The Evolutionary History Of The Animal

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  • Words: 2,214
  • Pages: 52

Pre-Cambrian Animal Life 

The time before the Cambrian period is known as the Ediacaran period (from about 635 million years ago to 543 million years ago), the final period of the late Proterozoic Neoproterozoic Era It is believed that early animal life, termed Ediacaran biota, evolved from protists at this time. Some protist species called choanoflagellates closely resemble the choanocyte cells in the simplest animals, sponges.

Evolutionary History of Animal

Evolutionary History of Animal Fossils believed to represent the oldest animals with hard body parts were recently discovered in South Australia.  These sponge-like fossils, named Coronacollina acula, date back as far as 560 million years, and are believed to show the existence of hard body parts and spicules that extended 20–40 cm from the main body (estimated about 5 cm long). 

Evolutionary History of Animal

Fossils of (a) Cyclomedusa and (b) Dickinsonia date to 650 million years ago, during the Ediacaran period.

The Cambrian Explosion of Animal Life    

occurring between approximately 542–488 million years ago marks the most rapid evolution of new animal phyla and animal diversity in Earth’s history. Echinoderms, mollusks, worms, arthropods, and chordates arose during this period. One of the most dominant species during the Cambrian period was the trilobite, an arthropod that was among the first animals to exhibit a sense of vision

Evolutionary History of Animal

some organisms from the Cambrian period.

Evolutionary History of Animal

These fossils (a–d) belong to trilobites, extinct arthropods that appeared in the early Cambrian period, 525 million years ago, and disappeared from the fossil record during a mass extinction at the end of the Permian period, about 250 million years ago.

Post-Cambrian Evolution and Mass Extinctions 

The periods that followed the Cambrian during the Paleozoic Era are marked by further animal evolution and the emergence of many new orders, families, and species During the Ordovician period, which followed the Cambrian period, plant life first appeared on land. This change allowed formerly aquatic animal species to invade land, feeding directly on plants or decaying vegetation.

The Ordovician Period  

lasted almost 45 million years, beginning 488.3 million years ago and ending 443.7 million years ago. The Ordovician is best known for its diverse marine invertebrates, including graptolites, trilobites, brachiopods, and the conodonts (early vertebrates). A typical marine community consisted of these animals, plus red and green algae, primitive fish, cephalopods, corals, crinoids, and gastropods.

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tetrahedral spores that are similar to those of primitive land plants have been found, From the Lower to Middle Ordovician, the Earth experienced a milder climate — the weather was warm and the atmosphere contained a lot of moisture.

Life of Ordovician 

Ordovician strata are characterized by numerous and diverse trilobites and conodonts (phosphatic fossils with a tooth-like appearance) found in sequences of shale, limestone, dolostone, and sandstone. In addition, blastoids, bryozoans, corals, crinoids, as well as many kinds of brachiopods, snails, clams, and cephalopods appeared for the first time in the geologic record in tropical Ordovician environments.

Remains of ostracoderms (jawless, armored fish) from Ordovician rocks comprise some of the oldest vertebrate fossils.

reef ecosystems continued to be dominated by algae and sponges, and in some cases by bryozoans.

Features of Animals    

All animals are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms Almost all animals have a complex tissue structure with differentiated and specialized tissues Most animals are motile, at least during certain life stages. All animals require a source of food and are therefore heterotrophic, ingesting other living or dead organisms; this feature distinguishes them from autotrophic organisms, such as most plants, which synthesize their own nutrients through photosynthesis. As heterotrophs, animals may be carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, or parasites.

Most animals reproduce sexually  Offspring pass through a series of developmental stages that establish a determined and fixed body plan. The body plan refers to the morphology of an animal, determined by developmental cues. 

All animals are heterotrophs that derive energy from food.

