The Book - Terrorism In Islam

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Thesis of Doctorate


Terrorism In Islam Researcher : Adel Abdullah Al-Abed AlJabbar

American University in London 2005

Thesis of Doctorate


Thanks for Allah and peace be upon our prophet Mohamed Ibn Abdullah and his followers. Terrorism in Islam A scientific thesis as other group of scientific thesis s that clarify the clear Islam attitude towards terrorism. It shows the Sharia' ruling that forbids the attack and violence against safe people at their homes and societies. Islam has protected that and prevented any harm to them even by indication of terror. Terrorism: International phenomenon from which many nonIslamic and Islamic countries have complained and suffered. These countries wish to live in peace and far away from terrorism. Terrorists commit severe crimes and sins when they kill peaceful people and destroy properties by tripping vehicles by explosives to threaten and kill people. They do not consider young, old, sick or disabled people, but they corrupt life and such acts are hated and forbidden by Allah.

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Terrorism is bad in whole, resulting in destruction, corruption and sadness.







diseased, absent-minded, defeated in his personality, telling lies and jealous to others. He hates his nation and its development. All world hated all terrorism operations which do not distinguish between nation, nationality, religion, scholarship, time, or place. All feelings refuse and deny terrorism operations which are beyond the permitted and reasonable limits. They go beyond the teachings of religions, regulations, and prevailing laws. The word "terrorism" is limited in the commitment of killing, threatening, kidnapping, spoilage. Since the events of 11 Sept. I have the honor to present programs in the Saudi TV talking about terrorism and the Islamic attitude towards that. Regretfully we have witnessed some violence incidents in our country. The blasts harmed and did not benefit, killed and did not give life. Therefore, I had to spread the right thing among the people through available mass media. These scientific researches are a group of thesis s to get doctorate degree in Terrorism and the Islamic Attitude towards that from the American University in London.

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This thesis is a human effort which may be subject to rightness and wrong. I tried to apply scientific research in dividing the subjects into Section s, chapters, researches, requirements, and issues. The texts have been documented and referred to their references and to verses of Quran have been referred to their chapters. Al-Hadeeth (Prophet Sayings) have been briefly tracked and documented. If there are any faults and shortages, they shall be attributed to me. I hope that this thesis will benefit all people and I ask them to send me any comments and remarks that can be rectified during printing. Researcher: Adel Abdullah Al-Abed Al-Jabbar [email protected] P.O. Box 56 Riyadh 11392

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Thesis Plan Section One: (Al-Sharia and Terrorist Chapter One: Definition of Terrorism Research One: The linguistic meaning of terrorism Research Two: The meaning of terrorism in terms UN definition International Law definition Arab agreement definition Al-Azhar definition The Islamic Fiqeh Complex definition Research Three: Selected definition of terrorism Research Four: Elements of terrorism Research Five: Terrorism objectives Direct Objectives Indirect Objectives Research Six: Types of Terrorism Classification by Washington Conference 1976 Doctrine Terrorism National Terrorism Religion, Race, Faction Terrorism


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Sickness terrorism Another Division: Individual and group terrorism Research Seven: Characteristics of Terrorism Operations Kidnapping and hostages confinement Ambushes Assassination method Faction's violent method Explosives Research Eight: Characteristics of Terrorism Research Nine: Characteristics of Terrorist Research Ten: Reasons of Terrorism First Requirement: The General Reasons of Terrorism in the World Geographical reasons Psychological sickness reasons Informative reasons Economical reasons Family reasons Thought reasons Second Section : (Society and Terrorism) Chapter One: Society and its Security Demands

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Chapter Two: Role of Society Establishments Research One: Mosque Requirement One: Importance of Mosque Requirement Two: The Mosque is the source of Security and Safety Requirement Three: Role of Mosque in awareness of the national crimes Research Two: Friday Sermon and its effect on the society security Requirement One: Factors of Sermon success Understanding of reality Necessity to obey the ruler Mediation and fairness Care of Youth Relation with non-Muslims Requirement Two: Sermon of Makkah mosque and Prophet Mosque Sample of Makkah mosque Sample of Prophet Mosque Research Three: Scientist and Missioners Research Four: Terrorism and legal jurisdiction Importance of jurisdiction View of jurisdiction towards terrorism acts

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Juristic procedures to investigate terrorists and their crimes Preventive and remedial precautions for terrorism events Jurisdiction penalties for terrorism events Research Five: Family Requirement One: Islam care for family Requirement Two: Family function Requirement Three: Its role in preventing deviation and crime Research Six: School Requirement One: Security Role of the School Requirement Two: Effect of the school in resistance of terrorism, violence, and extremism. Requirement Three: Islamic education curriculum Research Seven: Security Establishments Research Eight: Local and international forums International conference for terrorism fighting The attitude of Islam towards terrorism Research Nine: Electronic Terrorism Internet is a safe for the terrorism Kingdom's efforts to face the electronic terrorism Factors to preserve the society from the electronic terrorism

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Research Ten: Intellectual security Preventive means to protect the intellectual security Remedial means to protect the intellectual security Section Three (Saudia and Terrorism) Chapter One: Saudi reviews Research one: Historical overview of blasts in Saudi Arabia Chapter Two: Kingdom's efforts in fighting terrorism Endorsement of terrorism penalty Spread of mediation and fairness International participation Clarify the picture to outside Security systems Local level Intellectual review Royal forgiveness Awards Propagation is continued Attention to Security men


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Activation of Arab ministers council resolutions Signing of agreements and covenants Conclusion References Index

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Section One: Sharia and Terrorism Chapter One: Definition of Terrorism Research One: Linguistic Meaning of Terrorism The source of terrorism is "terrify" which means fear. In the Quran it means fear.

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Research Two: Terrorism I did not find it a meaning in the Sharia terms of previous Muslim scientists because the first use of this term was during the French revolution (1789 – 1794). This means that the source of this term is from European thoughts, and this rejects the wrong claims which characterize Islam by this word. The scientists of different religions in all over the world have not agreed on a meaning of terrorism. However, there are some definitions from international organizations. United Nations definition: Terrorism means the acts that endanger the innocent human beings souls or threaten the basic freedoms or violates the human being dignity. International law definition: Terrorism a group of acts that are forbidden by the national laws of most countries. Arab Agreement definition: Terrorism means each act of terrorism or threatening of such act, whatever the motives or purposes, implemented for crime project, individual or collective. It aims to spread terror between people and threatening them or endanger their lives or freedoms and their security. Also, it includes harm the environment or facilities or properties (private and public) or

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occupy them and conquer them or endanger any of the national sources. Al-Azhar Islamic Research Complex definition: Al-Azhar gave a definition after the events of 11 Sept. 2001 by saying (horrifying the peaceful people, destroying their interests and lives, their freedoms and human dignity and corrupt the life. The country on which such terrorism occurs has the right to search for the criminals and present them to jurisdiction constitutions for judgment). Islamic







committed by individuals or groups or countries on the human being (his religion, blood, mind, money and honor). It includes types of threat, harm and killing under no right. This includes rubbery, acts of threatening and violence that implement individual and collective crime project to horrify people or threaten their lives or security or expose their lives to danger. Some of their types are causing damage to the environment, facilities, private & public properties and

expose the national

resources or the nature to danger. All this are types of corruption on the earth and forbidden by Allah.

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Research Three: Selected Definition of the Terrorism: Fiqeh Islamic Complex of the Islamic World League is considered to be the best definition in defining the Islam prevention of attack, violence and horrifying the secured people. It has been issued from the strongest complex representing Islam and Muslims. It includes all types of fear, harm, threat, killing with no rights and what is related to Al-Hirabah, threat and cut of road and any act of violence or threat that come as an implementation of individual or collective crime project. It aims to cause fear among people and harm them, and expose their lives, freedom, security and conditions to danger. Some of its types are causing damage to environment or any private or public properties, and endanger of national or natural resources. All these are pictures of corruption which are forbidden by Allah Who has put the penalty for terrorism, assault and corruption and considered that the same like fighting Allah and His prophet. There is no human law which gives such a severe penalty due to the danger of this assault which is considered as fighting against rules of Allah. The complex confirms that the types of terrorism include state terrorism, and one its clear pictures and severe types is the terrorism practiced by the Jews in Palestine. Also, the practice of Serb in Bosnia, Hersek and Kosova. The complex considered that this type of terrorism is one of the most dangerous types on peace and

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security, and facing it is a type of self-defense and Jihad for the sake of Allah. This definition indicates that terrorism has no specific religion, country or nationality. It affects all as it does not have geographical borders and it may occur any place in the Globe. There is no specific shape of the terrorism. It may be hijacking airplane, diverting its route by force, or destroying it, or taking its passengers as hostages or killing them. It may be in the shape of exploding buildings, occupying certain places and using toxic gases. In conclusion, it is any assault on persons by killing, or attack of money or any means of transportation. No doubt that the current scientific development in the world has increased the danger and complexity of terrorism, either by making the communication between terrorists easier or by assistance in invention of advanced means of crimes or by increasing the number of criminals which increased the terrorism on all levels and it becomes one of the most important risks that face the international society. By thorough review, the fighting of the people under foreign occupation for the sake of freeing its occupied lands and obtaining their rights and independence are not considered terrorism as per the UN code and resolutions. Defending the nations is inherited in the human beings and they practiced this right during the old ages and they are still practicing it now and they considered that as one of their duties

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even if they loose their lives. Those who are defending themselves do not need a resolution from a commission to defend their nations. The human laws and the heaven laws have confirmed this right and ordered people to practice that whatever the price that they will pay. Islam has confirmed that and ordered its followers to defend their countries and considered that as fighting for the sake of Allah and a way to paradise. The Quran and Hadeeth have ordered Muslims and urged them to fight and defend their nations and considered that as obligatory for all able men and women. The Arab Agreement signed by Arab Ministers of Interiors for fighting terrorism has stipulated in Article two: that the armed struggle against the foreign occupation and aggression for the sake of freedom as per the international law 22. The Islamic World League has confirmed in Makkah statement issued by the Islamic Fiqeh Complex conferred in Makkah during the period from 21-26/10/1422H fighting covenant that all have the right to defend their countries and honor against occupants and that this right is allowed by all heaven regulations and human laws. There were contradictions between the terms terrorism as some are general and others are specific. It has been found that the work "Irhab" in Arabic is a translation of the word "terrorism" in English which is wrong linguistic translation. Fear from killing or injury or destruction is a materialistic fear expressed in horror

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and not "rahbah" since this word in Arabic language is used for fear mixed with respect and not for fear resulting from threatening by materialistic or creatural or natural force. Therefore it fear and horror and its is not "rahbah". The correct meaning for terrorism is horror. However , the Arab Linguistic Complex approved using "Irhab" as it is widely used in Arab world and understood for terrorism. Research Four: Elements of terrorism: (1) Power (2) Violence (3) Fear (4) Weapons (5) Mass media Research Five: Objectives of Terrorism: a. Direct Objectives: They are the objectives announced by the organization






operation. They are represented in the following: 1- Obtain funds to finance the organization activities, and recruit new personnel to work with it.

