The Lord Of The Lost Souls

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  • Words: 27,583
  • Pages: 127

Story by Stivi Vangadio and Thethe Vangadio

Apegoriman created by Stivi Vangadio

Copyright Stivi Vangadio 2009 - WGA Reg. No. 1369064 August 17, 2009 - [email protected]







STEAMING. Massive fog. A black shape emerges- The APEGORI SYMBOL. Roaring. Growing. Darkening the screen to- BLACK. CUT TO: MOONLIGHT. Moving over a maze of land covered with trees... Closing in on the peak of a hill... On the heavy night mist swirling around imposing stone walls of a medieval cattle... On the enormous foggy window... Which VAPORIZES to revealSUPER: ENGLAND, 1509 INT. KING’S FLOOR -- CASTLE -- NIGHT A servant in a Sixteenth Century MAID UNIFORM holding two serving plates full with filled wine glasses. This is JANE. She walks to an uniformed man, the GENERAL, in a Sixteenth Century MILITARY UNIFORM, who steps forward with his helmet, follows Jane and walks from the stairwell down the hall of the King’s floor. They stop outside a door to a hall leading to the dinning room. The General opens the door for Jane... INT. HALL TO DINNING ROOM -- CASTLE -- NIGHT ...into hall. The two WALK down the wall-torched lit path... meeting on the other end across the aisle a pair of GUARDS. GUARD 1 The King is inside. He has been waiting for your return, my lord. The Guards look at Jane, who reacts- dropping her head down. INT. DINNING ROOM -- CASTLE -- NIGHT KING and NOBLES fill the dinning table. Jane starts serving. GENERAL Good Evening, my lords. KING What news do you have for us? GENERAL I think I have a knowledge about how the Apegoriman came to be... The King glances slowly at the General, anticipated to hear what he has to say. All in CLOSE-UP. We never see him fully.

2. GENERAL Most believe that his kind is merely legend. Some say he is a gift of God. It’s started even before Christ. God blessed a man with four souls so he can be the outcast. When he died, his fine spirit was reborn in a different person five hundred years later. The same pattern repeats itself. King takes a moment to think. Jane glances at him a beat. KING You must kill him. With his blood and bones we can create more of his kind to help us defeat our enemies with ease. The General nods, then walks out. Jane squeaks out silently. INT. COURTYARD -- CASTLE -- NIGHT Jane on the corner, back to us, holding a monastic uniform. A HORSE CARRIAGE pulls up. Jane gets in, puts on her clothes Inside the carriage- two other women wearing monastic suits. JANE The King had a visitor. General is now in search of his blood and bone marrow cells. We must hurry. I have to get him out of the monastery. One of the Monastic looks up from fixing her neck cross. WOMAN 1 I think this is madness, Jane. It’s bad. They would kill him. I highly doubt that their intent is to just get what they desire. They’ll kill me after letting their scientists extract his blood or bone marrows. JANE The king is building an army of warriors, and they are preparing their attack. What kind of king murders his own allies? (pauses for a beat) We must go back home. Put everyone on full alert that the monastery is in a great danger.


WOMAN 2 Even so, how do you suggest we deal with this army, Jane? JANE We will fight them to death. The other women shake their heads off. The carriage peels into an elevated landscape- we see the MONASTERY looming. EXT. WATCH TOWER -- MONASTERY -- CONTINUOUS A pair of huge GUARDS watch Jane comes in the carriage at a watchtower. They hurry down to open the heavy, wooden gate. GUARD 2 Why are they in a hurry? GUARD 3 The King must have found out the secret behind his powers. GUARD 2 Powers? Guard 3 PRIES pull a hatch that keeps the gate close. GUARD 3 Yeah. To defeat enemies. War tool. EXT. COURTYARD -- CASTLE -- CONTINUOUS The General and his Warriors get out of the building and march into their horses and carriages CARRYING MANY SWORDS. INT. COURTYARD -- MONASTERY -- NIGHT Another GUARD looks up- Jane gets off the horse carriage. With URGENCY, we WALK DOWN to him with Jane and the women: JANE -- where is he? -- I suspect the king’s army to move in soon.

GUARD 4 -- why? -- he’s in the dungeon.

EXT. MOUNTAINS -- NIGHT The General and Warriors- RIDING up the elevated landscape. A few quick turns- they see the MONASTERY looming up ahead.


INT. DUNGEON -- MONASTERY -- NIGHT Jane and fellow Monastics walk down a row of filthy cells. Soft-crying, starving, prisoned "SINNERS" repeatedly appear and disappear in the flickering light of the wall torches. Finally, Jane and fellow Monastics reach a cell whose INMATE is not whimpering or starving. A dark skin African with a sad acquiescence in his eye, a huge BROWN WOODEN MEDALLION dangling around his neck, grins through the bars. This is the APEGORIMAN. The Guard unlocks his cell door. Jane runs in, arms hugging him. He speaks with a thick African brogue. APEGORIMAN I missed you. Missed you so much. JANE I missed you too. The king’s men are coming here. You have to hide in the forest before it’s too late. APEGORIMAN Will you be coming with me? Jane makes a sad realization on her face, meaning, "No." APEGORIMAN I’m not going anywhere without you. The Guard glares at him. The two women observe them sadly. JANE They have a search running. They want your blood and bone marrows. They want you dead. We must find you a safe place to hide quickly. VOICE (O.S.) The king’s army is moving toward the monastery! Everyone else reacts to the alert. WOMAN 1 Your suspicion was correct. General is on the move. JANE They’re here. Up. On your feet. VOICE (O.S.) The monastery is now under attack! Secure the gate! The gate! Gate!

5. INT. COURTYARD -- MONASTERY -- NIGHT Apegoriman, Jane, and the monastics run out to the courtyard They look at the gate- General and Warriors FORCING through. The Apegoriman stares up the moon- so blurry- atmospheric moisture causes reduced visibility. We STAY on the moon. Shifting into a different period of time... Then we go down, slowly start flying over the vast area of primary tropical forest dominated by two extinct volcanoes, Kahuzi and Biega. SUPER: "Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Congo, Present Day" INT. RAIN FOREST, KAHIZI-BIEGA NATIONAL PARK, CONGO -- NIGHT It is misted. It is deadly silent. As the tranquility of the scene sinks in, tiny snicks disrupt the peacefulness in distance. Suddenly, we whip across the dim forest -Start motion. It’s us. We are running, stumbling, breathing rushed. We see blood in the dead leaves that cover the muddy ground. Slowing down until we reveal the person we are: A short man. LORD S41. He’s wearing a HIPPIE-SORT-OF-OUTFIT and his eyes are invisible behind circular black sunglasses. He’s also hardwired; small Secret Service earphone in one ear, the cord coiling back into his hippie looking clothes. He looks badly wounded. He has a few broken bones. We can tell by his way of running. Groaning after every movement. He’s carrying a backpack that slows him down even more. He jogs, hides behind a huge tree into the dark shadow. He takes out of his bag: a technologically advanced computer. ON COMPUTER SCREEN so close it has no boundaries. Data hacks across the screen, information beams faster then we can read: "The New Wise Man: target location confirmed." When he’s done with the computer, he starts down the forest. We whip far behind into the forest. Closing in the shadowy, cavernous tortured tree trunks, we spot a HUGE-MASSIVE-SIZE GORILLA-LIKE CREATURE. His skin is whitish brown. He has black hair. He’s ten feet tall and ten-thousand pounds. On Lord S41’s point of view: the monster steps half out of the shadow. Then we get our first look at LORD V2’s face: half in light and half in shadow. An obvious human face on.


He’s staring at Lord S41 with fury. Lord S41 is momentarily paralyzed with awe. And then, the enormous creature (Lord V2) is on the move. He runs. He’s chasing Lord S41. He whips pass us at a breakneck speed. It almost does not register, so smooth and fast. Far ahead. We hear quick footsteps as Lord S41 bolts. He’s panting. He’s running for his life, darting through this maze of a forest. Lord V2 is moving. He’s advancing nearer. He’s exhilarating. And it’s absolutely terrifying. Loud footsteps in the mud. Moss-draped branches catch Lord S41’s foot. He falls on his back, facing the rapidly approaching gorilla-like creature. He realizes that he had accidentally dropped his bag behind. The small computer is half out of the bag. He sees Lord V2 aiming at the bag, wanting to get his hands on the computer. Gritting through the pain, Lord S41 races Lord V2, crawling to the bag, the monster’s face is knotted, teeth clenched, as he hurls himself at the computer just as -Lord S41 grabs the bag with his last reserves of strength. There is a frozen instant of silence before the heavy sack of limp meat and bone lays down onto Lord S41 -Pressing him forcibly deep down into the wet dirt of the forest, all bones fracturing, smashing the computer along. After a moment, a man rises up from the muddy ground of the forest. It’s Lord V2 but now human. He’s powerfully built. He inspects the wreckage. There is a computer. It’s broken. His jaw sets as he grinds his molars in frustration. LORD V8 and LORD V19, also humans, walk up behind him. LORD V19 It’s destroyed. The hardware of the computer lays on the ground, separated in the crash into two pieces. LORD V2 It doesn’t matter. We’ll track ’em with the pieces. LORD V8 (reads victim’s name tag) Lord S41.

7. LORD V19 Why would Lord S1 send him here? LORD V2 Perhaps they were just tracing back to the root. Now that they all know where he is located we must capture him quick Bring him back to Varyish headquarters before it’s too late. We are absorbed towards the built-in webcam of the computer, closer and closer until the smooth black frame spreads out like a horizon and the concave mirrored lenses widen until we fall through one -Swallowed by darkness. The darkness crinkles with phosphorescent energy, an image censor of the forest light beaming in around us as -We emerge from a computer screen. Feeds onscreen show Lord S41’s dead body in the dim forest. We move back from the screen and into -INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- EVENING SUPER: "STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER" The room is full with technology. Computer desks everywhere. At the middle of this technological center are the leading men. LORD S1, a tall and sturdy man with a quick temper, observes: LORD S12, a slender man with a subdued demeanor, and LORD S29, eyes with souls and a wary of intelligence. LORD S29 We lost S41 in the park. LORD S12 The Varyish Lords tracked us down. I don’t know how. LORD S1 Goddammit! Send another man. LORD S29 No need. The target location is already confirmed... (glances at S29, anticipated to hear what he has to say.) Nguizanie.


LORD S12 The prophecy is real. Blood and bone marrow cells are all we need from him to rebuild our army. Lord S1 almost smiles. With his plot can no mercy kickoff:

LORD S1 powers in our hands, our be done with ease. I have on the poor citizens. To steal ’it’ and find him.

His wry smile gives way to... Black. And then... EXT. ARMY WEAPON COMPOUND -- FRONT GATE -- NIGHT Rainy night. On a road next to a heavily guarded bunker facility, A LINE OF IDENTICAL ARMY TRUCKS HEAD to the front gate. A CARGO SHIP stays in the ocean next to the facility. We watch the trucks pass through the front gate and park in the courtyard. Several ARMY GUARDS walk toward the trucks. EXT. NGUIZANIE -- NIGHT SUPER: "NGUIZANIE CITY" Under the rain, we watch the glory of NGUIZANIE CITY. It’s a fictional city. The most populous city of the United States. The city consists of four boroughs: VASCO, KALIBA, NGANGA, and PILA. The city’s population exceeds eight millions. EXT. PARKING LOT -- NIGHT Headlights blind us, as a BLACK SUV, wipers not working, drives up to a guard booth. A GUARD observes: the driver’s window rolls down on Lord S12’s evil smiley face. GUARD Can’t park here at this time, pal. Suddenly, a SHOTGUN BLAST sends the Guard flying. A second blast illuminates the shooter’s face: LORD S17. They both are in hippie costumes and black sunglasses even at night.


EXT. BUNKER LABORATORY BUILDING -- NIGHT ARMY GUARDS open the trucks’ rear doors- see storage tubes of chemical weapons labeled: P.N. GAS. They transport them carefully into the depot. Just then- a man gets off a truck. BEN STONE approaches COLONEL JOHN. He shows him his I.D. BEN STONE Ben Stone, National Security. COLONEL JOHN Colonel John, Air Force. BEN STONE Where is ’it’ Colonel? COLONEL JOHN It’s in the lab. Follow me. INT. BLACK SUV -- NIGHT Lord S12 pulls into a parking spot in the barely-filled lot. As they both unfasten their seat belts we glimpse 9mm Pistol on their hips. These guns are technologically advanced. Lord S12 reaches over and grabs a briefcase. LORD S12 Clock work. Let’s make it in ’n out Hack the system- copy the standard counterbalance files- get the ship code and position- one man is ready just in case they track us down. LORD S17 (deadpan) Good. We can’t take any chances. EXT. PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS They emerge from the car. We follow them, walking across the dark, rainy lot toward a FIFTY-STOREY OFFICE BUILDING. The closer they get to the entrance, the higher we crane. By the time they enter, we have reached the roof, which has a logo that reads NATIONAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SUBSTATION. INT. NSA SUBSTATION LOBBY -- SAME Two SECURITY GUARDS moving up the lobby, only to meet-


Lord S12 and Lord S17 coming down. Several quick moves and they’re down- slumped against a wall. Check their pockets. Take their photo I.D.s Then jam them in and out of the electronic reader. INT. BUNKER LABORATORY BUILDING -- NIGHT Colonel John leads Ben into a large laboratory room. A dozen MEN IN LAB COATS wait beside a large table. More ARMY GUARDS look on from nearby. Ben stares at an unseen object a beat. Colonel John watches from the side, there is something about him we don’t trust. COLONEL JOHN Are we operational now? BEN STONE No. We’re not. P.N. Gas still in its test phase. But soon we’ll be. Ben nods to Colonel John, who then orders the Army Guards... COLONEL JOHN Load ’it’ into the ship. Army Guards carry the unseen object and places it inside a vault in the cargo ship. We did not see the object. After a moment, the loaded ship roars out of the compound. EXT. NGUIZANIE -- NIGHT Moving over the towers of downtown Nguizanie. We’re closing in on an office building. Behind the rainy window pane, we see Lord S12, typing quickly, navigating the web, his screens flashing as pages open and close. INT. OFFICE, HIGH RISE -- NIGHT Lord S17 wanders the room while Lord S12 works on computers. LORD S17 (finally deadpan) How long will it take to hack the National Security database?


LORD S12 (thinking) Ummm... Lord S12 freezes, types something, hits a key. On one of his monitors, a window appears. He reacts to the little victory. Curious, Lord S17 walks over and reads the screen -LORD S17 Ship Number 802345. Maine? LORD S12 Chemical compound bunker- also known as the naval weapon depot. INT. HALL -- NIGHT We follow six armed GUARDS as they creep down the darkened hall and ready themselves on either side of the office. The strongest of them violently kicks in the door. The other guards pour in behind him, guns thrust before them. STRONG GUARD (yells) Freeze! Sitting there, Lord S12’s hands still on the keyboard. Standing there, Lord S17’s hand is closed to his hip. STRONG GUARD Hands on your heads! Now! Do it! They slowly put their hands behind their heads. The Strong Guard flips out his cuffs. When they do not respond to his questions, the Strong Guard starts forward. He reaches with the cuffs and Lord S17 spins and in one motion extends his leg and kicks the Strong GuardHe flies back, slams into the other Guards. Lord S12 and Lord S17 take guns out of their hips. Guns still in the Guards’ hands. There is a violent exchange of GUNFIRE and when it’s over, Lord S12 and S17 are the only men standing. EXT. DOWNTOWN NGUIZANIE -- NIGHT A MAN on the corner, back to us, holding a security guard uniform. A VAN pulls up. The man gets in, puts on his uniform. Inside the car- six other men wearing security guards uniforms. These are the Varyish Lords.


LORD V8 There’s two Strongish Lords on the building. We track ’em as you said with the computer pieces. LORD V2 Good. Let’s get ’em. Lord V2 cocks his weapon. Lord V8 pulls the car over in front of the NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY SUBSTATION. INT. NSA SUBSTATION LOBBY -- NIGHT The Varyish Lords race through the lobby into the elevators. INT. OFFICE, HIGH RISE -- NIGHT Lord S12 is on the phone, pacing. The other end is answered. MAN (V.O.) Yeah. LORD S12 S25! We need a lift. LORD S25 (MAN V.O.) What about your car? LORD S12 It’s in the parking lot. Heavy security. We can’t get to it. LORD S25 (V.O.) The Varyish Lords? LORD S12 They know we’re here. LORD S25 (V.O.) Ah, shit. Hold on- I’m coming... EXT. NSA SUBSTATION BUILDING -- NIGHT LORD S25 pulls the car over in front of the NSA Substation. He surveys the area downstairs. There are "real" security guards everywhere securing the perimeter as usual. Unaware of what’s happening upstairs.


INT. OFFICE, HIGH RISE -- NIGHT Lord S12 hits Enter at lightning speed, being madly copied. computer that is in

on the keyboard. On one of the screens, we see a digital representation of files Sending them into his super-advanced the briefcase.

Lord S17 looks down the window. He sees Lord S25’s car. LORD S17 He’s here. Wrap it up. Lord S12 starts working his keys at a furious pace, his hands a blur. Lord S17 watches in wonder. On one of his monitors, we see a SATELLITE VIEW OF MAINE. The shot tightens and tightens, moving closer to Earth. With his mouse, Lord S12 circles a ship at sea, seen from a 100 feet above. LORD S12 There it is. The cargo ship is mobile in the Atlantic Ocean. They wrap it up quickly and destroy everything in the room. No trace left. Then, they hurry to the door. INT. HALL -- NIGHT They burst out of the room as Lord V8 and Lord V19 enters the hall, leading an unit of Varyish Lords. Lord S12 and Lord S17 race into another office- lock the door. LORD S12 There are too many. We can’t take them all down. LORD S25 (V.O.) Well, there is not a viable exit on foot. LORD S12 What do you suggest? LORD S25 (V.O.) (after a beat; deadpan) A free fall.


EXT. OFFICE, HIGH RISE -- NIGHT Closing in on a window... Which SHATTERS... Then, they exit through the broken window onto space. The men FALL down the DIZZYING DROP...inhumanly landing on the sidewalk. It almost doesn’t register, so smooth and hard, inhumanly hard. They damage the concrete in the process. They’re not hurt at all. They move. They get into the car. Lord S25 drives off. INT. OFFICE, HIGH RISE -- NIGHT The Varyish Lords work the room. Lord V8 approaches Lord V2. LORD V8 They left nothing behind. We can’t trace ’em anymore. Why were they here? What were they looking for? LORD V2 They want ’it’. LORD V8 ’it’? LORD V2 Yeah. To scare people. It’s a war strategy. They hope it’ll elevate the government’s thinking. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN -- NIGHT The cargo ship travels down the ocean. Freight containers fill the ship’s deck. A HELICOPTER FLIES DOWN after the heavily loaded ship. It’s a war machine. Two automatic machine guns and two small missiles are mounted on the craft’s undercarriage. A bright spotlight is mounted on the front of the helicopter. As it gets near the ship we go to: INT. HELICOPTER -- NIGHT Lord S17 holds A CABLE LAUNCHER. Lord S12 is the pilot. They are still in black sunglasses and hippie costumes even at this freezing weather. They also wear the earphones. LORD S17 We have visual on the target. Confirm ’go’ for cable launch.


INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- NIGHT Sat-feeds monitor the cargo ship. Lord S29 works on the computer. Beside him: Lord S1, the man in charge. LORD S1 S17, you’re confirmed ’go’: launch cable at the cargo ship. INT. HELICOPTER -- NIGHT Lord S17 steps forward with the cable launcher, AIMS at the cargo ship across them and FIRES a cable across. INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- NIGHT Webcam feed from the cable shows it descending on the cargo ship, precisely on a freight container. Lord S29 types on the computer, controlling the cable, and then it attaches the platform it was on: LORD S29 I’ve attached the cable on platform. LORD S1 S17, secure the I-beam line. INT. HELICOPTER -- NIGHT Lord S17 secures the line to an I-beam line- FASTEN onsends a KIT BAG out then steps OUT the helicopter... EXT. SKIES OVER OCEAN -- NIGHT ...into space. The man SLIDE across the VAST OCEAN...landing on the roof of a freight container in the cargo ship. INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- NIGHT Lord S29 tracks Lord S17 on the computer screens as he kills the Captain and the Crew. They are down. Lords S17 standing. LORD S29 -- now what? -- running a blueprint analysis.

LORD S1 -- he gotta find an entrance to the vault room. -- gimme structural map.

16. The screen pops to a STRUCTURAL DRAWING of the cargo ship. BLUEPRINT ANALYSIS finishes, the screen shows a DATA of the VAULT ROOM: "PROBABLE ACCESS - HARDWIRED." LORD S29 The access is hardwired. Lord S1 thinks a beat. LORD S1 What if he cuts the CAT 6 Patch. LORD S29 That might alert the Pentagon. WHIP TO a monitor: Lord S17 MOVES to an access panel. LORD S1 But they’ll be out of there by the time the Coast Guards will arrive. LORD S29 Only if they lift it quick enough. Otherwise, the mission will turn into a failure. Not our option. Lord S1 takes another moment to think. LORD S1 Proceed. LORD S29 S17, cut the CAT 6 cables. INT. CARGO SHIP -- NIGHT Lord S17 rips out thick bundles of red CAT 6 cables. INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTER -- COMMAND CENTER -- NIGHT The computer screens pop: "RED ALERT." LORD S29 Signals are sent out. The Pentagon must be alerted by now. EXT. ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA -- NIGHT Establishing shot -- PENTAGON Over which we hear phones ringing.


INT. PENTAGON -- CORRIDOR -- NIGHT A man, back to us, rushes down to a door with a nameplate that reads: Larry Nealson, Secretary of Defense, United States Department of Defense. INT. NEALSON’S OFFICE -- PENTAGON -- NIGHT The SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LARRY NEALSON (50’s) is at his desk The man is Air Force COLONEL JADE. He walks in, TROUBLED. COLONEL JADE We have a situation, sir. LARRY NEALSON What kind of situation? COLONEL JADE We received signals from cargo ship number 802345 a moment ago. Someone must have broken into one of the ship’s access panels. The Captain and the Crew are not responding, probably dead. LARRY NEALSON What’s in the ship? COLONEL JADE The cargo ship is carrying ’it’, sir. Larry is highly troubled for a beat. LARRY NEALSON (highly troubled) Contact the Coast Guards. INT. CARGO SHIP -- CONTINUOUS Lord S17 PRIES the access door... INT. STAIRWELL -- CARGO SHIP -- NIGHT ...and speeds down the stairs, to the basement. He SLAMS open the door... INT. VAULT ROOM -- CARGO SHIP -- NIGHT ...and comes face to face with a huge VAULT.

18. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN -- NIGHT THREE COAST GUARDS HELICOPTERS fly towards the cargo ship. COAST GUARD (V.O.) We have visual on the subject. Stand by for further updates. INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- NIGHT THE SATELLITE VIEW shows the Coast Guards helicopters. LORD S29 They’ve got company. LORD S1 S12, blow ’em up. EXT. HELICOPTER -- NIGHT Lord S12 receives the orders. He prepares missiles. AIMS at the oncoming helicopters across him and FIRES the missiles. BOOM! THE RED HELICOPTERS EXPLODE. BURNING. MASSIVE FLAMES. INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- NIGHT They watch the explosion onscreen. They look happy. INT. VAULT ROOM -- CARGO SHIP -- LATER Lord S17 turns the vault’s wheel- He grabs the kit bag. He steps over the dead Army Guards into the vault... INT. VAULT -- CARGO SHIP -- NIGHT ...which only contains a MK49 NUCLEAR BOMB. THE WARHEAD. INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- NIGHT Lord S1 looks at the monitor, sees the nuclear bomb. LORD S1 (smiles) There ’it’ is. Bring ’it’ home. (turns to S57) What’s the status on the Apegoriman


LORD S57 (TECHIE) Team B is heading to the target location. INT. VAN -- NIGHT Lord S14, S21, S22, S26, S34, S42, and S47 are in the VAN. LORD S14 Alright, Team B listen up. Our subject is Tyler Black. ON THE PLASMA TV SCREEN - A YOUNGER TYLER LOCATED AT SCHOOL. LORD S21 Here he is in Middle School - I think a basketball player at the time and still is currently. MORE SLIDES OF TYLER in various basketball courts. LORD S21 Listen to his playoffs statistics: PPG 35.3, RPG 9.10, APG 7.3, EFF + 37.00... Jesus. The kid is great. LORD S14 A team captain. He’s at a game right now at Elsie Allen High School. We’re going to get him. Let make it quick and clean. EXT. BASKETBALL COURT -- NIGHT It’s raining. We don’t see clearly. People hang out at the snack bars. We hear NOISES from the court. INT. BASKETBALL COURT -- NIGHT CHEERING! A game is in progress. High school b-ball. Red Jersey versus Blue Jersey. Blue color dominates the crowds in the stand. A Blue player makes a three pointer. Crowds cheer loudly! This is TYLER BLACK. Aged 17. He’s an African American. Tall and handsome. An average teenager consumed with everyday worries about school, friends, cars and girls. Also a kid who knows more about basketball than anyone we’ve ever met.

20. EXT. BASKETBALL COURT -- NIGHT The VAN pulls over. Lord S14, S21, S22, and S26 get out of the car and march toward the court CARRYING ASSAULT RIFLES. INT. BASKETBALL COURT -- CONTINUOUS Tyler dribbles down the court. A RED-JERSEY PLAYER pushes him down to the floor. The referee, JOHN BLACK, Tyler’s father, calls a fool. The red-jersey player reacts madlyRED-JERSEY PLAYER What?! C’mon, ref, because he’s your son. JOHN BLACK This is a fair game. Tyler lines up for the free throw. Just thenINT. ENTRANCE DOOR -- NIGHT The School Policeman looks up- Lord S14 FIRES into the air. Fans SCREAM. Lord S21 HITS the Policeman with his rifle. As our Lords gather around the hostages, one of the REFEREES presses buttons on his phone- dialing an emergency call. INT. VAN -- CONTINUOUS Lord S34, S42, and S47 remain in the car- watching many fans running out of the court. INT. BASKETBALL COURT -- CONTINUOUS Lord S14, S21, S22, and S26 move down the line of hostages, mostly polluted by Players, Team Staffs and Officials. There is no sign of Tyler Black nor John Black. LORD S14 Where is he? Find him. The boss is going to be mad if we lose him. INT. VAN -- CONTINUOUS LORD S34 (wonders) Why does he want him so bad?


LORD S42 I heard it all about the power. LORD S47 Power? LORD S42 Yeah. To control the country. INT. BASKETBALL COURT -- CONTINUOUS BOOM! Lord S14 is FANNED OFF HIS FEET- Lord S21, S22, and S26 DIP for cover- John Black emerges, HANDGUN in hand. INT. VAN -- NIGHT Lord S34 watches the COPS CARS coming in the side mirror. LORD S34 Here comes the dark blue visitors. (cocks a gun) We should take care of ’em to give the guys in the court more time. LORD S47 (re: to Tyler) What if we don’t get his power. What’s going to happen? Lord S42 gets out of the car holding a BAZOOKA. LORD S42 Let’s not wish for that. AIMS at a cop car down the street and FIRES UP. INT. BASKETBALL COURT -- NIGHT Lord S21, S22, and S26 cringe as John FIRES again. LORD S21 How many more shots remaining? LORD S22 I say two. Lord S22 raises his head. John FIRES. FIRES again-Lord S22 ducks down. Lord S21 and S26 looks at each other. Lord S21 makes a quick head gesture. Lord S21 RISES UP.

22. John squeezes the trigger. Empty. No bullets. He FUMBLES his pockets for new shells. Lord 26 JUMPS UP- SHOOTS him... BOOM! A BULLET RIPS into John’s chest. Bleeding... he drops on his knees... and falls to the ground. LORD S22 I called it. Lord S34 storms inLORD S34 Gotta go! Too many cops! Let’s go! They run to the exit... EXT. BASKETBALL COURT -- NIGHT ...and speed out the court, get to the VAN. They rapidly open the doors. They get in. They drive off... EXT. VAN -- CONTINUOUS ...and come face to face with a MASS of COP CARS... Lord S42 RISES OUT of the sunroof holding the bazooka. The VAN is in MOTION. Lord S42 FIRES. FIRES. FIRES again. Huge explosions. Cars jump high in the air on fire. Then, they find their way out through the massive flames. INT. BASKETBALL COURT -- NIGHT John’s eyes desperately searching...searching...searching... until he sees -Tyler standing aside with awe. He walks to his dying father. Knee himself on the floor. Tears on his eyes. Slowly, John reaches out and takes Tyler’s hand... Blood red... as bleeding and dying father touches his only son... JOHN BLACK (hardly breathing) T... Tyler... TYLER BLACK (sobbing) Dad...


JOHN BLACK Tyler... Listen to me my son... TYLER BLACK I’m listening dad. JOHN BLACK They came for you... The family... Prophecy... learn it. TYLER BLACK What is the prophecy? John rolls back his eyes and dies. Tyler instantly breaks into an uncontrollable sobbing. It’s just beyond the sadness that owns our hearts. There is no return. EXT. NGANGA NATIONAL CEMETERY -- EARLY MORNING SUPER: "A Few Days Later" We watch Tyler alone across the cemetery. He stands before two headstones: JOHN BLACK 1959-2009. SARAH BLACK 1962-2009. TYLER BLACK Hi Dad. Hi Mom. I moved to Vasco today. I know, it’s the borough with the highest crime rate in Nguizanie. A move I couldn’t do while you were here. Maybe you would have approved. Well, I know you wouldn’t have. But, I had no choice. The bank sold the house. (beat) Dad, I’ve tried everything and I can’t seem to learn what you told before you died. I’m hoping one day to come to realize the true meaning behind the Black family prophecy. Tyler puts new flowers on the graves. Walks off. EXT. NGUIZANIE -- EARLY MORNING Establishing shots of Nguizanie and an island in the middle of Nguizanie Bay. EXT. ISLAND -- STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- EARLY MORNING A black helicopter appears. Vasco-Pila Bridge looms behind. It lands on the roof of the Strongish headquarter building.


A dozen Strongish Lords gather around the craft. Lord S1, in a hippie outfit with a metal briefcase in hand, exists the helicopter. Lord S21 approaches him. LORD S21 Morning, my lord. LORD S1 You have news about the boy. LORD S21 Yes. They walk toward a nearby staircase. LORD S1 So you captured him. LORD S21 No, my lord. We did not get him. It was a mess. We even lost S14. LORD S1 Where is him now? LORD S21 We don’t know. S12 and S17 are running a search. An extra team is ready just in case. LORD S1 Good. We can’t take any chances. We need him to fulfill this plot. EXT. KALIBA NATIONAL MUSEUM -- DAY A yellow bus parks at the curb. Tyler and new CLASSMATES get off the bus. They stare at the Kaliba National Museum, an impressive old building on the Nguizanie downtown. Tyler stares, sighs to himself, a heartsick look on his face. Whatever’s inside, it’s what he wants to know. A male teacher, MR. PETTY, addresses the students. MR. PETTY First thing first. I’m going to take roll. Please respond when I call your name... Everyone pays attention.


MR. PETTY Tyler Black. TYLER BLACK Here. SYDNEY PITT, a petite brunette, stares at Tyler. A heartsick look on her face. He owns her heart. She approaches him. The teacher’s voice echo throughout the scene. SYDNEY PITT Hi. My name is Sydney Pitt. You must be Tyler Black. The new guy. Tyler stares at her. She owns his heart too. TYLER BLACK Yeah... Hey... Some flirting attention. She grins and he smiles. But his smile ceases when THREE HIGH SCHOOL PUNKS come in. CRICK JOE is the leader. The most popular kid at school. A true punk. CRICK JOE Ow! (to Sydney) Who is your new friend? SYDNEY PITT Tyler, meet Crick. My boyfriend. TYLER BLACK What’s up, man? CRICK JOE Oh, I’ll tell you what’s up. The other two Punks laugh. Tyler notices the attention. CRICK JOE I gotta tell you this once. No one messes with my girl. You do not talk to her. Do you listen what I said? TYLER BLACK I was just being friendly. CRICK JOE Hey. I asked you a question. Do you listen when I’m talking to you?


SYDNEY PITT Leave him alone, Crick. TYLER BLACK It’s cool. I heard you. Crick puts his arm around Sydney. CRICK JOE Come on, babe. Crick, Sydney, and the other Punks disappear into the crowd, leaving Tyler behind. MR. PETTY Class. Today, we’re going to learn about the Europeans exploration of African tropical forests at the Kaliba National Museum. A very prestige place known best for its African heritage collections. The teacher leads the class up the marble steps. TOUR GUIDE (O.S.) For your visit today, we will primary focus on a rain forest called Kahuzi-Biega National Park. INT. KALIBA NATIONAL MUSEUM -- DAY The teacher and Students are lead around a cavernous room by a TOUR GUIDE. They pass a number of large gorilla exhibits. TOUR GUIDE A vast area of primary tropical forest dominated by two extinct volcanoes, Kahuzi and Biega, the park has a diverse and abundant fauna. Tyler keeps his eye on Sydney. She’s with Crick Joe, his arm draped possessively over her shoulder. Tyler winces and turns away, back to the tour. Just forget about her. The Guide points out specific groups of gorillas in the framed portraits of the park. TOUR GUIDE About 250 eastern lowland gorillas thought to be one of the last communities of their kind, inhabit (MORE)

27. TOUR GUIDE (cont’d) Kahuzi-Biega National Park, making it a very special place. Tyler peers closely at the largest frame: an art painting of A MAN locked in a cage, surrounded by EUROPEAN EXPLORERS. It grabs his attention- a long weird connection between them. TOUR GUIDE This art painting tells a myth. It was once believed that there was a man in the surrounding areas of the forest who had the ability to change into an ape gorilla specie. STUDENT (O.S.) A man changed into a gorilla? Tyler glances at the student. Meet JASON DAWN, a cool nerd, who wears a 14-45MM camera around his neck. TOUR GUIDE Well, it’s just a myth. However, ancient Explorers believed to have seen him changed. The natives called him the Apegoriman because he’s thought to possess multiple souls... spirits... powers... Sydney peers closely at the portrait. Her eyes shine, she’s strangely attracted to it. It owns her heart. Ours too. SYDNEY PITT You said the Apegoriman had powers. What kind exactly? TOUR GUIDE Good question. Follow me. INT. KALIBA NATIONAL MUSEUM GENETIC RESEARCH ROOM -- DAY Students enter and stare at the LARGE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE. JASON DAWN You have an electron microscope. TOUR GUIDE (telling them) Yes. It was specifically built for genetic research on certain ape gorillas captured in the park. The Guide points out a specific gorilla in a thick cage.

28. TOUR GUIDE For example, the strongish gorilla can bend a two feet thick metal... Just as the strongish gorilla bends one of the thick bars of the cage. People panic a bit. Several MEN IN LAB COATS rush, shot it with chemical-enhanced tranquilizers. Peace reigns. TYLER BLACK He’s very strong. TOUR GUIDE Inhumanly strong. Tyler is awed- the Guide moves to the next cage. A long one. TOUR GUIDE The speedish gorilla. He can run at the speed of sound... Just as the speedish gorilla whips back and forth inside the long cage. It almost does not register, so smooth and fast. JASON DAWN (fascinated) Damn. He’s fast and furious. TOUR GUIDE Inhumanly fast. Jason is momentarily paralyzed with awe- the Guide proceeds to the next cage. It is long and has a high height. Inside is the jumpish gorilla. It’s a female specie. TOUR GUIDE The jumpish gorilla. It’s a female specie. She can jump as high as fifty-storey; much higher than this cage... Just then the jumpish gorilla jumps up and down in the cage. SYDNEY PITT Whoa. She sure can jump. CRICK JOE Girls can’t jump. CRICK JOE (after a long beat) Oh, come on. You know I’m right. Right when she was about to say something, Mr. Petty shouts:

29. MR. PETTY What is that in that cage? The Guide walks toward the cage. They follow behind. TOUR GUIDE That is the varyish gorilla. MR. PETTY It doesn’t look like too much of a gorilla to me. TOUR GUIDE Well, scientists are not sure if it’s a gorilla or thisJust then- the varyish gorilla changes from a gorilla into a gorilla-like creature. Then, it changes back into a gorilla. TOUR GUIDE He weights more than ten thousand pounds. But he moves so smoothly. They all watch with awe as it changes back and forth while running smoothly inside the oversize cage. The Guide moves to another copy of the art painting we saw earlier. TOUR GUIDE Over here we have the Apegoriman again. I’ll answer the question that was asked earlier: what kind of powers did he exactly has? (beat) A source says that he’s composed of genetic information from all four gorillas. That makes this one genetically-natural super-gorilla. He’s believed to be the origin of the rest of them. Jason catches the eye of the Tour Guide and gestures to his cameraJASON DAWN Is it okay if I take a few picture for school paper? TOUR GUIDE Yeah, sure. Jason raises the camera to take a picture. Behind him, Crick steals the camera. Other kids laugh. Jason turns around, gives a glare. Crick steps forward, threatening. Jason is afraid of him and turns around without saying a word.


