Mediatization Of The Youth

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Mediatizatio n of the Youth February 2, 2006

Calaanan National Highschool Cagayan de Oro City

Titus Brandsma Center Media Program A Carmelite Media Ministry (Philippines)

Who is Blessed Titus Brandsma? •

A Dutch Carmelite martyr priest who is a journalist and an educator.

He denounced the Nazi ideology and defended the freedom of the press and the right to education.

He was arrested and tortured by the Nazis, died at Dachau on July 26, 1942.

Major Programs…

Film dialogue – a regular

activity every 2nd Saturday of the month, billed pelikula@titusbrandsma at the Titus Brandsma Center in Manila. Our attendees call themselves “titusians.” This monthly event features art films and supports independent Filipino filmmakers by screening their films in the regular season.

The Pelikula Core Group

Cinema Australia, January 24-28, 2005

Media and Spirituality Fora

Spirituality of Filmmaking

Spirituality of Storytelling

Jeffrey Jeturian

Bing Lao & Chris Martinez


an on-going program to

document and study the trends and issues of Philippine Media. A finished project was a series of in-depth interviews with key players in the media industry – owners, programmers, advertising agencies, media organizations, media professors, and personalities – “The Philippine Media Trends, Issues and Needs” published in year 2000. Soon to be released is a study on the impact of media in selected urban and rural communities in the Philippines and the Spirituality of Cenaculistas in Makati.


Media Education

– conducts a series of lectures and training-

workshops in communities, groups, schools, parishes, parishes, seminaries nationwide.

TBA Philippine s –

biennial project that gives recognition to outstanding Print and Broadcast Journalists in the country and community media. It is our local version of the prestigious international Titus Brandsma Award given by (UCIP) Union Catholique Internationale dela Presse.

Media Resource Center –

maintenance of mini film/book library with references/materials on Church and Media, art films and more.

• Networking

– maintains a network

with Church, secular and professional media groups, practitioners and communicators.

TBCMP is a member of: • SIGNIS - The World Association for Communicators (UNDA and OCIC merged) • ACN – Asian Communicators Network • PCCNET – Philippine Church Communicators’ Network • PAME – Philippine Association of Media Education


Titus Brandsma Media Program 26 Acacia St.., Brgy. Mariana Cubao, Quezon City 1112 02-726-6054 / 02-725-8167 (fax) [email protected]

Where Is The Love

Media channel through which the message is transmitted. :

: perspective, ideology, lifestyle, “ a way of life”

Media from means (Paul VI)

… to culture

(John Paul II)


The Most powerful catalyst for modernizi ng youth

Media is the strongest man-made force that can




Television Rules!

McCann Study

The Current State of TV • Programming trends • Everything is getting real • Asianovelas continue • Horror craze extends into TV • Retro is IN…with a twist • Annalisa and Flordeluna were revived by the teleseryes • Bagong Kampeon was brought to life by the talent search shows •Darna is back, challenged by Kampanerang Kuba • Mga Batang Yagit reincarnated into Mga Anghel na Walang Langit • Kwarta o Kahon is Laban o Bawi - infused with more cash prizes • Ang TV is alive again in Going Bulilit •ABS-CBN and GMA engaged in fierce war • “What you can do, I can do better” •“We give the viewers what they want”

McCann Study

Reality Shows: The New Favorite –Element of Surprise • Spontaneous, unscripted, and not being acted “Di tulad ng mga drama, alam mo na yung outcome ng storya.”

–Legitimate Voyeurism • It feeds into their innate curiosity about other people’s lives—yung pagka-chismoso nila.

–Celebrities Demystified • Celebrities off-cam, catching their human side all too rarely seen.

“Gusto kong nakikita ang kanilang baho.” “Kapag may challenge, nakikita mong hirap sila...parang du’n mo nakikita na pantaypantay lang tayong lahat.”

Proliferation of TV Channels • The viewing options have jumped exponentially over the years. 1990 5 chs.

2002 70+ chs.

• 1 in every 3 households has cable TV 3 1 %

2 6 %

1 2 % 2 % 1994




Media is a construct of reality.

