The Commandments And Statues

  • April 2020
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The Commandments and Statues Exodus20:3 You shall have no gods before Yahweh Exodus20:4 You shall not make unto you any carved images Exodus20:5 You shall not bow yourself down to anything or person nor serve them Exodus20:7 You shall not take the Name of God in vain Leviticus18:4 You shall do God Ordinances and Keep His Statues and walk therein John15:12 Love one another Exodus20:8 Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy unto God Exodus35:2 Six days shall work be done on the seventh day there shall be to you a Holy day a Sabbath Day of worship unto God Exodus20:12 Honor your mother and father Exodus20:13 You shall not kill Exodus20:14 You shall not commit adultery Mark10:11-12 Whosoever divorce their spouse and marries commits adultery Matthew19:9 Whosoever shall divorce their spouse except it be for fornication and marries commits adultery and whosoever marries them commits fornication Luke16:18 Whosoever puts away their spouse and marries another commits adultery and who of them that are put away marry commit adultery 1Corithians7:11 If a spouse divorces let them remain unmarried or reconciled 1Corithians7:2 Avoid fornication Exodus20:15 You shall not steal Exodus20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor Exodus20:17 You shall not covet your neighbor's house, spouse nor anything that is your neighbor's Romans12:17 You shall not recompense to no one evil for evil Leviticus18:6 You shall not approach unto anyone that is kin to uncover their nakedness Leviticus18:19 You shall not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness as long as she is having her menstrual cycle 7-10 days Leviticus18:22 You shall not lie with you own kind, man or woman to defile yourself with them it is an abomination Leviticus18:23 You shall not lie with any beast to defile yourself therewith Leviticus19:26 You shall not eat anything that is uncooked with blood Leviticus19:27 You shall not shave around your temples Leviticus19:27 You shall not cut the corners of your beard Leviticus19:28 You shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead Leviticus19:28 You shall not tattoo any markings upon you Leviticus19:29 You shall not prostitute your daughter to cause her to be a harlot or pimp your son or daughter 1Corithians7:34 There is a difference between married and unmarried. The unmarried cares for the things of God that they may be Holy both in body and in spirit and the married cares for the things of God and how they may please their spouse. 1Corithians14:2-5 For them that speaks in an unknown tongue speak not unto the people but unto God for no person understands but them that prophesies speak unto the people. Them that speak in an unknown tongue edifies themselves but them the prophesies edifies the church and God. Greater is they who prophecies than they who speak in tongue. 1Corithians14:37 If anyone thinks themselves to be a prophet, spiritual or religious let them acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are Commandments of God.

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