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2- Release prisoners in jails, either they are politicians or members of the organization and they have

been caught

during previous operations. 3- Implement killing operations

to opponents either as

disclosed or concealed operation. 4- Secure the escape of the persons who implement the terrorism operation after the end of the operation in achieve the last stage of the operation to succeed. 5- Perform necessary propaganda for the organization.

b. Indirect Objectives: They are unannounced objectives but the organization tries to achieve. They may be more important to the organization than the direct objectives. They are represented in the following: 1- Weaken the government authority and show it as disabled due to its inability to discover the operation before it occurs and its inability to face the situation resulting from the terrorism operation. 2- Obtain official recognition from the targeted country of the existence of the organization or obtain international recognition due to announcements of statements that organization mandated announcement.

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3- Oblige the country to implement works directed against the citizens who result in loss of confidence in the government due to its inability to achieve security for citizen and face the terrorism organization to overcome. 4- Create supporter from the citizens of the targeted country and work to overcome the ruling regime or achieve the organization objectives. 5- Attach tourism, economy, security and the sources of power that give country the legality such as religion, economy and security. Research Six: Types of Terrorism: 24 , In Washington's classification in 1976 the terrorism was divided into four types: 1. Doctrine terrorism: This includes leftist, communist, rightist extremists, Zionism and Hindu terrorism. 2. National terrorism: It includes operations targeted to expel occupants, destroy their machinery and interests, kill their representatives 3. Religion, or faction race terrorism: such as operations implemented by Tamil against the Srelankan government and Seek operations against Muslims in India. 4. Sickness terrorism: It is caused by mental or psychological malfunction.

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Another Division: If we look at terrorism with respect to the one who implement the violence and extremism, it can be divided into two types: 1. Individual Terrorism: violent acts implemented by one person or several limited person. 2. Group Terrorism: It comes from religious or national faction against another one, or against other people, or one nation against another. It has two shapes: National group's terrorism and doctrine group terrorism. Research Seven: Characteristics of the Terrorism Operations: 1. Hijacking and retain of hostages: It is based on the concept of retaining one or more persons in a secret place. Hijacking may occur to an aircraft with all its passengers. 2. Ambush: It a type of sudden attacks whereby the aim is conquered away from its own protection or guard that are provided to it at his place of residence and work. 3. Method of killing: The known method in terrorist violence and it usually executed to politicians, media men, officials, some Sheikhs, scientists and Doa objecting the thought of the terrorists.

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4. Method of faction violence: It is the attack of some groups to some citizens and their properties. Also attacking mosques, churches and temples. 5. Blasts: They usually occur to temples, places accommodating person who are considered enemies or citizens of enemy country or representing enemy countries although they are victims of certain policies and peaceful and innocent people. These blasts may carry a message to the country whereat the explosions occurred for political, religion, or financial abuse (‫ )ﺍﺒﺘﺯﺍﺯ‬or for the purpose of facing the ruling regime at that country. There are some other operations such as sniping, threatening of terrorism, and psychological war by using false terrorism announcements. Research Eight: Characteristics of Terrorism: Terrorism is distinguished from other violence works by the following: 1. Violence or threatening and it lasts for long time causing terrorism 2. Organization linked to violence and as it continues it causes terrorism

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3. The purpose is illegal although it is clear that it tries to curb the political authority. 4. The act is not from acquired acts and it has been given a name as crime that is ruled by jurisdiction so that no mix shall be made between international crimes. 5. A symbolic limited act that goes beyond the scope of action in order to make wider and comprehensive effects of fear. 6. Terrorism is an act that means several political indications and it aims to affect decision making or diverting it. 7. Terrorism acts does not mean military counter acts. It is limited in terrorism severe tactics, secret and unforeseen implemented by political elements opposing the authority and the ruling regime and it specifically selects its objectives and has specific requirements. 8. Use of power, violence, or threatening by that which is considered the main role to achieve the objectives. 9. The terrorism act is limited by boundaries or geography and its plan is implemented in a place that achieves the objectives. 10.







therefore, its operations occur to international objectives or super power countries in order to spread its news to serve the objectives. Therefore, its objectives have two dimensions:

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Emotional dimension and mental dimension and it is characterized by extremism and has no mediation. Research Nine: Characteristics of the Terrorist: Terrorists have some characters or personal common features distinguishing them regardless of their loyalty, identification or organizations to which they belong, countries associated with and operations implemented by them. 1. Most of them are married males (95%) more than females and they have no children. 2. If there is a role for women in the terrorism organization, it is limited in intelligence, information collection, keeping weapon, provide safe accommodation for terrorists, nursery, publicity, supply and falsification. 3. They are fictions and heroes of their stories and they try to rectify the world by violence and they have their own philosophy. 4. They are full of secrets and they are characterized by harshness, carelessness and insistence to achieve objectives. It is difficult to make understanding with them. 5. Some of them takes awaking drugs to increase their motives. 6. They are extremists, aggressive and easy to excite. This is why the young youth are targeted because they are unable to

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think about the results and consequences of terrorism and violence actions. 7. There body growth is complete but their psychological growth is not complete. 8. In some psychological studies, some terrorists have feminine characteristics and the resist this feminine and pretend muscularity by violence which push them to kill and terrify especially in the non-Muslim societies. In the Muslim society the terrorist may be uncovered by woman dress to achieve his shameful acts under the name of the countries traditions and religious reserve values. The above are ten characteristics we witnessed in the life of the terrorists who spoil the security of societies. There are other characteristics which depending on the targeted society based on changes on all over the world. Research Ten : Reasons of terrorism: Requirement one: The general reasons for the terrorism phenomena in the world

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Geographical reasons: The wide area of the country borders makes it difficult for the armed forces and security systems in any country that have weakness, factions usually make it difficult to secure that and impose control on the borders. This encouraged terrorists to penetrate through borders to inside the country to achieve objectives and perform their operations. Some countries or places have certain terrains that are suitable as shelters for them facilitating terrorism operations. Undeveloped random areas forms a dangerous challenge to security and stability of the nation and citizen. In addition to the geographical reasons, hot areas are considered more suitable than cold areas for spread of political reasons. Similarly is the aggression on personnel and raising riot. For example, it has been found that there is increased number of terrorist and it is easy to attract many youth such as in south of Egypt. It is found that very cold weather prevent criminals and kill them if they fortify in mountains and their high tops. Media Reasons The criminals use the mass media as a means to reach their objectives. Terrorist organizations in the world conduct terrorist operations to attract the attention of the world public

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opinion to their cause which they defend in order to oblige the aired party to surrender to their demands. Some researchers that mass media programs that are shameful and hurt the honor and spread the sin and sarcastic of the values and principles leads to creation of environment suitable for terrorism to face these countries and the dangerous role of that mass media, and the deviated ideas and view that contracting to the Islamic principles. The resulted in negative reaction by the Muslim youth who are affected by the media attack. Some of them try to compromise and they go extremely in understanding Islam. Others have blocked minds and in both cases the reason is the misunderstand of the Religion and sharia. Some are affected by some bad imported scholarships or they blindly follow some misleaders who are trading in religion. Sometimes they is lack of religion which is not filled because mass media is involved in programs far away from the Muslim situation and different from the ambitions of the youth and their needs and does not discuss their problems and spread the correct religious awareness and as such it fees the feeling of extremism and terrorism. Economic Reasons

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The economic problems of the undeveloped countries are some of the dangerous reasons for terrorism in the world. The scientific and technical development of the world banking systems have facilitated the transfer of money between the terrorist networks. Also, individuals in the third world countries suffering of the economical




related poorness,





debts, prices,

communication, and health are factors that may lead the youth to be extremist and terrorist and provide the opportunity to the terrorism organization to utilize the economic conditions of the youth to achieve their objectives. Family Reasons: Family loose relations, and the lack of supervision of the parents on their children and the mistreatment of the parents or the negligence and the lack of dialogue between the children and their sharing in taking the decisions specially if they are directly related to their future such as education, work and marriage.

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Intellectual Reasons: The Islamic world suffers of the sharp intellectual division between different currents: Secular current that calls for secular life away from religious traditions and customs and social values so that the society will develop and reach the civilization. On the other side there is extremist current away from intermediate and fairness that rejects the current civilization and any thing associated with the civil development and they reject that under the pretext that this civilization cause corruption of morals, dismantling of family, frozen social relations and as such each side refuses the thoughts of the other party and look at him doubtfully without scrutinizing and evaluation to reach the right and basic principles. This caused some Muslim extremists to be under a state of attraction between both currents which led at the end to follow terrorism approach which is not approved by religion and contradict with the civilization path. Requirement Two: The apparent special causes of terrorism in the Islamic World: 1. Lack of religious education in some Islamic societies 2. Bad methods of education to provide religious culture.

