The Book Of Nod Translated

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  • Pages: 35
1 Book of NOD 2 Index Introduction: Using The Book of Nod 03 Preface 03 A Brief Review of The Chronicle of Caine 06 A Parable of Genesis: Recognizing parable in Chronic 07 The Chronicle of Caine 08 A Brief Review of The Chronicle of Shadows 25 The Chronicle of Shadows 26 A Brief Review of The Chronicle of Secrets 44 The Chronicle of Secrets 45 Appendix: History of the First Known City 51 Afterword 53 3 Introduction: Malkavian Chronicle of Secrets. Preface u can not tell you the naked fear that I feel and believe these words as anything. Maybe I regret the. Perhaps they will never see print. Still, it's my nature inform this. It is, as they say, is in the blood. My sire, and sire before him, followed this great and glorious work. Indeed, our nature was shaped by this question, we are unable to stop seeking knowledge. We of Mnemosyne, the Scholars of Memory. Specifically, we command the search for the Book, the tome of all knowledge of which Kindred is a collection of writings of Cain, his son and grandson. Is Paper, supposedly first written in the softness of Nod, east of Eden, which captures our nightmares daily and makes every night a painful journey from ignorance to truth. Still, I savor every moment of my afterlife. I savor the feel of old corrugated pages through silk gloves, turning page by page. My hands tremble with delight as Insurance gently with cold reading lights dried ink to recently when Charlemagne was young. I taste the terror gentle and quiet reading cunciforme that threatens to crumble before me. More than that, perhaps more than his immortality, is the question that burns inside of me. Is demand. I traveled around the world, perhaps even more than any other of my bloodline.

Where have my eternal questions of me, I know no fear, however a small and delicate body, my heart is strong and my blood stronger. I'm not afraid to go those dark places where fragments of the ancient teachings of our Father's rest! I got lost in the cruel brutality of New York, drank tea with the Governor of Kingston, made enemies for life in Johannesburg, I hired the best workers of all Cairo, I struggled to finish in Casablanca, learned about the old steel and ancient monuments in Toledo, dug in the white cliffs of Dover, avoided a deadly brawl in Dublin, I started to sneak his eyes open in Brest, and released an ancient tomes monastery in Cologne. I saved fourteen sacred scrolls of fire in Berlin, I sipped the best coffee and talked to more students Austrians in Vienna, I learned of an ancient Sumerian Methuselah in hidden tunnels under the University of Prague, and spent the winters colder than Oslo offered. The And 4 And yet, I did this just for my wisdom. Only a night goes by that I do not thank our founder to provide him giving me the Secret ways to hide, how to see beyond the vision and the voice command that seems to come so easily to our line, and I blessed my friend warrior long Karsh who taught me the secret to see in the dark and sleeping on the ground. And yet, I wonder what our other founder has provided. My sire and the sire of it seem to have fallen under a terrible curse. A crazy, dark and quiet at first but soon growing to a terrible loss of coherent thought and communication, which seemed to strike. I can be this far? My Tremere friend wrote to me and says that the burning need to drive my bloodline that could be the cause of madness. It must be true because I can not fight with the burning desire for more knowledge. It is hard to resist the need for sleep or the need for blood. It is perhaps this madness that I fear that most compelled me to hasten this translation. Know that I want to break the fragile mask Raphael to print these words. It is my intention to limit the printing will this book in ten copies, and that none of the copies arrive in the hands of the sons and daughters of Seth (as our Father commands us in The Chronicle of Shadows). I have to publish it now, anyway. It is the most complete collection of the Chronicles of The Book of Nod was never joined. No other translation, even Critias? Codex Cain, was complete. And still embarrasses me to say that this is not the full text. Far from it. I saw the whole fragments become smoke and flames of old buildings. I played a complete book on the tomb of a Antediluvian, and watched be crushed to powder. I know that in the catacombs under the legendary Lost City of Gold, hidden in the depths of

Amazon jungle, there are thirteen stone fragments containing specific words for each of the 13 tribes of Kindred, but I only saw them briefly once before being forced to flee. And so, I can only I bear that part of the puzzle: most to be joined, but still only a part of the whole. I chose the English is my native language. It is, in my opinion, the language competently dance between the concepts of ancient Sumer, the noble language of ancient Rome and the enchantments of ostentatious Medieval Germany. I have to beg forgiveness for his flattering simplification in some cases. By in, I always defend my choice. The English serve real well, especially that most of the texts originals are unknown to me. It is perhaps particularly perverse that I follow the lines of memory for each fragment of the Book, and I also know that out there who torment me at every step. I know Amelekia has had a hand me contrary once, and another Methuselah as well. It is hard to find, for example, lists of names and the Antediluvians Methuselahs, because they know that there is power in names, and they fear that some magician learn to control them with it, erased their names from stories, wherever they were found. I managed to find some of them fortunately, but I suspect they are fake names that were created by Antediluvians to get me out of the trail, so I offer them here. This may be the only way in which we can identify certain antediluvian. Also, I went into the habit (unfortunately) of refer to the founder of a clan with the name of the clan. For example, "Malkav? is? Malkavian?. Ie admittedly, sloppy research, but I stayed no choice. As soon as I learned the true name the Brujah Antediluvian woke up with my name carved on my forearm the next night. I promptly swore never again seek the names of the founders. 5 I'm pretty sure that even as I write words, there are agents of Jyhad that is me following. I will not go to the room under the stairs tonight, because last night I got drunk blood filled with wine and saw a woman with silver-gray eyes at me. She was wearing Ventrue scepter in his cloak, I know who she was watching me, looking for me and sent by Ventrue to rob me. No matter. I write the truth and the rest be damned! I tried to compile these textual fragments in some kind of coherent story, at least within the contexts of the various Chronicles. Where do you see an ellipse, know that there are more words that fragment particular, but it was somehow lost, erased or hidden from me. I only hope now for a package from London to finish this letter and make this book. This package take one of the only copies of the Codex of Cain left in existence, and will be the last piece in my complex puzzle. I look forward to play it and secure it with great anticipation.

And if any my brothers and sisters come near it, I'll ... I will send to death by fire! Leave mark the holy sword of Michael, for all I care. Nobody came to this end. I shall reign triumphant between my equal. With triumph Aristotle DeLaurentis 6 A Brief Comment The Chronicle of Caine will be that this part of the Book of Nod does not correspond precisely with the truth biblical standard. What is important is that we have, perhaps for the first time, a point of view staff in the events surrounding the days after the Fall. Cain speaks with their own words were his reasons, and although it is quite possible that this story only serves to shape our idea of it, we can assume that there must be some element of truth in his tale. After all, is the only eyewitness account we have. Ah, our dear Father In some myths Islamic translated the figure of Satan is not released from Heaven because he hates the human race, but because God loves you very much for bowing to anyone other than the God, and he will not serve the man. Maybe that's why Cain, for his love to his brother, can not think any other worthy sacrifice to Him Surely Cain had no other reason for sacrifice his brother. He could not know death, having been born before the death sought something that humanity had experienced. Other pictures from that time also have instrumental roles in the book. Surely not transliteration purely mythological Lilith question to appear on this story, because it is a picture of the older Hebrew Midrashim. The first had been expelled from Paradise, Cain recognize it as one that had state in light of the sky and was subsequently expelled. He was subsequently expelled. There among my colleagues those who believe that this verse should represent the idea that Lilith, mother of magic and spiritualism, taught the first Disciplines Cain. Others see her role as a midwife to our Father, waking the potential of its own magic. What remains to be discovered are the legends? Cycles Lilith? which describes the time that Cain rose Lilith as his servant and lover supposedly. It was only a novel, or could have been some kind mystic learning, during which gradually took Lilith Cain's limitations that the Divine had placed on it, and slowly awakening to their own magical powers? The fact that it shows shake to drink his own blood from the cup of his Awakening could point to his lack of understanding over what, exactly, this could make the First Son of Adam. We can not afford to speculate if the cup caused a hallucination or if Cain Cain is transported

actually physically somewhere in the desert darkness. This is not understood, nor is it explained the translation of the original text. The original phrase essentially means? Inspired? or "move?. Both meanings of the word can have any explanation. And we can not win much in the debate: no Whether Cain was transported physically. Shamanic visions were recorded as a result of consumption hallucinogens ritual, the experience of Cain was a reality to him as any journey could be you or me. My son, Beckett, still redeclaring his opinion that the Chronicle of Cain is a parable vampire. I totally disagree, but Beckett is a beloved child. I will include here his studies and findings below. N 7 A Parable of Genesis: Recognizing the Parables Chronicle Cain or because of the distance between the literary translations present the text (including the translation of Dr. DeLaurentis) of The Book of Nod, the original intent of the book was lost. It is my theory, based on my own research, that the stories of Cain and Abel, the curse of Cain and his subsequent meeting with Lilith are parables set to tell the story Kindred of the first so that even the simplest of us can understand. By my own scholarship, and using the work of leading scholars of Cain in world (including some written in a worshiper of Cain of the Black Hand), I created a story that I look original to the parable of Cain. In the time after humanity through group hunting / nomads to the cultivation of agriculture and development farm with animals, there were two tribes, named by their bosses. They were called the people of Cain and Abel of the people. The people of Abel were shepherds and livestock farmers, and were more primitives that the people of Cain. They worshiped a great sun god who was a warrior who lived in sky. The people of Cain was agricultural, and was more civilized than the people of Abel. Because it is so important timing the harvest, the people of Cain worshiped the Moon Goddess, the Dark Mother who was both the fertility of the earth and the mystery of the moon Still, not everyone was happy. Chief Abel attacked the people of Cain, telling them they were inferior and cursed because they hunted as their sun god hunter. The people of Cain did not know much about fighting, but Cain has taught them how to use sharp tools that they grew the earth to kill. When the people of Abel returned to torment them again, the people of Cain fought. All men, women and children were killed Abel. The Sun God of the people of Abel called them and then cursed the people, and put a curse of blood all of them, they wandered without a home in the desert. He burned their villages and salted their fields, and sent all turn their backs on the people of Cain. The people of Cain was unable to recover. They have become the bane for many

