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21.03. - is our BIRTHDAY!




304 205 103

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OUR E-MAIL: [email protected]

23 MARCH 2009 (8) Important note: The section of Happy Birthday is under construction! -----------------------------------------------If you see a mistake here or we missed smb’s birthday Please contact us. Printed in “Прогресс ” 100 copies 2009 Computer design by Scheglov Dmitry

OUR E-MAIL: [email protected]

English Language Olympiad! by Slepova N.B.

It started at 9 o’clock on the 18th of March. IT means the English Language Olympiad! An event awaited throughout the year and held at the Faculty of Foreign Languages involving all the students of the English Department. And for the first time it was held within a single day. DETAILS? SEE INSIDE!

There is no knowledge which is not valuable. by Slepova N.B., the Editor Actually, the word “Olympiad” is defined as “A meeting of the Olympic games, an international competition in a particular sport or activity, such as chess” (Macmillan English Dictionary). Nevertheless, this term is applied to an intellectual competition. After the opening ceremony the students like archers shot their arrows of knowledge at the targets that appeared to be the tests focused on Grammar and Vocabulary of the English language, listening, reading and regional geography. It was the challenge for the students at the 1st stage. The 2nd stage included creative writing and speaking. And only 18 students competed in it. The essay on the topic “The country I would like to live in” and an abstract



revealed the oral and written skills of the participants. As the Olympiad was held on 3 levels we got 3 winners. Here they are:

pre-intermediate level

(I course) - Khalikova Zulfiya (24,2 points)

intermediate level




Veronika (23,5 points)

advanced level

(IV-V courses) – Prikazchikova Natalia (27,3 points)

OUR CONGRATULATIONS!!! Also, you can see the results of the Olympiad on the stand. And don’t forget – You have to keep going to get anywhere!



WHO IS IT? by Lena Duvalkina and Diana Purtsakina, 304 Can you guess who this little girl is? Keep your chin up we’ll help you to find it out. This is a teacher of the English chair. In her childhood she was a well-bred and obedient child so that her parents were struck by her behavior when a funny story happened to her. She quarreled with her kindergarten teacher resisting the punishment. It sounds incredible but after that her teacher’s attitude changed and they even became good friends! During school years she was a bright and industrious pupil. She almost always got excellent marks and left school with a silver medal. Try and guess or wait for the next issue of the ELF to know the name! ([email protected]) __________________________________________

должности редактора корреспондентов.




Предложения можно направлять до 30 марта 2009 г.: на e-mail: [email protected]; на кафедру педагогики (главный корпус., 208 ауд. или 310 ауд.).

The New York-St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition and Culture

July 6-24, 2009 OPENING CEREMONY!! Monday, July 6, 12:00 Philological Faculty St. Petersburg State University 2009 Information and Applications to be posted soon!

(CONTACTS - Scheglov D.B.)

What is it? Is it only a word or the whole life? So, we have good news for you! There is our own pedagogical group based in our Institute! (thanks to our Dean S. I. Mitina and the students of our faculty). If you hear about English Club for the first time, this information is for you. «English Club» is a system of camps for children, which function during the whole year (during the holidays) in Moscow, Bulgaria, Sochi… «English Club» is not a traditional camp for children. It has its own specific features connected with learning the English Language. There are some interesting traditions, for example: “Parliament”, “Home talk”, “Letters” and many interesting things. As for our students, they work as leaders and teachers of English within this system. And now we have an opportunity to train such leaders in our own Institute, because now we have Leaders Training Courses, which are organized by one of the directors of EC (Judina Katya/Lady Icicle). That’s great! So, if this information attracts your attention, you are active and you can speak English and of course you like children very much, WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU! But be in a hurry, vacant places are limited. Just think of it! What are you going to do for the whole summer? It’s a splendid opportunity to have a good time, meet new interesting people and earn money (what else does the student want?). You can learn the necessary information from the representatives of our group at our faculty. ( DON’T BE INDIFFERENT! YOU ARE YOUNG AND FULL OF ENERGY! AND BE THE REAL STUDENT OF YOUR FACULTY! _______________________________________________________

