The Birth Of An Empire

  • May 2020
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On The Birth Of An Empire Why is it that people today no longer seem to notice each other??

These days one could walk

around with a Martian foot growing out of your forehead and nobody would even look twice. I am that which cannot be defined; the oak and the soil, the anvil and the hammer, the enemy and the ally.

It is my curse to be everything

to everyone and thus nothing to anybody. One can never be satisfied with oneself, but one must also take care that when changing, you are

prepared to lose the discarded part of

yourself, and be able to live with the person you have become. The great philosopher once said "never has there been two greater European narcotics:

alcohol and Christianity" In America even these take a backseat to the two greatest narcotics :Nicotine and caffine In todays society the goals have changed! Today one cannot be satisfied with a life well lived. . . Today one is not thought a success unless one has amassed such a fortune that it cannot be extinguished in ten generations.

The folly of

this is if one does manage to amass such a fortune he is unloved by society. not give back?

"Why does he

How did he come by this wealth?

Nobody ever got rich being honest." Additionally the following generations are thought lazy and spoiled, to be living off the wealth handed down to them by their forefathers. My children I say this: Do one thing every day to challenge yourself.

Socrates said "the

unexamined life is not worth living" true.

This is

However the untested life is an even

greater atrocity.

Test yourself, find your

limits and then surpass them. If man is a rope stretched over the abyss the one must be ever mindful not only to continue driving himself foward, but also to keep his ballance and avoid falling off. My children I will not tell you how to live your life.

Rather, I will give you the tools

to live it better. I despise those whom have no goals in life. I despise those in whom the desire to punish is foremost. I say this to all of you, the weak should not be appeased. They should be eliminated; their weakness should not be allowed to contaminate the gene pool.

What does not kill does not always make stronger The great philosopher once said "it is my wish to die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly."

It is indeed a great injustice

that he was unable to do so. There are no absolutes in life save this: The only person with the right to judge a Nietzschean life is the one living it. The problem with the Romans is they grew complacent.

The strong stopped testing

themselves, and the world paid the price for their sins . . . 800 years of darkness!!


lesson must be learned never grow complacent. Nothing worth doing is ever easy.

Though it may

at times appear that the strong make all things

simple, the value of the task lies in the lesser mans inability to reproduce it. He who laughs last obviously did not get the joke I love he whom discards everything else for the sake of his own happiness. All of existence lies within one plane of logic: What a Neitzschean can live with and what he cannot . . . everything else is consequential. A true Nietzschean is three things: Himself, his best friend, and his worst enemy. Ah conscience . . . That most wonderful of lies, perpetuated by the Church to deny one the actions of one's own will.

The biggest injustice of this modern era is that the strong are yoked to the weak.

Never in all

of natural law does this occur . . . Lions do not hunt to feed the vultures. Never be remorseful.

Contemplate your actions

beforehand, access the risk and proceed. Remorse is the most shameful emotion. Great blows have been dealt to Social Darwinism and Nihilism by association with a cause not its own.

Never did Nietzsche preach that the black,

Jews, and other races be extinguished. Nietzsche loved man, even the imperfect ones. He sought to better the lesser man, and thus eliminate him.

In this we somewhat disagree.

I do believe that certain undesirables should be eliminated, but only those who cannot contribute to society.

The crippled, the

mentally handicapped, and those who bore them are genetically inferior and therefore should be

removed from the gene pool.

Those who are

predisposed to illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and the like are also genetically inferior.

However, these individuals can

contribute and serve a vital role in society. Therefore, they should not be eliminated, but rather, they should be passively removed from the gene pool. These genetically inferior humans should be gradually weaned out of society their growth should be regulated so that eight out of ten individuals are allowed to procreate, and produce at maximum two offspring . . . thus reducing the defectives by 20% each generation. Furthermore, they should only be allowed to breed within their own class as to not pollute the Nietzschean gene pool.

It is only in the

lack of certain genes that one becomes the superior race.

Neither ethnicity, nor religion

play any role in the designation of the Überman.