Complex Tissue Structure 

As multicellular organisms, animals differ from plants and fungi because their cells do not have cell walls their cells may be embedded in an extracellular matrix (such as bone, skin, or connective tissue) their cells have unique structures for intercellular communication (such as gap junctions)

animals possess unique tissues, absent in fungi and plants, which allow coordination (nerve tissue) of motility (muscle tissue) Animals are also characterized by specialized connective tissues that provide structural support for cells and organs.

Animal Reproduction and Development 

Most animals are diploid organisms, meaning that their body (somatic) cells are diploid and haploid reproductive (gamete) cells are produced through meiosis. Most animals undergo sexual reproduction: This fact distinguishes animals from fungi, protists, and bacteria, where asexual reproduction is common or exclusive. a few groups, such as cnidarians, flatworm, and roundworms, undergo asexual reproduction

Processes of Animal Reproduction and Embryonic Development  During sexual reproduction, the haploid gametes of the male and female individuals of a species combine in a process called fertilization.  the small, motile male sperm fertilizes the much larger, sessile female egg. This process produces a diploid fertilized egg called a zygote.  Some animal species, including sea stars and sea anemones, as well as some insects, reptiles, and fish, are capable of asexual reproduction.

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a form of asexual reproduction found in certain insects and vertebrates is called parthenogenesis (or ‘virgin beginning’), where unfertilized eggs can develop into new male offspring. This type of parthenogenesis is called haplodiploidy. Some animals, such as grasshoppers, undergo incomplete metamorphosis, in which the young resemble the adult. some insects, undergo complete metamorphosis where individuals enter one or more larval stages that may in differ in structure and function from the adult.

a) The grasshopper undergoes incomplete metamorphosis. (b) The butterfly undergoes complete metamorphosis

During embryonic development, the zygote undergoes a series of mitotic cell divisions, or cleavages, to form an eight-cell stage, then a hollow blastula. During a process called gastrulation, the blastula folds inward to form a cavity in the gastrula.

The phylogenetic tree of animals is based on morphological, fossil, and genetic evidence.

Animal Characterization Based on Body Symmetry 

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true animals can be largely divided into three groups based on the type of symmetry of their body plan: radially symmetrical, bilaterally symmetrical, and asymmetrical. Asymmetry is a unique feature of Parazoa. Radial symmetry is the arrangement of body parts around a central axis, as is seen in a drinking glass or pie.

The (a) sponge is asymmetrical. The (b) jellyfish and (c) anemone are radially symmetrical, and the (d) butterfly is bilaterally symmetrical

The Evolutionary History of Human

Stages of Evolution 

The evolution of man began about 15 million years ago when the first known man walked this earth. Humans today developed through many stages of evolution from primates that are now extinct. This evolutionary process from the primates who walked on all four limbs to the humans today who walk on two hind limbs has been a very long one.

Stages of Evolution of Man

The genus of the human being today is called Homo and the man today is called as Homo sapiens. From simple life forms that were unicellular to the development of multicellular organisms gave rise to the vertebrates.

Stages of Evolution of Man 

The family to which human beings belong is called Hominidae. It was in the Miocene age that the family Hominidae split from the Pongidae(apes) family. Dryopethicus was the first in the evolution of man in the stages of evolution and some believe him to be the common ancestor of man and apes.

Dryopethicus  

He was the earliest known ancestor of man. Stages of evolution of humans began from him. After Dryopethicus and Ramapethicus came to the genus Australopethicus which preceded the genus Homo.

Ramapethicus existed who was more human-like than Dryopethicus..

Australopithecus 1. 

Australopithecus ramidus: Was 1.2 meters tall and the fossils show the foramen magnum that was large to indicate upright walking. The forelimbs were different from those of the earlier ape-like ancestors. They had teeth like humans.

Australopithecus 2. Australopithecus afarensis– 

 


the famous fossil belonged to this species. They are said to have inhabited the African mainland. And they were shorter than the Australopithecus ramidus and had a small skull with flat noses and no chin. They were able to walk on two legs but the legs were slightly bowed which made their walk slightly ape-like. The bowed legs, fingers, and toes enabled them to climb trees and live there. They had large teeth and jaws.

