The Ever Ready Universal Guide

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  • Words: 15,881
  • Pages: 34
Vol. 1


January 2003

Vol. 1


January 2003


for the Use of

Police department Insurance Companies Banks and Financial Institutions

A READY RECKONER To trace more number of Stolen Vehicles

Vol. 1


January 2003







Thank You Insurers



How to use this Ready reckenor (Police department)



How to use this Ready reckenor (Insurance companies)



Ready reckenor List (Chassis No./Engine No. - wise)



Ready reckenor List (Ar No - wise Insurers/Police details)






We and our Social obligations



Extracts from an Investigation Report



Quotable Quotes



Cost of keeping them in safe custody and suggestions to reduce it to reasonable levels



Banks and financial Institutions



Why every Division/Branch of Insurance Companies need this Ready Reckenor?



Third Party Claims An Introduction



All about Investigation - 1


The Hare and the Tortoise (True story!)



Claims Investigators Association of India



Form of Authentication Letter for entries



Form for Details of recovered vehicles



Subscription requisition



Importance of PIN



Vol. 1

January 2003

One of the areas where the Police investigating officers find it more and more difficult is in tracing stolen vehicles. The amount of time and work they spend in each case is mind-boggling when one considers the number of vehicles reported stolen across the country. To help them in identifying stolen vehicles a Ready Reckoner of stolen vehicles by their Chassis numbers and Engine numbers are prepared and given in this issue.

“Crime control and prevention of crime could not solely be the responsibility of the Police, the prosecution, the courts and the correctional institutions but require full co-operation and coordinated action on the part of all the sections of the society”—quote from the Souvenir released on the occasion of All India Criminology conference conducted in New Delhi during 1st to 3rd November 2001 by National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science.

It is our sincere hope that this will be of some help to the Police officers engaged in routine checks in Parking Lots at Railway stations, Bus Terminals, Airports, Public parking lots in busy sections of the city, routine vehicle checks on the Highways, Mechanic shops etc. There are vehicles being run with forged RC books, which can be easily identified with this list.

There is a marked increase in the awareness of the need to strengthen the hands of Police Investigating officers at various levels of public. The main aim of this publication is one such attempt. When we published a pilot issue and sent into a limited circulation in 1992, there was a spontaneous response from various Police Officials across the country. Due to various factors it could not be continued at that time. In the present scenario we decided to continue with our efforts.

Similarly, when they nab a culprit and through him many vehicles, the time and money spent on connecting them to their legal owners can be saved through this system. We will include a section on Recovered vehicles that will reach all Insurance Companies. When the list of stolen vehicles is complete and up to date, 2

Vol. 1


January 2003

the Police in identifying stolen vehicles, which might have got an insurance cover using forged documents.

the DETAILS OF RECOVERED VEHICLES CAN BE HAD WITHIN MINUTES. The Police authorities may send the details of recovered vehicles in the prescribed form, which we can include in the subsequent issue. Insurance companies who shell out huge amounts of money also can use this Ready Reckoner to weed out such vehicles, which come for Insurance cover with forged RC book (which is then REGULARISED by getting a legitimate RC from regular RTOs). In the past the Police have unearthed parallel illegal set ups running like a regular RTO. These set ups have been running successfully for many years before they are caught. One just cannot imagine the quantity of forged documents on the circulation to day across the country. Someone has to start somewhere to correct these aberrations of society. As insurance Investigators we thought this would be a good start like any other that have or may come to light. We dedicate this issue to the Insurance Industry as a whole, which in their own way can help 3

Vol. 1


In majority of the cases the Insurance claims are settled after verifying the RC book, which are not verified with the RTO unless some discrepancy is found or in cases of theft. Physical verification of the vehicle’s Chassis Number is rarely done at the time of issuing a policy. This list can be used to verify this at the time of issuing a Policy

prevention efforts of the Insurance Companies. Third party claims settlement constitutes a major chunk of outflow of every Insurance Company. In the present set up the time interval between the date accident and the date of notice to the Insurance Companies is much and there are many cases reported of manipulating records to defraud the Insurance companies. Insurance Investigators are indispensable tool to bring this aspect to more controllable level.

One investigator raised a question recently. What is the use of this list containing just around 500 entries? As we said it is a start and the Insurers are free to send as many entries as they want to make this list more comprehensive. More number of entries means increased possibilities of identifying a stolen vehicle. This system can be extended to other items also like Laptops, Cell phones etc. A study is going on to make this system more useful to all Government agencies. In this issue we have included some interesting cases handled by professional Insurance Investigators. These represent valuable contribution of Insurance Investigators made towards loss minimization and loss

We invite suggestions from experienced Investigators from across the country to control third party claims to justifiable limits. An accident victim must be compensated at the earliest. Justice delayed is justice denied. At the same time the Insurance Company cannot be taken for a ride. To achieve this, a wellcoordinated team at every district level will be of much use. To this end it is important to coordinate with Insurance Investigators across the country. “Claims Investigators Association of India” a registered Association of Insurance investigators through their members, have contributed articles on typical cases encountered by them. These reports are

January 2003

confidential in nature and hence the names of the Insurers, Insured and other concerned agencies are withheld. The matter is more important and illuminating. The readers may find some of them similar to cases handledby them. We welcome valuable suggestions from Police officers, Insurance companies and other Government agencies concerned. P. Ananthan Editor

--------------------Thank You Insurers! We thank the Insurers for sending in authentic data for compiling and publication. However we would like to point out certain omissions. Some of the documentation is not complete. In some cases the copy of RC and in some cases the policy were not enclosed. Without these, the compilation cannot be complete. We request the Insurers to continue sending the entries (with CLEAR copies of RC, FIR and Policy – complete in all respects and attested) on or before 10th of every month. The compiled list will be published in the subsequent issue. Compilation charges are nil. 4

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January 2003

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January 2003




This Ready Reckenor is designed to help the Police Personnel engaged in routine checks at — Highways Check posts Busy junctions in a town/city Air Port Parking Lot Railway Station Parking Lots Cinema Halls Parking Lots Automobile Garages And places where search is made on Court Orders

READY RECKONER For the use of Police Departments Insurance companies Other concerned Government agencies & Members of Claims Investigators Association of India To trace more number of stolen vehicles

(Police department)

The Lists given in the following pages are in ascending order and vehicle (make/model) wise. To locate a Chassis number, look under the appropriate vehicle make/model classification. For Example if you are checking a HEROHONDA Splendor, look under the heading – HeroHonda-Splendor. The Chassis number is listed separately and the engine number is listed separately as they are separate units and can be inter-changed. Check the vehicle RC with the number on the vehicle Compare the chassis/engine number with the List If matching number not found clear the vehicle. If a matching number is found note the corresponding AR Number. Go to the next section of Ready reckenor where the details of Insurance Company, Police station, and FIR Number are given against the reference AR Number.


Note the details and contact the nearest office of the Insurers and/or notify AMARAN REGISTER Private Limited.



Vol. 1


January 2003

Vol. 1

HOW TO USE THIS READY RECKONER (Insurance Companies) In spite of the sincere efforts of the Police Personnel, it is getting more and more difficult to weed out stolen vehicles that get regularized through devious means (forged RC book, forged NOCs, and then re-registered through regular legal RTOs). These vehicles ply on road and get their insurance cover without any problem. Till to date there is no way for an Insurer to verify this clever manipulation. NOW IT IS EASY TO WEED OUT SUCH VEHICLES PROCEDURE 1.

Whenever a vehicle come for renewal of Policy, obtain a copy of RC attested by the insured him/her self for records.


Check the Engine and Chassis Number with the list given in the Ready Reckoner.


If a match is found note the AR number against it.


Go to the next section of Ready Reckoner and check the AR Number.


Note the Details of Insurers/Police FIR etc. and take appropriate action


If such vehicles are already under claim – the Insurers have the option of stopping the payment – and then take necessary action. This is not only loss prevention but also – by initiating action with the help of the Police – recover some value in the process.


When this Ready Reckoner is updated regularly, it will help in reducing overall costs for the Police and help them to recover more number of stolen vehicles, thereby help the Loss Minimization efforts of the Insurance Company

This system can be extended to costly equipments like Laptops. Insurers may send in suggestions for improving this system. Ultimately it is for them only!! 7


January 2003

Chassis Number AEY 801646 AGU 720142 AJT 699565 III 211871 III 324710 III 374236 III 393108 III 463480 III 467521 III 471750 III 561633 III 587209 III 593967

AMBASSADOR AR # 000286 000380 000304 000030 000175 000110 000103 000054 000140 000392 000146 000080 000316

(All Models) Engine Number 6 EDGU 128930 6 EDJT 109461 6 EPEY 020053 6EH 043776 D 280163 D 299354 ODH 57018 OED 035787 OER 13061 OET 10603 OEU 11428 OEY 10893 OEY 13384

AR NO 000380 000304 000286 000146 000030 000316 000392 000080 000175 000110 000103 000054 000140

Chassis Number 001415 378729 API 389592 APJ 150 LY 389699 API 150 LY

API AR N# 000068 000058 000112 000111

LAMBY Engine Number 001415 150 CY 378729 150 LY 389592 150 LY 389699

AR NO 000068 000058 000112 000111

Chassis Number NPE 253681

ASHOK LEYLAND ALCO 3/3 TIPPER AR NO Engine Number 000244 NPE 132302

AR NO 000244

Chassis Number 31 F 95 C 00054

BAJAJ AR NO 000441

AR NO 000441

4S Engine Number 31 M 95 C 02816 8

Vol. 1


January 2003

Chassis Number 009660 04 C 363143 05 C 391644 24 C 006622 24 C 024172 24 C 037875 24 F BDM 47041 24 FBGA 01936 F 24 BM 020988 F 24 DB 062722 W 24 C 012699 W 24 C 047247 W 24 E 049396

BAJAJ AR # 000055 000079 000093 000026 000141 000102 000251 000548 000554 000136 000540 000549 000536

AUTO Engine Number 009461 04 E 381176 05 E 422683 24 E 006540 24 E 023466 24 E 036947 24 M BDM 96488 AEMBG 013995 E 24 DB 061374 M 24 BM 023990 W 24 C 050179 W 24 E 012591 W 24 E 046023

AR NO 000055 000079 000093 000026 000141 000102 000251 000548 000136 000554 000536 000540 000549

Chassis Number DFFBFM 62559 DFFBGC 19498 DFFBHC 71356

BAJAJ AR NO 000285 000295 000281

BOXER (AT & CT) Engine Number 31 MBGC 08116 DFMBFM 72029 DFMBHC 85901

AR NO 000295 000285 000281

Chassis Number DDFBEE 01781 DDFBEG 07887 DDFBEG 08025 DDFBEM 66129 DDFBFE 44261 DDFBFF 87515 DDFBGC 78706 DDFBHB 52188

BAJAJ AR NO 000156 000151 000165 000412 000291 000292 000275 000252

CALIBER Engine Number DDMBEE 01842 DDMBEG 07659 DDMBEG 08186 DDMBEM 69168 DDMBFE 83307 DDMBFF 94468 DDMBGC 28086 DDMBHB 12180 9

AR NO 000156 000151 000165 000412 000291 000292 000275 000252

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January 2003

Chassis Number 03 C 501 180289 06 C 703788 06 C 803088 06 C 8103 136224 06 D 96 P 67336 35 C 96 K 11262 W 06 C 016260

BAJAJ AR NO 000289 000170 000128 000174 000265 000280 000012

CHETAK Engine Number 03 E 502 178137 06 E 740043 06 E 833372 35 E 96 K 48759 6 F 8103 165912 85 P 96 F 67818 W 06 E 016424

