The Cost Of The Kingdom Citizenship- Edited.docx

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The Cost of Kingdom Citizenship April 10, 2011 The Father’s Kingdom Nation is now an established governance, a spiritual governance on the Earth today. My heart is overwhelmingly joyful in knowing that every day, sons and daughters, by the thousands are being born to the father’s Kingdom Nation. I cannot contain the happiness and the joy in my heart knowing that the Father Almighty’s governance on the earth whom he has purposed from the very beginning is already here today, is victorious everywhere it goes. The purpose of the Father after Adam and Eve fell and lost everything was to restore everything to them. Once restored sons and daughters will be produced. It will not only constitute an organization, an institution, a denomination or a religion. It has never been His plan to erect a religion, a denomination or an organization or something like what we have known in Christianity in the Christian age. It has always been the Father’s intention to have a nation called by His name where he can be the King and where His laws will not be written on paper but they will be written in the hearts and in the minds of His people. That was the plan. Israel, as the first chosen nation was chosen to fulfill that purpose but they rejected it, even in time of Samuel, the prophet. They rejected the idea that the unseen God would only manifested by a king whom He will appoint to rule over them. They didn’t like it. So they told Samuel we would like to become like the nations around them with a king that they had

chosen for themselves. Samuel went to the Father Almighty and told Him about that plan. He said listen to their voice, they have rejected me. He gave them their permissive will and they chose their own king. That was the beginning of the downfall of Israel. From that time on God no longer was their king and they no longer were under His authority and protection. They also lost the calling of being chosen as the Father’s Kingdom Nation at that time. They did not want it. But that plan was stopped temporarily. So when Israel, as a nation was no longer in the lime light of the Father’s will he chose another race and another people. The church age or the Christian age, came into being. There were people were chosen before me and plan should have continued with them. But they never did understood it. They never were enlightened about that. They began to form their own little organizations, religions and denominations and never came to the fulfillment of the Father’s purpose in their lives. Until he called me and He revealed to me everything. When He called me, I waited on Him. If you look at me from the point of view of the outside world it seemed that I wasted my time in those two mountains. When I was still young and those were my fruitful years, and as I sat in those two mountains, day in and day out, it felt like I was wasting my time. It was like my fruitful years were passing me by and nothing fruitful was being done. But if you look at me thorughnthe eyes of the Father Almighty, you will see that those were the most fruitful years of my life. ‘Cause that is when I was in the presence of the Father Almighty and he became my teacher, day in and day out. I was all ears to Him. I had

to adjust to that kind of a life but I had sacrificed myself for that purpose. I used my freedom of choice in deciding, ‘Father I will wait on you’. That’s why the word of God says, “Blessed are those that wait upon the lord. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” So I was there while everybody was busy doing their own thing out in the world, including religion and denomination who they thought they had already arrived. I was in the wilderness all alone with my teacher, the Father Almighty and I received every bit of these revelations that I am now sharing to all the world today. So I began the preaching the word. He sent me and I worked not as a son but as a servant. He sent me everywhere. And I did not let Him down or put Him to shame. I did His work as He had commanded and then in 2003 September 13, the Father revealed the Sonship to the world. It was no longer a private affair. It was to be made public. So He revealed to the world who His spokesperson, who is his Appointed Son to the whole world and the Father said “This is my son”. Many, many reacted to that light of revelation in September 13, 2003. And 90% of this was not positive. I received mocking letters, text messages in the Christian or church age circles. And it was natural because that time, whether they understood it or not, the Father’s work was already being completed. They did not know that but they could feel it within themselves, especially those who were loyal to the Father and those honest ones who are who were in the dark ages but were waiting for that manifestation, though they don’t know where it would come from. They were the ones who were rejoicing within them. They were bound by in the prison of denomination and religion, as I continued to

deliver the message as the Son all over the world, they began to see the light of that revelation. The rest is history. I was in Vanowen, our headquarters in Los Angeles, when the revelation of the entrustment of the Kingship came to me. That was also the day of the vanquishment of Satan Lucifer the Devil, who sat on the throne of deception. He had been booted out of the throne. Now that throne of deception now has become the throne of enlightenment for all the people of the Father all over the world. That was also the beginning of the reign of the Father through His son in righteousness, when everything was restored. Kingdom citizens all over the globe should be proud to be become Kingdom Citizens. Your citizenship is in the Kingdom of heaven. Yes, you may be on the earth today, but now it is not only in heaven where the Father’s power is being displayed and manifested. It is now being displayed and manifested in this earth who once upon a time was the territory of Satan Lucifer the Devil ruling the people in deception and darkness even using religion and denomination to do that. But right now, that has all been uncovered. Those things that were hidden in darkness are now come out into the light. The Father said people will listen to the voice of the Appointed Son because my sheep know my voice. So I am here today celebrating with all of you kingdom citizens all over the world with utmost joy and happiness in my heart knowing that the Father’s fulfillment of His purpose and intention from the beginning to have a Kingdom Nation for Himself who will be His model and who will be the point of His light on the earth. Instead of the Old Jerusalem, now, He has His own new people with a new heart with then a New

Jerusalem that has become the point of light to be seen all over the world.

The processes to become sons and daughters are in place, whether you see me or not. When you come into the Kingdom, you go through those processes. He wanted to reveal them to those who were appointed or were chosen before me, but they never did accommodate the processes which spiritually were coming from the Father. They made their own processes which are not acceptable to Father. Until He found one that He can mold into His own image, who will believe every word He says. He will stand before the people as a model of the Father’s finished product that will be sent into all the world, replicating Himself into many, many sons and daughters. The holy scriptures are being fulfilled daily in our lives today. He said in John 12:24,” Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. This is in fulfillment in the life of the Appointed Son. The image of the first one that was buried on the ground or in the ground, is the image of our Almighty Father as the Begotten Son in the Jewish Setting. And after He resurrected, the purpose of that life is to produce many more lives with His image upon them. And we are here today bearing that image beginning with me, the model of the Sonship. Another question that was asked of me is “How to become a Kingdom Citizen?”. How to become a Kingdom Citizen? Probably, if you asked me on how to become a Filipino citizen and you are a foreigner, you are not a natural born Filipino, and you wanted to become a

Filipino citizen, I can direct you to one of the agencies of our government who processes foreign nationals to become Filipino citizens. And they have a process for that. When you go to the United States and you want to become an American citizen, there is also a process to do that. In the Kingdom Nation of the Father, if you want to become a Kingdom Citizen, there is also a process for that. It is not paper works but spiritual works that you have to do. This is not natural citizenship. This is spiritual citizenship. This is what the church age missed. They didn’t know that you cannot go to heaven to be with the Father Almighty. They have promised heaven to their followers but you cannot go to that heaven they had promised to their followers unless you become sons and daughters. Because only sons and daughters will inherit heaven, will inherit the properties of our Father. If you cannot call Him “Father”, and he cannot call you sons and daughters, what kind of a relationship do you have with Him? If you cannot call Him “Father”, and he cannot call you sons and daughters, there is no relationship at all. If the relationship is only between servants, slaves and masters, then you will be paid your due and then after that you will be dismissed. But you will never inherit any property coming from the Father because you are foreign to Him. This is the reason why many of those servants and slaves, this is the reason why many of those servants and slaves who have worked for Him will one day complain and say “Didn’t we do Your works? Didn’t we cast out demons in your name? Didn’t we do this, didn’t we do that in Your name?”. They wanted to claim some spiritual rights to go to heaven. That’s why they were saying that, “didn’t we work for you? Didn’t we do this, didn’t we do that?” this

