The Message Of The Gita-question&answer Format

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The Messsage of the Bhagavad Gita in Q & A form Srinivasan Nenmeli-K

Introduction The Bhagavad Gita ,the Hindu's Bible ,' The Song Celestial', is not only a sacred text for the Hindus ,but also verily a spiritual heritage for all mankind.The Gita has 700 verses in Sanskrit, divided into 18 chapters and includes instruction in all the yogas.Each chapter is called an Upanishad,full of esoteric and exoteric meaning.The Gita is often considered as

the essence of

the Upanishads. [Some lines are just repeated from certain Upanishads,but in its major doctrines,the Gita goes beyond the Upanishads.] It looks as if statements , with

Lord Krishna wanted to make


emphasis different from the Upanishads.For

instance,the Upanishads merely mention the devotional path;the Gita is soaked in the nectar of devotion.

As everyone knows, the Gita is a part of Mahabharata,the great epic or 'itihasa' of India,the Bharat.May be ,this was an independent text ,but later grafted to the Mahabharata---we are not sure.!Some scholars contend that the Gita was developed mainly to bolster the yoga of action or Karma Yoga.But the Gita emphasizes all the four major yogas---Bhakti [devotion],Jnana [Knowledge],Karma [work] and Raja [meditation]. An important point to be kept in mind throughout the study of the Gita is that Lord Krishna gives a new interpretation for the sacrifices from the Vedic concept.If you sacrifice your knowledge for the sake of others,that could be sacrifice---not just sacrificing animals or sacrificing material wealth.Thus a sincere teacher is doing knowledge sacrifice or 'Jnana yagna' all the time.In fact, the sacrifice of knowledge, The Gita asserts, is superior to sacrifice of material kinds. Many students of the Gita ,along with Mahatma Gandhi, give great importance to Lord Krishna's exhortation to do one's duty or karma without expecting any results[selfless service]....a great lesson for all of us.This is the corner-stone of the Karma Yoga which was downgraded by later Acharyas giving greater importance to Jnana path.In more

recent times,it was Swami Vivekananda who brought

Karma yoga to the fore,as a valid path for liberation.

There are literally more than hundred books on the Gita in English alone,besides the commentaries by great acharyas and philosophers.Yet the Gita is not an easy book to learn or master.Many doubts and confusions may arise,partly because of different emphasis in different chapters and also due to different interpretations of the acharyas/masters on sectarian basis.

This article aims to give a few snapshots into the Gita in question-answer format.Afterall the Gita is a dialogue between Arjuna and the Lord.Arjuna does ask very pointed questions and the Lord gives direct answers in unequivocal what is the difficulty? The difficulty stems from the acharyas who twisted the meanings to suit their creeds.Hundreds of books are devoted to only reinterpreting and rephrasing of these acharyas' commentaries,third hand or fourth hand ,confusing the modern reader.... Most often ,if you read the Gita with an open mind and a sense of calmness,you will get the meaning directly.

I sincerely hope that this question-Answer format will make the study of the Gita a little easier and also a little interesting and would

help you to fix in mind the basic messages

of the Gita.You can have nice debates and quizzes based on these Q&A's.

Messages of the Gita For the purpose of this study, the messages of the Gita can be divided into three categories: 1 Philosophical doctrines--which form the basis of the Hindu religion--such as the concept of soul,reincarnation and karma theory or effect of past actions.If you are not a Hindu or you do not subscribe to these concepts,you may not accept those messages.These are not elaborated in this article. 2 Practical Yoga--methods and approaches for a student--In this the Gita is like a practice manual--the Lord tells you to sit with spine straight on a mat over kusa grass and so on;or he tells you to approach a master humbly,serve him well and ask pointed questions to clear your doubts!These practical instructions are useful,but not touched upon here. 3 Moral and ethical teachings,spiritual practices, control of senses and the mind and to develop equanimity---There are pointed teachings and methods to elevate oneself---irrespecitve of caste,creed,gender ,race ,nationality or even religion.... This article is devoted entirely to the third category of teachings--from the words of the Lord.