AR NO 000289 000170 000128 000280 000174 000265 000012

Chassis Number 30 F 94 D 07699 3 DC 079689 30 C 099117

BAJAJ AR NO 000220 000434 000349

KB 100 Engine Number 30 M 94 D 06589 3 DE 076447 30 E 097862

AR NO 000220 000434 000349

Chassis Number 28 CBFH 39808

BAJAJ AR NO 000290

LEGEND Engine Number 28 EBFH 40157

AR NO 000290

Chassis Number 16 C 94G35760 16 C 95 K 10007 16 C 96 K 69063 16 CBEC 33864 16 CBEE 57820 16 CBFK 15371 16 CBGE 08648 16 CBGK 56342 16 CBHF 84103

BAJAJ AR NO 000181 000321 000206 000453 000411 000214 000373 000455 000377

M 80 Engine Number 16 E 94G35812 16 E 95 K 09122 16 E 96 K 69037 16 EBEC 35803 16 EBEE 57832 16 EBFK 18720 16 EBGE 10501 16 EBGK 58571 16 EBHF 86840

AR NO 000181 000321 000206 000453 000411 000214 000373 000455 000377


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January 2003

Vol. 1


Chassis Number


Engine Number


34 CBDG 14207


34 EBDG 14044


33 F 96 J 87464


33 M 96 J 87391


08 C 93 M 91527


08 E 93 M 04989


W 05 C 260260


W 05 E 248621




Chassis Number


Engine Number


3 FD 19747


3 D 184403




Chassis Number


Engine Number


A 50072 E7


203610 E7




Chassis Number


Engine Number






9 B 393144




OB 420405


OB 420405




Chassis Number


Engine Number


618735 CB


318690 CB


B 63437 C 2


363175 C 2




Chassis Number


Engine Number




YA 05848



Chassis Number 00 M 20 C 22612 00 A 10 F 10829 00 B 19 F 07774 00 B 20 C 03366 00 E 20 C 09920 00 F 20 C 11321 00 F 20 C 16430 00 F 20 C 17810 00 F 20 F 10954 00 F 20 F 11097 00 G 20 C 22611 00 L 20 C 09228 00 L 20 C 27774 00 M 20 F 26843 00120 C 19720 0020 F 14844 01 B 20 C 23112 01 B 20 F 01745 01 G 20 C 06790 01 G 20 F 12083 07744 95 D 19 F 00870 95 K19 F 02438 96 F 19 F 05169 96 G 19 F 03868 97 F 17 E 63639 97 F 19F 09089 97 G 19 F 07919 97 G 19 F 09719 97 J 19 F 08024


HEROHONDA AR NO 000489 000355 000404 000447 000308 000360 000222 000210 000369 000325 000387 000238 000358 000406 000366 000352 000350 000556 000297 000378 000157 000219 000533 000439 000205 000320 000250 000264 000324 000438 12

SPLENDOR Engine Number 00 M 18 M 22705 00 E 18 M 10170 00 A 10 E 22143 00 B 17 E 07158 00 B 18 M 03578 00 C 18 E 15957 00 F 18 E 10777 00 F 18 E 10784 00 F 18 M 10748 00 F 18 M 15098 00 F 18 M 18084 00 G 18 M 22696 00 L 18 M 09123 00 L 18 M 19789 00 L 18 M 27752 00 M 18 E 25958 00798 01 B 18 E 01343 01 B 18 M 23274 01 G 18 B 12199 01 G 18 M 00521 08004 95 D 17 E 00602 95 K 17 E 02547 96 F 17 E 05192 96 G 17 E 03624 97 F 17 E 03444 97 F 17E 10196 97 G 17 E 08190 97 G 17 E 09009

January 2003

AR NO 000489 000308 000355 000404 000447 000352 000369 000325 000360 000222 000210 000387 000238 000366 000358 000406 000376 000556 000350 000378 000297 000157 000219 000533 000439 000205 000320 000250 000264 000324

Vol. 1

Chassis Number 97 J 19 F 09920 97 J 19 F 11531 97 K 19 F 03142 97 K 19 F 08186 97 K 19 F 09591 97 M 19 F 30892 98 A 19 F 04572 98 B 19 F 04860 98 D 19 F 03986 98 F 19 F 05465 98 G 19 C 06047 98 G 19 F 05736 98 G 19 F 09061 98 H 19 C 02106 98 J 12 F 11536 99 D 19 C 02687 99 D 19 C 09360 99 E 12 F 06611 99 F 19 C 08774 99 G 19 C 00985 99 G 19 C 09992 99 G 19 F 09206 99 H 19 C 03689 99 H 19 C 11365 99 H 19 C 11769 99 H 19 F 08162 99 M 17 C 00807 99 M 19 C 08528 99 M 19 C 2418


HEROHONDA ARNO 000327 000322 000319 000396 000249 000541 000354 000449 000301 000150 000241 000257 000227 000395 000372 000385 000318 000361 000452 000389 000213 000347 000196 000557 000309 000367 000376 000403 000414 13

SPLENDOR (Cont’d) Engine Number 97 J 17 E 08156 97 J 17 E 10435 97 J 17 E 11913 97 K 17 E 03069 97 K 17 E 08038 97 K 17 E 09900 97 M 17 E 30853 98 A 17 E 04939 98 B 17 E 04798 98 D 17 E 03583 98 F 17 E 05455 98 G 17 E 6103 98 G 17 M 05250 98 H 17 M 01989 98 J 10 S 22645 98817 E 09026 99 D 17 M 02641 99 D 17 M 09345 99 E 10 E 12811 99 F 17 E 01887 99 F 17 M 07533 99 G 17 M 00405 99 G 17 M 10148 99 H 17 E 07866 99 H 17 M 02528 99 H 17 M 10802 99 H 17 M 10978 99 M 117 M 09091 99 M 17 C 05321

January 2003

ARNO 000438 000327 000322 000319 000396 000249 000541 000354 000449 000301 000150 000257 000241 000395 000372 000227 000385 000318 000361 000347 000452 000389 000213 000367 000196 000309 000557 000414 000403

Vol. 1


Chassis Number C 10 F 107487 C B 03003788

HEROHONDA ARNO 000418 000353

Chassis Number E 11 F 009179

HEROHONDA SLEEK ARNO Engine Number 000172 E 10 E 350828

ARNO 000172

Chassis Number 01 G 13 F 00063 11331 95 M 12 F 01444 96 L 12 F 01607 97 A 10 F 7357 98 D 10 F 02886 99 B 10 F 09656 99 D 12 A 12092 99 E 12 F 05995 99 H 10 F 06239 B 10 F 075853 B 10 F 100107 D 10 F 194376 D 10 F 213771 D 10 F 230063 D 10 F 237815 D 10 F 254540 F 10 F 368223 F 10 F 380646

HEROHONDA (CD 100 SS,100,100DX) ARNO Engine Number 000400 01 G 13 E 00024 000342 21543 000155 95 M 10 E 01225 000284 96 L 10 E 01495 000370 97 A 10 E 16021 000149 98 B 10 E 02709 000273 99 B 10 E 18201 000371 99 E 10 E 11949 000270 99 H 10 E 08200 000268 9910 E 22860 000064 B 10 E 075787 000119 B 10 E 100242 000020 D 10 E 194311 000039 D 10 E 213556 000021 D 10 E 2302259 000019 D 10 E 2337482 000116 D 10 E 254568 000098 F 10 E 375697 000105 F 10 E 393271

ARNO 000400 000342 000155 000284 000370 000149 000273 000270 000268 000371 000064 000119 000020 000039 000021 000019 000116 000098 000105


SPLENDOR (Cont’d) Engine Number C 10 E 107623 C B 13005046

January 2003

ARNO 000418 000353

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January 2003

Chassis Number 095279596 48220548

KELVINATOR ARNO 000083 000072

AVANTI Engine Number 214804324 320980544

ARNO 000072 000083

Chassis Number NIFKA 484511 NIEF 128589 NIEGA 254622 NIERB 941406 NIF CM 579566 NIFC 028347 NIFFE 190622 NIFHD 355851 NIFKM 481537 NIFMF 635696 NIFNE 741438 NIFPE 827713 NIFSG 097282 NIFSL 143705 NIFTB 164067

KINETIC ARNO 000490 000123 000139 000448 000326 000127 000115 000201 000445 000451 000390 000544 000402 000221 000394

HONDA Engine Number NIFKA 474102 569788 NIECM NIEC 028298 NIEF 129882 NIEFE 190112 NIEGA 248176 NIEHD 346068 NIEKM 471128 NIEMF 628458 NIENE 735601 NIEPX 822280 NIERB 937054 NIESG 093152 NIESL 139279 NIFTB 160431

ARNO 000490 000326 000127 000123 000115 000139 000201 000445 000451 000390 000544 000448 000402 000221 000394

Chassis Number 32006593 98 K 13043668 AL 19000012

KINETIC ARNO 000122 000328 000287

LUNA,LUNA SUPER,SAFARI) Engine Number ARNO 31014774 000122 98 K 13073055 000328 AL 19001568 000287

Chassis Number 191929 API

LAMBRETTA ARNO Engine Number 000022 150LI193223 15

ARNO 000022

Vol. 1


January 2003

Chassis Number C 10 C 564572 CH 449848 XEA 032538

LML ARNO 000218 000028 000070

VESPA (NV,XE) Engine Number AH 31849 E CN 448397 E 10 C 562038

ARNO 000070 000028 000218

Chassis Number CI 500 DI 4 DSDS 43315 CL 550 MD 4 FVDV 204583

MAHINDRA ARNO 000330 000331

JEEP Engine Number DS 43315 DV 204583

ARNO 000330 000331

Chassis Number A 98280


TRACTOR Engine Number 3 SA 26923

ARNO 000333

Chassis Number EYH 4 HA 375631 16823


NISSAN Engine Number IC 15386

ARNO 000303

Chassis Number MA 1 JG 2 FAA 13 J 22317


MAXICAB Engine Number S 43356876

ARNO 000407

Chassis Number 357235 SB 308 IN 1025487 SB 308 IN 1015941 SS 80 FIN 140108

MARUTHI ARNO 000314 000299 000442 000215

800 Engine Number 499352 F 8 BIN 105745 F 8 BIN 1336939 F 8 BIN 1351167

ARNO 000314 000215 000442 000299

Chassis Number MA 3 EBE 41 S 00 251748


ESTEEM Engine Number G 13 BIN 619545

ARNO 000312


Vol. 1


January 2003

Chassis Number


OMNI Engine Number


956863 ST 91 IN 855706

000338 000133

922062 F 8 BIN 563754

000338 000133

ST 91 IN 136639


F 8 BIN 1254496




Chassis Number 429110

ARNO 000305

Engine Number 419718

ARNO 000305

MA 3 EYE 31 S 00 290303


G 10 BIN 285149 AW


Chassis Number


ASTRA Engine Number


56 V 100839 56 V 079528

000198 000410

16 N/R 02 FE 6849 16 LZ 5010301

000198 000410



ARNO 000016

Engine Number PA 136635

Chassis Number A 216025

ARNO 000016

RAJDOOT Chassis Number 115 248006

ARNO 000074

Engine Number 111 51 245203

ARNO 000074

115 457806 115 549940

000124 000024

111 51454813 115 1546947

000124 000024

777924 908496

000010 000082

771931 905503

000010 000082

959605 981583

000063 000085

959605 981583

000063 000085


Vol. 1


January 2003

Chassis Number 1012 F 283254 1711 F 138240 1805 F 172054 1807 F 179362 1809 F 183972 1904 F 218258 3512 F 032058 3604 F 055587 3608 F 082699 3608 F 085622 3609 F 091118 3610 F 095107 3708 F 122774 3709 F 131812 4706 F 110499 4708 F 12546 5809 F 185959 A 908 F 272447

