The Feast Of Sukkot - Day 6

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  • Pages: 7
Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

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The Tabernacle or Temple the place where He dwelled among His people and represents the Presence of YHVH. Tabernacles followed the path, from the temporary portable Tabernacle in the Wilderness, to the permanent structure, the Temple in Jerusalem, which is the Promised Land. Then after the ascension of Y’shua the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE. The Presence of YHVH moved from the permanent back into portable temporary structures, which are the bodies of the believers and followers of Y’shua the Messiah. He is currently indwelling His people through Hs Spirit, which was given on the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost). There will be a change and move again where the full presence of YHVH will be among His people in the form of a Permanent Structure again. This will be in the form of the New Jerusalem that will come down from heaven after the 1000 year period and the battle of Armageddon and cleansing of the earth by fire. We see here four types of Tabernacles; the first two are of the same type, both made by hands, but the last two are of the same type, both made without human hands through the work of the Messiah.

Tabernacle – Portable Made with hands

Temple – Permanent Made with hands

Body - Portable Made without hands


New Jerusalem – Permanent Made without hands

This stone is Y’shua Who is the Cornerstone that forms the basis of the building of the Tabernacle within us. We are His workmanship, created in Yeshua the Messiah.





The first time the word “workmanship” is used in Scripture is when they build the Tabernacle in Exodus 31: $ !

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YHVH chose and anointed one man to be the craftsman who made all the decorative artwork on the Ark of the Covenant, the Table of Showbread, the Menorah and all the utensils required for service in the Tabernacle, the dwelling place of YHVH. YHVH chose Y’shua (His Word) and anointed Him to do the all the decorative art effects in your “temple” through His Spirit, inside of you so that His presence can be in you and that you will be equipped to do service unto Him. If you realise this, you will live a set-apart life unto YHVH for the benefit of having His presence in your life. Within the Body of Messiah, His Temple, there are different “anointings” that equip certain people unto service within the Body. These are better known as the gifts of the Spirit. We need the Gifts of the Spirit to enable us to build up the unified Body that will represent the fullness of Messiah, as we have already discussed this in the first day’s topic. What is important to notice, is that the Temple was not taken away, it moved to another form, from a physical structure, to our bodies so that those who are serious about holiness and following YHVH with their hearts, can “carry” His presence in this world. YHVH decided to remove His presence from the permanent earthy Temple because of the people’s stubbornness and unholiness.


means “added”. The last part (physical)

means “tall”. YHVH used

Joseph to add people to Him and Joseph’s life was standing out, or standing “tall” as a sign or a banner to all nations. His life was the sign to Israel, what YHVH will do through His First Coming and His Second Coming: o

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Joseph was the first-born son (Y’shua), of His mother (the beloved), Rachael (the female prominent to a flock of sheep, mother of all sheep). She was barren and Joseph was born through YHVH’s supernatural intervention. Y’shua was born through supernatural conception by the Spirit. Joseph was one of twelve brothers and Y’shua was one from the nation of Israel (twelve tribes). His brothers did not receive his word (dreams) and threw him in a pit and sold him as a slave. Y’shua’s Word was not accepted by the religious authorities and He came as a servant on a donkey to serve us unto death. They told his father that a wild animal killed him. The people did not accept Y’shua’s Word and He was taken captive and was killed.


He brought the truth, “emeth”

, He is the “Aleph – Tav” -

and from His heart

. He is the beginning and the end, and His grace is found in flows living water “mem” His Cleansing Water (Torah) and His Living Water (Spirit).

Joseph -

is made up of a “Yod”, that means “Spirit”, a “Vav” that means “man”, a

“Samech” that means “to rest, to lean upon, to support, to uplift” and a “Pey” that means “mouth” Joseph’s name means; the Spirit (Yod) will be upon man (Vav), and will support and uplift him and lead him into YHVH’s rest. Man will then proclaim YHVH’s Word and everything He has done for him and his mouth will be and instrument of praise. When Joseph was 17 years old (fullness of His plan) His Father made Him a long coat. We have always learned that his father have him a coat of many colours but it has been wrongly translated as colours, it is actually “long coat” and is the word “pas” What is the connection to the Messiah here? The Messiah brought Truth or Light (Hey)

. When we add this letter “hey” to the word “pas”

we get the word “pisah (Chet)

and it means “Abundance”. The Messiah also brought Life

, and if we add this letter to the word “pas”, and we get the word “pey-sach”


or as we know it as Passover. Joseph’s coat represents Y’shua’s abundance of life that is available in accepting the Passover Lamb of YHVH as your Sacrifice, which will give you Truth (Hey) and Life (Chet).

