The Kindgom Gov't Definitions

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 284
  • Pages: 1


myles munroe

"seek first the kingdom & its righteousness, & all these things shall be added to you." seek the citizenship of the kingom -> hebrew for royal gov't {power}, rulership, will, jurisdiction, influence, administration, impact righteousness -> greek for conform; dikaros; tsedeq - justice & conformity w/legal caucuss righteousness is a legal word. it has to do with relationship, a pristhood. "and you shall be a royal priesthood & a holy nation." justice = rights law-abiding -> priesthood citizen -> kingship ii peter kingdom is the dispostion. the priest is to keep man related to god. you are a pristhood. keep the vertical rightness & the horizontal {kingdom} will work right. i am a priest keeping men & all things to be & stay related to god as long as i keep my relationship with god right by obeying his laws. "and they are not burdensome & give no sorrow." a constitution is a contract of the people with themselves. the gov't can't write or chance the peoples' contract. politicians are hired & can be fired by the people who are citizens. politician -> chief citizen meant to represent the people's constitution when a gov't tampers with a constitution good citizens need to speak up since their constitution will be perverted. {evil men prosper when good men are quiet." in a kingdom the constitution is made by the king. jesus & god want to pay all my bills i& take care of my life. since god makes the law of heaven then i need to abide with his law so he can care of me. "see first his kingdom & his righteousness & all these things shall be added unto you."

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