The Eastern Dimension Of The European Neighberhood

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  • Words: 463
  • Pages: 2
The Eastern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Publica...

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Poland Office

Dec. 20, 2006

The Eastern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy Ed.

Center for International Relations in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland

ISBN 978-83-88216-94-7 Publication of the Center for International Relations in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland as a part of project "The Eastern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy"

Contact Poland Office Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Stephan Raabe ul. J. Dabrowskiego 56 PL 02-561 Warschau Poland Phone +48 22 845-9330 Fax +48 22 848-5437 [email protected] more »

Member states of the European Union are looking for answers to a number of fundamental questions which will determine the future of the Union as a whole. The problems do not only attest to the recognition of integration needs and ambition of the EU enlarged to 25 member states (and 27 as of 1 January 2007). They also concern the conditions that the whole EU and particular member states will create in order to contribute to further development in a world facing serious threats, radical changes and instability. The matter at hand is stability, security and development of the EU’s direct neighbours. On the one hand, it is about the Middle East region, which is of particular interest to Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece, and on the other hand, it concerns the neighbours in the East: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, as well as Georgia and other countries of the Black Sea basin and South Caucasus. The European Union intends to be actively involved in neighbouring countries by creating a network of co-operation and mutual relations, which should provide for safe and predicable conditions of development for all parties. The enhanced European Neighbouring Policy is supposed to serve as the tool for this co-operation. The first part of the publication comprises the following conference speeches by officials: • European Neighbourhood Policy – the Eastern Dimension • ENP as a mechanism and tool of transformation and deepening integration with the EU • deepened cooperation and integration with Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine – the role of ENP • Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine – bridging the economic, political and social gap: expectations towards ENP • the policy of the Russian Federation towards ENP and towards ENP countries. The second part of the publications consists of analyses by experts from Poland, the Netherlands, Germany, Romania,

2009-09-01 02:08

The Eastern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Publica...

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Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova.

Published by the Center for International Relations in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland. © Konrad Adenauer Stiftung e.V. | July 24, 2007

2009-09-01 02:08

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