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3. Ignorance of religion and requirements of the current age







contradicting to the texts without reference to the specialized individuals in the Sharia religion. 4. Developments on the Islamic world, and political, social and economical changes. 5. Lack of religion with youth and their involvement in religious contradicting and branch issues. 6. Lack of understanding to the order of doing good deeds and preventing bad things and the one who is authorized to do that. 7. Full obedience to the terrorist leaders in some Islamic societies and also to fulfill their material needs. 8. No positive participation in the social life. 9. No observation of the five necessities provided by Allah. It is hard to specify all reasons but they can be concluded. Although there are reasons of current terrorism, there is something more dangerous that reasons. This is the consequences of terrorist which adversely affect the Islamic society for long years suffering from them and the next generations. These results can be concluded in the following:

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1. The terrorism operations occurred in some Islamic countries by the hand of those who pretend that they are Muslims have contributed in giving dark image about Islam and Muslims and linking between terrorist and Islam. 2. The





discourage the traders and businessmen to



expand their

trading and commercial deals with countries suffering of terrorism. 3. The general climate of investment will be discouraging for attraction of capital from outside. 4. The terrorism interrupt the tourism activities which are considered as a source of the national income for many Islamic countries 5. The terrorism and the its consequences of non-stability of security and economy leads to setback of the economic activity. This creates another type of hidden economy which is trading of weapons and explosives. 6. The terrorism take dangerous dimensions that may harm the budget of the country in which terrorism occur in two aspects: 1. The state expenses will be increased on terrorism fighting.

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2. Increase the country's burden of payments to the killed persons and treatment of injured people, repair of what destruction and damage resulting from terrorism. There are routes and many causes of terrorism. Some are religious fed by doctrine or belief. There are purely psychological reasons aiming to attack attention to the doer, or discharge psychological charge or jealous against the party to which the crime occurs. There are social routes such as people, tribe, party, class or others which may lead by those who have been suppressed to rebel by making operations called holy operations while it is called terrorism. The most dangerous type of the terrorism is called the extremist religious belief where youth are recruited to commit suicide operations seeking by it to enter paradise and gain the acceptance by Allah while they are committing acts that Allah does not accept. Research Five: The reality of religion terrorism: These terrorists are blindly following orders given to them which indicates that the they have simple thinking. All terrorism attacks implemented on this land have been committed by persons carrying diverted believes and want to impose them on others by committing terrorism in the Muslim society which adopted Quran and prophet sunna and observe the public interest of the country, citizens,

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residences and dealing with the changes in the current age which can't be ignored in order to maintain the interest and build the future for the generation. Most of those who exploded themselves and destroyed others or those captured before they practice their terrorism who are young and diverted in their believes, have been attracted and deceived by criminals in spreading terrorism and killing of people and destruction of public and private properties. They washed the brains of the youth by holding meetings in their cells or by distribution of suspicious books and cassettes. The extreme thinking is one of the main reasons of terrorism and its routes in Islam, especially the extremist which does not accept the other opinions. This type of extremism claims that it owns the absolute reality in part and in whole and the fixed believes that all agree on. Therefore, this type of opinions tries to exclude the other party who disagree with them. Exclusion has many features the biggest of it is non-belief. Therefore, this diverted thinking tries to exclude or cancel the other party and omit him either by be attracting him or by killing him and try to reach him aim by any means even if it is terrorism and violence but he does not call that terrorism or extremism. He call it holy war (Jihad) and teach his followers of the ignorant youth that what they do of destruction of properties and killing of human beings is right and it is the path to paradise and it is the jihad ordered by Allah. Some of the

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features of terrorism is hijacking of airplanes, trains, buses. This type of terrorism may be performed by one person or group and the reason for it may be because the terrorist has fled requesting asylum in another country. Or he may be requesting ransom and money or he may be requesting freedom of prisoners or to attract attention, or to disturb the system and peace or etc. As airplanes are hijacked the human beings may be kidnapped to take ransom. A child may be kidnapped to get ransom, some politicians may be taken hostages to put governments in critical situation. Some of the features of terrorism operations is blasting of the housing complexes as what happened in Riyadh, or destruction of recreation centers as what happened in Moscow, Paly and Indonesia and destruction of metro channels as what happened in Japan and happened later in Moscow. Some of its types is called state terrorism where in the ruling is iron fist, closing mouths, confiscating the freedoms and an example of that is the mass graves recently discovered in Iraq. Israel also has practiced this type of terrorism on daily basis against Palestinians. It destroys houses, removes trees and damage farms, kills people, and prevents them from living an honorable life in order to accept its plans. Israel has been distinguished of its ability to hunt leaders, destroy their houses

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and homes by airplanes. It has won in kidnapping several politicians to put them in prison or kill them. Previously, it reached Tunisia and other adjacent and far countries to kill. This resulted







misunderstanding of sharia. Also, it helped to enable non-Muslims to attack Muslims and their wealth or they may penetrated among Muslims to separate and differentiate them, get their capabilities and weaken them to be easy to conquer. This happened in the last centuries as mentioned above. Therefore, it is clear that Islamic religion does not have any relation to extremism, violence and terrorism. Islam is the religion of forgiveness and it is against extremism and it calls for mediation and peace. Islam calls for self review to look for defects and return to the right path. This is an advantage and therefore, some Islamic groups need to review themselves to find that there is a mistake in the religious Sermon represented in lack of moral dimension. It is an aggression against Islam and Muslims to refer to them as terrorism because of their religion. There are many terrorist gangs, presently and in the past, practiced more violence and disrupted the life and they did not know Islam or had any relation to Muslim. Red flags in Italy, Red Army in Japan, Bask national movement, Ireland Republic Army, Tamil Tigers in Srilanka,

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Baderminhouv in Germany, Students for Democratic society and Black Tigers in America and other terrorism groups have practiced violence, terrorism and blackmailing without being associated with any region. This is right because all religions call for good and avoid bad with some variance. Islam is the leader of their religions as it is the final religion and is good for any place and time. Therefore, we should go back to the Quran and Sunna to subtract our needs of texts the educate human being to be in love and mercy and fairness and respect of human rights. If we include that in our religion Sermon we will see how the situation will change and peace will spread on the ground and Islam return to its superiority. Section Two (Islamic Society and Terrorism) Chapter One: Society and need for security: Security is an urgent necessity for Islamic society by which the good life for individuals is realized and the society will develop to be close to advanced countries. Therefore, Islam has given this aspect the utmost attention and annotated that in its provisions in the Quran and Sunnah. The meaning of Allah saying: "Those Believers who do not mix their belief of unfairness will have security and they are on the right path".

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Also "When he leaves he endeavors to corrupt on the earth and damage cultivation and life and Allah does not like corruption" Those who are only interested in killing and destroying are considered criminals because security is a main pillar in society on which the human life is based. It is the basis for innovation and creativity of human beings. It is an objective that all individuals and groups intend to achieve and governments and countries would like to realize. Society would like security when there are disasters, riots and disturbances. Islamic society is distinguished by its provisions to control security and its regulations which are taken from its pure doctrine and core of its Sharia. It is united and associated regardless of the various races, nationalities and levels. If we refer to the prophet sayings, we will find that they call for security. Therefore, when prophet entered Makkah he said his famous Sermon (The one who enters the house of Abu Sofian will be secured). He concluded his life by establishing them principle in Hijat Al-Wada in front of people (Don't go back after me unbelievers killing each other). Islam ordered and put penalties to the one who violates this principle. (Those who fight against Allah and his prophet and corrupt will be awarded of being killed, or crucified or their legs and hands are cut or dismissed from the land… ". This is because their practice is

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aggression on the rightness and fairness that should spread in the society. The penalties in Islam are established to punish those who





mosque, home, family,

university, juristic institutions shall maintain and keep security as it is and important basis for life and feeling of stability for all society members. Security is great gift and it is created by love, loyalty, respect of others rights, perform hospitality to nonMuslims in the Muslim society and give them all their legal and security rights. That is considered worshiping and compliance by Muslims to Allah teachings. Chapter Two: (Role of Society Institutions) Research One: (Mosque). Requirement One: The importance of mosque: Islam has a special and important look towards mosque is it is a wide field in which Allah is worshipped and obeyed. Therefore, it has been given unique advantages and distinctive characteristics is it is the source of the propagation to Allah. Islam gave the mosque the highest level and established its as a sacred place. Allah added it to Him when he said (mosques are for Allah and don’t call with him any one else).

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In the mosque Muslims purify themselves, the souls are united and the Muslims worship Allah. The mosque has a comprehensive, variant and multiple message that organizes different fields to spread the Islamic values and good ethics. It presents the value of the human being and maintain him and rectify his behavior. It provides the psychological and spiritual calmness which ease the burden of their lives and conquer their desires and establish the good relations between the people. It spreads security and stability in the society. Requirement Two: Mosque is the source of security and safety. The mosque has a special sacredness in which the verses of Quran are recited to clarify and purify souls and feed them by spiritual awareness and right path. As long as the Muslim goes repeatedly to the Mosque he increases his love to Allah and he question himself and prevent the aggressive and criminal motives. The individual strengthen his relation to the mosque and that affects the whole society when it gets in the mosque the meanings of virtue and the Islamic meanings which spread the calmness and put the Muslim to the right path and prevent him from the path of extremism and terrorism. The worshipping leads to be the source of mediation and balance in the prayers selves and it become a

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path for Allah spirit and the Quran method. It helps the society to bring his individuals to the right path and create a feeling of security. Therefore, the mosque has a vital role in establishing the pillars of security, establish the basis of stability in the society. The praying has direct effect on rectifying the behavior individual and it is an effective means to protect from deviation and crime. Requirement Three: The role of the mosque in the awareness of the security crimes The mosque is the safety valve for the Islamic society and without which the life in the society will not be go straightforward. The mosque also secure the society from deviated ideas and acts, so it fights the bad behaviors and social corruption. In this regard the Islamic sharia is distinctive by the basic principles of workshop and dealing and maintain the social life to achieve the security and fairness between people. It maintains the freedom of individuals and the collective public rights. This role of the mosque has not been away from other social institutions. It has been giving these institutions and establishments the light of the rightness. When we review some of the effects of the mosque on these establishments we find that it has positive effects on them by teaching people the rightness without extremism.