{These Q&A's are not arranged in the chapter wise listing ,but what appealed to me as most basic and easy progression of ideas.The numbers refer to the chapter and verse in the Gita.I have added a few Sanskrit terms which may be familiar to many Indian readers.I have also given very brief comments inside curly brackets {

---} }

For reference to original verses and a deeper study, the present author recommends these books: 1 The Holy Geeta --Swami Chinmayananda [translation with pungent comments by the great swami.!--the Founder of the Chinmaya Mission] 2 The Bhagavad Gita --The Gita press,Gorakhpur [ a low-prized edition ,about Rs 10/- only --lucid translation,but no comments] 3 The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita -- N K Srinivasan [the present writer]Pustak Mahal, new delhi---for general introduction and a short commentary on selected [90] verses of the Gita]} 4 Swami Paramananda--the Bhagavad Gita--RK Mission-[a lucid,accurate free-flowing translation] [Some are available on-line too.]

Questions and Answers

1 What are the three gateways to hell? Lord Krishna: Lust ,anger and greed --this triple gateways to hell brings about the ruin of the soul.Therefore one should avoid all these three.


2 Who are the four types of devotees worshipping the Lord and who is the dearest of the Lord? The seeker after worldly possessions, ones who are afflicted and seek relief, the seeker of knowledge with abundant curiosity,and fourthly the man seeking

wisdom [Jignasu] worship the Lord.Of

these ,the best is the man of wisdom.For I am extremely dear to him and he is extremely dear to me.

[7-16 &17]

3 How one gets established in yoga for meditation? When the mind which is thoroughly disciplined, gets riveted on God alone,then the person who is free from yearning for all enjoyments is said to be established in Yoga [of meditation]


4 Arjuna: Krishna ,the mind is very unsteady,turbulent,tenacious [clings to objects] and powerful.Therefore I consider it as difficult to control as the wind.How to control a restless mind? Krishna: The mind is restless no doubt, difficult to curb, but it

can be brought under control by repeated practice [abhyasa] and by the exercise of dispassion. [vairagya]


5 Does a Yogi [meditator] enjoy the eternal Bliss (Aananda)? The Sinless Yogi, thus

uniting his self [mind]

God,easily enjoys the eternal Bliss

constantly with

of oneness with Brahman.

6 Does the Yogi see the Self in all and in Lord Krishna? The Yogi

who is united in identity with the all pervading

,infinte consciousness, and sees unity Self

everywhere beholds the

present in all beings, and all beings


as assumed in the


For Krishna lovers, the Lord says further: He who sees Me

(the Universal Self) present in all beings,and all

beings existing within me, never loses sight of Me, and I never lose sight of

him. [6-30]

7 Arjuna:

What if one fails in his path of God-realization? What

becomes of him? Lord Krishna: There is no fall for him in this herefter.For

none who strives

with evil destiny.


life or

for self-redemption ever meets

He will be born into a pious and wealthy family or in a family of enlightened yogis (and make further progress.) A diligent Yogi

[6-42,43] attains perfection in this very life.


8 Who is the Best Yogi---according to Lord Krishna? Lord Krishna: Of all Yogis,he who devoutly worships Me with his mind focussed on Me is considered by Me to be the Best Yogi.


{ Krishna is considered the complete or perfect Avatar(incarnation), 'purna Avatar' and hence His words are full of significance for the Hindus..If you have any other Master in your mind for worship/meditation,you can replace him/her for Lord Krishna, say Jesus Christ or Shirdi SaiBaba or Kali Devi and so on.} 9 Is it not true that all cannot see Lord Krishna as the Supreme Being because he has taken a mere,perishable human form? Why this happens? What does the Lord say on this point? Lord Krishna: Not knowing my unsurpassable and undecaying supreme nature,the ignorants believe Me,the Supreme Spirit, beyond the reach of mind and senses,to have assumed a finite form through human birth. [7-24] In truth, by My Yogamaya [divine potency] I am not manifest to

all.Hence the ignorant folk fail to recognise Me.------[7-25] They who,having taken refuge

in me,strive for deliverance from

old age and death,that is future births, know Me as Adhyatma [the totality of all living beings],the absolute Brahman and the entire field of Karma,(Adhibuta,Adhidaiva,Adhiyagna)(immanent and transcendent in all beings), and they who ,with a steadfast mind know thus,even at the hour of death,they

know Me too.

