The Lal Masjid Crisis Conspiracies, Strategies And Hidden Mysteries

  • November 2019
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The Lal Masjid Crisis Conspiracies, Strategies and Hidden Mysteries Muhammad Atif Qureshi [email protected] Young Analyst

The Lal Masjid Crisis Conspiracies, Strategies and Hidden Mysteries

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I beg for the mercy of Allah Subhanuwatalaa and speak the best of truth which I hold and best of analysis of such confusing state created in Islamabad, I seek forgiveness for making any mistake in making analysis from the facts which I hold... Before writing linked story to this double cross, I would like to state that I hold difference of opinion with the administrative steps which were being raised by Lal Masjid administration, but in no way do I support any unislamic culture like vulgarity and nudeness. During writing this analysis I wanted to stay neutral, so I won t be speaking of methodology which is being picked by the administration of Lal Masjid. This report should be of interest to analysts, scholars, writers, reporters, journalists, teachers and students as it helps us in understanding the current confusion prevailing after the Lal Masjid issue and provides answers to the many questions being raised in our minds.

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Preface .................................................................................................................2 Part One Dominant Ruling Systems in Pakistan & Role of Super Power .................4 US interest in Democracy & Hatred for Islam ............................................5 Part Two Lal Masjid : A Golden Opportunity to Gain Support for Democracy ...........6 The Lal Masjid Drama ................................................................................6 The Weaknesses in the Ploy ......................................................................7 Part Three Final Notes from Writer ...........................................................................8 Appendix A .........................................................................................................9 Appendix B .......................................................................................................10 About Author 12

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Part One

Dominant Ruling Systems in Pakistan & Role of Super Power Pakistan is a country which is being ruled by two kinds of system. 1) Military (Chief of army staff ... Yahya , Zia , Musharraf etc) 2) Front face Democracy (e.g. all political parties) Super power always has tendency to control other countries and so is Pakistan being controlled by Super Power, prime examples being Afghan war (US interest in order to get edge over Soviet Union which later resulted in its fall), War on Terror (US interest to suppress Islam). Whenever US wants some bold steps to be taken it prefers forced actions and for that they use Military option and when ever it wants to gain society benefits they use Front face Democracy like political parties e.g. Nawaz Shareef (if people can remember who saved Nawaz Shareef and let him leave this country for some time >> Clinton who came from US to rescue him). Intellectual groups of USA understand the period of time when it is important to have a change. In short there is always some limited amount of time for which any General of Army can rule the nation, since after certain period of time people of the nation get disappointed, so there is a chance of Real Revolution from people of the nation (Pakistan). It would not be a clever step from US to wait for such a big risk, so why not change the ruling person with some one of their own. For better understanding I describe these using notations. USA -> have Team A (Ruling face) and Team B, C, D (Opposition). This idea enables them to replace previous face with their second supportive rather than having Team X that is real representative of people of Pakistan. Reality of Pakistan is simple, people want Islam since majority is Muslim, so Team X can be from Islamic system and can implement something Islamic like Khilafat. Let me give another example of Team A and Team B, C, D which is more practical. If I have a child and he makes mess in public and somebody tries to beat him for that, at that very moment if I start showing my anger on my child and slap my son, by this action I will be able to save my child from real beating from public because people will think that if I am beating my own son then that is enough. So this saves my son. US is father and others are its sons.

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US interest in Democracy & Hatred for Islam Why does US want other opposition teams from political parties, including Islamic democratic parties; its simple because its against the interest of US not to support democratic parties as stated in report Civil Democratic Islam by Rand Corp ; reference Chapter two: FINDING PARTNERS FOR THE PROMOTION OF DEMOCRATIC ISLAM: OPTIONS Fundamentalists reject democratic values and contemporary Western culture. They want an authoritarian, puritanical state that will implement their extreme view of Islamic law and morality. They are willing to use innovation and modern technology to achieve that goal. Traditionalists want a conservative society. They are suspicious of modernity, innovation, and change. Modernists want the Islamic world to become part of global modernity. They want to modernize and reform Islam to bring it into line with the age. Secularists want the Islamic world to accept a division of church and state in the manner of Western industrial democracies, with religion relegated to the private sphere.

From above divides as referred in report, US believe Modernists are one who wants to reform Islam. Reform is obvious in sense what it means i.e. changing actual Islam to something else. Traditionalists are different from Fundamentalists; Fundamentalists are only those who want Khilafat system as alternate to democracy and according to their understanding they want to bring change through technology and will not take world ages back rather they will lead world in terms of technology. I am enclosing a copy of this report, so one can read it by himself/herself to find out what semi US think tank has to say in 2003 for Islam.