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Research Two: Friday Sermon and its effect on security of the society: Friday Sermon is the source of light for security, peace and rightness. It is role in the society is clear and established as it is the first support and great pillar to achieve social security. It deepens the unity and eliminate the differences. It feeds the society with social and mental orientation. Although these meanings have effective meanings in the Friday Sermon, its role is not effective if the one who performs it does not convey the meanings effectively of it and show its effective role in the life of the individual and society. On Friday, many prayers attend the Sermon of and they need some one to remind them and draw their attention and direct them to the right way, solve the society problems, contribute in rectifying the public life, return the individual to the religion and its principles, spread the soul of love and good relations among people. The person who conveys the Sermon and the Imam of the mosque is more effective and have more impression on the crowd than any other means that affect the society.

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The speaker uproots the wickedness from the criminal and make him afraid of Allah. He makes him like the rightness, accept the fairness, cooperate with people, rectify the souls, awake the emotions in the people and educate them to do the good things and cool down the selves. He takes the directions from the book of Allah and from sunna of prophet Mohammed PBUH. In order to be effective, the scientists took care of it and mentioned factors of its success and benefits: Requirement one: Factors of the Sermon success: (Understand the situation) the speaker will not succeed in his mission unless he attracts his listeners in a good effective method. He should be aware of the current situation and the fluctuation in the environment. He should rectify the wrong concepts in Islam and face the bad ideas be presenting the correct Islam and its advantages of forgiveness, comprehensiveness, balance, depth and positive ness. To achieve the object of the Sermon it should be linked to the events of the society and the human beings situation. It should concentrate on treatment of society problems, provide solutions. It should fix the Islamic brotherhood and resist the racism and differences.

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(Urge to obey the ruler) The speakers should concentrate on the security of the society, its stability, spread of peace, and relieve it from differences and motives of sin and difference. They should urge the prayers to strengthen their faith and fear of Allah and his punishment. They should call them to observe Allah orders and good conduct, get the benefits of the current life and the judgment day. Islam will establish security in the society and taking care of the human being and the social life and prevent society from riot and violence and prevent the criminals from doing their acts. Obeying the ruler and respecting his personality is very important to avoid differences and riots. The wise people understand these meanings and know the consequences. They know that they have to yield to the provisions of Islam. It is a sign of unity when the people obey the rulers and gather around their leadership. This will be the way for their progress and development and that provide protection of the society against wickedness. The suspected criminals shall be reported and it is the responsibility of each Muslim to protect the country from wicked people and avoid the country of riot and disruption.

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(The Islamic Unity and Faith Brotherhood) The speakers in the Mosque shall establish the unity meanings in prayer selves, establish the warm relations between themselves. Islam accepted the brotherhood as the base of social unity and family tidiness should concentrate on the security of the society, its stability, spread of peace, and relieve it from differences and conflict. In case of conflict, a lot of dangers may occur resulting in horrible incidents and instability of the society. The key role of the Imam is to solve the problems between the people and remove the conflict between themselves and establish the good relations. Therefore, the main role is remind the people of their unity and they should be united as prophet Mohammed PBUH has instructed by saying "the believers in their mutual passion and mercy are like the one body when one organ complains the rest of the body will suffer of fever).

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(Mediation and Fairness): The call of Islam for mediation and fairness is one of the important things that should be explained to the people. He should explain to them that they should feel that Islam concentrates on fairness and balance. Some people especially youth may become extremists due to their ignorance of Islam and they call others as unbelievers or secular and this has bad effects on the society. (Care of Youth) The speaker has effective role in directing the people especially the youth to comply with the right path and follow the Allah instructions and strengthen the religious incentives and purify the self, show the privileges of being straight and the bad effects of the deviation. They should fear Allah and if a criminal escape from punishment in this life, he will not escape from the punishment of Allah in the day after. The five necessities of Islam should be explained. They are the protection of religion, self, mind, honor and money. Islam warned of spoiling and assaulting on these necessities. Islam has put penalties for violation of these necessities in order to prevent aggression on them. These punishments have been approved to overcome the terrorist gangs which threaten the peaceful people and spread fear among them.

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The speaker bears a major responsibility in instructing people especially the youth of the security controls that stipulated by the Islamic jurisdiction to protect the society from the crime, protect from deviation, fight of terrorism acts and bad conducts which seek violation of the public system and breaching of the security and killing and robbery of properties and money, stirring of conflict and differentiation between Muslim groups. Any violation of the Islamic jurisdiction is considered aggression, violation of these rules. (Relation with Non-Muslims) The speaker shall explain from the Mosque to the people the superior Islamic values, the fair situations, the Islam view to nonMuslims in the Islamic society. The existence of non-Muslim groups living among Muslims is an evidence of forgiveness of Islam and avoiding

differentiation and discrimination. Islam

spreads love, security, calmness and coherence between all people. Some of the Islamic society advantages, is the coherence and living between all community individuals. This principle was the first one that Prophet Mohammed was interested to establish in the first Islamic state in Madinah to establish combined security system with all groups of the society. He considered that the provision of security is one of the most important requirements.

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The society included other groups in addition to Muslims. Islam put provisions and rules that regulate the relation of Muslims with other non-Muslim societies throughout the generation and during all times. Islam approved the secured social living with peaceful residents in the Islamic State and permitted to eat their food and slaughtered animals. It approved marriage with them and prophet Mohamed PBUH recommended to keep the rights of other believers, maintain their blood and money and not to assault against them. Abdullah Ibn Amru Ibn Alass said that the prophet Mohammed PBUH said (if someone kills the covenant person he will not find the smell of paradise). This indicates the soul of Islam and its justice. This soul is for the whole human being to spread mercy and security and strengthen the human relations. Islam strengthen the relations between all elements of society and respects the covenant and agreements and does not accept betraying. Requirement Two: Tracking the Sermons of the Two Holy Mosques see clearly the attitude of the speakers in understanding the current situation,

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follow up the first event including fighting violence, terrorism and bad acts. The terrorism events that happened in our country are considered crimes. We are happy that Makkah mosque Sermon is broadcasted directly by satellites via Saudi TV (channel one) and Madinah mosque Sermon is broadcasted via channel two. Also Saudi broadcasting stations of the general program in Riyadh and second program in Jeddah participate in this broadcasting and that give the sermon more importance and attention in the Islamic world.

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Research Three : Scientists and Propagators. Allah has honored this Ummah by the scientists and propogators whose core of work is to call people and guide them to the right path and to justice and good deeds by being easy, wise, and have full knowledge of Quran and sunnah. In implementing wisdom to convince others there was a gradual method in dealing with others. In Quran there are principles that should be considered and observed by scientists








propagation starting from wisdom which is very important and should not be neglected while dealing with others. Therefore, extremism is not right and if it is not solved it may lead to negative impact on propagation for Islam. In this case the scientists shall exert all efforts to subscribe the right effective medicine for this disease. They are entrusted to be inherent of prophets. They should teach those who are involved in such acts and discuss their ideas and their psychological status. Scientists are assigned to bear responsibilities to order bring happiness for the nation in its presence and future. All are united to overcome terrorism and eliminate this phenomena.

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Scientists are required to perform their duty to stand against this phenomenon and protect the society from corruption by those deviators who want to destroy the society and break its unity and security. One of their first objectives is to fight the terrorism conduct and protect the interests of individuals and society. This is objective is that for all other previous religions. There the fives necessities that should be protected: maintain religion, self, mind, birth and money. Scientists shall explain their five matters and stand in front of the one who tries to violate any of them. The terrorism conduct shall be overcome by discovering the reasons for this misconduct. The persons









personalities shall be verified to know their ideas and review their forums in the modern means of communications and know their leaders and how they think. Scientists shall explain the religion and the danger of these extremists. They should activate the national loyalty of the country









fundamentals which identify their behavior. For example the

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youth shall be encouraged love Makkah, Madinah and Palestine and try to defend them. The bad conduct of terrorism has bad effects on our religion as in the view of non-Muslims it will be considered as it is religion of terrorism. This what is now spread in the mass media by the offenders of Islam. Therefore, we should overcome such behaviors of terrorism and shall show patience and good ethics.

Research Four : (Terrorism & Legal Jurisdiction). Jurisdiction is one of the main mandatory after belief in Allah. It is ordered by Allah and He sent his prophets PBUH to execute that and then their follower took that role. Terrorism in its wide recent concept means the acts related to aggression made by criminals and aggressors to frighten secured people and kill them, cause instability to society security either by act, saying or procedure and this what is called by the Sharia scientists (corruption on the earth). This term is used now a days for such acts and it is considered a crime and the one who commit it shall be punished as per legal jurisdiction.

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The Jurisdiction View to Terrorism: First: The Sharia texts stipulated that corruption in the earth is forbidden as mentioned in Al-Hadeeth Al-Qudsi. Also, in the verses of Quran he says (Don't corrupt on the earth after rectifying it). Also, old Muslim scholars such as Ibn Katheer and AlQurtibi explained that Allah called for no corruption. Second: Terrorism acts takes the shape of violence and fear for those living in the society. Therefore, the terrorist does not care to terrify peaceful people or fighters as he does not differentiate between women, children and old people. Therefore, he attacks residential compounds where women and children live as well as hospitals and education institutions. All society resources are subject to terrorism attacks and that is considered by the jurisdiction as aggression on the country's capabilities. Third: The terrorism acts deformed the picture of the Islamic society and harmed the nation because the Islam is accused of terrorism. The reason that some extremists who pretend Islam conducted bad behavior considering that as part of Islam. No doubt that the

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terrorism acts made some people who hate Islam to accuse it of terrorism, and they were keen to make people hate to become Muslims. Jurisdiction Procedures to investigate terrorists and their crimes. 1. Obtain assistance from the experts to give their opinion in matters related to investigation. 2. The investigator should go to the place of the crime immediately when it is reported to make inspection before evidences are removed. 3. Search the houses where the terrorist lives and also search his body. 4. Listen to the sayings of the witnesses unless the investigator deems that there is no need for listening to them. 5. Question the accused person, confirm his personality, inform him of the matter accused of and face him with other accused persons or witnesses. 6. Retain the accused person after investigation if it is found that there are enough evidences to charge him, or for the sake of investigation he shall be uphold. 7. If the evidences are enough against the accused person they will be presented to the court where he shall

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attend after investigation. After proving the crime and following rules shall apply: First: The juristic principle which show the crime, and identify the penalty. Second: The Crime purpose: to qualify for imposing penalty. Third: execute or start its stages. The person who is accused will be subject to penalty to preserve the society and its interests. The preventive and remedial precautions for terrorism incidents: 1. Spread the awareness and knowledge among people so that the citizens will coordinate to have the perfect method and strongest way to support. 2. Take care of the rehabilitation aspects of the person committed the crime because cutting the reasons of crime will prevent their occurrence. 3. Direct the penalties through the best way that defend the crimes and eliminate them. 4. Impose proper penalties for crimes even if they are small and not related to terrorism incidents, because crimes and violations may lead to others.

