The Eleventh Universe-diagram

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 2
The Eleventh Universe From the time of the Meghavahana Kalpa 100 years of Brahma Present

Past Creation


157, 678. 23 billion years

Subtle Universe

309,173 billion years

Causal Universe- Contains: Subtle Universe and Gross Universe

51 divine years of Brahma

The Gross Universe expands from lord Visnu’s energy along a pipe of constant diameter up until dissolution.


until all the elements combine to form the structArea ure of uncountable 50 crore yojana or 2.2267x10^9 light years in diameter

Waters of the Subtle Universe

“In the beginning this was Self alone..He looking around saw nothing but His Self”. …the MahaAtman now uncommanded by its Sakti, in the Mahapralaya period between creation cycles, whereby the MahaYogin is in contemplation…”first says, ‘This is I’ “. Now commanded …”He then made his Self to fall in two”… , thus the start of the new Universe begins from His Yogamaya. Ishvara is the attributeless and attributive Purusa and Prakrti. The Subtle Universe within the Causal Universe- “the Origin of the Universe within a Universe”. In the famous 1st Kalpa lord Visnu lying on the Garbodaka Ocean of the Universe was approached by Brahma after his separation from the navel of Visnu whereby the 3-worlds were created therefrom , and spoke haughty words to Visnu causing a dispute. Lord Siva interceded in the Niskala form as a column of fire, the first Linga. Lord Siva, Paramatma, appears within the Universe as the Linga so as to bless the worlds. His duties are Sarga (Creation), Sthiti (Maintenance), Samhara (Annihilation), Tirobhava (Removal and Concealment) , Anugraha (Blessing and Liberation). He can be realised by enlightenment, through the five austerities – Holy Rites (Kirtana), Penance (Tapasva), Japa, Meditation (Dhyana) and Jnana (Knowledge).

23rd Kalpa (Visvarupa) 99.36 billion years

36,500th Kalpa (Varaha) 157,678 billion years

Kalpa in the Universe – 4.32 billion years old Nakshatra Earth

The 5 incarnations of the Supreme Brahman from the 19th Kalpa (Svetalohita) as Ishvara; the 20th Kalpa (Rakta) as Vamadeva; the 21st Kalpa (Pitavasas) as Tatpurusa; the 22nd Kalpa (Siva) as Aghora; to the 23rd Kalpa (Visvarupa) as Ishana took place. Thus the five incarnations of Brahman in the Universe was established: Name Form Subtle Gross (Nama) (Rupa) elements elements (Tan -Matras) (Bhutas) Isana soul sound ether Tatpurusa nature touch wind Aghora intellect form fire Vamadeva ego taste water Sadyojata mind smell earth The eight forms of Siva- Paramatma are given in the second table: Sarve earth Bhava water Rudra fire Ugra wind Bhima ether Pashupati soul Isana sun Mahadeva moon In the 23rd Kalpa of Visvarupa, Sarasvati the Sakti of Ishana grants Brahma the boon of creation by pairs. She (Ardhanarishvara) the Vagisha created a second born of Daksa (Brahma’s mind born son) named Sati. When wed to lord Siva , Sati immolates herself at her fathers sacrifice. The MahaYogin , lord Siva, meditaes until the Varaha Kalpa when Sati is reincarnated as the daughter of Meena (Gods born) and Himavat , of Himalaya Mt. After lord Siva weds Parvati (Sati) and the earth is eventually populated with Manu from planets in the Universe. Lord Murugan of the three energies seeds the earth and divine souls arrive in etheric form to absorb the pungent atmosphere and become the fibrous bodies and eventually the fleshy bodies of the Lemurian age. Thus the Brahmana of human form develops.

Dissolution In the present Varaha Kalpa in the Vaivasvata manvantara Lord Siva incarnates nineteen times at the end of the Dvapara and the beginning of the Kali yuga during each cycle of the four yugas (Krta, Treta, Dvapara, Kali). In the 28th aeon of Dvapara, there was born Dvaipayana Vyasa, the son of Parasara, and the excellent Purusa , Krsna , the foremost of the sons of Vasudeva. This took place 187,400,000 years ago. In this Kalpa lord Siva weds the daughter of Himalaya mountains, Parvati. This represents a time span of 157.678-99.36 billion years or 157,578.64 billions years from the time of Sati to Parvati. Up until 130 million years ago, the Earth was a single land mass (science: Gondwana). Thus the Himalaya mountains always existed. The Great Bharata Vedic culture dominated the Earth and religion, speech, language, Dharma, was of one people yet of different colours. Only when the land masses broke up into the present continents did the separation of the waters of the earth cause the people of the Vedic culture and religion under tamasik influences to loose their original indentity and beliefs. Lord Visnu had to reincarnate as Gautama Buddha to allow peace in Bharata to continue from the tamasik influence of the Tripura culture, which evemtually was destroyed by a single arrow from lord Siva at the request of the Gods. Other areas of the earth became lost in time until the present age. That we are all one people on Earth from the root Vedic path and culture of Bharata is cause for all peoples to return one day to the divine path of the Sanatana Dharma. AUM.