SUZUKI ARNO 000456 000008 000002 000005 000071 000142 000092 000007 000059 000061 000176 000067 000023 000015 000017 000060 000135 000113

AX (100,100R) Engine Number 1012 M 289579 1711 M 145199 1805 M 178439 1807 M 186966 1808 M 188666 1904 M 225945 3512 M 040099 3604 M 062839 3608 M 089042 3608 M 092297 3609 M 097716 3610 M 101738 3708 M 129826 3709 M 138228 4705 M 116833 4708 M 132040 5809 M 192773 A 908 M 271105

Chassis Number 1006 F 679010 1008 F 721868 1102 F 858005 1105 M 970226 1201 F 125617 1612 F 737196 1704 F 794755 1803 F 9839968 1810 F 130113

SUZUKI ARNO 000405 000261 000248 000409 000263 000233 000293 000537 000200

MAX (100,100 R, 100 DC) Engine Number ARNO 1006 M 730927 000405 1008 M 774136 000261 1102 M 911029 000248 1105 F 916714 000409 1201 M 181115 000263 1612 M 783113 000233 1704 M 840647 000293 1803 M 030983 000537 1810 M 177717 000200 18

ARNO 000456 000008 000002 000005 000071 000142 000092 000007 000059 000061 000176 000067 000023 000015 000017 000060 000135 000113

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January 2003

Chassis Number 1810 F 141355 1811 F 169389 1901 F 204916 1904 F 285881 1909 F 419751 1909 F 421139 1909 F 433335 1909 F416078 1910 F 452211 1911 F 478084 541453 7606 F 655012 9011 F 775028 9101 F 833466 9101 F 834115 9102 F 859034 9103 F 883258 9104 F 908901 9109 F 021549

SUZUKI ARNO 000362 000399 000228 000160 000444 000346 000246 000277 000375 000211 000253 000153 000356 000397 000446 000283 000258 000202 000363

MAX (100,100 R, 100 DC) Engine Number ARNO 1810 M 188837 000362 1811 M 217243 000399 1901 M 252988 000228 1904 M 334375 000160 1909 M 465819 000277 1909 M 469357 000444 1909 M 471128 000346 1909 M 483279 000246 1910 M 502353 000375 1911 M 528344 000211 584996 000253 7606 M 699949 000153 9011 M 826613 000356 9101 M 886416 000397 9101 M 887067 000446 9102 M 912047 000283 9103 M 936504 000258 9104 M 962250 000202 9109 M 076685 000363

Chassis Number 1801 F 950810 7003 F 594097 7011 F 776237 7103 F 886986 7103 F 889958 7309 F 378932

SUZUKI ARNO 000154 000271 000278 000255 000231 000256

SAMURAI Engine Number 1801 M 997697 7003 M 645256 7011 M 829189 7103 M 939966 7103 M 96358 7309 M 410607 19

ARNO 000154 000271 000278 000255 000231 000256

Vol. 1


January 2003

Chassis Number 7405 F 422332 7508 F 534605 7509 F 554595 7510 F 56326 7512 F 582000 7609 F 690377 7610 F 704676 7705 D 814776 7801 F 945788 7801 F 959361 7801 F 959361 7808 F 097878 7811 F 154951 7903 F 268699

SUZUKI ARNO 000435 000266 000401 000440 000437 000329 000236 000310 000359 000217 000398 000243 000229 000337

SAMURAI (Cont’d) Engine Number 7405 M 461641 7508 M 578029 7509 M 598124 7510 M 607448 7512 M 625905 7609 M 735528 7610 M 749803 7705 M 860509 7801 M 006389 7801 M 006389 7801 M 992687 7808 M 145293 7811 M 202457 7903 M 316915

ARNO 000435 000266 000401 000440 000437 000329 000236 000310 000217 000398 000359 000243 000229 000337

Chassis Number 692 001 232314 692 001 763287

TATA ARNO 000137 000138

1210 SE Engine Number 344 073 224273 344 073 760422

ARNO 000137 000138

Chassis Number 344 052 127800 344 073 761776

TATA ARNO 000087 000062

1520 Engine Number 692 D 02134831 692 D O1 764867

ARNO 000087 000062

Chassis Number 600142 GYZP 36615

TATA ARNO 000408

INDICA Engine Number 4751 D 12 GYZP 35745

ARNO 000408


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January 2003

Chassis Number 385003 ASQ 902836 385003 FRQ 913912 385003 HSQ 937885 38503 ARQ 903379 440 738 00589

TATA ARNO 000384 000279 000332 000148 000109

SUMO Engine Number 483 DL 41 ARQ 706526 483 DL 41 ASQ 707539 483 DL 41 FRQ 737995 483 DL 41 HSQ 796562 692 DO 1805081

ARNO 000148 000384 000279 000332 000109

Chassis Number 373 094 HQQ 117769

TATA ARNO 000317

TIPPER Engine Number 697 D 21 GQQ 123473

ARNO 000317

Chassis Number 023255 11 81 066544 2 87 112833 07 87 115796 07 83 136117 10 83 159186 1 88 1894840684 1946470684 354164 39339202/86 443939 4811 F 118603 495808 7 87 4967870787 6902 F 163999 A 001 F 295615 A 001 F 305558 A 001 F 309470

TVS ARNO 000004 000052 000001 000130 000144 000056 000091 000120 000121 000118 000179 000013 000050 000097 000003 000510 000334 000274

50 (XL,XT) Engine Number 023483 11 81 067045 2 87 113414 07 87 116170 07 83 135836 10 83 159707 1 88 1902420684 1952790684 360361 39334902 444405 4811 M 131100 496412 7 87 4974010787 6902M183960 A 904 M 095892 A 001 M 276165 A 001 M 286067

ARNO 000004 000052 000001 000130 000144 000056 000091 000120 000121 000118 000179 000013 000050 000097 000003 000515 000510 000334


Vol. 1

Chassis Number A 002 F 327229 A 005 F 394004 A 006 F 362935 A 007 F 428405 A 008 F 398688 A 008 F 439320 A 008 F 450873 A 009 F 461841 A 011 F 423627 A 101 F 5141671 A 104 F 564936 A 104 F 568705 A 108 F 620142 A 202 F 667874 A 304 F 747658 A 503 F 056846 A 603 F 300714 A 611 F 496715 A 612410886 A 701 F 539279 A 701 F 550522 A 702 F 571901 A 707 F 699794 A 709 F 727115 A 803 F 871727 A 804 F 023134 A 807 F 938654 A 808 F 970381 A 809 F 110002 A 812 F 145147


TVS ARNO 000101 000335 000100 000508 000089 000530 000504 000547 000117 000511 000517 000415 000522 000529 000169 000235 000501 000519 000107 000416 000339 000208 000483 000288 000500 000049 000162 000491 000108 000096

50 (XL,XT) Cont’d Engine Number A 001 M 289992 A 002 M 327426 A 005 M 374886 A 006 M 354679 A 007 M 409269 A 008 M 388213 A 008 M 420172 A 008 M 431021 A 009 M 442604 A 011 M 421943 A 101 M 495346 A 104 M 545597 A 104 M 549360 A 108 M 600528 A 202 M 648165 A 304 M 742955 A 503 M 042034 A 603 M 282866 A 611 M 479613 A 617240886 A 701 M 522365 A 701 M 533324 A 702 M 554971 A 707 M 682017 A 709 M 709243 A 803 M 853746 A 804 M 031193 A 807 M 920898 A 808 M 952197 A 809 M 101592 22

January 2003

ARNO 000274 000101 000335 000100 000508 000089 000530 000504 000547 000117 000511 000517 000415 000522 000529 000169 000235 000501 000519 000107 000416 000339 000208 000483 000288 000500 000049 000162 000491 000108

Vol. 1

Chassis Number A 901 F 166599 A 903 F 184798 A 904 F 114220 A 905 F 148837 A 906 F 168739 A 908 F 197398 A 908 F 203403 A 908 F 203578 A 908 F 267797 A 909 F 2220940 A 909 F 236718 A 909 F 243066 A 909 F 275605 A 909 F 276853 A 909 F 276905 A 9097 F 173173 C 008 F 358770 C 805 F 046961 C 809 F 091431 C 811 F 136307 C 901 F 169495 C 905 F 2096674 C 909 F 277703 C 912 F 320426 P 1005 F 276408 P 1107 M 443464 P 1911 F 184352 PL 91 ZF 201800


TVS ARNO 000106 000045 000515 000488 000226 000267 000493 000492 000044 000497 000161 000336 000051 000018 000114 000494 000143 000048 000014 000065 000066 000104 000077 000078 000269 000421 000204 000514

50 (XL,XT) Cont’d Engine Number A 812 M 142924 A 901 M 164190 A 903 M 187433 A 905 M 130427 A 906 M 150501 A 908 M 178533 A 908 M 1844806 A 908 M 184724 A 908 M 269069 A 909 M 203300 A 909 M 217590 A 909 M 224523 A 909 M 276140 A 909 M 278004 A 909 M 278175 A 9097 M 154867 C 008 M 383256 C 805 M 047817 C 809 M 096036 C 811 M 138088 C 901 M 168207 C 905 M 219906 C 909 M 279218 C 912 M 315151 P 1005 M 274228 P 1107 F 448794 P 1911 M 183677 PL 91 ZM 200855 23

January 2003

ARNO 000096 000106 000045 000488 000226 000267 000493 000492 000044 000497 000161 000336 000051 000018 000114 000494 000143 000048 000014 000065 000066 000104 000077 000078 000269 000421 000204 000514

Vol. 1


January 2003

Chassis Number 001684 4 87 007732 9 87 D 001 F 294375 D 002 F 335835 D 009 F 471995 D 101 F 524941 D 307 F 779650 D 310 F 816270 D 607 F 413935 D 704 F 620681 D 708 F 706562 D 708 F 714794 D 802 F 847114 D 805 F 047080 D 805 F 05724 D 808 F 088703 D 812 F 037274 D 902 F 076951 D 903 F 091409 D 904 F 111121 D 904 F 114245 D 905 F 221761 D 909 F 273471 D 912 F 31907 DOIOF 480498

TVS ARNO 000046 000047 000212 000073 000209 000351 000422 000306 000203 000535 000551 000546 000207 000094 000183 000031 000180 000498 000496 000391 000166 000053 000032 000033 000486

CHAMP Engine Number 001614 4 87 007982 9 87 D 001 M 274970 D 002 M 342794 D 009 M 452544 D 101 NM 505509 D 307 M 774864 D 310 M 808204 D 607 M396586 D 704 M 603855 D 707 M 684128 D 708 M 696022 D 802 M 82879 D 805 M 048123 D 805 M 87701 D 808 M 091818 D 812 M 019025 D 902 M 058804 D 903 M 073122 D 904 M 092833 D 904 M 095589 D 905 M 223307 D 908 N I273577 D 912 M 314224 DOIOM 461249

ARNO 000046 000047 000212 000073 000209 000351 000422 000306 000203 000535 000551 000546 000207 000094 000183 000031 000180 000498 000496 000391 000166 000053 000032 000033 000486

