After having experienced a sexual harassment issue in my workplace I am providing myself with reinforcement in terms of “solutions providing resolution for everything - I don’t believe; I plainly accept that “Time is a healer and patience is my companion” I have noticed that by having this experience my reality is exercising both sides of my brain working with;
Processing my emotions into a subset of “words” My critical understanding of how this process is supporting learning through this observation.
This process is affecting my ability to tap into my self-esteem camp because I am evolving & setting myself right to work in an environment I choose. I am the teacher, I am the student and I listen to the master. I am the learner, I am the experience – I am the observer.
Please listen to me – read me; watch me paint my picture as I keep the frame supported for me. Learner Experiencing Observations; the LEO in me. Sharon A Stocker.