Online газета: конкурс

Кафедра педагогики МГПИ им. М.Е. Евсевьева планирует выпуск online-издания студенческой газеты


by Svetlana Spiridonova, Group 305

В предложениях необходимо оставить следующую информацию: - название газеты; - ее рубрики; - ФИО студента, факультет, группу; - дополнительные пожелания (например, есть ли желание принять участие в издании газеты). __________________________________________


Мы приглашаем всех заинтересованных студентов принять участие в выпуске первого номера студенческой газеты. В связи с этим кафедра педагогики объявляет: • Конкурс на название газеты и ее рубрик. Конкурс проводится среди студентов I–V курсов МГПИ им. М.Е. Евсевьева. Победитель конкурса, предложивший лучшее название издания, получит специальный приз от кафедры педагогики. • Конкурс среди студентов I–V курсов на

«English Club»

Library at Your Fingertips

by Elena Evgenievna Zorkina

Центральный офис ул. Б. Хмельницкого, 33. “ДОМ БЫТА” Тел.: 8(8342) 23-22-85, 8(8342) 21-08-42. филиал на юго-западе СК “ОЛИМП” ул. Ульянова, 18 “а” Тел.: 8 917 994 7105

At last we have the Faculty Internet access! Internet is a great thing really. People who use it call it «a library at your fingertips» and it is really so. In fact one can find there any information and get an answer to any question. Of course it can't replace the academic atmosphere of a library, but it gives you an opportunity to get information much quicker. Using Internet is also very effective in a foreign language learning. You can use various Internet resources for all language skills development. You can take yourself into various English tests, improve your grammar and vocabulary, develop your listening and

speaking skills using the following sites: You can also find pen-friends here If you still don't use Internet for your self-education it is high time to do it! Make yourself an up-to-date person and you will succeed. _______________________________________________________

The Interview with the Intermediate Level Winner Vasil’kova Veronika

Prepared by Kiseleva Oksana Vladimirovna

The ELF: Was it the first time that you took part in the English Language Olympiad at the Faculty of Foreign Languages? Vasil’kova Veronika: No, it wasn’t. I also took part in it when I was the first year student. And I won too. T.E.: Have you noticed any innovations in organization of the Olympiad? V.V.: Yes, of course. All the stages of Olympiad were in one day. That is why it ended more quickly than the Olympiad of the previous year. Writing and speaking were combined in one stage. Besides, the winners were chosen not on the each course but in three groups: Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate and Advanced. T.E.: What can you say about the tasks? Were they more difficult than last year? V.V.: Frankly speaking, some of the tasks were quite easy, but some of them were not easy at all. T.E.: What was the most difficult and the easiest task for you? V.V.: The most difficult task, I think, was reading. It was very hard to find the right answer because they were alike. As for the easiest task, it was Listening. We just have to listen to the tape and we can do it without great knowledge. T.E.: What impression has the Olympiad made on you? V.V.: I have only good impressions! This Olympiad is a great test of our knowledge and opportunities. The only thing I dislike is that we were waiting about three hours after the first stage. But of course I understand that the teachers were checking our works all that time. T.E.: Can you give any pieces of advice to the organizers of the Olympiad? V.V.: All was perfect!


waits for you! It is the best time to discover your talents.


Practiсe y o u r pronunciation!

And, of course, if you would like to become an author of our newspaper, you are welcome! _______________________________________________

Can you say it in 5 seconds? A great amount of mountaineers Told they were mounting the big mountain. But what if the mountain was not mounted? My mom then would call it paramount! Made up by Popkova Alena, 303 _______________________________________________

Spare time/Leisure by The Active :)