Chassis Number 16 CBFA 89683 K 95 FF 023387 K 98 CF 171638

TVS ARNO 000184 000182 000185

SCOOTY Engine Number 16 EBFA 91318 K 95 FM 024143 K 98 CM 173248

ARNO 000184 000182 000185


Vol. 1


January 2003

Chassis Number


SPORTS Engine Number


J 1011 F 353368


P 1011 M 348699




Chassis Number P 1007 F 297940

AR # 000348

Engine Number P 1006 M 286294

ARNO 000341

P 1008 F 313824 P 1009 F 326954

000505 000340

P 1007 M 295445 P 1008 M 311127

000348 000505

P 1101 F 376584 P 1103 F 420285

000506 000223

P 1009 M 323902 P 109 M 477955

000340 000254

P 1104 F 425591 P 1105 F 434886

000413 000298

P 1101 M 372081 P 1103 M 415167

000506 000223

P 1109 F 483918 P 111 F 515800 P 1111 F 509658

000254 000527 000525

P 1103 M 418527 P 1104 M 420368 P 1105 M 429563

000276 000413 000298

P 1201 F 523981 P 1809 F 055654

000393 000343

P 1109 M 474720 P 1111 M 501097

000383 000525

P 1907 F 144087 P 1907 F 144087

000259 000388

P 1112 M 507597 P 1201 M 515776

000527 000393

P 1911 F 193405 P 3103 F 423799

000526 000276

P 1809 M 055629 P 1907 M 143564

000343 000259

P 3109 F 480294 P1006 F 288804

000383 000341

P 1907 M 143594 P 1911 M 192511

000388 000526

P1812 F 081047


P1812 M 080935




ARNO 000134

Engine Number 900 A 453917

Chassis Number SA 2242235


ARNO 000134

Vol. 1


January 2003

Chassis Number 3 B 273646 94 K ILI 462856 95 D ILI 507833 96 F IL5 007626 98 B IL3 015919

YAMAHA ARNO 000171 000232 000230 000262 000454

RX 100 Engine Number 273646 IL2 010767 IL5 007626 IL5 15919 ILI 015516

ARNO 000171 000167 000262 000454 000043

ILI 007155 ILI 015516 ILI 046013 ILI 057653 ILI 081523 ILI 088339 ILI 089444 ILI 091097 ILI 104587 ILI 107027 ILI 107488 ILI 118572 ILI 128369 ILI 139237 ILI 142402 ILI 150559 ILI 151116 ILI 180438 ILI 190099 ILI 192771 ILI 198273 ILI 198367 ILI 210288

000011 000043 000006 000197 000038 000025 000041 000035 000034 000125 000069 000095 000090 000531 000086 000084 000126 000076 000129 000323 000132 000099 000152

ILI 057653 ILI 081523 ILI 089444 ILI 091097 ILI 104587 ILI 107027 ILI 107488 ILI 118572 ILI 128369 ILI 139237 ILI 142402 ILI 150559 ILI 151116 ILI 180438 ILI 190099 ILI 192771 ILI 198273 ILI 198367 ILI 210288 ILI 218177 ILI 295846 ILI 321261 ILI 354798

000197 000038 000041 000035 000034 000125 000069 000095 000090 000531 000086 000084 000126 000076 000129 000323 000132 000099 000152 000294 000315 000168 000543


Vol. 1


January 2003

Chassis Number IL2 010767 ILI 218177 ILI 295846 ILI 321261 ILI 354798 ILI 412649 ILI 417510 C 94

YAMAHA ARNO 000167 000294 000315 000168 000543 000158 000443

RX 100 (Cont’d) Engine Number ILI 046013 ILI 412649 ILI 417510 ILI 462856 ILI 507833 ILI007155 ILI088339

ARNO 000006 000158 000443 000232 000230 000011 000025

Chassis Number 00 A IL5 296437 00 C IL5 316462 00 C IL5 316517 00A IL5 288897 98 B IL5 150123 98 G IL5 179847 98 K IL5 202520 99 B IL5 217570 99 C IL5 221758 99 G IL5 263238 99 J IL5 268602 99 K IL5 274082 C 98 D IL5 168176

YAMAHA ARNO 000216 000302 000225 000240 000374 000260 000450 000379 000234 000357 000307 000245 000237

RX 135 Engine Number IL5 150123 IL5 168176 IL5 179847 IL5 202520 IL5 217570 IL5 221758 IL5 263238 IL5 268602 IL5 274082 IL5 288897 IL5 296437 IL5 316462 IL5 316517

ARNO 000374 000237 000260 000450 000379 000234 000357 000307 000245 000240 000216 000302 000225

Chassis Number 95 J 1L2 000007 97 B IL5 077723 98 B IL3 015315 K5 108350 K5 52126

YAMAHA ARNO 000247 000224 000417 000163 000159

RXG Engine Number 1L2 000007 IL3 015315 IL5 077723 K5 108350 K5 52126 27

ARNO 000247 000417 000224 000163 000159

Vol. 1

ARNO 000001 000002 000003 000004 000005 000007 000008 000009 000010 000011 000012 000013 000014 000015 000016 000017 000018 000019 000020 000021 000022 000023 000024 000025 000026 000027 000028 000029 000030 000031 000032 000033


Insurers NIA-710901 NIA-710901 NIA-710901 NIA-710901 NIA-710901 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710201 NIA-710203 NIA-710202 NIA-710602 NIA-710602 NIA-710603 NIA-710603 NIA-710603 NIA-710403 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-710600 NIA-710802 NIA-710802

Claim # 88/0184 89/0266 89/0217 88-89/0373 89/0111 88/0053 88/0092 88/0046 88/0083 89/0075 90/0063 89/0017 89/0069 89/95 88/113 89/0048 89-90/182 89-90/023 89-90/022 89-90/012 87/134 88/268 89/64 89/245 89-90/159 89/328 1991/64 9/90 77/89 90/15 54/1991 36/89-90 28

PS Code PS PIN O2 R2 R1 C5 J5 O2 B2 B2 K4 D6 O1 E1 N3 G2 O2 R4 C5 K4

F5 R1 D3 J5 F4 E1 E3 J6 E3

January 2003

Cr. # 62/88 692/89 2311/89 881/88 479/88 1591/87 326/88 394/87 108/88 1030/89 403/90 652/89 812/89 1205/89 521/87 257/88 1470/89 308/90 179/90 1015/89 226/87 1695/88 584/89 835/88 409/89 144/89 580/90 264/90 2159/89 1493/90 579/90 426/90

Vol. 1

ARNO 000034 000035 000037 000038 000039 000040 000041 000042 000043 000044 000045 000046 000047 000048 000049 000050 000051 000052 000053 000054 000055 000056 000058 000059 000060 000061 000062 000063 000064 000065 000066 000067


Insurers NIA-712402 NIA-712402 NIA-712402 NIA-712402 NIA-712402 NIA-712402 NIA-712402 NIA-712402 NIA-712402 NIA-711207 NIA-711207 NIA-711105 NIA-711207 NIA-711207 NIA-711207 NIA-711207 NIA-711207 NIA-711207 NIA-710403 NIA-710601 NIA-710601 NIA-710601 NIA-710803 NIA-712401 NIA-712401 NIA-712401 NIA-712401 NIA-712401 NIA-712401 NIA-712401 NIA-712401 NIA-712401

Claim # 89/27 88/119 90/54 89/187 89/174 89/147 89/144 89/133 89/132 90/56 90/38 88/15 79/90 16/89 19/90 90/68 90/67 82/90 1991/40 80/89-90 139/89-90 146/89-90 83/90 7/A/144 88/A/57 88/A/67 89-90/62 89-90/96 89-90/168 89/A/41 89-90/165 88/A/68 29

PS Code PS PIN R5 V2 K4 R4 R2 C2 W1

R1 D2 O2 C5 B1 J1 J5 V2 J3 E3 R6 R1 V1

January 2003

Cr. # 1300/89 783/88 1656/89 894/89 1740/89 46/89 143/89 450/88 1178/88 1083/89 64/90 24/88 270/89 1543/88 55/90 55/90 74/ 472/89 644/90 1840/89 654/89 463/89 799/88 1757/87 992/87 170/88 1246/89 2990/89 209/90 53/89 24/90 657/88

Vol. 1

ARNO 000068 000069 000070 000071 000072 000073 000074 000075 000076 000077 000078 000079 000080 000081 000082 000083 000084 000085 000086 000087 000088 000089 000090 000091 000092 000093 000094 000095 000096 000097 000098 000099


Insurers NIA-710902 NIA-710902 NIA-710902 NIA-710902 NIA-712002 NIA-710802 NIA-710904 NIA-712104 NIA-712104 NIA-710802 NIA-710803 NIA-710903 NIA-710103 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-712003 NIA-710904 NIA-712402 NIA-712002 NIA-710901 NIA-710803 NIA-712104 NIA-710904 NIA-710801 NIA-710103 NIA-710801 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-712004 NIA-712004 NIA-710904 NIA-711403

Claim # 89-90/056 89/A/25 89-90/29 89-90/038 90/43 70/1991 1991/174 31/91 90/98 73/1991 97/90 91-92/007 11/91 137/1991 1991/33 91-92/27 1991/49 991/032 153/1991 91/19 1991/251 88/089 90-91/18 90-91/21 151/1991 228/89-90 91-92/23 90-91/31 90-91/234 91/599 30

January 2003

PS Code PS PIN F2 E4 P1 O2 O2 E3 G1 600007

G1 F4 K4 B1 E3 B1 R6 R6 G3 P5 E3 F1 G3 J1 R3 D1 B1 B2


Cr. # 1245/89 130/89 453/89 727/89 124/90 423/90 639/90 588/91 235/91 745/90 577/90 554/91 932/90 1040/90 259/91 30/91 1047/90 323/90 177/88 354/91 554/91 161/91 558/88 I125/90 35/90 382/91 31/90 892/89 603/90 29/91 103/91

Vol. 1

ARNO 000100 000101 000102 000103 000104 000105 000106 000107 000108 000109 000110 000111 000112 000113 000114 000115 000116 000117 000118 000119 000120 000121 000122 000123 000124 000125 000126 000127 000128 000129 000130 000131


Insurers NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-710202 NIA-710202 NIA-710202 NIA-712004 NIA-712004 NIA-712004 NIA-712004 NIA-710802 NIA-711302 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-710802 NIA-710802 NIA-710803 NIA-710802 NIA-712004 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-710103 NIA-710802 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-710203 NIA-710203 NIA-710803 NIA-720205 NIA-720902 NIA-720902

Claim # 68/91 26/91 89/180 90/91 90/156 91-92/11 91-92/17 91-92/30 27/91-92 95/91-92 91/113 34/91-92 65/91-92 76A/91-92 138/90-91 146/91-92 27/91-92 84/91-92 89/066 108/91-92 110/91-92 90-91/051 85/91-92 75/91 146/91-92 138/92 92/01 92/43 181/92 92/43 92/17 92/15 31

PS Code PS PIN R2 E4 R2 K5 K2 B1 B2 B2 E5 K3


K4 R1 P1 R1 F5 R1 P2 H3 F4 J5

January 2003

Cr. # 1708/91 1166/90 280/90 1946/90 99/91 242/91 290/91 351/91 399/91 830/90 1579/91 611/91 818/91 167/90 339/91 101/91 235/91 751/91 35/87 2250/91 1195/91 691/91 1551/91 1303/91 263/92 167/92 16/92 734/91 490/92 261/92 398/91

