The Function Of The Heart

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  • Pages: 3
The Function of the Heart Introduction The human being has been endowed with several organs, each with their own function and purpose. One of the more significant organs is the heart, which has been subject to much controversy, particularly among scientists and philosophers who view it as nothing more than an instrument regulating blood flow. Unfortunately, this rational conclusion has very little to do with Islam, and therefore it is important for Muslims to be aware of the true function of the heart as its importance has been greatly emphasised by the Final Messenger Muhammad (saw). Linguistic meaning of Qalb (Heart) Linguistically, al-Qalb (heart) has been taken to mean the following: Al-Amru Khaalis - the pure thing Al-Aql - the mind The opposite of something The mind is in the heart As followers of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, we believe that the place of the mind (aql) is in the heart (qalb). Evidences in the Qur'an Allah (SWT) says in [EMQ 17: 36], "...Verily, the hearing, sight and Fuwaad of each one of those will be accounted." Ibn Katheer, in his works, volume 4, page 508 said regarding the above verse that, "The Fuwaad is the mind (aql) and its place is in the heart, and the arrogant philosophers say the mind is in the brain." Evidences in the ahadith It is authentically recorded in Sahih Muslim, upon the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Final Messenger Muhammad (saw) said, "At-Taqwah is here." And he (saw) pointed to his heart. It is also recorded in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, that Anas bin Malik (ra) reported that, "Jibreel came to the Final Messenger Muhammad (saw) when he was playing with the children and made him sleep and took out his heart, and took out a dot from it which was the share of the shaytan, and then washed it in a plate of gold with zam zam water and returned it." Anas bin Malik (ra) then continued saying, "Whenever I saw the chest of the prophet I used to see the scar from the neck down to the left side of the body."

Imam Qurtubi said regarding the above hadith that, "When Allah (SWT) revealed Surah Ash-Sharh (94), "Have We not opened your breast for you..." it was talking about this incident when Jibreel took out the heart of Muhammad (saw)..." Ibn Haajir al Asqalaani, in his Fath al Baari also said regarding the above hadith that, "This hadith is explicit that the mind is in the heart." The above few evidences are clear in stipulating that the heart is indeed the seat of thought and contemplation, however having understood this we must also understand how to make this very important organ clear from impurity and misguidance. It is recorded in Sahih Tirmizhi and Ibnu Majah that the Final Messenger Muhammad (saw) said, "Oh the One who turns the heart, make my heart firm in the Deen." Consequently, if the Final Messenger (Muhammad (saw)), beseeched Allah (SWT) to keep his heart firm in the Deen, then what about the countless Muslims who have come after? Al-Qulub al Mutmainnah (The Tranquil Heart) Ibn Rajab al Hanbali said as recorded in Jaami ul Uloom, v1 pg 210, "If the heart is sound and has nothing but love and fear of Allah it will make you safe from doing the haram." The tranquil heart is something which every Muslim should strive to attain, and has the following three conditions: 1. Certainty To have certainty in the revelation is an essential component for every Muslim, he or she cannot doubt any aspect of the Deen and must accept all parts with complete submission. So by way of example, when Allah (SWT) promises victory to the Muslims, whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, one should be convinced of this and not doubt it. 2. Obedience and Allegiance (Walaa) Obedience to the Shari'ah is yet another component of the tranquil heart, which is manifested in outwardly and inwardly accepting all of the rules and regulations stipulated in al-Islam, and rejecting anything to the contrary. It is recorded in the Sunan of Imam Ahmed, v4, pg 286, that Al Bara ibn Azib narated that Muhammad (saw) said, "The most powerful knot of imaan is to love for the sake of Allah and to hate for the sake of Allah."

Undoubtedly, the tranquil heart only has allegiance (walaa) with the believers, and truly loves for the sake of Allah (SWT) and hates for the sake of Allah (SWT). It is also recorded that Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) once famously said, "If the heart becomes strong the hatred for the kuffar will increase." 3. Reliance on Allah (SWT) (Tawakkul) It is recorded in Fath al Baari that Ibn Haajir al Asqalaani verified that Muhammad (saw) said, "Tie the camel and depend upon Allah." Tawakkul or reliance upon Allah (SWT), must manifest itself before, during and after any intended action, and its conclusion accepted whether perceived to be negative or positive. Conclusion In summary, it is incumbent upon every single Muslim, to strive to obtain the tranquil heart, as the heart is indeed the King of all organs, and if it is good then undoubtedly, everything else will be good. It is authentically recorded that the Final Messenger Muhammad (saw) said, "There is an organ in the body, and if it becomes good the whole body becomes good and if it becomes bad the whole body becomes bad, and that (organ) is the heart."

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