The Huffington Post Features Dartmouth Professor Michael Herron On Al Franken Recount, 11/17/08

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Franken's Position Looks Surprisingly Good, New Political Study Shows November 17, 2008 05:38 PM

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12/19/2008 10:42 AM

Franken's Position Looks Surprisingly Good, New Political Study Shows

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Comments Despite trailing his opponent by slightly more than two hundred votes, Democratic challenger Al Franken stands a strong chance of passing Sen. Norm Coleman during the upcoming recount, according to at least one prominent political scientist. Professor Michael C. Herron of Dartmouth College, has put together a new study of the voting patterns in Minnesota, in the process determining that the majority of voters who cast unrecorded ballots in the Senate race were likely Franken supporters. "If someone put a gun to my head and said, 'You have to bet,' I would bet Franken," Herron said, when reached by phone. "It won't be a wipe-out. Two hundred votes is effectively tied. We just know that, in this case, Democrats tend to [screw up their ballots] more often [than Republicans]." In Minnesota, the "intent" of the voter is considered during recounts. According to Herron's analysis, of the 2.9 million people who went to the polls in Minnesota, there were approximately 34,000 residual voters in the Senate race. In other words, there were 34,000 more ballots cast than total number of recorded votes for all the Senate candidates. Why the difference? A good portion of voters, Herron concludes, voted in the presidential election but deliberately did not vote for a Senate candidate. These people won't matter when it comes to a recount. There is, however, a portion of the 34,000 who intended to vote for one of the Senate candidates but messed up. Voters were supposed to fill in the circle next to the name of the candidate they supported. Some, however, marked X's. Others circled the name itself or crossed out the names of candidates they didn't like. This group is key to determining the Minnesota Senate victor. In his study, Herron looked at the figures from the 2006 congressional election and the 2008 presidential election to determine which areas of the state have the most residual voters. By isolating these areas, Herron could determine which group was most likely to have wanted to vote one way but failed to cast their ballots properly. He found that the majority of residual voters came from two, not necessarily distinct places: African American communities and traditionally Democratic communities. With the former, he theorized, there was likely a "turnout surge" -- many people went to the polls to support Barack Obama and no one else (or at least not Franken). The latter, however, contained voters who "almost certainly intended to cast a vote in the Senate race [and likely for Franken] but for some reason did not do so." Story continues below How big that group is, is crucial. And a way to figure it out is to first look at how Barack Obama and John McCain fared in the state. According to Herron there was an approximately 0.34 percent residual vote rate in presidential race voting among Minnesotans. This means that of the 2.9 million votes cast for a presidential candidate, nearly 10,000 individuals wanted to vote but screwed up. There may have been people who wanted to vote in local and congressional contests, but not the presidential race. But this group is likely quite small. In other words, there are probably somewhere between 8,000 and 10,000 Minnesota voters who had clear problems filling out a ballot when voting for all contests (Senate and presidential). Many of these individuals, moreover, hailed from Democratic communities. "Ultimately, the anticipated recount may clarify the relative proportions of intentional versus unintentional residual voters," writes Herron. "At present, though, the data available suggest that the recount will uncover many of the former and that, of the latter, a majority will likely prove to be supportive of Franken." All Franken needs is to win more than 207 votes from this group than Coleman, and he will take over the Senate seat. stumble digg reddit news trust

More in Politics... Franken Senate Victory Projected Jewish Groups Convene For Obama Transition Meeting Perino Grades Political Pundits: "Zero" For Fairness AP: Minnesota Recount Will Drag Into Next...

