The History Of Terrorism In United States And Western States

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The history of terrorism in United States and Western states From Julius Caesar to Hitler and Stalin, Western civilization has sponsored state-authorized terrorism more than any other culture on the planet. Despite these historical atrocities of former republics and monarchies morphing into tyrannical and egomaniacal empires ruled by a cult of personality, we barely hear anything about the terrorism and the crimes committed by two major Western states: Britain and the United States. Of course, Australia and Canada are also complicit in the use of state terrorism to achieve what they want. It is hardly surprising that nobody or hardly anyone is aware of the imperial crimes committed in the name of Western citizens by their, “leaders.” Most of us would like to believe that our society would never be capable of becoming ruthless dictatorships and authoritarian states. Beware, because the media is owned by powerful corporations Let me begin with Great Britain and the old British Empire. The British Empire emerged after the fall of the Spanish Armada. It grew when France was further defeated in the Colonial Wars, and the fall of Napoleon’s empire. The French also sold territories to the American colonies and the new American nation after their War of Independence. The British Empire had almost one third of the world within its grasps since it was a naval nation, and had the power to manipulate Continental Europe to maintain a, “balance of power” on the mainland for its own benefit and to keep the European Continent busy. World War I was based on this philosophy of balance of power, and when the balance became too unstable, the war was ignited within the powder keg of Serbia and the Balkans. Enough of a history lesson regarding the birth of the British Empire. Now, let us turn to the abuses and the terrorist activities of the British Empire during their centuries of supremacy from the 1800 to 1945. That was the peak and eventual collapse of the British Empire. The British were expert and still are in terrorism and state-sponsored violence against their own colonies. From the British Isles such as Ireland to India, to the Latin Americas, Africa, Canada and Australia, the British colonists in one way or another found a way to dominate through fear to justify their rule over the colonies. The simplest form of terrorism is to pay off the elite of the main colony by bribing the ruling class of the people whom are to be colonized. An example would be to pay off the Indian elites in India, and the people will naturally be willing to oppress themselves to appease their colonizers. This can be applied to every colony throughout the empire. When the people decides to rise up against such tyranny, simply have the local elites police force take control of the situation. If that does not work, send in the Army, and Navy to crush dissidents. Another method of imperialterror is to use natural diseases and plagues such as Measles on native populations who do not stand a chance against this form of natural, “biological” warfare. Another method is the use of religion, including the ruthless army to crush any and all records of the past and all literature related to ancient cultures. There is a hidden, dark purpose behind this act. The purpose is to prevent any future generations from knowing the origins of their belief systems, such as Christianity, and also to rewrite the past according to the desires of the ruling British Elite. The rewriting of history would make the Mesoamericans and Indians look uncivilized. The Spanish did most of the book burning, killing and massacre of indigenous peoples in Central America. The British simply ensured that it continued and that they would reign as the ultimate Empire before World War I. In fact, the British is just one simple example of the terror and crimes against humanity committed by European colonists and imperialists from the Age of Exploration to World War I. The Belgians, the Netherlands, the Spanish, the Portuguese all played major roles in the destruction of ancient civilizations. The main goal was gold, and also to take away all records of ancient cultures so as to make future domination and control much easier.