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Part Two

Lal Masjid : A Golden Opportunity to Gain Support for Democracy Now I will be speaking of this big plan of Lal Masjid rather than going into too much detail. Punch Line statement Change the face of ruler in such a way that people get confused with Islamic ideology and curse Islamic revival after finding it dummy Team A, is Musharraf , Team B,C,D resides in APC(All democratic political groups). Its time that people want some change in rule. So let s poll from APC who wants to share power within US rule. How am I saying this, simple LAL Masjid event was made only to support APC, and why am I saying this. APC never got any attention from the public during whole rule of Gen. Pervez Musharraf. Only two events brought attention towards APC. Chief Justice crisis and Lal Masjid. People right after LAL Masjid event takes ride at APC, tried to find it as liberation from Military rule which in their eyes is not justified.

The Lal Masjid Drama Now let s start hiring actors for the play. Musharraf was asked what option he would like for himself, Zia ul Haq and get himself killed or Nawaz Shareef one and get himself saved or might get a chance of rule afterwards or just share the power with some secular ruling party. We know Musharraf very well how brave he is. First Actor was hired. Since Lal Masjid administration hold a very open stand on supporting Neefaz-e-Sherryat. This could be twisted and manipulated by US to get the ultimate benefit of confusing people about Islam. It was obvious when Govt. will destroy Masajid, people of some understanding will protest against them, and so will Lal Masjid people. As it was predicted, Lal Masjid people started protesting against Shaheed Masajid from Govt. Lal Masjid people always had some strong relations with agency people. Musharraf hired agency people for dodging Lal Masjid administration that they should go and tell Lal Masjid administration, that they have a plan against Musharraf and they want their support for establishing Sheereyat and get independence from US rule. For this

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reason agencies will give them weapons and since Lal Masjid people have a place in the heart of Islamabad people, they could turn masses against this current system of life. When Govt. will start operation against Lal Masjid, Agency will over throw military rule in the name AWAMI TEHREEK(People Revolution) but Lal Masjid has to arrange people for them who can use weapon against forces. Lal Masjid administration liked this plan and they called Mujahideen for such a big cause, these Mujahideen were wanted and not known much, even their names were not known but they were trained. In Short aik teer doo sheekar .When Mujahideen found such an opening for Islamic cause; they joined the movement. In the end Lal Masjid administration got betrayed by agencies and people can see results of it. Why APC was attracted like this Since during military rule, military bribes support from different political parties in order to maintain its front face of democracy, as a result political parties get disintegrated and get weak. So no political party can match rule alone and even together. This disintegration can be seen in PML-Q from PML-N, and in Patriots from PPP. So in order to make them feel powerful, one has to create a wind against the rule in the heart of public and support of political parties in the heart of public. Here this point is very important that only top leadership of political group are aware of such plan not whole political party, so by doing such action party workers also feel confident and the change looks natural. No one ever realizes what is going on .it seems the events led to the change in rule and thinking. And statements like AWAM APNI TAQET KAA IZHAAR VOTE SAY KERIEN .

The Weaknesses in the Ploy In Last I would like to provide one more proof of such drama. Photo of 13 year boy can be seen, who managed his way out of Lal Masjid after 5 days operation, and he was brought forward by the armed forces. He speaks that he was inside the Masjid and hid himself at night behind fallen pillar. But the question is always there; first his clothes were tidy enough to speak as if he is coming from a very normal place, unable to find any dirt on in his hair, face and other parts. In such a place from where he managed his way out there was a mini war. No wound could be seen; he was not confused where as we saw people of more age (older men who were coming out & even outsiders) were afraid and lost their normal intellect after seeing such a fight. If he was in there then why was he looking so fresh and confident after getting threat of life, more over food intake must be missing since he was hiding, but every thing looks normal.

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Part Three

Final Notes from Writer I will avoid concluding this text and leave this discussion on to reader s sincerity and understanding, through this avoidance of making conclusion I encourage reader to become leaders rather than one being leaded. The war of western ideology & Islam is just of ideologies they believe they want to rule , Islam believes its made for ruling world. West follows Capitalism & Islam provides the concept of Islamic state, both are totally incompatible with each other. West considers Khilafat as HARAM and Islam considers everything other than Khilafat to be HARAM If I made any mistake it must be a human error, only Allah knows about hearts.

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Appendix A

THE QURAN "They want to extinguish Allah s Light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the disbelievers hate it. It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the Deen of truth, to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikoon (polytheists) hate it." [TMQ At Tauba 32-33] This means that we should not take anything that the Messenger of Allah has not brought to us. Hence, we must not only make lawful what Allah (swt) has made lawful, and we must forbid what Allah (swt) has forbidden. That which the Messenger of Allah has not brought to us, we do not take it and that which he has not forbidden we do not forbid.