The properties I am talking about are spiritual properties. Like eternal life. Like rapture, eternal life to be with the Father in heaven for eternity, in His house or in His Kingdom for eternity. These people want to go there because they said, “We have done Your works. In Your name, we’ve done these. Can’t we go in?” why did the Father say, “I don’t know you”. The exact interpretation of that is “You cannot claim any rights to My properties. You’re not my children. You might have been my servants. You might have been my slaves. But I paid you your due. I already paid you.” That’s why denomination and religion are also receiving something they claim as tithes and offering for them. It is not for the propagation of the Father’s works of righteousness for the eradication of the serpent seed. That is not their works. Because they have not come to that level, they have not become sons and daughters. In a household, there are sons and daughters. There are slaves and servants. They live in one house. Even slaves and servants do the work the master in the house. Do we have maids in the house? I have a driver, I have a maid. They also work in the house. They work the works of the Father in the house. They are given their due every month but they don’t have any claim of rights to properties owned by the Father. They cannot inherit any of that because they don’t have legal rights to those. When they are paid their due, they can be dismissed anytime. That is all that they will have. They will receive their reward. That’s why those in the church age who are now closed down and still are doing what they say is the Father’s work, you have received your reward. Your rewards are all monetary. But here in the Kingdom Nation of the Father, if you want to become a Kingdom Citizen, your spiritual papers will be processed. You will go through the process. You cannot skip the process.

There is no one that is exempted in these processes. All of us will go through the process. What are those processes? 1. You have to listen to me 2. You have to believe what I am saying 3. You have to go beyond my personality. You have to learn my message. And when you have faith in my message, you have to decide upon your freedom of choice whether to reject or accept that message. It’s not up to me after you listen to me, it’s up to you. So it is in your hands. That’s why kingdom citizens in the Kingdom Nation of the Father are not robots. They made a choice. It is by our own choice that we are here today. It’s by my own choice that I am here today. Is it your choice to be here today? Did somebody force you to be here? Did somebody influence you to be here? Is it not really your choice to be here? If it’s not your choice to be here then you are in the wrong place. You have to go somewhere else or you have to vacate this place and then choose for yourself what to do. Because the Father will respect your choice. If it is your choice to go to hell, the Father will respect you for that. He will only tell you, “Hey! You are going to hell, do you know that?” If you say, “Yes, I know that”, then the Father say, “bye bye”. He will respect our choice because that is the image of the Father given to us that cannot be suppressed in any way. Everything is under the Father’s jurisdiction but not our power to choose. So, it is by my choice that I am here. That’s why in heaven, all the people are happy. It is their choice. So, if you made a choice to be here then the process will begin. Your Kitbog will begin. You will be born in water but before you’ll be born in water, you will

be made to understand everything. We will not leave you in the dark. We will not leave many question marks in your mind. As long as you have questions, you cannot be born again in water. You cannot be dipped in water and be identified with the life of our Almighty Father as long as you have questions. As long as you have doubts and questions, you should not die. Only after you have fully believed and no more questions linger in your mind, will you be identified with his death. What is that? That is repentance. Repentance is death. Repentance is death to your will. That’s why when you repent, you surrender that will to Him because that will was used by Satan Lucifer the devil to deceive you. Self-deception is the most powerful kind of deception in the world today. It is not deception by others that is the most powerful deception, it is deception by yourself. That is the most powerful kind of deception that you have a hard time getting out of. But when you come to Him and then you believe the message of the Appointed Son, then you repent and surrender that will. That is death to your will. You have to willingly do that. Nobody should force you to do that. That’s why you have to use your understanding, let the Father help you in enlightenment and say “Father, enlighten my darkened understanding before I decide on this” because this is a life changing decision. In the Kingdom when you come, you cannot do as the others. This is a serious matter my friends. That’s why you have to weigh everything. The Father will not take your understanding away. He will not make you a fanatic. He will not take your understanding, He will not take your power to weigh whether you will die or not. He will not take that away from you. That’s why He gave you a mind. So, when after you have weighed everything and then went into that life changing

decision of yours and said, “Father, it’s not my will to be done from now on but it’s your will, I will surrender to Your will from now on.” Then you have chosen His death. You will be I.D.d or identified with the life of the Father Almighty, our Lord Jesus Christ. You have chosen death. This is the life that you will now go on to. That’s why the Son said “I am the way, the truth , the life. No man goes to the Father but by Me.” Now you will begin your spiritual journey to that level of maturity to meet with your Father to know Him fully as He has known you fully. Now, you are identified with His death. You die with him. That is when we take you to the water and bury you because every dead person should be buried. Here we will not bury you without repentance. If you don’t understand what you have to surrender, we will not bury you in water because it’s against the will of the Father to bury someone who is still alive. Even in our governmental laws, we don’t do that. If you bury someone who is alive that is murder. Here, you have to die first willingly. In the physical world, people are afraid to die willingly. Even when they are sick, they know they will die. They will not go out willingly. No one is willing to die physically. It’s different in the process of becoming a Kingdom Citizen. You have to die willingly to your will, that is. This is the way to the Father. This is the Son’s way to the Father. Okay. So, you’re dead now and you are buried. But before that, before you die, you follow the Son’s way. Because he’s our model. The Begotten Son is my model in the Jewish setting who has become my Almighty Father here in the gentile setting. He is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you willing to go with His passion? Are you willing to go with the passion of the Son? When you hear me preach, you were attracted to me. I don’t know what attracted you to me. Many people have been attracted to this ministry in many, many ways. I don’t know what attracted you to this ministry but nevertheless you followed this ministry. Whatever it is that have attracted you to follow this ministry, it’s your own problem. Whether you were attracted to my face, to the faces of those that are standing over here, to music, whatever it is, ultimately, you will follow this ministry. You will rejoice with me because as you see the ministry, it’s a beautiful ministry created by the Father. As many people have followed, and been attracted to the begotten son when He began His ministry in Galilee, in Judea, in Samaria, in Jerusalem. A throng of people, many thousands of people were following Him in His crusades. He was doing miracles, healing the sick, raising the dead, letting the cripple walk, multiplying two fishes and five loaves to feed the five thousand, turning the water into wine. These were the crusade years of the son. Many people, thousands of them followed him. That is what attracted them to him, the miracles, the beautiful display of the power of the Father in His life. When he preached to them and the they were waiting. They were hungry and then He took two fishes and five loaves and then He multiplied it. That was what attracted them to Him. So, that’s why when they hear His name again and they would say “He’s now going to Samaria. He will make wonders and miracles there again.” Throngs of people will follow and gather there. But after this throng of people gathered in front of Him, He would set aside the miracles. He would set aside the wonderment of His ministry. And He began to