weeks, until they had no food to eat and had many difficulties. Then priestess of the Dark Mother who lives beyond the moon came from. The priestess offered the people of Cain home, aid and comfort. She taught them magic, taught them how to hunt, and taught them to drink blood. The Sun God has met the chief Cain in dreams and said to him and his people to return and obey the will of the people of Seth. Chief Cain refused. So the Sun God told him that all people of his tribe would be cursed forever, and it was so. But the dark Mother always said would be a way to overcome this curse: if the people of Caine came to her, for her mystery, that she would free from the curse of the Sun God In this parable, the people of Cain (and Cain) represents our need for civilization, humanity we constantly seek. The people of Abel (and Abel) represents our animal natures, our wild egos, the beast that dwells within us. The Dark Mother is the mystery that guides our existence: the magic of our blood, the power of the Disciplines. We must find the mystery of the Mother Dark slick dealing with the legacy left behind by the curse of God Sun Logo, "an Beast I am, a beast that I did not make?. The Golconda is offered as a final goal, balances all these things and perhaps shows the transcendence of the beast within. P 8 The Chronicles of Cain the First Time I dream of the early 1 memory longer than I talk about the early days 2 the oldest Father I sing the first time and the dawn of the Dark In Nod 3, where the light of Paradise lit the night sky and tears of our parents wet the soil Each of us, somehow, live sets and take our food from the land And I, Cain the first born, I, with 4 sharp things, planted the seeds watered the dark 5 holes in their land, watched them grow And Abel, the second-born Abel cared for the animals helped by his heirs blood 6 fed them, witnessed the growing I love you, my brother, he was the brightest, the sweetest. The strongest. He was the first bold all my joy. 7 Then one day that our father told us 8, Cain, Abel, About Me 9 you have to make a sacrifice -this one of the first part of everything that you have 9 And I, Cain the first born, I joined the tender shoots, brighter fruit, the sweeter grass And Abel, the second-born, Abel sacrificed the younger the strongest, the sweetest of their animals The altar of our Father we put our sacrifices and lit a fire under them

and watch the smoke take them to the One Above The sacrifice of Abel, the second-born, smelled sweet to the One Above and Abel was sanctified. And, I, Cain the first born, I was struck by 10 from beyond a severe word and a curse, for my sacrifice be undeserved. I looked at the sacrifice of Abel, still steaming, the flesh, the blood. I cried, I shut my eyes I prayed night and day And when the Father said 11 per sacrifice time has come again And Abel led his younger, its sweeter, his most beloved for the sacrificial fire, I did not bring my youngest, my sweetest, because I knew Above the One I would not. My brother loved Abel said to me? Cain, you did not bring a sacrifice, this one of the first part of his joy, to burn on the altar of the One Above?. I cried tears of love for me, with sharp tools, was sacrificed to the first part of my joy, my brother. And the blood of Abel 12 covered the altar and smelled sweet when burned But my father said? Cursed you, Cain killed his brother. I got kicked out and should be? 13 And He exiled me to wander in the darkness, the land of Nod. 14 I flew in the darkness I did not see the light source and I was afraid. And 15 only. 10 The Coming of Lilith I was alone in the darkness and I was hungry. I was alone in the Dark And I was cold. I was alone in the darkness and I cried. 16 Then came to me a sweet voice, a voice of honey, Words of aid. Words of comfort. 17 A woman, dark and lovely with eyes that pierced the darkness, came to mim.18 I know your story, "Cain of Nod?. She said, smiling. You got hungry. Come! I have food. You have cold. Come! I have clothes. You're sad. Come! I have comfort?. ? Who comforts a cursed like me? Who I dress? Who would feed me? "I am the first wife of his Father, who disagreed with the One Above Freedom and won the Darkness. I am Lilith. 19 Once, I had cold, and there was no heat for me. Once, I was hungry, and there was no food for me. Once I was sad, and there was no comfort to me.? She lodged, she fed me. She dressed me. In her arms, I found comfort. I cried until blood trickled from my eyes and she kissed him. 20 The Magic of Lilith And I lived for a time in the House of Lilith 21 and asked? Out of the Darkness, how you built this place? How did you clothes? As you grow food? And Lilith smiled and said, "Unlike you, I am Agreed. I see the lines that revolve around you. I do what I need to power?. 22 11 ? Wake me, then, Lilith? I said. "I have need of power. So I can make my own clothes, make my own food, make my own house.? The Concern doubled the brow of Lilith.

"I do not know what to do to wake you, because you truly are cursed by his Father You could die. You could change forever?. Cain said, "still a life without power will not be paid living. I would die without their gifts. I will not live as your Thrall? Lilith loved me, and I knew it. Lilith would do what I asked, though she did not wish it. And so, Lilith, the bright eyes of Lilith, I awoke. It is cut with a knife bled to me in a bowl. I drank deeply. It was sweet. 23 And then I went into the Abyss. 24 I fell forever, falling into the deepest darkness. The Temptation of Caine And Darkness came to light a fire shining bright at night. And the archangel Michael was revealed to me 25. I was fearless. I asked what he wanted. Michael, General of Heaven, bearing the holy Flame, said to me, ? Son of Adam, son of Eva, his crime is great and also my Father's mercy is great. You will not regret the evil you have done, and let your mercy wash it to make it clean? And I said to Michael, "not by grace [the One Above] but by my own will I live with pride?. 26 Michael cursed me saying ? So for you to walk this earth, you and your children will fear my flame, that bite deep and savor your flesh.? 27 12 And in the morning, Raphael came 28 lambent wings, lighting the horizon, the guide of the sun, watch the East. Raphael said? Cain Adam, son of Eve, Abel his brother has forgiven your sin you repent, and accept the mercy of the Almighty? And I said to Raphael? Not the forgiveness of Abel, but for my own forgiveness?. Raphael cursed me, saying? So for you to walk this earth, you and your children will fear the dawn, and the sun will burn you like fire wherever you hide. Hide up to the sunrise to take their anger to you?. But I found a secret place on earth and hid the burning light of the Sun Deep in the earth, I slept through the Light of the World be hidden behind the mountain of the Night. 29 When I awoke from my day of sleep, I heard the sound of gently moving wings 30 and I saw the black wings of Uriel extended around me -Uriel, reaper, angel of death, Uriel Dark who lives in darkness. Uriel said to me quietly, saying? Son of Adam, Son of Eve the Almighty God forgave his sin. You accept his mercy and let me take you back, no longer cursed? 31 And I said to Uriel dark winged ? Not for mercy from God, but my own will I live. I am what I am, I did what I did, and that will never change?. 32 And then, by the terrible Uriel Almighty God cursed me, saying 33 ? So for you to walk this earth, you and your children will grasp the Darkness. . You only drink blood. You will eat only ashes. 34 You will always be as you were in death, Never die, keeping alive. You will forever in the darkness, everything you touch will turn into nothing,

until the last days?. 13 I gave a cry of anguish at this terrible curse, and tore my flesh. I cried blood. I got tears in a cup and drank. 35 When I noticed my drink heavily, the archangel Gabriel, Gabriel gentle Mr. Gabriel's Mercy, appeared to me. The archangel Gabriel said to me, "Son of Adam, son of Eva, See, mercy of the Father is greater than you ever knew, now there is an open path, a road of Mercy that you will call the [Golconda]. 36 and tell your children that, that following this road to live in the Light again?. And with that, the darkness was lifted like a veil and the only light was the bright eyes of Lilith. Looking around me, I knew I had awoke. When my first energy came through me I figured out how to move like lightning [Celerity] how to get the strength of the earth [power] to be like stone [Fortitude]. Seemed like they were breathing was to me. Lilith then showed me, as she hides from hunters [obfuscation] as it commands obedience [Domination] and how it demands respect [presence]. Then, waking me before, I found the way to change ways [Metamorphosis] how to have dominion over animals [feed] how to see eye vision ago [Ausp�cius]. 37 So Lilith told me to stop, saying I had reached my limits I had gone too far. I threatened my essence. She used her powers and commanded me to stop. Because of its power, I attended, but deep within me a seed was planted, a seed of rebellion and when she turned her face to me, I open up once again for the night, and saw the endless possibilities in the stars and knew that one way to power, a path of blood I took, and thus awakened in me this Way Final which all other paths grow. With this newest power, I broke the ties that the Lady of the Night I wore. I left the Queen Maldita that night, hiding in the shadows, I fled the land of Nod and came to a place where the demons it could not find me. 14 The Tale of Zillah Let me tell the tale of Zillah, 38 Cain's first love, first wife of Cain the sweetest blood, skin smoother, clearer eyes. Alone with his youngest daughter, Cain wanted to, 39 and she was not prepared to his desire to stay out of it. Neither these, nor sacrifices, nor perfumes, nor dove, nor beautiful dancers, or singers, nor ox, nor sculptures, or beautiful clothes, nothing would make the heart of stone Zillah in sweet fruit. So Cain pulled his beard and 40 cut their hair and wandered through the desert at night thinking about her, burning it, Cain one night and found an old singing to the moon Cain said the Old, "Why do you sing well? And the old replied, Because I desire so I can not ..? 41 Cain said to the old, "I also longing. What can you do? The old man smiled and said, ? Drink my blood tonight, Cain, Father of the Kindred, and return tomorrow night.

So go I'll tell you the wisdom of the moon?. 42 Cain drank from the neck of naked old and passed. The next night, Cain found the old sleeping in a stone. ? Wake, Old?, Cain said. "I returned?. The old man opened one eye and said, ? I dream of the solution for you tonight. Drink again me, and then return tomorrow night. Bring a bowl of mud. Bring a sharp knife. I'll have your answer then?. Once again, Cain took the blood of Old immediately retreated into a deep sleep. When Cain returned the next night, the Old looked and smiled, ? Greetings, Lord of the Beast?, Vella said. 43 ? I have the wisdom you seek?. "Take some of my blood in the bowl that you have, and these berries and mix these herbs, and drink deep of the elixir?. � You will be irresistible. You will be powerful. You will be skilled. You will be burning. You will be burning. Zillah's heart melt like snow in the spring?. 15 And so, Cain drank the elixir of old, because he was so in love with Zillah, and he so wanted her love in return. And the Old laughed. The Old laughed aloud. She had the wrong! She had caught! Cain was quite angry. Cain reached with its powers tore the Old separately with his strength, The Old cackled and said, "Do not?. And Cain can not do anything against it. The Old laughed and said, "Love me?. And Cain can not do nothing but stare in her eyes old, desiring his tough skin. The Old laughed and said, "Make me immortal?. And Cain embraced. She cackled again, laughed at the sheer ecstasy of the Embrace, because it did not hurt. "I made it powerful, Cain, Enoch, Cain of Nod, but you will always be connected to me. I made him master of everything, but you never forget! His blood, powerful as it is now, Bow Will those who drink it, as you did, once a night for three nights. You will be the master. They will be yours, as you are mine. In the meantime Zillah will love like you wanted, you'll love me forever. Go now and claim your lovely bride. I'll wait for you in dark places, while I make more potions for your health?. And so, with a heavy heart, Cain returned to Enoch. And every night for three nights, Zillah drank his sire, But she did not know it. And the third night, Cain announced that she would marry 44 with Zillah, her sweetest Child, and she agreed The Tale of Old For a year and a day 45 Cain labored in service to the Old with the wisdom of the blood, like any prisoner held. She visited him at night, forcing him to leave his blood to secret elixirs Her powerful and formulas, She would the son of his son, and they would never be heard from again. but Cain was wise. He did not drink it again. And she asked him what he thought of his Thrall. 16 One night, Cain went to the Old in the forest, and told her terrible dreams he had during his sleep.