12/19/2008 10:42 AM

Franken's Position Looks Surprisingly Good, New Political Study Shows

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0 Want to reply to a comment? Hint: Click "Reply" at the bottom of the comment; after being approved your comment will appear directly underneath the comment you replied to View Comments: Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next › Last » (11 pages total) - milo_h_minderbinder See Profile I'm a Fan of milo_h_minderbinder permalink Coleman lead currently at 136 after two days and less than half the vote counted. A couple of the biggest democratic strongholds are only in the range of 30% counted so Franken has a very good chance. Although it will probably be close enough that contested ballots determine the result. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:23 AM on 11/21/2008 - OkieIntellectual See Profile I'm a Fan of OkieIntellectual permalink Good gods, how long does it take them to count votes in Minnesota? Seriously, hasn't this vote count been going on for about two weeks now, maybe closer to three? I realize its a pretty redneck state, but come on guys. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:42 PM on 11/20/2008 - milo_h_minderbinder See Profile I'm a Fan of milo_h_minderbinder permalink Nope, you have your facts wrong. They finished counting a while ago. Earlier this week they started completely from scratch and counting ALL the ballots AGAIN and BY HAND. Obviously going through almost three million ballots individually by hand is going to take a while. Getting all that done in a couple weeks is pretty impressive. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:11 AM on 11/21/2008 - kylie See Profile I'm a Fan of kylie permalink With the Republicans "challenging" every ballot for Franken, and stalling, it could take until next November--we know how good the GOP is at attempting to shield us from the truth! Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:33 PM on 11/20/2008 - milo_h_minderbinder See Profile I'm a Fan of milo_h_minderbinder permalink Actually at this point Franken has challenged slightly more ballots than Coleman. But from a strategic standpoint, it's pretty necessary for both sides to challenge about the same number of ballots. Those are the big wild card at this point, I suspect many of the challenged ballots will be awarded, particularly since many are ones counted the first time around, but at this point it's anyone's guess. Even when the recount is done, it will probably be close enough that we don't know the result until after all the challenged ballots are resolved, probably mid December. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:20 AM on 11/21/2008 - adamsmith3 See Profile I'm a Fan of adamsmith3 permalink Wow, Franken's pulling a Bush. Maybe he can have the Minnesota state supreme court pick him as Senator. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:32 AM on 11/20/2008 - milo_h_minderbinder See Profile I'm a Fan of milo_h_minderbinder permalink

12/19/2008 10:42 AM

Franken's Position Looks Surprisingly Good, New Political Study Shows

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If anything Franken is pulling a Gore...but in this case they're going to actually go back and count every ballot again. But in reality Franken isn't really "pulling" anything - MN state law mandates an automatic recount when it's this close so Franken didn't even have to request the recount. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:12 AM on 11/21/2008 - kylie See Profile I'm a Fan of kylie permalink Oh, "Franken's pulling a Bush"? Hmm. The Republican Circus is swarming(ala Florida style 2000)in Minnesota. Did the Republican election officials take the absentee ballots home, to babysit(double mark them?), are they stalling and challening every ballot?, did ballots in the most Democratic precincts find their way to abandoned boxes in school yards/hillsides?, Hmmmm? The lesson from Florida--take your damn time and count every valid ballot! Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:20 PM on 11/20/2008 - Blueboy1938 See Profile I'm a Fan of Blueboy1938 permalink On the contrary, it was Al Gore that requested a recount in Florida, not George W. Bush. Bush succeeded in stopping the recount by taking the issue to the United States Supreme Court in order to overturn the Florida Supreme Court's ruling that the recount proceed. In Al Franken's case, the recount is mandated with that few votes separating the candidates. Al Franken had no need to request a recount, which was automatically done by the Minnesota Secretary of State. Apparently, Mr. "Adam Smith" seeks to malign Mr. Franken with the Bush comparison. That dog won't hunt. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:36 PM on 11/20/2008 - freerepublicrat See Profile I'm a Fan of freerepublicrat permalink amazing how a gay how hsa offende woman/minorities and has not paid his taxes properly is almost in the Sanate...I know its not because of him ...but the republican!!! the independent candidate running got more than 150,000 votes!! this guy is a laughing matter Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:46 PM on 11/19/2008 - OkieIntellectual See Profile I'm a Fan of OkieIntellectual permalink Was that even english? Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:58 PM on 11/20/2008 - Blueboy1938 See Profile I'm a Fan of Blueboy1938 permalink Please translate: "Amazing how a gay how hsa offende woman/minorities . . . ." Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:39 PM on 11/20/2008 - geaaronson See Profile I'm a Fan of geaaronson permalink I certainly hope that Bill O`Reilly stays in the US and continues to mouth off on his personal set of peeves. There`s nothing more entertaining than a frustrated conservative chewing his fatuous ego over the airwaves in a windbag of scurrilous remarks about much ado about nothing. If you thought the previous sentence lacked syntax and clarity, just watch Bill, the man of the hour. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:14 AM on 11/19/2008 - judesedit See Profile I'm a Fan of judesedit permalink Isn't it ironic that he refused to entertain the idea of election fraud, tampering, stealing, or shenanigans of any sort in 2000 and 2004? I bet he's whistling a different tune right now. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:37 AM on 11/19/2008 - TKDuff See Profile I'm a Fan of TKDuff permalink I hope Franken wins and not only do I hope he wins, but I also hope that he gets a seat in the Senate committee that overlooks the FCC or the telecommunications and the media. That will be the ultimate d***o not not that more like a baseball bat up O'Reilly and Faux news' collective butt. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 07:57 PM on 11/18/2008 - Confused1 See Profile I'm a Fan of Confused1 permalink You're obviously against the First Amendment. Liberal talk radio was/is a complete failure. Besides, if you don't like what you're hearing, CHANGE THE CHANNEL. If the Unfairness Act is reimplemented, I guess NPR will have to start giving reports on the opposite views of the "global warming" issue. Now the only side they report is that it is caused by man, guess they'll have to talk with the multitude of scientists out there that dispell that theory and let people decide what the facts are. Right now all you hear is the one side. I guess MSNBC, NBC (National Barack Channel), ABC and CBS will have to have report the conservative side of stories, THAT ought to be interesting. I can see Chris Matthison exploding right now! GREAT! I LOVE IT! Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:45 PM on 11/20/2008 - freerepublicrat See Profile I'm a Fan of freerepublicrat permalink good for you Stalin Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:41 PM on 11/19/2008 - dphilip See Profile I'm a Fan of dphilip permalink It is interesting how democrats think that their ideas are the answers to the world's problems...