go to the nitti gritty of why He was sent and that is His message. He began to teach them, I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and they died. I am the bread of life. If you will eat of me, you will live forever. If you drink of My blood and eat of My flesh, you will live forever. People who were following Him began to listen to Him intently when He began to preach this message. They thought that the main ministry of the Son was to produce miracles, to heal people. Look at the healing power of the Son. A woman with an issue of blood for 12 years was healed instantly as soon as she was able to touch the hem of the Father’s garment. Crippled people, when they see and touch it, walked right away. Blinded people, when they saw Him , when he touched them, they immediately saw the light. They can now see. The dead were raised. They thought that that was His main ministry. They thought that they will see many of that and He will become a popular figure in Israel. His fame spread all over doing these things. But they did not know that he was not sent for that alone. That was only to attract them, that was only to tell them that this is me, the real Son of God sent unto you, but my important mission is to deliver a message to you. That’s why he said to them in John 6:26-58: 26 Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. 27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which

the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. 28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. 30 They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work? 31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. 32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. 34 Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. 35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. 36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not. 37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. 38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. 39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. 40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. Then, the message was delivered, 41 The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven.

They began to question him, when he said I am the bread which come down from heaven 42 And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven? 43 Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves. 44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. 45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. 46 Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father. 47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. And then, he delivered that message again 48 I am that bread of life. 49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. 50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. 52 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? 53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. 58 This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever. That was the message of the Son delivered unto the people at that time. When they heard Him deliver these words unto them, what they do? Some of them murmured. Many of them used their freedom of choice, whether to follow him or not and because it was very hard for them when he said “I am the bread of life, my flesh is blood, my flesh is bread and if you drink of my blood and eat of my flesh, you will have eternal life. For indeed my flesh is bread, you can eat of my flesh, you can drink of my blood.” People didn’t understand that. Even today, there are religions who believe that this is literal. That you can really eat of the flesh, of the blood. What do you mean by flesh and blood and that is my life, and he that eateth me and live in him and he lives in me. Do you know the interpretation of that? He said the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.

In John 6:63 he said, “it is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. Flesh and blood, when they are put together gives life. That’s why you have blood, and you have the flesh, you have a physical life. Jesus Christ spiritualized this but they did not understand it. He told them in a manner in which they would be able to understand it. He used material and physical samples but you don’t have to interpret that physically and materially. When His words are eaten by means you believe in His words. You accepted them. You are convicted by them; that’s why you accepted them. You go beyond His personality and learned of His message. His words will meet with you and it will produce spiritual life. When that life is now produced then He is in you and you are in Him. Because you live by those words. That’s why He said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God”. So when these Jewish people heard this, many even disciples, what did they say? They said, “man, this is hard. Who can hear it?”. That means who can understand it? When Jesus knew in Himself that His disciples murmured , so He said unto them, “Does this offend you?” Probably, you are following the Son today.Probably many things I do offend you. Or many things I say or teach offend you.

Jesus Christ, as the Son in the Jewish setting, who is our Almighty Father in the Gentile setting, is the same because this is the sonship. Does this offend you? What if you shall see the Son of man ascend from where He was before? It is the spirit that quickeneth. The flesh profiteth nothing. The words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. If you have said those words and followed them, you will have spiritual life. Now, from the physical and the material, there is now a complete transition to the spiritual. He used material and physical examples for that transition to become smooth in their minds. This is a spiritual transition. What attracted you to kingdom before? Is it the face of the pastor? Is it my personality? Is it the face of these musicians here? Is it the face of this ministry? What has attracted you? Later on you will have a transition from those physical, material things that you have seen. You have to make a smooth transition to the spiritual because if you don’t, then you are missing the point. I am here like my Father to deliver a message. The words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. When these words meet with you and you accept them, you will begin to produce a spiritual life. But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray Him. And He said, “Therefore, I say unto you that no man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my Father”. Listen to this. From that time on, many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him. Form

that time on, when He made a transition from the physical, material attraction to spiritual attraction, many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him. They did not follow Him anymore. When He preached this message unto them, He turned His back. Many of those thousands walked no more with Him. When He turned His back again, he saw twelve remaining. Twelve remaining! Then said Jesus unto the twelve, “Will you also go away?”. Then Simon, Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou has the word of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ, son of the living God”. Only those whose motives are to make transition from material, physical to the spiritual will be able to remain. Because this is not a physical, a material ministry, this is a spiritual ministry. That’s why whatever is your motive in coming to the Kingdom of heaven, if you want to be processed, so you can become sons and daughters, ultimately, you will have to make a decision whether to jump into that transition or to walk away from Him. Either way, you have to decide. And you have to walk with Him continuously because now your attraction is no longer material or physical. You have already made a smooth transition. Your attraction now is spiritual attraction. You can now begin to walk with Him in His passion. Then the spiritual journey will continue. Twelve remained out of the thousand. Where are they now? They are all gone because they remained in that attraction that was only physical and material. If you remain in those kind of attraction, you will not go far

with the Son. You will also turn back. But if you continue like the twelve because you are attracted to the message like Peter when he said “where will we go? You are the only one that has the words of eternal life”, you will begin to walk with him. But that is not enough. That confession is not enough. If the spiritual teachings continue, will you walk with him? Will you still follow him? Then he will teach you on how to become like him. The journey will continue, when you begin to follow truly the Nitti gritty of the message through the words of the Son and you begin to live them. You will begin to suffer, you will be persecuted, you will be misunderstood. You begin to carry your cross, for it’s not a picnic. When you follow the Son, it is a real spiritual journey going to the Father. Then you will hear the Son. This is the real Jesus Christ that you will be hearing. He now has a manifestation through his Appointed Son. I will not deny the words of my Father. Because your attractions now is spiritual, the first thing you will see is the father teaching you the cost of following him. There is a cost for following me; there is a cost for following the Son. The words say in John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily I said unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Many have seen the kingdom of God, including those that followed him before. You who are watching on TV, you who are following my ministry, you have seen the kingdom of God. In one way, you are born again, that’s why many of those out in the church age,

called themselves born again. But my friend, being just born again, and seeing the kingdom of God will not save you. You have to follow until you can be able to enter it. That’s why he repeated that in John 3:4, 5 this is what it says: 4 Nicodemus said to him, how can a man be born again when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb and be born? This is the physical and material interpretation of Nicodemus: shall I crawl back into my mother’s womb and be born again; how I can be born again? Jesus said in John 3:3, Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God Entering into the kingdom of God is salvation, not seeing. If you were a Christian, if you are in the church age, you have seen the kingdom of God. So you may also claim, “I am born again.” But being born again in John 3:3, and seeing the kingdom of God only is not salvation. You are still on the material and physical plane, like Nicodemus’ mind. But He repeated that and said “you must be born of water”. Water here is always used for what? That is for cleansing, that’s why in your Kitbog experience here, your doubts will all be cleansed. Unless, you are cleansed from all of that, you will not go into that process. You have to be cleansed. Water there is cleansing. Then after you are cleansed, you have to walk in the spirit. Except you be born of water and of the