Blacks, Whites, Asians, Christians, and Jews in theory all are a path to the Überman, so long as the destructive genes are not present. To aide in the purification of the Nietzschean gene pool, gene therapy should be applied to remove defective genes from the 'human class' to ascend them to the ranks of Nietzschean. The National Riffle Association rightly said "you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands". Know this I will fight with every weapon in my disposal, when they are depleted I will punch, kick, scratch, bite and spit my last breath upon my enemy. The sun has not yet dawned on the day when I will greet death with a smile. A great man once said "No man has ever won a war by dying for his country, you win a war by

making that other bastard die for his." In life there have been only two men who's footsteps were worth following: Friedrich Nietzsche and George Patton.

Had the latter

only read the former, and returned from war at the head of his own army.

Had he only

followed in the footsteps of Julius Caesar. The German's - not the Jews are the bane of humanity, they destroyed the Roman Empire, crippled France's attempt to build a new one only two hundred years into the dark ages bringing on another six hundred years of darkness, and have since then tried to destroy the world on two occasions. . . . How many more chances are we going to give them before society as a whole decides they have to go? The problem with Hitler is that he thought himself invincible, he spread his resources too

thin, had he resolved himself to conquer one country at a time, the world would be speaking German.

In his folly he wanted the whole world

at once. Napoleon Bonaparte once said "The best way to keep one's word is to never give it." When you talk to God it is prayer, when God talks to you it becomes schitzschophrenia. Psychotics claim to be Napoleon, it is my desire to amass the wealth to hire an army to prove it. The great philosopher once said "once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior" I disagree, in America woman has been made equal to man, and in the process man has been made inferior.

There are no more "hard living, ass

kicking, Gods among men" that society once had.

Today’s society has insured there is no place for them.

The law, herd mentality, and

survival of the weakest have created an entire society of invalids.

The ancient Spartan and

Japanese societies had it right when at birth they would inspect the young, and dispose of the weak ones.

Today’s society sees that as cold

and unfeeling, any who would do so are dissuaded by the penalty of death . . . for killing something that natural selection would have disposed of for us as little as 100 years ago. Our great ancestors, who first walked the rope from ape to man had no such 'moral' dilemmas. if you could not go out on the big hunt, then you did not eat.

Never in the fossil record has

there been discovered a 'primitive' man with Down’s syndrome.

Obviously they lived life

under the correct pretenses because thousands of years later . . . we are still here.

Are there

any among us who are so naive as to honestly believe that even two hundred years from now,

the human race will still exist on it's present course?? The problem is that we (I say we out of politeness) no longer have it within us to stage a coup of the scope needed to get this world back on track, "man is a rope stretched over the abyss" and we are rapidly falling into it.

Why are there no longer the great

revoloutionaries who would risk all for a chance to make the world a better place.


last revoloution worth mentioning was in 1776 when Washington, Jefferson, and Adams convinced a group of farmers that they could defeat an empire.

Their will proved them correct, if a

farmers will for freedom can defeat an empire, then why have we not learned that with a strong will there is NOTHING that can not be accomplished. America is the greatest country in the world,

and the most backwards . . . America was founded by a group of slave owners who wanted to be free.

So in the words of a great mind "America

killed off a bunch of white English people, so they could continue owning their black African people, stole all the land from the red Indian people, so they could move out west and kill off all the brown Mexican people, so we would have a coast to launch our planes from so we could drop bombs on the yellow Japanese people. The motto of this country should be you give us a color we'll wipe it out" I despise he who coddles the weak, taking on another’s burdens does nothing but continue to perpetuate the weak’s dependency on the strong. One should survive on their own merits or not at all. The great philosopher once said that "man wants two things, Danger and play, for this he wants

woman, the most dangerous play thing" Man must always remember to keep within his heart the savagery that served his ancestors. Savage were our forefathers who took down the Mastodons of Northern America during the twilight of mankind.

Savage were the Romans and

Egyptians of only a few thousand years ago. Man is the most backwards creature, in his folly he has tamed himself. I say this to you, if even the tamest tiger in this cultures zoos and magic shows will; given the chance take their handlers by the throat, why is man reluctant to kick it's deformed spawn out of the nest??

If animals who depend on

their handlers for their own survival can regain their primal roots, why then can man not destroy the inferior within his own ranks?


is only out of cowardice that mankind has twisted himself into the abstract that Picasso

painted him to be. . . "The Christian resolve to see the world as ugly and bad, has made the world ugly and bad!" In more modern times man has had to rely on the courts to gain revenge for himself . . . how did this happen?