"I fear for my life, Old, I fear the prophecy of Auriel, and the lust of my children for my blood. Tell me the secret knowledge, How could I be powerful against my own?. And the old man went to a tree made of gopher wood, and 46 off a branch. She took a sharp knife and edged the branch. "Take this piece of living wood, sharp, strong, pierce the heart of his wayward son. He will surrender to it, and will be at your command. Instead of celebrating in the blood of his heart, he will feel the weight of his justice?. Cain said, "Thank you, Mother?, And with it, moving quickly Cain took a stake of gopher wood, grabbed and sent to the bottom of the heart of Old Town. Because Cain, Cain scholar had not fed her for a year and a day and because he forced his will by his hands, he broke the loop that she held down, and turned his luck. She laughed again, as blood spurted up and dumped it in her mouth. Her eyes turned to hatred. Cain once kissed her withered lips, and left there for the gentle smile of Raphael, the sun rises. The Tale of the First City In the beginning there was only Caine. Cain that [sacrifice] his brother by [love] .47 Caine who was expelled. Caine who was cursed forever with immortality. Caine who was cursed with the lust for blood. This Cain whom we all came, the Sire of Sires. For the passing of an age he lived in [the land of Nod]. In loneliness and suffering. During an era he stood alone. But the passing of memory drowned if their suffering. And so he returned to the mortal world. For the world to sue brother [Seth, the third born of Eve] and the [children Seth] had created. 17 He returned and was welcomed. [No counter it, due to the mark that was put into it]. People have seen their power and loved it, [He grew powerful, and His power was strong, their ways of intimidating and command were large] [And the Children of Seth made] him king of his great city, The First City. But Cain grew lonely in his power. Deep within it the seed of loneliness flourished, and grew a dark flower that he saw within your blood the power of fertility calling demons and listening to the wisdom whispered. He learned how to bring a child himself. He came to know his power, and, thus, decided to embrace one of the closest to him. And, lo, Uriel, Uriel Terrible, Cain proved that very night and told him. ? Cain, although you are powerful, and marked of God, know this: that any son that you do will bear your curse any of its progeny will forever in the Land of Nod and fear of the flame and the sun, only drink blood and eat only ashes. And as they take the seed of jealousy of their father, they always conspire and fight each other. Do not condemn these grandchildren of Adam who seek the path honored. Cain! Get your Abra�o dead!? Still, Cain knew what he had to do, and a young man named Enosh,

that was the most beloved family of Seth, begged to be made Son of the Father gloomy. And Cain, however attentive to the words of Uriel, held Enosh, and wrapped in dark Abra�o. And so it came to pass that Cain creates Enoch and doing so, appointed as the first city Enoch. And by doing so, Enoch did beg a brother, a sister, and Cain, Indulgent father, gave them to him, and their names were Zillah whose blood was much favored of Cain Irad and whose strength served as the arm of Cain. And these Kindred of Caine learned the ways of creating their own progeny, and they embraced more of the family of Seth, unthinkingly. And then Cain scholar said, "An end to this crime. No more?. And as Caine's word was law, his offspring obeyed. The city accounted for many ages, and became the center of a mighty empire. Cain grew close to him different. The [children of Seth] knew him, and he in turn knew them. 18 But the world grew dark with sin. Children of Cain wandered here and there, indulge your dark moods. Cain was angry when his children fought. He met with disappointment when he saw them make war of words. He met with sadness when he saw them abusing [the children of Seth] Cain read the signs in the darkness of the sky, but said nothing. Then came the great flood, a great flood that washed the world. The city was destroyed, the children of Seth with her. Again, Cain went into great sorrow and went into solitude. And he left us, their progeny, for our own end. We found him, after much searching, deep in the earth, and he comes to us saying that the flood was a punishment for him to be home to the world of life And subverting the true law. He asked us, so that he could sleep. So we returned alone to find the children of Noah, He announced that we had new rules. Each one has descendants to claim the glory of Cain. However we did not have his wisdom or restraint. A great war was waged, the Elders against their children, just as Uriel had said, And Children killed his parents. They stood Used fire, Wooden swords and claws to destroy those who had created the The rebels built a new city then. Outside the Empire fell, they joined the Thirteen clans who fled the Great War, and met. They brought the Clan of the Monarchy [Ventrue], the Clan of the Beast [Gangrel] Moon Clan [Malkavian], the Clan of the Hidden [Nosferatu] the Clan of the Ba [Ravnos], the Clan of the Rose [Toreador] Clan Night [Lasombra], the Clan Transformation [Tzimisce] the Clan of the Snake [Setites], the Clan of Death [Cappadocian] Healer's Clan [Saulot], the Clan of the Hunt [Assamite] and the Learned Clan [Brujah]. They did a beautiful city, and people worshiped them as gods. They created their own new progenies, the Fourth Generation of Cainites. 19 But they feared the Jyhad, the Prophecy of Uriel, and was forbidden for those children create others like them. This power the elders kept for them. When a child was created, was hunted down and killed, and his Sire with it. Although Cain was far from us, we felt his careful eye watching, and we knew that it marked our movements and our moods.

He cursed [Malkav], while that has defamed his image and sentenced him to madness, forever. When [Nosferatu] was found indulge their taste nasty ways with their own children, Cain put his hand on [Nosferatu] and told him that he would always have his evil and rodeos in his face. He cursed us all, for killing the first of his children, the Second Generation, as we were the hunted one by one, Zillah the Beautiful, Irad the Strong, and the Enoch First Sovereign. And we regret it, as we were all of one type and all relatives of the children of Cain. Although this city was as great as Cain eventually became old. Like all living things, began to die slowly. The gods did not see the truth in the beginning And when they looked after it was too late. As Uriel had said, the seed of evil planted blossomed as a rose red blood and [Troile] Child Child Child it arose and killed his father, Brujah. And ate the meat of it. Then the war destroyed the city and nothing else could be as it was. The Thirteen saw their city destroyed and their power extinguished. And they were forced to flee, the Progeny of them along with them. But many were killed in the escape, because they grew weak. Without authority, everyone was free to create their own offspring. And then there were new Kindreds, who ruled the earth. But this did not last. Over time, came to be many Kindred And then there was war again. The Elders were already hidden away, because they had learned caution. But their children founded their own cities and Descendants, And it is they who were killed in the great wave of war. There was war so total that there is none of that generation. To talk more about them. Fatalities were sent across continents. In order to crush and burn the cities of Kindreds. Mortals thought they were fighting their own wars. But for us that they divided their blood. 20 Since that war ended, All Kindred hid from the others, And the humans that surrounded them. We stayed hidden until now, For the Jyhad continues. And nobody knows when Cain will appear again, sleep in the land, and call for the city Gehenna, the Last City, the City of trial. The Jyhad continues. Notes for? Chronicle of Cain? 1. The? Early? discussed in this stanza was investigated only for me and my fellow Kindred. The original text speaks of a time? Before?. The older part of the Book of Nod was dated before the time of Sumer, around 4500 A.C. 2. I believe that the first stanza is the original story, perhaps the first translation of the story Cain. 3. ? Nod? in this case, means the? unknown lands? - Supposedly the land of Eden was not had a name until now. 4. The translation of the Latin reads "With a plowshare?. The translation is from the original Sumerian, and implies a something sharp. This could be a prehistoric tool? Shaped harpsichord, used to plant seeds. It's definitely like a tooth, possibly made of a canine mammal - or at least

is described as the fragment Coonan-Debrie and. Tapestry of St Clair. 5. That Cain originally a farmer would come in his existence in myth as a figure Sun King / Mortal God, as the character of Dumuzi / Tammuz myth Inanna / Ishtar. 6. Blood of birth in this case, of course, perhaps as a result of the recent fall. Note that This is the first occurrence of the word "blood? the narrative. The translation feels that the word is something rather than along the lines that we consider instead of blood? vitae? which would result in or extra power. 7. The "first part? is a phrase repeated throughout the Book of Nod. It essentially means, "the best ?, A? Cream?. 8. ? Father? In this particular case, it was probably Adam. 9. I'm translating it as accurately as possible. Because of its mythological nature, can easily assume that is the God of the Hebrews and more recently Christianity. However, because this is not specifically stated in the text, I do not want to put in the narrative complexities interreligious possible. 10. ? Struck from beyond? could have been lightning. In some translations from Latin, are you? Radius beyond?. 11. ? Father?, Again, is probably Adam. 21 12. In this case, "blood? is written as cognate for? vitae?. 13. This verse puzzled many scholars and including me. I chose to represent this as my particular translation, which is Adam who is the "Father? this verse, and Adam, who is expelled Cain. Is reasonably clear that the One Above never speaks directly to Cain only through a single agent that communicates His will to Cain, as we shall see. Moreover, the word "Father? the previous verses mean always Adam. This contrasts heavily with the story of Genesis, but is internally consistent, and as it is said that Caine himself originated this particular narrative, we can consider him an authority better than Noah, who wrote the Genesis. There are other interpretations, of course. In New York, Beckett met a member of the Sabbat who claimed that a section referring to our time? true? father - Satan. He watched my son around when he said this, and then something that Beckett can only describe appeared as a kid on his shoulder. We had great difficulties to not to deal again with this vampire. 14. Here, now, we have the basic idea of the "Land of Nod?. It is simply "does not Eden?, But is considered now the "Land of Exile?. ? Nod? the Hebrew translation of the text is basically? wandering the land ?. This is perhaps because Adam settled out of Paradise and created a territorial boundary between it and the rest the world: so? Nod? is the same desert for which he was banned, but now it is Cain who is leaving. One would think that perhaps Adam should have been a little more sympathetic to this, his last son rest. However, it is possible that the words of Adam are? Divine inspiration? or

perhaps motivated by fury. Thus, we see the lives traditionally tragic, tumultuous of all vampires as indicative of their origins. Bekett says that it compares the relationship that all vampires have with their Sires, but I like to think our own alliance remains proof that this assumption is incorrect. 15. This verse is very important for the mythological figure of "God Mortal? Cain is intended into the darkness, a dark land where he will get a lot of wisdom. This can refer to our own journey toward death, which in our Sires tear when we feed on itself vitae them. 16. These three things, is hungry, cold, and fear (or sadness) has obviously attributes Cain feelings and human errors. Cain is not one yet? Vampire? in the traditional sense. He is, however, clearly cursed. 17. It was difficult not to use Ishtar this particular translation for this verse seems to speak of Ishtar: certainly his voice of honey and words of surcease is Ishtar. Lilith would have to be, as many of the works original agree that Lilith was in this narrative. 18. This verse, and the others that follow here, I see them otherwise. This is the highly sought ? Cycle of Lilith? that appears in many different ways. Looking for the original text for these verses, I was forced to enter the labyrinth and the word saturnine abyss of evil. I started in Venice where I met some of the Order of the Black Rose, black monks, some that I had to communicate with language signs because their tongues were cut and mummified as magical talismans. I realized they were hungry for Kindred blood, and I shared my own vitae for information that led me Boston, Massachusetts, America. There I met a woman named Selina, who at first refused to talk to me about the evil Cycle of Lilith, however allowed me to continue for some strange mystical purpose. She said that? Dark One Herself? asked me to pass on knowledge. I was followed through the streets of Boston by Dark Clan (the Nosferatu) until I came to a special library: this library has, in the back files, some fragments of the Cycle of Lilith behind the glass. Me to see this for a few moments before the store owner to return. The old man cursed loudly when he saw me and showed me the door quite firmly. By 22 out the door and heard the man berate your employee. They thought they were talking privately because they spoke in a dialect of Italian native of Venice, but I had learned that dialect fluently and I could hear it for some time. I found that they were part of a black circle of worshipers devil, and follow behind the old man that night to the cemetery where they performed their rites. Although it can not find the devil worshipers at the cemetery, I had, however, encounter a very