spirit. Walking in the spirit now is called spiritual journey, it is the spiritual maturity, it is also the baptism of fire. Where everything that is not according to the will of God will be burnt by that fire. Now, will you continue in this journey with the Son? The question now is: are you contented in just being born again and seeing the kingdom of God? Seeing only is not salvation. You have to enter into the kingdom of God. Now, when you enter into the kingdom of God as a new born baby, you have to grow, that’s why you will be introduced into the kingdom culture. The kingdom culture is the atmosphere in the kingdom, it is the kingdom culture of obedience, of dedication and of loyalty only to the will of the Father through the Son. You will have to grow into that. That’s why when you begin to follow Him, you are moving away from the material and physical plane and are now coming into the spiritual realm. Remember you are now in the kingdom of God, you are now born again in the spirit, a spiritual being from the spiritual world, which is very, very different from the physical world. You will now begin to learn the kingdom culture of your Father. You are now a little baby and you have to act like a little baby. A little baby does not question. When you are born again in the spirit, and you are now in the kingdom and you have decided to be that, you don’t question. You give the baby poison, the baby will not say “I don’t like that, that’s poison”. When you give a baby something to drink, the baby will not say “what is that?” A baby will drink anything. But because your father is

not a criminal, he will treat you like his own. He will nurture you. As a baby who is growing, you will begin to learn and identify yourself with kingdom culture of the Father. You are now first of all becoming a disciple who is beginning to know who your father is, in growth and maturity. You will go through infancy, where you’ll be spoon-fed by everyone around you. You will be taught, and told, “don’t do that, don’t do this.” As you grow, you begin to identify with the kingdom culture, and make a transition from the physical and material world, where you have grown before as a physical human being, to becoming a spiritual being who is growing in the atmosphere of the spirit in the kingdom. The kingdom culture you will begin to identify yourself with is totally free from the serpent seed. This is the kingdom atmosphere. You will begin to walk in the kingdom of your Father. Will you still walk with him? This is His life. After death, after you followed Him, His passion, after the attraction of the material and physical things, you have now made a smooth transition to the spiritual plane. You will experience many, many things. Will you still follow him? You will be taught, teaching will come to you, but will you still follow him? Then, follow him. There will come a time in your life, when you have decided to go in your Kitbog, you will also decide to go into your Tamayong. That is now one of the things you will do that will cost you something. In your Kitbog, you have your Gethsemane , your repentance,when you say “Father, not my will but your will be done.” Your flesh be

will be begging you. But your flesh is many times overpowered by your spirit because you really want to become a Son of God, you really want to become a daughter of God. That’s why you say in your Gethsemane “Not my will but your will be done, Father.” Rejection, betrayal, denial What happens after your Gethsemane? The enemy will arrest you. You will suffer rejection. First of all by those who know you, and secondly, you will suffer rejection by even your own acquaintances. Are you willing to still follow him? The disciples were still following him until he was arrested on the garden. Many of them fled. And of the 12, one of them even betrayed him. There will be a time of betrayal, when you will be betrayed by those that are very close to you. Will you still follow the Son? Judas, who betrayed him, was taken from the garden. Will you still follow him when he is thrown in ignominy and shame? When there are bad reports around him, when they said he is a cult, when they say that he is a murderer, when they say all things, all manner of evil against him, will you still follow him? Even those that were closely following Him betrayed him. The soldiers came to them and came to Peter, “Oh you’re the one of them, I saw you you’re one of them . You’re one of his disciples”. Peter said “no” and Peter tried to curse so that he wouldn’t be identified to the our Lord because he was totally afraid of being arrested. He denied the Lord.

There will be a time of denial and betrayal in your life. Will you still follow the Son? I’ve been betrayed many times because of this ministry. I’ve been denied many times because of this ministry. I’ve been betrayed and denied by those who were very close to me, but I continued to follow Him. How about you? I’m talking about you now. You will be put in His place because you are now the one who wanted to go through the process of becoming Son and a daughter of the father like me. There will be a time when you will be arrested, you will be shamed, and you will be crucified. When is your crucifixion going to happen? Your crucifixion is going to happen when you decide, when you decide to follow His will fully. That is crucifixion time. Because of that decision, you will be persecuted, you will be denied, you will be betrayed, you will experience those and you may say” Ahh! I thought that in coming to this kingdom I will not have these bad experiences. I can’t forget these bad experiences.” Those are only some of the bad experiences you will suffer because of him, if you will follow him. And you thought you will be catered here? You thought that your whims and wishes will be given to you by a waiter? No, no! When you are following Him and have already made a smooth transition from the physical, material to the spirit, you are now walking in the life of the Son. And then you will be crucified, you will carry your cross. That’s why he said in Matthew 10:34 . (verse)

This is the real Father speaking, this is the real Jesus Christ; will you listen to Him? This is His real Son, will you listen to me? This is our real world that I‘ve inherited from him, will you accept me? Listen to this. This is very hard, and you might be one of His disciples that said “those are hard words, I am offended”. Flesh and Blood cannot enter the kingdom of God “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father and daughter, against her mother, and the daughter in-law against her mother-in-law and a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” Wow! Can you take that? Its as if Jesus Christ is a family wrecker, a family destroyer. You know, I tell a very, very direct truth. The Son will destroy the fleshly family because that is governed by the serpent seed. For unless you become a spiritual family, you will not inherit the kingdom of God. That means if your loyalty is only to the flesh, you will not inherit the kingdom of God. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; this is what it means by that. And He goes farther. He said, “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Your love should transcend the physical and material plane. It should go to that smooth transition of loving spiritually first what the Father is all about, then you will become worthy as a son or a daughter of the father.

Can you take that? Will you still follow Him now? He that loveth wife or husband more than me is not worthy of me. He that loveth the flesh more than me is not worthy of me. The Father is going to let you make a smooth transition from the physical and the material planes to the spiritual. Even your love will change in the kingdom. From a physical, material love, your love will become a spiritual one. These are the processes you will go through when you have made that decision. You will lose who you are -- that is your physical life. Say bye-bye to your physical life. You can’t say, “no, no I can’t leave my mother; I love my mother. I am willing to sacrifice this spiritual thing here but I will not leave my mother. I will go with my mother, I can’t leave that physical tie with my family” even though your mother is a persecutor of this message. Are you trying to find your life physically? This is what He said: “he that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” If you try to find your physical life, you cannot take my message. You will go back to that physical life and you will lose your spiritual life. If you lose your physical life, you will find your spiritual life. It’s weighing time, and you have to weigh your decision now, whether to continue. Weigh them in the light of eternity, like me. Which is weightier to you, the physical or the spiritual? You decide.I decided. That’s why I am here today! Crucifixion