Reality TV: Still a construct of reality…

The subjects do not drive the narrative, and the people behind the cameras manipulate “plots” and “mood.”

Advertising Clutter…

Minutes of advertising allowed per hour on Television Asia-Pacific (Evening primetime)

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Ho ng ko ng In di a Ja pa n S. Ko re a M al ay sia Si ng ap or e Ta iw an Ph ilip pi n Th es ai la nd Vi et na Au m Ne str al w i Ze a al an d

• The KBP commits to observe established ethical standards and generally accepted trade practices, and thru its Television Code, prescribes: –“Commercial load for TV in MM shall not exceed 18 minutes per hour..” (paying ads only) –Penalty for violation: “Fine equivalent to the amount of the commercial in excess plus 20% of the aggregate total amount of the overload”

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

H In K J a dia pa S. n M Kor ly Sp sia Ta or iw e an Ph T il Vt ha n i Auam st rl Au NZ st ria B Ge lg rm m Cz ny ec Deh n Fr Fi an n c I tae Ne ly t Nr hr Powy Sprtg Sw ain e Swde iss U USK A


The Philippine Scenario

youth is the • The primary target of the media because the youth has the “purchasing power.” Pinoy Kids • Survey: have big spending power worth Php20.9 Billion every year! • They are key decisionmakers in household expenses! (New Generations Philippines 2004 – March 22, 2004 – Commissioned by Cartoon Network

Respondents: 1000 kids aged 7-14, and their parents in 3 major cities: Metro Manila, Cebu and Davao

Where is “The Radio” now?

McCann Study

is Radio as powerful as it once was?

Has Radio become wallpaper? What’s the FUTURE of Radio?

1. Radio remains to be second only to TV in terms of regular consumption of the traditional media. 2. Listenership has declined as audiences want more control over content they want to hear (CD walkman). 3. Why do they listen? : DJ/Personalities, lively commentary, countdowns, interesting talks, live traffic reports and promos and contests.

How How about about our our newspapers newspapers and and magazines? magazines?

• Newspaper Readership has declined for the past years. • Abante Tonight has the most number of readership among teens. • Crosswords, horoscope and lifestyle are the most read sections of the newspaper. • The magazines share the same fate that of the newspaper only worst.

“ “The The Cinemas?” Cinemas?”

Cinema struggles against piracy.. “I don’t watch in theaters .. Television.. anymore. There are VCDs and DVDs everywhere.”

“A lot of movies are being shown on TV anyway”

“It’s nice to just watch the VCD at home, you can do anything you want.”

“I don’t think it’s worth paying for the ticket if it’s a local film, the story is shallow, you can predict the ending. I will just wait for it on TV.”

.. and economics.. “I’m not the movie type of person, it’s expensive” Cinema Ticket Prices Metro Manila

“I can choose a wholesome movie and watch it at home with my children.

“It is expensive to watch movies in cinema houses, P150 per person and there are 4 of us.

Source: UM Brand Engage 2003-2005

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1990




Practically everybody (97%) watch VCDs/DVDs at home – A third did not want to reveal how much they normally buy their videos – Many of them buy videos for a price much less than the sale price of – non-pirated videos

Average price bought



No answer/ Refused



Less than P99



P100 to 299 P300 to 499 P500 & up

35% 9% -

14% 14% 12%

Sources: UM Intuition on cinema

This segment of loyal moviegoers are more likely : •Males Regular •Age 16-29 CINEMA •Class ABC

..but a select audience continue to watch movies in theaters “It’s still better to watch the special effects on the big screen.