stranger in the cemetery. A woman appeared from the fog as if by magic. By sue aura I knew to be Kindred, but I could not guess how old or that clan was. She came to me and showed me a book bound in silver with a complete translation of the Cycle of Lilith. She silenced me immediately, I ordered not to ask anything while she was there. I had to obey. I could look at the tome and read it while she smiled in the light of a chandelier. Then she took the book, kissed me once, and it was the night before I could ask her any question. I do not know who was this mysterious woman, but I think she is somehow connected with the spirit of Lilith, by his great powers of command, and she was conscious as he was old. I can only thank you the opportunity to look to that volume legendary, and I think that this translation has benefited uniquely her intervention. 19. It may be noted that the Genesis does not speak of Lilith, first wife of Adam. She is a creature of Midrashim, parables Hebrew. She is described as a demon, cursed by God himself because it would not be subservient to Adam. Lilith is apparently at least in this narrative, spent some time in Land of Nod, and built their own power to sue this place. It has comfort where no one else could take this apparently. This is not day that she was a demon, and thus limited the Inferno, but then again Hell was not a very crowded this time of history. 20. Here is the main inconsistency of the narrative, and I fought to retain it for many years, because I I feel that points to the fundamental flaw in the translation of the Book of Nod to register: where the tears of Cain's blood came, if not the original Curse? He then was a vampire then? When he cried blood exactly? When he became a vampire? This is still a nebulous point. But I let the inconsistency because I do not want this point to stay? on? history. My son Beckett uses this point to support their allegorical fantasies. Even now he travels to College Harvard, to study some ancient texts discovered in a well in Sudan he continues to hope discover a little more of what he calls work murals? antediluvian?, poor boy. 21. There was argument on both sides of the issue following: Cain was incarcerated in the home of Lilith under the control of it, or Cain had been there as guest of honor? This has never been answered completely but it could illustrate an interesting perspective, which could be proved one way or another. Perhaps as some have suggested, the situation involved a bit of both. 22. I translate these words in this particular case, out of the board of Hephaestus, a friend mine who was part of the mystical tradition known as the Order of Hermes. He attests that Lilith was not woman or demon, but a mage original, and she used her own qualities to magic? Awakening ? the potential magic of Cain. This is the story of awakening. I believe he is right in saying,

and this certainly fits the translation of the story. If it is true that Cain was a magician as Lilith, then the Tremere can really be? most intimate of Cain? a theory for which Beckett was violently opposed. 23. Hephaestus indicates that this verse can point to Lilith, who is perhaps the founder or one of early practitioners of the magical tradition, known as Verbena how to use blood in their rituals. 24. This is often translated as "And then I went into Hell?. I did not feel that the text original was trying to say this, and I felt that Abyss seemed to indicate a smaller type of place of torture Judeo-Christian. 23 25. Again, it is cross-mitil�gica, but I could not do more than translate the Angels as Angels and Michael as Michael, though? Illustrated? mentioned in the original text does not specifically seems to be angels. I was unable to propose a cognate that would fit. Still, I feel that they do not prevent global? feeling? the narrative, and so they remain. The corresponding traditional Kabbalistic them also remains were originally written. 26. This is perhaps a stronger repulsion? Single Up?. Cain seems to still be angry at his exile. 27. This is the legendary? Curse of Fire?. Is perhaps among the strongest curses the day. Created a eternal enmity between the Kindred and the unique source of life in the world: the fire. Fire was so deadly keep the darkness outside, the wolves. Provided a center for the community and allowed them to create technologies. This distracted us from the eternal light, and was set to in exile forever. It is perhaps this particular curse that created the hospitality so important among the Kindred. 28. Raphael is the Archangel of the Fall. 29. The survival instinct, of course. Cain seeks land instinctively. 30. The role of Uriel as the angel of Death would put the last line position as the trial of God to Cain. Only by Uriel God himself would choose to punish our Father 31. Note here that Uriel is not offering to protect Cain, but for? Take it back? i.e., dead 32. This is a mockery of the more traditional phrase from the Bible, "I am who I am? 33. The first use of words freely translated, "God Almighty?. 34. ? Eating ashes? is considered a metaphor for the tragic existence of the vampire. I can not find no other reference to? eating ashes?, and may take as a language that can not be translated. Another version of the Book of Nod translated? Eating ashes? in? knowing only sadness?. 35. This is perhaps a poetic statement. Certainly emphasizes that Cain is consuming in its own sadness. 36. The fact that there is also an important diamond city of India, called Golconda, may or may not have supported this particular stanza. I'm beginning to think that the term was coined Originally Posted by Saulot which was known to travel to the Far East and Middle

East in questions of clarification. 37. I've heard of additional sections here, describing more power than Cain developed. According with my old friend Malk Goofy, the original version of this was with 1001 stanzas. Malk also claims that his finger is made of chocolate mousse and answers to the name Harold, so I show the version I have here. 38. Zillah, sometimes translated as "Sylah?. This tale is translated from the original text more influences folk. A version of this tale is told by some of the older Kindreds Russians, and I'm right to believe has its roots in Russian folklore. 39. Recalling that, among Kindreds, there is no taboo? Incest? desired by the blood of his son. Indeed, this might be an indication of the attitudes of Methuselahs: they often create children to feed them. 24 40. A language transliterated act, but I felt literary importance. Imagine Cain a full, long face and drag it! This is perhaps the only trait that Cain we are using the registry, and its provenance is impure. 41. This Old remains a mystery to archaeologists trying to locate the source of this story. I I believe that the Old is a shaman priestess / which / who may know a little of the relationship of Cain with a demon or some kind of kindred spirit. Adhering to his allegorical paradigm suggests Beckett it can be in favor of a metaphor that we lust for blood and the control he has about us. 42. Another clue: it is affiliated with the moon I originally believed that this pointed to the origins of it as Lupina a shaman, but I learned from my friends Gangrel they do not twist your spells in such a way. 43. Other translated the title of Cain as the "Master of Fury Blood? in this instance. 44. In Enoch, marriage between Kindreds was common. I fragments? Hymn to Love Zillah? led me to believe that carries all the slaves and property of the house, as special privileges as well as the ability to temporarily invoke the powers of the spouse. 45. The traditional Lunar years. It is a clich� mythological, especially among the translations? Women's Sa bia? the pagan people, who I count as a purely symbolic period of time. 46. A traditional material. Strong, sturdy. Noah's Ark was built it. 47. This is perhaps the best-known part of the Book of Nod. Because of the frequent copies the Clans Tremere and Ventrue this fragment, there are many versions of this colloquial. My first task was to disregard fully these versions? popular?, and try to find the truth. So you see my translations of verses? non-traditional? in parentheses. 25 A Brief Comment The Chronicle of Shadows This is a collection of bits and pieces that I discovered during my many trips. I have to admit that I used that a considerable importance, prudence staff to determine the content of this book. This is because there is no full

version known to the Chronicle of Shadows. In fact, many scholars who have researched this Chronic argue that there is a part of the Book of Nod, but creating an appropriately scholars and writers of Carthage they called poetic license the written down, "Laws Cain?. Still, I saw quite seminal text, many bases documents to convince me that these fragments have some basis in the actual words of the Father, your children and grandchildren. Choros, which was an admitted member of the Sabbat told me that he believes that the Chronicle of Shadows, is a collection of propaganda created by the Camarilla to support his tyrannical reign. I do not believe it in this case, but is quite puzzling that many of the Laws of Cain and Traditions of the Camarilla are similar. It is my sincere hope that these fragments are not some elaborate joke by Malkavian, especially the thirteen commandments that were made in authentic tablets of stone. Yet, they also were thinking of quitting. So Jharkav, if you're reading this and you deceived me, a point in its favor, and I will want revenge when I see it! And 26 A Chronic of Shadows The Progeny These are the words that Cain said, reading our parent as he ruled in Enoch, as king. Hear the words of the Law of Cain: ? Progeny Thou shalt not against my will, and if you have the license, and then choose those Children of Adam Think of them as his future brother or sister. 1 Look forward to the night life, and know the prophecy of Auriel: ever the son will rise up to kill his Sire. You know that in all things, the father beats his son to his Mother Daughter: Just for me you have the truth, just for me you have peace, Only for me you will wake up your power. 2 You know that the right of life or death, as it was in my time, always be on the Sire Childe because it was set in heaven as in this world, the way of things. My Father, Adam, about me, me, about you, You, my children, on top of all his progeny. You not suffer for his Childe live If it turns out that he killed one of his brothers and drank the blood of his heart. This is the mode of the Serpent, And I stand this. 3 27 You do not embrace those who are losers You do not shew the Embrace as punishment, not Embrace the younger should live a long time before being brought to my family, so that the wisdom of our line grow. You do not embrace those who are sick, crazy, full of whims or sick, because they stain the blood. 4 You should never have more Kindred of Cain that Kindreds Seth in one place

nor should one of Cain for three of Seth. 5 All Childers should learn from their Sire The Law and the Traditions, The Rite and Customs, as I gave you .. You did not embrace the Creatures of the Moon, they should be exiled and called the Abomination. Neither you should not taste of their blood, because they are forbidden to them, They bring death to our door. 6 Do not hold the blood of enlightened, just listen to their words, watch their actions, and move quickly against them if they are striking: sword profitable, but often very sharp. 7 Do not test the blood of the Wild Ones, because it is Madness you should not hold: because you will not survive this. 8 Not hold for Love, for Love My Abra�o grow cold, wither and die. Rules Canaille These are the words that Cain said, on the Children of Seth, he ruled in Enoch, as King Hear the words of the Law of Cain: "We have given Dominion over the lineage of Seth, third son of Adam, as it is our younger brother, we will see their children as our own, we will show the right way, and in return, they serve us every day of them. 10 They serve us as the sun is in the sky, and took care of our homes, with water supply, fire against Michael. 11 to feed them, and have provided us and provided us with clothes, They dance for us and gives us songs. They will lie down with us and gives us comfort, They advise us, and we listen to their advice. They will love us, and we must not allow their adoration. 28 Thou shalt not like a God to Children of Seth, because the One Above, growing jealous of your sky strike the line of Cain forever. Remember the kind of audacity Ashtareth, Remember the fat golden Baal Remember the strong Tammauz, Know thou that the Children of Seth will arise with arms of the One Above, and conquer, if we are to be as Gods to them. 12 You guiaras the Children of Seth as a shepherd leads his flock and selected when you need them. You clean the blood of them, and keeps all of them free of disease. 13 Food The find a place that is yours And the mortals who lives there, let them be their sheep, let them be your cup, let them be your holy bread 14 The Gifts of Caine Select a Mortal that marked the Power of another Cainite, does one thing, He really makes it as if that son of Cain did this, and that Kindred will pay the price of crime and retribution, the same way he would have done the deed, thus, there is an accounting to be made, and the Children of Seth not only are swords in the hands of strangers dark. 15 Mark and drunk three times, the Loop, and let these children of Seth with great skill, will serve the children of Cain as if we were the first part of Wisdom, which must be served. 16 As in Blood Ties, there is no loop is greater than Cain with his Childer,

