Paternoster, 1996  Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion: B.Davies;  Philosophy of Religion: C. Stephen Evans, IVP, 1982  Epistemology: D. L. Wolfe,  Art in Action: N. Wolterstorff, Paternoster, 1997 # Voicing Creation’s Praise: Jeremey S. Begbie, T. & T. Clark, 1998 * Why bother Being Good? John Hare, IVP, 2002 216pp * Introduction to Ethics: William Lilley, Barnes & Noble, 1963  Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions: Arthur F. Holmes, IVP, 198# Faith & Understanding: Paul Helm, Eerdmans, 1997  * History through the Eyes of Faith: R A Wells, HarperCollins, 1989,

CONTEMPORARY STUDIES 400  The God & Culture: D.A.Carson / J.D.Woodbridge, Paternoster, 1993, 401  The Contemporary Christian: John Stott, IVP, 1992 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES 403.1  The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality?: John L. Esposito, Oxford, 1999 411.1  Faith & Modernity: Ed: P. Sampson, Regnum; 1997 411.3  Catholics & Evangelicals: ed. T.P. Rausch, Paulist Press, 2000 411.4  Are Miraculous Gifts for Today?: 4 Views: Ed. W. Grudem, IVP, 1996 411.5  Healing Miracles R. Gardner, DL&T, 1986 412 # New Issues Facing Christians Today: John Stott; MP, 1999 412.1  , IVP 1984 412.3  Straight & Narrow?: Thomas E. Schmidt, IVP, 1995 413.5  Faith & Its Counterfeits: D Bloesch, IVP, Downers Green, 1981 CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY 415  R A Handbook of Contemporary Theology, Baker, 1992

416.9  Winds of Doctrine: A. H. Leitch, Fleming H Revell, 1966, 62pp 416.9  The Modern Theologians: David Ford, Blackwell, 1997 419  Christian Zionism: Stephen Sizer, IVP, 2005 CONTEMPORARY DEVIATIONS 420  The Kingdom of the Cults: W. Martin, Bethany, 1985 420.1  Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult: George A Mather 428  In Search of Self: Vishal Mangalwadi H & S, 1992 428  Sacred Quest: R Clifford & P Johnson, Albatross, 1995 RELIGIOUS STUDIES 430  Has God Many Names?: Dewi A. Hughes, IVP, 1996 RELIGIOUS PLURALISM 433  Faiths in Conflict: Vinoth Ramachandra, OM, 1999 434.1  The Gospel in a Pluralistic Society: L. Newbigin, SPCK, 1989 /1997 434.2 * I Believe in the Supremacy of Jesus Christ: Ajith Fernando, H & S, 434.2  : C. Wright, Monarch, 1997 435  Neighbouring Faiths: W. Corduan, IVP, 1998 435.1 * History of Religions: E.O. James, Hodder, 1964 ISLAM 450  Submitting to God: Vivienne Stacey, H & S 1997 450  Unveiling Islamic: E.M./ E.F. Caner, Kregal, 2002, 256pp 450  # Islam: George W. Braswell, Broadman & Holman, 1996 450  Islam – A Very Short Introduction, M. Ruthven, Oxford, 1997 162pp 450.1  Dictionary of Islam: T.P. Hughes, Rupa, 1993, 750pp 450.2  The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an: Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Amana, 1997 453.2  Muslim Devotions: Constance E. Padwick, Oneworld, 1996 1759pp 458  Touching the Soul of Islam: Bill A. Musk, Monarch, 1995 458.7  The Blood and the Moon: George Grant, Nelson, 2001 207pp 459 * Cross & Crescent: Colin Chapman, IVP, 1995 459 # Answering Islam: N.L. Geisler / Abdul Saleeb, Baker, 2001, 336pp 459.1  Who is this Allah?: G.J.O. Moshay, Dorchester House, 1995 182pp 459.5  Bethany House, 9 459.5  Faith to Faith: Chawkat Moucarry, IVP, 2001, 307pp 459.7 * Islam & Christian Witness: M. Goldsmith, Marc Europe,1987, 160pp 459.7  New Paths in Muslim Evangelism: Phil Parshall, Baker, 1992 459.8  Called from Islam to Christ: J-M Gaudeul 459.8  Secret Believers: Brother Andrew, Hodder, 2008, 278pp 459.9  Piety & Power: : L. Sanneh, Orbis, 1996 OTHER FAITHS 470  * The World’s Religions: Norman Anderson, IVP 470  R The World’s Religions, Lion, 1996 471  e Death of a Guru: R.R. Maharaj, Hodder, 1979 CONTEXTUAL THEOLOGY 490.1  Contextualization: D.J.Hesselgrave / E.Rommen, IVP, 1989



The Church from the Roots: Jose Marin

COMMUNICATION 500  Creating Understanding: Donald K. Smith, Zondervan, 1992 PREACHING 520 * I Believe in Preaching: John Stott, Hodder, 1984 521  Speaking God’s Words: Peter Adam, IVP, 1996 521.5  Spirit Empowered Preaching: Arturo Azurdia, Christian Focus, 1998 522  Toward an Exegetical Theology: Walter C. Kaiser, Baker, 1991 522  And the Word Became… a Sermon Christian Focus, 522 # IVP 523.8 # Preaching Christ from the O. T. : Sidney Greidanus, Eerdmans, 1999 551  Visual Faith: W.A. Dryness, Baker 537  The Creative Art: H.R. Rookmaaker, IVP,1981 EVANGELISM 545  Evangelism & The Sovereignty of God: J. I. Packer, IVP, 1961 546.1  * Messengers of God: Derek Tidball, Scripture Union, 1989 547 # Evangelism through the Local Church: Michael Green, Nelson, 1992 548  A Biblical Standard for Evangelists: Billy Graham, World Wide, 1984 MISSIOLOGY 550  Introducing World Missions: A:S: Moreau, Baker 550 # Missiology: ed. J.M. Terry, Broadman & Holman, 1998, 750pp 551 # Transforming Mission: David J. Bosch , Orbis, 1991 551  Let the Nations be Glad! John Piper, IVP, 1993, 239pp 552  Into all the World: Norman Shields 552 # A Biblical Theology of Missions: G.W. Peters, Moody, 1984 552  MARC Europe, 552  The Mission of God: C- Wright, IVP, 2006 553  Christian Mission in the Modern World: John Stott, IVP, 1975 554  Good News and Good Works; R.J. Sider, Baker, 554  Paternoster 570  Crisis of Belief: S. Neill, H&S, 1984 570 # The Recovery of Mission: Vinoth Ramachandra, Paternoster, 1996 570  Mission & Meaninglessness: P. Cotterell, Paternoster 1996 571  Mission & Dialogue: M. Nazir-Ali, SPCK, 1995

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