Australopithecus 3. Australopithecus africanus  These also inhabited the African mainland.  They were bipedal and had a small skull with small brains than Homo erectus but larger than their predecessors.  Also, they had large teeth compared to current day humans and were herbivorous.  They had large jaws.


4. Australopithecus robustus  He was taller than his predecessors but still ape-like.  They also weighed more than their ancestors.  After the Australopithecus genus came the Homo genus. The first man in the genus was Homo habilis.

Homo 1.  

 

Homo habilis– He had a face similar to his ancestors. The skull and brain size indicate that he may have been able to speak. The earliest tools made were from this era. Homo habilis is known as the ‘handy man’ because he was the first to make and use tools. He was around 5 feet tall and erect.

Homo 2. Homo


He had a smaller but longer face, less prominent or absent chin, larger brain size and prominent speech.  He knew how to make and use tools, he made a fire and knew how to control it. Homo erectus was carnivorous. the Homo erectus who was also upright.  He knew the existence of groups and they began spreading from Africa to Asia and Europe. The Java Man and Peking Man had brain capacities similar to modern man at 1300cc. They were cave dwellers.


3. Homo sapiens– After Homo erectus came, the Homo sapiens who separated into two types:

Homo 4. Homo sapiens neanderthelensis  They had a brain size larger than modern man and were gigantic in size.  Also, they had a large head and jaw and were very powerful and muscular.  They were carnivores and the tools from the era indicate they were hunters.  They were also cave dwellers but their caves were more comfortable and they lived in groups and hunted for food gathering.


Homo sapiens sapiens  Also known as ‘modern-day man’ is what we are today.  Compared to the Homo sapiens neanderthelensis, they became smaller in size and the brain size reduced to 1300cc.  There was also a reduction in the size of the jaw, rounding of the skull and chin.  Cro- Magnon was the earliest of the Homo sapiens.  They spread wider from to Europe, Australia, and the Americas.  They were omnivores, had skilful hands, developed the power of thinking, producing art, more sophisticated tools and sentiments. 5.

Two area of the brain have become highly developed in modern humans.

Increased brain size was helpful for the hominin evolution.  Increase

of intelligence  Increase of behavioral flexibility  Increase of manual dexterity  Increase of social complexity  Language development

The language function all occur on the left hemisphere of the brain in most humans.  Broca's Area: Functions to process the generating of speech .  Located at the base of the motor cortex, which handles the tongue, vocalization, and lip movements.  Wernick's area Functions to process the reception of speech.  Located at the temporal lobe, which process hearing

 Human

anatomy differs from that of an ape largely because humans are bipedal while apes are quadrupedal. Bipedalism led to the better locomotion and freeing of hands

During the transition from Australopethicians to Homo sapiens, Location of foramen magnum became more forward,

The shortening and narrowing if pelvis,

Evolution of femur into a slightly more angular position to make the center of gravity towards the geometric center of the body, The knee and the ankle joint became increasingly robust, Vertebral column became s-shaped,

Shortening of arms relative to the body size, Reduction of the sloping of forehead were observed. These helped in efficient locomotion, easy running, and to maintain erect posture.

Some trends in general morphology of the skull are:  Dental arcade- became more arch like/parabolic.

Tooth size of hominoids decreased from Astralopithecines to Homo sapien and there was a marked decrease of tooth size within Homo sapiens.

Advantages of Bipedalism and associated skeletal changes  Allowed fast running which is necessary for active hunting on the open savannah  Allowed tool making and use  Played a major role in care and provisioning of offsprings, tracking migrating herds and predator avoidance.

Reference:  /animal-diversity/   on/stages-of-evolution/  gical-trends-in-human-evolution.html


Prepared by: Evalyn D. Sual

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