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5. Enforce penalties on the crime incidents if they are combined by terrorism. 6. Find penalties that the support the basic penalties as required such as announcement. 7. Impose precisely and accurately the juristic penalties for the crimes because Allah has decided that to rectify the affairs of the people. 8. Develop the juristic and security organizations which track the crime before occurrence. It proposes the juristic recommendations and proper social and scientific remedies. Juristic Penalties on the Terrorism Incidents Juristic penalties can be divided based on the terrorism incidents to several divisions based on the crime. These penalties may be stipulated by Allah or estimated by the judge depending on the crime. Such penalties include: 1. Penalty for planning 2. Penalty for urging 3. Penalty for assistance 4. Penalty for starting the crime and not preventing it. 5. Penalty for execution. 6. Penalty for knowing and not reporting (covering).

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For each act of crime there shall be penalty. The above order does not mean the order of penalties. A planner may deserve more penalty that executor. The penalty shall be approved by Sharia and shall be limited to the criminal and not to any who has not contributed in that crime.

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Research Five: (Family) Requirement One: Islam Care of Family Islam gives more attention to the family and consider it as the first cell of the society. Islam clarified all details, small or big, related to the family. Family is the human umbrella necessary to build the self and practice the calm happy life. Building this complementary family of the man and woman is made by marriage to fulfill the inherited desires and meet the emotional and body requirements. This will achieve a moderate and fair method that fulfill the desires and does not spread sexual freedom. Practicing the calm happy life is through the family which compose a small gathering the make coordination and build a family that overcomes the living problems. In this life they spread love, calmness, peace and satisfaction. The Muslim family is the first forte where the child grows in Islamic education. The most important objective of the family is to form the family and apply the Islamic rules. This means to build the Islamic house which build itself on slavery to Allah. Therefore, the child will be educated to achieve that objective by acquiring the Islamic habits of his parents under he

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becomes mature and aware of life. If both the wife and the husband live together in a mutual respecting and merciful life, then their children will live in a calm family environment away from anxiety and psychological sickness which weaken his personality or create in him the violence and terrorism. Parents are responsible for education of their sons and protect them from loss and hellfire that wait every one who does not believe in Allah. Although the family relations are correlated, we would like to highlight the relation of parents with their sons. This relation has been arranged in the Quran verses. Requirement Two: the Family Function: Family is the basis for building






intellectual, doctrine, body, emotional, and



social aspects.

Therefore, we found that Islam was careful to make this structure to ensure that the new borne are free from inherited diseases which lead to delivery of disabled new borne. After birth, the family has the role of building the spiritual and doctrine structure of the human being after birth. Islam has stated the provisions for family and indicated the secrets behind these provisions in many verses of Quran and

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Hadith, such as inheritance, marriage, divorce, and stated the good relation between the family members. There are limits that should be considered in order for the family to live happy life and educate its members to learn the Islamic teachings. This cell will be good to accommodate good men and women. By this the human beings know each others and coordinate and have free movement and travel, trading and other interests between human beings. By ensuring to have good individuals in the family, the whole family to trend to good deeds and the reasons for violence and other crimes in the society will eliminate. However, there are other reasons for terrorism, violence and extremism in various societies although the family structure remained the same. The family contributed in that by exposing its members to some strange ideas not available before. Satellites and internet penetrated in the privacy of the Muslim family. Despite our understanding of their importance and benefits, we know that they have can be harmful if they are misused because in this case they will lead to bad results. If they are best utilized they will have great benefits. Therefore, the parents play a major role to follow up the sons activities and prevent them from following the deviated paths which spread corruption. The Muslim family is targeted for corruption and spoiling of their youth to be extremists and terrorists being away from the family control which is supposed to

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be fully aware of the movements of the sons and daughters and their social relations and the parties they contact and get ideas form. Parents shall watch them so that they will not be surprised by the change in the habits of their sons by contacting suspected parties. Disasters may occur in many cases, therefore, the family should be aware of its role and should work according to the Islamic Education principles and bear the responsibility towards each of its members. Requirement Three: It role in preventing deviation and crime: There are seven basic functions performed by the family summarized as follows: • Produce economic and material and basic materials. • Provide the individual his social position. • Educate the children • Develop the religion belief among kids. • Protection • Renew the activity • Love

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Although it is possible to protect the child by other social institutions, the protection of the family is more effective since the family combines between the personnel favorite response and the social strong care in the Arab and Islamic societies. The family function extends to spirit of the human being by teaching and directing it to the correct direction which matches the nature of human being. By that combination the individual will be on the right path and psychologically and socially secured. In addition, the family's function in Islam is that it is the spring that feeds the child with the correct doctrine and moderate thoughts from the Quran and Hadith. The individual acquire his correct behavior and think techniques by the social interaction and dealing with others. Parents are the first persons he deals with, and they socialize the child because he obeys them and that strengthens the relationship between the child and his parents. It is clear there is a role of the family in developing the criminal behaviors of the child since it bears the first responsibility for his appearance of any criminal conducts. The family also is responsible for forming the correct behavior since the children imitate their parents. Also, the problems and contradiction inside the family may develop this attitude. The family is the first social institution prepare and develop the child

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as per the society requirements. The family is the first bricks in the society after the individual and as such it bears a big responsibility because if the family is good the society will be good. The family is the only social basis which is organic rather than functional. Therefore, it gives it the opportunity to loosen the psychological and material stresses on the individuals. Accordingly, the family is responsible for direction of the children to the doctrine, intellectual and cultural principles. We have mentioned Hadith that the new baby is born on Islam and his parents make him a Jew, Christian or majosi either by his father or mother. The family has a great role in the social security as it is the first defense line against bad things. However, it cannot play this role unless its strong in its structure and its internal and external relations. One of the important aspects that family should take care of is the social planning for children and their activities and practices especially during summer holidays in order to utilize their time. There is a close relation between the misuse of the free time available for the children with their friends and tribe individuals and the bad conduct and deviation. Therefore, the free time should be best utilized by sport, cultural and social activities.

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The family by its attention to have correct social education and best utilization of free time with other various social institutions will have valuable contribution in making up the good person in the society who will provide security to the society now and in future.

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Research Six : (School) Requirement One: The Security Role of the School The student, curriculum, teacher and school environment are basic fundamentals to plant moderate and fairness or charge the violence and extremism. We cannot discuss the role of the school in fighting the extremist thoughts apart from the development and discovering of our mistakes in teaching and its outputs. Teaching in Islamic society is based on teaching the student to memorize the information until he passes the exam. He only stores this information without understanding it. Therefore, they will be easy to be attracted by other thoughts which the will be more stringent to implement without thinking or discussion. They will be easy tools for practical and mental implementation. Activation of the school's role to fight deviated behavior should be based on teaching the students by dialogue that is based on thinking and innovation and will make the student thinks about the matters and see the reality from several corners. In this case he will be preserved from attraction by deviated thoughts which call for violence and terrorism. The school represented by its teachers and staff shall identify the targeted parties in the big society which will be subject to the bad ideas and shall direct them

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and establish special programs for them. The inability to accommodate the student's needs may lead them to practice the crime behaviors outside the school and they will be easy hunt for terrorism groups to implement their thoughts. Therefore, the teacher represents the core to get the information to the student and if the teach does not have strong command of the material he presents to the student he will not be able to give him the information in a correct way and accordingly the education process will fail. Teachers are the alternatives for parents outside the family. Some teachers assist the students to overcome some defects and problems that affect his understanding, while others may negatively affect the students. They should be an example to their students by learning from them the best dealing and behavior. Requirement Two: The School role in fighting terrorism, violence and extremism. The school bear the main role in decreasing the criminal attitude of the society individuals. Security is closely linked with education and teaching. When the noble ethical values are planted in the society individuals the security will spread and the feeling of stability is spread. Education is one of the important parties the

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plays a vital and important role to preserve structure of society and its stability. Education transfer the social values and standards from one generation to another. Education unites the society and strengthens the national loyalty and unity among his individuals. Therefore, the school has a security role to fight violence, terrorism and extremism despite the claims of failure of education curriculums to teach the children the positive social values and standards. There have been positive elements of the curriculums on the stability of the social and cultural system in society and they assisted directly on keeping the security in the past which is not all bad. Present is not necessarily the best.