[7-29,30] [A perceptive reader may find several parallels to this answer in other religions too---monotheistic or polytheistic.]

10.How to attain the Lord easily? Which Yoga to perform? Lord Krishna: Arjuna,Whoever always and constantly thinks of Me with undivided mind,to that Yogi ever absorbed in Me,I am easily attainable. [8-14] {Constant Remembrance of the Lord is the easy practice for Yogis to attain the Supreme.This is emphasized in almost all religions.Sufis keep this principle uppermost besides other pratices.Jewish faith and Christianity are focussed on this in mystic traditions.The great medieval French brother,Brother Lawrence who served in the kitchen of a monastery attained oneness with the Divine through practising the presence of the Lord..}

11. How to worship the Lord,before one gets attuned for constant remembrance? Lord Krishna: Constantly chanting My name and My glories and striving for my realization, bowing (humbly)again and again to me,through meditation,worship Me with single minded devotion.

12 Does the Lord promise to protect the needs of such a devotee? Yes, Indeed! Lord Krishna: The devotees who constantly think of Me, and worship Me in a disintereseted spirit, to those ever united with me in thought I carry the burden;I protect their assets and fulfill thier future needs. [9-22] { Countless saints in India have lived by this promise of the Lord,unmindful of their assets and anxiety where the next meal will come from.The early Christian fathers and saints like St Francis of Assisi are examples of this promise being kept by the Lord.}

13.Do we need to do elaborate pooja ,as some Hindu traditions entail? Lord Krishna: A leaf, a flower,,a fruit or even water offered to

me with loving devotion ,I accept with delight. [9-26]

14 Would the Lord love some and hate others because they are not devoted to him? I am equally present in all beings;therefor

no one hateful or

dear to me.They who devoutly worship me,abide in Me;I stand revealed in them. [9-29] 15 What about vilest sinners? Can they hope to be redeemed? Lord Krishna: Even if the vilest sinner worships Me with exclusive devotion, he would become saintly for he is rightly resolved. Soon enough he becomes virtuous and secures lasting peace. Know for certain,Arjuna, that My devotee never perishes. [9--30,31]

16. It is alright to develop devotion to the Lord or Bhakti.Will the devotees get knowledge or Jnana sought by Jnana Yogis.? Or you need separate and special efforts for that? Lord Krishna: In order to shower My grace on them, I, dwelling in their heart,dispel the darkness born of ingnorance by the shining light of wisdom. [10-11]

{ The Lord states that he purifies the heart of a


dispels his ignorance and gives Jnana before He gives the devotee blissful communion with Him.Thus the devotee has no more ignorance or avidya about spiritual knowledge.Thus Bhakti yoga includes the attainment of knowledge or atma-vidya sought by Jnana yogis with great effort. This explanation which is straightforward from this verse will be disputed by some Advaitic scholars who maintain that Karma yoga and Bhakti yoga are stepping stones or preliminary steps (like purifying one's mind)and only through Jnana, final liberation is possible.But if you are a devotee of Krishna, this verse clearly states that you need not make any effort to obtain Jnana independently!... I am sure that sectarian philosophers will be arguing on this for several centuries as they had done in the past in India.!}

17. What is the relationship between individual beings and Lord Krishna.? Lord Krishna: I am the Universal Self seated in the heart of all beings; so I alone am the beginning,middle and the end of all beings.