“We go to the movies if there’s a really nice movie.” Sources: UM Brand Engage 20032005 and MiM 2005


SEX Male




AGE Age 16-19


Age 20-29


Age 30-39


Age 40-50








Cellp Cellp hone


Number Number of of Mobile Mobile or or Cellular Cellular Phone Phone Service Service Providers Providers and and Units Units As As of of December December 2003 2003 (NTC (NTC June June 2004) 2004) Year

2001 2002 2003 Projected by end of 2004

Number of Number of Users Service Providers 5 5 6

12,000,000 18,000,000 22,000,000 30,000,000

The explosion of usage of mobile phones and SMS are indications of the importance of these technologies Emotional value & Socialization

Utilitarian value “Necessity para sa amin. Hindi ako makakaalis ng bahay ng walang cell phone.” -- Teenager “It is important because I need to get in touch while I am on the road.” – Affluent Working Adult “Ang cellphone ginagamit ko para sa negosyo at pag communicate sa family ko. -- CD Housewife

“To get in touch with friends na malalayo.” -- Teenager “I’m only a text away I say … so yun gimik na yun. Naoorganize na yun impromptu.” -- Teenager “Having text pals are fun and exciting, especially the eyeball part.” -- Teenager

“Nagtetext ako sa asawa ko na nasa Maynila. Nakikimusta.” – CD Source: UM Brand Engage 2003-2005 Housewife

What A Cellphone Means To Teens • •

Window to their private life Umbilical cord to girlfriend (for boys), to friends (for girls) Channel of intimacy – a repository of catch basin for secrets and sweet-nothings Archive of porn (for boys)

What Tween Dreams Are Made Of .. •

• •

The want to own one but with some concerns -might get confiscated by teachers in school and be open target for bullying Makes them “sikat”, “may kaya” Frustrated that they have to borrow from parents who in turn lend it to kids for the games, to text teachers and friends

The cellular phone is the new emotional currency of today’s youth. The pressure of owning one can cause some teens to manipulate their parents into buying cellphone. Source:them Pulse, a McCann Erickson WorldGroup “Sinusumbat ko minsan na hindi naman talaga ako mahalaga eh.”

information technology


Internet • Philippines = less than 5,000 internet users in 1994,in 2004 estimated 6 million users. Source; Philippine Internet Review: 10 years of internet in the Philippines (1994-2004)


Internet Internet • Top reasons for using internet in 2002: research, email, browsing, business transaction, entertainment, news, chat/ messaging, download and bills payment/shopping. • In 2001, 1.64 billion pesos was spent by Filipino online shoppers in the first half of the year. In 2002, a total of 3.66 billion was spent on online shopping. (Filipino Internet User Report Part 1- 2002)

What do Filipino Internet users buy online: BOOKS! (from age


Wired Wired world world of of the the youth. youth. .. .. • School – most common access point for majority of internet users. • 75% of those who accessed internet from café’s are aged 16 years and below. • All respondents aged 16 and below accessed internet from their homes.

Study: New Generations Philippine 2004

• Most children watch TV when they are not in school; with 94% glued to a TV set daily. 16% listen to radio. • 93% like to watch cartoons;13% like watching drama series and 7% like movies. • Children are savvy with various forms of technology! 66% claimed to have used mobile phones and 77% send text messages at least once a week. A third of children aged 7-10 are computer users.

Media creates culture.

It shapes the landscapes of our children’s3

Mass Media is largely responsible for shaping the… consumption patterns of youth; dressing styles; leisure and malling; political involvement (forefront of rallies and social movements); • delinquent behavior; and, • religion. • • • •

Mass Media shapes to certain extent the values and

The biggest question of all:

Where are the parents

Diminishing role of parents in the advent of overseas migration and the increasing entry of mothers in the working force.

The need to provide a better future for our families has made both parents seek better-paying, but more demanding jobs.

In Metro Manila, 66% of parents with kids are working Source: Media in Mind 2002

Less time spent with children, and greater reliance on television to provide entertainment in lieu of social interaction.

“Mean World Syndrome”

“The choice of parents today is between two evils. Should they allow their children to go out and possibly endanger themselves or do they lock their children behind closed doors watching television studded with sex and violence?”

The case of 5-year old Dylan: • 60+ hours of TV / week • 4 TV sets in their house • TV always on • boy’s demeanor passive or immitative

epidemic of violent news and information (Japan Close-Up, Nov 2001)

Sociologists and psychologists agree that children who watch too much TV are unable to adjust healthily and build appropriate social relationships.