Of course, back in Europe, the home land, most ordinary people were probably not aware of the crimes committed by the Conquistadors and other colonizers in their name. All they say are the treasures, the spices, the natural resources and the happy men who returned from their expeditions. Since there was never much of a common media such as TV back then hundreds of years ago, some people did write about the horrors committed by the Spaniards in Mesoamerica during the 1500s and 1600s. The priest wrote about how the Spanish smashed and killed babies, burned people alive, tortured them, and used all the most sinister means of destruction and carnage in the name of, “Christ.” It was the most savaged kind of men who did such things…the horrors are unimaginable. Cortez even admitted that he enjoyed the mass holocaust led by him against the Mayans, the Incans, and the Aztecs. All these three major civilizations and their treasures were plundered and stolen from them by the Spaniards in the name of, “advancement” by the Europeans. The British, on the other hand, were more covert and intelligent in their means of covering up their crimes. The British, after all, had a powerful intelligent network ever since the formation of the Bank of England and the rise-to-power of the Rothschild’s in Europe. The Rothschild bankers were very powerful and still are to this day since they are one of the leading dynasties that founded the European Union. A United States of Europe is the ultimate goal. Once that is done, the Africa Union, the American Union and the Asian-Pacific Union will emerge forming the basis of the New World Order. The New World Order, as I have discussed in my other papers, is a global tyranny. More can be found in my paper on titled, “Was Bush complicit in the 9/11 terrorist attacks?” Because the British and their colonies are more experienced than any other European state throughout history, the Americans, Canadians and the Australians also oppress and terrorize their own natives out of the nation. The Americans accomplished this by relentless westward expansion. The Canadians locked up their Natives in reserves and basically neglected them. They were also forced to convert to Catholicism or any other form of Christianity. The Canadian Holocaust against their natives is barely recorded, but Canada is known by the United Nations as one amongst many who oppresses their Aboriginals the most and has the worst record regarding human rights to Aboriginals. The same now applies to Australia and the treatment of foreign refugees who go to Australia. More of this can be found on John Pilger’s articles at his website, Finally, I move into my more…experienced area of professionalism that is bashing America and American terrorism. The United States began their reign of imperial and postcolonial domination through Westward expansion towards the Pacific. During this time, the Natives were forced off their lands. Not much of a treaty was ever acknowledged or respected by the Americans as they conquered westwards. Once the Pacific was reached, eventually Alaska was bought by the Americans for their dream of, “Manifest Destiny.” Manifest Destiny is the dream that America will rule of the American continent. Today, “Manifest Destiny” is in the form of the up and coming North American Union guided by the investment class and Corporate America. A few of these people are the Rockefellers (who were bankrolled and supported by the Rothschild’s in Europe and the independent city-state of the City of London). Corporate America, from Hollywood to Halliburton, from Madaonna to Microsoft and Coca Cola to its overstretched financial and military empire, America is making itself ever since the rise of the Munroe Doctrine into a global empire. Its participation in World War I and World War. Based on my analysis of American power, even if they had not joined in World War One and Two, they would still become a global hegemonic power. This is because of their ambition, their hard working attitude and their desire to spread their, “liberty” and their, “corporate influence” worldwide.