Crick and Tyler meet eyes. They look each other a beat. They are holding each other eyes. They don’t take their eyes off each other for a long beat... until Sydney shouts: SYDNEY PITT What happened to him? Tyler turns to the Guide. TOUR GUIDE Historians claimed that he was taken to Europe by the Explorers. Worked there as a warrior. Later, he was killed by an army General under direct orders of the King. JASON DAWN Is it possible to use synthesized transfer-RNA to encode an entirely new genome like the Wise Man’s? TOUR GUIDE You mean inter-species genetic transmutation. (beat) Over many years, scientists have tried to fully map the genetic codes of each of these gorillas into one DNA blueprint. But for some unexplainable reasons, it never worked. No matter how times they tried. It just doesn’t work. (beat) The Apegoriman’s power is a gift of God. One that modern science can’t copy or recreate. INT. PENTAGON -- SITUATION ROOM -- DAY The people around a table, listening to Larry are: F.B.I. Director BRADLEY, F.B.I. agent JOHN CRUST, White House Chief of Staff DAN PARKER, National Security Advisor Ben Stone, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs GENERAL PAUL BECK, Air Force Colonel Jade, and C.I.A. Director MURPHY. LARRY NEALSON As Secretary of Defense, it is my duty to make this announcement. Nights ago, there was a breaking and entering in one of our cargo ships in the Atlantic ocean.


EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN -- MORNING (FLASHBACK) COAST GUARD HELICOPTERS touch down on the back of the cargo ship. Several coast guardsmen jump onto the deck of the ship to take a look around. LARRY NEALSON (V.O.) Coast guard picked up the cargo ship. It’s partially damaged. They walk through a broken access panel into the vault room. They see dead Army Guards. The vault is open and the nuclear bomb is not there. It’s gone. The Strongish Lords stole it. INT. PENTAGON -- SITUATION ROOM -- CONTINUOUS LARRY NEALSON The MK49 nuclear bomb is missing. (beat) Now, the suspects must be trained professionals- judging from the killing of the Captain and the entire Crew. They also shot down Coast Guard helicopters. There is some possibility this is a plot by terrorists, but we don’t know. The door opens. A NAVAL ATTACHE walks in. BEN STONE The president is not yet informed. Once we get a threat... NAVAL ATTACHE Just got one. Call online two. The call connects to a phone on the table. LARRY NEALSON Hello, this is the Secretary of Defense Larry Nealson. LORD S1 Hi Mr. Secretary. I’m Lord S1, leader of the Strongish kingdom. LARRY NEALSON Strongish kingdom? I have never heard of it. INTERCUT - PENTAGON and STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS as necessary.

32. LORD S1 Briefly. We are a fraternity of men of a kind. A kingdom of power. Now, I’ll come straight to the point, Mr. Secretary: I would like to inform you that I have in my possession the MK49 nuclear bomb. DAN PARKER We never negotiate with terrorists LORD S1 Whoever said that he’s an idiotDAN PARKER That was me. The White House Chief of Staff Dan Parker. Now you give me some goddamn respect, Lord S1. Everyone stares at the phone a beat. LORD S1 An idiot like you... you don’t know why you’re too fast to interrupt me. You don’t know why the United States government never negotiate with terrorists. But I do know why. Control. They’re too powerful. Power is what I want. BEN STONE Give us the nuclear bomb back then we’ll talk. LORD S1 Your request won’t be accommodated until you find me this boy. ON THE SCREEN - A PICTURE OF TYLER BLACK F.B.I. DIRECTOR BRADLEY Why do you desire him? LORD S1 He’s got something I want. He has the power I deserve. C.I.A. DIRECTOR MURPHY What kind of power? LORD S1 That is classified information. You just bring him to me and I shall return the nuclear bomb.


GENERAL PAUL How can we be sure you’ll give it back. LORD S1 You have my words. COLONEL JADE We need more than just words. LORD S1 If you refuse to deliver him, I launch the nuclear bomb to the most populous city in the country. Of course, I am thinking of the city of Nguizanie. You have 18 days - to bring him to me. Any questions? No one dissents a beat. LORD S1 I didn’t hope so. Warning: Don’t even consider launching a net. I know everything there is to know about it, Mr. Secretary. You folks have a nice day now. Lord S1 out! Lord S1 hangs up. Everyone in the room stares at Larry. LARRY NEALSON Looks like we got ourselves a crazy and smart sonofabitch. INT. SCHOOL CAFETERIA -- DAY Tyler carries his tray to a table. Jason joins him. JASON DAWN What’s up, man? I’m Jason. TYLER BLACK What’s up? I’m Tyler. Jason glances at Tyler’s tray. JASON DAWN Banana bread? Really? TYLER BLACK Yeah. What’s wrong with that?


JASON DAWN What? You’re like in some gorilla diet or something? Tyler grins. JASON DAWN Like an ape gorilla in the jungle. (gorilla-like) Aaarrr!!! Aaarrr!!! Aaarrr!!! Tyler puts his head down. Then up. He sees Sydney and her FRIENDS walking toward where Crick and his Buddies are sitting. Tyler looks at Sydney a long beat. Jason looks at Tyler, notices that he’s looking at something else. JASON DAWN Who... Jason looks where Tyler is looking. Sydney waves at Tyler. Tyler waves back with a kind smile. JASON DAWN Ah! TYLER BLACK What? JASON DAWN No. Not her. Someone else but not her. She’s Crick’s girl. You don’t want to mess with Crick. TYLER BLACK What is he? Some massive punk who eat babies and listen to Slayer in his free time. JASON DAWN Yeah up. Tyler laughs at Jason. JASON DAWN Look, Crick is not someone you want to mess with. He knows karate. And I heard he once broke one kid’s neck for trying to hit on Sydney. TYLER BLACK (grins) My ass.


Tyler laughs. He glances at Sydney’s table. She smiles at him. He smiles back. Crick notices. All of the sudden he reacts madly. He stands up and walks toward Tyler’s table. JASON DAWN Alright, tough guy. I’ll just watch my back every now and then if I were you. Tyler looks at Crick and his Buddies approaching. As soon as Jason noticesJASON DAWN Dude... You’re so dead. Tyler gets out of the chair. Crick gets to him. His fist punches Tyler. Tyler’s head snaps back and bounces forward. Another fist. It crunches into Tyler’s nose and he crumples to the pavement in this cafeteria at school. Tyler spits out some blood. CRICK JOE I warned you! Don’t talk to my girl! Crick’s Buddies begin beating the crap out of him. Jason’s face is banded, teeth clamped, as he hurls himself at them. He instantly gets a punch into the head, knocking him down instantly on the floor. Tyler is not defending himself. CRICK JOE Come on! Fight back! Crick punches him in the ribs- Tyler groans in pain. A beat. Tyler picks himself up. Dusts himself off. TYLER BLACK You’re just a pretender. Crick’s Buddies laugh, they find Tyler kind of amusing. This upsets Crick even more, he takes out a POCKETKNIFE and he’s about to stab it on Tyler’s belly when a voice from behind stops him. SYDNEY PITT Stop! They turn around. Sydney stands behind them.


SYDNEY PITT Leave him alone, Crick. Crick ignores her, keeps charging at Tyler. A school POLICE OFFICER storms inOFFICER Hey! You! Drop the knife down! Frustrated, Crick throws the knife into the wall next to Tyler’s face. He grabs Sydney’s handCRICK JOE Let’s go. Sydney refuses, pulls her hand of him. She’s mad at him. SYDNEY PITT I’ll take care of myself. He and the other Punks head for the exit of the cafeteria, leaving Tyler behind, blood dripping down out of his nose, humiliated. Sydney ambles. Jason gets up and follows Tyler out of the cafeteria as he exits. Sydney feels so sorry. INT. PENTAGON -- SITUATION ROOM -- DAY The same Authorities sit in the room. The door opens. The Naval Attache pokes his head in. NAVAL ATTACHE Mr. Secretary, it’s him again. The call connects to a phone on the table. LARRY NEALSON Lord S1, this is Secretary Nelson. LORD S1 I wanna point out something. I have men searching for him. You have to find him and bring him to me before they do- otherwise, here are the following two things that are going to happen- first, you’ll not be getting the MK49 back- and second, which is worst, I’ll still launch the nuke to Nguzanie City. (beat) I repeat- you refuse to bring him to me- I launch the nuke. We find (MORE)

37. LORD S1 (cont’d) him before you do- I still launch the nuke. And I meant my words. Lord S1 hangs up. Everyone in the room looks at each other. LARRY NEALSON What’s the potential casualty rate of a MK49 nuclear bomb? COLONEL JADE The effect of a single MK49 bomb would depend on its power, and where it exploded - high in the air or at ground level - and in a densely populated and built-up area like a city, at least eight millions people will die... DAN PARKER That’s about the population of Nguizanie city. COLONEL JADE It will wiped out the whole city upon detonation. F.B.I. DIRECTOR BRADLEY That’s deadly. We need to inform the Major of Nguizanie City. LARRY NEALSON No. That will create a total chaos in the whole city. C.I.A. DIRECTOR MURPHY What did Lord S1 mean by "net" Colonel? COLONEL JADE Pluto. A MK49 nuclear bomb can be neutralized by pluto. It cools it off- freezes it upon detonation. The problem is that MK49 is more powerful and designed to withstand pluto. The Strongish terrorists must know about P.N. Gas, General. GENERAL PAUL Of course they do. They hacked our database in Nguizanie. (tells them) "P.N. Gas," short for "Plutonium Neutralizing Gas," still in its (MORE)


GENERAL PAUL (cont’d) test phase. It detonates closely at millions of negative kelvin, enough to cool off MK49. But the problem is we are not operational. AGENT CRUST What can the Air Force do, Colonel? COLONEL JADE We can try to equip some flights of F-16s with P.N. Gas in the next few days. But view the use of P.N. Gas as a secondary initiative. LARRY NEALSON Then on to our primary initiative. We need to find that kid Tyler. F.B.I. DIRECTOR BRADLEY The F.B.I. will have a team ready. LARRY NEALSON We’ll need a search running. C.I.A. DIRECTOR MURPHY Leave that to us, the C.I.A. EXT. PARKING GARAGE -- NIGHT Lord S12 looks below. A black SUV pulls onto the top floor. Lord S17 emerges- He moves to him. Lord S12 points at the street- Tyler and Jason walk toward a video store. LORD S12 Let’s do the job right this time. Lord S17 nods. And then they walk towards the store. INT. VIDEO STORE -- NIGHT Tyler and Jason filter in the store. JASON DAWN Dude, check it out. The Dark Knight. He rushes to get it, leaving Tyler behind.


EXT. VIDEO STORE -- NIGHT AN UNKNOWN POV - WATCHING TYLER IN THE STORE INT. VIDEO STORE -- NIGHT Tyler wanders the store. Jason walks up to him, with a video game. JASON DAWN (playfully) Got one for you: War of Gorillas. I know it’s your favorite. The GIRL behind the counter laughs, she finds Jason kind of amusing. Jason stares at her. He likes her. He walks to her. GIRL Hi. JASON DAWN Um, yes, hello. How’s it going? Tyler watches them and smiles. Tyler’s attention is now riveted to -TYLER’S POV - THE DOUBLE DOORS OF THE VIDEO STORE They swing open as two "hippies" enter (IN SLOW MOTION): Lord S12 and Lord S17. They move toward Tyler with determination, their eyes on him the all time. They get to him. They smile at the same time. Tyler is lost by their wry smiles. Calmly, they take out most technologically advanced PAIR OF GUNS ever seen. Point them at Tyler. We see four sharpshooter’s lasers on Tyler’s chest. LORD S12 We need you to come with us now. Tyler gives them a look. A speechless look. EXT. VIDEO STORE -- NIGHT RETURN TO: THE UNKNOWN POV - MOVING TOWARD THE STORE MOTION -- it’s us -- we’re running -- we’re exhilarating. The momentum carries us from one side of the street to the next, over a road, the cars passing below. And we fall...


INT. VIDEO STORE -- NIGHT ...into the store, SHATTERING the window. REVEAL: Lord V2. He lands on the ground and rolls up fast, guns ready. Lord S12 grabs Tyler and places a gun on his head. Everyone bolts out of the store expect Tyler and the Lords. Standing in front of Tyler, Lord S17 looks at Lord V2 with fury. LORD S17 (to Lord S12) Go. I’ll take care of him. Lord S12 holds Tyler tight. And then, he RUNS into the wall, leaving behind an ENORMOUS HOLE. Lord S17 and Lord V2 look at each other a long beat. LORD V2 S17. LORD S17 V2. LORD V2 It’s only us now. LORD S17 No. It’s only me. LORD V2 Oh, really? LORD S17 About fist to fist. LORD V2 I like the sound of that. They both drop their weapons. Lord S17 charges after V2. V2 charges too. S17 grabs V2, throws him out through the broken window like a weightless object... EXT. STREET -- NIGHT ...SLAMMING on a car. CRUSHING its windshield. Lord S17 follows Lord V2 down by jumping through the empty window. S17 LIFTS a car up in the air. He DROPS it on V2. But, V2 quickly moves aside before it hits.


S17 stands there, listening to V2 rushed breathe. Bent, V2 looks at S17 in pain and S17 smiles. His wry smile upsets V2. V2 rises up. Angry face. V2 charges after S17 fast... LORD V2 (yells) VARYISH!!! ...and V2 suddenly TRANSFORMS into a HUGE-MASSIVE SIZE GORILLA-LIKE CREATURE, smaller than King Kong, but very incredible and terrifying. In fact, it’s the same gorilla we saw in the beginning: whitish brown with black hair. S17 picks two cars up in the air. S17 awaits for V2 to get near. Lord V2, now the gorilla, is approaching fast at S17. At a great distance, S17 throws one car at him. V2 hits it aside, BLASTING cars in the street. S17 launches the other car. Lord V2 catches it, then throws it back at S17. The car drags Lord S17 back, CRUSHING him into another car. There is no hope that he’s still alive. Then, Lord V2 runs toward the parking garage. EXT. PARKING GARAGE -- NIGHT Another black SUV pulls onto the top floor. Many "hippies" emerge- more STRONGISH: Lord S21, S22, S26, and S29. At a distance, Lord S12 carries Tyler by his belt. Lord S12 walks toward the SUV. Lord S21 points at them. The rest of the group nods in agreement. Lord S21 opens the SUV’s REAR DOOR- He grads a face mask and a duct tape. LORD S21 That way he won’t remember the direction to our headquarters. LORD S29 He’ll be dead anyway. LORD S1 (O.S.) Not quite... The figure emerges: Lord S1. Dressed like the others. LORD S1 I told you I want him captured as soon as possible. I never said I’ll kill him right away.

42. LORD S29 Our plot will stall if we wait. LORD S1 A reasonable stall needed to succeed. Now, if you don’t like my strategy, find yourself another fraternity. Assuming there is another society out there that’s better than us. Lord S29 frowns. Lord S12 DROPS Tyler- He HITS the ground. LORD S1 I thought you’d be older. TYLER BLACK (in pain) What do you want from me? Lord S22 at the periphery is suddenly SOAKED UP into the darkness. No one else notices. LORD S1 What else would I want from you? Something of course. Lord S21 to the side VANISHES with a scream, and everyone else notices. Lord S1 looks taken aback. S1 nods to S29. Lord S29 steps forward. He tapes Tyler’s body. Then, he puts a mask on his face too. BOOM! A car LANDS -- CRASHES a Sedan next to the SUVs. Lord S29 precipitates to a SUV with Tyler. Another car FALLS on their path. CHAOS as the Strongish Lords scatter and the lot erupts in CAR CRASHES. THE GORILLA POV - throws more cars to the Strongish Lords standing by the other SUV. A load of cars HITTING the wallsBREAKING DOWN the bricks of the building. Lord S1 TURNS as he hears another man, Lord S26, SCREAM. LORD S1 Let’s get out of here. He drops down behind his SUV- glasses SHATTER in the side by a car blasts right in front of him. He starts to crawl into the passenger’s seatAn object falls on the door, his arm is pressed and stuck when the door shuts- the head of a car is behind him- he PUSHES it with his FREE HAND- the car collapses to the ground, glasses SHATTERING. The Lord S12, crouching from the car crashes, looks down at Lord S1.


LORD S12 He’s came strong on us! LORD S1 Who could he be?! LORD S12 A goddamn Varyish Lord! A huge creature EMERGES up onto an ENORMOUS PILE of crashed cars: The massive size gorilla-like creature. He ROARS. LORD S1 That’s the one that killed S41. The Strongish Lords RUSH down to their SUVs as the parking garage FALLS apart: bricks DROPPING on cars in the pavement. GORILLA POV - MOVING TOWARD THE SUVS INT. LORD S1’S SUV -- CONTINUOUS In the SUV, Lord S1 is on the passenger’s seat and Lord S12 is on the driver’s seat. Lord S1 picks a BAZOOKA- He loads it and AIMS down at the approaching gorilla for a quiet moment... BOOM! S1 FIRES. The gorilla is BLOWN OFF HIS FEET- bricks FALL DOWN onto the gorilla-like creatureEXT. PARKING GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS Screech! The SUVs REAR BACKWARDS in terror, blasting cars all around the parking garage. INT. LORD S29’S SUV -- CONTINUOUS Lord S29 is on the wheel. He’s alone untilLord S29 LOOKS in the back of the dark cold SUV, sees Tyler STUMBLING, his body still taped, the mask still on his faceEXT. PARKING GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS The SUVs SPEED down the ramp toward the exit. The Gorilla KICKS out the bricks that lay on top of his body- The SUVs CURVE in the short concave slope...


EXT. ONE STOREY BELOW, PARKING GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS ...into the next storey belowINT. LORD S29’S SUV -- CONTINUOUS Tyler KNOCKS his head in the car, groaning in painEXT. PARKING GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS Back at the previous storey. The Gorilla picks himself up. Dusts himself off. He motions to the wall. He CLIMBS down the wall and DIVES... EXT. ONE STORY BELOW, PARKING GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS ...into the pavement of the next storey below. The Gorilla rises, Lord S1’s SUV RUNS behind him- he can’t turn in time- BLAM- he’s BANGED up high into the air by the speeding SUV... INT. LORD S1’S SUV -- CONTINUOUS LORD S1 (satisfied) Varyish punk. EXT. PARKING GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS ...and FALLS on the roof of the next SUV: Lord S29’s SUV. INT.LORD S29’S SUV -- CONTINUOUS Lord S29 hears a noise- a ten feet tall and ten-thousand pounds sack of limp meat and bone that SLAMS onto the roofLORD S29 What the fLord S29 accelerates- He steers the SUV zigzags. INT/EXT. SUV / PARKING GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS The Gorilla STUMBLES on the roof- He raises his arm, revealing his big hand- Lord S29 steers the SUV zigzags- The Gorilla ROLLS on the roof, almost falling sideways. Then,


he’s gone. Lord S29 looks both sides of the SUV in the side mirrors- then the rear view mirror- The crushed roof is quiet. Suddenly, the Gorilla POUNDS straight through the windshield, pulls his hand out and POUNDS again- his wrist gets STUCK. Lord S29 steers toward a column... INT. LORD S1’S SUV -- CONTINUOUS Lord S1 loads a SHOTGUN... cocks it... EXT. PARKING GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS The Gorilla can’t free himself... He’s pulling his hand out. INT. LORD S29’S SUV -- CONTINUOUS BOOM! The whole windshield shatters, freeing the Gorilla. We see Lord S1 halfway out of his SUV’s door window carrying the shotgun. Lord S29 frowns at Lord S1: you almost shot me. EXT. PARKING GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS The Gorilla REVOLVES free of the SUV as it SCRATCHES the column and proceeds at high speed down the curvy exit ramp. EXT. PARKING GARAGE -- MOMENTS LATER We’re moving in the pavement, it’s messy. Tire marks all over the place. It’s quiet until we see Lord V2, back to normal, picks himself up. We hear a voice moaning. A body is fighting down on the ground. Lord V2 motions down to find out that it’s Tyler, the mask and the duct tapes. He lines him up against the wall. He cuts off all the tapes, rips the mask off. Tyler breathes out. Before Tyler gets the chance to take a look at the face of his savior, Lord V2 knocks him down unconscious. INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- GARAGE -- NIGHT The damaged SUVs back up into the garage. The garage is full of MEN all dressed up in hippie outfits, black sunglasses, and the earphones. Lord S1, S12, and S29 get out the cars.


