The Feast Of Sukkot - Day 1

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,894
  • Pages: 7
Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

The first day is a Sabbath and can be celebrated with a Sabbath meal. This is a good way to start the Feast and invite YHVH into your assembly.

1. Abraham’s characteristics - Gen 18:1-5 Messiah’s character portrayed in Abraham’s life.

What did Abraham see when these three men stood before him that he recognize them as YHVH? All the detail is not described in here but there must have been something “supernatural” about their appearance or in what they said that would give Abraham the impression that it was YHVH standing before him. Abraham bowed to the ground before them and this is proof that it was YHVH standing there because they did not rebuke him for bowing before them. This is a physical representation of Elohim that means; Messenger, Judge and Ruler or King. These are the attributes of Y’shua where He came as Messenger and where He will come as the Judge and will rule as our King in the New Jerusalem. Abraham referred to himself as a servant. The word here for servant is “ebed” meaning bondservant. This is a well-known term used by Paul and the disciples referring to themselves as bondservants of Y’shua. Abraham was the first bondservant of YHVH.


This is when you are a servant of a master being set free after seven years, but you choose to stay the master’s servant, out of free will. You discard your rights as a free man and you submit under the authority of your master and he looks after you and you serve him. This is a beautiful picture of being born again when you choose Y’shua as your Master. What people tend to forget is that they have to give away their rights and not to be their own “masters” of their lives when you follow Y’shua. You need to submit under the instructions of your new Master. As a bondservant you live in your Master’s house, sit at His table, live like one of His own children, but you must be obedient to His house rules or commandments and adopt His way living or His culture. A Culture defines a group of people Culture: living in a certain area who are like-minded and do (from the Latin cultura similar things. We as “Christians” today, pray the prayer and make the choice because it suites us at that point in time to engage God in our lives so that He can help us sort out our messy lives within our current culture. We are not willing to change and conform to His “way of living – Hebrew Culture”. We treat Him as a “Tool” or a “Magic Word” to speak over our problems and He have to make it disappear. Most people who believe in “Jesus” (Y’shua) today did not become his Bondservants and they do not serve Him, but He has to serve them. This order is the wrong way round and you must realize that you are the servant and He is the Master. In other words, you don’t have a life and use YHVH to be your support system. The right way is: that He calls the shots and you listen and obey and change the way He wants you to be. He speak and you obey. He leads and you follow. He points out your mistakes and you repent and change accordingly. This is for your own good so that you can change and become “like Him”.

stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate")[1] generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society."

In verse 3 we see the seriousness of being a bondservant; “… . You become a bondservant so that wouldn’t pass you by in the time when you need Him. What does it mean: to pass us by? Pass by - “abar” - meaning: to cover, to set apart (holiness), to pass over (Pesach), to provoke to anger, to perish and to turn away (Judgment). As in many Hebrew words, they have “positive” and “negative” meaning and the context reveal the interpretation and in some cases, both meanings are applicable, as in this case. To be a bondservant means “to be covered, to be set apart”, so that “His anger may pass you over” and that He will not turn away from you and save you. This gives us a deeper understanding of what a bondservant is suppose to be; humble, submissive, obedient, set apart, and we see the outcome of being a bondservant; covered, saved, mercy, not judged. This is the amazing thing about the Hebrew language, the rhyming thoughts supports and gives substance to the deeper meaning. Abraham is our father of faith (Rom 4:16) and he set the example to us as believers, to be bondservants and what it means to be born again. We see the attributes of a new covenant believer and what “attitude” to have and what “to do” following our Master Y’shua.