12/19/2008 10:42 AM

Franken's Position Looks Surprisingly Good, New Political Study Shows

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Yet they fear that their ideas are so thin that they can't hold up to the scrutiny of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly? There's a word I"m searching for..........oh Dissent! necessary and patriotic...right? Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:36 AM on 11/19/2008 - dogwatch See Profile I'm a Fan of dogwatch permalink Try screwtinny for a better description of the drug induced Limbaugh effort to study anything before moving his lips. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:28 AM on 11/22/2008 - milo_h_minderbinder See Profile I'm a Fan of milo_h_minderbinder permalink Calling what Rush and Bill do "scrutiny" is incredibly generous. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:14 AM on 11/21/2008 - dejayel See Profile I'm a Fan of dejayel permalink "....the scutiny of Rush....O'Reilly...."? Who decided that anyone needs this trio of know- it alls approval? From my perspective, the biggest complement that an idea can have it that these three oppose it. Hannity is still trying to elect McCain, O'Reilly's trying to stay ahead of of MSNBC, and Limbaugh.....well his sphere of influence is decreasing on a daily basis. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:01 PM on 11/20/2008 - mari2JJ See Profile I'm a Fan of mari2JJ permalink Actually there is one very well established rule. If the far right ie Bill O , Rush, Hannity etc are for something. vote for whatever is the exact opposite because that will work best for the most people. It is far past strange that any conservative can still believe in that point of view after the Republicans have decimated our economy, have made our country a pariah in the world and have themselves been part of a big cabal to wreck our country's economy. All that while pounding their chests about their great patriotism. Have a look at this economy during a Republican administration say, compared with that of Bill Clinton and alas you will get the difference immediately. Republicans = wreckers, Democrats = builders. Of course, i feel a bit sad for Republicans these days because probably historically, their President for the last 8 years has been the worst of the worst. Very sad for them to face up to. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:17 PM on 11/20/2008 - neocon666 See Profile I'm a Fan of neocon666 permalink "It is interesting how democrats think that their ideas are the answers to the world's problems..." As opposed to republicans, who KNOW they have the only answer to the worlds problems. You guys have had a strangle hold on all three brances of government for 6 years and set a record for filibusters for the last 2 (blaming the lack of legislation passed on the democrats, of course), and gave use a $1 Trillion war and Wall Street's collapse from your deregulation (which of course, you blame on minority lending). YOU LOST! SUCK IT UP FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS (IF YOU'RE LUCKY). Favorite

Flag as abusive Posted 01:54 PM on 11/20/2008

There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All - rudedog1950 See Profile I'm a Fan of rudedog1950 permalink What a joke. Now all we need is Michael Moore as a senator. God help us all. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 07:57 PM on 11/18/2008 - cmunion See Profile I'm a Fan of cmunion permalink Oh, I would love Michael Moore to be my senator. He would actually work to make laws that benefitted middle class america. Could you imagine?? Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:56 PM on 11/20/2008 - dogwatch See Profile I'm a Fan of dogwatch permalink Actually God will help us all if Michael Moore becomes a senator. I have this from a reliable inside source. He is said to have enjoyed all the Moore movies and this makes him partial to the creator. Of the movies, that is. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 08:26 PM on 11/19/2008 - mari2JJ See Profile I'm a Fan of mari2JJ permalink Very true!!!!! Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:19 PM on 11/20/2008 - LolaP See Profile I'm a Fan of LolaP permalink michael moore for senator? sounds like a good idea to me Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 09:00 AM on 11/19/2008 - kylie See Profile I'm a Fan of kylie permalink With the election fraud, that still is being served to us via the Republican Party who wanted "NO Paper trails", and to continue with the Sequoia and Diebold cheat machines, Michael Moore's input would be welcomed. He would make a great senator. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:27 PM on 11/20/2008 - mamadeus See Profile I'm a Fan of mamadeus permalink

