The Kingdom Of Dreams

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THE KINGDOM OF DREAMS (The Black Army, vol.1) Santiago García-Clairac, 2006

We live in two worlds. In reality we build our character, while in the realm of dreams discover the best of ourselves.


Archimedes, THE SAGE OF THE WISE The first page of the Arthurian legend Adragón, the brave knight who led an incredible army and founded a legendary kingdom of justice, free from war, tyranny and witchcraft, was written one night while riding twenty soldiers raided the main street Drácamont village. Wrapped in thick layers of cloth, armed to the teeth, armed with chain mail, helmets and shields, these horsemen came to fulfill a mission which could only be done under cover of darkness, when carried out major atrocities. The muddy and puddled streets were deserted. The dogs that crossed their path fled in silence, as if sensing danger. The rats, not to bump into them, chose to leave the remains of rotting food and shelter in their dark holes. The smell of death accompanied them. The soldiers knew that despite his secrecy, the inhabitants of the Drácamont insignificant people peering through windows and doors ajar, but they were so sure of their power they were not concerned. Having come this far without being detected by Benicius king's men, on whose land had entered illegally, had been the hardest part of the job. They were aware that their lives were in danger, but the pay and oaths of allegiance including such risks. Meanwhile, the humble peasants Drácamont chose to ignore his presence. They had learned it was best not to respond to them. So they asked to heaven, in this dark and dirty night did not bode well, back out as soon as possible in the region. - Will soon return home, "The captain informed them Cromell. If all goes well there will be a nice reward for all. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the village, near the cemetery, inside an old tower, was a great activity. Safe from prying eyes, and with the windows closed to 2

prevent the candlelight attract attention, aides Archimedes, the alchemist, working frantically. Arturo, his young disciple, poured a viscous black liquid, which seemed to have its own life within a small glass bottle, in which his master steel dipped the pen, the ink impregnated and started writing about tanning yellowed parchment which lay before him. With steady and delicate with beautiful Archimedes drew letters distributed in straight lines and formed a harmonious, orderly and full of mystery. A text encryption that no mortal could decipher, since it was written in a secret language invented by Archimedes himself, like all alchemists used to do when they wanted to protect their inventions. Suddenly the silence was broken and the night was filled with sounds alarming: the fluttering of several birds taking flight hurriedly hoofs hitting the ground pavement, shouting orders and directs that the soldiers ... From that moment, chaos gripped the dark before the tower's inhabitants had time to react, the disturbing noise of armor, swords and shields colliding violently, made them realize that the danger swept over they. The sound of steel was always dangerous. Archimedes stopped writing when the cabinet door was flung open, and a wave of cold air entered, accompanied by several soldiers who threw grunting as they pushed and the assistants imprisoned. - Nobody move! Cromell roared the captain, his sword held high and his face angrily. Eric met the Count orders Morfidio! The impulsive Arthur tried to prevent the entry of the soldiers, not realizing that her age would not pose any obstacle to those seasoned warriors, accustomed to fighting against all those who clashed with them, were told it was. - What are you doing? yelled taking a step toward the intruders, facing the captain, who already regarded him with rage. You can´t enter here! This place is sacred! 3

Archimedes is the lab! It is under the protection of King Arch Benicius and is in their domain! The sword of a soldier stood up, ready to strike, but a powerful voice stopped him at the last moment: - Freeze! We do not come to kill anybody! Unless it takes ... Morfidio Count, who had just entered, saved the life of the boy with his timely order. The robust noble tousled hair and thick gray beard walked slowly to Archimedes, who watched the scene in silence, while gunmen remained on alert, ready to pounce at the first who dared to move. - Alchemist, is better than your men did not resist, "he warned ominously. I know I have no patience. - What is it, count? asked the sage, using a tone of defiance that the present unsettled. What way is this going into the house of a man of peace? Are you doing these days to attack innocent people? - We know you do magic. We have received complaints against you and your assistants. If the accusation is confirmed, you will die at the stake. - Magic? Here the only magic we do is creating medicines to heal the sick, "replied sarcastically Archimedes. - I have heard rumors that you've made an important discovery. Come with me to my castle and you will remain under my guardianship. - I'm covered by Arch Benicius "said Archimedes. I'm not going anywhere! - You know that sooner or later confess your crime. This secret formula is so well hidden treachery Morfidio sentenced. - I have not made any discoveries worthy of the indictment ... - That I will decide myself, evil alchemist. I will not allow your invention fall into the wrong hands, "insisted Morfidio, watching attentively the ink that Archimedes had just used. You try to conspire against me and thy lord, the king Benicius ... - I did not conspire against anybody! 4

