The Emergent Teacher Notes

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,146
  • Pages: 6
The Emergent Teacher

Teacher Questions

Taking a look at yourself

• What are my beliefs about teaching and learning? Where do these beliefs come from? How do these beliefs influence my teaching? •

What kind of teacher am I?

What is my role as a teacher?

What is my approach to teaching?

What methods do I try to implement in my classroom?

How do I decide what I will teach?

What teaching resources do I make use of?

How would I define effective teaching?

What are the qualities of a good teacher?

How should I communicate goals and objectives to my students?

What roles do I expect students to assume in my classroom?

To what extent is my teaching based on my students’ needs?

What do I think my students need to learn?

How do I respond to my students’ needs?

What forms of assessment do I employ?

What criteria do I use to evaluate my teaching?

What is the most rewarding aspect of teaching for me?

Learning languages

How do I define learning?

What are the best ways to learn a language?

What kinds of exposure to language best facilitate language learning?

What kinds of learning strategies do I teach? How do I teach them?

Your students

Who are my students?

What beliefs (and assumptions) do my students hold about learning and teaching?

How do these beliefs influence their approach to learning?

How do my students perceive my role as a teacher?

What are my students’ goals and objectives?

What do my students’ want to learn?

What expectations do they have about their learning? Me? This course?

What learning styles do the learners prefer?

What types of learning activities and materials do my learners prefer?

What interactional styles do my learners favor?

How much control to my students want to exercise over their own learning?

How do my students’ characterize effective teaching? Effective learning?

• In what settings will my students use English? For what purposes to they want or need to use English? Preparing a lesson

What is the main goal of lesson? Why?

Why should I teach this lesson?

What do I want students to learn in this lesson?

What will the outcomes of the activities be?

How well do I know the content of the lesson?

What activities will be included in the lesson?

How will I begin and conclude the lesson?

How will the lesson connect to what students already know?

Is this lesson going to be too easy/difficult for the students?

What materials will I use?

What teaching procedures will I use?

How will the lesson be organized and sequenced?

How much time will I need for each activity? How much time will students need?

How will I communicate the purpose of the activity to my students?

How will I check student understanding?

What resources are required?

What role do I need to take on?

What grouping arrangements will I use?

What students have special needs that should be attended to during the lesson?

How will I deal with different student abilities in the class?

• How will I assess my students’ performance? [focus, recipient, setting, form, consequence] •

What are my alternative plans if problems arise with some aspect of my lesson?

What will I do if I have too little or too much time?

Have I sufficiently prepared for the lesson?

Dynamic, moment-to-moment, interactive complexity of the classroom – helping vs. hindering learning

Do students understand me?

Are my instructions clear?

Is this too difficult for them? Too easy? Engaging?

Should I try teaching this in a different way?

Is this taking too much time?

Is this activity going as planned? If not, do I like the direction it’s going in?

Do students need more than I’m giving them? Am I giving them too much?

Do students have everything they need in order to do the task?

Is this relevant to the aims of the lesson?

Am I teaching too much? Am I not teaching enough?

Assessing a lesson

Was this lesson successful? Why or why not?

• What were the main strengths and weakness of the lesson? What was the most successful part of the lesson? What was the least successful? What didn’t they respond well to? •

What did I set out to teach?

Did I teach all of my students today?

Did students learn what they were intended to learn? Was I able to accomplish my goals?

What did the students get out of the lesson? What did they really learn?

Did the lesson effectively address the students’ needs?

Did the lesson arouse students’ interest in the subject matter? If not, why not?

What grouping arrangements did I use? Were these effective? Why or why not?

Were all of the students involved in the lesson? If not, why not?

Were students appropriately challenged by the lesson?

What kinds of interaction occurred in my classroom?

What kind of teacher-student interaction occurred?

• Was the lesson at the appropriate level of difficulty? Were the students challenged by the lesson? •

What did they like most about the lesson? Least? How do you know?

Did anything amusing or unusual occur?

Do I need to re-teach any aspect of the lesson? What should I recycle?

What would be a suitable follow-up to the lesson?

Did I have any problems with the lesson? If so, how did I deal with them?

Did I do anything differently than usual?

• Did I depart from my lesson plan? If so, why? Did the change make things better or worse? • Will I teach the material in the same way next time? What would I do differently if I taught the same lesson again? •

Was my philosophy of teaching reflected in the lesson?

Did I discover anything new about my teaching?

Should I have tried to use alternative teaching approaches?

What changes do I think I should make in my teaching?

Your development

What is the source of my ideas about language teaching?

Where am I in my professional development?

How am I developing as a language teacher?

What are my strengths as a language teacher?

What are my limitations at present?

Are there any contradictions in my teaching?

How can I improve my language teaching?

How am I helping my students?

What am I doing that is hindering their learning?

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