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  • Pages: 3
GRAND IMPERIAL LANCASTLIAN CONSTITUTION Chaired and Authored by Chancellor Dacara and Secretary General Lindus

"We the subjects of His Grand Imperial Majesty, King Lancastle I, in order to create an infallible Kingdom, a bastion of Monarchy, establish peace and equity, insure internal harmony, provide for common defence, and to secure liberty for ourselves and our lineage, do hereby place our utmost faith in our Sovereign and ordain and acquiesce to the Grand Imperial Lancastlian Constitution." Article I- The Crown Section 1 The state power shall be vested in the King of the Grand Empire of Lancastle. Section 2 The King will have authority to make treaties and alliances with other nations with the approval of the Legislature. Treaties and alliances must by ratified by a majority vote of 60% or greater to pass. Section 3 The King has authority to dissolute the parliament but this can be overturned by a 75% majority of the House of Commons Section 4 The King shall take care that all laws are faithfully executed. The King may issue executive orders in a declare State of Emergency. A State of Emergency must be approved by the Legislature by simple Majority in all cases, except if the Territory of the Grand Empire of Lancastle is invaded. The vote on a State of Emergency will be concluded after 24 Hours. A vote will then be held 48 Hours after the recognition of a State of Emergency by the Lancastlian House of Commons. Voting will be concluded after 24 Hours. This process will continue until a simple Majority votes "Aye" for the conclusion of the State of Emergency. Section 5 The following departments are to be established: • Ministry of Diplomacy, the Ministry of Diplomacy shall be managed by an appointed Minister of Diplomacy. The Ministry of Diplomacy shall give reports upon the state of the region, and shall be the Department that works with other regions on alliances and embassies. • Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Defence shall be managed by an appointed Minister of Defence. The Ministry shall oversee the Defence Force, and give reports of its doings to the Council and King. The Minister of Defence shall monitor WA endorsements and ensure that a coup or invasion is not about to take place. • Ministry of Recruitment, the Ministry of Recruitment shall be managed by an appointed Minister of Immigration. The Ministry shall actively try to increase the number of nations that are members of the region, to increase the number of AU Members in the region and shall keep track of the total population of the region. • Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda shall be managed by an appointed Minister of Information. The Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda's duties shall be to help define how we should broadcast ourselves to other nations in order to recruit. Its more essential duties are to provide a newspaper type report of the happenings of the region and the regional government. The Minister of Communications will have total authority over the Media Network. Section 6 The King can remove any minister from the departments at any time the King sees fit with the possibility of an appeal to be passed to the Legislature by the said nation or party. Article II- Legislation Section 1 The Senate shall be known as “The Lancastlian House of Commons”. All legislative powers will be vested within the House.

Section 2 To be eligible to be a member of the house a nation must be a member of the Empire for at least 2 days. All nations can be eligible for the house regardless of their position in the government and shall have equal representation. Section 3 The King shall be a member of the house but will have no vote unless the votes are equally split. Section 4 The Grand Lord of the Lancastlian House of Commons shall be elected every 2 months to coincide with elections. The Grand Lord shall be the head of the Majority Party, the party that won the most recent election, and shall hold charge of the proceedings in the Lancastlian House of Commons. The Grand Lord has the authority to call House Meetings and ranks above the Kings in matters of the House. Section 5 Matters of legislation are matters that involve the entire Empire (bills). These are considered to be of greater importance then of matters of the executive, unless a State of Emergency has been declared and recognized by the Lancastlian House of Commons. Section 6 All proposed and passed legislation must be written in the appropriate bill format, which includes exact time, in the author's respected time zone, date and Bill Number. If legislation is written in the acceptable format, said legislation will be pronounced null and void until corrections can be made. Article III- The Military Section1 The King of Lancastle shall be the Lord Captain Commander of the Armed Forces of Lancastle. The King may promote or demote Nations based on their Military Performance in Training and in Invasions. The Armed Forces of Lancastle shall consist of both the Imperial Navy and the Royal Army of the Grand Empire of Lancastle. These names are subject to change based on a vote. Section 2 Only WA nations may join the Armed Forces of Lancastle. All Nations have the ability to reach the rank of General. All Nations that have participated in an Invasion or a Defence are eligible to run for the Office of Consul of Armed Forces of Lancastle. Section 3 There shall be 2 Consuls and they shall serve as check on the military, to make sure that the Armed Forces of Lancastle are not being abused or stretched too thin. They shall prepare reports on the military and work with the King and Armed Forces of Lancastle to plan logistics for all military operations. Section 4 All Political Parties may nominate one candidate to run for the 1 Month Term of Consul. However, the Heads of each Party, not only the Grand Lord, cannot be Consuls. Article IV- Amendments Section 1 Amendments for the Grand Imperial Lancastlian Constitution shall be proposed in the Lancastlian House of Commons. The author of the Amendment must clearly label the proposal thusly "Amendment#(Insert Appropriate Number) - (Add What Amendment Does)" and post the exact time, in their respected time zone, and date that they posted the Amendment. If the author of the Amendment does not appropriately title the Amendment and put the time and date, the proposed Amendment shall be nullified, until corrections are made. Debate on amendments will last for 72 Hours on Amendments.

Section 2 Amendments will be added to the Grand Imperial Lancastlian Constitution if they receive a 60% or greater approval. Voting will commence upon approval of the Amendment by the King and will last for 48 Hours. Upon passage of the Amendment, the Amendment will take effect immediately. Article V- Elections Section 1 Elections shall take place every 2 months to coincide with the elections of the Grand Lord. All political parties are allowed to run for elections. Parties must nominate their candidates for their respective Ministerial Positions 2 weeks before the elections. Section 2 Parties must create their own Campaign Offices in the Forums and must fund their own Campaigns; outside contributions, excluding support from other regions, shall disqualify a Nation from the Election. Section 3 Support is defined as Private Messages and Posts on the Message Boards, on both and in the Lancastlian Forums ( Any Nation caught spamming will be disqualified. Section 4 Any Nation can run for office as many times as they deem necessary, but a Nation can only hold one office. Article V- Ratification Section 1 The ratification of this constitution depends on a majority vote by the members of the Empire. If approved the constitution of the Grand Empire of Lancastle will come into affect immediately. Voting shall last 24 Hours.

Chaired and Authorised by Lord Lindus

Lord Lindus Authorised by Chancellor Dacara

Chancellor Dacara

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