Requirement Three: Islamic Education Curriculums It is the best evidence of the success of the teaching curriculums in fighting violence and extremism. It has an active role in serving the security for students. Islamic education materials have been taught all through the academic stages from preliminary to high classes in all Arab and Islamic countered. These materials strengthen and establish the Islamic doctrine in the students in the primary classes. This is reflected on the student and make him

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good citizen maintain the security of his nation. Reviewing the primary stages of Islamic education we find that it concentrates on the Quran verses and Hadith that teach the student the good values and warn him from committing violation, and corruption in the earth and make him discuss important issues of security such as the effects of conflict between Muslims. The moderate Islamic education teaches the security culture to the students and take them away from suspected matters. It discusses some important subjects to them in view of the book and sunnah during the advanced stages of their age. Those who develop the curriculums consider to eliminate riot, and extremism and encourage moderation. Therefore, it is clarified that weapon even by indication shall not be used to frighten Muslims. Bearing weapons by Muslims to fight each other is forbidden. There are some security subjects related to society security and protection form crime which are contained in the Islamic education, including penalties, prevention of bloodshed, ordering obey of the ruler, suicide forbidden, dealing with non-Muslims, controls of calling non-believer. The Islamic Fiqeh contains many subjects and writings in the past and now regarding identification of crime, division, and harmful effects on the society and the penalty for the one who commits violation on order to prevent him from

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committing that crime. However, in some Islamic schools the religion education is not strong and it is a minor subject by in Saudi Arabia it plays a major role in security education to preserve the society from crime and deviation. This is in addition to other subjects that plays a major role in this issue. However, the teacher remains the most important factor of success of the education process to achieve good results based on the education policy of the Kingdom which confirms that education of the faithful citizen is the basic objective of this policy in order to be a good brick in building his nation and country and defend them as required. Therefore, the school in the Saudi society plays a vital role to spread security feeling among the student. Nationalism has recently become an important matter that should be considered by the socialists, psychologists and politicians in order to create a feeling of loyalty to the official authority. The important role of the school is to confirm the national education where security is realized when all feel of the responsibility towards the nation. Nationalism is not a material of teaching but rather it is a behavior through which interaction is made by all study materials. Teacher, school and it staff shall set an example in front of the students to confirm the nationality loyalty concept so that it becomes a behavior and a practice and not only theoretical material taught apart from the reality. The modern societies opt

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that the school as a teaching institution shall have social function goes along with the social developments in life. School is called small society where students are trained on the local work and on bearing the responsibility as they accept the meanings of discipline, and rightness and duty. Some calls the school as an organization institute that serve the society and study the environment,






participation in funding its projects because it is the only institution linked to all individuals. The school function is a social institution has developed to participate in big society works after it was isolated. It allowed the fathers and mothers to enter the school to discuss the interests of their sons and school. The expansion of the school calls to understand the importance of this entity. Home performs his role and duties and send his children to the school where the education system teaches those children the good things through syllabus in order to be good citizens in their future days. It is the factory of youth, male and female, who will lead the society one day. The danger is to misuse these minds by giving the students ideas presented as they are the right ideas although they are subject to rejection. We have a problem of deviation from the teaching process by some teachers because the relation between the student and his teacher is not limited in the classroom, but it goes to other activities whereat strange ideas

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may be planted resulting in violence and extremism. The student may deviate and tries to impose on his classmates the ideas he received from his teacher. He does not have the tools for verification because he is not aware of the subjects of difference which shall be referred to the Quran and Sunnah. Regretfully, this group may bear the seeds of violence, extremism and terrorism. When he leaves the school he faces the society with all its cultural, educational and religious concepts. He considers himself right and he rejects all religious teachings which call for forgiveness and avoidance of extremism. He will find himself isolated and have to work in darkness to implement his ideas. The catastrophe occurs when these terrorisms damage the properties by explosive, considering that part of religion. The school endeavors to control the student's relation with the small society in accordance with regulations and systems that ensure the entitlements and duties. This is a practical training on practicing control in the big society between the individual and those around him in work, home and in the state institutions. The students are given the opportunity to be trained on using their minds and ideas to abstract the solutions to their problems apart from violence or terrorism. Other institutions have major effect to eliminate







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interference from the superiors. However, there will be a big danger if they adopt the ideas of other and reject the other party and try to isolate him, because this is against unity and forgiveness and fulfillment of commitments. This attitude may be the first seed that increases the spirit of aggression, violence, extremism and terrorism. Research Seven: Security Institutions: Security is the basis for each organization because it is the backbone for the human life and basis of civilization and development in all fields of knowledge, art, culture, commerce and tourism and omrah performance. The security agencies are assigned to maintain security for these accomplishments. Tracking the development of the Ministry of Interior in the world we find that it includes various dvisions taking care of security in addition to colleges, acadamies and technical training activities aims to upgrade the level of security men. Security activities are known for all and they are to protect the system, public security, protect lives, honors, and funds. Security men shall ensure the calmness and stability. The control conducted by security forces is primarily related to those who are isolated from society and who cannot be controlled

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unless a policeman is put on each street corner to watch . The society needs conditions to decrease the violence and disturbance. These conditions shall be provided within the frame of traditions and social customs and systems that serve the society and maintain it. Security forces in the advanced societies are responsible for the society and serve it. To perform their responsibilities, security forces shall assume four missions: 1. control of crime. 2. prevent crime 3. organize behavior 4. prepare for service. The bright history of security work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia makes us understand the important and dangerous role assumed by these forces which have different skill and training. However, the last terrorist attacks implemented inside the Kingdom forced us to think about a mysterious sickness we did not expect to be among us. The security forces have controlled the situation and after chasing the terrorists who implemented their bad deeds, they started to discover planned operations before implementation and this is hoped by all citizens and residents. I am sure that our security leaderships are able to dissolve the terrorism cells and uproot them. Those who are alive will go back

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to his nation after he finds right path and the wrong path. All efforts, civil and security, shall be correlated to bridge the gap and unit and foster the defense to face terrorism and curtail it to the minimum. The duty of society towards the security forces: security is necessary for life and one factor of continuity. Security cannot be achieved without its men whatever the names and functions of keeping security. Under security honor and properties are preserved, and life continue by protecting the individuals. Weakness of security is the first spark for internal fighting especially that disturbance is much easier than control it. In case of lack of security, killing, assassination and explosions and other terrorism acts may occur. The efforts of security forces are very clear and shall be appreciated since they controlled big quantities of weapons and explosions by being used such as C4, TNT, grenades, biological materials, RBG which were presented by the mass media. One TNT is enough to destroy a building area of 100 meters, PBX is enough to destroy a building of 10 floors. Security forces have been able to control such operation before occurrence. They should be supported against these terrorists, because their work as part of the Jihad and I ask our people to understand their searching and the long lines on check points for the interest of the

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society. They are standing under climate changes for long time and bear the insults of some people in order to protect us especially during these critical times. Killing of the security men during inspection and attacks of terrorist places is a bad thing and should be strongly condemned. The scenes of their dead bodies of security forces shall be remembered and consider them as martyrs since the protect the holiest places. They should be patient and track the criminals and overcome them. Their efforts are appreciated and their activities are permitted. Investigation includes follow up and retain to find the truth. Spying is forbidden if it is uncover Awrah and violation of preserved things for sake of desire and that is not part of security men activities. Security men are part of the society and congratulations for parents, wives and children of the security forces for their being in this important organization. He performs the great job by keeping the security of the holy places from the criminals and their work is part of Jihad and they should support them. It is good for the security man to see his father, brother or family member appreciates and support him to face the problems. The wife shall consider the situation of her husband to decrease its demand since

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his time is not for him but for all especially in this critical situation. Research Eight: Local and International Meetings and Forums It is good to see the decision makers respond and support the meetings for fighting terrorism. These meetings show the correct view and stand of Islam towards terrorism and violence and that it rejects all types of aggression on others or frightening them by any means especially those who are living in the Kingdom of the other







international conferences about terrorism in 1423 and 1425 and both conferences had good coverage by mass media from all over the world. The conveyed the real attitude of Islam in fighting terrorism. This is in addition to local meetings arranged by various social institutions. Conference I: (International Conference for fighting terrorism): This conference was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and held at King Abdulaziz Center for Conferences in Riyadh under the custody of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Al-Saud and direct follow up from His Royal

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Highness the Minister of Foreign Affairs. This conference included seventy five countries, organizations and Arab and International union represented by experts to discuss and exchange information and technical methods for fighting terrorism are a response to the one who harm the reputation of Islam which is the religion of forgiveness, moderation and fairness. Conference Objectives: • Explain the reasons for appearance of this phenomena • Watch





developments of this phenomena. • Know






terrorism organizations and their structure, method of process and fight the organizations which call for violence in extremism. • Study the relation of terrorism and money wash. Conference Topic: • routes of terrorism • relation between terrorism and drugs • culture and terrorism thoughts.

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• Relation





weapons and money wash. Recommendation of the Conference One of the most important is: • agreement to establish international center for fighting terrorism. • Consider the united nations as the main place for uniting the international cooperation in fighting terrorism. • There should be agreement on comprehensive agreement of (terrorism) • Urge countries to take all necessary precautions to






destruction weapons. • Call to reinforce international and regional bilateral coordination to identify and remove the financial line for terrorism. • Support national reformation efforts to face the conditions extremism.






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• Call all countries to adopt national active comprehensive and united strategy against terrorism. • Encourage regional

establishment centers



national in



terrorism. Conference II: (Islam Attitude towards terrorism): This conference was organized by Imam Mohamed Ibn Saud university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A group of opinion leaders from several Arab, Islamic, European and American countries. Studies and discussions made in the conference have been distributed in five languages being Arabic, English, French, and Spanish and Persian languages. These can be reviewed at the website prepared for this purpose Conference Objectives: • Find the routes of terrorism, violence and extremism and that it is the result of deviation from the Islam teachings.

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• Clarify the mediation of Islam and its fairness and its call for dialogue and conversation in a good method. • Clarify the legal opinion based on evidences regarding the last incidents. • Contribute scientifically






Kingdom and


outside rumors and lies about its attitude. • Submit scientific, educational, psychological, and social suggesions to the concerned agencies to contribute in providing the required remedy. • Clarify the stand of Imam Mohamed Ibn Saud Islamic University about deviation and then repel accusations of the Kingdom. • Participate with other sectors in the protection and secure of the internal front. Axis One : The Nature of Terrorism, Violence and Extermism • concept and differences of opinions • roots • concepts and shapes

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Axis Two: Terrorism, Violence and Extremism evaluated by Jurisdiction • Quran and Sunnah • Stands of Sahabah and Tabi'een • Scientists stand presently and in the past. Axis Three: Terrorism, Violence and Extremism (History, reasons and results) • History • Reasons




social, psychological, educational .. etc). • Results : (intellectual, economical, political, social, psychological, educational .. etc). Axis Four: Dealing with Terrorism, Violence and Extremism • The function of the scientists and propogators • Function of family • Function of school • Function of the social institutions • Media organizations functions • Security organizations functions

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Axis Five: Moderation, Forgiveness of Islam and its call for dialogue • Islam mediation • Islam forgiveness • Call for dialogue Axis Six: The Kingdom's stand towards terrorism, violence, extremism in present and the past. • Basis on which the Kingdom fights terrorism, violence and extremism in the past (internally and externally) • The Kingdom's efforts in fighting terrorism, violence and extremism in the present. Recommendations of the Conference: • Confirm






represented in aggression either by individuals, groups, or countries. Terrorism is a crime not accepted by heaven religions and local rules. It is international phenomena not related to religion, culture or race.