LORD S1 Where’s him? LORD S29 He’s in the trunk. LORD S1 Get him out of there. Lord S29 opens the SUV REAR DOOR- He looks in- There’s no sign of Tyler in the trunk- He turns to Lord S1. LORD S29 He’s gone, my lord. LORD S1 What do you mean "he’s gone". I told you to care take of him. LORD S29 He must have rolled out during the chaos and got away. Sorry my lord. LORD S1 Sorry... (grabs a gun) You know about the look you gave me when I shot down your windshield. I didn’t like it. (loads bullets) A sign of a bad character. A hard one to trust. (cocks it) My old man always told, "To succeed in a plot, son, you need good and trustful characters around you." Bad news ain’t one of em-BOOM! Lord S1 SHOOTS Lord S29! Everyone else watches. LORD S1 (to Crowd) Let’s this be a lesson to you all. (a beat) Now, search everywhere in the city, find anyone who knows our target and kill ’em. Then, he shall certainly surrenders himself to us. Go! Now! Everyone gets to work. Lord S12 approaches Lord S1

47. LORD S12 What about the Varyish, my lord? The whole kingdom or one man? He can wait. LORD S1 We’ll take care of them soon. But, let’s first see how this killing plan is going to turn out. His wry smile gives way to... Black. And then... INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE PIT OF WARRIORS -- NIGHT A HIGH-CEILING CONCRETE CHAMBER. It looks like a very sparse Japanese-style dojo but built for oversize combat. There is a GLASS window high up close to the ceiling at one corner. In the center of this training dojo is Tyler. He’s asleep. Tyler’s eye pries open. He sits up, one eye still closed, looking around, unsure of where he is. He notices the presence of a person in front of him. Lord V2. He looks him in the eyes. Tyler struggles to get up. LORD V2 Here, let me help you. TYLER BLACK I don’t need your help. LORD V2 Not my diagnosis. Tyler picks up himself. Dusts himself off. Walks away. LORD V2 Where are you going, Tyler? Tyler squints at him. Have we met? TYLER BLACK How do you know my name? And where am I? LORD V2 You should be grateful you’re still alive because I just saved your ass from the evil ones. Tyler looks at him a beat.

48. TYLER BLACK Who are you? LORD V2 Your guardian of freedom. Tyler grins, titters. LORD V2 Lord V2. My real name is Tom Fog. My friends call me V2 because I’m a VARYISH. Another fraternity of a kind. Also a kingdom of power. We transform into gorillas species. TYLER BLACK You change into a gorilla? LORD V2 Uh-huh. And I bet you do too. TYLER BLACK I think you got the wrong guy. LORD V2 Can’t say that I agree with you. Tyler rushes to the exit as Lord V8 and Lord V19 enters. LORD V8 The holy Kahuzi-Biega Apegoriman. The Lord of The Lost Souls. Tyler thinks about what he learned at the Kaliba Museum. TYLER BLACK Wait, what did you just say? LORD V19 Have you ever seen a man change into a gorilla? TYLER BLACK No. LORD V8 V19, show him. Lord V19 runs forward as he yells the word "Varyish" and he suddenly transforms into a gorilla-like creature. He roars. For a moment, Tyler is stunned. For the first time ever he sees a man changed into a gorilla. He thinks about what he learned at the Kaliba museum. Then, he turns to Lord V2.


TYLER BLACK He changed into a gorilla-like creature. Is he strong too? Is he fast? Can he jump up in the air? LORD V2 Only the Apegoriman had all four powers. The King of the United of Kingdoms learned the secret behind his powers and he ordered his first General to terminate his poor life. With his blood and bones, they were able to create the four lost souls. Tyler nods, conceding the point. LORD V1 My tale holds some truth, I see. TYLER BLACK There were men. LORD V1 Men? Strongish Lords. TYLER BLACK Stron- what? LORD V2 Men in hippie costumes and black sunglasses. They are known as STRONGISH. Another fraternity of men of a kind. They are inhumanly strong. It’s a lost soul itself. TYLER BLACK They killed my father. LORD V2 And I suppose my mother too? TYLER BLACK How do you know that? Why would they do such things? LORD V8 The Apegoriman’s holy spirit die and reborn every five centuries. LORD V19 Your family is the only descendant of the Apegoriman. The chosen one. They murdered them to get to you. (MORE)


LORD V19 (cont’d) It’s been five hundred years since the death of the last Gorillaman. TYLER BLACK That means I am the Gorillaman. LORD V2 There’s a lot of things you don’t know about yourself, Tyler. You’re more than what you think you are. LORD V8 You have all four lost souls. The Strongish Lords want your blood and bone marrow cells to rebuild their army and use that power to take over the country. (beat) You hold your own survival and the country’s freedom. LORD V19 You are the only one who can defeat them successfully. Tyler thinks a beat. TYLER BLACK I... I... LORD V2 I know you’re afraid you’d fail. I know how you feel, but in this world we can’t conquer our fears by running away. With our supports you can end their reign of terror. Tyler shakes his head. TYLER BLACK No! I don’t believe it! Get me out of here! Let me out! I want out! Tyler screams. INT. TYLER’S APARTMENT -- DAY Screaming, Tyler bolts upright in bed in a studio apartment that seems overgrown with basketball trophies and posters. He realizes that he is home. Was it a dream?


We hear a KNOCK on the door. It almost stops Tyler’s heart. Tyler opens the door and finds Sydney. A long look between them -- like two lost friends who recognize each other -each has been waiting for this moment for a long time. SYDNEY PITT Hi. TYLER BLACK How did you know I live here? SYDNEY PITT I ran into Jason. He told me. A long look between them again. EXT. A COFFEE SHOP -- DAY DARK CLOUDS. It’s going to rain in a little bit. The shop is right on the street. Sydney and Tyler sit at a table. SYDNEY PITT It’s good to see you. TYLER BLACK Yeah, you too. SYDNEY PITT I’ve been feeling kinda funny about the other day. TYLER BLACK Let’s just forget about it, okay? SYDNEY PITT Okay. A beat. He grins and she smiles, relieved. TYLER BLACK Have you always live here? SYDNEY PITT No, I lived in Pila for two years after I finished middle school. Tried to be near my mother. She became suicidal after my father divorced her. He broke her heart. TYLER BLACK How is she now?


SYDNEY PITT I don’t know. I haven’t seen her for days. I’m visiting her today. TYLER BLACK I wanna meet her. I like you. I’ve an odd instinct she will like me. SYDNEY PITT (smiles) She’ll like you. They look at each other a beat. SYDNEY PITT What about your parents? Are they divorced too? TYLER BLACK No. SYDNEY PITT Separated? TYLER BLACK They’re dead. Sydney is shocked. A long beat. SYDNEY PITT I’m sorry. TYLER BLACK Yeah, I’m an orphan. SYDNEY PITT When did they pass away? TYLER BLACK I don’t want to talk about it. SYDNEY PITT Okay. That’s alright. They look at each other a beat. SYDNEY PITT It must be very hard living on your own without mom and dad. TYLER BLACK I can’t count on anyone.


SYDNEY PITT You can always count on me. I’ll always be here for you. They look at each other a beat. TYLER BLACK CrickSYDNEY PITT I broke up with him. He cheated on him with my best friend... what an asshole. TYLER BLACK I’ve always thought he was. SYDNEY PITT Plus, he got suspended for trying to stable you the other day. TYLER BLACK Good. On a corner across the street, Lord S12 watches Sydney and Tyler at the table. Tyler is sitting, back to us. It begins to RAIN. The couple run to their car. Lord S12 then walks off screen. INT. SYDNEY’S CAR -- DAY Sydney pulls up to the curb in front of Tyler’s apartment. TYLER BLACK When do I get to see you again? SYDNEY PITT About today we go see my mother. TYLER BLACK It’s a date. I’ll go change. Sydney smiles. Tyler smiles too. They both grin. And he’s out of the car. She watches him, as he hurries in the rain -- her eyes on him until the moment he opens the door and is inside.


EXT. SYDNEY’S HOUSE -- LATER THAT DAY The rain is mild. Sydney’s car is in the driveway. Lord S12 sits in an unmarked, black car on a hillside above the house, watching. Sydney and Tyler come out of the house. They are dressed casually. They get into the car. INT. LORD S12’S CAR -- DAY Lord S12 stays behind them at a safe distance on the highway A two-lane road which leads from Vasco into Pila. EXT. STREET -- PILA -- MOMENTS LATER We see Sydney’s car parked in front of a house. Lord S12 parks his car a distance behind Sydney’s car. He sits there for awhile. INT. LORD S12’S CAR -- MOMENTS LATER Lord S12 watches as Sydney and Tyler come out of the house. A middle aged woman, Sydney’s mother, is with them. They hug her. They get into the car, start it up. They leave. Lord S12 waits a beat. Then, he gets out of the car, walks towards the house, holding a THICK ROPE in one hand. Lord S12 gets to the front door. We close on his finger pressing the "ring" button of a bell. A BELL DINGS. Sydney’s mother opens the door wide. Lord S12 gives her an evil smile. And what happens next remains a mystery for now. INT. NGUIZANIE CITY MALL -- DAY It’s a busy day. People everywhere. A BLACK HOODED TOP steals an old lady’s purse. He runs through the crowds. Jason and Jeniffer, the video store girl, walk holding hands. They look happy and in love. They own our hearts until we realize we are watching them THROUGH... SNIPER’S RIFLE SCOPE - A SNIPER’S EYES awaiting his shot -- Jason is the target.


As the crowd in front of them walk off INTO VIEW in the other direction... exposing Jason... Now we see the sniper dressed in hippie outfit, the black sunglasses, and the earphone. LORD S63. Finger close to the trigger. Just as the Hoody runs, pushes Jeniffer in front of Jason, BOOM! She is hit by Lord S63’s shot. She falls, inches from Jason, dead. Blood has splattered on Jason’s face. INT. LORD S63’S NEST -- DAY At the sniper’s heaven, Lord S63 snaps his head back to the scope, realizing he’s shot the wrong person. Then he catches a glimpse of JasonJason ducks behind the gathering crowd, out of Lord S63’s line of sight. INT. NGUIZANIE CITY MALL -- DAY Jason finds his way out as the Police move in. INT. LORD S63’S NEST -- DAY Lord S63 is itching to get another shot off at Jason. VOICE (ON EARPHONE) Get out of there - NOW! After a beat, he packs up quickly, and leaves. INT. SYDNEY’S ROOM -- DAY We ROLLS across details in the bedroom’s floor... we see a woman’s bra, boxer...condom wrapper and we seeTyler under Sydney. They are passionately making love. As we continue to move around, we see, by degrees, that Tyler and Sydney are naked. The nudity is never blatantly revealed to us, but implied. In other words, they’re covered in various ways from our POV, but we are aware of their exposure. A CELLPHONE RINGS. Again. It’s Sydney’s phone. TYLER BLACK Don’t... don’t answer it.


SYDNEY PITT Shit. I have too. That’s my emergency ring tone. Sydney fumbles for phone. She picks it up, listens. SYDNEY PITT Yeah. (beat) Okay. I’ll be there in a few minutes. Sydney hangs up. She is there a long beat, staring. She looks disturbed. Tyler looks at her. TYLER BLACK What’s wrong, Sydney? SYDNEY PITT I’ve got to go to Pila. TYLER BLACK But we just came from there. SYDNEY PITT I’ve got to go. They say it’s an emergency. TYLER BLACK I’ll come with you. EXT. SYDNEY’S MOTHER HOUSE -- PILA -- DAY There are lots of police cars, flashing lights, uniformed men, forensic specialists. They walk into the house. INT. SYDNEY’S MOTHER HOUSE -- DAY As she walks down, she sees several uniformed men. They are standing by the kitchen door. They look at her as she comes closer to them -- then the leader opens the door, they move aside. She can see in the kitchen now. Her mother tied up in the air. She’s hanged, a rope around her neck. Tyler stares. Tyler’s seen someone die like this (hanged in the kitchen) before...


EXT. SYDNEY’S MOTHER HOUSE -- PILA -- DAY Sydney and Tyler stands by an ambulance. SYDNEY PITT I knew it’ll happen eventually. It’s all my fault. TYLER BLACK No, it’s not your fault. SYDNEY PITT Yes it is. He looks at her a beat. She is about to break into uncontrollable sobbing. He puts his arms around her. TYLER BLACK It’s OK. It’s OK. SYDNEY PITT (quietly) I shouldn’t stay away from her. I knew she’s goin’ to kill herself. A FORENSIC SPECIALIST approaches. TYLER BLACK What’s up, Doc? FORENSIC SPECIALIST Ms. Pitt- judging from the bruises on the body- your mother’s death is not a suicide- it’s a homicide. It seems more like she fought back against her killer before she dies Tyler gives us a look: I knew exactly her mother’s death is not a suicide. Lord V2’s voice speaks on his mind as he thinks a beat. LORD V2 (V.O.) They will harm everyone you know until you surrender yourself to them. TYLER BLACK They keep killin’ my relatives first my parents, and now your mother - you are the next target- I know that for sure - their plan is to kill the people around me until I give in myself to them.


Sydney looks at him. SYDNEY PITT What are you talking about? Who’s "they... them"? And why would they want to hurt me? TYLER BLACK It’s complicated, Sydney. Just stay with the police. Don’t go home. Please. I’ve got to go. SYDNEY PITT What? Go where? TYLER BLACK (breaking away) Go see someone! He runs toward a busy street. SYDNEY PITT Who?! Tyler! Tyler!!! EXT. BUSY STREET -- DAY Tyler hurries to catch a TAXI as a CCTV CAMERA captures his face. Follow this SEQUENCE as... INT. CIA SUBSTATION -- DAY A VIEWING STATION gets MILLIONS of VIDEOS... Analyze through BILLIONS of faces... A figure EMERGES from the SCREEN. TYLER’S FACE. A TECHNICIAN send the data to CIA in Virginia... EXT. LANGLEY, VIRGINIA -- DAY Establishing shot -- CIA Headquarters

59. INT. CIA -- DAY In a CRI HUB, another TECHNICIAN receives the DATA. He reports to C.I.A. DIRECTOR MURPHY TECHNICIAN #3 Sir, we intercepted an image from Nguizanie. It has the face of the subject. C.I.A. DIRECTOR MURPHY Send it to Pentagon right now. INT. LARRY’S OFFICE -- PENTAGON -- DAY Larry stares out the large window. Colonel Jade walks in. COLONEL JADE We’ve got something, sir. They walk out of the office... INT. HALLWAY -- PENTAGON -- DAY ...into the hallway. A colleague hands Colonel Jade a FILE. LARRY NEALSON Are you tracking him? COLONEL JADE Yeah, thanks John. We have a team in the joint operations center tracking him - and the F.B.I. send some men. They are on their way to Nguizanie. Our men are ready just in case. LARRY NEALSON Good. We can’t take any chances. We need him to get that nuke back. INT. TAXI -- DAY Tyler is listening to the radio station. CAR RADIO DJ (O.S.) --You want to taste something different? Try Tom Fog’s foot long ice cream. The shop is at 3003 Ash Avenue, Nganga, Nguizanie. Go now!


TYLER BLACK Tom... Fog... Take me to Nganga. TAXI DRIVER (an accent) I can’t. There is a hippie parade going on somewhere around there. All roads are closed. You must take the subway. It’s also faster. TYLER BLACK Then take me to the subway. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY SUPER: "PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER" Larry and Colonel Jade enter the joint operations center. COLONEL JADE We pulled his background. LARRY NEALSON What do we got? COLONEL JADE No prior convictions. A very sad record. Both parents are dead. No more relatives. LARRY NEALSON Run a cross check on any known anomalies. And if there are any, talk to them. GENERAL PAUL Will do, Mr. Secretary. Larry addresses the room. LARRY NEALSON People, listen up, this is a full priority situation. I demand extra focus. Our target is a Nguizanie Resident, Tyler Black, I want all his phones, his apartment, his car, bank accounts, credit cards. I wanna know everything he does. Every dirty little secret he has. And most of all, we want to know the kind of power he’s claimed to have. Any question?


(looks around) All right, let’s get to work. INT. PILA SUBWAY PLATFORM -- DAY Tyler is heading down the stairs to the subway platform. After a moment, the TRAIN arrives. Tyler gets on the train. INT. PENTAGON -- BRIEFING ROOM -- DAY Larry is giving an ANNOUNCEMENT SPEECH to the press. LARRY NEALSON As Secretary of Defense, it is my duty to make this announcement. We have lost a nuclear bomb on one of our cargo ships in the Atlantic ocean. It’s already confirmed this is a plot by a terrorist group called Strongish. REPORTER #1 Has any threat been made yet? LARRY NEALSON That is classified information. REPORTER #2 Are there any other suspects? INT. POLICE STATION -- DAY Sydney watches the television. ON THE TELEVISION SCREEN LARRY NEALSON One. A Nguizanie City Resident named Tyler Black. GASPS from the REPORTERS. Larry struggles to be heard. LARRY NEALSON We have F.B.I. Teams searching him around in the city of Nguizanie... (a beat) I thank you for your time. Sydney looks confused. Is it really my Tyler Black?