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Did Abraham wait for a request from YHVH to act or be obedient to? No, He was eager to give his very best and to do everything in his power, to give unto YHVH and to serve Him with. But you may say that Believer - Bondservant: YHVH has no needs, why should we even bother to try to To be a bondservant is to come to please Him with what we have? In a sense it is true, YHVH the realization and have the urge owns everything, but does He own your heart? What is to “want to” do things for Him and expressed here is Abraham’s heart and that He wanted to “want to” serve Him and “want to” serve YHVH with all that is in him and all that he had. The true change to become like Him. essence of love is to give your self and Abraham expressed this love towards YHVH. Love is an action and is shown by giving. Are you at this point in your life do you give yourself fully unto YHVH, in the same way Abraham did? Or do you want YHVH to serve you with all His riches and power and bless you because He is desperate for company? YHVH is not a Genie in a bottle who comes out on your demand and gives you your hearts desire. You must “want to” do things He likes and this is the evidence that you are a bondservant of Y’shua. This “want to” drive inside of you is the Life you have received from Him when you have received His Spirit.

Do you receive His Spirit automatically when you accept Y’shua as your Master and Savior? Let’s read Acts 19 and find out. $% &

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# In verse 2 we see that it is a separate event after believing in Y’shua. The way to receive the Set apart Spirit is through prayer by the laying on of hands by a believer that have already received the Spirit and whose life reflects the fruit of the Spirit. ! 0

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How do you know you have the Spirit? It’s easy, you have this life and urge inside of you, driving you towards the truth and you want to know more of YHVH and His Word and His things, if not, please come for prayer. You will also bear the fruits of the Spirit as we have read in Gal 5. You might also have the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:4-11) as we have seen here in Acts 19. These are characteristics that a believer can express when he/she has received the Spirit. In Acts 19 we saw two gifts; prophecy and speaking in tongues. To prophesy is to repeat YHVH’s Words; they can either be in the written Word or they can be words of encouragement, a word of wisdom or a word of knowledge. 3

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There are a total of twelve Gifts of the Spirit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Apostles Prophets Teachers Workers of miracles Workers of healings Helpers Administration Word of wisdom Word of knowledge Faith Tongues Interpretation of Tongues.

Body of Messiah: o Twelve Tribes o Twelve Disciples o Twelve Gifts of the Spirit

This is very interesting because there were twelve Tribes and twelve Disciples and now we see there are twelve Gifts of the Spirit Who administer certain attributes to different people within the congregation to edify and manifest the whole Body of Messiah. Prophecy is not to foretell the future as the “prophets” do today. The prophets of old prophesied to the people so that they would repent and go back to YHVH’s ways. If they refuse to listen to the Prophets, they foretold them their future, and that was not “good news” but they heard the consequences for disobeying YHVH. The Spirit decides which gift to give to whom and no two people has the same gifts. These gifts are to build up the Body or the Assembly so that they could reflect the full Image of Y’shua. Be humble and be willing and YHVH will use you where He wants to use you in the Assembly He has called together. Serve one another with love and be willing to help one another and build up each other so that we can all grow into maturity in the Spirit.


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Gal 5:22-25 is sometimes used to proof that the Torah is no more when you walk in the Spirit. You must understand the context here where the Torah is referred here to as the “measuring stick” in the time of judgment. If you do these things you will not be measured and judged by the Torah and you will be found perfect. The verses prior to the attributes of the Spirit are stating the attributes of the flesh and the world-describing people that are not “set apart”. We first had a look at the Gifts of the Spirit and now we will look at the Gifts of the Flesh. ! & 5

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These are not the attributes of YHVH and should also not be the attributes of His branches expressed in their fruits. If you bear these fruits, you are serving Satan and you will not inherit the Kingdom of YHVH.



We discussed this earlier, you must “want to” with your heart. You have to repent from your evil works and receive His Spirit so that this new life can start burning within you. YHVH works from the inside out. He starts by giving you a new heart, “recreated” or rebirthed through His Spirit and you have this urge and hunger for His Word and want to obey Him. There can be things in your life that distort and clog up this life and this is normally fleshly habits or fruit of the flesh. YHVH as our Gardner, “prunes” you to make you clean from everything that blocks His fruit from developing in your life. The pruning process is sometimes painful, but it’s the only way to get rid of any cancerous cells growing in you. You may not understand why you need to be cleansed from certain things, but the Gardner knows best, trust Him and allow Him to cleanse you from the worldly and fleshly ways so that you can become like Him.




