The Constitution

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 981
  • Pages: 2
The Constitution of St Peter's College Boat Club This is the constitution as relating to the duties and responsibilities of the committee of St Peter's College Boat Club (hereafter referred to as SPCBC).

1. The aims of the Committee and Club:



4. 5.


a. To give as many members of the JCR and MCR as possible the chance to experience rowing in an enjoyable, safe and competitive manner. b. To ensure the continued financial viability of SPCBC and the provision of sufficient equipment to enable SPCBC to compete at the highest level. Composition a. The Committee consists of a President, a Men’s Captain, a Women's Captain, Captain of coxes, Secretary and Treasurer. b. One of the above must also act as the Water Safety Advisor whom is responsible for the provision of safe equipment and practices of the club. At the discretion of the committee the WSA may be a further appointment. c. At the discretion of the President and Captains, Vice Captains may be appointed. Eligibility a. All members of the Committee must be members of the JCR or MCR of St Peter's College and maintain an active role within a college crew. b. The Captain of coxes would normally be expected to be the most experienced cox in the college at that time. Terms of Office a. The Committee posts begin their term of office after Eights, with official duties commencing from 0th week of the following Michaelmas Term after appointment. Meetings a. The Committee shall always meet at the beginning of every term, and again throughout any given term at the discretion of the President and arranged by the secretary. b. The Secretary will issue an agenda to be circulated prior to every official meeting and take minutes of Committee Meetings. Duties a. The President i. The President's primary roles are to represent SPCBC, to oversee the workings of the committee, and to ensure that SPCBC is run in accordance with its stated aims. ii. The President is responsible for representing SPCBC to the governing body and liaising with the Senior Rowing Member. iii. The President is responsible for finding and liaising with sponsors. iv. The President should ensure that the respective captains fulfill their duties, and in consultation with them, is responsible for the appointment of Crew Captains. v. The President is responsible for overseeing the finances of the club and is a signatory of the SPCBC account. vi. The President should ensure that the Men's and Women's clubs are given equal weight within the club with regards to access to facilities and equipment. vii. The President, together with Captains, is responsible for the maintenance of SPCBC equipment. viii. The President is responsible in consultation with the Committee for ensuring that the Club complies with ARA regulations. ix. The President is responsible for the Old Members Club, together with the secretary. x. The President has final authority over any matters relating to SPCBC although should ensure that the Committee's views and the overall interests of SPCBC are

taken into account. xi. The President can be removed by a vote of a majority of those who pay boat club subscriptions. b. Captains i. The captains are responsible for the overseeing of the training of college crews of and in particular novices. ii. Captains should organise sufficient novice crews for Christ Church Regatta to ensure that any member of the JCR and MCR who wishes to try rowing can have the chance to do so. iii. Within the limits of what is practicable captains should continue to try to attract and to train novices throughout the year. iv. Captains are directly responsible for the selection, training and coaching of 1st VIIIs. v. Captains should ensure that Crew Captains are fulfilling their duties in particular regarding organising training and entries. They should be available for and expect to be coaching lower boats, although in this they can request any members of the 1st VIII squads to assist. vi. Captains are responsible for coordinating and organising transport and entries for regattas both on and off the Isis. vii. Together with the Crew Captains training slots on the Isis should be organised before each week to avoid clashes, in consultation with the President if necessary. viii. Captains must attend OURCs meetings as representatives of SPCBC. c. Secretary i. The Secretary is responsible for the administration of SPCBC as a club. ii. The Secretary is responsible for organising SPCBC social events, in particular the dinners, in consultation with the President. iii. The Secretary is responsible for representing the rowers and coxes of SPCBC to the committee and ensuring that their interests are taken into account, in particular with the levels of subscriptions and kit that has to be paid for. iv. The Secretary is responsible for keeping the committee of OURCs meetings that have been attended by Committee Members or Coxes. v. The Secretary is responsible for keeping records of all rowers and coxes in SPCBC: their contact details, room number, Bod card number and coxing licence. d. Treasurer i. The Treasurer is responsible for the the financial management of the club, and the keeping of the SPCBC accounts. ii. The Treasurer will present a statement of accounts at each Boat Club meeting, and will attend Amalgamated Sports Committee meetings with the President. iii. The Treasurer will be a signatory on the boat club account. iv. The Treasurer is responsible for the collection of subscriptions, at a level determined by the Committee, and for money owed to the club. v. The Treasurer is responsible for the purchase of equipment and kit in consultation with the President. e. Joint Duties i. The Committee in general should be prepared to help other members of the Committee with their duties. ii. The Committee will jointly run a stand and the College Fresher's Fair. iii. The Committee is jointly responsible for organising fundraising events.

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