EXT. SUBWAY -- DAY The train winds its way to Nganga. INT. SUBWAY -- DAY Tyler sits comfortably in the train. He sees a beautiful black woman sitting opposite him. She wears a black blouse with red buttons. He stares at her a long beat. She reminds him of his motherFLASHBACK Sarah smiles at him. Sarah is hit on the head. Sarah is hanged, dead in the kitchen. Tyler stares and cries INT. SUBWAY -- DAY Tyler comes out of the flashback. He is still staring at the black woman when a curious thing happens... ...he notices that the top red button close to her neck starts to move a little, like another button is trying to emerge from it, like a red penny shaking. IT’S A SHARPSHOOTER’S LASER! Tyler reactsTYLER BLACK DIVE ASIDE!!! ...but it’s too late as bullets rip into her neck, cutting her head off...Tyler crouches. Everyone panics, runs wild. ...all this as the black woman’s head rolls down the floor and the rest of her body hits the floor, blood shooting out. Tyler looks up, sees two "hippies": LORD S77 and LORD S93. The train goes to a stop. People precipitates toward the exits. He wades into a thong of people as they follow after him. And he’s out of the train. EXT. SUBWAY -- DAY Tyler runs on a busy subway platform -- heads to the stairs that leads to the street. A CCTV camera watches him.


INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY TECHNICIAN #1 watches the data arrive. TECHNICIAN #1 Subject is existing the subway. Larry watches the monitor: Lord S77 and S93 runs after Tyler. LARRY NEALSON Who are those guys? TECHNICIAN #2 Not ours. LARRY NEALSON Gimme their identities onscreen. TECHNICIAN #1 Searching profiles...Online...Now. A window flashes onscreen, that reads, "NO PROFILES FOUND." LARRY NEALSON That can’t be right. TECHNICIAN #1 These men have no identities. They don’t exit, sir. Larry looks confused. EXT. ICE CREAM SHOP -- DAY Tyler crosses a busy street. He heads to Tom Fog’s shop. F.B.I. TEAM ONE watches from a parked VAN. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY TECHNICIAN #2 watches the data arrive. TECHNICIAN #2 Sir, subject is entering an ice cream shop. Larry watches the feeds.


INT. ICE CREAM SHOP -- DAY It is not even closing time as JACOB walks over to the front door of the shop and locks the door. He then flips the "open" sign over so that it now reads "closed." A few straggling customers walk up to the door as he does this and scoff at the "closed" sign. JACOB Sorry. We gotta close sometimes. Jacob then walks back over to the counter. In front of the counter, Tyler is standing there. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Larry watches the main screen. LARRY NEALSON I want a visual in the shop. TECHNICIAN #1 It’s coming right away, sir. INT. ICE CREAM SHOP -- DAY The shop security camera watches Tyler and Jacob. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY A surveillance video plays onscreen -- Tyler is talking to Jacob. OPERATIONS CENTER chatter about Jacob’s identity. LARRY NEALSON I need an audio, people. I want to hear what they’re saying. TECHNICIAN #1 Can’t get an audio in the shop. INT. ICE CREAM SHOP -- DAY Tyler talks to Jacob. TYLER BLACK Where’s Tom Fog?


JACOB Why are you looking for him? TYLER BLACK Just tell me where he is! JACOB I don’t know. He was gone early today. But he has left you something behind. He told me to give it to you when you get here. Jacob walks over to the back of the counter, grabs a package. He hands it to Tyler. Tyler opens the package. TYLER BLACK A prepaid cell phone? The shop phone rings, Jacob answers it. JACOB (on the phone) Tom Fog’s ice cream, how might I help you today? (to Tyler) It’s for you. TYLER BLACK Who’s it? JACOB Who do you think? Tyler takes the phone. TYLER BLACK Yeah. Tyler Black. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Larry watches as Tyler takes phone call. LARRY NEALSON Who is he talking to you? I need to hear that phone talk. TECHNICIAN #2 Sir, we have the line, but the other end is not on it.


TECHNICIAN #1 It’s gotta be a prepaid phone. Larry looks confused. INT. ICE CREAM SHOP -- DAY Tyler listens. LORD V2 (V.O.) Nganga Boulevard, fifteen minutes. TYLER BLACK Who is this? INT. CAR TRAVELING -- DAY LORD V2 It’s me. Lord V2. Activate the SIM card on the new cellphone. That’s your new phone. You’d need it. INT. ICE CREAM SHOP -- DAY Tyler hangs up the phone -- activates the SIM CARD on the new cellphone and leaves. F.B.I. AGENT CRUST (O.S.) Are you getting the motion? INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY TECHNICIAN #1 The subject is on the move. The joint operations center reacts... LARRY NEALSON Where’s he going? Gimme visual on the street. INT. BUILDING -- ACROSS FROM ICE CREAM SHOP -- DAY F.B.I. AGENT TWO searches over a wide area, aims to the entrance of the ice cream shop. Tyler is mobile.


F.B.I. AGENT TWO He’s on the move. EXT. BUSY STREET -- OUTSIDE THE ICE CREAM SHOP -- DAY Jacob follows out Tyler. A BLACK SUV pulls out behind them. JACOB Where are you going? TYLER BLACK Nganga Boulevard. Tyler steals a MOTORCYCLE. He STARTS it up. INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- DAY Lord S1 watches as the feed from the black SUV comes through LORD S63 (V.O.) We have the target confirmed. LORD S1 Where is he going? LORD S63 Nganga Boulevard. EXT. NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Lord V2 arrives at Nganga Boulevard. He carries a backpack. Real live Hippies mill around the streets. It’s a PARADE! EXT. BUSY STREET -- CONTINUOUS As Tyler on the motorcycle moves away, the black SUV pulls out behind it. A BLUE GARBAGE TRUCK briefly blocks his path. Looking in on Tyler calling Sydney on the phone. LORD S57 (V.O.) Stand by at Nganga Boulevard... INT. SYDNEY’S ROOM -- DAY A cellphone rings in Sydney’s room. No one answers.


EXT. NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Lord V2 moving through the massive crowds of people... EXT. MOTORCYCLE -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- MOMENTS LATER Tyler stops the motorcycle. Checks the prepaid phone. Looks around -- Real hippies mill around the streets, the police survey the area. He is not sure what his next move is. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Larry watches the feeds. All screens have the same image. LARRY NEALSON What is that? TECHNICIAN #1 It’s a Hippie Parade, sir. LARRY NEALSON Where is the subject? TECHNICIAN #1 F.B.I. TEAM ONE -- give us visual on the subject. EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY F.B.I. TEAM ONE- Agent Crust gets off the VAN, leading an unit of F.B.I. AGENTS- take up a position on a corner across from where Tyler stands. They focus cameras across at Tyler. EXT. EXTERIOR STORE -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Lord V2 walks over to an exterior store, buys a hippie costume for himself and one for Tyler. He puts one outfit in the backpack. He turns to a corner and he is out of sight. EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Tyler gets back on the motorcycle, moves...


INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- CONTINUOUS Screens come alive with a POV of Tyler. Larry watches the monitors: Tyler moves around Nganga Boulevard. TECHNICIAN #2 Sir, subject is moving around Nganga Boulevard. EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Tyler stops the motorcycle, moves on foot through a massive crowd. Behind him, inside the Nganga Boulevard opened mall, Lord V2 emerges wearing the hippie costume. He looks just like every other hippies on the parade. Lord V2 sees Tyler, who stops. Sees the F.B.I. Agents. HIPPIE SHOPPERS coming down the stairway of the mall. Lord V2 joins them -- moving towards Tyler. He’s holding the backpack. He’s moving closer, HEAD DOWN. Right by Tyler, Lord V2 drops the bag. Tyler does not see his face (no hint on V2’s face) but notices the bag dropLord V2 brushes past Tyler. Tyler tries to inform him about his bag. But it’s too late. Lord V2 is lost into the crowds. Tyler picks up the bag. Hears a call from the prepaid phone. TYLER BLACK (answers) Yeah. LORD V2 (V.O.) Don’t ask questions. Just listen. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER - DAY Larry is watching... LARRY NEALSON Who is he talking to? I need that phone.


INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- DAY Lord S57 is reviewing the feeds... LORD S57 Who’s the guy who dropped the bag? LORD S12 Not a civilian. LORD S1 He’s getting help from a V-lord. (beat) Alert the snipers. Lord S57 sends a task on the computer... INT. THE BLACK SUV -- DAY LORD S31 and Lord S68 dressed in hippie outfits, the black sunglasses, and the earphones in one ear. They drive and wait for instructions- their PHONES buzz- they read the task- step on gas towards Nganga Boulevard... EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- CONTINUOUS Lord V2 reaches the other side of the street. His POV to the right- a PARADE GROUP, polluted mostly by Black Hippies, is coming. To the left- a cluster of BLACK HIPPIES, about Tyler’s agewalking toward the parade group, one shouts "Let’s join ’em" A plan is forming. EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- CONTINUOUS F.B.I. TEAM ONE -- looking in on Tyler. F.B.I. AGENT CRUST What’s the confirmation? INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- CONTINUOUS Larry is thinking it over as he watches the image of Tyler.


EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD - DAY Tyler wandering around. ThenLORD V2 (V.O.) Walk to the store’s fitting room to your right. Change quickly into what’s in the bag. Tyler has clocked the store. He walks into the fitting room, changes rapidly into what’s in the bag: the other hippie costume. LORD V2 Going out, you’ll see a cluster of Black Hippies joining another parade group of Black hippies. Join them and stay with them. The cluster of Black Hippies are approaching. Tyler begins to move. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Things are beginning to happen. TECHNICIAN #1 Subject is mobile. LARRY NEALSON Okay, who are the people in that cluster of Black Hippies? Screen POV. Tyler moves next to the cluster of Black Hippies trying to play it cool- Tyler is completely in clear view of the CCTV cameras. "Chatting" with the Black Hippies. Camera zooming in. LARRY NEALSON Okay, there, he’s talking to those guys. They must be the strongish terrorists. Take them down. Just thenThe cluster connecting into the parade, Tyler moves along with them. One Parader starts a marching chant. The crowd starts following along- Tyler is just moving his mouth.

72. LARRY NEALSON Grab the original Hippies and stay with Tyler. Technician #1 is giving orders... EXT. ACROSS FROM PARADE -- DAY F.B.I. TEAM ONE -- the Agents racing across the street on foot. Rushing through the crowds. EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Lord V2 is observing his plan display- only a few moments to get Tyler out of there... LORD V2 (V.O.) Take your left. Go to the subway. I’ll meet you at the platform. EXT. PARADE -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- CONTINUOUS Tyler following the plan- moving out toward his left- the parade proceeding down as the F.B.I. Agents are moving up the street... INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Larry is looking at the screen. He’s pointing... LARRY NEALSON No, no, look- Tyler is out of the parade. Split up the team- get those guys on the parade and send people to stay on Tyler. EXT. PARADE -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- CONTINUOUS Two Agents are taking off, to keep Tyler in check. The other two Agents are racing to the head of parade as it gets to a corner. Stopping the young Black Hippies. GUNS are drawn. So fast. Other Paraders are screaming. F.B.I. AGENT CRUST (to Hippies) Down on the ground! Now! Do it! Pressing the Black Hippies with force to the ground.


The Black Hippies are terrified and bewildered. EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Tyler is moving towards the subway platform. EXT. NGANGA SUBWAY PLATFORM -- DAY Tyler is heading down to the subway platform, past an alley. Two Agents following behind, only to meet- Lord V2 coming out of the alley. Several quick moves and they’re down- Lord V2 is the only one standing. Pulls their earpieces. Breaks them- signals are sent out. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Techies are scrambling to restore the feeds. Larry watching. TECHNICIAN #1 We’ve lost two signals. TECHNICIAN #2 What happened to F.B.I. Agents? LARRY NEALSON What’s going on? Send our men. Technician #1 is giving orders... EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY PENTAGON TEAM- commandos out of their vehicles. Fully armed. They are rushing down towards the subway platform. EXT. NGANGA SUBWAY PLATFORM -- DAY Lord V2 stops Tyler, surprising him. They talk in a hurry. LORD V2 They’re tracking you.


TYLER BLACK Who’s tracking me? LORD V2 The Pentagon. They intercepted your face in Pila. TYLER BLACK Why are they tracking me? LORD V2 Listen to me, Tyler- and this is not easy to tell you and will most likely result in great danger for all involved. The Strongish Lords have in their possession the most powerful weapon ever made, using it as a mean to get to you very fast and to gain control of the country. TYLER BLACK I don’t believe this. LORD V2 You’re shutdown, Tyler. How do I end this is what should be coming out your month right now. TYLER BLACK (after a beat) How do I end this? LORD V2 I see powers in your eyes. Powers, perhaps, to end this war. You don’t know, do you? TYLER BLACK What are you saying? LORD V2 Most believe that you’re merely legend. It is believed so because there is only one of you every five centuries. (it hangs there for a beat) There is a reason we are protecting you from the government and S-Lords If you wish, you’re welcome to join the headquarters of our society.


TYLER BLACK I want in-Lord V2 spotting Lord S77 and Lord S93 approaching. LORD V2 Oh, shit. We have to move. They move back toward the street. Lord S77 and Lord S93 follow them. CCTV CAMERA captures the motion. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY SCREENS come alive again. Larry studies the monitors. TECHNICIAN #2 Okay, the subject is on the move. Heading toward the street. They watch in the monitor: as Lord S77 and S93 emerge. TECHNICIAN #1 Sir, they’re back. LARRY NEALSON What’s their deal? TECHNICIAN #1 They’re after our subject too. LARRY NEALSON Okay, people, look sharp, stay with them. EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY PENTAGON TEAM moves towards the subway platform entranceThey’re are ready to capture the suspect. EXT. NGANGA SUBWAY PLATFORM -- ENTRANCE DOOR -- DAY Lord V2 and Tyler go separate ways. We follow Tyler-


EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD - DAY Out into the busy street. PENTAGON TEAM spots Tyler. Tyler walks up north toward the parade. He’s moving fast. Fighting through the crowds. Lord V2 on the periphery is looking out across the thong, watching out the bad guys (who at the moment are PENTAGON TEAM and Strongish Lords: S77 and S93). Tyler hears a vibration is coming out front his pocket. Tyler takes out the phone- still in the crowds. Tyler hits "answer." TYLER BLACK Yeah. LORD V2 Now, listen to me carefully. I’d try to keep you out of street cameras line of sight. So follow my directions... PENTAGON TEAM scatters into the crowds- looking for the suspect Tyler. Lord V2 watches them closely- sees one Commando, then another approaching toward Tyler. LORD V2 (O.S.) Twelve o’clock. Tall Commando. TYLER BLACK Has he seen me? LORD V2 Not yet. Walk back past the store. TYLER BLACK Which store? LORD V2 The one on your right. Tyler turns around. Moving right. Tall Commando is passing in the foreground, missing him. Lord V2 is cutting close behind- he’s at a very fast pace.


LORD V2 Straight down. Pet store. Tyler is turning. Proceeding through the Paraders. Lord V2 is now seeing Lord S77 and S93 looking. Tyler is heading into their path. LORD V2 Oh, shit. Stop. Turn around and go back the way you came. Up ahead you will see a decorated parade truck. Get on its deck and play it cool with the other paraders. Lord V2 is seeing Tyler fulfilling the plot. Tyler gets to the decorated parade truck. A hippie grabs his hand. And he’s on the truck. The truck is moving down the road slow- too slow that it is easy for someone to spot Tyler. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY That same scene- decorated truck- from Larry’s point of view The Technicians are trying to spot Tyler through... EXT. MAIN STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Into the main parade street. The truck is on the move. Tyler is looking at the sea of people marching down the street. TYLER BLACK I think we’re clear. LORD V2 Not yet. Wait for my direction. One person start another parading song. People follow along, expect for Tyler who’s playing around with his mouth again. Tyler makes a look. A "I-can’t-take-it-anymore" look. He is obviously tired of waiting for the directions from Lord V2. Wouldn’t it just be easier if I turn my self to them? TYLER BLACK I’m getting off the truck.


LORD V2 No, no, no. Stay on board. But Tyler jumps out of the truck. CCTV CAMERAS turn- ZOOMING IN ON TYLER. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Tyler’s face is on all screens. TECHNICIAN #1 We got a visual on the subject. Center mass point of the parade. Larry is pacing. LARRY NEALSON Okay, watch him closely! We cannot afford to lose him again! INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- DAY They are watching Tyler on their screens too. LORD S57 Target is now located at the main street of Nganga Boulevard... EXT. STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Lord S31 and Lord S68 are walking towards a four-storey office building at Nganga Boulevard. LORD S68 Copy that. They change direction- heading now toward another building across from the street that hosts the main parade. EXT. MAIN STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Lord V2 realizes Tyler has been seen. He sees the Pentagon Commandos starting to regroup... LORD V2 Hide somewhere. Quick! Tyler is moving fast down to the end of the street, only to come face to face with-


A LIVE ROCK CONCERT INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- DAY LORD S1 What’s the status of the snipers? LORD S57 They’ll be there soon, my lord. LORD S1 Alright, I want him disabled now. Get him out of the crowds and have the snipers shoot him. Lord S12 gives orders... EXT. BUILDING -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Lord S31 and Lord S68 are entering a building. A voice crackling in their earphones. LORD S12 (V.O.) Target moving towards the live rock concert. Lord S31 and Lord S68 through the door of an elevator. They go to the top floor of the building. Out of the elevator. They walk through a maze of corridors. They move up a stairwell. On their way to the roof of the building. EXT. MAIN STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Tyler is moving through crowds toward the podium. LORD V2 Continue advancing forward... LORD V2’S POV: Pentagon Commandos are coming from the south. The Strongish Lords are approaching from the north. There is no way Tyler is going to make at the podium without getting caught by at least one of his two predators. LORD V2 Change of plan. Stop there. I’m coming to get you.


EXT. ROOF ABOVE STREET -- DAY POV THROUGH A LONG-RANGE SCOPE: Tyler as seen by the TWO-MAN STRONGISH TEAM perched on a roof. As LORD S68 surveys Tyler, his partner finishes assembling two technologically advanced rifles, loading them with HEAVY BULLETS: LORD S68 We have visual on the target. Confirm ’go’ for rifle shot. LORD S12 (V.O.) You’re confirmed ’go’: disable the target. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Larry searches for Tyler on the monitors. LARRY NEALSON Where’s he? TECHNICIAN #1 We lost visual on the target, sir. TECHNICIAN #2 Papa Zulu -- give us eyeballs on the main street. EXT. MAIN STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Tyler runs down. The Pentagon Commandos block his path. He stares at them. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY They watch as the feed from the street comes through. VOICE (V.O.) Are you getting a visual? TECHNICIAN #2 We have the subject confirmed.


EXT. MAIN STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Tyler can’t proceed forward. He turns back to see: Lord S77 and Lord S93 approaching. EXT. ROOF ABOVE STREET -- DAY Lord S31 and Lord S68 look at them below. And then they give each other a look. An evil decision-making look. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY They watch in the monitor: as Lord S77 and S93 emerge. TECHNICIAN #2 Sir, they’re back again. LARRY NEALSON What do they want? TECHNICIAN #2 They’re still after our target. LARRY NEALSON Okay, people, we now have two subjects, Tyler and them. EXT. MAIN STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Pentagon Commandos are shot down. People panic. It’s chaos. The police race through the busy street, their walkies-talkies squawking. Lord S77 and Lord S93 lose track of Tyler in the crowds. Lord V2 is cutting the main street. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY ON THE VIDEO MONITORS - Image transmitted from the Commandos helmet cameras. They have fallen, so this is at ground level LARRY NEALSON What just happened?

