In this article the auther intends to show that there are consistly higher rates of educational nonenrollment in Puerto Rican and other Hispanic Caribbean immigrant populations, which are not attenuated by longer residence in the U.S.
The subjects must be immigrant or native born adolescents ages 15, 16, and 17
This analysis is based on educated enrollment from the Public Use Microdata Sample files of the 1990 U.S. Population Census. A cross-sectional study was done in order to compare all the different ethnicities. The researcher used," duration of residence in the United States among the first generation to obtain a proxy for the second generation (Hirschman, 2001)." The sample was divided into 15 year olds and 17 year olds according to the year they entered the U.S.
5.What were the primary findings of the research? Findings proved it was rare to have nonenrollment among high-school-age adolescents. The Annotated Bibliography levels of nonenrollment among youths born in Asia were low. The youths from Latin America and Worksheet
the Caribbean varied. Youths born in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El
Review theand directions and to Prepare an Annotated Salvador, Guatemala hadHow the highest nonenrollment levels. Mexican students especially were Bibliography high. Hispanic Caribbean youths suffer serious enrollment problems while those from the West
Indies are doing as well as native born. The refugee population appear to be at risk, but it is only El Salvador and Guatemala that have high nonenrollment rates. Most notebly nonenrollment rates are higher among the immigrants that arrived as small children.
2.What is the primary research question or thesis of this article?
3.What are the characteristics of the population studied? How many people, ages, genders, race/ethnicity/nationality, professions, etc.? How were these people selected? 6.Critique this article, discuss method, findings, analysis, writing style, or other elements of the research project.
This research faced considerable limitations. A lot of the data was dropped because of these limitations. Overall, the article was all over the place. It seemed to be more hypothetical than a possible theory. I would say that the method was reliable, but the intention was off.
4.What research method(s) was employed by the researchers? Was this appropriate for the population and the research question? Were there limitations to this method?