Can everyone see the Cosmic Vision which was revealed to

Arjuna?--the Vishwa-Roopa-Darshan given in Chapter11. Lord Krishna: Neither by study of scriptures [the Vedas],nor by austerities,nor by charity nor by any ritual can I be seen in this form as you have seen Me in a cosmic vision. Only through single-minded devotion, I can be seen in this form ,known in essence and even entered into --[11-53,54] {The Lord clearly states that the standard religious practices of the Hindus and others--scriptural study,good works,rituals enjoind by formal religions are ineffective in experiencing cosmic vision and merging with the Cosmic spirit --that is Lord Krishna himself....Again the Lord talks of single-minded devotion to Him alone.

19 Should we worship a personal God [Ishta devata] like Krishna with form and attributes or an unmanifest Brahman without attributes as

Nirguna Brahman?

Lord Krishna: Both can be done.But the strain is greater for those who have their minds attached to the Unmanifest.,by those who are centred in the body. [12-5] Those who are depending exclusively on Me,surrendering all actions to Me, worship Me with attributes, constantly meditate on Me with

single -minded devotion,O Arjuna, I speedily deliver them from the ocean of birth and death [sansar],their mind ever fixed on Me.


{ This topic is again of great interest.Various sects have fought pitched battles over worship of personal god as against the worship of Nirguna Brahman.The Lord clearly states that both are valid paths and worship of a personal God like Krishna is the easiest path.For most of us,tied to the body consciousness,how difficult it is to worship a Formless, Attribute less God.{Nirakara,Nirguna God]?}

20 Who is dear to the Lord? What are the characteristics of a pure devotee? The Lord answers in six verses.[12-14 to 20]I give here just one verse. Lord Krishna: He who takes praise and reproach alike, given to contemplation,,contented with any means of subsistence,entertaining no sense of ownership and attachment for dwelling place,full of devotion to Me, that man is dear to Me.


{Lord Krishna's answer covers a wide ground and talks about a pure devotee who feels that he is not a doer,accepts what comes to him

in life and has totally surrendered to the will of the Lord.These verses

describe all the qualtites of a true saint ,hard to

observe in these days.]

21 What is the nature of Brahman? Lrod Krishna: Brahman ,It, exists without and within all beings, and constitutes the animate and inanimate creation as well. Because it is subtle, it is incomprehensible;it is close at hand and stands afar too. [13-15]

22.What is the relationship between the Jivatma, the human soul and Lord Krishna? Lord Krishan: The Jivatma,in this body is a

particle of My own

being; and it is that alone which draws round itself the mind and the five senses which rest in Prakriti or Nature. ----------------------[15-7]


Why the Lord is called the Supreme Being or Pururshottama?

Lord Krishna: Since I am wholly beyond the perishable world of matter or ksetra [field] and superior to the imperishable soul ,hence I am known as the Purushottama in this world and in the Vedas.


24 Why did Lord krishna take human form and incarnate on earth? Lord Krishna: Whenever righteousness declines and wickedness {adharma} rises, I incarnate to restore righteousness or Dharma, to protect the wise and the weak and to destroy the wicked, I originate in every yuga or epoch.

----[4-7,8] 25 What is austerity of mind? Cheerfulness of mind,calmness,habit of contemplation on God, control of the mind,purity of inner feelings---all this is called Austerity of the mind. -----[17-16]

26 What is right action? What is the form of Karma Yoga? Lord Krishna: Perform your duties established in Karma Yoga,renouncing attachment to the fruits of ones' action, be even tempered in success and failure.Evenness of temper [samatvam] is called karma yoga.


{ Lord Krishna defines what is Karma Yoga so clearly that this verse has been the guiding principle for millions of Hindus and the Gita lovers outside Hinduism. } Your right is to work only--never to the fruit thereof.---But

again dont get attached to inaction or sloth.