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• The importance of international agreement to identify the accurate concept of terrorism to refer to in case of dispute and contradiction so that the term will not be subject to pretexts and ambiguity. • Importance






educational institutions in conducting meetings and seminars periodically to discuss this current phenomena in which local and international societies are interested. • Emphasize






aggression and terrorism as it is not part of the religion and causes destruction of the nations, and











of the

scientist to explain to the Muslims and others the Islamic sharia and consider the rights of all human beings. • Write books and researches specialized in terrorism, extremism and violence and translate them to international languages.

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• Emphasize treatment of extremism reasons and roots by spreading education and realize justice and remove injustice from the societies and respect the human rights and peoples privacy. • Be interested to fortify and protect the youth and protect them from following violence and extremism through ways such as: a. Dialogue and convincing b. Utilize the free times of the youth in some thing beneficent to them that develop their skills. c. Confirm the concepts of forgiveness and avoid





curriculums and mass media and education means. d. The





terrorism that is rejected by the Islamic sharia and all other heaven religions and local rules and the legal resistance to liberate from foreign occupation. • Emphasize the reformations called by Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab as it is the

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Islamic propagation based on Islam principles away from extremism and terrorism. • Establish a center for Current Islamic Studies and dialogue between cultures aiming to study the factors that affect the relationship between civilizations and what hurdle the relation between them such as negative impacts of terrorism, extremist and violence. • Emphasize and foster the communication and mutual visits between scientist and intellectuals from the Kingdom and other western scientists to contribute in fostering the dialogue and remove misunderstanding about many issues. • Confirm the importance of the scientists efforts exerted to increase intellectual contacts with youth through extensive meetings and dialogues about terrorism and violence. • Emphasize the importance of the mass media, audio and video, in respecting the values, ethics and public conduct.

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• Publish





discussion in a scientific record and translate that to other languages.

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Research Nine : (The Electronic Terrorism) Terrorists found a wide space to spread their false ideas and call for their bad principles in the internet where they freely launch their activities under false names through their sites and their audible or video forums and even the chatting rooms called pal talk that becomes one of their targets to feed the terrorism ideas and attract many youth and supporters and get from them financial and moral support by various possible means under names of ( and ( Such sites have taught the methods and means to perform terrorism operations by establishing sites to teach how to manufacture explosives and ways of assassination and burning of critical establishments and the best ways to kidnap and clean the small arms and the first aids and how to attack policemen and also spread all methods to destroy and access sites and e-mails and how to enter barred sites and how to spread viruses. Internet is a secured place for meeting: Although the meetings of terrorists and criminals in a certain place to learn terrorism and crime methods are difficult be held on nature, the internet has facilitated that because several persons can meet at a certain time and exchange the talk and listen to each other on the internet.

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The may get supporters by spreading their ideas and principles via internet sites, and dialogue forums and the chatting rooms. Although it is difficult to establish TV and broadcasting station as mass media, it is easy to create internet site, utilize the dialogue forums to serve the terrorist objectives. There are thousands of sites for terrorism organizations to ensure wide spread so if some sites destroyed others can be reached. Terrorists found these digital means and information revolution to be their best means in the electronic terrorism. The Kingdom's efforts in fighting terrorism. The Kingdom is distinguished by depending on Quran and Sunnah as a ruling in all life affairs. Therefore, dealing with the information technology as other fields of life are subject to Sharia. In view these provisions the respective agencies set forth bylaws stipulating the rights and duties of all parties. The government issued some bylaws and regulations and instructions to face the electronic assault and terrorism. These regulations stipulated penalties for violation of these rules such as the resolution of the minister's cabinet No. 163 on 1417H which provided rules and controls to use the internet and subscribe in it, including:

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1. Prohibit access or try to access to any computer systems connected to internet without permission from the owner or those who have the ownership rights for such systems, information and resources. 2. Prevent sending or receiving coded information without permission from the service provider. 3. prevent access to other accounts and try to use them without permission. 4. prevent others from participation in using others accounts and inform them of the pass word of the user. 5. comply to respect internal regulations for local and international networks upon access to. 6. prevent from exposing the intranet to danger by opening security gaps in it. 7. abandon extensive use of the network to get busy so that others may not make use of it. 8. comply with the instruction issued from the internet service unit at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology with controls and policies to utilize the network. 9. The






formation Ministry

of of




membership of Ministries of: Defense, Finance, Culture

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and Information, Telecom and IT, Commerce, Islamic Affairs,





Intelligence Headquarters, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology to discuss fields of control and utilization of internet and coordinate with other parties especially: a. Security






outgoing information through the external line of the internet which contradicts to our religion and regulations. b. Coordinate with the parties utilizing the service in relation to management and security of the national network. This resolution shows the Kingdom's initiative to organize and control the electronic transactions. The Kingdom started to conduct training sessions being the first about the subject of fighting the computer crimes by participation of international experts. Computer crimes are estimated to cost USD 600 million in the middle east. 25% of these crimes happened to individuals and organizations in Saudi Arabia during 2000 only. There is a Saudi government

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accomplish the e-commerce project. It is also required to put regulations and details, and evaluation of the infrastructure and all elements related to electronic transactions. These preparations are to prevent spread of this type of local crime after opening of the ecommerce especially that the world is suffering of such crimes and now there are a lot of such crimes and means of fighting them in addition to provisions and regulations to prevent their occurrence. The procedures in the Kingdom aim to develop knowledge and skills to participate in fighting crimes committed via computer or computer networks and identify their types and security indications and apply the technical procedures for security of software's and networks and admin procedures to use information. This type of crimes is committed by different categories but the most dangerous of that is the organized crimes which are committed by the computer for stealing banks and commercial firms including the theft of credit card numbers and the pin numbers and spread them on the internet. This category uses the computer

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to manage its illegal activities such as drugs and money wash. Although the categories are different but their means are similar in many aspects. Therefore, the security organizations need a lot of work to develop their abilities to deal with computer crimes so that the investigator will be able to deal with the electronic tools of hardware and software. The electronic terrorism became a horrible thing in the world which is subject to terrorism attacks through internet. Terrorists attack from anywhere in the world. These risks increase by days because technology only is not able to protect people from the electronic terrorism operations which caused significant damages to people, organizations and countries. These efforts are not enough to face this dangerous weapon. E-terrorism becomes a danger for all world and its danger is due to its easy use and severe effects. It can be used from home, office, coffee shop and hotel room. Factors to reserve the society from the e-terrorism: Dr. Abdurrahman concluded factors to protect society from the eterrorism:

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First: the transactions related to IT as other fields of life shall be subject to jurisdiction laws of the Quran and sunnah. In view of such laws, the respective agencies shall put the specific regulations for laws and obligations of other parties. The juristic and security institutions shall implement such laws and regulations and resolve the disputes. Second: one of the most means used in e-terrorism is using the email to make contacts and exchange information. There are many terrorism operations occurred recently, the e-mail was one of the means for exchange of information between those who performed these operations. Three: penetration of the e-commerce is assault on the privacy of others and their information. Allah forbid spying and the Sharia kept the human personal right and considered aggression on other rights as Haram. Legally it is forbidden to attach internet site and that is considered damage and shall be subject to penalty. Fourth: Terrorists design and construct internet sites to spread their ideas and call for their principles and teach the methods to assist them implement their terrorist act. Sites are created to teach explosions manufacturing and how to penetrate sites and e-mail and how to enter barred sites and spread viruses.

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Fifth: Bar the bad sites which calls for corruption including those call for terrorism and aggression on others. Six: Although it is important to apply the provisions and rules to control the e-transactions which become a means of eterrorism, the efforts are still in the initial stages. The resolutions and bylaws do not cover all new matters in IT activities. There is no security sections and specialized courts and information products for many society categories. Seven: Security organizations need a lot of work to develop their capabilities to deal with computer crimes and protect from them. Procedures shall be developed to discover crime and provide the evidence for the jurisdiction parties. Also, awareness shall be spread about the computer crimes and the penalties for that. New security organizations shall be created to investigate computer crimes and coordinate with other countries for protection against these crimes. Eight: the Kingdom exert extensive efforts to fight e-terrorism and issued several regulations and bylaws, instructions and resolutions to face the electronic aggression and terrorism. In addition, training courses were conducted regarding the subject of computer crimes by participation of international specialists.

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At the worldwide level and to go along with the

tremendous development in IT, regulations are issued to control electronic transaction. These transactions included penalties for violators of e-transactions and fight the terrorism fighting. Research Ten: (Intellectual Security) The intellectual security for the society is one of the main terrorism fighting means. It is a major requirement for each nation and necessary for its stability. Islam has been interested to prevent aggression on the Muslim society doctrine and any attempt to change that or violate the intellectual security and divert the thought specially among the youth.

The intellectual security is disturbed when there is no

reference for Fatwa in matters related to the society and its relation with others including the relation with non-Muslims. The society needs to understand the balance, moderation and the spread of that among its members, young or old in this environment where the satellite audio and video broadcasting and the internet flood with all their advantages and disadvantages which provide various sources of receiving information, not limited in school, mosque, family and society organizations. This flood carried many bad things including the bad behavior and morals

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which made the moderate current lose many of its supporters to become more liberate or more extremists. Preventive methods to protect the intellectual security: 1. Show that Islam is moderate and balanced and establish loyalty of youth to this moderate religion and make them proud of that to stay on that method and do not support extremism and liberation. 2. Know diverted ideas and protect the youth against that by teaching the youth about these ideas and their mistakes before they get impacted of that diverted thoughts. 3. Give the full opportunity for dialogue inside the society and rectify any diversion by the evidence and convince otherwise bad ideas will spread and be adopted to disturb the society security. 4. Pay attention to schools, mosques, home to avoid isolation between fathers and their sons and the teachers and their student and between the mosque speakers and the audience. In the blast terrorist incidents we found that some who committed such acts have been isolated from their families for long time.