Joseph Sold as a Slave Joseph’s brothers hated him because of the way his father treated him and because he was the son of His father’s favourite wife, Rachael. Y’shua was chosen of YHVH and “His brothers” did not accept Him as the chosen Lamb of Elohim. They wanted to kill him and Ruben made the suggestion to throw him in a pit. They stripped him from his tunic and sold him as a slave to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver. Y’shua was sold for 30 pieces of silver when He was handed over to die for us. He ended up as a slave in Egypt. Twenty means restoration of relationships and this shows that Joseph and his brothers will be reunited in the end. Thirty means covenant and this shows that Y’shua’s death was to establish the covenant with man in His blood. Silver is the word “kasaph”

and it means – to long for, to yearn for, desire.


Joseph desired and longed after his family while he was in the jail for many years restoration. Y’shua desired and longed to eat the Passover meal with His Disciples – to establish the Covenant. They dipped his coat in blood and told their father that a wild animal had killed him. This points to Y’shua mantle that was dipped in blood when He became the Lamb of Elohim. 2



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Joseph the Dreamer – Prophet After Joseph was sold as a slave he end up in jail, but was uplifted in one day from being a slave in jail, to the ruler over Egypt. This happened because he was gifted as a dreamer. His dreams were visions given by YHVH to foretell the future so that his people could be saved. In that sense you could see Joseph as a Prophet of YHVH. He interpreted the butler and the baker. The butler dreamed that he had three vine branches in his hand and he squeezed the grapes into the cup of Pharaoh. Joseph interpreted the dream that the butler would be restored back into the service of Pharaoh within three days and it was so. This was also prophetic because Y’shua was in the grave for three days and He shed his blood and was restored back into the presence of His Father. The baker dreamed that he carried three white baskets with bread on his head and the birds came and ate the bread from the baskets. The butler was convicted after three days and was executed for the crime he committed. This was also prophetic and points to Y’shua Who’s flesh was bruised for our transgressions and He died for us so that we can be set free. Only those who had the “blood” lived bit those who had the bread “Word” alone, they will not make it. This gives us insight that you have to take part in the “system of grace” which is the sacrificial system that Y’shua fulfilled with His life. Because of these dreams he had interpret correctly, he was called to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams as well. This caused him to be elevated form being a slave in jail to the second in command of the house of Pharaoh. The dreams led the Egyptians to prepare for the seven years of famine that was preceded by seven years of wealth and prosperity. This points to a time in the future where there will be seven years of prosperity and seven years of famine and falling of the money systems of the world. This is the beginning of the start of the tribulation period that will intensify in the last three and a half years of this seven-year period. The final judgement and shaking of the world system will be in the last three and a half year period as described in the Book of Revelation. Revelation is also a Prophetic Book and those who adhere to it will be blessed because they will be prepared. The feast of Sukkot is in line with this preparation period where we will need to leave the “System” and dwell in “booths” (tents” away from the system that will cause many to accept the mark of the beast, either by free will or by force.


Joseph’s Brothers Joseph’s life represents the “Christian Church” which is in “Egypt” or “in bondage”, having the truth but they are interweaved it with all kinds of pagan traditions found in Egypt. This is the result of the scattered tribes that are currently in the nations and who adopted abdominal things and mixed it with their worship to YHVH. The result of Joseph’s destiny ending up in Egypt, was so that a nation could be saved from destruction by the Hebrew boy now looked like an Egyptian Prince. After the revelation of who he really was, his brothers embraced him and they lived together in peace and their relationship was restored. This is prophetic of what will happen at the end where YHVH will open up the eyes of the Jews to recognise the Messiah and their “Christian brothers” who was hidden in the world for so long. At the end they will weep and because they have rejected the Messiah for so long and they will drink form waters of salvation and come into the Kingdom with their “brother” The Christians on the other hand need to come out of Egypt just as the time when Moses led them out about 430 years later. YHVH gave the Torah through Moses to His people to cleanse themselves from the Pagan roots and graft them back into Him. This is a prophetic picture of “Christians” discovering their Hebrew roots and realising that they are part of Israel, they need to embrace Torah to come clean from all the traditions of man that was invented by the Church system.