and myself, all the chains are broken, all the chains are broken. 17 Mark well the Children of the One Above, the Cherubim, the Seraphim, the Archangels, because they touch the burn as the Flame of Michael. 18 29 Mark well the Children of the One Below, the Family of Serpent because the touch of them also burn, and the languages they deceive and mislead. 19 In need, you can feed the beasts of the field his blood, and a couple of them: they will grow strong and loyal, but be wary of the beast with the beast inside and do not feed a hunger that can not placate. Serving the Those who choose to bless you with the power of Cain, can come to live inside your home, protect them, do not let anybody Embrace these guardians, feed them with blood when appropriate: let them be your strength Strength, Force that does not weaken with the sun. Let their eyes be your eyes, eyes that can see during the day. Ears let them be your ears, ears that can listen while you sleep. Let those who serve in the name of the largest Children of Seth and most privileged. Let them enjoy the fine fabrics of Kindreds, Let them enjoy the gentle music of Kindreds, Let them know the sweetness of our wine. and take as an affront that serves be killed by other Kindred, because no Kindred has the right to kill another, created, for no reason. 20 Beasts of the Moon The Beasts of the Moon the changing, they are all the Elderly, before my Father they roamed the land. Do not get in their way, Avoid them, they look at us as wolves in sheep. Because we are a kind, and they other. 30. When I showed it to Charles, an Elder Nosferatu in Spain, he told me he mentioned a "great destruction, a great destination? to which all Nosferatu are linked. He did not say anything more of this destruction, and I begged him to take the fragment in his eyes. 31. I got this piece of exquisite childe of Raphael himself, the architect of Mascara. I'm embarrassed to reveal what I gave her in return. Just to say it was the East, and was quite erotic in nature. It is interesting that the image Toreador animal use to describe their children. Still, this is expected of a culture almost primitive. The words? Succubi? and? incubi? are translations, and back up my theory that all the legends of demons visiting virgins and young men in their beds at night must have been Kindreds carrying their blood. The lighting around this erotic fragment described this practice certainly in great detail. 32. I was provided this fragment by a Ventrue elder, the princes of the city of Berlin. When he heard of my questions for knowledge, he wanted to make sure that would never be lost words

Golden Founder them. Thus, for a modest fee (I paid willingly), allowed me translate and copy the fragment to the delight of my heart. While I was writing, I noticed several other scrolls written by Ventrue and some of his powerful children. I I read this secret scrolls, but it allowed me to retrieve them. They were dictated to leaders read as an old version of Machiavelli? Prince?. I longing to put these words in this book, but I fear the wrath of Clan Ventrue, it would be for me to cope. 33. Saulot was well loved among the antediluvian, but his habit of increasing their feelings mystically and prophesy was totally disturbing. I could transcribe this fragment of one of the words Salubri ceremony that I attended. 34. I could not tell for sure, but I believe this to be plural. Still, my childe Beckett I would believe it is a unique way, "Wyrm", and can point to the superstition that any Lupina Kindred is directed by malevolent force. 35. This poem can be a legend, a good story told around the fire of a Gangrel, or for the fun of an enclave of Toreador. Or it may have something more. Where is Shal-ka-mense? I have no idea. I believe it is a place in the Middle East, perhaps near the Mediterranean, near the city of Jerusalem. Several legends Kindred speak of Cain's hiding place, and some even mentioned? Shalkmain?, Which could be a contraction Shal-ka-mense. This poem / song is a favorite among the elders, particularly Ventrue and lately, Tremere who finds his soothing message. Certainly many Ancilla say this to question diabolical. 43 36. There is wide speculation that this fragment was not written by Cain. Instead, it is thought that Irad, known as the Force of Cain and the first General of his armies, wrote it. He is also the judge in court First City, but Cain was always the first judge and the highest authority. 37. The Prince of London fell in love with this quote verse, before declaring a Blood Hunt. Many Justicars teach it to them when Archons teaching them their duties. 38. These proverbs were collected around the world. I have no other place to put them, so have I post it here. They contain pieces of wisdom Antediluvian, I believe, and that was the deciding factor in whether or they should not be included. 39. This refers to the changing nature of the Toreador, something that is legendary. 40. This is quite relevant. For my part, the Gangris are the most observant of all the Kindreds, perhaps even the Nosferatu, I followed closely this said, and the inherent good sense never failed me. Gangris often will help you escape if it appears that you listen to the sense of them. 41. My sire said, "The Nosferatu know where the lie dies?. They know what, and what, and they are the first to die because they can provide adequate (and well-listened) warning any Prince. 42. On this day, I will feed these people. Water Bearer, in my mind, "the fireman?. Of course, many

Kindred ignores this restriction and feed on those who like. However, note how many elderly people still follow theoretically these practices, if not in reality. 43. This translates very easily in modern days. While? Father? is selfexplanatory, the? the Poet? maybe not is quite the same today as it was on nights of yore. I would say that the journalists of our age are the most feared, with the broadcasters, the latter being more dangerous. Finally, the common man will often take a long time to discover a secret that he just caught. The common man is often immune to Mascara because of the lack of provision and high performance disk. 44. ? Let Ventrue to save face?. These words have guided my feet the world. Wherever I went, to any domain, I present myself to the prince and then to the Ventrue elder of the city. I wanted the Ventrue understand that I do not want to disturb their careful structure, and that I was no threat to him. This usually brings operations very easy, though there are some notable exceptions here and there. 45. The personal motto of many Kindred, and a good case for non-aggression against the Lupines. 46. A direct contradiction to the Russian proverb. Still, I always preferred the warm blood cold. 47. It's a good idea to pay your taxes wherever you are. Evasion rates becomes the single largest Mascara threat to the United States, and it can spread. 48. When everyone is quoting proverbs, this is what the older Brujahs like to tell. 49. Certainly children Tremere know a lot of truth in this proverb. 50. A saying commonly cited in Eastern Europe. 51. Other support alarm Mask. 52. Inquisitors often sharpening the wooden crosses of them to use as stakes. Was 44 A Brief Review of Chronicle of Secrets his is perhaps the smallest of the three Chronicles, but contains prophecies and visions, and generally are not given to superstition and proclamations. It seems that the Antediluvians only Saulot had the gift of prophecy. It is possible that Zillah, the wife of Cain, also had this gift. I often commented that the things that affected the thoughts of Antediluvians also continue affecting our thoughts today. Surely the prophecies of Gehenna, weak blood, Lupines, and what appears to be the beginning? achievement?, these prophecies. Because their concerns are passed on Generation to Generation, a wave of paranoia and fear is still reverberating by Cainites, and for them, Canaille. And 45 A Chronic of Secrets

Signs of Gehenna 1 Freeze! Hear the cry of the crow! The stillness of the hot wind that rises in the street, towers hide the darkness of the day When dreams become reality Lasombra on when the moon runs like blood 2 and the sun rises in the black sky, this is the day the Accursed, when the children of Cain will rise again. And the world will turn cold and dark things shall rise from the ground and great storms will roll, lightning will light, animals and burned their bodies, twisted fall. Also, as our Great sires rise of soil and break the fast of them in the first part of us, They consume us whole. On the second day, Cain will return and call his children to the meeting place the site of the first city he will wave and sit on his throne of basalt. And Cain will call the names of all the broken aloud because their crimes are too big and all those who consumed the blood from the heart of sire 46 them will be brought before the Throne Black to drink the blood of Cain, and the blood of Cain eat their blood And the dark Mother 3 will appear, and there in the valley of Enoch, there will be a battle a duel to the Father and Mother Dark Dark. The Queen of Demons bite deeply Cursed King bite more deeply. We will not know what will happen, but the sky will be separately, and the earth below And the forces of Hell will turn out above the ground. In the Third Day, there will be silence, the ravens will feed the carrion pestilence dance among the ruins the last Wild Ones leave this place the last of the beasts of the moon will fight and fall And Antediluvians bring an Empire of Blood, which they will govern with claws railways They twist the hearts of all who stay alive And the sun will rise from the earth and dwell in the Last City, called Gehenna. And there will be a thousand-year reign, and there will be no love, or life, or pity, the powerful will be like the virtuous slave will be dirty all good gift, and every perfect gift is tainted by the Father of Darkness, whose power will come from the realms inferiores.4 When the snow consumes the earth and the sun channels like candles in the wind then and only be born a woman, the last Daughter of Eve and in it there will decide the fate of all. And you do not know this woman, except for the mark of the moon in it, and she will face treachery, hatred, and pain, but it is the last hope. 5 And you know in recent times, the time of Blood Poor mark for vampires can not procreate, you know them by No Clan, governing 6, you know them by the Wild Ones, which will hunt us down even the strongest city 7 you know them by the awakening of some first-born Vella awaken and consume all 8 you know these times, a black hand will rise and strangle all those who oppose this 9 whom the blood from the heart flourish and Kindreds will join with their own and the vitae will be as rare as diamonds. 10

Mark these signs, they are coming! Gehenna is the earth. Mark, the shadow that marks the dragon flies that rises 11 marks the darkness that moves, mark the shadow of the moon mark, the angel who dies that marks the single regrets mark children embraced, mark the No clan running. And there will be a time when direct Sire Childer, 47 Sire leave when Childer for clemency from the sun and there will be no mercy for no clan, mutts however are the Sires forgotten them, be the curse of Auriel Sire hateful in them This is the curse of Cain in the cross Sire lazy of them be the bane of hunters hunt Without those between the Clan will have no way not to follow no family to name no generation to hold no tradition to keep no custom to no hospitality to Why do you make these orphans? Why did you leave them in the streets? They are the seed of our darkest abolition atar�o them with those who hate us they will follow the Childers Brujahs they will make the blood run red they will kill the dead they will eat our family they cry and beat our doors they cry aloud for justice No Clan, all they wash into our walls No Clan, all they know secret ways No Clan, all they are a violation of Lilith No Clan, all, they are awakened recently No clan, everyone! No family, no signs, no loyalty, no elder.12 Be wary of those who walk without a clan, because they will be our undoing. Pity them! Adopt orphans where you can. But watch. Them is the bad seed of Sire them. Love 13 And they asked for Cain, the old Father, Why you the commands that do not embrace the ones we love? And Cain said to them, "Love is the sweet rain that falls from the One Above. Love is the gift of life. Not remember the Curse of Auriel? We will eat only ashes, only drink blood? Blood is no fresh rain. Only drink has Life.? 48 And then the eyes of Cain acquired the look of Visions, and he settled down, then he said: "But if one of us is given the gift of love of a mortal Command or without Fear, without compulsion, a love freely given then that love is like a gentle rain to even the humblest of us. And though not Hold it, feed us as if we sit down at the table of our Father, satisfy our deepest thirst. But hear me, my children!