--... and once you're under my guidance I explain all the details ... I see the inky pen is cool, "he said, holding her hand and shaking, dropping a few drops to the floor. What were you writing? - Although I told you, do not serve anything, "argued Archimedes, in a vain attempt to make him desist. There is no evil or demonic discovery ... I'm not a witch or a sorcerer. I'm an alchemist! - My lord does not give any formula! Arthur roared, red with indignation. Cromell launched a powerful punch in the stomach of Arthur that he fell to his knees, preventing him from finishing his sentence. Morfidio, sure of himself, approached the sage and, after kicking a chair, he whispered, as whispering. - Do not tease me, traitor. If you insist on challenging me, you'll see all your servants, including this young brash, beheaded fall at your feet. Archimedes read in his eyes wild and realized that only count found an excuse to carry out his threat. Everyone knew who was so bloodthirsty Morfidio like one of those beasts that came out at night to look for human flesh and that every opportunity was good to satiate your appetite. - We prefer to die rather than bend them to your request! Arthur shouted from the floor. Archimedes to defend with my life if necessary! - That can be fixed immediately, Morfidio boy said, holding tight to Arturo, who still had difficulty breathing. Open your eyes, Archimedes, and see that I'm not playing! He unsheathed his dagger and drove it a quick movement in the stomach of Arthur, as coolly as if he were carving a piece of meat at a banquet. Archimedes watched in horror as the body of his assistant fell to the ground, making a strong noise. - This will show you that I'm serious! "Added the count, pointing with the tip of the bloody dagger. Now, if you can, save your life with drugs and think about the advantages of having your secret. You're next! 5

- You are a beast, Morfidio count! "Said Archimedes, as he embraced Arthur, plugging the wound, which bled profusely. From here I invoke the forces of good to your evil face! That they give you what you deserve! Count invader drew a sinister smile to make clear that no curses to him. He was a man of action and always got what he wanted. - On behalf of my authority, all this is seized! "He ordered. Soldiers, catch all the belongings of this man and him to the fortress! - Do not touch anything! Archimedes growled, seized with indignation. The worst of curses falling on those who dare to move a single object! The soldiers remained quiet; fearing the threat of Archimedes was met. Then Morfidio Eric stepped forward, and after knocking several objects with his sword, placed the sharp point on the alchemist's throat and pushed to the limit in which the steel could pierce the skin. - Insist that readily come to my castle. Unless you prefer your man to join. The soldiers, seeing the boldness of his master, decided to obey the order and forced the servants to place all belongings in carts. In short, the lab was empty and all the books and scrolls that the alchemist had been completed along patiently for several months remained in the hands of the count. The formulas of drugs and other discoveries had passed into the hands ambitious. For the first time, the alchemist Morfidio feared could be the secret formula and a shiver ran through her body. Just to think that such a thing could happen him shudder. - Kill the men! I do not want witnesses! Morfidio roared, as he crossed the body of a servant with a long sword. And threw their bodies into the river! The soldiers threw themselves on the other two assistants, who resisted even the skewered with sharp weapons and their lives ended in seconds. Terrified, the oldest servant 6

tried to escape down the stairs to the outside, but Cromell started in pursuit, shouting and hurling threats. He returned a few seconds later, with the blade of the bloodstained sword. - He had this in the clothing, "he explained to his employer. It is a scroll. Morfidio unfolded the paper and watched him carefully. - Well, now we have another test for us! Four soldiers forced the scientist and his assistant wounded onto a car. They were treated harshly, forgetting that a man of peace was distressed by the violent situation that had just experienced and a young wounded who had put his life in danger to help his master. The warriors were worthy servants of a savage and cruel master did not stop at any obstacle to achieve their desires. Rats and dogs were right to depart from their path. - Returning to the castle. Its night and these lands are dangerous in the dark! "ordered the Comte Morfidio, paying attention to the howling savages who came to their ears from the darkness. Here and we have nothing to do ... Burn this place! I do not want this left no trace of foul sorcery shrine! Archimedes noted how several men, led by Captain Cromell, complied with the order and set fire to the laboratory which had cost so much effort to lift. He saw all his work was in flames and smoke turned into their eyes. Outrage over the assault and murder that had just suffered plunged him in absolute silence as the despair and anger grew within him. Arthur Wise hugged and pressed hard on his wound, but could not prevent tears in his eyes peered when the soldiers threw the bodies into the river of his aides. After the caravan set off for Castle Morfidio, leaving behind a plume of smoke rising into the sky and mingled with the clouds that overcast. No windows of nearby houses had been opened, no one had come to his aid and street people, was in total darkness, as if in mourning. No one dared to stand up to defend Morfidio Count the alchemist who on more than one occasion, he saved the lives of many sick or injured. While the convoy was leaving, a man of small stature, prominent eyes and large ears, which had remained hidden in the dense forest nearby and had 7

observed closely the scene, he mounted his horse and rode to the castle of King Benicius. Count Morfidio not imagines that his infamy was to trigger a series of terrible events that would change history and create an extraordinary legend.