82. TECHNICIAN #2 Our eyes are down on the ground. TECHNICIAN #1 Our men are down. TECHNICIAN #2 Searching a CCTV camera visual. EXT. ROOF ABOVE STREET -- CONTINUOUS Our snipers catch a glimpse of Tyler in the crowds- they’re ready to finally do their task: disable Tyler. Lord V2 sprints out from the side. SCOPE POV Lord S68 sees Tyler in the crowds- it’s clear for a shot. EXT. ROOF ABOVE STREET -- DAY Lord S68 fires. EXT. MAIN STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY Lord V2 jumps in- pushes Tyler to the ground. An innocent man is hit. Lord V2 and Tyler duck behind the gathering crowd, out of the snipers’ line of sight. LORD V2 How many times have I save your life? TYLER BLACK You never had to. Lord S77 and Lord S93 finally spot Tyler and Lord V2 again. The good guys run. The bad guys chase after them. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Larry and everyone else stare at the screen. At the image of Pentagon Commandos, dead on the street. The room- normally full of chatter has gone dead silent... The Naval Attache walks in.


NAVAL ATTACHE Sir, the Black Hippies from the parade are at Nguizanie substation and they just took lie detector tests. (a beat) No blips, no blood pressure variations, no pulse variance. Either they’re telling the truth or I’ve never met anyone like ’em. (a beat) In my opinion, these kids are really telling the truth. They are not part of the strongish kingdom and certainly know nothing about the missing nuclear bomb, sir. Larry puts his head in his hands. This is a terrible failure and everyone here knows it. He just had four of his men killed and picked up wrong suspects... TECHNICIAN #2 I have the President calling from Air Force One. LARRY NEALSON (looks around) Everyone agrees for a standard counterbalance. No one dissents. Larry picks up: LARRY NEALSON Mr. President, we’ve lost track of the suspect. Four of my men were shot and killed. We are not going to make it on time. Everyone here at the department agrees that we move to our secondary initiative. THE PRESIDENT (V.O.) I approve. But don’t screw it up. We won’t get another chance like this, Larry. LARRY NEALSON Understood. (hangs up) Contact the Air Force. Have them prepare the Plutonium Neutralizing Gases. Tell the Major of Nguizanie City to start an evacuation just in case if we... screw it up.


INT. STRONGISH HEADQUARTERS -- COMMAND CENTER -- DAY Lord S1 and everyone else stare at the screen. At the image of an ambulance bagging the dead Pentagon Commandos. LORD S1 We must kill the Varyish Lords. They pose a threat to our plans. Prepare our best Gunners S12. LORD S12 Yes my lord. EXT. FAR FROM THE MAIN STREET -- NGANGA BOULEVARD -- DAY There is a lemon green MERCEDES convertible parked on a curb Tyler is still trying to figure out whether or not they’re safe now as Lord V2 tosses him the keys. LORD V2 Drive! TYLER BLACK What?! But Lord V2 just leaps into the passenger seat, reaches over and grabs a shotgun, as Tyler gets in behind the wheel. Just then, the blue garbage truck we saw earlier rips around the corner, hitting everything on its path. Tyler turns the ignition, pops the clutch, and steps the gas pedal as the car nearly snaps his neck when it goes forward. He races through small crowds and rips around a corner and out into traffic. TYLER BLACK Where to? LORD V2 Just drive! The Garbage truck stays behind them; Lord S77 drives and Lord S93 fires his shotgun at them. Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Lord V2 does his best to send bullets back their way, while Tyler is on the wheel, stunned by the shooting sequence.

85. LORD V2 Take us to the highway! He spots a highway entrance... TYLER BLACK Hold on! Screech! He quickly peels into the highway... We catch a glimpse of a road sign that reads "WRONG WAY." EXT. ONE WAY HIGHWAY -- DAY ...and ends up going the wrong way down a wide two lanes highway. He now has to drive in and out of cars heading south for them, as the Garbage truck stays tight behind them. Horns are blaring in his face, and Tyler barely can keep the Mercedes on all four tires as he weaves in and out of the paths of oncoming cars. A Gasoline Truck is heading like a jet right at them... Tyler’s eyes go wide. TYLER BLACK Truck! LORD V2 Ah, shit! Let me take the wheel! They exchange seats. Lord V2 looks at a Ramp Truck on the other lane next to the gasoline truck for a moment. A plan is formed. LORD V2 Ramp truck! Shoot the tires! Tyler looks at Lord V2, momentarily stunned by his idea, then aims and fires away at the oncoming ramp truck. The front tires on the truck explode and the truck veers hard left, now is between the gasoline truck and them. The gasoline truck ramps up and it bounces off the head of the ramp truck and flies up in the air. Lord V2 speeds the Mercedes at the gasoline truck as it flips forward end over end... right over their car!!!

86. Tyler watches it fly over them, as Lord V2 steps halfway out of the car’s window with a shotgun, aims at the gasoline. He watches it for a quiet moment as it descends towards the garbage truck that’s been trailing them... he fires away!!! The garbage truck spins to a halt and tries to slides out... but it’s too late... the gasoline truck EXPLODES just as it smashes onto the garbage truck. It’s a mess in the highway. Lord V2 returns into the car and rips the Mercedes off the wrong way road with a U-turn, exits down into a street. Lord V2 looks over at Tyler, who looks impressed. EXT. HILL FOREST -- NIGHT They walk through the maze of trees and rocks to reach the valley of the forest. It’s near the coast of the Atlantic ocean. They stop at a SEWER covered mostly with moss-draped branches. Lord V2 looks around. The city behind. The dark sea out in front. A platform on a side. Not a human sign, no life at all. Lord V2 opens the RUSTY SEWER TOP. Step inside. INT. SEWER -- CONTINUOUS Lord V2 is calm. Tyler FUMBLES in the dark- knocks his head. They walk toward a WASTE DELTA, stops at a DOOR. Lord V2 unlocks it. It’s a small elevator. They step inside. EXT. SMALL ELEVATOR -- CONTINUOUS A HISS as the FLOOR LOWERS... They sink down into... INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- LOBBY -- CONTINUOUS The elevator floor lowers on a giant BRICK. They step off into a big, UNDERGROUND BUILDING. It’s full of vegetation. Trees branches attached everywhere on the walls. It’s green. MISTED. FRESH STEAM COMING OUT OF THE ROOF. Tyler is amazed by the look. The VARYISH LORDS constantly stare at Tyler as he walks by. At one end, Lord V8, watches them approaching. TYLER BLACK What is this place? LORD V8 Welcome to the headquarters of the Varyish Society.

87. LORD V2 I believe it’s useless for him to fight the Strongish Lords alone. I brought him here to train with us. Take care of him, V8. LORD V8 Will do, V2. Lord V2 leaves. LORD V8 I suggest you follow me. EXT. ARMY WEAPON COMPOUND -- FRONT GATE -- NIGHT Three ARMY GUARDS are at the front GUARDHOUSE. Colonel John pulls in a HUMVEE. The Guards immediately recognize him. ARMY GUARD #1 Colonel John, sir. What brings you here at this time, sir? COLONEL JOHN The Air Force need the net now. ARMY GUARD #1 Okay, sir. The army Guard waves Colonel John in. INT. BUNKER SECURITY BUILDING -- NIGHT The army Guards escort Colonel John inside. EXT. ARMY WEAPON COMPOUND -- FRONT GATE -- NIGHT A LINE OF IDENTICAL ARMY TRUCKS head toward the front gate. INT. BUNKER SECURITY BUILDING -- NIGHT The army Guards and Colonel John stop at the security booth. ARMY GUARD #1 Why do the Air Force need the net? COLONEL JOHN Terrorists stole the warhead and plan to launch it. What’s worst is the fact that I am one of them-


Just then, Colonel John shoots them all. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! He takes up their CODED CARDS. He hits the FRONT GATE’S OPEN BUZZER and walks out of the bunker security building. INT. ARMY WEAPON COMPOUND -- FRONT GATE -- NIGHT The gate swings open. The army trucks enter the compound. EXT. BUNKER COMPOUND -- WATCH TOWER -- NIGHT Three ARMY GUARDS at the bunker compound’s elevated watch tower observe the trucks pass through the front gate and park in the courtyard. A dozen Strongish Lords armed with assault riffles precipitate out of the trucks. The army Guards react when Lord S42 aims a bazooka at the watch tower- BOOM! The watch tower erupts in an explosion. The army Guards fall the long height and lie unconscious. INT. BUNKER COMPOUND -- NIGHT Colonel John (a.k.a. Lord S2) and the Strongish Lords move to the bunker door. They open the door by jamming the army Guards’ coded cards in and out of the electronic reader. INT. CHEMICAL WEAPONS COMPOUND -- INTERIOR HALLWAY -- NIGHT The Strongish Lords rush down the interior hallway into a storage depot. They see the P.N. GAS and lots of missiles. The Strongish Lords move the P.N. GAS storage tubes and the missiles to the waiting army trucks. It’s done very fast. EXT. ARMY WEAPON COMPOUND - - FRONT GATE -- NIGHT The army trucks, followed by Colonel John (Lord S2) in his Humvee, roar out of the compound. INT. PENTAGON -- SITUATION ROOM -- DAY Larry, Paul, Ben, and Jade are in the room. They look sadly in regret. One of those time where there is no hope left. BEN STONE Wow. Colonel John is one of them.


GENERAL PAUL He betrayed the United States. BEN STONE It’s over... LARRY NEALSON We’ve still got one day to catch Tyler and bring him to them. GENERAL PAUL If the boy still out there, it’s not over. BEN STONE But, where do we find him? GENERAL PAUL What we need is someone to help us capture him. Someone close to him. We focus on Larry, who trades a very significant look with Colonel Jade. Everyone turns to Colonel Jade. COLONEL JADE There is someone who can help us. I’ve found one known anomaly. INT. CAPTAIN RICHARD’S OFFICE -- POLICE STATION -- DAY CAPTAIN RICHARD (50s) and Colonel Jade are in the office. Sydney walks in, stressed out. She worries about Tyler. SYDNEY PITT You wanted to see me. CAPTAIN RICHARD Sydney, this is Colonel Jade. Colonel, this is Sydney Pitt. COLONEL JADE Hello Sydney. I was informed that you are a friend of Tyler Black. SYDNEY PITT Yeah, he’s my boyfriend. COLONEL JADE Even better. You’re going to help us, Ms. Pitt.

90. SYDNEY PITT What do I have to do? EXT. HILL FOREST -- NIGHT A lemon green helicopter appears and lands on a platform in the isolated forest. Lord V1 steps off out of the craft. He approaches Lord V2 nearby. LORD V1 You have the boy? LORD V2 He’s in the pit. Lord V1 and Lord V2 walk toward the rusty sewer. A dozen of VARYISH LORDS gather around the sewer. Securing the area. LORD V2 I had men secure the perimeter just in case. LORD V1 Good. We can’t take any chances. They step inside the rusty sewer. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- LOBBY -- NIGHT Lord V1 leads Lord V2 into a cubicle. They stand at a window and observe: INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE PIT OF WARRIORS -- NIGHT Tyler and Lord V8 stand at the dojo. LORD V8 The pit of warriors. Tyler looks around, he’s been here before. LORD V1 This is a training dojo built for fighters who during combats can change into oversize creatures which in our case are... Gorillas. (a beat) You need to get used to the speed and the strength and the jump and most importantly what a gorillaman can do to fight another of a kind.


INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- CUBICLE -- NIGHT Lord V2 looks happy, smiling. While Lord V1 is the opposite. LORD V2 We’ve done it, V1. We found him. LORD V1 I hope you’re right. LORD V2 I don’t have to hope it. I know it. LORD V1 How can you be certain she’ll be useful to us? LORD V2 His victory against the Strongish Lords is our victory too over our sworn enemies. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE PIT OF WARRIORS -- NIGHT LORD V8 Remember, it’s you controlling your powers and not the other way around because physical powers without an absolute control means nothing. Tyler nods, half excited, half scared. LORD V8 Okay, we’ll start from the top. To transform into a gorilla, you need to yell the word ’Varyish’ as loud as you can while in motion. FLASH - STREET: ...we smash cut to a fight between a STRONGISH and Lord V8 just as Lord V8 charges after him and performs the exact same action he was just telling. Just as quickly, we... FLASH - BACK TO THE DOJO A.K.A. THE PIT OF WARRIORS: ...and Lord V8 tells the next action... LORD V8 To become excessively strong like the Strongish, first breathe in to increase the level of oxygen in (MORE)


LORD V8 (cont’d) your blood cells, then breathe out as you yell the word ’Strongish’ as loud as you can while flexing your muscles. Just as Lord V8 flexes his muscles, we smash cut to... FLASH - A FACTOR: ...Lord V8 charging at a STRONGISH LORD. Suddenly the S-lord is ready, performing what Lord V8 just described, then it became the worst day of Lord V8’s life, and just as quicklyFLASH - BACK TO THE DOJO A.K.A. THE PIT OF WARRIORS: ...we are right back to the scene as Lord V8 performs the next action... LORD V8 If you want the super speed like the Speedish, stand strong on your toes and run as fast as you can as you yell the word ’Speedish’ as loud as you can, then follow the momentum. Just like before, we smash cut to... FLASH - RAIN FOREST: ...Lord V8 running down a rain forest, darting through the trees, when suddenly, a SPEEDISH LORD far behind him, stand strong on his toes and run as fast as he can as he yells the word ’Speedish’ as loud as he can and then WHAM, he speeds, follows the momentum, catches up with Lord V8, the all thing matching the action Lord V8 was just telling. FLASH - BACK TO THE DOJO A.K.A. THE PIT OF WARRIORS: ...and Lord V8 tells the final move... LORD V8 Finally to jump into locations, first think of the place you want to go, then concentrate and see yourself there and yell the word ’Jumpish’ as loud as you can. FLASH - PARKING GARAGE ...we smash cut to Lord V8 barreling down a circular exit ramp in a van. A JUMPISH LORD climbs up to the edge of the


ten-story corkscrew ramp and stands there, waiting for something. After a moment he JUMPS- and falls- ten storiesHe’s about to hit the exit ramp- the van appears- he SLAMS into the roof, CRUSHING the cab. FLASH - BACK TO THE DOJO A.K.A. THE PIT OF WARRIORS: ...we’re back to find Tyler completely absorbed in the lesson. Then there is a switch of roles. Lord V8 listens. Tyler speaks as he starts to retell the technique to get each power, wanting to please Lord V8, wanting to get it right... EXT. HILL FOREST -- NIGHT The Varyish Lords idly secure the perimeter. Some stand near the rusty sewer. The sound of an unseen craft... They perk up their ears as the noise grows louder and louder. They reach for their guns and desperately scan the skies. There is no sign of a helicopter in the black sky above. The sound of the unseen helicopter grows to a deafening volume. Suddenly, a black craft rises from the horizon of the hill forest and hovers in front of the Varyish Lords. It’s a war machine. Two automatic machine guns and two small missiles are mounted on the craft’s undercarriage. A bright spotlight is mounted on the front of the helicopter. The Varyish Lords wince as they blinded by the spotlight. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The black craft opens fire. BOOM! The lemon green helicopter erupts in an explosion. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- CUBICLE -- NIGHT Lord V1 and Lord V2 brace themselves as the whole building shudders and the lights flicker. LORD V1 They know he’s here. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE PIT OF WARRIORS -- NIGHT BOOM! An explosion tears through the ceilings of the pit and knocks Lord V8 and Tyler to the ground.


LORD V2 (V.O.) Red Alert! Secure the building! INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- LOBBY -- NIGHT Several Varyish Lords stand watch the small elevator lowers. Ding! They look on as the set of elevator doors slide open. BOOM! A large explosion emanates from inside the elevator. The force of the blast overturns some furniture and knocks everyone in the misted room to the floor. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE PIT OF WARRIORS -- NIGHT Lord V8 is badly wounded. He has bruises and broken bones. LORD V8 Get out of here! Now! Tyler stands up and searches for an escape route. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- LOBBY -- NIGHT The Strongish Lords descend via the elevator tunnel and lob several concussion bombs into the misted room. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE PIT OF WARRIORS -- NIGHT Tyler runs toward the exit door of the pit. Just thenBOOM! An explosion tears through the door and knocks him to the ground. Four Strongish Lords, dressed in hippie outfits, the black sunglasses, the earphones in one ear, and armed with assault rifles, flood into the dojo. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- LOBBY -- NIGHT BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The Strongish Lords swiftly gun down the Varyish Lords in the misted room.


INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- CUBICLE -- NIGHT Lord V1 and Lord V2 hurl themselves against the large window INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE PIT OF WARRIORS -- NIGHT Crash! They smash through the windows. They land on the ground and roll up fast, guns ready. They begin a shootout with the four Strongish Lords. They kill them all. LORD V1 Get the boy out of here! Lord V2 picks Tyler, who scrambles to his feet. They stay low to the ground and head for a nearby escape room. More Strongish Lords flood into the dojo. Lord V1 shoot at them, preventing them from shooting at Tyler, who is helped by Lord V2. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE ESCAPE ROOM -- NIGHT Lord V2 and Tyler enter the room and Lord V2 slams the door. He grabs a desk and hurls it against a large window. EXT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- NIGHT The exterior of the headquarters is quiet and abandoned. The underground Varyish headquarters connects into a large and empty road. Crash! The desk smashes through the window. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE ESCAPE ROOM -- NIGHT LORD V2 Go without me. TYLER BLACK Wait. What about you? LORD V2 I’m staying. This is where I belong. I have to help them. (a beat) Remember who you are, Tyler.


EXT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- NIGHT Tyler jumps through the broken window and lands in some nearby bushes. He staggers to his feet and scurries away from the Varyish Headquarters. INT. VARYISH HEADQUARTERS -- THE PIT OF WARRIORS -- NIGHT Lord V1, now backed by a dozen of Varyish Lords, continues the shootout with the Strongish Lords. Lord V1 is wounded by a bullet while some of his man are gunned down. The Strongish Lords finally overwhelm and slaughter the rest of Varyish Lords. Lord S1 signals his men to cease fire. Pained moans echo throughout the dojo. Lord S1 finds Lord V1 and glares down at him. LORD S1 Where is him? LORD V1 You’re... You’re too late. He’s gone. Lord S1 reaches for his Glock. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Lord V2 on a corner, unseen by the Strongish Lords, turns away as Lord S1 empties his Glock into Lord V1’s body. EXT. CITY STREET -- NIGHT It is just beyond the middle of the night; that time when it seems there are no rules and everything feels unsafe. Tyler walks quickly, watching his surroundings, making sure no one is following him. Rain pours from a black sky. As he reaches the Vasco-Pila bridge, headlights creep in behind him. He turns just as the car slides quickly to a stop beside him. The door window rolls down. JACOB Come on. Get in. Tyler opens the front door. He gets in.