Vol. 1

ARNO 000132 000133 000134 000135 000136 000137 000138 000139 000140 000141 000142 000143 000144 000146 000147 000148 000149 000150 000151 000152 000153 000154 000155 000156 000157 000158 000159 000160 000161 000162 000163 000164


Insurers NIA-710202 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-710601 NIA-720300 NAT-570104 UI-012001 NIA-710802 UI-010905 OIC-412001 NIA-710803 NIA-710803 NIA-720900 OIC-411601 NIA-710500 UI-020604 UI-010802 UI-010804 UI-010303 UI-010303 UI-010303 UI-010905 UI-010303 UI-010804 UI-010804 UI-010804 UI-010804 UI-011400 UI-011400 UI-010504 OIC-421304 UI-010305

Claim # 92/2 145/92 145/92 91-92/159

January 2003

PS Code PS PIN J1 N1 F4 B1

63/90-91/012 117/91-92 10883/92 MV/64/93 OD/92/7 257/92 OD/93/5 MV/53/93 OD/91/459 2176/99 1033/99


2931/91 2052/92 3336/92 118/92 2963/92 261/93 1588/92 1509/91 1622/ 174/2000 160/2000 2025/99 910/99 850/99 1418/99 1242/99

E1 R2 R1 K3 R1 F2 R1 G3 K8 K8 G2

815/99 904/99 762/99 969/99 10435/99 10380/99 220/99


G1 C4 F4 D3

Cr. # 2828/91 443/92 368/92 1492/91 51/92 75/91


1967/99 768/99 519/99 1389/99 535/99 854/99 763/99 2459/99

Vol. 1

ARNO 00165 000166 000167 000168 000169 000170 000171 000172 000173 000174 000175 000176 000177 000178 000179 000180 000181 000182 000183 000184 000185 000186 000187 000188 000189 000190 000191 000192 000193 000194 000195


Insurers UI-011402 UI-011400 NIA-710602 UI-010905 NIA-712003 UI-010103 UI-010101 UI-010101 UI-010500 UI-010500 UI-010500 UI-010500 UI-010500 UI-010500 UI-010500 UI-011400 UI-010905 UI-010504 UI-011400 UI-011402 UI-010300 UI-011400 UI-011200 UI-011402 UI-010303 UI-010804 UI-010801 UI-010905 UI-010305 UI-010300 UI-010804

Claim # 4230 10478/99

1013/93 54/89 10/91 19/91 2234/88 1496/89 2254/88 2240/88 1273/87 2251/88 10542/99 632/2000 289/99 10226/99 4301 20058/2000 17/2000 3275/98 254/98

18/00 1147/00 33

January 2003

PS Code PS PIN R4 R1 K4 V5 K4 R2 V1 V1

K3 G1 O2 K8 G1 G1 R1 E4 J1 K3 R1 E5 C1 J2 E3 V1 C3 N3


600007 600007

Cr. # 2225/99 1604/99 2048/98 379/93 1589/89 465/91 262/91 317/88 1099/88 1231/89 216/88 417/88 1755/87 479/88 42/2000 35/2000 2148/99 972/99 39/2000 1564/99 723/2000 402/2000 41/99 1757/98 3772/97 206/2000 550/2000 483/2000 665/2000 138/2000

Vol. 1

ARNO 000196 000197 000198 000199 000200 000201 000202 000203 000204 000205 000206 000207 000208 000209 000210 000211 000212 000213 000214 000215 000216 000217 000218 000219 000220 000221 000222 000223 000224 000225 000226 000227


Insurers UI-010802 UI-010804 UI-011400 UI-010602 UI-011401 UI-010303 UI-010305 UI-011400 UI-011400 UI-010804 UI-011400 UI-011400 UI-011400 UI-010804 UI-010905 UI-010804 UI-011401 UI-10303 UI-010804 NAT-500500 UI-010804 UI-010300 UI-010303 UI-010502 UI-010905 UI-011401 NIA-710904 UI-011400 UI-011400 UI-010303 UI-011305 UI-010804

Claim # 305/01 31864/01 5090 582/99 134/2001 20025/2000 20276/2000 1222/00 20399/2000 20879/2000 31076 00114/01


179/01 624/2000 04/01

31676 31743/01

00351/01 34

PS Code D5 R8 J2 D1 G3 G5 K4 R8 B4 E3 R1 E2 D3 G1 V5 V3 V2 E3 G1 V5 E6 XY G3 C1 E1 E1 B1 D9 E3 D9 B6 G2

January 2003

PS PIN 600005 600026 600020 600056 600010 600010 600040 600083 600044 600018 600017 600014 600005 600007 600101 600050 600093 600018 600007 600101 601203 0 600010 600003 600004 600004 600016 600005 600018 600005 600045 600003

Cr. # 1/2002 11/2002 1049/01 791/01 549/00 300/00 1114/01 803/00 394/00 1220/00 446/00 408/01 353/01 1260/01 920/2001 781/01 810/01 1082/01 1874/01 571/01 512/01 679/01 1708/00 946/01 1786/01 1853/01 755/01 303/01 1569/01 257/01 955/01 2394/01

Vol. 1

ARNO 000228 000229 000230 000231 000232 000233 000234 000235 000236 000237 000238 000239 000240 000241 000242 000243 000244 000245 000246 000247 000248 000249 000250 000251 000252 000253 000254 000255 000256 000257 000258 000259


Insurers UI-011400 UI-010905 UI-010303 UI-010300 UI-010701 UI-010303 UI-010305 UI-011401 UI-010303 UI-010804 UI-011401 UI-010502 UI-010804 UI-010804 UI-010905 UI-011400 UI-010303 UI-010804 UI-011400 UI-010801 UI-011400 UI-010303 UI-010100 UI-010804 UI-011200 NIA712003 UI-011401 UI-011401 UI-010502 UI-010504 UI-010303 UI-010303

Claim # 31789/01

PS Code C2 E1 C6 E1 V4 R1 E3 R2 G1 G1 E4 D9 G1 D3 D4 R1 B4 C5 R3 D3 D4 D9 R4 G1 K4 ZYX R6 E3 R4 R1 R3 D2


00210/01 05679/01 592/2000 4687/01 02640/00


31272/01 567/00

05702/01 05706/01 139/01 0318/01 0229/01 35

January 2003

PS PIN 600079 600004 600064 600053 600099 600017 600018 600024 600007 600007 600102 600005 600005 600087 600017 600044 600001 600083 600005 600087 600005 600017 600007 600040 603001 600083 600018 600017 600017 600083 600116

Cr. # 1219/01 2258/01 647/01 882/01 2002/01 1245/01 1044/01 1613/01 1906/00 64/01 202/01 80/01 81/01 264/01 484/01 536/01 237/01 192/01 659/01 392/01 780/01 182/00 1106/01 1216/01 378/01 157/02 1835/01 101/02 88/02 1267/01 506/01

Vol. 1

ARNO 000260 000261 000262 000263 000264 000265 000266 000267 000268 000269 000270 000271 000272 000273 000274 000275 000276 000277 000278 000279 000280 000281 000282 000283 000284 000285 000286 000287 000288 000289 000290 000291


Insurers UI-010801 UI-010305 UI-010900 UI-010900 NIA-610300 NIA-610300 NIA-610300 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIA-612700 NIC-501502 NIC-501502 NIC-501502 NIC-501502 NIC-501502 NIC-501502 NIC-501502

Claim #


260/01 14813/01 14808/01 00033/00 00035/00 00042/00 00043/01 00047/01 00092/01 00133/01 00141/01 00167/01 00537/02 00541/02 00559/02 00582/02 00606/02 00660/02 00679/02 00696/02 00697/02 00038/02 00079/02 00106/02 250/00 110/00 215/00


January 2003

PS PIN 600045 600080 600020 600041 508001 500020 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502 517502

605008 600002 605004 605006 605001 605006 605001

Cr. # 37/02 598/01 186/02 75/02 59/00 210/00 499/00 98/00 306/00 510/00 545/00 20/01 129/00 180/01 505/00 252/01 275/01 84/00 422/01 388/01 364/01 490/01 60/01 145/01 43/01 110/00 1896/00 28/00 224/00 217/00 54/00 24/01

Vol. 1

ARNO 000292 000293 000294 000295 000297 000298 000299 000300 000301 000302 000303 000304 000305 000306 000307 000308 000309 000310 000311 000312 000313 000314 000315 000316 000317 000318 000319 000320 000321 000322 000323 000324


Insurers NIC-501502 NIC-501502 NIC-501502 NIC-501502 UI-010804 UI-011400 UI-010303 UI-010801 UI-010804 UI-010804 UI-012406 NIC-603800 NIC-603800 NIC603804 NIC-603800 NIC-603800 NIC-603804 NIC-603804 NIC-603800 NIC-602000 NIC-602000 NIC-602000 NIC-602500 NIC-602500 NIC-602500 NIC-602506 NIC-602505 NIC602504 NIC-602504 NIC-602501 NIC-602501 NIC-602501

Claim # 204/00

471/01 32005/01 111/01 253/01 481/01 485/01 094/00 6301687/00 6101837/00 6200068/01 6202067/01 6202276/01 6200063/01 6200109/01 5102418/01 00/61/04 01/61/287 98/61/40 00/62/6 01/61/3 00/63/21 01/62/78 01/62/22 00/62/128 00/62/190 00076/00 00190/00 00227/00 37


January 2003

PS PIN 605001 605001 605010 638301 600094 600017 632001 600010 600002 600001 603301 576101 577101 576101 576101 560068 577101 560095 560004

580032 580032 580020

Cr. # 194/00 335/00 153/99 539/00 144/02 365/02 238/01 210/02 248/02 85/02 283/00 NULL 20/01 172/01 59/01 179/01 795/01 NULL NULL 176/00 510/01 420/98 63/00 21/01 163/00 58/01 76/01 99/00 15/01 95/00 26/01 16/01

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ARNO 000325 000326 000327 000328 000329 000330 000331 000332 000333 000334 000335 000336 000337 000338 000339 000340 000341 000342 000343 000344 000346 000347 000348 000349 000350 000351 000352 000353 000354 000355 000356 000357


Insurers NIC-602501 NIC-602501 NIC-602508 NIC-602506 NIC-602506 NIC-602404 NIC-602404 NIC-602404 NIC-602404 NIC-602401 NIC-602401 NIC-602401 NIC-602401 NIC-602401 NIC-602401 NIC-602401 NIC-602401 NIC-602401 NIC-602401 UI-012001 UI-010804 UI-010300 UI-010305 UI-010502 NIC-604000 UI-010300 NIC-604001 NIC-604001 NIC-604001 NIC-604001 UI-010300 UI-010300

Claim # 00037/01 00245/01 4/01 62/42/00 62/92/01 61/45/99 61/102/99 61/11/01 63/24/01 62/02/00 62/44/00 62/49/00 62/50/00 61/12/00 62/103/00 62/140/01 62/10/01 62/47/01 62/91/01 1392 284/01


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PS PIN 580020


571201 571201


571401 571421 571401 571401 572101 571401 571401 571401 600054 602102 600008 600053 600008 585102 600053

Cr. # 75/01 4/02 75/01 49/00 53/01 143/99 197/99 35/01 91/01 67/00 90/00 146/00 105/00 36/00 276/00 15/01 74/01 119/01 227/01 67/02 818/01 277/02 90/02 129/02 198/01 760/01 135/01