Extensive TV Viewing: • Children become passive learners, dependent on external sources • Need to be entertained grows • Shortened attention span • Increased irritability and aggression

the “Jedi way” as a legitimate religion in New Zealand

“otakuism” Anime lovers

Exposure to

TV TV Commercials Commercials portray portray youth youth as… as… • Adventurous • Full of insecurities • Susceptible to foreign cultural influences

Gen X TV Commercials FEMALES are: • Aggressive • Expressive • Unconventional; and, • Liberated

MALES are: • Optimistic • Independent • Adventurous; and, • Wild

Advertisements promote: • “mall culture”; • certain habits and fads that become part of the leisure culture of the youth; • consumption of imported goods; and, • smoking and drinking habits.

A study of male college students, average age 21, found that those who were shown TV commercials featuring muscular, sometimes bare-chested men, were depressed and had more dissatisfaction about their body than students who watched neutral advertisements… US edition of Time magazine of 3 May 2004

The digital and

information technology today

defines our very relationship with the culture of youth and of the future.

A change of perspective: • • • • • •

Mouse Chat Delete Trash Burn Text

• • • • •

“Fantaserye” “Koreanovela” “KiliTV” EB, GTG, LOL Emoticons ;-)

New New learnings… learnings…



“download and enter mentality”

the habits of the google generation: • much more aware of the trends; • fashion-forward; creating new fashion concoctions • open to new experiences;

Information Technology

New Information Technology is making young people… • obsessed with “instant solutions,” from politics to sexual problems; • more adult, thus, the term “hurried child syndrome”; and • connectivity-driven.

the thrill of the instant • Reality shows that produce overnight stars to 1-2-3 snap, and; • Fashion-to-function objects of affection.

Kids like shows for adults… 9 telenovelas among their most favorite programs…

Anak TV Youth Vote 2002

Information Technology

Exposure Exposure to to Internet Internet • Enhances interpersonal relationships; • Provides a new alternative to meeting friends and developing romantic relationships; • Substitutes for rebellious acts that are not physically damaging – cybersex, violent games, hacking, plagiarism, gender switching, etc.

The “Pluralization of Life-Worlds” “modernism is about the “pluralization of world views”..

Teens are experiencing a “pluralization of their lifeworlds” when they interact with others through a technology interface… “During the days of my obsessive chatting (through Internet Relay Chat or IRC), I knew myself not only as the physical, ‘real’ Lia, but also as ‘sugarOink’ or ‘sugarfuzz’ or as ‘sprite’… I put on different selves or identities and I enjoyed it. Sometimes, I was an intelligent, opinionated woman on one chatroom, on another I was pretending to be a cute 20something guy, flirting with this teenage girl…” - LM, 4th year college student, September 2000

Advantages and Disadvantages of Chatting: • Makes one busy; • Meet new friends; • Chat with relatives abroad; • Helps one relax; • Improve one’s interpersonal skills; and, • Get advise.

• Sexual exploration especially among gay youth (cybersex provides safer and faster access to pornographic materials).

From Barkadas to Cyberkadas More women users (58%) than men (42%) in 2003. FEMALES • Use more aliases • Inclined towards gender switch • Use chatting to make new friends • Use for academic purposes more than chatting

MALES • Use the Internet more • Use the Internet more for chatting

Cyberspace allows young people to experiment with their own identities and reinvent existing ones.

60% of children between ages 7-16 know what an Internet homepage is. 9% of the children knew what the preface of a

The Philippines is 15th among the world’s largest list of possible sexual partners on the Internet, and the 2nd of 35 countries in Asia after India…

At 16, Filipinos are among the youngest to be initiated into sex. Time, in Manila Standard, 11 Nov 2002

texti ng

Devin: yo yo yo… SOS u? Gino: AAK. But CTRN working… Gino: Devin:

PITA. BFO! Devin: wanted ur opinion. Gino: GA

shoot. Devin: jen or lisa? Gino: IANAL but I think lisa’s a better SO 4 u.