When the Federal Reserve came into power in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act, America has fallen into debt. By 1933, America was officially in debt, and its people became, “collateral.” By collateral, it means the American people have become property and an asset of the corporations and the bankers. One way to get out of debt, which is a totally wrong notion is by invasions and war. This is an impossible theory since it only forces the nation into greater debt because it needs to borrow more money at INTEREST from the privately-owned Federal Reserve in order to make sure it is able to fund its imperial adventures. Interest rates, is a form of usury, hence ensuring that the nation will never be able to pay off its debts since fractional reserve banking is based on making money out of thin air. All this financial theory and financial, monetary practice is related to empire and terrorism because in order to force people to accept this state of affairs, the media, the army, and the entire national sovereignty must be given up in the name of trying to pay off its never-ending debt. When money is created out of nothing, do not be surprised when it turns everything into nothing, because that is the goal of Empire. In order to expand and grow, it feeds on fear and is entirely based on propaganda. Whoever controls the money controls the media. These days, especially, since nobody on the street can buy themselves a newspaper syndicate or a radio show…that is because it takes money to control and direct the media. Media is information, and when information is controlled, all kinds of Western crimes can be censored and omitted by silence because of the power in the Eastern Establishment (Rockefellers, Bushes, Skull & Bones, Yale, the Ivy League Universities). Whoever has the power, the clout, and the influence would undoubtedly determine foreign and domestic policy. The Council on Foreign Relations is an extension of this powerful Eastern Establishment. The Council’s goal is world domination. Their member includes bankers, investors, military leaders, major corporations and critical think tanks (Ford, Hudson, Google, Microsoft, Texaco, Halliburton, Monsanto), CEOs, members of both Democrats and Republicans, and also includes members of education and media. The Council on Foreign Relations control both parties. An empire is not compatible with a Constitutional Republic based on civil rights and liberties. The School of Americas is the institution that trains all of the most brutal dictators since 1945 in the black arts of torture and interrogation. The bombing of Cambodia by the United Stats under Nixon and Kissinger is just one example of how the Establishment helped Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge. Regarding the deaths of millions of men, women and children, none of this was reported in the news. When Vietnam tried to aid Cambodia, however, the Americans responded by cutting off milk to young children, that being one of Thatcher’s policies. A sanction was imposed on a country that is so impoverished and devastated by the bombings and chemical weapons of the Americans that to this day, Cambodia still has not healed. Agent Orange, a chemical weapon was sprayed by the Americans on the innocent Cambodians during the Vietnam War that causes physical and genetic deformation. None of the lives of these innocents are ever reported by the mainstream media. According to John Pilger, more bombs were dropped on Cambodia than the total TNTs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. This the one of many crimes against humanity committed by the American government on people whom poses no threat to America. This can be repeated 50 to 60 times over as the same was done to East Timor under Suharto, whom the Australians and Americans placed into power. The same happened when Allende was overthrown by his military general Pinochet on September 11, 1973. The same scenario was horrifically played out in Nicaragua, Haiti, Mexico (war on drugs), and Iraq as well as Afghanistan. The American ally, Israel is also responsible for similar crimes against the Palestinian people whom have no proper weapons against Israeli Apache helicopters and gunships. The Palestinians are still not armed, they only have stones and rocks against machine guns and regular check points with Israeli military troops who abuse innocent Palestinians into

submission. Young women who gave birth are known to be unable to access a hospital because of the soldiers refuse to let them cross. It is clear who the REAL victims in the Middle East. It is definitely not Israel, it is the Palestinians. For the life of one Israeli, or American or British soldier, hundreds or thousands of scores of innocent lives on the, “other side” are taken as revenge. According to the imperialists in America, Britain and Israel, the lives of others are simply expendable and depends wholly on their, “usefulness” to, “us.” From this, we discover that Zionism is a new form of Nazism disguised under the cover of the alleged, “holocaust.” The holocaust never happened, or at least, was greatly over exaggerated to serve the interests of the Nazi-Zionists and their Anglo-American allies. The Holocaust has never been more exploited and taken advantage of better than by the Zionists and their, “friends in Washington and Whitehall:” who justify the killing of thousands by claiming that they are, “victims.” Such a gross policy of mass murder, that most Westerners are not even aware of the crimes committed in their name, but in reality, in the interests of the Corporate Police State that is gradually and incrementally being forged by the Anglo-American-Zionists fronts. Throughout Western history, terrorism, fear, and propaganda has always been a norm for the ruling elite to abuse other populations, but also their own. The PATRIOT Acts are just one example of this rising dictatorship in the west. Hitler would have envied the powers of the American media today if he was still alive. It is obedient, and runs the line of the official doctrines of the day. The War on Terrorism is still supported by the mainstream media as if the American Army is no longer there, and are the, “victims.” The media never mentions the fact that the reason why there is so much violence against the occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan is because the Coalition of the Willing is there. The Shias, the Sunnis, and the Kurds do not really hate each other as much as it is reported by the official news media, rather, they hate the occupation and its crimes against them. Remember the 13 year sanctions on Iraq by Clinton after the First Persian Gulf War, it was barely reported by the media that it was not humanitarian, but rather a siege against a helpless population who did nothing wrong, and who are half children. Beware, the terror committed against others is already aimed at us, those who question the policies of our supposed, “leaders.” From Guantanamo Bay to secret CIA torture bases and interrogation centers, the terror of the West continues, but is concealed by the wilful silence and omission of the media. Are we going to wake up or are we going to move closer to a fascist police state? Our choice.

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