12/19/2008 10:42 AM

Franken's Position Looks Surprisingly Good, New Political Study Shows

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Hey thanks good buddy. I think we need to start a Micheal Moore for congress support group. He at least would be accountable to the American People. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:42 AM on 11/19/2008 - kylie See Profile I'm a Fan of kylie permalink It certainly would "help us all". People dedicated to representing Americans and not corporations! And, boy, does the FCC need to be cleaned out and start to be enforced. Tired of those multiple "conflict of interests" that dictate how the "news" is presented. Favorite

Flag as abusive Posted 10:11 PM on 11/18/2008

There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All - RoadsideBill See Profile I'm a Fan of RoadsideBill permalink I sure hope Franken wins, but how and why could/would people properly fill out a circle in the presidential race -- counted properly by the machines -- but then decide to put an "x", or cross out other names, or circle the circle, in the next race down the ballot? That makes little sense to me. Not saying it didn't happen, but it sounds odd. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:30 PM on 11/18/2008 - ibivi See Profile I'm a Fan of ibivi permalink In Canada we use a basic system where the selection is made by marking an X in a circle beside the name. The ballot has clear instructions as to how to mark your selection. The ballots are counted manually and the candidates can have scrutineers on hand to verify the count. It is not high tech, but it works. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:23 PM on 11/20/2008 - PattyElle See Profile I'm a Fan of PattyElle permalink unfortunately, in the USA our voting machines have probably always been corrupt, but we only really found out about it in 2000. for some reason, both parties seem to want it to stay this way.... probably fraud on both accounts. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:24 PM on 11/20/2008 - cucumber See Profile I'm a Fan of cucumber permalink The presidential votes weren't counted on those ballots either, but they didn't matter because Obama carried the state without them. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:40 AM on 11/19/2008 - adCalifornia See Profile I'm a Fan of adCalifornia permalink I'd feel a lot better if this analysis was coming from Nate Silver. Anyway, please join me in a Stuart Smally Daily Affirmation Altogether now: You're Good Enough, You're Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like You Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:28 PM on 11/18/2008 - KayWrites See Profile I'm a Fan of KayWrites permalink So count already!!!! Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:19 PM on 11/18/2008 - mero909 See Profile I'm a Fan of mero909 permalink Franken gonna steal the election? Ironic. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:00 PM on 11/18/2008 - milo_h_minderbinder See Profile I'm a Fan of milo_h_minderbinder permalink Get a clue. Not "stealing" and nothing ironic about it. Close elections should be recounted. Period. And sometimes the result changes, sometimes it doesn't. If your guy doesn't win, you're going to have to suck it up and deal. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:17 AM on 11/21/2008 - PattyElle See Profile I'm a Fan of PattyElle permalink EXACTLY!!! we hadn't even heard about election stealing in this country until Bush stole it from Gore!!!! But gratefully, Franken has more chutzpah then Gore did. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:25 PM on 11/20/2008 - gosioux See Profile I'm a Fan of gosioux permalink I would not call a legitimate recount as stealing. Stealing an election is when you go to court to stop a legitimate recount as Bush & Cheney did in 2000. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:39 PM on 11/18/2008 - arrtimus See Profile I'm a Fan of arrtimus permalink

12/19/2008 10:42 AM

Franken's Position Looks Surprisingly Good, New Political Study Shows

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If I remember correctly, Gore wanted a recount only in the counties where Democrats had the majority. Bush wanted to recount the entire state. Favorite

Flag as abusive Posted 06:54 PM on 11/18/2008

There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All - ReasoNseeKer See Profile I'm a Fan of ReasoNseeKer permalink The Supreme Court voted 7-2 in favor of Bush. Only Ginsburg and Bryer voted in favor of Gore. You can't change the rules after an election. The Supreme Court was right. Favorite