Devin: booyah GMTA… Gino: I mean, WWJD? Hehe HTH… Devin: TIA. lisa here I come (WEG) Gino: TMI dude ROTF. Devin: bye. Gino: TTYL.

Devin: yo yo yo (hello)

… SOS (same

old shit) u? Gino: AAK (alive and kickin’). But CTRN (can’t talk right now) working… Devin: PITA (pain in Gino: BFO the ass) . (blinding flash of the Devin: ur opinion. obvious)wanted ! Gino: GA (go ahead) Devin: shoot. jen or lisa?

Gino: IANAL (i am not a lawyer) but I think lisa’s a better SO (significant other) u. Devin:4 booyah GMTA (great minds think alike) Gino: I mean, WWJD (what would Jesus do)? Hehe HTH (hope that helps)… TIA (thanks in advance). lisa Devin:

here I come (WEG- wide evil grin) Gino: TMI (too much info) dude. ROTF (rolling on the floor) . Gino: TTYL (talk to you Devin: later).


The world is losing its sense of elegance & nobility.

We are losing our sense of basic good manners.

“Adult" has increasingly come to mean "dirty."

Playing Computer games

“Violent games teach kids to enjoy the experience of killing." Time, 10 May 1999

From “Patintero” to Counterstrike… •

Traditional games that emphasize social interactions (sipa, taguan, patintero, tumbang preso, marbles, tex, etc.) are being eclipsed very rapidly by videogames and network games;

• New “play culture” characterized by preference for fantasy and unrealistic situations or characters, network gamers are impersonal and unmindful of external environment, individualistic, lacks emotional interaction, they have lesser knowledge in manipulating the natural environment, and they no longer play outside

What happens to the youth?

A very sad effect… “Compassion Fatigue”

electronic violence


In Summar y

Youth today:

the INTERACTIVE.Gen… driven to connect… more and more skewed to social interaction… (McCann Youth Study 2000)

Values are negotiated not through principles

but through the pressures of relationships.

Brand Engage Findings: CD Teenagers, 2005 The life of the teenager revolves around

Home Life His responsibilities in the home


Friends His relationship with Friends and peers Friends

His relationship with friends and peers

But they spend their time in a wide variety of out-ofhome activities “Mahilig din ako magbabad sa computer kasi para mag-chat. Punta ako sa computer shop, chat at Friendster.” “Pag hapon po may basketball kami. Pag gabi po nayayayan ang tropa ng stroll, joyride or kaya tambay sa isang lugar.” “Pag hapon doon sa amin tambay kasama ng mga kaibigan ko, kuwentuhan, patugtog ng radio hanggang gabi.” “Pag dating ng weekend, talaga every Saturday parati ako nasa mall. Kung may pera bibili. Pero lagi akong nanood ng movie. Yun talaga ang hilig ko.”

Source: UM Brand Engage 2003-2005

Today’s Pinoy Youth The youth of today live against a backdrop in which rapid infrastructure development proliferate. Out of home activitie s

Telecom liberalization More access to land lines


Cell phones

Fast foods

Evolving Media Landscape more channels Cable TV

Technology access Computer games Internet

Urban Kids In Metro Manila and urban centers, kids’ lifestyles and interests are increasingly shaped by emerging technologies and new media

“Nanonood po ako ng HBO.” “At favorite ko ang Channel 37 Cartoon Network” “Favorite ko si Yu-gi-oh. Zoids din.”

Source: UM Brand Engage

“Naglalaro ako ng video games sa SM” “ Pag walang school, nagsu-surf ako ng internet sites.”

They also have become more empowered in their choice of media and television programming.

Rural Kids In contrast, the kid’s life in the provinces still revolve around simple, traditional values and pleasures

Strong faith, strong family ties “Nagsisimba po kami pag linggo buong pamilya,” “Sa gabi po nagkukuwentuhan po kami ng Mama at Papa ko kung ano ang mga nangyari sa amin.” “Nanonood po kami ng TV, naglalaro ng mga kapatid ko po.” Stronger sense of responsibility than their counterparts in Metro Manila. “Nagtutulong po kami kay Mama, pag naglilinis.” “Mag-aral ng mabuti para makatulong sa magulang.”