MY NAME IS ARTURO ADRAGÓN, LIVE WITH MY FATHER IN THE FOUNDATION IN THE CITY OF FÉRENIX. WE ARE IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, IS A NORMAL DAY AND I HAVE TO GO TO THE INSTITUTE. Every time I wake up in the morning, after sleeping soundly, I repeat the same sentence aloud to see where I am. My dreams are so intense that I have trouble waking up and I have problems to place me in reality, my true reality. Tonight I had a dream again full of extraordinary adventures; with soldiers, medieval castles, wizards, alchemists ... Most worrisome is that these hallucinations suffer so hard that I wake up exhausted, as if he had actually lived. It's terrible ... I do not know what to avoid. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy. Maybe it is that when you are about to turns fourteen have paranoia that can´t control. While an uphill battle to keep my fantastic memories, I go into the shower; I open the faucet and wait for warm water to help me out from the world of fiction and on to the real. The water helps me move from the middle Ages to the present. I look in the mirror and I see the dragon head that I have drawn on the forehead between the eyebrows, is still in place. Like those weird black patches, which are melted on my skin, and decorate my cheeks? It's your fault I look like an eyesore and I feel different from the rest of the world. My classmates are responsible for reminding me every day. Like all the people I meet, when they see me, can´t help but whisper: "Poor boy." And the worst thing I have to give the reason: my point is really depressing. - Hey, dragon-like greeting you every day. Are you okay? Do not you ever going to go? I'm doomed to be a freak all my life. I'm destined to live alone and apart from the rest of the people. The only people who support me are my father and children living with us at 9

the Foundation, my only friends. While I rub my cheek and my forehead with the hope that these fucking black spots are erased and disappear once in my life, but I know it will not happen. I know you follow me until my dying day. No doubt I will be a rare person to everyone pointing fingers. Sometimes I think that should be in a circus. At least I would be as normal. A kid who looks like a billboard, with the head of a dragon painted on his forehead, called the attention of many people who would be willing to pay to laugh heartily, as they do with the clowns and the ugly. Sure would be more successful than the bearded lady and the elephant man together. I have a tingling all over my body that does not clear and he is starting to get nervous. It takes several days to bother me, but if I keep scratching this way, sure I'll do some injury. It is strange but I feel that the spots have spread, they are more numerous ... Now I come to the side of the cheek and there are some on the nose. This goes from bad to worse! As I saw, I try to find a meaning to sleep tonight, but I can´t. It's like a hieroglyph of my father collects these for years and is unable to translate. My dreams are insane I can´t even share with anyone. The funny thing is that they always appear the same characters, the same issues ... They are like chapters of a fantastic book. But tonight was the worst. Until now it seemed a game, but things are complicated. I had never dreamed of something so shocking and dangerous. I take my backpack and open it to make sure I took what I use at school. Saco some books and I get what I think they're going to need it. I make sure I have notebooks, pens, pencils and eraser. Pretty neat. Every morning, when I review, I like to imagine packing up to go traveling to some distant place, but I know it is impossible fantasy. There are some things that bind me to this city and I can´t leave ... My father, the memory of my 10

mother, the foundation, Shadow ... Maybe they are not too many, but are very important, are the few things that interest me. Would give anything to get away from this life so bitter. Before leaving I take the book I have on the bedside table and I've finished reading. It is the story of King Arthur, my favorite hero. Under the stairs slowly, and met Shadow, the assistant of my father, who rushes over me, like a whirlwind: - Shadow, what are you doing? I cry helplessly. But it ignores me and keeps going, as if chasing something... - Damn rat! She exclaims, as beats on the floor with a broom. If I see you again I'll kill you! The poor are unable to stop it and stops at the landing, absolutely exhausted. She leans against the wall and wipes the sweat from his forehead. - More and more rats. We must do something, "he murmurs as he tries to regain his breath. That bloody animal was eating a manuscript of the tenth century. Luckily I arrived in time to prevent it. - Calm down, no big deal. - "Not that bad? Are you kidding? Do you think it is good that these bugs that eat books? - No, of course not. What I mean is that you should not wear well. - When I saw the rat eating the scroll, I entered an anger that ... - By the way, have you seen dad this morning? - It's in his office. He has gotten up early. - You okay? - Same as yesterday. I think it has improved, "he says. Moreover, he refuses to take medicine to cure it, so ... - I will visit him, to see if I can convince him. - Arturo, did you sleep well? Shadow asks, unexpectedly. - Yes, well ... As always. A smile indicates that you have understood my message. 11

