The Crimson Sands

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 683
  • Pages: 2
The Crimson Sands: "Beyond The Spine of Gadon, Below The Clouded Castle, And Above The Caves of Keerallon, Lay The Crimson Sands. The Crimson Sands are a place of wonder, A place of adventure and treasure, But also a place of death and despair, Of challenge and mystery. If you should ever go to the Crimson sands, You had best be prepared for you will face." Wonders of The World; Volume IX, The Crimson Sands The Crimson Sands The Crimson Sands are but one of the twenty-seven wonders of the world that have been recorded in the books "Wonders of The World" which currently reside in the library of the Clouded Castle. The Crimson Sands are a massive desert to the east of the Plains of Dinnagoth, the two of which are separated by The Spine of Gadon. The Crimson Sands earn their name from the blood-red color of the sand. The only notable landmark in The Crimson Sands is a colossal skeleton that lies in the center of the desert with a chain tied around one foot that leads to deep within the earth. Inhabitants of The Crimson Sands Rarely will you ever see life in the Crimson Sands but when you do it's usually either wild, brutal, and charging at you, or like your average hermit/nomad. Most of said people are Firesoul Genasi or tieflings due to their innate resistance to the heat of the desert but, on occasion, you'll find someone of another race struggling to get by in the desert. Other than sentient people you would probably find several beasts in the Crimson Sands, most of which being lizards, bugs, and dragons of various sorts. Civilization in The Crimson Sands There is no civilization in the Crimson Sands, Yeehrag, the oldest Brown dragon anybody has ever known (Besides Gadon of course), has ruined all attempts at civilization.

The Myth of The Crimson Sands and Phollorthron The Titan It is said that many years ago a great titan was chained to the stone deep below The Crimson Sands and was forced to live in the desert for the many remaining years of it's life. Over the years, the titan, who went by the name of Phollorthron, would wander the desert devouring all the living things he would find in order to survive, he quickly became a feared avatar of evil. Many feared Phollorthron and wouldn't dare go into The Crimson Sands, although there was one, who's name and race are unknown, who was willing to stand up against the colossal monstrosity. The greatest warrior to ever reside in the Plains of Diggron rose against Phollorthron and fought him in man versus mouse. Hefting his axe, the warrior climbed over The Spine of Gadon and trekked months through The Crimson Sounds until one fateful day when he awoke by the cause of what felt like an earthquake but was really Phollorthron's footsteps. Staring upward, the warrior grabbed his axe and fought the titan through the day. The battle was epic, it lasting nearly the entire month and took place over the entirety of The Crimson Sands. It is said that over the battle the warrior continually spilled the blood of the titan and the blood sank into the sands, staining them blood red. Through the duration of the battle, the surrounding areas could hear the titan's screams and howls of pain and as he toppled to the desert sands his voice echoed through lands "You cannot rid the world of me!" Howled the titan as he lay down to die. Centuries passed by and the warrior died but after the many years a great wind whipped up and churned the sands of the desert and hulking forms came from beneath the earth, the forms of the first ogres to ever come into the world. An ogre sage came from out of the sand and whispered a few words "My bonds are broken and now I may wreck havoc upon the world." whispered the sage as he and all the other thousands of ogres wandered off to cause suffering to the world.

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