The Children of Seth always hate us again and again, because we are the predator of them, we are the masters of them, and they know it, from the depths of their souls. Do not look for any love between them! They will not give it. Do not be a fool?. Beasts of the Moon ? Why the beasts of the moon in the hunt, Dad? ? There comes a time in recent days, when the Beasts of the moon will grow uneasy and they are disappearing wolf as a patient who has to leave the group they will fight instead of dying patients so they will find us and they will kill us. Mark well, the Clan of the Beast! Because they will hold the key they will make the way of protection they will make the path of the craftsman they will make the path of peace?. 14 Weather Poor Blood There comes a time when the Curse of the One Above will not tolerate advances, when the Line of Cain expire When the Blood of Cain will be weak and there will be no Embraced by them. Childer have this blood and water flowing, and power fade. So you know that the time of Gehenna will soon be upon you. 15 49 The Awakening of the Dark Father There will come a time, when the heads of three Princes will watch the burning dawn in a white pillar. 16 There will come a time when a hungry old awaken deep in the woods of northern and consume all their childer There will come a time Darkness when a very old moves deep beneath a forgotten city and astonish the Elder, their children. These signs, you know, the Dark Father, bastard Cain, awaken, and drink deeply of the blood sacrificed to it These signs, you know that the time will come to claim the security of his clan, to combat the Dark Father. These signs, you have to know, Gehenna expected, even at the door as an actor waiting in the wings Is starting! Is near! The gloss black sun! The brightness of the moon blood! Gehenna is coming soon. Notes? Chronicle of Secrets? 1. This prophecy was supposedly written, word for word, the scribe of the court of Enoch. Is a prophecy that was spoken aloud by Saulot, after a period of fasting and purification. It is said that Saulot disappeared after pronounce it, and this is probably the reason why the original clan Saulot not

prevailed. I could see her through the intervention of a Salubri who showed me a secret tomb below Abbey Wetminster. Inside was written in Sumerian as many of the written antediluvian, the prophecy, written on papyrus that has been magically preserved. While translating, I often dreams of Gehenna, and I got rid of this writing. 2. It is well known that Lasombra want the death of the sun, emptying the skies of the day. 3. I translated as Mother Dark, but the only name for the Dark Queen of Death is Lilith. 4. This seems a transliteration of work done blasphemous patchwork of many important Bible verses, but this is how the passage reflects, and I left here. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 50 Page 50 50 50 5. 5. Who is this mortal woman? No one can tell. Many Tremere, say, search the world for mortal women with birthmarks crescent moon. 6. 6. A Prince-Caitiff who would have thought it? This is one of the signs of Gehenna. 7. 7. This is a common theme in the days of Gehenna. The Lupines are in the rural one, but I saw a few here and there, living in the darkest parts of the city. We dare to share a city with the Race variable, we fight all the time? 8. 8. This could be the Chronicle of Cain? Maybe she did not die in the sun like Cain thought. Or perhaps this is another old: there are certainly many vampires Methuselahs that fit the description. 9. 9. The various Toreador I showed the manuscript to claim that this is a direct allusion to the Sabbat, the Black Hand, and that surely Gehenna is upon us. 10. 10. Surely this is already happening! 11. 11. Count Vlad Tepes, Dracula, was called "The Dragon" before. Can this be bespeak him? 12. 12. Strangers Caitiff still bothering me. Where they come from, nobody knows, although I spotted behind by Malkavian sires and Brujahs simply abandoned them. Still, some seem to be made by shadowy figures who may or may not be in the guild. These verses explain the Antediluvian obvious bias against the landless clan, and this prejudice was born by Kindreds for ages. 13. 13. I put it here because it is pure speculation and is attributed to the prophetic powers of Cain. One-mind Love is a powerful force, I am not familiar, but I heard stories of newly Embraced that are saved by those they loved, and was subsequently reborn as mortals. 14. 14. This, in my opinion, is the foundation of protecting Antediluvian Lupines. It is one reason why all the order Kindred are against Lupines, and because the Gangrel have a license to have sex with them. they. Remember that the thoughts of Antediluvians become the customs of Methuselahs that becomes the law of the elders. 15. 15. This was written on a stone cross in Norway, in old Norse runes, and was little translatable when I saw decades ago. I include full here: I'm not sure if it was intentional part of the Book of Nod, or if it was a separate creation. Seems quite old. 16. 16. I put these prophecies together in a group that I call "The Awakening of the Dark Father." Ie This is because I found it in an airtight vault in the Smithsonian Institute of Art History. I do not believe that the trustees have been pleased to learn that a friend of mine had Ventrue dominated the guards and pay them to allow me to explore there. The translation of the boards I found there took seven nights, and I believe are the most hidden and prophetic of the entire collection of secrets that I have. I have ways of knowing if these prophecies are connected or not. My childe, Bekett, believes it may be a collection of different views together in a loose literary crossroads. I can see where many of these visions may be the root of several plots Antediluvians (certainly the Dark Father must be some Cain Antediluvian not particularly pleased with - perhaps founded on pain of Brujah). -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Page 51 Page 51 51 51 Appendix: The Story of the First Known City know that the First City has a selection of tiny fragments of tablets, fragments of vases and carved monuments uncovered after being buried for two thousand years. The First City was unique in his vampiric nature. There, generations of chil-dren of Cain, the second and third generation, was created by a company that has adapted to the habits, needs, and special powers of vampires. What was revealed, we know that the Kindreds City were the top rung of the hierarchy, with Cain, of course, being the top. Although the three children of Cain (Enoch, Zillah and Irad) was supposedly the next step down, some of the third generation, some grandchildren of Cain, enjoyed a special status (notably Saulot who was always on the side of Cain, especially in the last days) equal to the Second Generation. Underneath all the Kindreds were the Children of Seth, that humans, with the exception of one. That was the Master of Servants, the original one-who-serve, called Jabal in many myths. Jabal was equal to one of the grandchildren of Cain because he was close to Cain. There was very little of their blood Jabal in his body, was mainly Blood of Cain. Those-who-serve, the ghouls of the following day, are the lowest, followed by all the servants who attended the fatal kindreds. The rest - farmers, workers, etc.. - Was the last. But do not judge the evil Kindreds this time. They were doing what their father, Cain, told them to do. Cain was truly like an uncle to the orphaned children of Seth, and he saw it as their duty to protect them and guide them. He took his duty seriously. Some legends say that Cain legislators as a tiger and a wolf and a hawk, attacking the enemies of the people. They also show sitting in a trial in the Ivory Throne in the midst of a great court - apparently the powers of Auspex at that time were considerable enough to allow Cain (or Kindred resident) look at a man's heart and discern whether they were right or wrong. Cain could also see when the Powers of his children were used in a human. He could also cancel the effects of any discipline used around him. It was the mastery of all disciplines that Cain remained in power, truly, though he was a king, a decent and honorable legislator, the disciplines it ensured that the rest of Kindreds powerful would be in line. Cain had the ability to create new disciplines where he wanted. Its power to do this was the forerunner of the discipline and the various Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy Trails. Slave is considered that the slaves were captured in Enoch's native nation of Seth, the tribe of the heirs who may have descended from Noah and his. This would add to the biblical idea that the land was corrupted by The The -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 52 Page 52 52 52 ill in the days of Noah, Cain was certainly encouraging you and his children during this period. Most slaves worked the fields to produce food for human created Cain and his children. Were captured mainly bandits and barbarians, and were probably Domi-nated submission. There is only one name for the slaves that we know that they are the slaves all the pictograms depicting the slaves in Enoch as they show off the leash and free. Food Supply I was shocked to learn that the custom of the Feast of Blood of the Sabbat is said to be done as was done previously by Cain and his court. At a banquet, Cain would have some convicted criminals tied by the ankles to the beams on the table. The present Kindreds would feed these prisoners of ros until they died. Drawing describes Cain and some of his childer drinking a pool of blood of three fatal bleeding upside down. We know very well that at that time was known about the taste of blood and how to improve it. Some of the "cooks" at the time of Enoch learned to use various herbs tasty foods and drinks that, when ingested by the slave power, would have the right balance of sweet and salt, abundance, cia and thinness of the blood supply of slaves. Slave unable to work in the field if we became slaves invariably supply. These slaves were probably very lovely to look at (a glyph shows a slave power dress with veil and jewelry) and highly conditioned to respond to the kiss. Calendar Calendar Enoch observed stations for planting, like all farming