Ah, spring. It is so close!!! The weather gets warmer, the days grow longer, and birds happily build nests for their REALLY FOREIGN! new families. Love is in the air as the sun kissed colors of by Sandina Natal’ya, Group 305 newly sprouted daffodils, and tulips chase the winter -Now Our Faculty is really the faculty of foreign blues away. But how much spring trivia is blooming in languageS! your brain? Test your spring smarts with this quiz. We have very good news. Now at our faculty we are going to learn French and Spanish. These two courses begin on the first of March. We can know more than 2 languages. The price of one course is 2268 rubles for three months. During this period of time the teachers from our Institute and University are to teach us new languages. Many of us have dreamed about it and now we can do it. And after finishing these courses we get the certificate that proves that we have taken a definite level in these courses. Next year the courses may continue and we may improve our knowledge. And also next year the courses of Finnish and Swedish are going to be held as our national language belongs to the group of the Finno-Ugric 5. In Greek mythology, spring comes when this goddess is joyously reunited with her daughter each year. Which is languages. it? So, be quick! The courses start soon! Good luck! a Demeter _______________________________________________ b Athena c Aphrodite d Hestia

Unfortunately winter is leaving… 1.b 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.a 6.d 7.b 8.c 9.d

Do you really think that it is SO difficult and boring to be a student of our faculty? Do you associate us with «BOTANISTS», who can do nothing except studying? If it is so, you are mistaken! We work hard ,and we are VERY ACTIVE! There are many ways to spend our leisure. And also, our Institute gives us greats opportunities to master our talents! Do you go in for sport? Great! There are a lot of sports activities in our Institute: volley-ball, football, basketball, table tennis, chess and draughts, etc. Very often different competitions take places and teams of our faculty usually take deserved rewards .

2 If you are not in sports, STUDENTS’ spring festival

2.Fingernails grow more slowly in winter. a True b False 3. There are no two absolutely alike snowflakes a True b False 4.It's colder in wintertime because Earth is farther from the sun. a True b False

by Kudaeva Ksenija, 305 Unfortunately winter is leaving….. What is better, to face adversity or to make stuff up? Take this quiz and see if you can separate the wintertime myths from the cold, hard facts. 1.If you fall into icy-cold water you should remove your wet clothes while still submerged, as they will just make you colder: a True b False

6. In many countries, May Day is a celebration of spring, but the first day of May also commemorates what? a The Chinese New Year b Day of the Dead (Mexico) c The civil rights movement d The labor movement 7. When did the tradition of sending written valentines to beloved ones begin? a 270 AD b Around the year 1400 c 1840 d The early 1900s 8. Whom was Valentine's Day named for? a The patron saint of birds b The patron saint of lovers c Two or three Roman martyrs d Pope Valentine 9.More fresh flowers are purchased for Valentine's Day than for any other holiday. What percentage do roses make up among all those flowers purchased? a 24 percent b 37 percent

c 48 percent d 56 percent ______________________________________________


by XOXOtushki Romanova Yu., Razumova A., Spiridonova E., 404

It is the ELF’s birthday that occurred on the 21 of March and we think that it would be very interesting to read about our students who change every year. Before you read about yourself follow the instruction. The instruction: READ AND LAUGH!!!! The students have three dreams: 1. At lecture, "When will I eat?" 2. At practice, "When will I have a sleep?" 3. In session, "When will I die?" As students pass examinations: The first- year students rustle cribs silently. The second-year students find bombs. The third year students cheat directly from the summary. The fourth-year students cheat from their text-books. The fifth year students come to the teacher and ask: - Here to read? Not here? Here? Not here? Well, then find and read yourself! The students look at the time-table: 1 course: How many subjects!!! I will know much. 2 course: How many subjects! I will get tired much. 3 course: How many subjects... What subject will I skip?

4 course: How many subjects…What subject will I visit? 5 course: Wow! Holidays has already ended????? The gradation of marks: EXCELLENT - has deceived a lecturer GOOD - wanted to deceive but didn’t succeed in that. SAT - the happy one has passed the exam BAD - it was not possible to come to an agreement 1 course: Well, I will be expelled. Will be expelled... 2 course: And, may be, I won’t be expelled? I won’t be expelled. 3 course: Well, now I won’t be expelled... 4 course: I am sure, I won’t be expelled... 5 course: Just try!


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