Joseph’s sons Joseph had two sons: Ephraim and Manasseh. Joseph was one of the twelve tribes that were split into two tribes; Ephraim and Manasseh. Just before Jacob died, he blessed them, and as usual, the youngest one received the first-born’s blessing. He had his hands crossed and his right hand was upon Ephraim, the youngest. Why is this theme seen through out the Scripture? Ephraim

is the youngest son and his name means,

“shall be double fruitful”. The last part of his name is


means “sea”. The sea is on the west side of Israel and means “nations”. Ephraim was the tribe that was scattered throughout the nations after mixing with paganism and they represent the ten scattered tribes. They build a temple North of Jerusalem and brought in idols in the most holy place. This had the effect that YHVH let them be overtaken by their enemies and scattered throughout the nations. The term “double fruitful” shows us that later on through his generations, he would be very fruitful. We as “Christian believers” who accepted the Hebrew roots are part of this group and stand under the banner of Ephraim. We might be part of the original Israel and might be part of the Gentiles that was brought in with the “scattered ten Tribes”. “The Lost Ten Tribes” scattered throughout the nations is like a net that YHVH casted into the “sea” (nations), and when YHVH pulls in the net (calls back His people), they will bring in a multitude of gentile nations. Ephraim is represented by an OX and Judah is represented by a Lion. Ephraim is the Ox that does all the work to prepare the ground so that the seeds can be sown and they are the “Christians” that spread the Gospel message. Judah is the Lion the guards and protects the Torah and they keep it pure from defilement and make exact copies without changing a word. The Loin needs to know their Messiah and the Ox needs to fined their Hebraic roots. Then they will be united together as brothers.


The centre of the word Ephraim is the word “phar”

that comes from the word “pharar”

that means - to break, frustrate, to break, violate. The scattered tribes in the nations violated His Torah and broke every Law and frustrated themselves with the bondage they brought upon themselves. The beginning of the Ephraim is an “Aleph”

that represents YHVH and

He send His Son Y’shua in person to come and lead His people out from the nations back into following His Torah so that they would no longer violate His Word.

! The Messiah will came, riding on a donkey. Why a donkey. Well, it is a sign of humility, because a King riding on a horse. 9

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This passage caused a lot of confusion in the Jewish circles, because there is another passage that say that the Messiah will come riding on a horse, a King that will conquer their enemies that oppressed them at that time, that is why they missed him. They were looking for the wrong signs to identify the Messiah and it is their religious leaders’ fault. Is He riding on a donkey or on a horse? The answer is both. The first time He came as a humble servant Who died for us, riding on a donkey. The second time He will come riding on a white horse, the King that will come to defeat our enemies forever. He will then rule the earth from the new Jerusalem forever. The word for donkey the word “chamor”

and it also have the meaning: “to be

troubled” or “be in turmoil” or “clay” or “wine”. The first time in Scripture where “donkey” is used in Scripture is where Abraham went out to offer Isaac.




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2 Another place “donkey” is used is where Joseph hid his cup in Benjamin’s sack. 2 +

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When you see the word “donkey”, it shows us that there was turmoil and the people were in distress, going through something bad. In all three these passages it is seen and confirmed that Joseph’s brothers and Abraham. Y’shua also went through great turmoil and this is confirmed when He entered the City on a donkey just before He was “crucified”. The outcome of the “trouble”, so to speak, shows us that the people involved are being moulded as clay in the Father’s hands and that the outcome of the bad situation will bring joy (wine). As you squeeze grapes (turmoil) you will reap the joy of the wine it will produce. There is a time described in the Book of Revelation called the Winepress (greater tribulation) where the remaining people outside the City on the earth, and they will be pressed to produce joy (salvation) after this terrible period.


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Winepress is the word “yeqeb” -

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– and has a “yod” (Spirit or hand of YHVH), a “qof”

(repentance, turning the head) and a “bet” (house). You will only enter YHVH’s house if you have repented and have the sign of the Covenant, the Spirit, in your heart.


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