97. INT. CAR TRAVELING -- NIGHT Jacob is driving. Wipers working against the windshield. A long look between them. JACOB You don’t owe me an explanation. They look at each other a beat. JACOB Where are you going? TYLER BLACK Vasco. I’m going to see my girl. INT. SYDNEY’S HOUSE -- NIGHT Sydney walks into the house. She’s holding a pen. Not just any kind of pen. It’s a technologically advanced alert pen. SYDNEY PITT (to herself) Where is my phone? She then walks to the bedroom. She finds the phone next to the office table. She takes it and checks the screen: "one voice mail from Tyler." As she listens to it, a small noise from the livingroom grabs her attention. She walks prudently toward the livingroom. As she reaches the livingroom, a dull of ROAR of THUNDER shakes the house at the same moment wind blows in behind her, scaring her a bit. She turns and sees the window is opened. She walks toward it and shuts it. She turns just as a shadow emerges quickly in front of her. Tyler, wet and cold. She SCREAMS. TYLER BLACK It’s me. Tyler. Tyler. She starts to take a deep, everything-is-okay breath. TYLER BLACK Are you okay? SYDNEY PITT Yeah, I’m fine. What are you doing here?

98. TYLER BLACK I want to stay with you until this is over. SYDNEY PITT Listen Tyler, ITYLER BLACK It’s for your own protection, Sydney. I care about you and I know your life is in danger. I’m worrying sick about youSYDNEY PITT You don’t have to woTYLER BLACK Sydney, please... The Strongish killed Jeniffer- and shot Jason. They’re going to kill you, Sydneyand I won’t let that happened. SYDNEY PITT So you’ll turn yourself in now. He shakes his head. She looks at him. She cannot help him. SYDNEY PITT You have no choice. TYLER BLACK You honestly think it’s going to stop them from launching the nuclear bomb? SYDNEY PITT Perhaps not. But you’ve got enough blood on your hands. You rather not see more people in the city die because of you again. Tyler looks at her a beat. SYDNEY PITT Once all of this is finished, we’d be together... Sydney moves toward him. SYDNEY PITT I mean it. Sydney takes his on her arms.


TYLER BLACK You’ll always be mine. They kiss. She TICKS the pen. Then separate. She looks sadly into his eyes. SYDNEY PITT I love you... (beat) But I had to do this to save the lives of the innocent people of this city. Tyler look at Sydney a beat. He’s confused. TYLER BLACK You had to do what? Just then, the door is violently kicked in. FIVE COMMANDOS pour inside, guns thrust before them. They are wearing earpieces. The leader pans his cam at Tyler: no speaking. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- NIGHT Colonel Jade, Military Brass, and overnight TECHNICIANS watch the feed from the cam on the leader of the 5-man team at the house. TECHNICIAN #3 Target confirmed. EXT. SYDNEY’S HOUSE -- NIGHT COLONEL JADE (V.O.) Take him. Just then, Tyler bolts. He runs through the back door... THE LEADER Get him. Target is on the move. ...and IT’S ON. The chase begins. EXT. CHASE THROUGH THE CITY -- HEAVY RAIN Streets, alleys and rooftops of the city at night. Late night crowds of drinkers and people in the streets. We cut between Tyler and the Commandos: Tyler is at a dead run and the Commandos in a flat-out foot chase. He makes

100. four hard turns into the back alleys. Commandos break up with hand signals. They try to figure which way to turn in the alleys. Tyler is upon to a dumpster, up onto a tin fence, and bursts toward an old hotel. EXT. OLD HOTEL -- NIGHT The building is an old, grand, four-story gone the seed. It looks abandoned. It is connected to a row of houses on one side and another row on the other side. They also look abandoned too. The alley is a bit flooded with rain water. One of the commandos sees Tyler entering the building... INT. OLD HOTEL -- NIGHT Tyler is inside. The area downstairs is complete flooded. He runs up the staircase to a 2nd floor. There we see damaged rooms. There are patterns of permanent shadow on the walls and ceiling, the aftermath of a fire. Commandos follow up the staircase. Tyler runs up to the next floor. They keep up. Up to the next and next. Tyler hides somewhere in a room at the top floor. We follow Commandos using flashlights of their weapons as they creep down the blackened hall. They violently kicks in the doors on this top floor. Check to find the target. As they get near the room Tyler is hidden, he bursts out of the room. He races to the opposite end, existing through a broken window onto the fire escape. EXT. ROOF -- NIGHT On the roof, Tyler is running as the leader rise over the parapet, leading the team in pursuit. Tyler sees a gap between roofs. He can’t make it unless he jumps high in the air. He recalls the ’Jumpish’ technique. He focus on the next roof, concentrate, and yells as loud as he can the word "Jumpish." Suddenly -Tyler jumps up into the air...but suddenly falls away into a wide back alley. Commandos look for a better way to get down from the roof. He rounds a corner and runs right into Crick Joe, Sydney’s ex-boyfriend, and his two Pals. They’re drugged and seeking to fight nobody better could have showed up.

101. No chi-chat -- Crick curses and throws a wild swing. Tyler dodges it. He makes quick moves then runs toward an abandoned house. Crick and his Buddies scramble after him. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE -- KITCHEN -- NIGHT Tyler is back against a wall inside the dimly lit kitchen of the abandoned house. Taking a little rest. We hear a drip of water in the sink. He reacts to it. Then calms himself down. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE -- BASEMENT -- NIGHT Tyler creeps through this, stopping to listen. Hears the whispers of the three Punks, actively following. Moving through the cluttered basement, almost to the far side now. There is a door- he moves to it. Presses slightly and it opens it to slide out into -Crick smiling. He pushes Tyler back inside furiously. Tyler turns to race back into the basement but the other Punks have come up behind him- and now they are all around him, pushing and booting him back inside and up against a wall in the dark. TYLER BLACK I’m being followed...let me go. Crick pushes him against a metal column near the middle of the basement. A tough shove and Tyler hits his head into a knob and he yells out in pain. The Commandos are coming through the kitchen and the living area of the house hear the cry of pain. The leader hand signals- they peel apart. Tyler is pinned against the column by two Punks holding him. TYLER BLACK Stop. Please stop. CRICK JOE You never stop talking to my girl. And why should I, huh? Tyler sees to the right beyond the men holding him. A black shape moves through dim light in a crouch. Tyler reacts and panics. TYLER BLACK Let me go! You don’t understand. I’m being chased here.


CRICK JOE Yeah, we were awhile ago. UNDER BLUE NIGHT VISION The Leader finds Tyler’s face, sighting on his neck. Tyler lunges, pulling the men holding him- Crick punches Tyler in the gut. The Leader fires- one of Crick’s Buddies is hit. Tyler nervously glances around, sweat rolls down his face and neck. Steam-like sweat in his forehead... The leader sees a cluster of people, one crumpling, and one falling and suddenlySTEAMING. MASSIVE STEAM CLOUDS BUILD AND BUILD... The leader is like ’what the hell is this?’ Signals ’hold’. The Punks are turning, all stepping away from Tyler crumpled invisible down in the steam out into floor to investigate, two looking at their friend on the ground starting to freak. CRICK JOE What the hell...? Commandos in the steam are trying to get a fix on what’s happening they hear- Colonel Jade on the com in their earsCOLONEL JADE (V.O.) Is target seized? Did we get him? Commandos steps forward. They see two figures on the floor. the downed Punk, but the other one is hard to see- it’s very steamed- something is happening to that one figure and obscure behind the other figures etched in blackTHE SHAPE OF THE FIGURE ON THE GROUND IS CHANGING Then- Tyler’s groan in the steam, turns into a horrible deep sound- with it the sound of tearing and popping and cracking Crick is just on the edge of steam and clear, eyes narrowing something weird is going on but he can’t read itHe throws a punch into the steam- and it’s the worst day of his life. His fist meets something hard and faster than you can blink he is gone. Ripped upward by the arm and into the steam- his terrified scream drowned byA ROAR OF A GORILLA. PRIMAL. Not human.


We hear sound of bone cracking and Crick’s terrified scream of pain and then- he flies out of the steam, from a height of 15 feet and rising as he goes- thrown across the basement like a weightless object, hitting the far wall head first so hard that you hope he did not survive. The roar is fading- a strange beat of silence, as each face tries to grasp the impossible. FinallyAN ENORMOUS GORILLA-LIKE CREATURE EMERGES- THE APEGORIMAN What happens next is chaos. The Apegoriman reaches out after the Commandos- and it’s their worst nightmares. He kills them all savagely... and then he’s gone. INT. SYDNEY’S BEDROOM -- NIGHT A dozen of Strongish Lords break into the house and kidnap Sydney in her bedroom. It went quick and clean. INT. TYLER’S APARTMENT -- NIGHT Tyler, back to normal, is on the bed. The CELLPHONE RINGS. It almost stops his heart. It continues RINGING. He gets out of bed. He answers it, saying nothing. LORD S1 (V.O.) I’ll be brief. I kidnapped two of your friends: Jason and Sydney. If you gave any concern for the lives of your friends and the people of Nguizanie, you will order yourself to give in and have us take all of your blood and bone marrow cells. TYLER BLACK You know goddamn well that I won’t give my blood nor my bone marrow cells to you. LORD S1 (V.O.) Don’t do anything stupid. No one else has to die here besides you. TYLER BLACK You want my powers for the wrong reasons.


LORD S1 (V.O.) Like all great powers. Some want it for good. Others for evil. We get to chose our own path and I have chosen mine. The evil side. TYLER BLACK I believe in the prophecy. I shall endure. I’ll take it. You’ll hate me for it, but that’s the point of the Apegoriman. He can be outcast. He can make the choice no one else can face. Always the right choice. LORD S1 (V.O.) If you don’t turn yourself in, a lot more people are going to die. I have no mercy on the citizens of this city... I proclaim a war... Lord S1 hangs up. Tyler just sits there and thinks a beat. INT. VASCO BOROUGH -- NGUIZANIE CITY -- SUNRISE The sun rises over the Vasco-Pila Bridge. EXT. AIR FORCE ONE -- SKIES OVER OCEAN -- DAY AIR FORCE ONE flies through the cloudy sky. PRESIDENT (V.O.) Larry, I can’t get this thing that you’re trying to tell me... INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- NIGHT In hub of computers and tracking equipment, we find Larry watching the President on a series of video screens. LARRY NEALSON Mr. President, what is it that you don’t understand, sir? PRESIDENT (V.O.) How can we lose weapons in a heavily guarded facility? LARRY NEALSON Last night Air Force Colonel John and a dozen of Strongish terrorist (MORE)


LARRY NEALSON (cont’d) under the guise of a demand from the Air Force, walked off with all P.N. Gas rockets and lots of other missiles. It was not discovered until the Air Force really sent men to go get the net. PRESIDENT (V.O.) Oh, my God. What do we do now? LARRY NEALSON We attempted to find the boy again but it failed. Now we’ve reached the deadline. There’s nothing else we can do other than just waiting for an act of God, sir. PRESIDENT (V.O.) Let’s wait and see what happens. EXT. AIR FORCE ONE -- SKIES OVER OCEAN -- DAY Horrifying rockets sounds. Missiles assault the F-16s that guard around the Air Force One. One by one they explode. Massive flames in the cloudy sky. One exploding F-16, fire on its tail, flies right in front of Air Force One. INT. AIR FORCE ONE TRAVELING -- DAY PILOT #1 "What the hell was that?" EXT. AIR FORCE ONE -- SKIES -- DAY Missiles shred the Air Force One’s United States of America logo, peeling the plane down to her ribs. Fiery explosion. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Monitors go dead. TECHNICIAN #1 All systems crashing!


TECHNICIAN #2 Massive crash. We lost the Air Force One. The OPERATIONS CENTER chatter about the explosion’s source. COLONEL JADE Play that video again! The crash video replays on a series of video screens. We cut around the room. COLONEL JADE What the hell was that? TECHNICIAN #1 Engine failure? TECHNICIAN #2 Negative. It showed all four F-16s around the Air Force One exploded. NAVAL ATTACHE The press is going to want answers What are we going to say? COLONEL JADE Nothing. Not until we know what happened. INT. N.O.R.A.D. -- CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN The U.S.’s Early Warning Air Defense. Two U.S.A.F RADAR TECHNICIANS are hunched over radar screens. RADAR TECHNICIAN #1 I got one, two, three boggies... They are all over the space...! Heading toward Nguizanie City...! The RADAR TECHNICIAN #2 sends the information to Pentagon. EXT. VASCO BOROUGH -- NGUIZANIE CITY -- DAY Busy street. People everywhere. Traffic is ground to a halt. Missiles (bombs) scream through the sky and blast through two huge skyscrapers. It looks like 9/11 all over again. More bombs explode in the street. Cars are thrown everywhere and lowland buildings are blasted. People flee in panic.


Another bomb blasts through a huge building. The entire top ten stories falls, hits the street below. Bricks everywhere. EXT. PENTAGON -- DAY We stare at the Pentagon, over which we hear RINGING PHONES. EXT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER-- DAY Chaos in the corridors. Colonel Jade bursts out of the Joint Operations Center. He rushes toward Larry’s office. INT. PENTAGON -- LARRY’S OFFICE -- DAY Colonel Jade walks in, troubled. COLONEL JADE Sir, it’s an inland attack. More than five missiles hit Nguizanie City... I think the Strongish terrorists called a war on us, sir Dolly in on Larry’s face. Utter disbelief. LARRY NEALSON We have to brief the city’s Major. INT. CITY HALL -- MAYOR WEST’S OFFICE -- NIGHT MAJOR WEST (60s), Larry, and Colonel Jade sit in the office. COLONEL JADE They all reside in a guarded island beyond the Vasco-Pila bridge. There are no safe entrances. LARRY NEALSON But there is a kid named Tyler that they seek. If they possess him, we will certainly get a tentative deal MAYOR WEST Why are you telling me this? LARRY NEALSON Because they’ll keep destroying the city until he surrenders himself to them... It’s a war with desires.


MAYOR WEST Why do they want the kid? COLONEL JADE They said it’s a classified info. LARRY NEALSON All we know is that he is far more than a mere legend. He holds great powers...Now, he hides somewhere in the city, but it is important that we get me quickly. He will be doing the entire country a great service. MAYOR WEST I’m not interested in the country. Only in my city... Could we just attack them? COLONEL JADE If we attack them, they’ll launch the nuclear bomb and the whole city will be whipped out. MAJOR WEST Oh, my God... We need to evacuate the city or lots of people’ll die. COLONEL JADE You evacuate here. They launch the nuke into another populous city... We have to stop their whole plot. MAJOR WEST How? LARRY NEALSON You’re going to call a press conference. Tomorrow morning. MAJOR WEST Why? LARRY NEALSON No else will die because of Tyler. Order him to give himself in. MAJOR WEST He won’t. He won’t give in. COLONEL JADE We are hoping he will this time.

109. INT. PRESS ROOM, SUPERIOR -- DAY A large crowd of Reporters and Public. Major West is on the podium. Behind him is the Air Force Colonel Jade. Lord V2 sits in the crowd. There is no sign of Tyler in the crowd. MAJOR WEST Citizens of Nguizanie, thank you for coming. I’ve called this press conference for one reason. A man named Tyler Black also known as "The Wise Man" is thereby ordered by the United States government to turn himself in to the terroristsThe Crowd reacts with appreciative noise. LORD V2 Excuse me, Mr. Mayor. I have a question I’d like to ask... What do you think will happen if he turn himself in- and, and they get whatever they want from him? MAYOR WEST We may never know. LORD V2 Perhaps. (a beat) Perhaps not. The crowd murmurLORD V2 You see, I am in one of those kingdoms...fraternities, like theirs, that holds one of the four lost souls name Varyish Kingdom. (a beat) We’ve been in a war against the Strongish Lords or terrorists as you call them for many years. The war is going on until today. As we fought for years, they never were able to defeat our kingdom. (a beat) There are four lost souls or powers for your inconvenience, that compose the four kingdoms. The only way to destroy one of these four Societies is by gaining the power of the Apegoriman who has all of the four powers.


(a beat) Tyler Black is the Apegoriman. The S-Lords want his powers to destroy my kingdom and take over the whole country. They’ll then conquer the entire world thereafter. (a beat) Let’s consider the situation... Should we really give in to the terrorists’ demand? MAJOR WEST You’d rather protect one man than the lives of the innocent citizens The crowd noisily assents. Lord V2 calmly motions quiet. LORD V2 But, Ladies and Gentlemen, you’ll lose your freedom once they kill Tyler Black. He is the only man on Earth who can put a stop to this. The only chance we’ve got. Our last hope, Ladies and Gentlemen. The crowd seems moved by his words, then, a SHOUTCOLONEL JADE What if he doesn’t? The crowd reacts with appreciative noise. LORD V2 He will. That’s a certainty. He’ll battle for our lives. That’s the point of the Wise Man. He always protect those around him. And you are the ones he cares most about. Once again, the crowd seems moved by his words. INT. STRONGISH -- COMMAND CENTER -- DAY Strongish Lords (Techies) are hunched over radar screens. Lord S1, S12 and a dozen of Strongish Lords look on nearby. LORD S57 Think we have a visitor. I got one boggy heading very fast toward us.


LORD S12 Maybe the Air Force send a flight. LORD S1 The Air Force would never send one flight on situation like this. LORD S12 Varyish Lords don’t fly or jump. What could it be? LORD S1 It’s him. Get to the east end of the island on the double. The Apegoriman is approaching. LORD S12 You heard the man, let’s move it. Lord S12 and other Strongish Lords race off. EXT. STRONGISH ISLAND -- DAY Tyler, changed into a gorilla-like creature (the Apegoriman) solidly lands on the Strongish Island. The land trembles. INT. STRONGISH -- GARAGE -- DAY The Strongish Lords open fire. Bullets bounce off the Wise Man’s chest. He keeps advancing forward. They are firing their guns randomly at the oncoming Wise Man. He gets there, savagely kills them all. A roaring rage and men screaming. A few S-Lords standing at a catwalk aim for the head shot. They open fire. The Apegoriman raise his arm in front of them, blocking the stream of streaking bullets. A few bullets hit a steam water container nearby. Massive steam clouds build and build. The Apegoriman is veiled by the steam. We can’t see him no longer. They are out of bullets. They load new shells into their guns without taking their eyes off the Apegoriman in the steam. Then they freeze... The arm raised to block their shots, drops, and the Wise Man steps out of the steam. The Apegoriman bends down into the steam and with a mighty heave, lifts a pickup truck nearby, throws it through the air like a weightless object at these Strongish Lords. They dip as it breaks the catwalk where they were just standing... caving in it to some degree and letting them remain suspending on for their lives above the garage floor.