Then, when you have finally decided on that, you will be crucified. That’s why people, who followed me are very, very happy at first. Crusade here, crusade there, wow! This kingdom is really nice! Then when they get into the kingdom, they now traverse the way, depicted by these words “I am the way, my words are my way, if you want to find me, find me in my way.” If you follow and obey these words, you are traversing the way. Then when they find the way, wow! “My God! I promised to follow but I did not know that this is going to lead into this. I will stay for a while because I am ashamed to go back now. I will just pretend to be with them because I am ashamed but when I get a chance, I will just leave.” You are on your cross my friend. When many people see the reality of kingdom life in becoming a son and a daughter, they begin to lose their shallow idea of what they taught the kingdom was. From being happy when they first began to follow the ministry of the Son, they lose their happiness. They became gloomy. They lose their desire for life, they begin to get offended by anything. When you are feeling that, and you have decided to stay with the Son, you are identifying yourself with His crucifixion. When you have been crucified with him, that’s painful. Try to crucify yourself, with your cross standing slightly forward so that only the nails will bear the weight of your body. A man like that will not die happily; he will die because of the irregular beating of his heart, not because of loss of blood but because of that kind of ignominious suffering. You will die because

your heart will beat irregularly, you will die of a broken heart. I am breaking many, many physical hearts here. So when you decided and are still in your cross, you might ask: “Pastor, how do I know that I’m already identified with him on his cross?” When you have decided to follow his will and it is now painful for you to follow his will. You are feeling the pain, instead of the happiness you expected. Every day you wake up and you’re in pain. You are now on the cross my friend, but you still have the power to go down. That’s why those who are around the Son were mocking me, “if you are the Son of God, you can’t even save yourself and you’re trying to save others. Come down to that cross and save us and yourself!” What will you do? I was there before, but what did I do? When you feel the mocking and you feel the pain of serving the Father, you’re on the cross but you are still alive. You have the power still, to follow him, to go down or to continue. When you feeling like you’re nothing, when you’re feeling like you’re a nonentity in the kingdom, you feel that you are worthless in the kingdom, that is a good feeling spiritually. That is what the Father wants you to feel. You’re zero, you’re nothing when you are on the cross. You have no honor, you have no will of your own, you are dying there and hopeless and no one will help you. That’s why the Son, while he was up there, was able to exclaim, “Father, why have you forsaken me?”

Many, many have felt they were forsaken when they were on that cross but it is the Father’s will for you to be there because you are following Him. This is the way my friend. The son is the way. That’s why he said on Luke 9:23 and he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Why are you taking up your cross daily and following him and denying yourself? Where will you go? To your Calvary. You will not carry that cross forever; you will carry that cross to Calvary and then you will be crucified there, for that is the Son’s way. Will you still follow the way? The denominational way is very wide. You don’t have to do that. You only have to “give me all your tithes, even your company, ahh... your business company tithes, all of them. I want them. You will go to heaven because of that. You don’t have to do anything, you can still be in your life, you can still can do whatever you want.” Here, you will follow, you will see the real way. That’s why the Son said; “I am the way.” Are you taking up your cross daily and following Him? Have you seen the Son and his passion, as he carried that cross? He was not happy; he was suffering; everybody was mocking him. Still carried that cross. Can you do that? Wow! You really have to pay the price now. If you really interested in heaven and in eternal life, this is the way my friend, there is no other way. Narrow and strait is the gate towards it. Paul knew that when he followed

Jesus Christ, from being a persecutor to becoming an apostle, Paul knew that. That’s why in Galatians 2:20 this is what he said; I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me and the life which now I live in the flesh I live by the faith of the son of God, who love me and give himself for me. You see the transition there. Paul was saying, I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I’m alive but the life which now I live, I live not for myself. This life is now lived for the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I’ve lost my physical life but I’m still alive. My life is now dedicated only for the son of God. When it’s still painful for you to follow the Father’s will, when you wake up in the morning and you are like a watered down chicken, you are crucified and you still alive. You have decided to follow Him but you still feel the pain. You are on that cross. When are you not going to feel the pain anymore? When you die. When you no longer feel the pain in serving the Father. You’re dead with him. You died following his will, you’re dead with him. You cannot mock a dead person because he’s dead. He can’t hear anything, he can’t feel anything anymore. You poke his side, he cannot feel that. He cannot feel the nails on his hands. When you have that feeling in serving the Father and you cannot feel the pain of persecution, you cannot feel the pain of mocking, you cannot feel the pain of being taught on what to do, you’ve died with him. You

have finally made and crossed that final transition from the physical to spiritual. You see, you can do anything to a dead person and the dead person cannot react. You can put a beautiful woman beside a dead person, will the dead person say, “Wow! You’re beautiful, you’re hot baby!” You can’t say to dead person, “you are a worthless individual and you are a cockroach, you’re nothing!” Will the dead person say” I’ll see you in court”? No. When you don’t feel the pain, as you felt them before, I’ll congratulate you, for you have chosen His death, and you’ve died with him. You are buried with him. And as you have been buried with him, what happens? You don’t care what people think about you, you don’t care anymore what people say about you. You have no care but to follow the will of the Father. That is all you care about, you don’t care about anything. When you don’t care about anything, you’re dead, you will be buried. You have chosen His death, you have chosen His burial, and you are buried with Him. Now you will be resurrected with Him. Did I choose that path? I did! That’s why we have a Kitbog, and Tamayong. Your Tamayong is the passion of the life of the Son. If I say to you Calvary, it means I reliving that in the Gentile setting without having to go to the physical crucifixion. Though this is a spiritual one, it is also like a physical one, except that the physical features of the cross are absent. Like the nails, but you will also feel it; it is sometimes much more painful spiritually.

I’ve gone through that, that’s why I know how to say it. You have got to go through that, in order for you to be able to experience what I am as the Son of God, appointed by the Father. When will you feel you are already identified with the Father’s resurrection? When you are happy serving the will of the Father. When there is no complaint or doubt remaining in your heart, and when there is no more of that murmuring left in your heart, there is no more complain in your heart. When all you want to do every day is only the perpetual will of the Father, no matter what , you are identified with the resurrection life of the Father Almighty. You wake up every morning with that perpetual strength. What is the will of the Father for me today? I will do that. If it is the will of the Father for me to die there, I will do it. If it is the will of the Father for me to suffer, I will do it, willingly. I’m happy to do it. That is what Paul meant when he said, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live but the life which I now I lived only not for myself now, but for the son of God, who loved me and who gave himself for me”. So your focus now is on the Son. If you have not transitioned from the physical and material plane, your focus is on material and physical. That’s why when a man meets a woman, their focus is on themselves. “You’re good-looking.” “I’m comfortable with you.” And where is the Son? You have made each other’s physical attractions your focus. You have been governed by the serpent seed

because it’s only the serpent seed that will make attracted to the opposite sex, without first being attracted to the Son. When you have made a smooth transition from the material or the physical to the spiritual, your attraction first is towards the Son, towards the Father. What is the will of the Father? Will you follow him? You will go through this, this is your Tamayong. W And when you have finally overcome, do you think there is no more to overcome here? Go to the mirror, look at yourself and say, “that is the person I have to overcome!” If you can’t overcome that person, you are the weak link in the process of becoming a son and a daughter. That’s why he said, if you follow me, deny yourself. If your self says,” I want to be rich” and the Father said, “no, I want you to become poor”. If Your flesh says, “I want to be poor” and the Father says, “I want you to be rich” which will you follow? What if your flesh said “I want to marry” and the Father said, “no, I wanted you to stay as you are”, what will you do? If you have not become a spiritual person you cannot follow the will of the Father. So you have to make a transition. When He was on that cross, Jesus Christ made a very, very painful transition from physical to spiritual. John and the three Marys were there. Jesus Christ said to his mother, Mary and to his brother John. He said, “woman,” and He didn’t call her mother . He said, “woman behold your son; son behold your mother.”