Flag as abusive Posted 06:31 PM on 11/18/2008

There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All - sunnyokanagan See Profile I'm a Fan of sunnyokanagan permalink Steal? Counting _all_ the ballots and awarding the contest to the individual who receives the most votes. I thought that was how it was _supposed_ to work!? Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:35 PM on 11/18/2008 - jdl51 See Profile I'm a Fan of jdl51 permalink There are a few reasons I'd like Franken to win, not least of which is to drive Bill O'Reilly through the roof. I'll be willing to bet he'd never bring himself to say Senator Franken, ever. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:27 PM on 11/18/2008 - TKDuff See Profile I'm a Fan of TKDuff permalink I heard Bill O'Reilly is moving to Canada if Franken wins, so I hope Franken wins. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 07:52 PM on 11/18/2008 - mrbluesky_2 See Profile I'm a Fan of mrbluesky_2 permalink We have anti-terrorism laws here as well.. i am guessing he O'Reilly won;t make it over the border... besides we're generally a friendly bunch.. i'm sure ole bill would likely kill himself from over-exposure to our brand of civility and mutual respect. So.. on second thought.. bring the bastige over! Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 09:42 AM on 11/19/2008 - LaurenMarie984 See Profile I'm a Fan of LaurenMarie984 permalink Sean Hannity is already pissing himself at the thought. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:03 PM on 11/18/2008 - Cart49 See Profile I'm a Fan of Cart49 permalink I'll take it anyway we can. The country needs a true change not status quo. We need 60 Senators to accomplish our agenda. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:26 PM on 11/18/2008 - rhondarn62 See Profile I'm a Fan of rhondarn62 permalink I'm curious what agenda are you talking about? Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:48 PM on 11/20/2008 - freerepublicrat See Profile I'm a Fan of freerepublicrat permalink sure..the more to the left the Agenda the shorter the term as President Obama will spend at the wise house.. I like that take your 60 votes filbuster proof mayority.... Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:49 PM on 11/19/2008 - hollyo See Profile I'm a Fan of hollyo permalink yes...and a few more laughs wouldn't hurt. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:32 PM on 11/18/2008 - arrtimus See Profile I'm a Fan of arrtimus permalink But he's not funny Favorite

Flag as abusive Posted 06:12 PM on 11/18/2008

There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All - peeweeH See Profile I'm a Fan of peeweeH permalink What is Herron saying? That dumbocrats have a hard time filling in a circle? I do not find that difficult to believe. When they "x" out a circle does that mean they are marking thier 'mark"? Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:06 PM on 11/18/2008 - KayWrites See Profile I'm a Fan of KayWrites permalink "their" not "thier." Check your spelling before you go calling others dumb.

12/19/2008 10:42 AM

Franken's Position Looks Surprisingly Good, New Political Study Shows

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Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:22 PM on 11/18/2008 - workinman See Profile I'm a Fan of workinman permalink Democrats are more likely to be issued a provisional ballot rather than a regular ballot. Those are not counted except in situations like this. Plus, there are more Democrats than Republicans. Therefore, more chance for error. Plus, wouldn't those who don't read directions be considered noble by conservative standards? They're so un-elite as to be able to fill out a bubble sheet (like they use on those elitist college entry tests). Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:28 PM on 11/18/2008 - kylie See Profile I'm a Fan of kylie permalink Democrats in every state seem to end up with "provisional ballots" because their names are most often deleted from the registration rolls, without merit by deception-trained Republican secretaries of state. Ask Tim Robbins. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:48 PM on 11/20/2008 - Mustang_Sally See Profile I'm a Fan of Mustang_Sally permalink It's not even worth responding to these room-temp types... They just like getting other people's dander up. Little blogging bu//ies Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:29 PM on 11/18/2008 - skibum49 See Profile I'm a Fan of skibum49 permalink Yeah unfortunately that is exactly what Herron is saying. The fate of a US Senatorial Election is going to be decided by people who cannot follow simple clear directions on how to properly fill out a piece of paper. I would think that anyone who ever took a standardized test would understand the concept of filling in the circle (oval) but at this point I will take the election of Franken anyway I can get it. It is rather sad however. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:07 PM on 11/18/2008 - Truthosaurus See Profile I'm a Fan of Truthosaurus permalink That is one reason I hope we never get some kind of internet or cell phone voting scheme. Could you imagine the same people who vote for that TV show "American Idol", having just such an easy to way vote in a presidential election? Scary thought. Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:42 PM on 11/18/2008 - Faithtoo See Profile I'm a Fan of Faithtoo permalink An inability to read or write well does not diminish the intelligence of the individual. It might mean that they have less formalized education than yourself. Would having less education preclude them from voting? I think not. America is for everyone...again! Favorite

Flag as abusive Posted 04:26 PM on 11/18/2008

There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All - cam See Profile I'm a Fan of cam permalink Many of these votes are by people who have never taken a standardized test. Internationally, the standard is to draw an X within the box demarcating the chosen delegate. Favorite

Flag as abusive Posted 03:47 PM on 11/18/2008

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