Lord Krishna: He who acts offering all actions to God,and shaking off attachment, remains water.

untouched by sin, as the lotus leaf by


{Take the case of a policeman who is called upon to quell a rioting mob.He may resort to shooting and killing people.Then,though he may feel remorse later, no sin is attached to his action,if he does that as part of his duty and his actions surrendered to God. ---This concept is the corner stone of karma Yoga as propounded by the Lord in the Gita.This concept has been misunderstood by many students and philosophers/}

27 There are three types of Gunas or qualities possible for us. What is meant by Sattvic knowledge? Who is a Sattvic doer? [Sattvic--sublime



Lord Krishna: That by which man perceives one Imperishable divine existence

as undivided and equally present in all individual

beings,know that knowledge to be Sattvika. [18-20] Free from attachment ,unegoistic,endowed with firmness and vigour

and unswayed by success and failure---Such a doer is a Sattvik doer.


28 Can a Jnani, pursuing the path of knowledge and enquiry, and seeking the Absolute Brahman also attain the devotion of Lord Krishna? Lord Krishna: Mentally resigning all your duties to Me, and taking recourse to Yoga [Jnana Yoga] in the form of even-mindedness, be solely devoted to Me and constantly give your mind to Me. -----[18-57] With your mind thus given to Me, you shall tide over all difficulties by My grace. ----[18-58] { These two verses have great significance.Many Jnana Yogis have offered their views that by following the path of knowledge or Jnana alone, they can attain the final goal of spiritual liberation..The Lord says that a stage may be reached when


Jnani submits himself and fixes his mind on a personal God whose grace is essential.As a final step,God's {Lord Krishna's] grace liberates them. This is, indeed, a controversial point in Hindu philosophy of Jnana [knowledge or pure advaita] versus Bhakti or devotion.Lord Krishna's message is clear.He says that even a Jnani comes to him

for final beatitude---to have a seal of approval,so to say. Again this brings up the point of "Effort versus Lord's Grace", debated in almost all religions.How much effort ,how much grace? Do we need grace at all? You can study the interpretation of the Acharyas on these verses to learn their interpretation. In the Eight-limbed yoga or Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali, Ishwara Pranidhana,surrender to the Iswara or personal god, is the last step in the Yamas or observances. I have to add nothing more. The present author would be unwilling to engage in any polemics on this.You study the message of the Gita and accept or reject it.!]

29 How does God act through us and make us do actions? Lord Krishna: God abides in the heart of all creatures causing then to revolve line a machine mounted on a wheel.


{ The Lord says that we are like a puppet in tha hands of God.The so-called free will is highly limited indeed.}

30 How to attain Supreme Peace and the Eternal State? Lord Krishna:Take shelter in Him alone with all your being,Arjuna.By His mere grace, you shall attain Supreme Peace and

the Eternal State.


{ This is one of the most significant verses.The Lord clearly states that you shall attain peace and eternal state [beyond birth and death or sansar] by taking 'shelter' in the Lord.The Lord is leading one to complete surrender in the next few verses.

31 What are the promises of the Lord for a devotee? Lord Krishna: Give your mind to Me, be devoted to me, worship Me, bow down to Me.Doing thus, you will come to Me alone, I truly promise you;for you are dear to Me. ------[18-65] { Here the Lord makes a promise to all His devotees.He calls for a single-minded devotion again.!}

32 How should one renounce all actions and duties even [dharmas] ? Does the Lord promise to absolve the devotee of 'all sins' and liberate? Lord Krishna: Giving up or abandoning all your actions or duties to Me;Take refuge in Me alone;I shall absolve you of all sins;Grieve not.

------[18-66] { This is called the 'Charama sloka' or culminating verse;the

final answer! The Lord says in unambiguous terms: "Take refuge in Me; I shall absolve you of all sins.Grieve not." This verse has been interpreted for pages and pages, and became the main plank of the concept of surrender or prapatti [Saranagati] of Vaishnavas [followers of Sri Ramanuja and Vallabha and others acharyas].Other sects in Hinduism give minor importance to this verse,following their acharyas. One may also observe

similar statements in Christian faith.]

-"Sarva Jana Sukhino Bhavantu "

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