The ldealConservative few... l) ...supportsa Conservativesynagogueby participatingin its activities.
5) ...employsthe valuesol tikkun olam to help in the world's continualrepair.
ludaismisa communalreligionand our Jewishlivesare infinitely enrichedwhenwe playanactivepartin a synagogue community.
We are Cod's partnersin safeguarding His creation. A Conservative Jewdoesnotjust believein repairingthe world, but workstowards thatgoal.TheConservative Jewis not only pained by humansufferingbut doessomething, to relieveit.
*Attendserviceson Shabbatand Festivals. *Participate regularlyin a daily minyan. *Supportsynagogue socialjusticeprograms. *Attendsynagogue socialevents.
*Participate in synagogue socialjusticeprograms. * Cive tzedakahregularly. *Volunteerto work for a local homelessshelter. *Makebrkkurholim (visitingthe sick)a regularactivity.
2) ..,studiesas a Conservativefew a minimumof one hour per week-or, in the caseof full-timestudents,six hoursper week.
6) .,.makes decisions about fewish behavior only after consideringthe effect thesedecisionswill have on KIal Yisrael [theentirelewish people].
Our approachto studyis distinct. We studytextscrilicallyand we bring knowledgefrom other disciplinesto help us better understand ourown heritage.At the sametime,we approachthe our sacredtraditions. lext with a commitmenlto Dreserve
Klal Yisrael,the unityof the Jewishpeople,is a centralvalueof theConservative Movement.In makingdecisionsaboutour lives practices, we mustthink abouttheir impacton the or ourreligious entireJewish community.We mustavoidtakingactionsthatwill divide us from otherlews.
Jewishstudyis essentialbecauseit allows us to appreciateour past,understand our present,and chartwherewe wish to go in the future. *Attendsynagogue adult [or youth]educationclasses. *Spendtime reading Jewishbooks. *Discuss Jewishissueswith your family/friends. *Studythe Torahportioneachweek. *Takeadvantageof the Internetand othermodernresources for
*Makeaneffortto be involvedin synagogue programsto ensure theirsuccess. *Make personaldecisionsonly afterconsideringhow they will affectthe greatercommunity. *Consider theimpactyourchoiceswill haveon the healthof your community.
Jewishstudy. 3)...employslearnedfewishvaluesto guide behavioreven when it conflictswith personalfeelingsor inclinations.
7) ...increases ties and connectionsto lsrael. Sinceitsinception, theConservative Movementhasbelievedin, and helpedto further,the causeof Zionism. As Conservative Jews,we mustfind waysto increaseour tiesto lsraelin concrete ways.
is meaningfulonly if it affectsthe way we live our lives. .ludaism Our traditionteachesthat studyis meaningfulonly if it leadsto action. Judaismmusthavea strongvoice when we makedaily decisions in our lives.
*JoinMERCAZ(theConservative ZionistOrganization). *Travelfrequentlyto lsrael. *Sendyour childrenon lsraelprograms. *Support lsraelfinancially. *Consider makingaliyah(immigrating to lsrael).
*LearnwhatJudaism teaches aboutthe criticalissuesof our limes. *Acton the teachings of Judaism. *Don'tfollow the crowd:follow what our traditionteachesto be right. personaljewish living out of commitmentas a 4) ...increases resuftof thought, by adding a minimum of three new mitzvot a year.
8) ...studies to increasehis or her knowledgeof Hebrew.
Conservative .fudaismis uniquein itsapproachlo halakhahand mitzvot.For us,halakhahis both evolvingand binding. Eachof us mustcontinueto grow in our commitmentand observance.
Hebrew,as a language,unitesus with Jewsacrosstime and space. lt is the eternallanguageof our peopleand connectsus with.lewsin lsraeland throughoutthe world. lt is alsothe Jewish languageof prayerand study. Yet for many of us, il is not a languagebut a seriesof letterswe can readbut not understand.
*Add new mitzvot to your Shabbat observance. *Climb the ladder in your observance of kashrut.
It is imp€rative thal we not only maintainHebrew in our services but increaseour personalknowledgeof Hebrewasa language.
* Become more aware (and observant ol lhe mitzvot of gemilut hasadim (actsof loving-kindness). *Add to your observance of mitzvot connected with thefamily. *Look for opportunities to recite berakhot.
*Takeclasses in Hebrewasa livinglanguage. -Studytheprayers andtheirmeanings. *Pfanto studyat an ulpanin lsrael.