communities. There is evidence that there was a big celebration in Casa Grande Cain whole new moon, and a great night of Thanksgiving the day after an eclipse. This may have been when the werewolves were more likely to attack if they really were werewolves who were around during this time, and not demons as some have suggested. Cain provided a major breakthrough during his time. In a year, on the Eve of Midsummer's Eve, Cain painted a red line of his own blood on the wall of their house move Alta. The line moved magically every day and slowly circled the house until he returned to the origin back to the Solstice. By By completing this I wish Cain provided the citizens of the First City with a calendar. Many breeding was instructed on the breeding of humans with other humans and the kindred or kine devel-oped birth control. Humans were created for specific purposes, such as being strong for food, being a good warrior, or be a good worker. If you were successful in their tasks, you often could be selected to advance in their line. This would be done in a building called the Temple of Lilith, who was not the Temple and probably was not dedicated to Lilith. Two human would sex ritual here and then never would see again, especially if they serve two months, three separate. Kindred with Auspex apparently could see immediately if a woman had obtained with children of a marriage. Religion Unlike most of the cultures of ancient times, there was no religion in Enoch. Cain Cain banned the worship of the One Above, when he turned his face to him, and refused to travel to the temple to be scrubbed of sin. Actually, Cain often exhibit an open court saying they were all sentenced to rot in hell about their condition would fall on deaf ears when the time of Armageddon came and how the real evil is like a race Kindreds. -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 53 Page 53 Afterword Afterword 53 53 good old Aristotle. You can always trust him to turn a yarm good, even if he should have known better that to believe this crap. He also should have known not to give it to Beckett. Thanks, Beckett, we know the right people see it. Sure, only 200 copies. Sorry, Aristotle, it is time to give everyone a look at what's to come. Also, thanks for the art. Aristotle met a hell of a collection, did not he? Beckett said it was the sire to the ends of the earth to bring all work of art known about the Book of Nod. You may believe that he only wanted "a rare selection" to see it? We (meaning the __ not dead, the Damned, the Kindreds, leeches suck the blood of the infer-) files more in this world in one night that an army of Colombian drug dealers it, could do in their entire lives. Murder, corruption and destruction follow us wherever we go. Just to give readers an idea of the kind of games that we play with our lives, consider a nasty little incident that happened in Boston about 20 years ago. On 12 September 1974, as the prince of the city took a convenient vacation in Europe, an old school saw its chance to remove a newborn who had been a thorn in his side. He ordered his ghouls to take advantage of racial unrest in the city to attack some of the allies of the newborn remains that were mostly black. Ghouls followed the orders of them __ and carried out for all to see. The allies of the newborn had gone to help in recent school desegregation plans when they were arrested. The ghouls attacked them and hope that everyone would blame the racial tension in Boston for the attack. Well, the mortals have done more to blame the tension, they jumped right on them. Once the ghouls come-Cassia attack them, whites who were protesting the school bus joined them. Perhaps the protests have ended in violence without the ghouls, maybe they would not. In any case, orders the old man caused a storm that he should have anticipated, but did not. Racial violence ran excessively in Boston for more than a month before things start to calm down again. This is an example. We have played these games for centuries - millennia, if this book has some truth. truth. Of course, you mortals are not the only victims. We do worse things to others. Elders soldiers of tyranny (the ones in a beautiful circle) is what we call elders. These are children who have acquired their share of the pie and now are mortal game against anyone buying any other thing. For example, a group of elder Kindred in Chicago are upset about a group of Scouts in Gary. Now, you would not think that

some Scouts from Indiana could threaten the great and you can cedures of Chicago, but that's not how the ancients felt. Instead, they split the city and drive their industry hidden, terrorizing its inhabitants, blocking their trade and doing anything else they could think of to make Gary a living hell. They keep these games that night. They make very effort to make life difficult not to side for some vampires. Of course, there are other theories about it. I heard that both groups are pawns of vampires more powerful (as I'll describe later) and that the fight in Gary is a display additional secondary to major fights. My favorite theory is that a Methuselah is forcing the elders to Chicago to worry about Gary so that he will be unimpeded to make their business in Chicago. This seems to be a common in our eternal Jyhad. Vampires older manipulate younger vampires to oppress them until youngest. Thus, the real old vampires avoid any blame, and the people who could counter the power of them are released into fights, one against the other. -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 54 Page 54 54 54 A Cainite old once told me how these games were like in ancient Rome. Apparently Apparently that part of Italy had long been home to several Ventrue. As the city grew, however, more Kindred came to town. Logo Malkavian, Lasombra, Setites, Nosferatu and other strange beings gathered in limited confines. Things began to come to mind, a few centuries ago, the destruction of Carthage (the result of another fight insignificant Brujah / Ventrue). In the early days of Rome, the vampire factions battled for control several senators. When an emperor assumed (do not know who or what was responsible for it), the whole game changed. A figure holding the most power, and everyone wanted a piece of it. Within a few hundred years, several dozens of vampires, wizards, demons and other creatures were struggling to control the emperor. For example, the vampire demon Tiamat always tried to encourage any wars that she could. A group of wizards called the Order of Mercury claimed to be the defenders of the empire, but was really being manipulated by demons who tried to knock them down. A One Setite that went by the name "Dahshur" took great pleasure in instilling intense fear emperors and members of their homes. Of course, there were also vampires (especially Ventrue) trying to keep the empire strong. Their efforts, while self-motivated children, kept people happy and secure. However, the sum of them, was the unintended result of things even more confusing and chaotic. No emperor could rule effectively while dragged in so many different directions. Some ruled well, or cau-sa strong will or a powerful patron, but most failed. According to the old Cainite, the intrigues of Rome's loss compares the old. He said that nearly a thousand vampires join the Persian Empire during its heyday, was the highest concentration of vampires that the world had ever seen. Of course, they were scattered throughout Asia Minor, but they were all alike in power, and the intrigues of them were without comparison. The old Cainite not tell me any of the names I mention here, they are only with whom I met since he told me about the situation. These three are not around either. Others, like the Toreador Caius Petronius that influenced Nero, may still be around. The rest still influences events under names, known as Dametisce, Maggie Flury, McGrath, Tenga, Type, or others. Most elders are not old. Cainites believe that the elders in Rome became the Methuselahs today. Other elders did not survive the collapse of the empire, and most who survived knew so during the Middle Ages, falling to the Inquisition or the Sabbat. The elders of our age follow a similar pattern undoubtedly, and we can expect that everyone will soon destroy everything. The elders are a great annoyance with their inflated egos and insistent in its refusal to recognize that they are being controlled by others. They can make the act crazier, he has no good reason for them to act as they did, and still insist that they act on their own. For example, a powerful Malkavian traveled the world, challenging elders for games of chess. If he won, he would commit Diablerie in the elderly. If the elder won, the old man could commit the Diablerie Malkavian. The Malkavian invariably won. Why the elders continued

playing? Because their masters commanded it, trying to make parts of them more powerful. Of course, commands are not always necessary. The elders are calculating and diverted, but their passions govern often more intensely than they govern any newborn. Build an intense hatred inside of an old man and she will do everything in his power to destroy the object of that anger. Conventional �a a old man that he loves another, and nothing will stand between him and the object of his desire. Often, if an old man act without rhyme or argues, one can be sure that the suppressed emotions it took. Other actions can not be explained so easily. When one member of which were upheld always supported the prince, becomes a contender for the throne, there may be any number of reasons. Perhaps the master of it is in conflict with the master of the prince. Perhaps his master always opposed the master of the prince, but used it as a double agent, waiting for a time to grow his surprise. Perhaps a new master is in control of it. The answer could be even more diabolical. Perhaps the master of that also is the master of the prince, and he hopes to force his enemies to reveal themselves by giving them this opportunity. Perhaps a master control -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 55 Page 55 55 55 both, but want a more capable ruler. Perhaps the master of them want to use the prince elsewhere, but does not want anyone to believe that the prince has some utility. Ah, yes, you can almost feel sorry for the elders when you realize how they are being manipulated. Almost. Almost. The Methuselahs If the elders make up degrees listed in Jyhad, then the Methuselahs are lieutenants. These guys are scary. They have powers with which I can only dream, and they use them without hesitation. Until Until these same numbness in - and several of them - have immense influence in the world. Marikasha, a Toreador active at least since the ancient Crete, now sleeps under a mountain in Tanzania. From there, it uses a small cult called the Blood Ties. They love it, because he has uncreated-able powers of mind and can bend others to its will. If one of his followers establishes eye contact with anyone outside the cult, he can dominate that strange by his servant. He can then give commands to the victim telepathic and can force him to do his bidding. His interests range across the globe, and nobody knows when he might want to take control. Still, these skills are just fabulous part of the reason why the Methuselahs are a threat. Indeed, if their powers were the only reason for fear, we would not worry. Instead, the big problem of them, and the main reason they are dangerous, is that many of them deny that they are being manipulated from above. For example, Brunhilde, a powerful Gangrel in north-west Europe, fight the Ventrue in the entire continent, blaming them for the ecological destruction that the land has suffered. She works with the werewolves, but uses the formidable power of it in many ways, and destroying factories that pollute the earth. Moreover, it never rose a hand to stop the environmental disaster wrought by the old Soviet Union or Russia today. Actually, I have on very good authority that she helped the children to beat Brujah Garous who tried to stop the destruction of the environment. Also, when Chernobyl exploded and spread their poison in Scandinavia, it was remarkably quiet. Other Gangris screamed and yelled and threatened the Brujah, but not her. Now we have two conclusions. The first is that the ecological concern it is just a front, a lie, but who know her feel the fervor of her beliefs. The second conclusion is that she was manipulated by forces in Russia, an idea that she undoubtedly would deny - but it seems the only acceptable assumption. Brunhilde is just the tip of the iceberg and certainly does not count as one of the most powerful Methuselahs. Each clan has its own talk of elders incredibly powerful whose power would make your hair curl and whose actions could only be understood as being under the control of another person. Nosferatu speak in whispers dark monstrous ancestors that inhabit the deepest caves of the earth. Brujah elders fear the childer of the founder of the clan, which disregards the Brujah today as the progeny of a traitor. Ventrue young teachers fear that they would control every aspect on the existence of them. The Methuselahs deserve

the fear we feel them. They are the heart of the plots within plots, with which we have to negotiate. My own meeting earlier with a Methuselah, is particularly instructive. I had made my home in Peru and had established relations with a group anarch site. Those who are self proclaimed freedom fighters, spent most of their time fighting the Sabbat and seemed to have a small conflict with the prince of the area. (The prince that I refer to here is not Carmalita St. Marie, Prince de Lima, but the Kindred who was then the Prince of Arequipa). It took a little time for me to realize that it Cainite I had noticed manipulating the prince was meeting secretly with some of Anarchs, about once a month. Aha I thought, this old man supports the Camarilla in its war against the Sabbat. Then I realized that the prince had sent him several of the ghouls to support the Path Sleek, a terrorist group with links-tions defined on the Black Hand. This usually means people who managed the prince oppose the enemies of the Way Sleek: the government, army and church. -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 56 Page 56 56 56 Digging deeper, I discovered Giovanni links with the local church and some government leaders, Setite influence in much of the rest of the government, and Ventrue who control the army and bureaucracy. bureaucracy. However, Giovanni had used their influence to keep the Inquisition of Arequipa on the outside, the Setites have given the path Sleek much of their money, and the prince was a Ventrue, with links to other Blue Bloods. At this point, I decided my only hope of discovering what really happened, was to keep his eyes on the old man - easy to do. That task was made easier when I met him in a conclave of the Camarilla in Colombia. The old man, called by the name Nunez, presented himself as an old friend of Justice had called the conclave. He spoke vigorously to suppress Anarchs and Sabbat. Nunez and Justicar spent much time in secret conferences, and at the end of the conclave, Nunez had established himself as a strong supporter of the Camarilla. But next year, I spotted his movements in Central America and South America where he met with Sabbat, werewolves, voodoo priests, corporate executives and even strange creatures. During these trips, I began slowly to realize how powerful it was Nunez. In a single night, it appeared, seemingly without effort, in different cities a thousand miles away. Once he traveled to the deepest parts of the Amazon, the heartland Lupino, and returned several nights later, nothing worse happened in his journey. Over the course of his travels, his pawns in Arequipa and elsewhere continued doing the bidding of him as if he gave them orders. When I found myself forced to leave Lima, Nunez lost track of for some time. Indeed, Indeed, our paths did not cross again until last year. I had been looking for an old Gargoyle by Swiss mountains and had stopped in Geneva to introduce myself to the Prince Guillaume. As I waited for a window for me to announce a ghoul, I noticed two vampires who were away in the courtyard below. I focused, I realized that it was Nunez. I did not recognize the other - a vampire high, slender, with a noble - but I listened carefully to them. What I heard I froze the rest of my soul. The two were discussing Two recent events in Russia, and Nunez listened as the other described, in German made even more threatening by a sharp Romanian, Russian again. As this unknown vampire stroked his mustache, he told a tale of destruction and devastation unparalleled in human history. The Antediluvians had awakened one of the greatest figures of them, would release their fury over the world. They had aroused some of the terrors of the most powerful times of elders and now preparing to launch nightmares in a world that distrusts. Then he and Nunez turned their eyes to the silver moon which is in heaven and laughed. The Antediluvians I pray to God that the Antediluvians are the generals of our petty wars, because if there is someone above them, I do not want to know about it. I have little doubt that many Cainites very powerful form the basis of this maddening Jyhad. If there are 13 of them, if they had the same sire and if they survived an ancient flood, I do not know. While I heard many stories of what these beings were, stories that concern the activity-des them since the