"And take whatever the Messenger has brought to you and refrain from whatever he has forbidden you." [TMQ Al Hashr, 7] "No by your God, they shall not become true believers until they make you judges in all disputes amongst them." [TMQ Al Nisa a, 65]

"They wish to refer in judgement to Taghut (evil) whilst they have been commanded to reject it." [TMQ Al-Nisa a, 60] "And rule between them by that which Allah has revealed" [TMQ Al Ma ida, 49] "And beware lest they seduce you away from that which Allah revealed to you" [ TMQ Al Ma ida, 49] "And whoever does not rule by what Allah has revealed, they are the disbelievers" [TMQ Al-Mai da, 44] "They are the aggressors" [TMQ Al-Mai da, 45] "They are the wrong-doers" [TMQ Al-Mai da, 47]

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Appendix B

THE AHADIS Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal extracted that Huthayfah said the Messenger of Allah(saw) said: "The Prophecy will remain amongst you as long as Allah wills,then Allah will lift it when he wishes, then it will be a Khilafah Rashidah(i.e.: The first four Khalifahs) on the method of the Prophecy, it will remain for as long as Allah wills, then he will lift it when he wills, then it will be a hereditary leadership (i.e.: the Abbasid and Ummayid dynasties etc.) for as long as Allah wills then he will lift it when he so wills. Then there will be a tyrannical rule (i.e.: all the current Kufr regimes of the Muslims) for as long as Allah wills, then he will lift it when he so wills, then there will be a Khilafah Rashidah on the method of the Prophecy, then he kept silent."(Musnad Imam Ahmed 4/273) From this Hadis one can think and analyse current situation ..clearly we are living under tyrannical rule. It is the era of Zulm since we see that rule of the land exists but where is rule of Islam????? The rule of the land has been implemented but where is justice, peace this an Adil (just) Hukumat? When government wanted to establish its writ it adopted all means for it but what about writ of Islam on nudeness and vulgarity? Its simply not there because rulers don t care about writ of Allah s religion in the name of writ of nation. Imam Muslim narrated from Abu Hazim who said: "I was with Abu Hurairah for five years and I heard him narrate from the Prophet (pbuh) that he said: The Prophets used to rule Ban Israel. Whenever a prophet died another prophet succeeded him, but there will be no prophets after me; instead there will be Khalifs and they will number many." "One who dies without having bound himself by an oath of allegiance (to an Amir) will die the death of one belonging to the days of Jahiliyyah." (Muslim) These are some of the Ahadis which have been picked from very authentic sources and have strict bearing as regards implementation of Islam ..these Ahadis emphasize the importance of Islam s political system i.e. the Khilafah. The West in particular the US feels a great threat by Islamic State (Khilafah) since they cannot see any other power emerge previous powers made Islam lose the position of super power through years and years of dirty planning. That is the principle reason why they are bent upon destroying the fundamentalists .I leave to the reader to analyze in detail the importance of Khilafah and why US is threatened by it. The Ahadis below will also help to explain why US and Islam (in its totality with the State being purely ruled by Islamic laws) are incompatible with each other. The The Lal Masjid Crisis Conspiracies, Strategies and Hidden Mysteries

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implementation of the Shariah laws is to be done by the Khilafah and none other than that .it is this no-compromise viewpoint of fundamentalists who demand Khilafah which makes them extremely hateful for the US. The Prophet (saw) has stated in one Hadith as narrated by Imam Bayhaqi (ra) in his Sunan that, "Nobody has the right vested in him to establish anything from the Hudood without the Sultan (authority of the State)." Imam Tahawi also narrates a Hadith from Muslim ibn Yasar that the Prophet (saw) said, "The (collection of the) Zakah, the (implementation of the) Hudood the (distribution of the) spoils and the (appointment of the) Jumu'ah are for the Sultan." (A similar narration has been narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah in his Musanaf and also by Imam Narghiyani. They have been deemed acceptable.) Therefore it is clear that obligation of establishing Khilafah is obligation upon which many other obligations depend like Hudood (penal codes), collection and distribution of Zakah, establishing the prayers and other obligations besides these.

Kufr can only be removed by re-establishment of the Khilafah. Establishing Islam in totality implies establishment of the Khilafah since this is the only way to implement Islam. Therefore it is the pillar upon which the whole of Islam rests and without it the Deen cannot exist in our societies.

The current situation of Muslim Ummah testifies to this fact. The Islamic penal code is absent and we have the European laws implemented. The economic system of Islam no longer exists and we follow the Capitalists economic laws. Today the resources of the Muslim Ummah are spoils distributed by Kuffar. The Islamic lands are under occupation despite the capacities of Muslims armies. Absence of Islamic way of life has disintegrated our social fabric with bars and nightclubs arising in holy lands of al-Quds, as well as many other so-called Islamic cities. These astounding facts clearly point out that Islam is absent from our lives and bring to light the truthfulness of the statements of Allah s Messenger (saw).

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About Author

The author M. Atif Qureshi is a young analyst with a deep interest in analysis of current political situation especially that of the Islamic world. He prefers personal, face to face meetings with people from different walks of life. This is his first experience in writing and he has attempted to do his analysis and research of the Lal Masjid issue. There may be errors and is therefore open for comments and queries. By profession he is a computer scientist and currently studying in his final year of BS in Computer Science from the University of Karachi. He belongs to a well-educated family with his late father being a Ph.D. in Chemistry and mother being a Ph.D. professor at Zoology Department, Karachi University. His aim is to make the society a better place to live in .and wants to struggle to become a Muslim by choice rather than by chance. He also wants the Muslim Ummah from being a people being led to being leaders.

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