Do you know the difference between Paris and New York? 你知道巴黎跟紐約有什麼不同 ?
Paris... 巴黎 是 ....
And New York... 而紐約是 ....
Do you know the difference between the Air Force and the Army ? 你知道空軍跟陸軍 有什麼差別?
NO ? 不知道?
Well, here’s the Air Force 嗯!這是空軍’s the Army! 那麼 .. 這是陸軍!
the difference between a French biker and a Morrocan biker ? 那你知道法國的機車騎士跟摩洛哥機車 騎士有何差異?
Answer to the eternal question : Why do women live longer than men?
對於永恆的定義的答覆: 為什麼女人活的比男人久?
Why are women more attractive than men? 為什麼女人 比男人有吸 引力?
… Any other question ? ... 還有異議?
Why do women have two hands? 為什麼女人需要 2 隻手?
And why do men have two hands? 那為什麼男人需要 2 隻手?