49/01 77/00 F2 G3 38

600008 600010

1749/01 1682/01

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ARNO 000358 000359 000360 000361 000362 000363 000366 000367 000368 000369 000370 000371 000372 000373 000374 000375 000376 000377 000378 000379 000380 000383 000384 000385 000387 000388 000389 000390 000391 000392 000393 000394


Insurers UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010300 NIC-604002 UI-010300 UI-010300 NIC-604002 NIC-604002 NIC-604002 NIC-604002 NIC-604003 NIC-604003 NIC-604003 UI-011401 UI-012600 UI-010905 UI-010303 UI-010300 UI-010303 UI-010804 UI-011400 UI-10502 UI-011305 UI-010804 UI-010303 UI-010303 UI-010305 UI-010801 UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010300

Claim #



021/01 029/01 042/01 056/01 009/00 066/00 072/00

January 2003

PS PIN 632014 600017 600007 600023 600072 584101

Cr. # 170/01 844/01 2190/01 184/00 1359/01 617/01 77/01 197/012

F3 D3 R3 C2 J3 C3 E3 V2 B1 B4 J2 B5 D2 J2 C1 K1


297/01 73/02 00244/02

196/02 104/02 229/01 044/02

E4 R3 39

600072 600005 600083 600114 600032 600001 600092 600016 600044 600020 600075 600116 600020 600001 600023 606601 600083

615/01 539/02 401/02 63/02 81/02 170/02 1048/02 433/02 306/02 965/02 662/02 506/01 648/02 262/02 14.Feb 406/02 494/02 1216/02

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ARNO 000395 000396 000397 000398 000399 000400 000401 000402 000403 000404 000405 000406 000407 000408 000409 000410 000411 000412 000413 000414 000415 000416 000417 000418 000421 000422 000434 000435 000436 000437 000438 000439


Insurers UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010804 UI-010504 UI-010300 UI-010804 UI-010300 UI-010300 UI-010701 National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO

Claim #

PS Code D9 G1 F6

159/02 205/02

104/00 136/00 18/01 59/01 63/01 94/01 104/01 122/01 151/01 187/01 188/01 20/99 38/99 85/99 86/99 115/99 116/99 40

January 2003

J1 R7 D2 G3 R7 F1 G1 C2 J3 J3 H9

PS PIN 600004 600007 600062 603109 600015 600078 600116 600010 600078 600002 600007 600079 600032 600032 600068

R1 B1 G2 D1 G3 D9

600017 600016 600053 600005 600010 600005

Cr. # 360/01 268/02 004/02 679/01 1337/01 1366/01 542/01 2089/00 1408/02 171/02 1595/02 205/02 1036/02 1137/02 392/02 6/01 43/01 164/01 177/01 267/01 266/01 435/01 54/01 331/01 108/02 172/01 453/99 450/99 456/99 1676/99 43/00 58/99

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ARNO 000440 000441 000442 000443 000444 000445 000446 000447 000448 000449 000450 000451 000452 000453 000454 000455 000456 000482 000483 000486 000487 000488 000489 000490 000491 000492 000493 000494 000496 000497 000498


Insurers National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO

Claim # 137/99 144/99 088/00 152/00 190/00 099/01 309/01 119/02 125/02 140/01 110/01 199/01 221/01 234/01 228/01 02/02 726/02 01/202 00/348 02/133 01/278 01/302 02/0201087 01/21 99-00/039 99-00/050 99-00/071 99-00/075 99-00/091 99-00/099 99-00/102 41

January 2003

PS Code G3 G1 G2 G1 K6 F2 C8 N1 F2 G1 R1 G5 F3 P6 T9

PS PIN 600010 600007 600003 600060



600008 600045 600013 600008 600007 600017 600010 600034 600118 600005

Cr. # 367/00 644/00 2345/00 43/01 186/01 1511/00 173/02 512/02 1088/02 1893/01 826/01 5699/01 216/02 156/02 102/02 17/02 375/01 314/01 16/01 424/02 50/02 59/02 147/02 100/01 313/99 490/99 191/99 592/99 771/99 140/00 60/00

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ARNO 000500 000501 000504 000505 000506 000508 000510 000511 000513 000514 000515 000517 000519 000522 000525 000526 000527 000529 000530 000531 000533 000535 000536 000537 000540 000541 000543 000544 000546 000547 000548 000549


Insurers National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO

Claim # 00-01/075 00-01/091 00-01/104 00-01/115 00-01/128 00-01/174 00-01/181 00-01/188 00-01/243 00-01/245 00-01/249 00-01/271 00-01/285 02-03/004 02-03/051 02-03/038 02-03/066 02-03/083 02-02/0096 31/00 99/18 99/37 99/70 99/113 99/165 99/183 99/50 01/14 01/89 01/114 01/153 01/183 42

January 2003

PS Code


K3 R1 V2 K10 K3 R1 R3

600029 600017 600092 600107 600029 600017 600083 632007 600040 600005 600052 600032

K4 G3 F4

Cr. # 1153/00 950/00 19/01 87/01 190/01 545/01 708/01 250/01 616/01 1244/01 870/01 81/02 1213/01 127/02 398/02 62/02 278/02 332/02 203/02 243/00 482/99 500/99 457/97 1064/99 1016/99 37/00 523/99 16/01 726/01 1352/01 837/01 1183/01

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ARNO 000551 000552 000554 000556 000557


Insurers National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO National CHRO

Claim # 01/344 01/193 02/557 02/168 02/169

January 2003

PS Code


J2 K8 F2 K6

600020 600106 600008

Cr. # 281/02 2050/00 665/02 1154/02 1075/02

Note: At the time of going to press there is no information as to the recovery of vehicles cited in these columns. We request the Police authorities to intimate either the Insurers or our Office for updating the lists.

ATTENTION INSURERS We are sending this Monthly “THE EVER READY UNIVERSAL GUIDE”, in which we give details of stolen vehicles in a Ready Reckoner format, one copy each to ALL Regional offices of Insurance Companies and District HQ of Police all over India, FREE OF COST, for better recovery/loss minimization. There is no charge for Compilation. You may send as many entries as required. As soon as a claim is reported (stolen vehicles), attested copies of RC, FIR and Policy (with Claim Number) may be sent to us and we will compile them FREE OF COST in the list and publish in the next issue.

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bribery, favoritism and various other elements, these people are not able to raise either their social status or their standard of living. It is not uncommon to find Citizens, amassing money and power- obtained through illegal means, enjoy more respect and privileges in the society.

By Ms. Ambica Ananthan B.A. (Psy), M.A.(Cr.&Cr.J.Sc.], Director, Amaran Register (P) Ltd

There is an old adage in Tamil, which means, “Learn even to steal and ). It is then forget it” ( considered that stealing is an art. Learning the art is OK but not practicing it!! Nowa-days people follow this, but only the first part and not the second i.e. learning to steal but not forgetting it.

This in turn makes the people who lead a moral life, think, why shouldn’t we earn the same way. That is why many people, due to poverty, resort to such offences. If not properly rehabilitated or reformed these petty criminals may become habitual criminals. They become well versed in the techniques of crimes, thereby committing offences without any evidences. This creates problems for the police to catch them. These statements relate not only to theft but also extend to other crimes also.

No individual is born a criminal. There are many factors that induce him to steal such as Psychological (which include emotionality), Sociological and Economical factors. Why does a person commit theft? The answer to this question is ---

When compared to other forms of crimes, theft is petty in nature. But in such theft cases identification is very difficult. The amount of time, energy and money spent to trace the vehicle at present is very high and the Public in whatever way that is possible must help the Police. This is where AMARAN REGISTER of lost vehicles, was conceived and the Pilot

1. Survival — necessity

SUBSCRIPTION The subscription is open to Insurance companies, Banks, Financial institutions, Members of Claims Investigators Association of India and Licensed Insurance Surveyors only. Individual copy


Rs 100/-

Half yearly


Rs 550/-



Rs 1000/43

2. Greed

January 2003

— vanity

Job opportunities for every individual in our country is impossible, because India is a developing country and stands second in population, next only to China. Most of the families in India are below poverty line. Due to corruption, 44

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January 2003


issue was published in March 2002. It is by now established that people’s participation is the hallmark of any successful plan for crime prevention and control.

(Very close proximity claim) An insured preferred a claim on the Insurers for the loss of his vehicle through theft. The Policy commenced from 13.00 Hrs on 12.4.1990. According to the insured, the vehicle was missing from5.00 pm on the same day. The insured, a criminal Lawyer in Madras High Court, lodged a complaint with the Police and sent a copy to the Registrar of Courts.

The police personnel are expected to be on duty 24 Hrs a day, seven days a week. Burdened with spate of crimes and heavy paper work on one hand, terrorism raising its ugly head and security of VIPs on the other hand, the efficiency of our Police gets a beating. As a citizen, each one of us must help in prevention of crime out of civic sense and other legal obligations wherein we are bound by law to prevent crime.

On verifying the RC book, it was found that the tax was paid on 10.4.1990 and the transfer of ownership endorsed on 19.4.1990 (with effect from 9.4.1990). The previous policy expired on 30.9.1989. The break in insurance was 6 months and one week before the present policy was taken. On scrutinizing the FIR, it was found that the complaint was lodged by the insured on 21.4.1990.

A heavy responsibility also devolves on institutions and organizations handling large sums of money or has custody of public funds. People should learn to avoid victimization at the hands of the criminal elements that move all round them with no particular tag that distinguishes them from others.

A branch of the Insurance Company at Parry’s corner issued the Policy and the RTO is situated at Guindy 12 kM away. On enquiries, the Insured informed that at 12.30 pm he went to the RTO at Guindy and paid the relevant fees for transfer of ownership of the vehicle to his name and went to the Insurance company 12 kM

“Let somebody else do it” attitude should change. Instead “Let us do it together” sounds better. We from Amaran Register welcome any suggestion to improve this publication. --------------------45

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January 2003

away and got his policy by paying the premium. In the narration, there were two big holes. One is that the insured could not explain how the Police have recorded the receipt of the complaint 9 days after the reported incidence and how the RTO accepted the tax without an Insurance Policy. Incidentally, branches of another two subsidiaries of GIC were situated in the same building as the RTO. From one of the Branches it was found that the insured had taken an ‘Act Only’ policy on 10.4.1990 effective from 10.00 am.

with a flat “NO” thus hiding the fact that he took an ‘ACT only’ policy elsewhere. Thus it was proved the duplicity of the insured and the claim was repudiated.

Upon verification with the Registrar of the Courts, it was confirmed that the insured’s letter was received by them on 12.4.1990 itself. According to the statement of the insured, after 5.00 pm he went to the parking lot to take his moped. When he found it missing searched many areas in the same compound, which is huge by any standards. Thus between the time he found his moped missing and the time he decided to report to the Registrar, atleast half an hour would have elapsed, by which time the Registrar’s Office would have been closed. A letter was sent to the insured by RPAD asking him whether there is any other policy on the same vehicle. The insured returned the query

You seek problems


Quotable Quotes “There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. because you need their gifts” “Argue for your l imitations and sure enough they’re yours” Quotes from ‘Illusions’ by Richard Bach --------------------------46

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January 2003

Cost of keeping Recovered Vehicles in safe custody and suggestions to reduce it to reasonable levels)

Thus the Insurance companies are not in a position to dispose of the vehicle and they also do not have financial powers to spend in maintaining them.

The vehicles traced by the Police Department are kept under the custody of the respective Police station, till they are handed over to the legitimate owners through a Court Order.

Here also the realisable value of the vehicle goes down in an increasing rate as time passes, where as the expenses for safe custody of the vehicle, by way of garage rental etc., goes up and in the process the Insurance companies incur more loss when the expenses overtake the realisable value. Thus heads or tails both ways Insurers lose in the present system.

