The Cluster Of Grapes

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3
The Cluster of Grapes “And they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bare it between two upon a staff; and they brought of the pomegranates, and of the figs.” (Num13: 23) The cluster of grapes is a type of the church, since grapes are a product of a vine and Jesus says, “I am the vine, ye are the branches:”(John15: 5) Every branch of a vine has upon it cluster of grapes. Since Jesus is the vine, it means the cluster of grapes represents the church. Each branch or each church is gathered together: The cluster of grapes on the branches proves their growth. It is possible that the cluster on a branch is more than another branch. Notice that the branch cannot determine the number of grapes in its cluster it is by divine allotment, so if a branch has more in its cluster then, does not make it any better than the other. In the same vein, numerical size of a church is not the absolute proof of its superiority neither does it make it necessarily any holier and more anointed than a perpetually small church. These grapes, though belong to different branches, are of same vine, hence, have same quality, size and colour. It can be inferred then, that if we get another grape of different quality, size and color, it is from another tree. It cannot be of same specie. If peradventure, this new specie of grape, are many to the point of forming a cluster. If on the basis of analysis, it mixes with the other cluster, then we have clusters of grapes.”…And a mix multitude went up also with them….” (Ex12: 38). Every time we segregate ourselves in the body of Christ, we are invariably saying that we are not of the same vine but rather; we are clusters of grape (i.e. grapes from different vines). The only proof of our oneness (coming from same source) is when we have same believes even though we may differ in modes. In reference to the scripture mentioned above, not all that left Egypt were children of Israel. Hence not all that are in church are saved. The parts of the people that left Egypt, and were not Israelites were called the mixed multitude. That means they only enjoy deliverance by association and not by birth. They only enjoy temporary covering because the covenant does not cover them; since they were not children of promise. In the church of God, also, we have those who by reason of association are ‘Christians’ but not believer for the latter is a covenant relationship. Notice, it is possible that some of this mixed multitude may have left Egypt with silver and gold, but it cannot be from their slave masters rather, it is their private property, which they worked for. Some of this mixed multitude may have left with nothing to call theirs. Likewise in the church of God, neither material blessing nor abject poverty alone does authenticate son ship. “ For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Rom8: 14). Son ship starts with a covenant relationship. It is abdicating ones life to the ruler ship of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is saying I have no life of my own outside of Him. It is saying I have no life outside of Him.”…Your life is hid with

Christ in God” (Col3: 3). Any ‘Christian’ who can find his sustenance outside of Christ cannot be said to be part of His. He is part of the mixed multitude. Notice, the worship of idols by the children of Israel when Moses went to get the Ten Commandments cannot be without the influence of the mixed multitude. In the church of God also, I am convinced that the incessant bickering is fueled by the mixed multitude within it. “Whoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God”(1John3: 9 emphasis added). That is to say even if a ‘true’ believer sins, because of the seed of God on the inside of him, he will repent rather than make excuses or try to create more feud. He will be a peacemaker rather than be a spoiler. He knows he is part of the cluster so he will do anything to protect his fellow grape rather than glory in it’s been rotten. “ For as the body is one, and hath many members and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: So also is Christ. For the body is not one member, but many”(1Corith12: 12,14). Just as the different cluster of grapes on the branches makes up the vine, so is the body of Christ. A body is a combination of many members. It cannot be one. In the body are many parts, and each part performs different duty in different locations, and differs in sizes. It will be out of place for a part of the body to claim dominance over the other since they do not perform same functions; moreover, the body is not complete without the seemingly less noticeable part of it. It is impossible from this analogy for only one church to have all the answers to the question of life. It is impossible for only one church to be the true church. Any part that claims dominance over the other because of its size or importance is either ignorant of the body or is part of the mixed multitude. We are meant to be part of the body, fitting into Him to fulfill the purpose for which we were created. “From whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes growth of the body for the building up of itself in love”(Eph4: 16NAS). The body is about the fitting of the different parts, so the first question is where do you fit? If you do not fit, you are just a liability to the body or of course a mixed multitude. If you as a part of the body is not supplying, then there can be no growth. Notice also, that the scripture emphasizes the proper working of each individual body. Meaning, even if you find where you fit, and you are not functioning properly, there will not be growth. If we each refuse to take our place in the body and if we refuse to do our responsibility effectively, it is a sin, it is wrong and limits the growth of the body. Back to the cluster of grapes, though they were brought as sample of blessing that awaits the children of Isreal in the Promised Land, it was also a symbol of the synergy expected of them. Just as the whole vine combines together to produce the cluster of grapes on each branch, so the children of Isreal were to agree with the word of God to birth His promise. Because they were not in agreement, they could not birth the promise as the cluster of grapes of the vine.

They were made to go through a journey of a few days for forty years in the wilderness just so they might see themselves as one, having same purpose, agree with God to birth His promise in their lives. Had God allowed them to proceed to the promise land without the synergy, they would have been defeated. Until the church of God sees ourselves as a cluster of grapes from a vine (Jesus) with many branches, we can never achieve our God given purpose in totality. For no single church (branch) can do it all alone. Notice that God wrought many miracles during the wilderness experience of the children of Isreal, but that was not His initial plans for them, so it was not His best. Might it be that the church of God is going through its wilderness now? And just as miracles in the wilderness did not signify Gods will, neither will signs and wonders, mega churches, numerical increase authenticate us. We must see ourselves as brothers and sisters indeed irrespective of the branch of cluster we belong, and build up the church as one again. “And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and soul… but they had all things in common” (Acts4: 32). “ Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, they separated from Isreal the mixed multitude”(Num13: 3). Its time for separation, for the body is a cluster of grapes and not clusters of grape. We must stand for righteousness, truth and the whole counsel of God not necessarily the counsel of men. For men’s ideas has divided the church enough and as long as we segregate ourselves by doctrine of men the mixed multitude will continue to feed fat upon our division and that will delay the coming of our Lord and Savior.

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