That’s a painful transition from a relationship of physicality to spirituality. That’s why here in the kingdom, when have already become a spiritual individual or a spiritual entity, you would be able to say “who is my mother? Where are my brothers and sisters? Those that are hearing my words and they are obeying them.” You are now living in your resurrection life. When your live in that resurrection life, and you are identified with the Father, nothing can offend you in the kingdom. The only thing that will be an offence to you is the serpent seed. Somebody said “I thought there’s no more serpent seed here. But I’ve seen many serpent seeds.” Please, my brothers and sisters, if you have seen any serpent seed here, I will give you the authority to arrest them and bring them to me, because this is now the government of the father on earth. We are in power. If there are any serpent seeds who were able to make it into the kingdom and you are one of the sons and daughters of the father and you were able to see them, please tell me. or I’ll give you the authority as the arresting officer and say “in the name of the Father through the son I arrest you; you’re a serpent seed.” Sometimes, in the Garden of Eden Restored in Tamayong, some of these workers have not forgotten their religious culture. I heard news that they have seen a white lady in the millennial house. The news spread that there is a ghost over there and these workers have become very afraid to go there. They have forgotten the kingdom culture where Lucifer

the devil has no more power to put the fear in their hearts. So I went there and asked who started the story. They gave me the name of the one who started the story. I said that I visit the covenant mountain every day yet I have not seen a white lady here. I have seen angels but no white ladies; no demons, no devils here because this is the cleanest part of the earth. This is the kingdom of heaven on earth and you are seeing demons masquerading as white ladies? Where did you see them? In the millennial house, Pastor. I asked who invented that story and they gave me the name of the worker. I said tonight you will stay there and talk to the white lady that you have seen. It should be her or it should be the demons to be running from you, not you running from him or her. So, stay there and meet with him or with her whatever the personality of the white lady is. So, he stay there with all of those infected by that false story. In the morning I said, how’s the white lady? Did you see her? “No, Pastor.” Stay there until the following day, she might visit you again. The next morning they did not see the white lady; on the third day, they did not see her either. I said that from now on you will seeing differently. You’ve been assigned there as workers to take care of these. Look at grass, they have become tall; you didn’t see that. Look at that building, it needs painting; you didn’t see that. when I came, I saw all of these. Thing s that I cannot see, you see. And things you have to see you don’t see.

From now on you will begin to have realities in your eyesight. You will begin to see your ministry and what to do to the ministry. From that time on, they began to see the grass becoming tall, the building becoming rundown. There has been no more white ladies from that time on. If you see if you see demons and trying terrorize you and trying put fear in your heart, what will you do? Just claim one verse: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” don’t put it another way around. Now let’s go back. You are now in your resurrection life. You’ve finally made it. You have overcome yourself. So you ask, “how do I know that I have already finally denied myself and have finally been able to overcome myself?” When you are only dependent on the will of the Father in your life. When you are now dedicated and committed to that will, whatever it is, big or small. And you sill say, “I will do it…. My heart is fixed, my mind is made up.” You are in the power of resurrection life in your life. Nothing will be able to change you. You will follow the will of the Father no matter what. He trained me with small things, small commandments. The Father will not give you big commandments; first of all in order for you to be disciplined in following him. He told me to wake up in the morning at 4 o’clock and make a devotional. When I was in my Tamayong every we will wake up at 4 o’clock a.m. daily. When you don’t wake at 4 o’clock a revelation will come to you… you will see a vision of you being put outside. You are in

coffin and you are going outside, you are dead spiritually. The Father was teaching us to follow him. For those people that can’t wake up at exactly 4 o’clock am, they would put a rope in the iron bar used to ring the bell and bring the rope towards their small houses and then at the end of that rope is their bed… and in the end of that rope is a small container of water, like a glass. When the ringer of the bell pulls the iron bar to ring the bell, the rope will be pulled and the water will splash in their faces, and they will be able to wake up. When I was building the sanctuary of that place the instruction was given to me no sounds must be heard: no sounds of hammering, no sounds of throwing things like lumber, no sound of any nails? How one can making anything without making any sounds? I have to do it to find ways and means to follow the command. I I was able to make a house without sounds of a hammer or the sound of materials that are being brought down to the ground. This was is to test my obedience. Now I am able to do it because he said if you can be trusted in a small things, you can also be trusted in big things. When the Father tells you don’t sit there or in the front seat, obey because it is for your own good. The Father gave me one commandment: he gave me that word at the beginning of this ministry that I cannot mention, even until now to anyone because the instruction was don’t mention or don’t tell this to anyone. Until now that commands staye and I do tell it. I don’t know what is significant in that word, maybe he wanted to try me, to try my obedience. The Son is dedicated only to obeying His will, no matter what.

When you do that you have finally overcome everything, then, welcome! Because Revelation 21:7 has come into your life it says “He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my Son” Many will receive an invitation to become His children. They are called by the Father. All of you are called by the Father, but there is a time of separation only few will be chosen like the Son of God. They are those who overcome the serpent seed. Your own serpent seed and the serpent seed of others. When you denounce the serpent seed by repentance, it will not be give up easily. It will try to come back with a vengeance. Don’t look at the serpent seed of others; look at your own serpent seed. Because the serpent of others will not go to you, it will go to them and your serpent seed will come back to you. He said if one demons is cast out from a man, you will be cleansed, you will be sanctified. But don’t remain vacant because that serpent seed will come back with the vengeance will bring seven more deadly serpent seeds with him; all his relatives will invite others. In Matthew 12: 43 -45 we read “when the unclean spirit is gone out in a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest and findeth none, when he said I will return to my house from where came out……. “ When the unclean spirit the serpent seed gone out of you he will walk through dry places trying to see a shelter. You are his shelter because you are his house, you are his residence,