There are instances where the details of legitimate owners are not available to the Police. In such cases, the Police personnel are burdened with the additional responsibility of safe guarding them. There is no financial provision in the Police department for maintaining the vehicle in the same condition throughout the period it is under their custody. Thus it becomes beyond their control, if the vehicle deteriorate as the time passes. In spite of the best efforts of the Police it is impossible to keep the vehicle in the same condition and they have to account for them.

This constitutes wastage of valuable time, energy and money for both the Police and the Insurance companies. These wastages are NATIONAL LOSS by any yardstick. There is a way to resolve this problamatic situation. Step 1 - As soon as a stolen vehicle is traced and taken into custody, photos can be taken to show the condition of the vehicle and filed for records and as evidence in lieu of physically presenting the vehicles at court.

In case of vehicles handed over to Insurance companies, a condition is normally imposed by the Magistrate, that the vehicle is not altered in any way and must be produced as and when the Court orders so.

Step 2 - The photograph thus taken may be notarised by producing before a notary public. 47

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January 2003

Banks and Financial Institutions

Step 3 - The legitimate owner, when identified, may be intimated to take possesssion of the vehicle -unconditionally. The Insurance companies may be allowed to dispose of the vehicles in their normal process.

Prevention is better than cure. A familiar phrase indeed. Banks and other financial institutions lend money on vehicles. Even though they check the RC there is no way for them to verify whether the vehicle is stolen property or not.

Advantages of the above proce dure: -

When the authorities confisticate the vehicle, the financial institutions and/or Banks end up in loss. This can be avoided if at the time of issuing loans they can check up with this ready reckoner. We have compiled details of stolen vehicles with the data provided by the Insurance Companies.

1. The Police are relieved off the additional burden/responsibility of safegaurding the vehicles and transporting them physically to and from the Court house, thus save valuable time, energy and money which can be diverted to more productive avenues.

This service can be extended to other areas also in which the Banks/Finaincial Institutions have an interest. This booklet is issued free of cost to all Head Offices of the Institutions and Banks for infor mation.

2. The Insurance companies will be able to realise the maximum possible value.And they won’t mind spending for the photos and notarizing expenses which will be minimal. 3. The time, energy and money saved thus can be better utilised else where.

Please kindly send in your valuable comments so as to enable us to fine tune this publication.

(This suggestion is submitted for consideration of authorities concerned ! If implemented, it would end up in savings all round!!)

Why every Division/Branch of Insurance Companies need this Ready Reckenor?


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January 2003

was no claim reported during the currency of the Policy. Imagine what would have happened if there was a TP claim!! The original owner who lost his vehicle would have been taken into task and the Insurers would have found themselves in utter confusion.Such problems can be avoided through referring this ready reckenor, which will be updated every year, and supplements issued every month.

The above question can be answered with an example – which actually occurred. One insured who lost his Ambassador car on 29.9.1990, preferred a claim on The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. Based on the non-traceable certificate issued by the Police, and the report of the Insurance Investigator, the Insurers settled the claim. All of a sudden the insured received a renewal notice from The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd in December 1991. He brought the renewal notice to The New India Assurance Co. Ltd RO, Chennai and showed to the Officer in Motor dept. The matter was taken up for investigation and it was found that-

Other Interesting Options This system of Loss Minimization can be further extended to Laptop theft claims where the Insurers settle substantially high amounts for a small but costly business tool. Do you want agricultural pump sets to be included? A separate list can be prepared!

An “ACT only” policy was issued for the same vehicle just 13 days after the Police had issued a non-traceable certificate!!! The proposal form was found signed by somebody else in the insured name. Lack of current list of stolen vehicles at the under writing office had made it possible for the culprits to obtain an Insurance certificate which is a valid document on the highway. Luckily for The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd, there

Cell phones? — Can be accommodated. Any thing that has a serial number, which cannot be easily erased, can be accommodated. Total loss vehicles list can be maintained separately

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nearest jurisdiction police for preferring a complaint. Supposing both the driver are involved in the accident resulting in the bodily injuries to both of them, then the hospital which admits the drivers along with other injured, if there are any, should report to the jurisdictional police after giving first-aid. Normally, any injured person in a RTA is supposed to be in the hands of the law enforcing authority because the accident has occurred in a public place, where the law enforcers will only be having the right of securing the bodily injured person to the nearby government hospital. In the absence of the Govt. Hospital not being there, by chance, then there are approved or nominated trauma care hospitals. These are the hospitals, which know the procedures involved in admitting a RTA victim, which is in medical parlance known as medico-legal case. The jurisdiction police on receipt of the information from the hospital register a case and start dealing with the case as per the condition at the site of accident.

THIRD PARTY CLAIMS AN INTRODUCTION By Mr. K.S. Sounder Rajan, President, Claims Investigators Association of India On the outset we would like to state that a third party claim arise out of a road traffic accident in a motor portfolio. In such an event the person who sustained a bodily injury has to necessary resort to legal course for compensation against the insurers of the offending vehicle and also owner-cum-insured. In any third party case or in any case so far as insurance is concerned the first claimant would be the insured even after execution of right of subrogation. The first party the claim would be the insured and the insurers take over the liability after satisfying themselves a proper claim is established on the insured. Once a plaint is made on the insurers the insurers would resort to going through the criminal case records of the jurisdiction police, in which the complaint was lodged for the road traffic accident.

What we mean here is, there could be some victims, who may have sustained only injuries or some of whom may have died due to the accident. Different aspects

Either the offending vehicle or the other vehicle in collusion should go to the 49

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January 2003

upon the veracity of the report of the MVI, doctor vis-à-vis the spot of the accident, their investigation findings. In the event of a commercial vehicle, the police have to really and thoroughly check the vehicle have the permit for plying the same on the road, in the route in which the accident had taken place, whether the drivers have necessary valid driving license with necessary endorsements.

are to be looked into in the event of these two. One is in the event of a fatal case, the police is supposed to conduct aninquest on the spot, with the available witnesses, take photographs of the deceased in the condition as he/she is lying and remove the body for conducing the post-mortem. In the even of the bodily-injured victim, he has to be taken to the nearest Govt. hospital and if the injured victim is conscious, then the police may have to record his version of the accident and then to analyse, whether he really sustained the injury only because of the accident or otherwise. Then the police have to draw a rough sketch of the scene of occurrence, at the spot. They also record, witness statements under section 161(3) of Cr.P.C. The driver of the offending vehicle has arrested and the vehicle involved will be seized and sent to RTO and production before MV Inspector for his inspection and observations. The MV Inspector has to categorically say whether the accident was due to mechanical failure or otherwise.

There are incidents we have come across where a person sustaining injuries because of the vehicular hit, but not able to identify the vehicle immediately because the vehicle hitting the person, does stop and flee away from the scene. Yet, the person-sustained injuries go to the jurisdictional police for complaining without the specifying the make and model of the vehicle or its number. In that event, the police have enormous responsibility cast upon them to scan the vehicles that have passed through the route in which the person sustain injuries before fixing the vehicle. After all these process, one has to go to Court to file a case in Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, which normally deal these cases. There is one other procedure, which also claims can be made, depending upon the amount of

The Police have to wait for the wound certificate or death certificate by the hospital authorities before laying the charges. They lay the charges depending 51

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claim, the scheme is known as Jawahar Rojgar Yajana. In the event of person approaching JRY, there is possibility of negotiation, between the insurers and the claimants. In the vent of MACT also it is available, but it has to be argued before the tribunal and the appropriate authority will pass the award.

January 2003

laid down procedures to split the compensation, so arrived and deposit the portion of the compensation of the minor children in a nationalized bank and the minors have the right to utilize the money as they deem fit on attainment of majority. Once the insurers accept the liability, they pay a sum of Rs. 50,000/- as no fault liability. For all these, one has to necessarily have a policy. In the event of a comprehensive policy, depending upon the merits, the insurers have the prerogative to accept or disown the OD portion of the claim. But, it is for certain and sure the third party liability, especially with regard to injury to the person it is statutory obligation that the insurers have to discharge necessarily once the criminal case is conclusively proving involvement of the vehicles so insured, resulting in hospitalisation/death.

There is an administrative procedure, drawn by the insurers to have settlement effected for MACT cases, before a Lok Adalat, which is being conducted by the insurers at regular intervals. Those seek compensation, even in MACT courts, can approach the Lok Adalat, in order to have speedy settlement, here again the insurers have the flexibility to negotiate and fix the compensation. In Lok Adalats, normally a competent doctor, a retired judge and retired personnel from insurers, would form the team to analyse the extent of injuries resulting in disability and accordingly they have a formula of arriving at the compensation. If the compensation offered by the insurers is acceptable to the claimant, they can file a satisfactory memo with the court and a consent award would be passed.There are incidents where the claimant may have minor children, in which event there are

About the Author Mr. K.S. Soundararajan is one of the Founder members of Claims Investigators Association of India and First elected president of the Association. All About Investigations (1) (by P. Ananthan, Editor)


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Preamble: -

January 2003

Work assignment and what to ask for

The Insurance Business is fast expanding in India and the competition between Insu rance companies are hotting up. In the interest of business, claim settlements are faster than ever!

When a claim is made the Insurers check the documentation for correctness. If there is any descrepency found in the documentation, the Insurers may ignore it or send the papers for investigation.

For a healthy business, the Insurance companies need to be watchful for fraudulant claims and if there is ground for suspicion they go in for investigation. A thorough and detailed investigation helps to bring out the facts of the claim on hand and the suspicion cleared.

The Insurers should decide the scope of investigation and clearly spell out their requirements to the Investigator. It might not be always possible to decide the scope. In such cases the Insurers should indicate the general requirements and as and when the Investigation progress decide their requirements at an early stage. This would help the Investigator to be more effective.

Insurance investigators have their tasks cut out. Their reports are expected to stand the scrutiny of Law enforcing agencies. Thus it is absolutely essential for the Investigators to be thorough in their work. This serial is an attempt to help the Insurance Investigators in their day to day activities. For the officers of Insurance companies directly handling the claims, this serial will be helpfull in defining the scope of work assigned to Investigators. The first step is work assignment and what to ask for.


January 2003

representatives during intimating the claim might create suspicion and cause for resultant investigation Photocopies of Claim form, RC, DL, Policy and FIR form the basic documentation.

work, without any ambiguity. In complicated cases this would take three or more sittings with the Insurers. 3. Before taking any step in carrying out the investigation, it is important to study the material on hand and do a fullfledged homework.

Photos showing the conditions of the vehicle at spot/final survey if available are important documentation. They show the conditions present at the spot/final survey. Investigator should select the photos that are clear and identifiable.

4. It is very important to keep the Insurers informed of the progress at regular intervals. Details of documents normally required.: -

In the second case, the mismatch would have come to light when the spot/ final surveyor makes a specific remark in his report. In that case a copy of the spot/ final report maybe taken along for careful study.

Motor Claims - OD Normally investigation of Motor OD claim will be resorted to in case of -

The Investigators on receipt of the assignment should check for the following:-

1) Close Proximity (when accident occurs within a specified period after issue of policy when the policy was issued after a break in insurance)

1. Whether all documents per taining to the claim are there. To avoid future complications, it is preferable to take xerox copies, leaving the originals insafe custody of the Office concerned.

2) Cause of accident as narrated in the claim form/FIR not tallying withthe extent and type of damage physically found on the vehicle.