Without saying anything more, retraced his steps, stairs. Shadow is like my second father, but sometimes I feel he understands me better. It is a special character. - Have a nice day, "I want to while away, dragging his broom. I pause on the second floor and entered the main library. There are large shelves full of extraordinary and unique volumes that we have collected many, many years. The Foundation is an extraordinary library of books about the Middle Ages. Here he has lived most of my life. This is my world. I go to a shelf and put the book Arthur's in place. Before leaving, I find one on the Queen Guinevere that I have read many times, and I put it in my wallet. His story fascinates me and I plan to write a novel with these characters ... in a few years. Then I go into Dad's office. I see the bottom, bent over the long wooden table, surrounded by books and paper, firmly holding the pen, talking to him, or with the books, which is almost the same. It looks horrible. It seems one of those sages who appear in stories of fantasy, his hair disheveled and unshaven, fevered by their activity, as if there were nothing else in the world, unaware of what is happening around them. - Dad, how is you? "He asked, approaching. A little surprised by my presence, he lifts his head and looks at me - Arthur, son, what are you doing here so late? - Dad, is nearly nine ... It has dawned. As a child she had been caught doing something naughty, gets up and runs the big curtains of the window. A waterfall of white light that dazzles you come storming and obliges him to protect her eyes. - I'm fine, son. Really. - Last night you had a fever. You should drink or worse. - Not to worry. I feel good. Besides, now I can´t be sick, I must finish this job ... I'm about to reach the end! 12

- I wonder how such research is that you are doing for so long I ask. - When you have something concrete to explain, I guarantee you'll be the first to know. - Do you promise? - I promise, son, I promise. - Dad, I am concerned to see you so blinded by this issue. It's like ... as if you were going crazy. He stands up and strokes my head, which always makes you, want to talk to me. Then I passed his hand over the spots on the face, as if trying to erase. - Arturo, I'm not crazy, I know that look it, but I'm not. You must not think about it. - I know, but normal people do not behave well. - Listen, son, we know things that others ignore. We are witches, magicians ... We are scholars and researchers. We know that in this world there unknown forces acting upon us without our being able to stop it. And you know that I do not speak of sorcery nor of those things I talk about what we think, of what we feel, and what we know. And it's all here! -raises hand and points to the wooden shelves, full of copies. Everything is in the books! - Are not you exaggerating a bit, Dad? - What is not in the books not existing, "he says with a firmness that surprised me. What is not written in books is not worthy of mention. Books are the soul and memory of the world. I dare not discuss. I know full well that my father's passion for books than any argument. A life for the books ... His life is bound to them and that gives me conflicting feelings: on one hand I like, but on the other, it scares me. Sometimes I'm scared of becoming a reflection of him in a crazy about books. - I gotten go to school I whisper. It's late. - Well, son, you have a good day. I'll tell you my progress, "she whispers, turning off the world, before diving back into the papers and letters. Sooner or later I'll find what I want! 13

Before leaving, I glanced at him and I understand that it has diverged from the real issues, which again is in the mysterious world of letters, in the universe of words. Sometimes I think my father is from a book, which was born in the office of a writer ... Or in an inkwell. - Ah, of course, soon is your birthday. Want a special gift? She asks when I'm closing the door. - Oh, no, it's like ... Anything ... I close and left him alone in his world. In the doorway, I find Mahani, wife of Mohammed, the doorman, who is opening the wooden gate. Mahani is a small, thin woman, who apparently has little strength, but that despite the years, continues his work with the same robustness as a young man. I have always secretly admired it because I see something that reminds me of my mother. It is curious that evokes me someone who I have never seen since mom died the same night of my arrival in this world. Mahani is, next to my father, the last person to see her alive. And that causes me tremendous respect. Apart from what dad told me, I know my mother through Mahani, or rather, through the words of Mahani. She told me everything I know about it. I have discovered some aspects of his personality and coincidences, it seems, existed between us. He says that somehow, my mother and I have a great physical resemblance. Our eyes have the same tinge of melancholy. I think it means that Mom and I have the same suffering. - Hello, Mahani, good morning "greeting. - Are you leaving school? - Yes, and I'm a little late. Mahani, I saw that Dad is not very good. I think he has a little fever, "I warn you. - Yes, Shadow has told me he had a bad day yesterday. Do not worry; I'll take care of him, "he says. Go alone. That while I'm here, nothing will happen bad. You know how it is when the date approaches ... - Thanks. What about Mohamed? 14

- Has gone to the airport to pick up a new guest. I think it's an antique or something. - Ah, now, Mr. Strombo. Dad invited him to spend some days in the Foundation. I think they'll do business. - May you go well. The economic question is not very buoyant recently-Mahani said. Hopefully this will help Mr. Strumbler get things fixed. - Strombo, Mahani, is Mr. Frank Strombo. And don´t worry about money, things will settle soon. I'm sure. Dad knows what he's doing. - Yes, and the bank also. - Are the bank? What bank? - Oh, nothing, nothing ... Nonsense mine. Go on; go to college that I take care of your father. Have a good day. I look at Mahani awaiting a reply, but I did not heed his box and enters singing an old song of his country. It is clear that I will not get an answer on an issue that worries me: the bank is pushing my father? As always, the bustle of the street, I returned to the reality of the world and remind me that, behind the walls of the Foundation, there is an afterlife. That the world is much wider than the building where I live, despite being the place where I feel safe.