“then seeking rest and findeth none.” He finds none because every house is already overbooked; there are more serpent seed out there living in people than you can imagine. The serpent seed that came out of you will find a place to reside in those other people there. They will knock in the next neighbor, and the next neighbor after that. The serpent seed inside them will say, “we are over book find another one.” Then what will he say? In verse 44 he said “I will return into my house from which I came out and when he is come he findeth it empty, swept and garnished…” It is already clean, swept, and garnished but it is empty. Empty means you have not yet decided fully to follow the will of the Father. But you already know me, you already know the message. You only heard me but you did not make a full committed decision to follow His ways. What will happen? “then go with thee and take it with himself the other seven spirits more wicked than himself.” They will visit you, saying “wow, it’s clean, swept, and varnished but no one is leaving there.” The one that supposed to leave there is Jesus Christ and me. My Father and I should be leaving there; you should have accepted fully. When he sees that he will go back and say “now I will go back and tell all my relatives who have no place of residence also to come back.” Seven other spirits, serpent seeds who are more wicked than him. “And they enter in and dwell there.” And they enter in and dwell there. “And the last state of that man is worse than the first.” And the last state of

the man is worse than the first. “Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.” See that is spiritual, that’s why when you repent you have to leave and follow the way of the Son. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; No man comes unto the Father but by me.” That’s why here in the kingdom many are called but few are chosen? Who are those that are chosen? They that have made full and complete decision to follow Him no matter what. That’s why there is a fire to try you. Because here in the kingdom the Father does not want to dwell with the hypocrites who say one thing and do another thing. When you say “I will follow you Father”, it is not enough. The father will listen and believe you and He will let you to go in the fire. That’s why there is a fire. Is that biblical? Yes it is. 1 Corn.3:10 says “According to the grace of god which of this given unto me, as wise master builder I have lay down the foundation and another builder then on, but let every man take heath how the builder it upon for all the foundation can no man laid than that is laid which is Jesus Christ, now if any man will build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble every man’s work shall be made manifest for the day shall be declare it for because it shall be relieved by fire, the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which is he had built there upon he shall receive a reward, if any man’s work shall be burn he shall suffer lost but he himself shall be save yet so as by fire.

Being born in the spirit, you will go through that baptism of fire to test what you have said in your Kitbog, if your decision to follow His will is true or not. Whether it is genuine or not -- the fire will reveal who you are. What kind of fire is that? The fire might be your neighbor next to you; it might be me. It might be the circumstances that surround you. The fire might be the guy over there. The fire might be anyone, any anything, as long as it will burn you. Whether it is persecution, whether you were offended or whether it is a misunderstanding, whatever it is, you have to overcome the fire. In order for you to overcome the fire you should use your freedom of choice genuinely, saying what you said is true by doing what you said is true. You are not exempted from that. When you entered into the kingdom you will all undergo your Tamayong. Your Tamayong is not what you have undergone before you came to the kingdom, that’s a natural phenomenon. Whether you are in the kingdom or not, you will have problems. That is not included in your spiritual training to become sons and daughters; that is different, so forget about all of that. When you come in, this is a totally different ball game. So you have to undergo that, and in order for you to smoothly be in transition to become sons and daughters of the Father I advise each one of you to JUST OBEY. And you will understand and overcome like me. You will undergo the fire to try you whether you are a hypocrite or not, whether what you have said is

true or not, because it is one thing to say something and it one thing to do it. That’s why he rebuked the generation at the time he came. He said that they are hypocrites, they love me with their mouths but their hearts are far away from me. This is elaborated in Mark 7:6-8: 6 He answered and say unto them well hath Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written these people honoreth me with their lips but their hearts is far from to me, how be it in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of man for lying aside the commandment of god he hold the tradition of man as washing the pots and pans, many other such like things ye do.” You find that outside the kingdom, but not in the kingdom. In the kingdom, people who stay are spiritual people; they are sons and daughters who have been tested by fire and the fire has proven who they are. I AM YOUR MODEL. I AM YOUR EXAMPLE. You will know that you are already in your Tamayong stage when you go through the baptism of fire. Repentance per se is not enough; in all points this is going to be tried. The fire will be from many, many things as it is said in Romans 8:29.This is what it says, “who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, fire or distress or persecutions or famine or nakedness or peril or sword the fire will try you.” The promise to follow Him is not enough. I promise to be pure in his sight. That’s not enough. You have to determine who you are by going through the fire. Don’t do it with your own strength. You have to

have the power of the Father in you. That’s why when you receive him and accept him, he said he will give you power to become the sons of God. There are people who have served him in the kingdom who trusted their own strength, saying “I can do this without the Son of God; I have already heard the message of the Son of God. I don’t want to be identified with His sufferings. I will do my own suffering. I will go through this alone.” Then when they are tried, they thought that they are strong, but at the first valley they fell. Why? You can’t do it alone; you have to have the words of the Son in you. That’s He said “without me you can do nothing.” We see this in John 15:5: I am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringing forth much fruit, for without me ye can do nothing.” How can I abide in you? Focus on the Son. When you focusing on me you are not focused on my face, but on my message, on the revelations, the words that should be living in you. You are focused on the Son. You use those words in the times of fire because those words are golden; they will make gold out of you. Many people are dedicating themselves not to the son; they are dedicating themselves to themselves. They say “Oh I am dedicated, praise the Father!” I thought that dedication was for me; it is really for him or for her. Your kindness is for you, not for me. When your kindness for you, you are doing it in your own strength.

Dedicate everything to the Father through the son. When I make a vow, when I make a promise I will dedicate it for the sake of the Father. You say, “Father, I am doing it for you through your Son; I’m not doing this for me, so that I can prove myself to be somebody here in this kingdom.” “Oh look, I did it” then the credit will all go to you.” No, you are not doing it for yourself, but you are doing it for the Father through the Son. You will not go wrong if you will do that. This is what He said, “nay in all this things we are more than conquerors to him that love us; I’m persuaded neither death nor light nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in Christ Jesus our lord.” The fire is necessary as it will separate the gold from the dross; this will reveal our true motives and characteristics. The Father does not want to deal with the cowards, liars, and hypocrites. They will be burnt. If you are a liar, a hypocrite, a coward and you came into the kingdom, you have to make a transition from that to the spiritual or else you will be burned and you will not be able to stay. Only gold people will stay in the kingdom because when the gold is tried by fire, it will become more precious to the Father. This is what he said, and I repeat “now if any man can built this foundation this kingdom foundation the name of our all mighty father gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble every man’s work shall be manifest for the day shall declared because it

shall be revealed by fire and the father shall try man’s work whatever sort it is.” If any man’s work abides, he shall receive a reward. But if any man’s work shall be burnt, he shall suffer loss. But himself shall be save he hath so as by fire. The interpretation is that if you are doing something for the kingdom, which is gold, it will be tried to find out if is it dedicated to the Son. Anything that you will do, anything that you will say, anything that you will promise will be tried, if it will stay, like me. That’s gold. Gold is the only commodity that is accepted in building your house in heaven. No wood, no hay, no stubble. Now, will you pay the cost of discipleship? The cost of following him to become sons and daughters? I will remind you that many are called, but few are chosen. The purpose of our being chosen is to become sons and daughters. If we are going to undergo sufferings and sacrifices it is because that is what he said in Luke 21:17, “you shall be hated upon all men for My name’s sake.” Do not expect that everybody will love you. Many people will hate you for His name’s sake. Because of this ministry. When that happens, will you be offended? You will rejoice because this is what He said. You will be hated because of your decision to follow the Father through His Son. You will suffer rejections and persecutions because of this unpopular decision. You have been made to be like the Son, with your own kitbog and tamayong. He said Matt.5:12 “Blessed are you when you are persecuted for righteousness sake;