This is the easy part; study His Word. If you do not search, you will not find. If you are born blind and do not know sight, you will not miss it. Learn from people that can “see” and ask YHVH for spiritual sight that you can understand His ways and start to do it, that you may experience Him. His Word is the only way you will know good from bad, and by studying it you will find the real fruit and the source of life and start expressing it to others that they can eat thereof.





+ We already dealt with a lot of what this plan entails and what the purpose of this plan is. This plan started with Abraham, the first Hebrew, and end with all the nations being blessed, (crafted in) in him. The word “blessed” is normally wrongly understood and people think it’s about having money and material things because you are a child of a King.


This is totally wrong interpreted in the context of the word “blessed”. The word “blessed” means to be grafted in. Y’shua explained it beautifully when He said: : ! ; <,=

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To be blessed is to be grafted into the Vine and bear fruit, not to gather things through lustful desires. He is the Vine that changes natural water into wine (grapes), He does not do it on His own, He works through us and we bear the fruit and the fruit is then used to create wine. The process of changing water (life substance) into wine (joyous quality of life – Chai Olam) is what real life is all about. The branches get their life from the Vine and are grafted into the Vine to become like it and to bear fruit. Fruit is a visible physical representation of what is inside of you that everyone can see. This fruit must resemble the One in Whom we are grafted into. We must reflect His nature and produce “wine” that other people can drink from and enjoy. You cannot bear your own fruit or produce your own wine but it must come from the Vine (Y’shua). Your purpose in life has changed from being a selfish person to become an extension of Him, your Master Whom you follow.

There are many characteristics and parallels between Abraham and Y’shua: o o o o

Y’shua was a Servant just like Abraham Who gave everything He had and all that He was to serve the Father unto death. Just like Abraham who was the father of faith, Y’shua was the father and origin of the sons of YHVH, the First Born. Abram (high father) was changed to Abraham (multitude) and through Abraham came a multitude that was like him. Y’shua came into this world and through Him came a multitude of “sons” born to the Father. Through Abraham’s seed would come the nations and Y’shua was that Seed; Who is also known as the Word.

They say that your character is found within your name. Abraham was the first Hebrew and it is the word “ibree” the end of it, we get nearly just like the word

that means “one from beyond”. Adding a “mem”

or water at

“ Abarim” that means; “regions beyond”, This sounds “Abram” meaning “high father”. Abram’s name was

changed to Abraham by adding a “Hey”

to it:

“Hey” represents “light” and

YHVH revealed His plan to Abraham, shedding light into Abraham’s life. The two letters that was added to “ibree” or Hebrew was a “Mem” together gives the word

. Adding these two letters

“haym” that means “abundance”. In Abraham’s name

we see the Father “Aleph” abundance, “Hey-Mem”

and a “Hey”

, the Son “bar”

“Bet-Resh” and His

, found in His Light (revelation of Truth) and His Word (water).


, “bar” means: son, purity, cleanness, pureness. It is found in both words “ibree” (Hebrew) and “Abraham” our father of faith. It started off with Abraham and ended in a nation of Hebrews (Israel) and even the Gentiles can be grafted into them. YHVH brought the Hebrew culture to the world to represent Him on this planet and shine forth His light to all nations. Y’shua came so that all nations can become part of YHVH’s nation to adapt to His Hebrew culture and live pure set apart lives in this dark world. He washes us clean with His Word so that we cab bear His fruit in abundance (haym)

. Y’shua is also called the “Bar”

or Son of YHVH. He is the First born of many and we can become sons of the Father through accepting Y’shua’s Sacrifice and become bondservants (adopted).


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