[ Lord Rudra dissolutes the Universe as energy into the system depletes and everything collapse’s into a Point of Singularity.

From the Yajur Veda Kanda 7.2.20 The Mahapralaya Period is 1 trillion Earth years. This is the time where the Supreme Brahman contemplates on His Sakti for the formation of the next new Universe. This period of time in divine years is equavalent to 100/309.173 or 0.32344 divine years or 3 months 26 days or 4 new moon day intervals of 29 days each, this moon being in the Sivaloka. Thus each of the four new moons of the four quarters of the next new Universe are meditated upon until the Universe is brought into fruition, now supported by the quarters - at the command of the Sakti of Brahman. Om Nama Sivaya

The contemplative New Moons : 29








= 116 days = 4 days Total = 120 divine days

Aitareya Upanishad Second Adhyaya Fourth Khanda 1. This then becomes perfect as a thousand of Brihatî verses. Its consonants 1 form its body, its voice 2 (vowels) the Soul 3, its sibilants 4 the air of the breath. 2. He who knew this became Vasishtha, he took this name from thence 5. 3. Indra verily declared this to Visvâmitra, and Indra verily declared this to Bharadvâga. Therefore Indra is invoked by him as a friend 6. 4. This becomes perfect as a thousand of Brihatî verses 7, and of that hymn perfect with a thousand Brihad verses, there are 36,000 syllables 8. So many are also the thousands of days of a hundred years [36,000 divine days]. With the consonants they fill the nights, with the vowels the days. 5. This becomes perfect as a thousand of Brihatî verses. He who knows this, after this thousand of Brihatîs thus accomplished, becomes full of knowledge, full of the gods, full of Brahman, full of the immortal, and then goes also to the gods. 6. What I am, that is he; what he is, that am I. 7. This has been said by a Rishi (Rv. I, 115, 1): 'The sun is the self of all that moves and rests.' 8. Let him look to that, let him look to that!

The Gross Universe is the Prana of the Paramatman. From the Aitreya Upanishad 2.4 the age of the mortal Universe is the vasayati or that which is cause to cover or dwell by Prana. This is the Brihati , a day of 36 syllables, composed of 18 vowels in the day and 18 consonants in the night. The Universe is perfect when composed of 1000 Brihati’s. Thus the Universe consists of 36,000 syllables of 100 by 360 divine days, or 100 divine years of Brahman. Thus: The Universe is the Veda, is composed of the Veda and is absorbed (dissolved) by the Veda – the endless cycles of Contemplation, Creation, Sustanance and Dissolution. Then: The contemplative New Moons give the total time for the out-breath , Udana , of the Veda. When at the end of that time Om is uttered , the Apana ,the Vagisha, starts the Universe to form from the Samana of the Veda. Hence: ‘From that Self sprang ether; from ether air; from air fire; from fire water; from water earth. From earth herbs, from herbs food, from food seed, from seed man’. –Taittiriya 2.1 Thus the divine etheral body of man became mortal man from the dense pungent fruity atmosphere of the earth; wherein the Self and the body of the former lies within the latter. Om Nama Sivaya.

Khandogya Upanishad Thirteenth Khanda 1. For that heart [ Mahatman] there are five gates belonging to the Devas. The eastern gate is the Prâna, that is the eye, that is Âditya . Let a man meditate on that as brightness and health. He who knows this, becomes bright and healthy. 2. The southern gate is the Vyâna (back-breathing), that is the ear, that is the moon. Let a man meditate on that as happiness and fame. He who knows this, becomes happy and famous. 3. The western gate is the Apâna (down-breathing), that is speech, that is Agni . Let a man meditate on that as glory of countenance and health. He who knows this, becomes glorious and healthy. 4. The northern gate is the Samâna (on-breathing), that is mind, that is Parganya (water). Let a man meditate on that as celebrity and beauty. He who knows this, becomes celebrated and beautiful. 5. The upper gate is the Udâna (out-breathing), that is air, that is ether. Let a man meditate on that as strength and greatness. He who knows this, becomes strong and great. 6. These are the five men of Brahman, the doorkeepers of the Svarga (heaven) world. He who knows these five men of Brahman, the door-keepers of the Svarga world, in his family a strong son is born. He who thus knows these five men of Brahman, as the door-keepers of the Svarga world, enters himself the Svarga world.

Yajur Veda 7.2.20 To a hundred Jai! To a thousand Jai! To ten thousand Jai! To a hundred thousand Jai! To ten hundred thousand Jai! To ten million Jai! To a hundred million Jai! To a thousand million Jai! To ten thousand million Jai! To a hundred thousand million Jai! To ten hundred thousand million Jai! [1trillion years or time of pralaya between Gross Universes] To dawn Jai! [Siva is commanded by His Sakti to start the Gross Universe evolution] To the dawning Jai! To him that will rise Jai![the waters flow from Visnu to form the Gross Universe] To the rising Jai! To the risen Jai! To heaven Jai! To the world Jai! [Brahma creates the three worlds ] To all Jai!

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