Only a hundred years ago was man

able to gun a rival down on the street for cheating him at cards, or gun someone down for mining his stake in the gold mines.

How is

that?? Who convinced man that life was better served if the will of others was allowed to over rule his own?

What would have happened

if, in the Twilight of mankind the apes from which we came decided that it was in society's best interest to eliminate those who walked on two legs? What would have happened if, in the dawn of mankind society had decided to crucify Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle?? We would still be living in caves terrified of the sun.

What would have happened if America would have decided it was in the worlds best intrest to side with Hitler? I love the president who names the bill to take away our constitutional rights the "Patriot Act", that's like calling the Bird Flu "Chicken Ala Cough", it is indeed a great individual who has the balls to take a sharpie and white-out to the Constitution. The news is reported by those who do not have the courage to make it. Ah children, they are the fruit of a life well spent.

They are the reward for the hard work

that goes into becoming a Nietzschean.

A child

must reflect his upbringing; he must have his parent’s strength. There are no non combatant Nietzscheans.

Nietzschean children must pay the same price as their parents, they must be hard.

Only the

hard are strong enough to create.


must always strive to become stronger in every generation.

At 15 a Neitzschean child should be

everything his parents are, at 25 their superior. All Nietzscheans should strive to die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. No man has yet beaten death, but that doesn't mean that you can't fight as long as possible. To kill your opponent is not the supreme victory.

To take away all that you opponent

cares for until they have nothing left to lose, this is the supreme victory.

To conquer your

opponent from within, to make him turn the knife on himself to end his pain . . . this is the supreme victory, this is what Nietzscheans

should strive for. The strong must always test themselves against the strong within their own ranks.

For a lion

to kill an ant is nothing, for a lion to kill a pride of lions accomplishment.

. . . that is an To take on those whom would

seem to be your superior and win. One must always struggle for survival, in one way or another, a Nietzschean should not resign himself to a vow of poverty, quite the opposite, a Nietzschean should resign himself to a life of excess, but a life where he is still tested.

Remember my young children, never grow


Never forget that yours is a

legacy of blood and tears, yours is a lifetime of struggle for superiority.

In you is the

drive to conquer, to become not only the greatest you can be, but the greatest around.

To rule a family is the smallest of victories, even an extended family.

One should not strive

to rule his family, not even his pride.


should strive to rule an empire. It is better to follow the paths of your own will and fail than to be the champion of someone elses.

The will of others should never

surpass your own, Nietzsche said that if you must serve, serve he in whom your service will elevate the most.

I say if you must serve,

serve only the strongest, and find a way to take his throne.

Yours is a legacy of

assassination, yours is a legacy of survival of the fittest, when one is no longer fit, one is no longer fit to rule.

Know this my children,

even the greatest of us will topple, even the greatest of us will recieve imortality in deed, not in fact.

He shall be remembered, and in

that way shall live forever, but he shall not rule forever.

Even I in my deep wisdom know that I will never see the sunset on my 200th birthday.


Neitzschean people may, and in that way I will survive.

It is my greatest dream that my

children will live forever, that my children will conquer the world and live by the rules that they create for themselves. My children serve your own nobility.

If it is

noble in your mind to kill by poison, then be the poisoner.

If it be noble in your mind to

kill from a distance, then be the sniper.


it is noble in your mind to be the extorter, then do so.

In my mind it is noble to see your

enemies life fade from their eyes as you sink the blade into their chest.

My children set for

yourself what is noble and be that.

Be he whom

you hold as the highest man, then teach with a hammer all those who disagree with your nobility.

The Great philosopher once said "God is dead, we have killed him" I disagree, I say God never existed, we made him up so we wouldn't feel so alone, we empowered him with our greatness because we feared our own strength, and then ..... we decided we didn't need him anymore, and killed the 'idea' of God. There is no God, if there was I would find it impossible to believe that I were not him. To those who cling to the corpse of their dead Gods I pose this challenge. there is a God.

Show me proof that

Have your God strike me down,

have your God, stop the sun from shining, have your God but speak my name and I will serve him. . . . You can't, not because your God is dead, but because he never existed.

Why condemn

your soul to drag around the corpse of your imaginary diety?