THE PROTECTION OF COUNT - Archimedes entered the apartment of Morfidio pushed by three burly men, who almost threw him to the ground. The Count, who had a glass of wine in hand, watched with a cynical smile, from his great wooden chair, richly carved and topped by his crest: a bear with a golden crown that 15

held a sword between the claws, symbolizing the power of force, only Morfidio belief. - Have you decided to speak out or you'd rather stay locked up while your aide is dying? she asked, after taking a big gulp of thick, dark brew. - Arthur is worse every day! I need medicine to cure! You can die! - Remember he sought death. Do not blame me for his misfortune. - You are a scoundrel, Morfidio count! Archimedes shouted, outraged by the response of her abductor. Benicius When the king hears about this, he'll ask bills! You pay your face disgrace! - Do not worry about that and think of your skin. I remember that there are serious allegations against you. They say that these beasts that attack at night are the result of your experiments, and that the wild dragons that plague the region you've created. - I did not experiment with animals! I am dedicated to Alchemy, I'm not a magician! - Okay, I'll go to the point. If I do not confess your secret and I become a king immortal, your body will burn at the stake and scatter your ashes through the valley. No trace of you. Do you understand? - Do not scare me, Morfidio. I do not have anything that you can become a powerful king. - Do not underestimate me, Archimedes. I insist that it's for your own good, "said Eric Morfidio, brandishing a scroll. Explain precisely this discovery and give you the medicines you need to heal the boy. And leave you free. Otherwise, I guarantee you will burn at the stake of witches! - I do not work for any power-hungry ruler, "said Archimedes, crushing the count with his eyes. My effort is to other sages and alchemists take advantage of my knowledge and can help people. I do not want to miss when I am dead. - Archimedes, the day of your death may be closer than you 16

think Morfidio whispered, in an ominously veiled. I warn you that you're exhausted my patience. The wise man raised his hand and pointed to the clouds through the window opening: - All the curses of the sky will fall on your head if you dare put my hand on it. The first drop of my blood spilling you do will turn against you and your family with a fury that you can´t imagine, count Morfidio. Your lineage could disappear. - You're a damn stubborn! Or talk to me or you will see them with some worse than me! - Neither ambitious milreis get my tongue is unleashed! My secret is saved on the back of my mind, in an inaccessible place! - I have proof of your witchcraft! Morfidio exclaimed, waving the parchment Cromell had discovered in the tower. Here is irrefutable evidence! - The scroll is harmless. Morfidio unrolled, grinned and read a few lines: - "The heart of a man worth more than gold if it is able to fill it with wisdom." What does this sentence wise? ... - Exactly what it says: that the ignorant are nothing. - "He who gets knowledge fill a human being, will have given the greatest wealth of this world will be given unlimited power ..." Tell me what does this mean. Can he fill the mind of a man of knowledge and wisdom? Did you find the formula to turn a wise ignorant? "That power is immortality? Can I revive? - Listen, Morfidio. You're ignorant and you shall be your whole life, "said Archimedes, regaining composure. I can´t do anything for you. You're too vain and despotic to transform yourself into a wise man. - And you, alchemist, the devil, you're too valuable to you free. I'll rot in dungeons until you decide to talk. You might be seeing sunlight for the last time ... Die with your assistant-Morfidio threatened as she opened the door. Guards! "Take this man and lock him up with his servant in 17

the deepest, darkest cell in the castle! That are monitored day and night and nobody, absolutely nobody, talk to them! Nobody! Archimedes felt a deep concern when he heard the orders of the count. He then realized that this confinement to which he subjected meant certain death for Arthur. For several seconds he wondered whether he should reveal the secret formula in exchange for the life of his assistant, but recalled that it was too precious to be shared with this Count ambitious and unscrupulous. In his hands, would become a terrible and destructive weapon. - If you knew what it is, "muttered Archimedes when he was alone, I would not hesitate to tear me to pieces that powerful secret that lies in my heart. *** Arthur opened his eyes and saw Arquimed bending over him, trying to dry the sweat darkened his brow. - Do not move, "said the sage. You have a fever. - Will I die, Master? - Would not happen. Hopefully the infection is gone and the bleeding finally cut. But you've lost too much blood. - Morfidio should not get the secret formula! - Do not worry, Arturo. Even under torture I start a wordpromised Archimedes. And now, try to rest. - That formula is too important for an individual as Morfidio has the power to use Arthur whispered before closing his eyes and plunge into the world of darkness. We must stop it!


OUT TO THE WORLD MY NAME IS ARTHUR AND LIVE IN THE FOUNDATION ADRAGÓN, an old Mansion that, over time, HAS BECOME AN EXTRAORDINARY LIBRARY, FULL OF BOOKS AND SCROLLS OF THE MIDDLE AGES, MY FAMILY HAS GONE UP TO ACHIEVE ACHIEVE COLLECTING THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED fifty thousand copies. This makes it ONE of the most appreciated and visit to the WORLD. WORKS HERE ARE SO OLD THAT THEY CAN NOT EVEN PUT DATE. IN THE FOUNDATION'S VOLUMES ADRAGÓN so valuable that many foreign experts come to study ... Strombo SUCH AS THAT. Every day I remind myself who I am. These fantastic dreams that haunt me compels me to ask me questions about my identity very rare. Although we at the beginning of course, in the autumn, the day is good and just cold. Pick some leaves that just fell to the ground, I will use to identify the pages of my books. I like to think that these leaves of trees are well understood with the sheets of paper books. In the final analysis, the paper comes from them, and although people may seem bad, I can not think of a better use for the wood the role of becoming a book. As always, I meet with Hoppy, the bum on the corner begging who spends hours and has become my friend, almost my only friend outside of the Foundation. - Hey, Hoppy-greeting. - Hello, Arthur. Okay? - Yes, I'm going to school. How are you? Today I brought an orange. - Thanks, kid. You have a good heart and some day you will 19

