The Evolution Of Computers

  • November 2019
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The Evolution of Computers

Commission on Information and Communications Technology

Manual Calculating Devices

The Abacus • Invented in 3000 BC

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Mechanical Calculating Devices • Codex Madrid • Discovered from the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Mechanical Calculating Devices • Replica of Codex Madrid • Created in 1967

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Mechanical Calculating Devices

The Pascaline SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Mechanical Calculating Devices Stepped Reckoner • Gottfried von Leibniz (1674)

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Mechanical Calculating Devices The Arithmometer • First commercially constructed mechanical calculating device

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Mechanical Calculating Devices

Difference Engine SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Mechanical Calculating Devices Difference Engine • Never built • Steam-driven • Fully automatic • Pre-cursor to the Analytic Engine SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Mechanical Calculating Devices

Ada Lovelace • First programmer

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Mechanical Calculating Devices

Punch cards • First used in the Jacquard Loom • Earliest secondary storage device

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Electromechanical Calculating Device Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine Facilitated the tabulation of the 1890 census 

Used punch cards to store information 

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Electrical Calculating Devices First Keyboard • Developed in 1936 by John Dvorak • Designed such that the least used keys are on the outside corners SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Electrical Calculating Devices ENIAC • Was created to compute artillery trajectory • Completed in 1945

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Electrical Calculating Devices First Computer Bug Reported • Discovered in 1945 by a naval officer

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Electrical Calculating Devices UNIVAC I • Created in 1951 • Predicted the 1952 presidential elections

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Electrical Calculating Devices The Integrated Circuit (ICs) • Computers become less expensive, more reliable and smaller in size SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program



before 1600’s

Manual Calculating Devices:

1600’s to 1900’s

1930’s to 1960’s

Mechanical Calculating Devices:

Electrical Calculating Devices:

• biological appendages

• Pascaline


• stones, sticks, rocks, etc

• Stepped Reckoner

• Z3

• Arithmometer

• Colossus

• Difference Engine


• Analytical Engine


• Comptometer


• clay tablets • abacus

Beginnings of TRADE

Industrial Revolution SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


World War II 18

Modern Day Computers Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Paul Allen, Bill Gates Commission on Information and Communications Technology

Modern Day Computers Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak • founders of Apple • sold Blue Boxes – devices used for phreaking (phone tap)

• Wozniak worked for HP; Jobs worked for Atari SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Modern Day Computer

Bill Gates 

SY 2002-2003

together with Paul Allen, founded Microsoft was exposed to computers in high school together with his friends gifted programmer Computer Education III Program


Modern Day Computer Altair 8800 (1975)   

SY 2002-2003

First electronic PC Sold as a do-it-yourself-kit Paved the founding of Microsoft

Computer Education III Program


Modern Day Computer Apple I (1976)  

Assembled boards with wooden casing Had video terminals and keyboard interface Includes cassette interface and Apple BASIC

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Modern Day Computer

Apple II (1977) First PC with plastic case  Fully-colored graphical video interface (no more blinking lights and toggle switches)  Jobs encouraged programmers to write for Computer it Education III Program SYprograms 2002-2003 


Modern Day Computer

IBM PC (1980) IBM needed an OS, so they contacted Microsoft  Bill Gates bought QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) and renamed it MS-DOS  IBM became a best-seller Computer Education III Program 25 

SY 2002-2003

Modern Day Computer

Lisa (1983) 

First PC to use GUI (use of mouse, windows-like interface, etc) Too costly

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Modern Day Computer

Macintosh (1984) 

 

Next version of Lisa; less expensive First to use a 400K 3½” FD Made famous by the Big Brothers commercial

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Modern Day Computer • 1984 – Steve Jobs approached Microsoft to create programs for Mac • 1987 – first version of Windows was released, engineered after the MacOS • Apple sued Microsoft, but opted to compromise instead SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Snippets 1976

• Kentucky Fried Computers is founded. • Steve Wozniak proposes that HewlettPackard create a personal computer. Steve Jobs proposes the same to Atari. Both were rejected. 1980  Atari ad: "Atari promises to be the most popular Personal Computer System of the 1980's!“

SY 2002-2003

Computer Education III Program


Snippets 1981

• "640k should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates. 1991  Microsoft vice president Brad Silverberg quote: DOS will be "with us forever. We've learned how passionate people are about DOS.“ SY 2002-2003 Computer Education III Program


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