Just then another car comes through the air like a missile. It crushes down the catwalk this time and these Strongish Lords fall 20 feet and lie unconscious. Lord S1 emerges with Sydney from an adjacent room, with a gun pointed on Sydney’s head. The Apegoriman reacts- roars. LORD S1 Obviously, I don’t want you doing anything too pulsing other than calming your heartbeats down. WISEMAN Let her go. LORD S1 You want her. You do as I say... More Strongish Lords, armed with technologically advanced chemical weapons, move in behind the Apegoriman, stand at an elevated position on another catwalk. Aim. Sydney, duct tapped mouth, moans and fights signaling the Wise Man of the enemies’ arrival behind him. Lord S1 holds her tight. The Wise Man has not noticed what’s behind him. LORD S1 If you want her, that’ll be NEVER! Just then, the Strongish Lords open fire. Chemical shots penetrate the Wise Man’s body like bee clusters attacking. Neutralizing his powers. Reducing his size. He roars in pain as he goes down, changing to normal. Now we see Tyler again. Sydney cries, tears on her eyes. Lord S1 SHOVES HER too hard with his abnormal strength and she is knocked five feet before hitting the ground on her arm, crying out in pain. Lord S1 then orders his men to lock her somewhere secure. He finds Tyler, who is barely moving, and glares at him. LORD S1 I finally got you. INT. STRONGISH -- LABORATORY -- LATER Lord S1 enter the lab along with Lord S2 and Lord S12. They approach LORD S99, the scientist in a lab coat, nearby. LORD S1 What are we doing?


LORD S99 Well the chemical shots we gave him reduce his blood amount. Now we do not have much to rebuild our whole army and we cannot risk blowing the opportunity so we have to concentrate it and grow more. Lord S1’s jaw sets as he grinds his molars in frustration. LORD S1 How long will it take? LORD S99 Awhile. LORD S1 Awhile, how long? LORD S99 Days. LORD S1 We do not have that much time. The Varyish Lords that survived are preparing for an attack. They know we have him. They know he’s here. What about the bone marrow? LORD S99 I have already concentrated 15% of it, which is sufficient enough for the transformation of 3 people. LORD S1 Inject us up. Lord S99 hesitates a bit. Lord S1 questions his hesitation. LORD S1 What? LORD S99 You got your own natural born power. I don’t know what kind of Wise Man you’ll become after the injection...could turn you into something terrible. LORD S1 Something terrible & more powerful than the original. Now inject it!


INT. STRONGISH -- COMMAND CENTER -- DAY The Strongish Lords sit back and relax. They got the Wise Man. The hard work is finished. Yeah? Not our diagnosis... BOOM! An explosion rips out the windows of the building. Flames and bricks rain in. The S-Lords dive for cover. INT. STRONGISH -- LABORATORY -- DAY RADIO SPEAKER ON THE WALL BLARING LORD S57 (OVER RADIO) Red Alert! We’re under attack! The Varyish Lords! The U.S. Marines! LORD S99 Oh no... LORD S1 Hurry up goddammit! EXT. STRONGISH -- HEADQUARTERS -- DAY The Air Force secure the air. The Marines get off the ships on shore. Lord V2 and Lord V19, the only survivors from the Strongish Lords’ attack, lead the troops into the Island. LORD V2 Priority number one: Find Tyler! INT. STRONGISH -- HEADQUARTERS -- DAY The Strongish Lords have taken position covering the lobby of the building. BOOM! A large explosion emanates from nearby. The force of the blast overturns some furniture and knocks everyone in the room to the floor. The Marines flood into the lobby and begin the BIGGEST WAR SHOOTOUT EVER. IT’S INTENSIVE. BOMBS BEING THROWN EVERYWHERE INT. STRONGISH -- LABORATORY -- DAY Lord S99 rapidly finishes injecting Lord S1, S2 and S12 with some of Tyler’s bone marrow cells. Just then-


BOOM! An explosion tears through the door and knocks S99 to the ground. BOOM! Another explosion rips out the right wall of the laboratory. Lord S99 is knocked down on the floor and lied unconscious. Through the smog and ashes caused by the fiery explosion we catch a glimpse of a computer screen. MONITOR READS: INJECTION COMPLETED. INT. STRONGISH -- HEADQUARTERS -- DAY The Marines and the Strongish swiftly gun down each other in the room. This is an INTENSE SHOOTOUT. AN ACTION-PACKED WAR. INT. STRONGISH -- LABORATORY -- DAY Lord V2, V19, and an unit of Marines dash to the lab when they hear sounds of tearing and popping and cracking. Then PRIMAL ROARS OF GORILLAS blare one after another. Just thenWHAM! Surgical beds are thrown toward them. Lord V2 and V19 duck but the Marines could not dip quick enough- BLAM- the oncoming objects hit them. They fall and lie unconscious. Three figures emerge: Lord S1 leading Lord S2 and Lord S12. They transformed into these terrible gorilla-like creatures. Tighter on the creatures, first good look at them. 15 feet tall, brown, as heavily muscled as Wise Man but with strange fat layers around their necks. They got terrible faces and in them we can see that indeed these are Lord S1...S2...S12. LORD V2 Oh, no... They got his powers. LORD V19 Find the boy. I’ll take care of them. LORD V2 Look at ’em. They’ll kill you. LORD V19 One of us got to stay and fight them and the other got to go find the Apegoriman. I stay! You go! Lord V19 rises up, runs, and screams aloud "Varyish". He transforms into a gorilla-like creature, way much smaller than those he’s about to confront. Lord V2 bursts out. Lord V19 tries to fight them but the three monsters kill him instantly...more like a clock job...his body is ripped apart


INT. STRONGISH -- HEADQUARTERS -- DAY As the intense shootout continues, Lord S2 and S12 emerges from an adjacent room. They help the Strongish Lords. The Marines madly shoot them. Bullets just bounce off their solid rock-like bodies. They proceed forward and savagely start killing the Marines cold blood one by one. Horrible. INT. STRONGISH -- HALLWAY -- DAY Lord V2 dashes to the high-ceiling hallway when he hears Sydney’s voice yelling for help in a room nearby. Searches desperately for the room. He perks up his ears as the voice grows louder and louder. He kicks in a door and finds Sydney, a mask on her face and tapes overall her body. Lord V2 cuts off all the tapes, rips the mask off. Sydney breathes out. Then she takes a look at her rescuer. SYDNEY PITT Who are you? LORD V2 Where is Tyler? Where is he?! SYDNEY PITT I don’t know. LORD V2 Come on. Let’s move it. SYDNEY PITT Wait. There’s someone else. They rush out of the room and move to another room. Sydney struggles to open it. Lord V2 moves her aside and kicks in the door. They find Jason, the mask and the tapes as usual. They cut off the tapes, rip the mask off. Jason breathes out. Then he takes a look at them. SYDNEY PITT AND LORD V2 Where is Tyler?! JASON He’s in the cell and the nuclear bomb is in the watch tower.


INT. STRONGISH -- HEADQUARTERS -- DAY The Strongish Lords are overtaking control of the battle. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Larry, Colonel Jade, and General Paul watch the live feed. A lot of Marines had died. Dead corps near dead corps. MARINE #1 (OVER RADIO) Alpha One, we need backup! Repeat: we need backup! Out! LARRY NEALSON They need air support. COLONEL JADE The nuke is in the island. There is no way we can aim and miss it. General Paul speaks on the radio. GENERAL PAUL This is General Paul speaking. Send more troops to the island! EXT. NGUIZANIE -- MARINE CORPS BASE -- DAY Chaos in the base as more troops load into the ships. INT. STRONGISH -- HALLWAY -- DAY Lord V2, Sydney, and Jason runs down the hallway when they hear: CRASH! The sound of something crashing a wall out. A figure emerge in front of them: Lord V2. He roars out. LORD V2 You go find Tyler in the cell. Run! I’ll protect you! Jason and Sydney peels apart from Lord V2, who changes into a gorilla creature and charges after Lord S1, and it’s ON. Lord V2 is protecting/covering Jason and Sydney but Lord S1 is trying to get them before they find Tyler.

118. EXT. STRONGISH -- HEADQUARTERS -- DAY More Marines Corps units arrive on shore. They peel out to the right and make a quick left up to the headquarters. INT. STRONGISH -- CELLBLOCK -- DAY A loud buzzer sounds and a solid steel door at the end of the corridor opens. Jason leads Sydney down the row of cells The two stop in front of one of the cell’s solid steel doors. They approach the door and slide open a panel. INT. STRONGISH -- HALLWAY NEXT TO THE CELLBLOCK -- DAY Lord V2 fight skillfully and hard but Lord S1 is dominating. INT. STRONGISH -- CELL -- DAY A beam of light enters the darkened room. Tyler sits on the floor with his back to the door. SYDNEY PITT Tyler. Tyler turns his head in response. TYLER BLACK Sydney! Jason quickly shackle his wrists and ankles. Tyler’s hands and feet are free now. Sydney hugs and kisses him. INT. STRONGISH -- HALLWAY NEXT TO THE CELLBLOCK -- DAY Lord S1 finally knocks Lord V2 down, who lies unconscious. Then Lord S1 proceeds toward the cell block. INT. STRONGISH -- CELL -- DAY Jason and Sydney hold Tyler and together they exit the cell. As they walk down the corridor, S1 emerges in their path. Jason, who’s only human, tries to stop Lord S1 from getting to Tyler. Jason’s face is banded, teeth clamped, as he hurls himself at the monster. He instantly gets a punch into the head, knocking him down instantly on the floor. Lord S1 holds Tyler on the neck and lifts him up in the air.


LORD S1 Any last words, Apegoriman. Sydney can’t do anything other than crying for Tyler’s life. TYLER BLACK (tense) You ain’t got shit. LORD S1 Wrong words. So unwise. Lord S1 throws Tyler down hard from the cell’s balcony... SYDNEY PITT (yells) TYLER!!! ...and Tyler falls the height, a small PUMP OF STEAM as he CRASHES THROUGH THE CEMENTED CELLBLOCK FLOOR, leaving a very deep, huge hole. INT. STRONGISH -- HEADQUARTERS -- DAY The Strongish Lords finally overwhelm and slaughter all of the Marines troops. Lord S2 signals his men to cease fire. Pained moans echo throughout the lobby. Lord S2 grads the helmet from dead Marine #1. He speaks to the camera. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY They watch the feed from Marine #1’s helmet camera. LORD S2 (OVER VIDEO) Beware. War is coming to the city. THE MONITOR FUZZED OUT. Everyone in the room goes dead silent. TECHNICIAN #1 Colonel, the F-16s want to know if they can use deadly force against them. What do want you want me to tell them? Colonel Jade, General Paul, and Larry are frozen. There is not way to fight these monsters. They look at each other.

120. EXT. SHIP TRAVELING -- DAY The Strongish Lords load the Marines’ ships and travel the ocean to the city. Three ball-like objects jump over them. EXT. NGUIZANIE -- DOWNTOWN -- DAY Lord S1, S2, and S12 land on the busiest street of Nguizanie Downtown. They start crashing cars and hurling people as they go. S1 holds Sydney, who looks very small, with 1 hand. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY ON MONITORS: They are seeing the destruction of the city. GENERAL PAUL Get some army guys on the street! Technicians #1 giving orders... EXT. NGUIZANIE -- DOWNTOWN -- DAY A dozen of HUMVEES reach downtown Nguizanie. They slam on the brakes, stop, and stare: The gorilla-like creatures are causing havoc. People are running in panic, some cars turning around away from them, some cars are abandoned by their terrified owners. The Soldiers fire on the creatures, who block the stream of streaking bullets. They reach the soldiers and kill them. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Larry, Jade, and Paul are agape at this horror on the street INT. STRONGISH -- CELLBLOCK -- DAY Jason’s eyes flick open, waking in the darkness of the cell. He rises up to stare at the deep hole in horror at sight of THE APEGORIMAN pulling himself out of the hole. On his hands and knees, the Wise Man looks up at the terrified Jason. APEGORIMAN Where did he take her? Jason’s too terrified to answer the question. The Apegoriman ROARS. Then he gently grabs Jason like a toy and bursts out.

121. EXT. STRONGISH -- HEADQUARTERS -- DAY The Apegoriman exits the building and stares across the sea: Three giants creatures destroying the city, it’s hell. The Apegoriman first think of the place he wants to go, then concentrate and sees myself there and yells the word ’Jumpish’ as loud as he can. Just thenWHAM! He jumps the distance from the island to the city. He travels in a curvy pattern, arcing over the vast ocean. He LANDS on the street behind these three creatures. He FLEXES his muscles and ROARS...It SHAKES the street. They turn and see him. Lord S1 drops Sydney on the ground. LORD S1 Wise man. The Apegoriman drops Jason down... APEGORIMAN (to Jason) Get Sydney. ...then he starts toward the monsters. A high POV: we see the Apegoriman and the three creatures run at each other. They are accelerating toward each other. BOOM! THEY COLLIDE. SOUND WAVES OF THE COLLISION SHATTER ALL OF THE WINDOWS IN THE SURROUNDINGS AND TRAVEL OUT INTO SEA. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY They watch as the GIANTS are savagely beating each other. TECHNICIAN #1 The black one is fighting them. LARRY NEALSON It’s the Apegoriman! WHIP TO A MONITOR: Marines ships cross the ocean. TECHNICIAN #2 Sir, the terrorists are crossing the ocean, heading toward the city Colonel Jade and General Paul speak on the radios.


COLONEL JADE This is Colonel Jade. I need 10 F-16s to this coordinate: 35 degrees North, 29 degrees East. GENERAL PAUL ...and more troops in there, now! EXT. SKIES OVER OCEAN -- DAY F-16s fly over the ocean. They get visuals on the ships. PILOT #2 We have visuals on the targets confirm ’go’ for missiles launch. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY COLONEL JADE Delta One, you’re confirmed ’go’: launch missiles at precision papa, zulu, two, zero. EXT. SKIES OVER OCEAN -- DAY F-16s prepare missiles, LAUNCHING THE BOMBS INTO THE SHIPS PRECISELY. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! FIERY EXPLOSION AT SEA. EXT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Everyone in the room react to the little victory. EXT. NGUIZANIE -- DOWNTOWN -- DAY THIS IS THE FINAL FIGHTING SEQUENCE and the Apegoriman seems to handle it pretty well. He fights skillfully and hard, FLIPPING one monster into another, KICKING as his arms are held... two monsters hit the deck. More HUMVEES arrive. Soldiers fire the fallen monsters, giving the Wise Man the time to concentrate on Lord S1. The Apegoriman dominates Lord S1. Hits him with cars, light poles, bricks, and stones. He drags him on a corner and reveals his fist and ready to kill him. But, he stops when-

123. LORD S1 You have three minutes to stop the nuclear bomb. Remote detonation. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Technician #1 receives electronic feeds from the MK49 NUKE. TECHNICIAN #1 Sir, we have a huge problem. LARRY NEALSON What’s the problem? TECHNICIAN #1 The terrorists remote detonated the nuclear bomb. We have less than three minutes before it explodes, sir. Larry is frozen and silent. Jade and Paul just stare at him. INT. NGUIZANIE -- DOWNTOWN -- DAY The Apegoriman still hit S1 on the face. Then he JUMPS from the city to the island, landing precisely at the cell block. INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Technician #2 reviews a feed. TECHNICIAN #2 The Wise Man just landed on the island. LARRY NEALSON (excited) He’s going to stop the launch! COLONEL JADE Gimme timer on the main screen. EXT. NGUIZANIE -- DOWNTOWN -- DAY Lord S1, S2, and S12 very weakened now cannot withstand the GUNFIRE from the soldiers and the MISSILE LAUNCH from F-16s. Escaping out of there is the only choice they have. S2 and S12 crawl to S1, who is more injured. They lift him up as the troops proceed with the gunfire and F-16s with missiles.


LORD S1 THIS HAS JUST BEGUN! IT IS NOT OVER YET! THEY JUMP AWAY, UP AND DOWN, KEEP JUMPING AND DISAPPEAR AWAY INT. STRONGISH -- CELLBLOCK -- DAY Tyler dashes to the hallway next to the cell block. He finds V2, struggling to get up. He lines him up against a wall. LORD V2 (in pain) How many times am I going to save your life? TYLER BLACK This time you had to. LORD V2 Good answer, Apegoriman. TYLER BLACK Where is the nuclear bomb? LORD V2 It’s in the watch tower... Tyler stands tall, ready to go. He looks at Lord V2. TYLER BLACK Thank you for everything... Lord V2 nods in pain. They look at each other a beat. TYLER BLACK Tell Sydney I love her. LORD V2 What are you trying to make? TYLER BLACK The right choice as always. Tyler runs down for the mouth of the hallway, out of sight. EXT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY They watch the timer on the main screen: 33...32...31...


TECHNICIAN #1 We have 30 seconds left, sir! Everyone in the room is silent and scared. INT. STRONGISH -- WATCHTOWER -- DAY Tyler enters the room and finds the nuclear bomb, ready to be launched. He reads the time on the bomb’s monitor. TIME MONITOR: goes down 25...24...23...22...21...20... Tyler stares out to the city. We stay with the city a beat. Then we spin to reveal the Apegoriman instead of Tyler. The transformation from Tyler to Apegoriman’s already been done. TIME MONITOR: goes down 15...14...13...12...11... INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Technician #1 reacts to the timer. TECHNICIAN #1 10 seconds! LARRY NEALSON (no hope left) It’s over. INT. STRONGISH - - WATCHTOWER -- DAY TIME MONITOR: GOES DOWN 8...7...6...5... THE APEGORIMAN HOLDS THE NUCLEAR BOMB TIGHT AND JUMPS UP TO THE AIR WITH IT AT THE SPEED OF SOUND... EXT. NGUIZANIE -- DOWNTOWN -- DAY Jason and Sydney watch as the Apegoriman goes ...UP THROUGH THE MASS OF CLOUDS... EXT. OUTER SPACE -- DAY ...UP INTO OUTER SPACE. JUST THEN...BOOM! THE BOMB DETONATES ON IMPACT IN A MONSTROUS INFERNAL EXPLOSION. The concussion knocks the Apegoriman off space into Earth.


INT. PENTAGON -- JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER -- DAY Total silence. They have just lost a brave man. EXT. NGUIZANIE -- DOWNTOWN -- DAY Sydney is weeping loudly in the corner. Jason puts his arm around her. He ushers her away. INT. RAIN FOREST, KAHIZI-BIEGA NATIONAL PARK, CONGO -- NIGHT It is misted. It is deadly silent. As the tranquility of the scene sinks in, we move across the dim forest to reveal: THE WISE MAN...HE’S ALIVE...EYES SNAP OPEN. FADE OUT. THE END.

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