for yours is the kingdom of heaven.” Welcome to the kingdom of heaven! If you have been persecuted because of this, great is you reward here. Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you. And say all manner of things against you for my sake; rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven. “ You are not persecuted because you are stupid, or ignorant, but you are persecuted because you have decided to follow the way of the Father through the Son. Great is your reward in heaven. You are chosen for the separation. This is the essence of denying oneself, like the Begotten Son in His passion We will also sometimes experience extreme pain because of our own will, the will entangled within us. To deny yourself is to choose to stay, despite the cost, despite the pain. “He said unto them if any man will come after me let him deny himself, take up His cross daily and follow me.” Remember this: you will be rewarded like me. I am living in this physical world but I am not of this world. You as sons and daughters you are living in the physical Philippines, in the physical world, but you are not really citizens of this world; you are citizens of the kingdom of heaven. Now that you have been identified with His life and His passion, with His crucifixion, with His death, burial and resurrection, nothing can stop you. You will never go weak anymore. You will never go down anymore.

When will I feel that, Pastor? When you become like me and in your heart you say “no matter what, my heart is fixed, my mind is made up.” That is your decision; it is sealed. That’s why he said “these are the ones who the father has sealed.” Are you sealed now? If you don’t have this seal, you are still for bargain and sale. If you don’t have this seal, the serpent seed will come and say, “okay we can still talk about some negotiations. How much?” He can still bargain with you, because you are still open. If you say “my heart is fixed and my mind is made up” but Satan sees that there was still something left in you, despite the fact that you surrendered everything. You left one thing, and the devil will see that you are still open for negotiation. He will come and negotiate with you because you are still open. And sooner or later, if you don’t surrender that, you will fall to the trap of Satan Lucifer the devil because he is the master deceiver. He will make you blind and he will deceive you unto a trap and you cannot get out of. That’s why full total surrender to the will of the father is a prerequisite of becoming a true bonified children sons and daughters, who will inherit everything. There is nothing more to consider but the Father and you are not for negotiation. When you are like that then you are really the son and the daughter of your mother, the New Jerusalem, whose spirit is not my will but your will be done. Is that will is tested? Is will is bargained with? Is that will is negotiated with? What does the spirit of our mother in us tell us? My heart is fixed my mind is made

up. No negotiations here. The devil will come to you and offer you anything. The Father loves our mother because our mother is the most beautiful woman’s spirit. What is the spirit of our mother? Not my will but your will be done. It subject only to the will of the Father, her husband. his will be done is the will of the Father. what is the spirit of our mother? Not my will, but you will be done. what you want father, what you want husband is what will happen. She is the most beautiful woman spirit on the face of the earth, loyal only to her husband. She is not like a woman that is so beautiful who pretended to be loyal to her husband. When the husband is gone, she will look for another. What if her husband scolded her, “my wife you are not doing my will; if you love me, you will do my will.” Did our mother, the New Jerusalem get offended, hurt, and bitter? And because of her bitterness she opened her self for negotiation? Somebody came, a suitor, Satan Lucifer the devil and saw her so beautiful. Where is your husband? He asks, “He is gone away for business.” “You left alone?” “Yes.” “Can we talk?” “Yes.” they talk, and became comfortable with each other; made hi fives, behind the husband’s back. That is not the spirit of our mother. She may be reprimanded, she maybe have been scolded by the husband, but the love of the wife who is our mother, the New Jerusalem did not fade. When the husband is gone for a business, and Satan Lucifer the devil, another suitor, came to negotiate, what did she say? “I think I am happy where I am. You are mistaken. Get out of my sight

That is the woman that will give full honor to the husband. No negotiations with another spirit. That’s why the spirit of our mother is the most beautiful spirit, and that’s the reason why our Father choose our mother and they were wed. We are the offspring of that. I am the first-born. She will never, never dishonor the Father. That’s why I love my mother. She will never dishonor my father. kapatid ang nanay natin ay hindi nag tratraidor sa espirito ang kanyang asawang lalake ang ating ama Our mother will not betray the spirit of her husband, our Father. That’s why our spirit should be the same. kaya tayong mga anak dapat ganun din yung espirito natin “ we have the genes of our mother and father. The genes from our mother says not my will but Your will be done. It means unconditional surrender, unconditional loyalty, unconditional love. And the Father will not just love a woman like that. He will try that woman. He will put that woman’s spirit in adverse circumstances to try what will her reaction will be in times like that. She will be tried and tested when there is no more reason for her to love the Father, yet will still love the father unconditionally. When she passes that test she becomes the wife of our father. That’s why she called the New Jerusalem. The old Jerusalem is the traitorous woman. The old Jerusalem dishonored the father so many, many times by conniving, by fornicating, by committing adultery with other spirits.

See, in the kingdom, adulterous relationships do not begin in the flesh; it starts with the emotion it starts with the mind. It’s called MU or mutual understanding, when without saying any words and just looking at each other, the two spirits come into an agreement. Our mother follows that and our Father is proud of her. One of the Father’s laws is that He thath looketh are woman to lust after her hath committed adultery in his heart already vice-versa. See how pure our mother is? That’s why she loves our Father unconditionally. Unconditionally means she may be scolded, she may be rejected, she may be done everything but the unconditional love for the Father, her husband is still there. And its not that because she is a martyr but because our Father is a loving God. He’s a loving Father. But when there is correction to be done, the Father will correct, the Father will straighten us up. Our mother is not offended by that, that’s she was chosen to be His wife. But look at that adulterous spirit in the church Age: when you straighten them up and correct them, they are offended, they become bitter, they will leave you and they will even destroy you. That is the adulterous spirit. They want to wed to our Father and they said, “Rapture us Lord, take us.” Who will He take with us? You adulterous spirits? He won’t! He will only take with Him the most beautiful bride, the new Jerusalem, the most beautiful woman spirit.

That’s why our love to him, our surrender to Him is an unconditional surrender. Tt is a surrender without negotiation, a surrender without bargaining. “Whatever happens I will love my husband”, says my mother. But what if the Father will let you feel that you are not being not loved by Him anymore? What if you don’t feel like he’s close to you anymore? What will you do? Make yourself comfortable with others? With other spirits? Make yourself available to other spirits who will cater to you? Is that how adulterous you are? No, we have passed the test! I know how to say this because in my trial in Tamayong, the spirit of my mother that was put within me has undergone the test of being the Son produced by that mother. The genes of my mother have become my genetics. When I surrendered to the Father, there was no condition, no accommodation of anything else, no negotiation. When I said my heart is fixed, my mind is made up and I went to the fire, I had proven that the genetics of my mother and Father was within me. So wherever I go, the Father can use me and His will be done. He teaches you, that’s why you become the daughter of our mother. You are born of that union of our Father and mother. You are produced by spirits with bodies and the spirit that within us is the coming from our mother and our Father, the spirit of “Not my will, but Your will be done”. Welcome to the Kingdom Nation of sons and daughters. Let’s give Him one big clap offering.

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