receive your reward. The generous as you have a place in heaven, I tell you. - Do not talk nonsense, "I reply. How are you today? - These days I sleep badly. Is the time, that is changing and affecting my leg, damn leg, "he says, passing his hand over the stump. The devils conspire against me. - Do not be silly. It may hurt you do not have a legargument. Not possible. - Not everything that happens in this world there is an explanation, "replied Hoppy tongue a bit thick. If I say it hurts, it hurts me, okay? - Okay, Okay, I admit, looking at the carton of a brand of wine sticking out of his coat. I think today will be a good day, so glad that face. - I have little hope that it is. People are becoming more stingy and not scratching your pocket as before. Perhaps you no longer feel sorry for the unfortunate as I was. - Come on, stop complaining. - I wish that you never see in my place, kid. We sincerely wish him. There is no place in the world worse than lying on a sidewalk, begging from people you ignored. While the orange peels, I realize that whispers something. - Hoppy, I tell you come into mysteries. - Things are a little unrest in the neighborhood, "he says. Very riots. - Riots? What do you mean? - Robbery, beatings ... hooliganism. - Well, I do not like. - You can say that she says, biting into a slice. If I told you ... - Why do you say that? Do you have something wrong? - Last night ... Some guys tried to rob ... Come on, who tried to steal my stuff. - Are you sure you want to steal? - I just tell you be careful. Lately I've seen a lot of weird people around here. The demons are coming out of the gutter. We are invading. Around here for days. 20

- Loiter the Foundation? - Exactly. I warn you, Arthur, be careful, very careful ... - Thanks, you're a good friend ... Although you are a little crazy. - Mad, I? If you were me you would not say that! I'm running not to hear their complaints. I know he gets on your nerves they call him crazy, though, deep down, he likes to pretend that it is. *** When I get to college, I run into some classmates who, like me, come late, but not even greet me and it saddens me. Although this situation lasted for some years, I can´t digest it, and whenever that occurs, I feel hurt deep in my heart. Although I know that they do precisely that reason, to hurt me, I can´t help feeling hurt and not hide it. At times I was tempted to tell my father, but never have done. He is a man beset by problems of all kinds and I did not want to bother him. I love you too much to complain about matters that I must bear alone. Mercury, the doorman, greets me as usual, with a smile and words of encouragement: - Hello, Arthur, I see you. I see that you look good. - Hello, Mercury, good morning. - What is your father? - Oh, good, very good! Thank you. - Well, give my regards when you see him. And run, you're going a little late. I make a farewell with his hand and entered the main building. I come to class when the teacher is just closing the door. - Arturo, you are always the last, "she says by way of welcome. - Yes, sir, excuse me. - Come on, pass and sit down, let's get started. My desk is double, but I'm the only one of the class to feel 21

alone. Nobody wants to share a table with me. Just take a seat just as the door opened and the headmaster enters hurriedly. All faces are tense, it is not unusual to see him enter a classroom without notice. Although sometimes brings good news, we can not help us nervous. - Good morning, "announced in her gentle voice. Everyone responds to the greeting and make a respectful silence, which means that his words are eagerly waited. - I have good news for you, "he says, knowing that everybody pays attention. Your Language Arts teacher, Mr. Miralles, want to return to their city for a long time, so it is waiting to find someone to replace him. Well, we have found that person. You can hear some whispering, but it's hard to know if they are approved. Mr. Miralles is a professor appreciated by the entire class, but has not been time to take the love they deserve. To me, his departure is bad news. It is the only person in the school, apart from Mercury, who treats me well. I love him and I hate anything that has to go. - So, within a week, on Monday, day one, I will present you the new teacher who replaced him. I will come to present myself. I hope you give him a warm welcome, as I hope you know thank Mr. Miralles the effort made during this month to give the necessary classes, in order not to lose the course. Okay? The professor applauded the words of the director and we did the same. The director takes the floor again: - Well, until Monday. When leaving the classroom, there is an atmosphere of relief. It's always good to know that did not come to punish someone or bring bad news about upcoming exams or something. The teacher goes to the podium and speaks to us: - Well, as you have heard, the master director has brought good news to all. 22