Why live your life in hopes

of some imaginary heaven, while fearing some imaginary hell?

This life is the only thing

that is real and you waste it. My heart is pregnant with the hopes and dreams of the Nietzschean people.

My mind is pregnant

with the thoughts of how to bring the Nietzschean people to life. Lets pretend that Jesus was the son of your God.... why would you want to serve a diety who would let their own child die when they (if he truely was a God) had the power to prevent it?? The survival of ones prodgeny is the only drive which should outweigh a Nietzscheans own survival instinct.

Truely that means if there

were a God, we would be far nobler than he. Though most times a Nietzscheans values and goals are in conflict with each other there is a basic hierarchy

1 Survival

A Nietzscheans first

priority is to live, though the secret to reaping the rewards of life is to live dangerously 2 Procreation

A Nietzschean must procreate

to live on throughout the ages, if a Nietzschean has no children, then all that they are die with them, they are a failure in life, and an embarrassment in death.

As the female choose

their mate, it is necessary for the male to prove their worth.

As the male must accept the

female’s proposal, she must also prove herself. 3 Power

All Nietzscheans strive for

power, those with the greatest power are remembered longest, and it is the goal of all Nietzscheans to be remembered forever. 4 Social Standing

Different from power,

Social Standing is your respect within your rank of society, from the Beta males, and 7th wives, all the way to the Alpha male and matriarch,

straight through to the emperor of

the Nietzschean empire. 5 Evoloution

A Nietzschean is in a

constant state of evolution, both physically, mentally, and socially.

There is only one true

measure of power, and that is power.


Knowledge, Cunning, Tactics, all are roads to power, and as yet no Nietzschean has mastered them all. Conflicting Virtues 1 Survival

Though survival is the

first priority, A Nietzschean who would let his mate, children, and pride die to save himself is a coward.

Being thought a coward decreases ones

Social standing, making it harder to find a

mate, lack of mates lead to no procreation, no progeny leads to failure as a Nietzschean. Only by proving ones worth does one gain social status, mates, and power.

Only by proving that

you're not afraid to die, and cunning enough to live is one able to prove ones worth. 2 Procreation

A Nietzscheans duty is to

his mate, and his progeny, for that purpose it is necessary to put ones life at risk to secure a better life for ones children, or to put ones ambitions aside to secure a life for their children.

3 Power

One must weigh their pursuit of

power against their own survival, one should not challenge until one is confident that they can be victorious since there are no points for second place, Nietzscheans show no mercy, if a man challenges you he dies, or you die, it is

that simple. Once in a position of power there will always be those who wish to take it from you, thus a Nietzschean life is a constant struggle for both survival, and power. 4 Social Standing

A springboard to power,

Social Standing is how those of your pride feel about you, how willing they are to serve you, to follow you in the advancement of their pride.

A true leader, who has won the hearts of

his peers, can convince his pride that he can lead them to victories were others could not. In proving himself a cunning warrior and leader, a man can become the leader of his pride, and indeed the empire. 5 Evolution

When experimenting with your

DNA, or those of your children, it is possible to make a mistake, to create a deformed progeny, to destroy your own DNA and kill yourself, any failure is seen as a sign of weakness. Weakness

is not tolerated within the Nietzschean gene pool, and

failure results in loss of social

standing, and all the penalties that come with it. (C) 2004 Walter James Raven CEO J.A.C.K. Productions A UJW Enterprises subsiderary No portion of this document may be reproduced without prior written consent.

EXCERPT FROM "TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS" BY FRIEDRICH WILHELM NIETZSCHE Why so hard spoke the kitchen coal once to the diamond: 'For are we not close kin?' Why so soft? oh my brethren, this I ask of you: 'for are you not - my brethren?' Why so soft, so yelding and submitting? Why is there so much denial and disavowal in your hearts? So little destiny in your gazes? And if you will not be destinies and inexhonorabe ones: how could you ever join with me - in vanquishing? And if your hardness will not flash and cut and cleave:how could you ever join with me in creating? For all creators are hard.And bliss must it seem to you to

press your hands upon millenia as if on wax-Bliss to write upon the will of millennia as upon bronze -harder than bronze, *nobler than bronze.The noblest alone is truely hard. This hew table, oh my brethren, do I will to you: become hard!

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