Documents required in the case of mediclaim (continued in the next issue)

3) When there is a contradiction found in the documents

Must read every part of the story

2. Get a clear idea of what is expected of them. Discuss, with the officer handling the claim, the scope of 53

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In the case of contradiction found in documents, the Investigator should ask for photo copies of all relevant documents which is the basis of the assignment.

The Hare & The Tortoise

Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was

4) Some times even odd and/or unnatural behaviour of the Insured or their 54

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faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off the race. The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time. Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he’d sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race. He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. The tortoise plodding on overtook him and soon finished the race, emerging as the undisputed champ. The hare woke up and realised that he’d lost the race. The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race.

January 2003

But then recently, someone told us a more interesting version of this story. It continues.

The moral of the story? First identify your core competency and then change the playing field to suit your core competency.

It’s good to be slow and steady; but it’s better to be fast and reliable.

If your strength is analysis, make sure you do some sort of research, make a report and send it upstairs. Working to your strengths will not only get you noticed, but will also create opportunities for growth and advancement.

The hare agreed. They started off. In keeping with his self-made commitment to be consistently

The hare was disappointed at losing the race and he did some soul-searching. He realised that he’d lost the race only because he had been overconfident, careless and lax. If he had not taken things for granted, there’s no way the tortoise could have beaten him. So he challenged the tortoise to another race. The tortoise agreed. This time, the hare went all out and ran without stopping from start to finish. He won by several miles.

fast, the hare took off and ran at top speed until he came to a broad river. The finishing line was a couple of kilometres on the other side of the river. The hare sat there wondering what to do. In the meantime the tortoise trundled along, got into the river, swam to the opposite bank, continued walking and finished the race. 55


The moral of the story? Fast and consistent will always beat the slow and steady. If you have two people in your organization, one slow, methodical and reliable, and the other fast and still reliable at what he does, the fast and reliable chap will consistently climb the organizational ladder faster than the slow, methodical chap.

But the story doesn’t end here. The tortoise did some thinking this time, and realised that there’s no way he can beat the hare in a race the way it was currently formatted. He thought for a while, and then challenged the hare to another race, but on a slightly different route.

This is the version of the story that we’ve all grown up with.

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together. They both felt a greater sense of satisfaction than they’d felt earlier. The moral of the story? It’s good to be individually brilliant and to have strong core competencies; but unless you’re able to work in a team and harness each other’s core competencies, you’ll always perform below par because there will always be situations at which you’ll do poorly and someone else does well.

In an organisation, if you are a good speaker, make sure you create opportunities to give presentations that enable the senior management to notice you.

Teamwork is mainly about situational leadership, letting the person with the relevant core competency for a situation take leadership. There are more lessons to be learnt from this story.

The story still hasn’t ended. The hare and the tortoise, by this time, had become pretty good friends and they did some thinking together. Both realised that the last race could have been run much better.

Note that neither the hare nor the tortoise gave up after failures. The hare decided to work harder and put in more effort after his failure. The tortoise changed his strategy because he was already working as hard as he could. In life, when faced with failure, sometimes it is appropriate to work harder and put in more effort. Sometimes it is appropriate to change strategy and try something different. And sometimes it is appropriate to do both.

So they decided to do the last race again, but to run as a team this time. They started off, and this time the hare carried the tortoise till the riverbank. There, the tortoise took over and swam across with the hare on his back. On the opposite bank, the hare again carried the tortoise and they reached the finishing line 56

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January 2003

a quantum jump and Pepsi has never quite caught up since.

`The hare and the tortoise also learnt another vital lesson. When we stop competing against a rival and instead start competing against the situation, we perform far better.

To sum up, the story of the hare and tortoise teaches us many things. Chief among them are that fast and consistent will always beat slow and steady; work to your competencies; pooling resources and working as a team will always beat individual performers; never give up when faced with failure; and finally, compete against the situation - not against a rival.

When Roberto Goizueta took over as CEO of Coca-Cola in the 1980s, he was faced with intense competition from Pepsi that was eating into Coke’s growth. His executives were Pepsi-focussed and intent on increasing market share 0.1 per cent a time. Goizueta decided to stop competing against Pepsi and instead compete against the situation of 0.1 per cent growth. He asked his executives what was the average fluid intake of an American per day? The answer was 14 ounces. What was Coke’s share of that? Two ounces. Goizueta said Coke needed a larger share of that market. The competition wasn’t Pepsi. It was the water, tea, coffee, milk and fruit juices that went into the remaining 12 ounces. The public should reach for a Coke whenever they felt like drinking something.

To organize, promote, start, take over, run, affiliate, establish, amalgamate and encourage the promotion, running or establishment of institutions, for imparting in-depth knowledge regarding insurance and in particular reference to inves tigation.

(This story came to us through net and the credit goes to the unknown Genius who thought of this!!)

To safeguard the interests of the Community of inves tigators and members of this Association

Claims Investigators Association of India

To depute any member of the Association to receive tuition and/or training in any of the above subjects or teaching methods in any place in India or abroad; To communicate with and/or affiliate with any world or international body of investigators;

January 2003

To establish branches, zonal or regional committees or chapters anywhere in the country or abroad as thought fit or expedient and to close such branch or body or set up Joint Committees or Associates in cooperation with like-minded bodies and meet or share the expenses therefore as may be decided from time to time subject to the Foreign Exchange regulations for the time being in force;

bodies, government institutions and professional institutions in India and abroad;

TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More

To organize group, class and general discussions, seminars, debates and other group activities and to participate in similar activities organized by other 57


Subject to the law in force to recognize or derecognise diplomas, degrees and certificates issued by other institutions or organizations;

“Claims Investigators Association of India” is a Registered body of Professional Investigators with the following objectives: -

To this end, Coke put up vending machines at every street corner. Sales took

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To undertake or to cause translation, printing, publi cation, sale or free distribution of books, periodicals, in furtherance of the objects of the Association and to lay down by observation or otherwise norms and standards to the extent possible to standardize reports.

To evolve, introduce, enforce codes of conduct, ethics and principles in the practice of submission of report and investigation 58

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Letter of Authentication for Ready Reckoner Entries



January 2003

Details of Recovered vehicle from Police Stations Name of Police Station with Code #


Police station area PIN code


Recovered Vehicle Details


Class of vehicle


Make (Mention Brand Name)




Number on the registration plate



To M/s Amaran Register Private Ltd., A6 Raviram Apartments New # 75, Arya Gowda Road West Mambalam Chennai 600033

Chassis number on physical verification _________________________ Engine number of physical verification _________________________

Dear Sirs Re: Ready Reckoner Entries

Full address, where the vehicle was recovered: -

We enclose attested photocopies of RC,FIR and Policy of vehicles under theft claim with us. We have noted the claim number clearly in the Policy copy for insertion in the ready reckoner published by you in your monthly “THE EVER READY UNIVERSAL GUIDE”. The number of sets enclosed are_____(_______________)

Crime Number & Section under which case is registered: Nearest office of the Insurance company where the intimation of recovery given: Remarks if any: -

Please do the needful

Signature of Officer in charge Seal

Signature of Authorized officer 59


(Please fill up in English only) 60

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January 2003

Vol. 1


January 2003

Invitation for articles



We invite articles from Officers of the Police department, Insurance companies and Insurance Investigators on the topic of -


To M/s. Amaran Register Private Ltd A6, Raviram Apartments 75, Arya Gowda Road


How interactive procedures between Insurance and Police could PREVENT & CONTROL crimes in general.


Links in crimes against Society


Any other articles that has to reach specific audiance in Police Dept & Insurance


Due to the very nature of the distribution, Banks and financial institutions may advertise in these columns of absconding defaulters/vehicles for which they are taking legal action.

West Mambalam

Data Collection

Chennai – 600 033

Time interval between the time a recovered vehicle got into possession and the time it was disposed is a matter of serious concern. The Insurers may submit data for compilation to be submitted for the consideration of the Judiciary for REAL COST SAVINGS. Format for DATA collection is given inthe next page.

Dear Sirs,

Ready Reckoner for Lap Tops

We enclose a DD Number __________________ drawn on _____________________Bank in favor of Amaran Register Private Ltd. payable at Chennai, for Rs. 1000 /- (Rupees One Thousand only) as yearly subscription

Claims on stolen Lap Top computers (a very costly item) also may be reported with copies of FIR and Policy (if possible copy of specification sheet). The make/ model & serial number must be indicated clearly.

to THE EVER READY UNIVCERSAL GUIDE for one year. Advertisement charges

Office seal

Full Page


130 mm wide x 160 mm ht

Half Page


130 mm wide x 75 mm ht or

Authorized Signatory Quarter page 61


Rs 3000/-

60mm wide x 160 mm ht


Rs 1500/-

60 mm wide x 75 mm ht


Rs 750/-


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January 2003

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January 2003

Details of vehicles recovered and waiting for disposal

Importance of PIN

Loss analysis input

The Postal Index Number (PIN) is unique each one for a specific geographical area. Thus for analytical purposes it becomes one of the important links/input.

1. Make of Vehicle



2. Model



3. Date of theft



4. Date of recovery by Police



5. Date of possession taken by Insurance Company



6. Approximate value at the time of taking posession



7. Date of disposal



8. Value realized on disposal



Coupled with Code of the Police station it is unique for each Police Station. Any one area covered by one PIN will have a maximum of ten according to the density of population. Thus a code coined with the PIN narrow down the area further and help create more accurate statistical models. In most of claim forms/FIRs sent by Insurers for compilation this bit of information is missing. In the event of a vehicle being traced the Police station which filed the original FIR can be contacted directly and passing on the information for necessary action. Similarly the addresses of the Insured and spot of occurrence are given without PIN code. This brings down the efficiency all round.Hence we request you to note the PIN codes without fail.


9. Loss of revenue on account of delay in disposal



10. Additional expenses incur red in keeping the vehicle in safe custody

Claims Investigators Association of India (Regd No. 7/2000)



11. FIR/Return of Property Order Numbers

# 12, Ram Nagar 5th Street, Nanganallur, Chennai – 600 061 Phone: 2347501 email - [email protected]



12. Insurers DO/BO code


________________________________ Authorized Signatory of Insurers 63

For Membership please apply with self-addressed stamped envelope to General Secretary /President Claims Investigators Association of India 12, Ram Nagar 5th Street, Nanganallur, Chennai – 600 061 64

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January 2003


ClaimsInvestigatorsAssociationofIndia (Regd. No. 7/2000) # 12, Ram Nagar 5th Street, Nanganallur, Chennai – 600 061 Phone: 2347501 email - [email protected] For Membership please apply with self-addressed stamped envelope to General Secretary /President Claims Investigators Association of India 12, Ram Nagar 5th Street, Nanganallur, Chennai – 600 061 Wanted Amran Register Private Ltd is on the look-out for agents in all Districts all over India -1. To collect advertisements for their monthly publication “The Ever Ready Universal Guide” 2. To collect subscription from Insurance companies, banks and other financial institutions Commission: 20% for advertisements collected & 10% for subscription collected. Apply with self addressed stamped envelope to: M/s Amaran Register Private Ltd, A6 Raviram Apartments, New # 75, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Chennai 600033 Printed by V. RAVI and published by R. MOHAN on behalf of MATRIX FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD and Printed at Jai Ganesh Offset Printers, 19, Venkataswamy Lane, Santhome, Chennai - 600 004 and Published at No. 146, (Old No. 207) I Floor, R. K. Mutt Road, Mandaveli, Chennai - 28. Editor : V. RANGASWAMY 65

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