A murmur of approval runs the class. After a few seconds, he continues: - And now, let's review the class yesterday. Let's review the Romance languages. Let's see ... Who wants to explain what are the Romance languages? Everyone looks at him, but nobody says anything. I know the answer. Still, I hesitate to open my mouth because I know that all you'll get will be more accusations of my comrades. Every time I said I knew anything, it has cost me dearly. And, over the years, I've learned that I should remain silent. But today I feel brave ... And I raise my hand: - I know! "I say aloud. - Are you sure? asks the teacher, knowing the implications my boldness. - Yes, sir. If I may, I'll explain. The teacher nods and my twenty-four colleagues look at me in disbelief. If I go on stage and give them a lesson, I'll pay dearly. But I'm not cowering. Instead, I get up and walk to the blackboard. Then I take a chalk drawing a map of a territory which resembles Europe. - Romance languages derived from Latin. And spoken in some European countries like Spain, France, Portugal, Italy ... In fact, emerged following the disintegration of the Roman Empire and it was during the Middle Ages when the common people of every country adapted the Latin to its natural and created their own language. Drawing some graphics and add some additional explanations that round my explanations. - Let's say that Latin and became fragmented in different languages are called Romance languages or romances. - Correct, "said the professor. You did a good job. You're back to prove you're a great student ... To underline his words, starts to clap, hoping that students will follow suit, but wrong. The complete silence accompanies his pat, leaving us both almost ridiculous. Horatio raises his hand to take the floor and the teacher is 23

granted. - If Arthur tries to show that others are idiots, I would say that is wrong. Any of us knew the answer to that question, "he says, standing up. What happens is that we do not like ridicule anyone. I understood the message and under the eyes in silence. - He has not done to make a fool of anyone, "replied Mr. Miralles. It has done so because I knew the answer. Neither more nor less. - I disagree. He knows exactly what the reasons which lead him to ridicule wherever he can. It's a nerd who wants to be the ready-Horace insists. It's in his face! His last sentence provokes laughter from the entire class. - Well, let's end this incident, "asked Mr. Miralles, gesturing with his hand. Nobody wants to mock anyone. Here we come to learn. - Then, why come to class if you know everything? I can´t restrain myself and I answer indignantly and jerky: - I came because I have the right to study! I come because no one can stop me from being like the rest! - But you're not like the others! You know you're different to everyone! "replies Horatio. - Yes, you're a monster and should not be here with us! Someone yells from the bottom of the class. - You need only look at you face! - Silence! "ordered the professor. I will not allow this kind someone might be insulted! But far from being intimidated, students are emboldened and shout louder. Some hiss and laugh, until, together, manage to get nervous ... And I notice that my face lights up. I realize that everyone looks at me with eyes open in surprise. Borja said my face with his hand and exclaimed: - Look, they move! The black spots are moving! - How strong! "shouts someone who does not identify. I can´t see, but I notice it perfectly. - What last! Marisa says absolutely blown away. How do you 24

do, man? I know that the black spots are moving across my face. I know that move slowly, like a snake crawling over a rock. - It's a monster! Horace cries. - We should call the police, "said Inez. This is not normal. - It's witchcraft! Alfonso yells. - I'm not a monster! Desperately shouted several times, knowing that my words are lost in the cries of my companions. I'm not a monster! I cover my face with both hands, but it's too late. The whole class has seen ... Even the teacher can observe with horror what had been discussed many times and very few had come to see. I look at him, pleading for permission to leave class. Stammering, I ask permission to retire. - You can go to the bathroom he says, looking incredulous. Come back when you've calmed down. I go to my desk, I grab my backpack and run off to class while my teammates shouting that accursed word which hatred Caradragón! Caradragón! Caradragón! Only when I reach the street beginning to calm down a bit. Now my big worry is that I do not see anyone. I know that if I meet someone, I can´t stand it and I feel very bad. I do not like anyone I contemplate in this way, with this great design on the face and that damned spot moving at ease. I approach the rearview mirror of a car and see that the spots have formed a kind of letter 'A' which covers most of my face. A horrible and aggressive letter has clawed feet and whose head, shaped like a dragon, is between my two eyebrows, almost on the front ... I'm horrible and no wonder people panic! Even with the nerves to the surface, I sit on a park bench, close my eyes and caress my face tattooed...