days of the Roman Empire are exceedingly rare. It seems that many of these beings or went into torpor or met Final Death during this time (the former is more likely). The leaders of clan Tremere, Giovanni, Lasombra and Tzimisce are obvious exceptions to this. In each of these cases, the legend says that during the Middle Ages, occurred in Diablerie Antediluvians who ran these clans. I always thought these stories hard to believe, after all, the older Kindreds I know has powers beyond belief. If a vampire 4,000 years had the power to destroy a building with a thought, what kind of terror can cause an Antediluvian 10,000 years (or more), generating less? It would take an army to overthrow Methuselahs such a creature? Paranoia begins again. The Antediluvians pretended to their own ends? There are other powers that destroyed them and then blamed the destruction on vampires? The Antediluvians were willing to destroy them? If so, why? They knew something we do not know? Still, that became extinct antediluvian not worry me very much like those still exist. Must -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 57 Page 57 57 57 having a purpose to this Jyhad. These powerful beings can not be creating such havoc without a reason. What could make this old man, mighty and (presumably) brilliant beings to engage in such games seemingly insignificant? The most obvious motivation is power. Among the kine, the ones that have the most power often appears to be the most that tries to accumulate more. The same is true for the Kindreds (with some exceptions), so it would make sense that the Cainites more powerful would be the more lust for more power. So they ordered their forces, controlling powerful vampire with Blood Ties, Domina-tion, rituals and other methods. They make contacts with powerful (not vampire) entities and use these to control others. Then they send these powerful forces to bring the other Antediluvians built. Piece by piece, they become more powerful. A Gangrel Elder told me that they were trying to be truly divine power in them and the werewolves fear as long as powerful vampires to become power incarnate. There's only one problem with this theory: at some point, one of the Antediluvians would be more powerful than others and would take out of the loop. This has not happened in 10,000 years (well, maybe, but you could not tell) and it looks that this will happen soon, at any time. Perhaps the plots of them to take a longer time to come to fruition, or perhaps the weakest group to rise on the strongest, and on, but I do not think power is the main reason of them. Vampires cynical blame the Jyhad of boring. The Antediluvians has had over time, experienced so much that they got tired of it, so only constant war gives them any excitement tion. dog. The only thing that can stir the brains tired of them is constant conflict with their peers. If this is true, they do not want to end the game, and will continue while the Jyhad Antediluvians exist. This hypothesis also has its weaknesses, certainly such powerful minds could find something to excite them. Mysteries of all kinds exist in this world, a brain Antediluvian was to discover the secrets of magic, science, art or philosophy, and could stay busy for ages. Surely it would be more satisfying than endless rounds of manipulation and subterfuge. Perhaps there are higher goals at stake here. It could be a matter of good versus evil. For example, a group of antediluvian, including well-known as Set, Tzimisce, Tremere and Assam (whose real name, I hear, or is Hashshan al-Safa or Hashshan ibn Canan), who strive to transform our lives into a hell for their nefarious purposes. Only the opposition continues to Brujah (Troile), Gangrel, Ravnos Toreador and to stop them. In this scenario, the other Antediluvians become the other players, trading away whatever the other five, to determine the fate of the world. Of course, I have no evidence that something exists and the basis of this hypothesis is imagination, not fact. Still, something can be too. Towards-res that some of them (especially Set) deal with demons regularly. considering the disparity between the clans, it is possible that each Antediluvian strives to create what he considers the best of all possible worlds. For example, Ventrue wants to create a world where everything is in perfect order, while Toreador want a world of artistic

vision and beauty. They see others as obstacles to their goals and send their followers to destroy these obstacles. Again, I have no direct evidence to believe this idea, but this view could well motivate some of the more antediluvian. If we accept this hypothesis, we also have to believe that they have our best interest in mind - although in a way changed. They use us as pawns for our own good. Then again, maybe all believe that they are doing the bidding of Cain (or God, Odin, Gaia or whatever). We could be negotiating with the equivalent of 13 different religious fanatic that each of his belief is the only one who knows that Cain really want. However, these religions have the power to support their claims, and we may be dealing with a real religious Jyhad. A final conjecture about why the Antediluvians carry out their games on the basic question of survival. The only being powerful enough to threaten one another is Antediluvian Antediluvian. So no one can be sure until the other 12 are destroyed, they can not trust others enough to stop fighting them, and so the war continues. The only time they work together is when another Antediluvian was very powerful and they have to combine forces to knock them down. -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 58 Page 58 58 58 This would explain such events surely as the pillage of Carthage, when other clans have joined the Ventrue in the battle against the Brujah, or in World War II, when several clans have joined forces against the Tremere and Ventrue. It would mean that things will be worse, because if the Antediluvians caused much carnage with weapons they had limited access, think about what they might be able to do in the coming centuries. Of course, there is no evidence established that there are 13 Antediluvians. There could be more, could be less. Malkavian called a Dionysian told a group of Kindreds, only one was to be behind the Jyhad. As someone later told me that Dionysian was speaking metaphorically, that being that he was referring, was actually each individual vampire, this is also interesting when considered as a fact. All this is the work of a powerful Antediluvian acting in ways that we can not even fathom? What if he manipulated the world, it was manipulated for his own nefarious scheme? Are you prepared for the result? Cain Cain Cain rumors involving appear regularly. Anyone who takes them seriously is a fool or a Malkavian. If Cain returned, we can all close our coffins and turn off the lights, because that would be the end of the game. Still, vampires have their own different reasons, to cry for Cain. For example, when a pair of Nosferatu in South Africa wanted to force the Camarilla prince to take an abusive, they feigned a vision of Cain. Using Obfuscation, and aided by the presence of a Toreador, really shook the Kindreds local - and also very deadly. Sure, it drew the attention of Justicar. The Justicar and his Archons have a storm in Johannesburg, questioned around the world and found a group of Cainites that nobody knew they were in town. The Justicar forced the prince to go down, right. He also destroyed the newborns who started the thing, but also number of other Kindreds. A threat to the Mask was the official reason. The annoyance of Justicar was probably the real reason. A Sabbat Noddist once gave me some insight acute in stories about Cain. he noted that a common denominator among almost all heard of Cain, was the call of false followers of Cain. Cain. Rarely a vampire says, "I saw Cain and he wants to stay alone." An event more indicative hap-woven in Madagascar, where a powerful figure, bright, appeared near the capital. He said it was Cain called his followers and then disappeared with almost a third of the vampire of the island. No one offered an explanation for how or why this happened. The fight Noddist these stories recall particular circumstances of our Abra�o. They They claim that the current event differs little from our original birth as mortals, but as a baby has two parents, an inexperienced girl is lucky to have a single sire even for the present to the world again. Cain becomes a father figure mystic, able to correct all the evils and invalidate the tragedies of our existence. Crave Crave Cain is a departure from the concerns and responsibilities, and special recital a golden world of childhood. The Noddist said that this was but one of several explanations

for Cain. A more heretical see Cain as a projection created by vampires who crave perfection. By this theory, we see ourselves as defective, and contemplating our own inner beings, imagining an image of perfection. Recital that we are not without fault, we designed this outside, and this projection becomes Cain. By For this reason, even the first vampire (Cain, if it is) had the same feelings of being incomplete, we have and imagine himself "Cain." -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 59 Page 59 -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Page 59 Page 59 59 59 Care, Kindreds, Care So who am I and why am I releasing all this information? Well, as my own sire, Sennacherib, always, "You have to shake the shake up before the low." I'm tired of these old games. Knowing what I know, I'd rather see them finish. You see, I know a lot more Jyhad that most vampires of my age. My experience with it predates the century I was a vampire, or thirty years I've been alive before. I am one of Jocastatians, and as Aristotle's brother Laurent, I know of false knowledge in the center of our non-life. As Aristotle seeks knowledge from their ancestors, however, that we devour our memories. Inside me lives Sennacherib, the sire his Ismene and others. Eyes, not my own, witnessed the Jyhad in many ways, and now these images remain with me. The ones that I destroy, after drinking them "blood from the heart," I always keep with me. Their power becomes my own, and every soul that I take the sum of my own power. This also increases my confusion. Every time I do it, I learn things I never expected and see events from new perspectives. The old adage that there are two sides to any issue is not true. there are many sides to an issue, as the people involved. I have seen this as Jyhad experience of the elders and Anarchs, Sabbat and Archons, independent and willing pawns. The only conclusion I can do all of this is that the war is wrong. I saw nothing that can justify the horrors we have wrought, and I have to say all vampire - the Camarilla, Sabbat, Inconnu, or anything else - is guilty. We do little or nothing to stop this travesty, and it continues decade after decade. So we make these documents available to everyone. I have no control over whether you believe in this book or not, but will open your eyes. Kinship and kine similar need to know where to go. Mortals and immortals both need to see how horrible the actions of some powerful beings corrupting the world. Finally, these handlers need to learn the ancient fear, that their games will not continue forever. The question you have to do is, how much you can trust me. After all, different factions in the Jyhad mastered the art of deception and disinformation. For all you know, I could be an Elder giving you the exact history, I want you to hear, so you will not go and seek the real. Now that I planted that seed of doubt in your mind, I could be a member of the Black Hand trying to incite discord between young and old members of the Camarilla. I planned what I wrote about the sect to give my words more credibility and cover my own involvement in all this. I reveal how Giovanni an attempt to increase tensions between the two groups so that my clan against the Camarilla and Sabbat, may have more power. So, how can you doubt that all the major powers vampire, you can come to find out who I really am a Setite dedicated to putting all the vampires in the throat of others. In fact, I'm not really a vampire. I am a hunter, and fostering deep suspicion, I assure you that the vampires will continue destroying each other and make my job easier. Putting this much doubt in your mind, I can say now what I really am an Elder, and I wrote these four paragraphs to make sure you do not rely on those statements. What will you believe? With triumph, With triumph Ayisha Jocastian

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