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5. Doa (ask Allah) This has significant effect in the intellectual security and it has been neglected by many people. Remedial Means to protect the intellectual security: 1. Ask the person who committed the mistake to return and find the right path for calm discussion without accusation of intentions because they may be right. 2. Avoid the un-useful methods that take a lot of effort and time which may be take a lot of effort and time but its results are limited. 3. Should control them and prevent them form violating the intellectual security of the society even if that leads to force them not to mix with others to avoid their wickedness. . 4. Avoid sitting with the bearers of deviated thoughts who want to sink the ship of society. 5. It is necessary to differentiate between the deviated thoughts which do not result in action and the violation of security of the society. Any one who commits a destructive acts shall be subject to penalty.

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Historical overview of the explosions in Saudi Arabia: A series of terrorism operations occurred in the Kingdom and killed








summarized as follows: 1. Explosion in Makkah in 1409H 2. Explosion of car in Olaya quarter in Riyadh city in 1416H. 3. Four explosions of cars in three compounds in Riyadh 1424H. 4. Explosion of car in the old Public Security building in Washem in Riyadh in 1425H. This is in addition to several partial explosions in which killed some innocent persons and policemen in various areas in the Kingdom. By the help of Allah, several mined vehicles and weapons, grenades and small arms have been controlled. In 1424, 1425H, 22 terrorism operations occurred in the Kingdom resulted in killing 90 persons, 507 injuries and billions of Riyals of losses. Security forces were able to kill 92 criminal and injured 17 of them and stopped implementation of 52 operations. In 1400 the Kingdom witnessed armed assault on the Holy mosque in Makka, led by Juhaiman Al-Otaibi, claiming that AlMahdi has appeared. They committed the worst crime by frightening people in the Holy mosque. The country was able to capture them and execute the legal penalties.

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The Kingdom's effort in fighting terrorism The Kingdom is part of the world and it doesn't accept terrorism and tries to eliminate this phenomena to protect its society from the risks of terrorism. It is important area on the world map and it was subject to some terrorism operations. It is the source of Islam and such it will be subject to terrorism which frightens the secured people, kill innocent, destroy vital installations and country properties. The Kingdom played a major role in fighting terrorism as part of its Islamic responsibility. The Quran and Sunnah stipulated provisions to fight terrorism

as mentioned

before. The basic system of the government stipulated that (the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Arab Islamic state with full superiority. Religion is Islam and the statue is the Quran and Sunnah). Therefore, the Kingdom stand towards the terrorism is the same like the Islamic stand based on sunnah and Quran. Endorsement of Terrorism Penalty and Implementation: A strong penalty against terrorism has been approved as per the fatwa

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from the Senior Committee of Scientists as per Fatwa No. 148 for the year 1409 issued at Taif when they confirmed that Islam considers terrorism as aggression and corruption in the land because it is fighting against Allah, prophet and human beings. This fatwa has been actually implemented in cases of Al-Haram incident in 1400H and Olaya explosion in 1416 and other cases of aggression against security of society and its people. Spread of moderation and fairness: All society institutions, governmental and national, are establishing the principle of moderation and treatment of extremism among all society individuals. They use all available means to spread the moderate culture via mass media so that the message will reach all society classes. International Participation The country participate in all international conferences organized by institutions interested in fighting terrorism. Furthermore, it also organized meetings and invited international personalities such as the holding the international conference for fighting terrorism held in Riyadh with participation of 57 countries and organizations. A meeting was also organized by Imam Mohamed

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Ibn Saud University about Islam stand towards terrorism whereat approximately 200 newsmen have participated from all over the world. Clarify the Picture for Abroad: The Kingdom spread the real picture of fighting terrorism through its embassies, centers and institutions all over the world by conveying the real Islam and the call for it by wisdom as it is the religion of forgiveness, and brotherhood and it is against violence, terrorism and extremism. Security Systems: Established security systems specialized in fighting terrorism. Some of their responsibilities are to coordinate, cooperate and exchange information with similar systems at the bilateral, regional and international levels. They have been provided with the most advanced technologies, and high level training for their staff considering the developments of methods and rules to fight terrorism. Local Level: at the local level the Kingdom proved to the world that it is serious and hard in facing terrorist operations. The evidence of that is the success of security forces in overcoming the corruptors who are apart from the group. The Kingdom recruited all its organizations to protect the society from their danger and

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eliminated or captured many of terrorists. It discovered and prevent some terrorism operations before implementation. It captured various types of weapons. The security and religious authorities convinced some of them to abandon such thought and return to their societies. Security teams and check points have been established to make the citizen feel of security. Intellectual References: The respective agencies in the Kingdom have succeeded in convincing many Sheikh who affected the members of this deviated group. They withdraw some of their fatwa which they confirmed that they were wrong. Some of these sheikhs are Ali Al-Khodair, Nasir Al-Omar and Ahmad Al-Khaldi. Also some wanted person announced that they returned from their attitude such as Khalid Al-farraj, Abdulrahman Al-Roshoud as broadcasted by the Saudi TV and radio and local newspapers and other local, Arab and international mass media which took care of the incidents and broadcasted that and supported that step from the Kingdom. Royal Amnesty: One of the positive initiatives to overcome this local and internal terrorism phenomena was the decree issued by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to give the terrorists a grace period of one month to think and return and hand over

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themselves. This Amnesty has a big effect on the Saudi society and it was acceptable. Some have yielded and they were released from jail and involved in the social life. Valued Awards: The Ministry of Interior promised to give a valuable financial award for every one who shows cooperation with the security forces and report about any terrorists and contribute in preventing terrorism operations. This award exceeded SR 7 million in some cases. The society interacted positively and cooperated with the security forces to fight terrorism. Continuous Call: The country followed a unique method in treatment of some incidents of terrorism conducted by its people. It asked them to turn to Allah and hand themselves to the security forces. The scientists approved this step which leads to unite the nation and narrow the gap. This method was a combination between the security solution and the intellectual treatment. This was a successful policy at the short and long term. Care of Policemen: The Kingdom represented by the Ministry of Interior has exerted complementary efforts to upgrade the morals of the security forces. Firstly they defend their country and holy

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places and that will be awarded by Allah. The also received financial support by increasing their salaries and give them two months award. Also the injured and the martyrs families have been compensated for the damages occurred to them and the society was satisfied by that. These families have received moral support and assistance in searching for jobs for the sons of martyrs and facilitate completion of study by giving them priority in scholarships. Activation of the Arab Ministries of Interior Council resolutions. The Kingdom contributed actively in several resolutions issued by the Arab Ministries of Interior Council aimed to foster the security cooperation between the Arab countries. Some of the most important: Arab security strategy Arab security strategy for fighting terrorism Arab security strategy for civil protection Arab information strategy for security awareness and protection from crime. Signature of Meetings and Covenants: The Kingdom signed several covenants:

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• Signature of Arab Agreement for fighting terrorism for 1998. • Approval of the Islamic Conference Agreement about Terrorism. • The Kingdom also signed eleven international agreement at the united nations level to fight terrorism. • Signature





international conferences, organizations and councils


Furthermore, conference






for to

terrorism. international



comprehensive international agreement to fight the terrorism. • The Kingdom leads a strong campaign against terrorism and terrorists through the Arab Ministers of Interior Council established in 1982. HRH Prince Naïf Ibn Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the Minister






Chairman of the Council has a leading role to approve policies, plans and several programs.

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• The



about fifteen


security agreements, in which fighting terrorism occupied the top priority and that confirms the Kingdom's





international society for protection against terrorism. • The





international agreements related to fighting terrorism including agreements: a. Tokyo agreements for crimes and acts implemented on the aircraft boards signed on 14/9/1967G. b. Lahai agreement regarding fighting illegal capturing of aircrafts signed on 16/12/1970. c. Montréal Agreement for fighting illegal acts conducted





signed on 23/9/1971. etc. For more discussion and authentication you may review the research (Kingdom's Efforts in Fighting Terrorism).



Quran Maqayees Alogha Dictionary Lisan Al-Arab Taj Al- Arous Jame'e Ahkam Al-Quran Meanings of Quran Ahkam Al-Quran Al-Tafseer Al-Kabeer Al-Nihayeh fe Ghareeb Al-Hadeeth and Al Athar International Terrorism for Dr. Mohamed Abdulaziz Shokri Terrorism Establish A state for Dr. Haitham Al-Kilani The Arab Agreement for fighting terrorism Statement of the Islamic Research Complex in Azhar regarding terrorism in 1422 Book: Resolutions of the Islamic Feqeh Complex Makkah Statement: Islamic World League Magazine. Security Newspaper (Ministry of Interior) No. 58 P. 34 International Information Magazine . The National Information Center No. 57 Terrorism









Abdulrahman Rashwan Role of Islamic Education in facing Terrorism Dr. Khalid AlThahri Factors of extremist, terrorism and violence and treatment in view of Quran and Sunnah. Al-Bidayah and Al-Nihayah 10/ 581



Yamamah Magazine . No. 1790 Profile of terrorism in the recent time Altafseer Alfareed in the Quran Tafseer Al-Quran by Al-Ezz Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Moslem Al-tafseer Alfareed Al-Uboodiah for Ibn Taymiah Role of Mosque Dr. Abdulkarim Ibn Sunaitan AlOmari The best method in Friday Sermon Terrorism Magazine , special issue from the Ministry of Islamic Affairs 1424H AlMostasfa by Al-Ghazali Almowafaqat by Al-Shatibi Qualification Programs 21-23 Adnan Al-Qarshees Quran Tafseer Penalty Procedures System Jurisdiction Function in Dealing with Terrorism Dr. Nasser AlMohaymed Islam Nature Dr. Abdulhadi bo Taleb Arab Family and its Role in Protection from deviation and crime School role Dr. Abdul aziz Yousuf Child culture development – Abdul Tawab Yousuf Security and Planning – Gen. Yahya Al-Alami AlJazirah Newpaper No. 11810 Informative File for forum issued by Imam University Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, No. 8196 , Monday 7/5/2001. P15.



Electronic Terrorism Means Intellectual Security Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Sudais Intellectual Security Dr. Adel Al-Sheddi Amenon Magazine p. 64 Article One of the Basic System of the Ruling issued by the Royal Decree No. A/90 dated 27/8/1412H Kingdoms Efforts in Fighting Terrorism , prepared by Dr. Saeed Al-Zahrani

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