‘Filipinos 3 biggest users of shabu, says UN study’…


Globalization as a process of “time-space compression” made possible the… • Shrinking of youth cultures in one global village; • Digitization of knowledge; • Disneyizing youth cultures (via Disney movies).

idols/icons, movies, MTVs, fashion fads, music, hairstyles


polyphonic polyphonic vision vision or or multiplicity multiplicity of of reality reality

difficulty difficulty to to attain attain certainty certainty or or truth truth

dangerous link between truth and authority with numbers

relativism nomadism

alarming inability to make commitments consistent with one’s own faith vision and personal project of life


Youth and Music • Do not underestimate the power of music in encouraging the youth to support a cause or an advocacy. • “Alternative music” is the heart and soul of the youth. • OPM Music today like Bamboo, Orange & Lemons, Kapatid and others.

What’s What’s Going Going All All Star Star Tribute Tribute On On

Youth, Sex &

Sex and Media • Exposing the youth more to sexual language; • Sexualization via the mass media is readily available through popular “green raps” and songs, music videos, bomba films and tabloids; • Source of sexual socialization and entertainment; • Tabloids contributes to the showbiz-nation – youth are more interested and knowledgeable about latest showbiz tittle-tattles than political issues. • Sexy tabloids have become pornographic literature

tops in use of porn

Media stereotypes people, which causes prejudices that lead to collective aggression. 4

Mass Media reinforces stereotypes… • Advertisement capitalizes on women’s bodies to promote commercial products; • Boys often use these images as point of conversation, and use them as jokes to ridicule women; • Sexist images; • Images of violence has an effect on the identity formation of youth offenders (like masculine role models “Robin Padilla” as bad boy); • “burgis” and “sosyal” vs. “jologs,” “baduy,” and the “bakya.”

But who are you really?

For Pinoy youth: “Having good marriage and family life” (98%) is topmost aspect of their life.

About 60% say that divorce, marital infidelity, pornography, and having an abortion (among women) are wrong.

Less than 50% say that hiring a prostitute, having a girlfriend/wife get an abortion (males), getting drunk, and homosexuality is wrong.

Only about 50% consider premarital sex, phone or internet sex, and gambling heavily as wrong.

If Christians want to be light and salt of the earth in the arena of media, what can we do?


from user to producer

enlarging exclusion and marginalization in matters of economy, politics, and justice

culture of processes personal involvement

culture of action & participation

Walk the talk.

Teach the youth to DECONSTRUCT MEDIA…

to distinguish reel from real…

to put into proper context the myths of media…

But it is not enough to deconstruct media…

4. ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION empowers the audience to create their own messages…

e h t h s i u g n i s t t s c i e d p s a 1. to e v i t … p e r m u rede ular cult p o p of s l o o t p o l e v e e d v o i t t . c 3 u r t s n o for c cism … criti


2. to deter mine appropria te Christian participat i on …

We should be careful in using all the information and freedom – not to seek the instant thrills but to scope out stuff that would make us better, stronger and wiser.

The fruits of achievement are sweeter when you know you’ve tilled the soil, planted the seed and cultivated to grow.

surface over depth, simulation over the real, style over substance, packaging over product

USED USED TO TO BE BE by by Stevie Stevie Wonder Wonder and and Charlene Charlene

Sources:  Mc Cann Erickson Study given by Ms. Emily Abrera last August 9, 2005, AMRSP Seminar  Fr. Eli Cruz, SDB lecture given in various SIGNIS assemblies  AAAA Media Fact Book  Sr. Consolata Manding, FSP lecture on the Spirituality in the Media Age given during the Spirituality Forum 4 – Spirituality & Globalization  Philippine Internet Review: 10 years of internet in the Philippines  The Mediatization of the Youth by Gerry Lanuza of Dept. of Sociology, UP-Diliman

Do It For You


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