Arthur's wound was deep. Morfidio, an expert in handling weapons, had plunged the blade of his dagger to the hilt and had opened a dangerous cut that was infected. Archimedes cloths applied to the wound, which was filled with yellow pus and smelly. He used the little water that the guards had given him and which been beginning to be dirty. The boy stirred uneasily in his bed, haunted by the fever that kept rising. Her body was sweating and writhing in pain unbearable. His eyes narrowed but he saw what was before them ... The groans indicate to the teacher that jerky was suffering much. Besides the physical pain, the wound had caused hallucinations which made him utter nonsense. The delirium had seized his mental faculties, sure sign that death was near. Suddenly, Arthur suffered several convulsions and fainted. Archimedes abundant dried the sweat that adorned his face and felt a great concern. He knew that such attacks were a prelude to the final. He stroked her gently and cried for him. - Sorry, Arthur. This is my entire fault. I should never allow you to accompany me. It would have been better for you not known me. I should not accept you as an assistant. Alchemy is dangerous in these times. As if he had heard his words, Arthur took her hand and squeezed it hard. *** The man with bulging eyes and big ears entered the barn, escorted by two soldiers. He stopped a few meters from the place where the king was leaning over her Benicius hunter, who stroked it tenderly. The animal was lying on the floor mired in blood, with terrible bites all over his body that had broken the skin. It was evident that, despite the care lavished him veterinarians had no salvation. The wounds were too severe. - What do you, Scorpio? Do you have something important to tell me? Asked the monarch, his eyes filled with tears and his face off, while frightened some flies that swirled around the wounds of the noble animal. You're not timely. My best horse has been attacked this evening by one of those beasts that plague us. I heard that a bear came flying into the stables last night and made this escabechina. - Sorry, your majesty, I know how much you love this animal. - It's been a slaughter. That beast has killed two guards and attacked several horses ... Look at the state has left my poor hunting companion. - I'm sorry to bother you at this time, your majesty, but ... - Talk, talk, bring any bad news that could not be worse than this. - It is my duty to inform you of a terrible event that has occurred in your kingdom. Count Morfidio has entered your lands and has abducted Archimedes, the wise man that I protegéis and, following your orders, was 26

watching. - And why has committed such an outrage? Benicius asked with little interest, more concerned about the status of your horse. Is it perhaps does not know that Morfidio alchemist is under my protection? - You know your majesty. I know that. But do not mind at all. I have lost respect. Benicius spent his right hand on the animal's nose. He did it with love and delicacy, as he used to always, as it was a fine man and good manners were part of his style. - The alchemist works for me. It has the task of finding a formula that serves to defend ourselves from devouring beasts that infest our forests and fields. - I'm afraid, your majesty, that it is not interested in Morfidio Scorpio said softly, to avoid disturbing the pain of the monarch who embraced the dying animal. Archimedes invented something different from what you have ordered. - Are you saying you betrayed me? - Just tell your majesty what I know. I am sure that you have created a secret formula that turns men into immortal. And she wants to take over Morfidio. Benicius was startled to hear the explanation of the spy. Pamper the horse stopped and listened to his informer. - Everybody go and leave me with this man ordered the servants and guardians who accompanied him. And you better explain yourself. - I believe that Archimedes discovered the secret of immortality, my lord! "Said Scorpio. And Morfidio is ahead! - What can I do? Will you return to the wise if I order? - It will not, my lord. Morfidio has decided to take that formula secret and nothing will be restrained ... Unless force. - I should run that bloody butcher years ago when I took over from his father. At that time, the magnificent horse gave a whinny, stretched his neck, raised his head and died. Benicius knelt beside her and ran his hand over the bloodied neck. - Oh, heavens! The world has gone mad! Nobles betray their king sorcerers haunt his killer beast, the farmers refuse to pay taxes, the villagers hunt in our forest, the outlaws live outside the law, diseases haunt us ... And now, alchemists mock their protectors ... What can I do? What do you think I should do? - Impose order, my lord. Total retaliation. Let them see that your pulse is strong. That everyone understands that those who betray you pay dearly. Do it before the chaos and anarchy from spreading through your kingdom, my lord. 27

Benicius watched intently to his faithful servant. She put her hand on his shoulder and said: - I've done a great service, Scorpio. You will be rewarded for your work. Do not regret your faithfulness. Keep it up. I think you will listen ... He gave a last glance at the body of his horse and, as he left the stables, took an oath: - I will avenge, dear friend. We will impose order in the kingdom. And those who have attacked you will pay ... All traitors hanged and wipe out those beasts. My patience has run out! Scorpio A smile of satisfaction. He noted that King was walking toward her apartment. Benicius, a skinny, delicate and frail health, which was still under the effect of his bout with leprosy, was visibly depressed and was an easy target for an ambitious man like him. Scorpio was convinced that if our actions could get anything he wanted. Arch Benicius was a weak man who trusted him blindly. - I will become your eyes and your ears and pay me in gold, "whispered the informer. *** Morfidio watched through the keyhole of the dungeon of despair Archimedes, who cried out for the guards to bring him medicines to heal the wounds of Arthur, who was dying. The count saw that this situation will benefit you. Soon the sage would be ready to talk. I tell every detail of that formula that would give him unlimited power. He leaned against the door, feeling satisfied with the cries of distress of the alchemist. He asked his servant to fill the cup of wine, which was empty, and waited patiently. When Archimedes, in desperation, threw a stool at the door of his cell and made her tremble, Morfidio smiled. He went away, convinced that the next day, before the sun was at the height of heaven, the alchemist would tell him the secret she longed to have ... He wished for his own interest, that Arthur survived the dark night to come. One night, like most, was filled with howls of wolves and evil beasts roar. "We will have another bloody bloody night, he thought.



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